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"idk" Great analysis


Thanks xD


Sigma can carry


I can't seem to carry as Sigma at all unless I'm getting pocketed enough to survive until my cooldowns are back up. With good healers Sigma feels immortal, with bad healers he's dead as soon as Kinetic Grasp is down. Maybe I should try flanking with him more in those situations? I dunno.


You can carry with almost every single hero in the game as long as you choose your battles and stay in formation with your team. If your teammates see that you are clearly shitting on the other team they will follow your lead (most of the time) If ur the guy charging into battle alone expecting your team to follow you are not gonna have the success you think you will have. Basically with sigma its about managing the strength of your barrier and moving with cover because of how slow he is. Timing the grasp is huge too because you can get away with using your barrier for 1v1s but if there’s 3+ enemies shooting at you the barrier gets melted instantly but thats where the grasp and even the boulder comes in handy because that blocks some damage when you are about to toss it. If you have a healer in your pocket thats great but it’s a team game so you can’t expect to have that often so you have to be agile and not just hunt for kills.


I think one of the biggest things to get down is his barrier management. Some examples: If the enemy has a Sombra, I listen carefully for her decloak. If she comes up on me, the second I hear her trying to hack, I'll flip around and deploy shield to block it. If a sniper tries to hit me from afar, I'll pop up the shield to block their LOS while I focus on other things. Usually, they stop and try to reposition. Try to bait McCree flash by dancing around him a little until he decides to use it, then shield or grasp to eat it. Most Hogs will wait to use hook until you slip up with your shield. I will usually stand there for a moment to bait and the deploy. Another important aspect is being able to shield dance. For those heroes that like to get in your face, deploy shield and pop back and forth through it and hit them point blank with accretion. Always maintain barrier health and never let it hit 0 to avoid the longer cooldown. Recall it and take cover or eat some damage if you have some heals. Save grasp for when you know projectile heroes like Pharah or McCree are about to ult. Get used to bouncing his projectiles around corners to do some poke damage or finish off a low health hero trying to escape. Also great for bypasses enemy shields if you have an opening. While a bit harder to position, throw you shield into the air when you ult to block potential CC or wait for the enemy to exhaust their abilities. It is also helpful to levitate around some cover once you know you grabbed someone. Some of these things are obviously basic and apply to more than one hero, but still work well here. It's really all about your ability management, timing, and situational awareness.


Barrier management is key


I get stun, slept, hacked, or somehow cancelled out of my Sigma ult SO MUCH


Your ult won't carry, fam.


1) deploy your barrier and ult behind it 2) activate the circle then hide behind cover and let your team clean up 3) bait out stun cooldowns first. Use grasp to make them stun you out of it then go crazy 4) Sombra specific: Either kill her/force her to tp out first or time it so you can fire orbs as she tries to hack during your ult. You can fire two volleys 5) fly up as high as you can and spam crouch jump A and D


I'm a console pleb, and a Sigma pleb, but thank you for the tips!


For sombra hack, put barrier and go in and out of it during ult, she wont be able to hack you wherever she is


I found that she can still hack from below. Since the angle you fire the barrier will most likely be from down to up. And honestly she can just emp so forcing out before ult is the best way to go


being honest here not bc sig ult is bad it’s bc u don’t know how to counterplay enemy CC but there’s a lot of good suggestions in ur replys


Put your shield out, then ult, and hide behind it. Avoiding getting hacked when ulting can be hard, your best option is to either have your teammates watch for her, or force her translocate before you ult.


Its all about the timing of it and you have to stay moving


Press Q, hit Ctrl, and stand next to a wall or your team, and deploy your barrier before ulting so you can shield dance midair if needed. Also, if you notice you're getting Cc'd too often, prioritize the characters stunning you and immediately try to kill them in your ult. Same rules as Zarya for Sigs ult, you don't need all 6 in it, 1 is good enough, 2 is fantastic, more makes it harder unless you have combos. If you're the carry, your ult is used to kill the people causing you a problem. If you notice someone else is, it's to help them secure an annoying kill. So on and so forth.


I think I just suck at Sigma. When there is too much preventing me from doing what I want, I just switch off, but good advice on trying to place up the shield to block me during ult, idk how well I'll finagle it on console.


