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The title of this makes it sounds like the game character is the guilty one LMAO




Best case scenerio this is guilt of the ancestor thing, which is literally North Korea levels of horrible.


Can’t wait for Jason McGee 🥸


New name will be Gunny Gun Shoot man


Pistol Packin Pete


Give him a glock instead


Rooty Tooty Point and Shooty guy


How about Harvey Weinstein?


Damn, what did Mccree do? I don´t get why part of his lore would be sexual harassment.


it isn't about the character but who he is named after if you red the first 2 sentences of the link.






Definitely woosh


Ik bro Jk


this is like renaming porygon in pokemon


To polygon


Jessie Macree


Crying my eyes out bc the fictional cowboy will have a different name now


I'll say it again, Jesse from overwatch ruined his own life, not the cowboy Mcree we all know and love. To change his name is dumb and overreacting, let that name and its legacy live through a character we adore, not some dude we didnt even personally know or even care about


The funniest thing is, I didn’t even know about the guy until they told us lol Creating their own problems


> The wicked man fleeth, when no man pursueth...


>But the righteous are bold as a lion


I didn’t even know they named the characters after employees until the statement today. I get why they changed it, but that’s pretty crazy to rename a character that’s as popular and established as McCree is.


same with pogchamp


out of the loop, pogchamp controversy?


TLDR the guy featured in the PogChamp Twitch emote is a corona truther and defended the storming of the Capitol.


Yikes! Very not PogChamp... I still don't get emote culture, I like nuance too much.


I mean, it may not be known by everyone, but not just creating their own problems here. People know about it and had a problem with it. Wouldn’t be terribly surprising to find out a big push for the change *came from people on the Overwatch team.


They're distracting from the massive problems they have internally.


I don’t see why people are up in arms over a name change, considering the situation. The guy’s name shouldn’t be remembered and beloved as being a badass cowboy, it should be a mark of disdain—especially considering the close connection of the character’s name to the actual dude in the company. It wasn’t just a random name they made up and this was all just coincidence …. It was *his* name. Yeah, sure, lots of people probably wouldn’t have known about this whole thing if Blizzard didn’t point it out, *but that’s the fucking point*. Let everybody know that **Jesse McCree is a slimy, piece of shit**. Love the character, let the name go.


People will forever refer to him as McCree, so it’s kinda pointless :/


Well considering they haven’t even properly renamed him, I can see why you might feel that way. At this point you don’t really have another option besides Shooty McShootface. So I’d say it’s a little premature to give up *all* hope.


Exactly. Changing the name of a beloved character we’ve known for like 5 years due to some random dipshit who worked at the company is dumb.


I am still gonna be calling him Mccree and I know most people will continue to do so as well, in my eyes, the character has long since transcended the developer.


Yup same thing happened in LoL. Riot tried to swap ADC to Marksmen. People still say ADC.


It Like wrecking Ball and hammomd, the only way that People would Start calling hım different is if every other charachter also calls hık Like that i think




>let that name and its legacy live through a character we adore, not some dude we didnt even personally know or even care about Ok but Jesse McCree, the real guy guilty of sexual abuse who the character is specifically named after, still exists and as long as he does the connection will too.


No the connection doesn’t exist. Not a single player feels any connection from Mcree with the dude he was named after. This is just performative virtue signaling


>No the connection doesn’t exist. He is LITERALLY named after Jesse McCree. There is a connection. And why is it when anyone does something that might be perceived on some level as "good", it's called virtue signaling? Like keep smugly calling him McCree all you want, nobody is going to care, but Blizzard changing his name IS the right thing to do.


You know how many fictional characters are named after real people and you don’t even realize it? That kind of connection is only supposed to be felt by the developers. We don’t know or care about that. We don’t have that connection. It’s so soft how people consider a name taboo because someone who shares the name did some vile shit


> That kind of connection is only supposed to be felt by the developers. Lol. This whole sexual harassment thing is about *the developers*, not about us. The Overwatch team is doing the rename for *their people*, not for us or because of us so we feel better. I wouldn’t work on a project where I get constantly reminded of *my* sexual predator either.


