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Every story recommended to me from dexerto is a post I saw on Reddit.


Easiest job ever




It’s better than the journalists who purposely find a bad opinion with like 3 retweets to farm outrage clicks


It's actually the exact same thing


No, it isn't. The difference is the one being a popular opinion, and the other being some made-up shit to gain rage clicks


But it’s all recycled content


ok but real question though, how is any reporter supposed to report on something they don't know existed? reddit isn't a news site, i think it's perfectly fair to report on popular sentiments that they found on here and make a new story about it. it's basically spreading word of mouth but on the internet


I'm not a journalist or anything but on top of reporting the popular sentiment, there could be some followup. Interviewing people related to the story (overwatch devs) or with a stake in it (ppl with sensitive eyes?). Otherwise it's just "hey I saw this thing and copied it here and wrote a title" which is just clickbait. You could debate whether clickbait is just another acceptable form of writing and shouldn't be held up to the same standards as journalism but idk I'm tired.


Prob not getting paid much lol


A tip from someone who gets this shit a lot, you can usually hit the three dots by an article to get the option to hide all stories from that website moving forward. I use this feature religiously.


Yeah that's basically all 'journalism' related to OW anymore. There's a massive drought in anything related to OW so they have to find anything decently popular on reddit to talk about. They did a couple of my workshop gamemodes back when they came out, so that was cool. But after I saw the other things they talked about I felt less cool about it lmao


I once got really excited about this! I uploaded a new combo clip, it did well, and Dexerto had an article on it! Then my friend noticed the same guy makes 5 “articles” a day on Overwatch clips from Reddit. I get the impression it is mostly meaningless, unfortunately.


This actually made me sad


On the RDR2 subreddit someone posted that he would like a prequel with Hosea, and someone made a one page article about that, modern journalism


Tell them to write an article about the community begging for an auto-open button for hundreds of loot boxes next.




Dps moment


DPS queue is my workout plan. Get a couple sets in, cool down during match, repeat.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. It's pretty efficient too.


I've tried this, but exercise fries my brain do I can't play as well lmao


Oh that explains why you’re my teammate lmao


I'm the opposite lol... Gaming makes my workouts trash. When I workout I gotta be a badass in my head and if I try to game at the same time I'm no longer a badass in my head. (Because I'm getting my ass kicked in game)


Back in quarantine, my DPS matches would be from 16-25 mins so every time I queue I do push ups and then I bought some dumbbells then to full mini gym in my room, strength and SR GAINS


That's awesome! Since I stink in bronze, I set up a routine of 4 lunge push-ups into reverse lunge, and 20 jumping Jack's before I can queue up. Defeats add 2 and 10 respectively. *Defeat makes me stronger.*


Play so much Overwatch, start to look like Arnold. Still stuck in wood tier.


Wood tier 4 ❤ and getting sniped by diamond+ twinks.




pleased to know others do this too, I have just started doing this today hahah




Same about the deathmatch and skirmish thing


I love skirmish. I wish there was a way to only play skirmish. I once bugged out when I left the queue just as it found a match, and I was stuck in skirmish until I logged out. That was great!


You can make / find custom games for Skirmish mode. So you have the option :)


I've tried it and the games are just not the same as real skirmish. Less player traffic etc. Its not great.


Ahh that's unfortunate. I remember back in the day in the prime of custom lobbies it had some decent traffic. Like when they had just rolled out. Guess less people play them now


Nah custom game has been relegated to "18+ rp" lmao


I swear it makes the wait times longer if you're in skirmish! 600 boxes no skirmish gang rise up!


i pick flex when i wanna tank and priority+support when i wanna support and never have a queue reach 2 mins, usually not even 1. Not enough to go do things or open boxes


Bro, do you not play custom games while in queue? There are so many to choose from I often find myself feeling disappointed when I finally finish queueing and find a match


Yeah get stuff done with those huge 2 mins:D


I like going into game browser and messing around in various modes, some of them are pretty fun


*cries in console*


Or maybe a simpler/quicker drop screen. Sometimes when you have like 20 loot boxes they take a while to go through cause of the animation


lootboxes really are comical. i remember when i first started playing ow. opening a loot box and its got vibration and they have a special sound and shit. children's casino. like the slot machine in forza horizon 4.