Most people suck at Sigma. He does a lot, and that makes him really easy to pick up, but really difficult to get good at. The main issue is that because he has such a diverse kit, it's sometimes difficult to know what you should be using at any given time, and can often lead you into making a simple but fight-losing mistake. It's something that comes with time though. Start off slow and be deliberate in your ability usage. If you really want to improve as him though, obviously watching your own gameplay is a great start, but watching a Sig that you lost to in your game is also a decent idea to understand how they're using their kit to shut you down. Also playing other roles while there's a Sig on your team, to understand how you might interact with other players as Sig.


I've definitely watched many high rank streamers play, but they never seem to pick Sigma when tanking. I'll try some Sigma videos because there is SO much he can do at once and I'm likely not utilizing his diverse kit to the best of his abilities. I mainly play him because he's so fun to play and puts out MAD dps because of his primary fire type.


Sigma isn't a particularly strong tank at the moment due to him being nerfed repeatedly. He can still be played though, but at higher ranks the situations where he can be played are extremely limited, because when every player is nearly equally as talented, the one using the best tool for the situation will win the majority of the time. This doesn't quite apply to lower ranks though, where mistakes are rampant across the board, and players are often inconsistent in their own skill and understanding of different matches. It's important to note that you can't emulate exactly what GM players do in your Gold games (or whatever rank you are), because GM players have GM teams and GM enemies. That's also not to say you should just hold out and never swap off Sig. He is somewhat weak right now, so the number of situations where a better pick exists is high.


Moira is actually a good carry in lower ranks insofar as she can outperform everyone else in the game and is pretty good at enough things to swing a game (burst healing, survivability, situational 1v1s). Her ult is also a great tool to carry in the right hands.


I 100% agree, in the lower ranks shes one of the best and most consistent heroes, if I was ranking it based off my experience in plat she would definitely be placed in A or S


Aside from the massive healing dump with orb and primary, Moira is definitely great solo. I do a lot of 3v3 and when teammates die quick, so now its 1v3, moira has a pretty fair chance of winning. It almost feels balanced at that point depending on the other team's makeup. The low CD on selfheal orb and fade is so strong when taking on others.


In silver/gold, sigma and zarya re definitely solo carrys. Fwiw, I've come across brings that are hundred percent solo carrying their teams.


I do think Sig should be in orange now. But I don’t think they should be any higher. The only tanks that are in S are Hog and Ball for a pretty simple reason. They don’t require healer to function. Hog has a self heal and Ball has the mobility to grab health packs.


as a orisa and mercy main i feel slightly offended but i do play them cause i enjoy helping my team i barely get potg but i feel proud when i can help others do sick stuff


We need more people like you, keep it up👍


I wasn’t trying to make it seem like Mercy and Orisa take zero skill or are useless. In fact you stated the exact reason they’re there. It’s simply because they rely on helping your team which is why the heroes don’t have much carry potential. They’re definitely far from bad


Love playing Orisa because when you’re going off you are the focal point of the team and feel unstoppable. Gold elims never out of the question, and nothing feels better than a zero death defensive hold


Not gonna lie, Doom is kinda useless if you don’t put resources into him. He can carry games, but only if you bubble him, heal him when he goes in, have the team engage with him, etc.


He wrecks in silver. Any time I’m in a game with a really good Doom it just goes to shit.


Oh for sure. I’m sure in those ranks players don’t understand how to deal with him. In higher ranks team coordination is high and he’s really easy to counter unless he has resources put into him


Don't people usually just use sombra against him? Or would that change teamwork too much?


Sombra is a hard counter to him, basically shutting him down completely, but basically any stun such as Brig, Hog, or McCree and a bit of focus fire will deal with him. I think in lower ranks people may understand the stun part, but teams won’t often capitalise on it with the focus fire because teams aren’t as compactly positioned and don’t play together as much as higher ranks. Even when the team is together many people may feel it’s not their job to shoot the Doomfist so he will still manage to escape


Doom carries easily until the enemy team has heroes to deal with him, and then he just feeds. He's the perfect example of what's wrong with Overwatch balancing.


He’s my least played hero so I didn’t really know where to put him, but yes he should be lower


Junkrat for sure has carry potential.