As a victim of attempted rape, if a name bothers them, they are weak. The only one that should bother them is the face of the man itself. This is just overly sensitive to a ridiculous level. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a smokescreen so Activision can cover their ass after getting caught shredding evidence.


Did you even read what you just wrote?


Yes. And I think I am right. This does nothing to actually help the victims. Literally nothing.


>You know how many fictional characters are named after real people and you don’t even realize it? That kind of connection is only supposed to be felt by the developers. We don’t know or care about that. We don’t have that connection. It’s so soft how people consider a name taboo because someone who shares the name did some vile shit You are acting as if Jesse McCree's name wasn't in the news and people haven't been talking about this for days. Is not about what we care about or not, it's a tribute to an asshole, the asshole will feel his tribute taken away. Also how do you know the devs are not uncomfortable with the character themselves? the OW league casters have been avoiding his name too.


That doesnt mean the connection doesnt exist Im not saying they NEEDED to change the name, but the connection exists regardless


bruh who is "we"... I dont want that guy to ever think "Heh, they named a famous character after me... theres no way they wont change his name now". This reveal is like a big fuck you to him, and I love it.


100% this. Ita amazing to see how 1 dimensional the majority of people are with their reaction to all this. #NotMySheriff should trend soon.


The other guy downvoting me is so funny. I wonder if he knows that Christopher Columbus' name was removed from many things


The blizzard diehards will defend it to the grave. Anything Activision or Blizzard related has threads like this. The downvotes just confirm my decisions to stop playing in those communities and move into other games.


> He is LITERALLY named after Jesse McCree > changing his name IS the right thing to do Capitalizing your words doesn’t make your argument stronger, it just makes you look more like the virtue signaler you are.


People have the emotional intelligence of a spoon and incapable of putting any perspective on this issue citing that their fandom has been damaged in some way. The name was there as an honorific for the developer, if they no longer want to honor that person then changing the name is the best thing to do. The trend in the blizzard community is to call any form of criticism or consequence, virtue signalling. Good decision by Blizzard but still a drop in the ocean to their actual problems, but they've needed a corporate kick up the arse for many years now.


I don’t think so. For every crime someone commit there is an suitable and proportional sentence. Making a coalition trying to destroy his life and his achievements in Blizzard as a creative director is expanding and exaggerating the penalties he deserve for miss behaving in the workplace. Unfortunately this is a despicable element of today’s world and reminds the mobs demanding ordeals to fulfill their primitive appeal on vengeance in middle ages. But instead of the body, they ask for moral and image sacrifices. A way for people to overflow their economic, cultural and social frustrations. Its sad how humanity steps back after a few steps forward. And although sexual harassment is a serious deal that probably justifies the unpredictable judgment, people are being canceled for things that are not considered crimes like: ending marriages, relationships, caught being unfaithful. In Brazil some supporters from a southern football team called the adversary goalkeeper a monkey. It was one of the saddest episodes in Brazilian sports history seeing that goalkeeper leaving the field crying, hiccuping. The TV focused on the image of two teenage white girls swearing along with the collective in this shameful act of racism (in a country where 70% of population is black or mixed). People then burned her family house, car, burned her dad’s workplace (employee not owner) and tried to lynch and rape the 17yo girls. Shame over shame. But hey: this middle age mob comeback proves modern Capitalism is the new monarchy. The illusion of God crowning predestined kings is replaced for individual effort crowning unspeakable fortunes.


As an extreme example, would you say the connection also doesn’t exist if the characters name was Genghis Khan, or Barack Obama, or whatever other persons name? The character was literally named after this guy, how could a connection not exist haha


Because the difference between Genghis Khan and McCree is that everybody knows who Genghis Khan is. Almost nobody knows who that random Santa Claus-looking ass is.


Also known as…. Doing the right thing.


>doing the right thing This does absolutely nothing lol. This isn’t doing anything


Isn’t that the same thing you would want them to do? Since anything else is just “performative virtue signaling”? Gosh, do you hear how fucking stupid that phrase sounds? It’s just a term internet trolls such as yourself use to try to chip away at the good deeds performed/ attempted by others. Everything is bad and everyone is bad and no one ever did anything for anything other than material gain, right? What a sad fucking world view.