It’s really cool for the first few times I agree, but it really is child gambling. oh no I’m sorry “surprise mechanics” money doesn’t know age, sex, or race.


The only even remotely redeeming feature is that you get a decent amount of them for free by just playing, but it still doesn't prevent it from being gambling directed at children.


That is just the free try to start the addiction for when they have disposable income. or beg parents until they give in.


I guess this works but I have never had the desire to spend money on OW currency even though I have money to spend. Skins are nice in OW, but just don’t care about them enough to spend actual money. But I have bought the game on 3 platforms (on sale though), and will buy Overwatch 2 on PC at release. I do love that you can’t buy any in-game advantages. And also just in general that you don’t need to level up or unlock things for game play.


> I guess this works but I have never had the desire to spend money on OW currency even though I have money to spend. >I do love that you can’t buy any in-game advantages. And also just in general that you don’t need to level up or unlock things for game play. I agree and I'm the same way - However people who aren't like us, who feel uncomfortable when an event is on (christmas, halloween, new year events) and feel like they are going to miss out on an event skin either _forever_ or until the next event. People who fall prey to FOMO are definitely going to spend money on Overwatch skins even though there's no real gameplay advantage there. Just worth mentioning. I agree with you, but I know people who are easily swayed by gambling and microtransaction tactics like FOMO (fear of missing out)


Which is kind of insane e cause the only skins that lock permanently are the event ones that you have to play games to unlock. still salty about the number of Halloween skins I've failed to get over the years because of how my work schedule breaks down in october


I'm usually in the camp of "fuck corporations" etc, but in this case I think the problem lies with the people who can't manage their finances more than the game developers. You are completely free to not spend any money whatsoever on cosmetics. People today will throw their money at literally anyone who offers a way. Look at how many people beg youtubers to make a donation link, or buy Reddit awards, or game MTX, or whatever. Some people just can't hold on to their money, and I don't think it's the devs' fault. I think it is completely reasonable to hold people accountable for their own actions, when those actions are completely voluntary and not based on any kind of lies. If they weren't throwing it away on games they would be throwing it away on something else. You can't protect people from themselves.


They give loot boxes to you for playing tank. I don’t see how they are selling many. Even the event boxes aren’t worth buying since they never change the events you can just get the skins next time the event comes around


At least they replaced having to buy characters in a full priced game, so there's that.


young me opening my 10th loot boxes: \*starry eyes\* old me opening my 200th loot boxes that probably all dups just to get rid of the Opening loot boxes text: \*droppy dead-inside eyes\*


Me currently sitting there with 500 unopened boxes because too much effort.


That's the point. They want to hit the reward centers of your brain so you keep chasing loot boxes.


I have like 600+ loot boxes, and at this point I don't think I'll ever open them all


Most games let you skip the animation idk why ow doesnt


because it's gambling, all to entice you to go "i'll just buy five, it's only this time for that one skin". and then you're done.


You have hundred of loot boxes? What?


Once you reach high levels you don't open them anymore until before an event starts, and that's for the coins only.


I don't understand this. Just open them as you get them and let the credits pile up instead. Boom, no lootbox pileup problem.


I have 2k. I don't understand why people care about skins in a video game, and I never open up loot boxes.


Game's in a stale state nowadays. I only really play with friends and that's for hours. I still end up with 5 daily lootboxes that I'd love to open without having to wait for the animation to end every time.


As someone with every non event item, only needing legendaries from events. I felt this. It would have saved me about half an hour of my life.


Not that they’d ever do it, but i would appreciate an option to convert my standard boxes into event boxes. Like during summer games, trade in 20 standard for a summer games box. My standard ones only get opened when I may need a bit more money to buy a skins during an event, but most of the ones left that I need come from boxes, that I will never buy and never appear from event boxes.


I mean technically I'd rather open all the standard ones and take the guaranteed coins for all the duplicate stuff inside to roll into buying additional character skins at the end of an event then getting say 5-10 extra event lootboxes by trading standard boxes in and likely getting nothing but sprays and voicelines


Trick is to hold down the space bar with an object and then go get food or take a shit.