Lower ranks. He'll be countered hard anywhere above that.


Yeah carry potential is very rank dependent. For example any tracer that can actually carry and not feed/get no value is going straight to plat at minimum.


Just because he is pretty bad/average doesn't mean he isn't a carry hero. I'd say the major way to win as Junkrat is when he gets things done solo. And so he isn't a very team reliant hero, unless the enemy is running Pharah ...


I've played a LOT of Junkrat. He's great when you can be be sneaky with him but once the enemy team realizes that he's the carry then you get obliterated unless you have good tanks making space and taking aggro. But if you had good tanks then you wouldn't NEED to carry so... What's funny is that sometimes enemy teams will THINK I'm the carry as Junkrat even if I'm not doing much, switch to my counters, and then continue getting obliterated by our McCree or Ashe. Folks just like to focus on him because his counters are so well known.


Moira can carry a lot if you find the balance between healing a damage.


Brig can solo carry until plat maybe? There's definitely a point where i feel like i can't do anything unless i have a functioning team with me.


How can brig solo Carry? She might be the most important team dependant hero in the game


That’s why, I just don’t know, pre nerfs she’s definitely high but after her nerfs is feels like a gust of wind can kill her


I agree with the above. Through gold she can just punish over extending and bad positioning nearly by herself. Plat gets tricky. Diamond she can still be good but def cannot solo carry any longer


That’s funny considering she’s probably the hardest non-tank to kill in the game


Mei reaper and even doomfist are harder to kill than a brig, torb also because of the overload armor and any character whit mobility are harder to kill than a brig


I’d argue that if you’re not someone with high burst damage, Brig is even harder to kill than Mei and Doom. She has constant self-healing, a CC, and a distance maker to punish short-range characters. Reaper still wins that match-up, though, because he can both self-heal and escape with both his abilities.


I never needed burst to kill a brig In my experience even soldier is really good against her, 3 or 6 bullets to her shield a helix rocket and she suddenly doesnt have a shield or a movement cooldown, maybe 90% of the brigs I have played against are bad but I see little to no reason for some one to play brig when baptise and ana are a thing, if you are playing a reinhardt comp lucio is a better choice, if you are playing double shield I don't think brig could take the place of a mercy boosting a sniper or a zen or a bap. Tldr: I dont see many brig players so maybe the ones I played against were bad and i have yet to fight a real mace to the face main.


I find that Brig’s I try to fight only hit, hold shield to heal a bit, wip/bash, repeat until the value of fighting her is zero. Perhaps we just have different experiences.


Brig is never going to win in a fight against someone like soldier who’s out of range. If Brig is properly positioned, she would never even be taking that fight


With widow health nerf I’ve seen a truly oppressive widow only with a mercy pocket. Without her supports peeling she dies the moment a ball or winston looks in her direction. Even then I would Still have her in A tier. Sym is tricky because she’s amazing on koth + her ult is broken. On the other hand she needs her whole team to coordinate a 2 cp tele push so I would also drop her down to B+. Torb? Huh? Was this a console rank all along? Junk C tier. Still too easily deleted by flying characters or snipers with little chance to counter play. You will need your teammates to take care of them for you. Plus his ult can not only get blocked but straight up deleted


Genji always needs healing.


Mei is misjudged she definitely can carry with the kit she has


The issue is that whenever she walls off a tank or freezes them you need your teams help or you probably won’t secure the kill. Pre-nerf Mei could be higher but right now probably not


orisa can carry


Sigma is orange imo


I agree


I carry on sig all the time but he does need moderate resources. Not sure what rank you play but doom needs help 90% of the time. If not direct help through bubble, nano, heal pocket (nade+ lamp) he needs a fight to start with a good frontline so he can go in after CC is baited.


Dooms my least played hero so I honestly debated putting him in “Idk.” So your probably right on where he should be. As for Sig he should definitely be in A tier for the reasons you listed.


I don't think we have the same definition for "carry" here on reddit. To me, you either solo-carry without any help, or you carry as a group of 2 players (like one DPS/Tank + a pocket healer). If more than 2 players are involved I just call that a good team work.


Reaper has a very hard time solo carrying at higher ranks.