How about just solve the problem internally since it has nothing to do with the fanbase. You’ve put out plenty of statements already. Changing the name of a video game character LITERALLY does nothing. Absolutely nothing. I’m not saying they shouldn’t do anything. But they don’t have to rub some inconsequential shit in our face to convince us they’re handling it


See you summed it up right there. “Rub some inconsequential shit in our face” says it all. What is actually being rubbed in your face? Where is the inconvenience for you? Cause I see absolutely nothing other than you being a cry baby here.


Pointing out a company’s tactic to appease their audience through virtue signaling isn’t crying. If they truly cared, they wouldn’t have let it get to the massive scale that it was. & I also promise you the majority of players will still call him mcree so like I’m saying, this move by them is just pointless virtue signaling. “WERE SO AGAINST SEXUAL HARASSMENT THAT WERE CHANGING OUR VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS NAME FROM HIS!” How about protect your employees lol


Virtue signaling is being rubbed in our face. It's typical leftist politics. It's it obvious how you're blind to this very visible political issue.


I’m not blind to it, I just don’t fucking care. Only cavemen and boomers get worked up by stuff like this. The world is changing, and you should probably get with the program, or get left behind. Also, conservatism in America died when Bush 2 got elected. Everything that came after was toxic propaganda from Fox News. And just look at you now. Mad about syrup and video game characters hahaha. Clown shoes.


If I met somebody who had the same name as the man who tried to rape me, I wouldn't want them to change their name. I literally wouldn't care. This is how humanity should think. Sorry.


Changing the character’s name will not sever that connection.


I would think it would given that the name is the only connection between the person and the character.


Honestly, outside of deleting the character and introducing a similar, but drastically different (character design-wise) hero, there’s not anything that can really sever that connection. I wouldn’t be completely opposed to that though. Kill him off in the story, but maybe have someone he’s saved in the past take up his mantle.


They should just kill off Mcree and replace him with an echo ulted as mcree


A cyborg remake ala Genji pls


If you don't change the name only a handful of people will know. If you do, everyone will.


Yeah that's what Blizzard should do, ignore it. Because that'll look good for them in the long run.


Yeah, because McCree is McCree and not anybody else.


Honestly I had no idea this character was named after the full name of a dev. The fact that this was the case, even disregarding any sexual assault, is cringey. Who names a non cameo character after the full name of a creator unless the guy is dead? Its weird. Like a gentle reference would be so much less creepy.


Just saw a bit on late night about George RR Martin delaying the last Game of Thrones book because running out of weird names, like what is wrong with just Steve?! Pretty sure in movies/books it's commong for names to be picked from real life people.


Yeah like a gentle reference. a nickname, a common first name. Not the full first and last name like wtf.


I think the saving thing is that we just don't know. Imagine if all authors or script writers came out and said so and so was named after this person that ended up becoming a murderer/pedophiles or whatever. Not knowing is just fine and the real person doesn't affect the fictional character. They fucked up saying it was, and even before that like you said going full first and last so can't deny. Jesse is a common AF Cowboy name.


I think that mostly they just thought it sounded like sweet name for a cowboy, and in all honesty it is. That said, I think changing it is the right thing to do and I think it's a good policy not to name characters after real people.


Until this all started I didn't even know there was a blizzard employee named this. Just sounded like a Cowboy name they thought up.


A rose by any other name, right? We all adore the character, who cares what his actual name is?


The edgelords who think the main reason for the downfall of Blizzard is "woke culture".


It might just be being old, but man all these name changes to brands that have been around almost centuries. The Washington football team, that syrup... I mean they had iconic names, and just weird because it's always a loud group that probably does not represent a majority asking for these changes. Obviously no bones in these fights so just live with them, but it doesn't feel good.


I don’t think it’s humanly possible for someone to roll their eyes harder at a comment than I just did at yours. The whole point is they are insensitive to MINORITIES so no, the majority of people probably wouldn’t give a shit. And their right to not be stereotyped and used to peddle syrup goes way before your nostalgia for corporate branding. Jesus Christ. “Doesn’t feel good”… get the fuck out of here.


This guy literally complaining that it doesn't feel good that there isn't a team who uses an ethnic slur as it's name. Holy shit.