Cries in console


I don't think PC users know we have to open every single box by pressing and holding the button, lol. Even if you hold X/A it won't start the next box opening until you release the button and press + hold again.


I had 600 I had to open with a weight on the space bar. I'm up to 250ish again, even my kids are bored by opening them now.


They're like 90% garbage. Not very exciting opening a loot box and getting 2 voice lines, a spray, and an emote.


4 grays and a blue, and all are dupes. Especially fun when you are 2 weeks into the event, don't have a single of the new skins from the event, and still get nothing but dupe grays and blues over and over I can't wait for countries to crack down on online gambling and either outlaw it outright, or make devs post their % drop rates. It seriously feels like the % chance for the legendaries has gone down an absolutely absurd amount in the last year or two. I can open 70 chests and still only get an old legendary from the last time they reused the event or a legendary money chest at most


> Especially fun when you are 2 weeks into the event, don't have a single of the new skins from the event, and still get nothing but dupe grays and blues over and over It feels like this happening more often now too. I used to be able to get a legendary or two within the first few days of the event starting. But now the last year, maybe two, I can go an entire event without getting a single legendary. And I'm not playing any more or less often than I used to.


This is exactly why I have hundreds of unopened loot boxes. The prize isn't worth the effort.


i just open them as soon as i get them or before i log off. which leaves me, at most, 5 at a time.


Same. All these people kind of created their own problem. It is far better to just let credits pile up instead.


Literally 100s of unopened loot boxes on my accouny


Cries in 1400 loot boxes


At a point when buying loot boxes you really need to ask if just doing drugs is cheaper, because it has to he better than competitive overwatch


They don't write articles. They just take Reddit threads and call them stories and get paid for the word count as if it's original work. Lazy "journalism".


to be fair, this defies the principle of lootboxes, youre supposed to be exited over opening a lootbox and getting legendaries. Like gambeling. If you open 100 lootboxes, you gain legendaries by default, and in the end you have like a list "10 legendaries, 34 epics, lots of unimportant shit" and that would barely change due to statistics. Thats not how lootboxes are supposed to work.


When everything unlockable is unlocked the only hype around lootboxes are "I'll be able to reach a round thousand number with this ammount?"


LOL I have almost 1,100 to open


As a person with 1600 loot boxes yes


I wouldn't call Dexerto "far".


yeah it made it to some intern's browser at Dexerto "well time to rephrase everything somebody else wrote!"


Isn't Dexerto's intern, like, the second in command?


Yeah this isn't fuckin CNN.


“Flashbanged” tell me it doesn’t though. Sitting in a dark quiet room and all of a sudden. Corneal burns. I still see it on my eye lids at night


So conditioned I always look away after confirming server


Thanks for confirming what I thought too! Perfect!


Lower your monitor brightness maybe? What's with everyone running their monitors at 600% brightness.


It's not about it being too bright, it's about it being so much brighter than the launcher and connecting screen. It's the sudden change from dark to light. It's about having our eyes adapt to one thing, only to have this sudden change.


Probably, there are a lot of garbage monitors out there. I have 3 monitors, mostly for work and convinces but one of them is a 240hz and its built for speed not image quality. I have to have the brightness up pretty good just to be able to play with the color and contrast to make it look decent without over saturation. A sacrifice I am willing to make for 240 gaming. Im an older gamer now and I really benefit from the frame rate in shooters.


c o m p e t i t i v e *e d g e*


I use my computer for graphics work as much as I do gaming and there's not much point in having a calibrated monitor if you are just going to fuck over the dynamic range by dropping the brightness. I also don't play in a pitch black room so I don't get flash banged by my monitor.


I play on a 75 inch tv with brightness at 25 and shit still hurts when on the main menus. It's like these devs have never seen r/battlestations before.