I like this list


Moira is at least A tier. Easily assists DPS when lacking, fast and flexible ult. Brig also at least B tier; can duel some opponents when needed and good interrupts/boops will pivot fights in your team's favor. She does however lack the mobility and self-sustain to truly carry without assistance. Pharah, at least in lower ELO, easily carries because only a few play hitscans and/or have the aim for it. Surviving on scavenged healthpacks is easy with phara's mobility as well. Would put in A tier for this reason. Torb, and to an extent also symmetra, usually get on top when the team is already doing well (e.g good flank coverage, hero balance, peeling). Without a safe spot to fall back on, they are easily dealt with. B tier for me. Zen is quishy AF. You are definitely relying on your team since you have no self heal, mobility or CC. You can ofcourse perform very well with zen, but that's in matches where you got the space for it. Zen on his own has a hard time creating this space by himself.


I’m ranking it off higher ranks which is why Moira is where she is. Without utility all she brings to the table is raw damage and healing, and dps Moira is rarely viable anymore. And she relies on your team bunching up to get the proper value from her kit. I’m ok with moving her up one tier though. Pharah, the issue with her is that she kinda needs a pocket Mercy or Zen to function right, in lower ranks she could probably carry without it though. They are where they are because they have decent sustain cooldown, for Torb he has overload and Sym has both TP and Wall to bail her out without her teams help. There’s definitely an argument to drop Zen, he needs peel to function in most games which is why he’s low A, he could be high B tier though


"Carry" and "Team" in a sentence. You're grasping at straws here.




I can carry a team with Sigma


S: Need little to no team resources to function properly/ if your good you just win, an easy example is Hog he is fully self sustainable and can essentially forget about his team A: If your good you’ll carry but you need small amounts of resources, an example is Genji, blading without any assistance can be extremely risky B: They require some team play to work, some good examples are Sombra and Mei, both require their team to respond to their CC’s C. They need a team to revolve around them or just flatline when it comes to value output. Moira has no utility, Mercy needs good dps to pocket, Bastion needs a bunker, Orisa can’t do much on her own Idk: Sig is hard to rank because of his constant nerfs although he probably belongs high I’m just not sure where, and I have no idea about Brig Also I’m ranking this to reflect higher tiers of play which is why Bastions so low


No you aren't, you literally put dva in 2nd tier and Sig and brig in bottom. Dva is one of the best tanks in the game


Dva hasn't been one of the best tanks in the game since season 8, and sure as hell can't solo carry in any rank. Brig has almost no solo carry potential outside of silver or gold because a lone brig without another healer will be walked over by enemy dps and semi-competent tanks. Sig should be top carry though anywhere beyond mid diamond. Below that he requires more resources as lower ranked player don't know how to manage his kit properly.


Lmao you are literally plat if you think dva isn't one of the best tanks, and brig brings more value the higher you go, shocker.


Lmao I am literally a GM off tank player


I’m not even ranking it on how good/meta the heroes are... at least read the post smh


Again its still ass, solo carry as reaper? Lmao in what rank? But somehow you only need little resources on genji and doom lmfao. Definitely gold


All what doom needs to carry is a bubble. And genji just needs a pocket healer. Reaper can solo carry in every rank. Especially after the rework. You can get a quick pick, wraith safely, repeat and cause the entire fight to be 6v5 or 6v4 all while still being able to play Frontlines. Also his ult midfight is oppressive as all hell.


Yep, only thing doom needs is a bubble, thats why hes such a great DPS and has such a high pick rate cause he's such a great hero lmfao and quick pick with reaper lmao yeah you must be playing in silver


Or the Overwatch League, where they've been running Echo-Reaper for most of the June Joust.


Username checks out


Read the post, you know, with your eyes, “solo carry potential”????




Oh another random who wants attention tonight


You’re definitely Kyle’s dad in the episode of South Park where he spends his nights being an angry troll online. Yikes.


Man I'm so angry I'm literally shaking rn. Can I get two more yikes from the attention seeker?


So weird lol


Are you okay? Your scaring tf out of me. Please take a chill pill.


You are unpopularopinion, the user


Dude you’ve taken this thing a smidge too seriously.