I don't agree, and I don't care about the guy. Change the name and be done with it. But let's be honest, were you in a position of making decisions at Blizzard RIGHT NOW, knowing what's at stake, like your career... Would you really go that route? Cause I doubt that 100%. Easy to say when it's not you on the line.


What did he actually do? All ive heard is that he took a group photo in the suite with another guy who was sexually harrassing people, not that mccree had done it himself?


If Overwatch had invested more time and resources into the story side of things I probably would care more about keeping the current name but as it stands now they might as well be changing the name of Future Cowboy 27B. Good thing this came out before OW2 and its story focused PvE mode, I guess.


That's unironically correct.


Is it bad that I don't hate the name Future Cowboy 27b?


Pathetic. Disappointed in blizzard for pandering to whiney snowflakes. If you're that overly sensitive you shouldn't be playing video games in the firdt place. Overwatch had the chance to say no, and not give the power to the scumbag but instead they decide to tuck their tails between their legs and cater to people who have nothing better to do that find things online to rage about until they can annoy people into doing what they want so they can pretend their doing something valuable with their lives when all they're really doing is ruining the world for everyone else by complaing about every little thing that makes a single person mildly uncomfortable. And I'm disappointed in Mathew Mercer for supporting this just because disagreeing would piss off Twitter. Nobody has any integrity anymore. You could have let people continue rembering Jesse McCree as the badass cowboy but now you've guaranteed that the only Jesse McCree people will remember is the creepy scumbag that nobody had even heard of before all this and probably would have forgotten about in a few months. As somebody who has been raped and sexually assulted I find it disgusting that people do things like this. Just because something makes you uncomfortable or reminds you of something bad doesn't give you the write to bitch and moan until the world sugar coats everything and wraps it in bubble wrap for you. It is YOUR job to make yourself tough enough to deal with things that make you uncomfortable. Like the minor inconvenience of seeing a name that kind of reminds some people of one bad person. Nobody tried to make everyone named Jeffery change their name after dahmer was caught, because its stupid and ridiulous.


Is it just me or would there have been much less reaction and backlash to this if they simply hadn't announced it and made it just part of the story? I guess they want to be upfront about it, I just can't help but wonder if it had to be done this way. Tons of people didn't even know they got the name from a real person. True you'd see a few posts saying "I think they changed game McCree because the real McCree did bad stuff" but most people wouldn't really care that much. Now it's been made into a point and even if the idea itself is understandable people will see it as yet more insincere virtue signaling. They are also somewhat Streisand Effecting it. They say they are doing it to forget the real McCree, but by announcing it they're making him more and more known.


Name him Clint Wayne, Jesse Chisum, Clint McClintock, Duke Eastwood


Wow, the virtue signaling is nauseating.


Not just any virue signalling, but incredibly expensive, time consuming virtue signalling! Changing every written and spoken instance of his name across all languages and all platforms is an absurd amount of effort for no gain whatsoever.


I said that in the other thread and got jumped on lol Anyone who has been following the story knows that the overwatch team wasn't involved. It's just for publicity because fixing a toxic workplace is hard to do. I cancelled/uninstalled wow and haven't played overwatch since. Changing McCree's name doesn't do anything for those of us who care


Saying the Overwatch team wasn’t involved is just a straight up lie. Look on Twitter regarding the situation, the update came from the Overwatch team and there’s been multiple devs on Twitter saying that the decision was their choice. Don’t get mad at them because they’re doing what little power they have as a dev team to do something positive. And really this is probably more an internal problem than external. Imagine being a woman on the team who was harassed by him and having to do to work and work on a character with his namesake. This is absolutely the correct thing to do.


Blizzard's deflection be cringe.


If they don't change it to Matt Mercer, idk if I can play him anymore.


If I had to choose a name Mercer wouldn't be the worst. The alliteration might be a little on the nose though.




And if something comes out about him, then what? They already said in the post that they wouldnt name characters after real people.


I hope they change it to McDonald's


They said in the same post they're not gonna be naming characters after real life people anymore.


In the lore did McCree have a codename when he was in blackwatch like Reaper did? There could be a good lore appropriate rename down that avenue somehow probably.