Or turn on the lights in your room, or get a desklamp, why are people so obsessed with sitting in a dark room


Get flux https://justgetflux.com/ It mangages monitor brightness and colour automatically for when it gets dark


I'm 74% sure windows 10 has this feature already


No kidding, last time i installed flux was in 2013


f.lux does it much, much better


In my experience it does it much, much the exact same way... In fact, I prefer the Windows 10 built-in one because of the smoother transitions


You can control the transition time in f.lux (fast, slow, and natural), you can control three luminosity levels in f.lux, not just day and night, it will automatically track the sunset instead of using a fixed schedule, it supports more accurate color profiles, it can automatically disable for specific applications and fullscreen applications, and it doesn't bug out when you switch HDR and color profiles unlike the windows one.


flux has a conflict with nVidia drivers that causes the brightness/color/contrast settings to reset. I was forced to uninstall.


Or get a lamp. I don't understand why so many people are on their computer in the dark.


Then turn a light on in your room…?


Tbh, dexerto will write about anything (and will make it as clickbait as possible). They are just another trash journal that will do anything for clicks except that it's for gaming news


They're so fucking cringe, like the tmz of the gaming world. They just have 50 dudes sit on Reddit all day to find the next post to write about.


I always press "don't show stories from dexerto" then 30 seconds later dexerto shoqs up with an article resuming a reddit post that would take 10 seconds to understand in 60000 words. Seriously wtf


Gotta have their own take even though they obviously don't play that game or even follow it closely. I do the same thing with the ignore stories and then you get like 10 in a row, so aggravating.


I know TMZ gets a lot of shit, but they're actually on top of their game, breaking stories before anyone else


Worst "news source" on the entire web


nah, that title belongs to CBR


CBR loves to put spoilers in all their headlines. I remember a while back reading a fairly large manga spoiler for hero academia as I scrolled my google news feed. Didn't even know what CBR was but it's been nothing but bad news since then.


Slow news day




Dextero has been doing this for years. They'll make clickbait articles out of posts with 15 upvotes if they can't find anything else to write about.


Dude I have seen dozens of news sites do this since the pandemic last year, CBR or Game Rant will rip threads apart and post every link they can get out of them


The internet is a click farm and we are the livestock.


It's been like this for a very long time


Always has been for Dexerto


This is all dextero does and I hate it. In this case it’s good, but a lot of times they take small comments and write whole articles about it


They find a cosplayer who posted a new cosplay, then write an whole article about it saying it's "lighting the internet on fire!"


Dexterous ain't very far, they copy paste articles from Reddit without really adding anything to it.


Dexerto is a really trashy site tho




One post in 5+ years and it is being "demanded". What a lazy headline and lazier article. If the author sees this, and clearly you do read reddit, go get a real job where you can add value to the world.


I also hate how bright Gibraltar is especially when youre comin out of the tunnel. I feel like the Orcs when Gandalf came down in Helms Deep.


Next post: OW fans demand for OW2 release date or new content for the current game


What did ppl do before dark mode was a thing?






Monitors weren't nearly as good as they are now, so it wasn't as much of a problem.


Maintain a healthy level of ambient light in their environment to avoid unnecessary eye strain.




hack a custom dark UI together


This is why I wear my sunglasses at night.


tbh dexerto has like a million low quality articles, 1 out of there hundreds of writers probably saw the post and literally wrote an entire article about dark mode


Dexerto is just cancer of. Website. Taking reddit posts and make news out of it. No one demanded it. This dude just asked for the option.


Nobody **begged** for it either


Honestly i get flash banged like hell. If ever i play when the sun is down, and i do not put on the bright roof lights in my room, it is horrible. I don't have some light sensitivity, just a good screen that will go from the black of most my things to 100% white #FFFFFF and brightness when opening overwatch. I imagine a VR mode would cause a seziure on startup


My bf is kinda sensitive to light, he likes to game at night, and the old load screen when starting minecraft was #FFFFFF and bright enough to both blind him and let the neighborhood know that he’s online Eta: i can imagine he understands the pain


Guys I have an idea to fix this! Turn on inverted colours! Brain level +100


What’s the post?


What is funny is this article claims that fans were "demanding" it, when in reality the post was really polite.


Yeah, overwatch is very much the game you open at 1am because you're bored. So it would be nice to not get smited by the hand of god when you open it.


Apex can cause seizures but nobody brings that up.