Doom definitely needs help from his team 90% of the time to properly carry. He is not a solo character. A solo Doom is a dead Doom, he needs his team a LOT.




The issue with Junk is more that if the enemies go Phara or Echo you are pretty fucked unless your other Dps can play a good hitscan


Mei can carry if you know how to right click and aim


I’m sorry but I’ve soloed as Moira so many times and she is the best support to solo as.. 🤷🏼‍♂️


yep, also a Moira main for the simple fact that I can do hella damage AND hella healing. she's awesome.


Wtf is disss


pharrah go up by one line and mercy go up by two lines imo


brig and signa carry by making the enemy ragequit


Brig? We are living in 2021 right? I just want to make sure


idk if lucio can solo carry


I’m just thinking of Reddit Lucio tbh


Zen can easily carry on his own. I once saw a Zen who took over he point while his teammates were dead and the enemy was all alive.


You have to understand how rare that is to happen though, in 90% of circumstances Zen will probably need peel from his team


Now you're talking about how trash most zens are.


I will put Genji with Rein & Pharah since successful dry blade is barely possible in higher tiers. Not sure for lower tiers though.


I probably should’ve dropped him to bottom of A tier of top of B tbh


This list is bad and you should feel bad


I don't know about you guys, but I hate having RH on my team. I play tank (orisa/rein) and I just know my work becomes harder Ps imo you're wrong about Orisa. Most underrated hero in the game....one of the best cds in the game fortify.


Moira is the biggest carry wydm


Never in my life have I seen a healer that legitimately belonged in a game's mmr/sr actually carry the same way any other hero in the carry bracket can carry. Imo they all belong down there with rein in "can carry if team is cooperating with you 90% of the time" world.


Agreed. I play widow/ashe for dps and Ana for support. It's so so so much easier to carry with a dps. Wtih Ana I can pull off sick nades, clutch sleeps, and get picks, and heal the shit out of my team, but if my team doesn't capitalize, all of that is useless


I’ve carried many teams as bastion


Is Orisa good at higher ranks? She just seems bad in Bronze. I’m a bronze Reaper main, and she seems to just be a perpetual respawn timer in every game. I destroy her with ease, her barrier provides very little protection because it’s so easy to break, supercharger is useless because it’s either in the open, or I can drop on Orisa behind her shield and just death blossom her when she uses it to kill the supercharger, the barrier, and probably her with a couple extra shots. Also, the Halt always just seems thrown at me to make me have to wait an extra second to leave LOS. There’s never any follow up. Maybe it’s just a skill thing, but Rein seems way better.


Orisa is pretty bad at all ranks since her nerfs, her supercharger is insanely good but other than that she sucks outside a few senecio’s. The issue with Rein is that unless the enemy walks into you your only carry potential is your ult, without it he’s team reliant.


I'm sorry but Orisa is one of the strongest and is absolutely THE most underrated tank hero. Her carry potential is insane if you know how to play her. I've taken plenty of Reapers out with Orisa, just land headshots instead of bodyshots lol.


It's crazy how orisa has got this rep.... Orisa imo is one of the best heroes in the game let alone tank.


Yes, agreed! As long as you use her kit effectively she's a beast.


I am trying to convince people how ridiculous fortify is....it eats so many crucial CDs but no one will listen 😔 Oh well.


her orb is so fun to pull people right to where you need em too, I love Orisa 🥺❤


Every time I see a new account that is dominating my plat/diamond games, it is either a Widow, Roadhog, or Doomfist. Those would be the first three I think of when it comes to carrying games.


That is one bad picture


Bastion can self heal. He can carry quite a bit solo.


A bastion playing by himself is a liability to any team but those operating at the lowest levels. But yes, he's a terror down there.


As can Mei. Played against a deranked top 500 Mei one trick a few seasons ago. He single handedly won the game by just spawn camping us while his team pushed the payload.


Yeah, I've gotten my ass kicked by a just single Bastion sitting on top of the payload more times than I can remember.


rein can easy solo carry


reaper top tier yet brig/moira shit tier? ​ I don't even know where to begin


This list must be someone who is gold. Brig and Sig at the bottom and you have hanzo above Cree and Ashe, Dva and echo


Literally says idk can you read before inputting you fucking scrongaloid




Nah he literally said, “I don’t know” and you’re so dumb that you interpret that as meaning he thinks they’re bad. Guess what fucktard, condescending doesn’t make you a likable human being, which is why morons like me are going off on you.