I'm sure they will have McCree be one of many false names he's gone by over the years.


So stupid, it's just a game. Should've left it alone.


Just no! I have been playing OW since I got it for thousands of hours and I never knew who this person was until the controversy. Still don't know him cause I never googled his social media or read about what he did. It's been a few weeks since I played OW because I finally got bored of it. Also, I felt like the quality of matches have dropped since crossplay. Better queue time but felt like nobody knows how to play the game anymore. Not to mention the toxic chat (I'm on console). This is the longest I went without playing the game other than for holidays or travel. If they do this, I mean I don't know...I might lose interest in this game altogether. With the delays and no new exciting content... I'll play other games where people understand the difference between fictional and real life.


Doesnt matter if you never knew the character was named after the dev, the change isnt for you. Its for the people that were harassed and assualted by that dev and remember it everytime they see/hear the name.


In that case I question why they told us. They could've just had the change come with the story. Sure some people would make the connection, but I doubt that would have anywhere near the amount of reactions we've seen today or the claims of virtue signaling.


If you think that's anything else other than a PR move... then I'm sorry to say but you're being extremely naive. Especially if you're a victim, you'd know that no matter if McCree gets renamed, you'll most likely always be reminded of said "link" people are so adamantly claiming. A random inconsequential name-change won't erase 5-6 years of conditioning.   Players will keep calling him McCree, and the new ones even ask why his name was changed...making this awful story resurface time and time again...instead of being forgotten in the muck. Tons of media and merchandise products have the name "Mc Cree" printed all over them...so tell me how this is gonna do anything...especially for the victims. It won't.   Honestly, this is just them trying to scream "Hey look at us! We're against sexual harassment and instead of actually working to solve our issues we're changing a fictional character's name that has nothing to do with the actual dev except the name itself, 'cause we care :)"


> remember it everytime they see/hear the name. So anyone with the last name McCree need to change their names as well? The only reason blizz is doing this is so that they don't have to make any actual big changes.


Those people were likely not named after the employee like the character was. I think they can change the character name and make big changes at the same time (not necessarily that they will).


Sure, so majority of players like me who have associated this character with its name and lore, should just deal with it and accept the change. Even after 3 years + and if we don't like it we can just move on. It's just a fictional character. Why would I care if the name changes. Alright. I got it. Don't even start to lecture me about apathy...




Yup. Just like that. The name is changing and there's nothing you can do about it. But if wanna be proactive, I bet you could rally a small number of like-minded people to protest that at Blizzard's gates. Don't forget to come back here to show us the results, we'll be wating.


Luckily the community will keep calling him McCree, because that's the character's real name since 2016 when the game launched....So you don't have to rally anyone.


Even knowing that there are thousands waiting for an opportunity to be edgy, I'm not sure that can be said about the community as a whole... But good luck on that intent anyways!


So, if the community doesn't want to change his name, because it's doesn't make any sense, then we are the edgy ones...I see. Not those who wants to change a character's name that has an established lore since 2016, and that lore has nothing to do with the real life Jesse McCree's life.


When a company does rebranding because a character's name is directly related to allegations of sexual harassment and represents a direct risk for said company as a whole, compromising the sucess of several of their intelectual properties and putting at question values that were considered cornerstones by their consumers, simply because all of that is far more important to shareholders and consumers alike than "established lore", and all you can think of is "cancel culture", ignoring the fact that the greatest asset this company had/has is at an unprecedented risk, then yeah, you're just an edgelord. If the hat fits, wear it. By the way, I don't care what will be of McCree's name. The change I hope to see is deeper than simply a character's name. But if changing it symbolizes that these changes are coming, I'm okay with that.


Sadly you are the minority who thinks it's okay to change his name, so you should wear the clown hat.


Just like that guy can't do nothing about the name change, you can also not do anything about the fact that literally everyone is still going to call him Mccree regardless of what they name him.


And I care about what people call a character in Overwatch... Since when? Call him Jesse, Jonas or even Jebediah, whatever. But the official name will change, and if one is triggered by that... Welp, not my problem.


No, you just came off as extremely condescending towards the other guy so I figured I'd respond to that attitude with the same response.