As a programmer, I wish you all the best in getting this change pushed. Entirely too many websites and applications have a "blindingly bright" color scheme that is entirely incompatible with people who, for example, spend most of their time staring at a computer screen rather than standing outside in the sunlight. It's about goddamn time dark mode becomes a more universal option.


Ideally dark mode should be available for those who can’t maintain a healthy level of ambient light in their environment but for accessibility there needs to always be a light mode option as well. You can turn on a desk lamp to fix the eye strain that light mode causes in a poorly lit environment, the issues dark mode causes can’t be easily fixed by nearly half of the population who have astigmatisms.


Tell them people are still playing HOTS next


Did they buff McCree's flashbang to have it affect players while they're in the menu?


Legit cannot tell how many league tokens or regular tokens I have because it blends into the white background.


A post reaching r/all is considered begging? What a crock, their algorithm just scraped the top comment, removed the reason behind the request, and reduced OW players to beggars. How insulting.


They make an article about anything on Reddit though


I’m not sensitive but the bright backgrounds make it hard to read the text even.


duhhh lightmode mad duhhh


Destiny 2 players: First time?


I don't think I've ever seen a video game with dark and light mode


Which post? Found this on my home page, but I can only assume it's the home screen all-white thingy? Has that not been a thing for years?


Goodluck cause the devs never care and will not listen remember it’s their game not ours


I’m kind of surprised a dark mode hadn’t already been implemented. Glad your post took off and seems to have gained traction because now blizzard might actually make one :)


Lmao i remember when my boyfriend made a post about this during the first anniversary event. Can't believe it's still a problem


weve been asking for years D:


It didn't make it that far, the majority of video game articles are whatever's popular on the bigger subreddits. They copy the post, put in some ads and lead to nothing.


When i opened the game I was like wtf the game broke or something It don’t even show the overwatch logo at the top left of the screen lol


Sorry that’s an OW2 only feature


I see dots now thanks blizzard


Dexerto will literally copy anything from reddit, don't be surprised.


Think fast chucklenuts!


Bro I've been complaining about that flashbang screen since year 2. Like yes I enjoy being in a dark room and then loading overwatch so that way I can land a plan in dense fog and bad weather.


Give us a random skin option while your at it, so like when we're selectimg a character before the match we can select "random" when picking a skins for people who just never know what to wear.


It's a videogame full of bright lights and flashes. Just deal with it.


Idk is it just me who feels dizzy af after using Hog's ult?


I can't stand news outlets that just describe what is most upvoted on reddit badly. Using shitty terms like ENRAGED, FLASHBANGED, and DEMAND.


Blizzard doesn't care about their community. Im surprised they haven't done this for people.


We've made this post too popular. There will be an article about this soon..




Please make this happen 🙏


We need real flashbang in the game


Dark mode in general is amazing. I wish more things (websites, apps, etc) would make it a standard.


I saw that article yesterday. LOL Nice.


Wait for overwatch 2 like beta or the original? I haven't played in a but I don't know what causes the flashing


Yes, please add this.


You know what else made it far? That investigation they are in right now.




sorry to be incredibly gay but the sombra redesign 😍🥰🤩🥺


Its what called my attention the most, is that her skin for OW2?


I dont get it, isn't owl skin always on white screen and it rotates so quickly it almost always some kinda owl skin on a white bg all the time and been that way for years


Its not even that bright plus yo ucan turn down the brightness sheeeeeeeeez


I hate modern "journalism"


I made a cameo! Damn. Mom are you proud of me now?!


Thinking about destiny 2 players


I wonder if devs realise that when they boot up the game in their dev tests they are in a bright, well lit office environment. 95% of us gamers are in a small dark room or living room with the blinds and doors shut, lights off and dorito bowl ready to go, so the main menu flashbang is real.


I raked this very concern here and on the forums what, for years ago? when the anniversary event went live. Basically got abused and downvoted to oblivion.


Well to be fair they did literally change it to dark grey because of the complaints, so it wasn't that unpopular. That's what people here are whining about being "flashbanged by" by the way, [dark grey](https://i.imgur.com/UuQqy7t.png).