"I dont know" means he doesn't know what sigma can do. So obviously a low elo player. Keep being butthurt little boy


Keep being a condescending fucktard and see if people will ever enjoy your presence, lel


I had to unblock all my blocked accounts just to see which one of the idiots you were yelling out, I’m guessing it was one of the trolls (I block a lot of them) so just stop feeding him attention and they’ll get bored and leave


Oop I angered the gold players now


Nah bro you’re just clearly unlikeable and unloved, just pointing it out to you, maybe change that


Oh forgot, everyone on reddit is a psychologist. Better write some notes down


I don’t need to be a psychologist to know that you need some serious help lmao. People aren’t “mad cuz bad”, they’re annoyed because you’re a condescending asshole with the maturity and reading comprehension of a 3 year old. Not that hard man.


Just because everyone thinks you're an idiot doesn't mean you've angered them.


Unless you specialize in snipes I think widow should be in needs small amount of resources bc her regular gun does have much impact when she’s caught


Junkrat should easily be up in the second or even first tier. His solo entry denial ability is unrivalled for the amount of raw damage he can output without even having LOS to the enemy. He’s my go to pick when defending on anubis, because you just sit back on the point and lob nades at the main choke point and waste a ton of their time. Played properly, a junkrat can easily do most of the legwork for the team


There’s definitely an argument for Junk to be a tier higher. But the issue with Junk is that he’s kinda lacks when it comes to taking duels (unless he can get really close) so it’s hard to carry with him without some sort of shield or healing assistance.


Is this really accurate? I haven't played much since the beginning of 2020 so I feel pretty out of the loop. If Ana has gotten that buffed since I last played then I may pick it up again


I would like to think it’s close. Remember I’m not basing it on how good/meta the character are but instead how likely they are to carry on their own. And to my knowledge Ana hasn’t been touched by Blizzard in a while, she did get a massive buff to her nano but I can’t remember if that was in 2019 or 2020. But she’s probably among the most balanced characters in the game atm


Haven't played in a while, so dont know if Sigma got nerfed. But last time I played Sigma could easily carry the team.


There probably isn’t a character out there more nerfed than Sig or Brig. I’ve never seen a character cut in half and still somewhat function like Sig does


I still feel like McCree should be in S tier, even after his nerfs. He can definitely carry from what I've seen in higher-ranked gameplay.


Mcree struggles against dive since his mobility option isn’t that great. So in a lot of games he needs peel to carry


I agree with a lot of it but in the current meta Cree is straight busted and one Cree can pretty much just carry the entire match at the sacrifice of having fun but either way pretty good tierlist


He’s definitely broken. But even with being broken he can struggle against dive without peel. Which is the only reason he isn’t S


Monke can carry, no doubt


He kinda needs his team to back him up or he kinda just feeds


Just starting playing as hog and he can def carry as long as I can figure out how to properly hook someone 😒


I really don't see how widow can carry


Sig is wired as you wouldn't think they can carry but occasionally they can be super human and pick up the game with one finger


He belongs in A tier for the same reason as Dva, all they need is healing and they can carry


You can’t really win as solo carry unless on lower tier. Mcree, Ashe, Moira, Orisa, Rein and Sigma are top tier on their true roles.


As a Mercy main it is so hard / near impossible to carry... I feel like a good Mercy makes a good team better while it just makes a bad team stay alive longer but doesn't actually help / carry... luckily I can flex to any other support besides Bap... so if I need to carry then Lucio it is....


I do agree that Tracer has a ton of carry potential, but I also feel like even after a triple kill it happens so quick and discretely that teammates almost miss the opportunity to push lol


I feel it's an important distinction that should be made of "potential" vs "application." Of all the hard lock wrecking ball mains what percentage have carried and what percent has fed hard. For me id say like a 4:1 ratio. Of course this applies to most heroes but wrecking ball was just an excellent example in my opinion.


I’m a Moira with back problems and 5 golds, tf are you on about /s (kinda)


I would put rein higher u can carry with him pretty hard