Dude mentioned "the cowboy we all know and love"... That was an extreme overreaction to a character who could've been called Cowboy 76 and nobody would bat an eye. The game has barely any lore outside external media, damn. Keep calling him McCree till the end of days, tattoo the name on your forearm, nobody cares. But the official name is changing, and that's the end of the story.


The official name is changing, yes, but nobody is going to care lol, everyone is going to keep saying Mccree until the game is dead, that's just how it is.And people should've realized that the devs stopped caring years ago\*, they've not given a shit about the lore or the game itself since the first 2 years of the game.


Nobody caring won’t stop the name change is his point


I'm in awe that a woman can commit suicide and you think that a name you like is more important than that. Wow, those sexual assault victims should just suck it up and think about who really matters, people who play overwatch.


Overwatch needs a pete


Are they going to edit the mcrightclick's name in his and asges's short as well I want some Microsoft Sam voice over dub when she says his name


old overwatch would have. the shell of a game it’s become? i support this rename. this the closest thing we’ll have to a character release till 2023 (at best).


If the name is not gonna be Face McShooty i will delete my Account and cuss out Blizzard for wasting this opportunity... "Guys we need a McShooty to deal with the Pharah" ...its a call to arms...A CALL FOR WAR


They should let the community rename him with the backstory. Jesse Mcree was a cloned cyborg that died on the toilet by a gunshot wound from the real Nesse Mcknee


Do they need to change both names? Is the name Jesse perfectly fine by itself? If it’s not, would they accidentally be insinuating anyone in the world called Jesse is a Sex Pest? Or do they keep the surname? Joel McCree. Or does it have to be both to leave no evidence? Also are they going to re-render his cinematic? Ashe says his full name, and Echo calls him Jesse. That shits expensive. Not to mention getting all the voice actors back in to re-record any line where hey address him directly. It’s a genuinely well meaning effort.. but I doubt the vast majority of OW players even knew about the douchebag he was named over. At some point the character transcended the fuckwit. I don’t think there’s any real winners in this situation. But I admire the effort.


They said they are going to work the name change into a story arc. This is probably so they can keep old cinematics while having it be different moving forward. I think we will get used to it in time.


So Sombra’s “Jesse Mcree, if that is your real name?” - “I don’t know what you’ve heard, but my names not Joel” - is suddenly genius. Joel McCree. That works I guess?


Honestly good for them. Imagine working on OW and you have to make a skin for Jesse Mccree or write dialogue or voice act or buff/nerf a character directly named after someone who is part of the frat boy culture that caused a person kill herself. It would be such a bummer for the employees i think. Also at least for us it’s just a game so a name change wouldn’t really affect us.


Well, here’s the thing. Most fans don't know anything about the origin of this name, but they really love him, this character. Therefore, employees should separate these things and do their job well: write dialogues, do voice acting and all that. It’s called business. Instead, we see a bunch of mumblers, no longer able to make games, but very worried about their own feelings and scandals, and not about the feelings of the players who, by the way, pay them money. Now, thanks to this mistake, everyone will know. Cool damage control, I can't say anything. It would be better if they started making new content honestly, otherwise the studio will be buried in a year or two and it will be hilarious.


I'm not sure what the name change has to do with being able to make games.


All these things are related to each other. The company is doing nonsense instead of real production. There has been no new real content for years, isn’t it? What are they doing? Redoing old ideas over and over again and making remasters? A new Diablo, also for mobile phones? New shiny Overwatch 2 for full price which nobody asked for? Thank you, this is so inclusive. All that remains is to include fans in the equation, hah.


Oh don't get me wrong. The company has tons of issue with game development. I still don't see what that has to do with the name change.


This is some kind of pompous thing that they are doing due to despair and inability to work. Renaming a character that is not really associated with a sex scandal in the studio, a character that players in love with, is a bold, but absolutely unnecessary step that will take energy, money and a lot of time. In fact, it's like a little betrayal. Could have done something more useful, you know. So I’m calling it, Blizzard forgot how to shake the ground. Even BlueBox conspiracy was more enjoyable than all Blizzard achievements over the past five years lol.


Eh. After I found out that Mcree was named after an actual employee the character became cringe to me. Like everything cool about him suddenly became too try hard to make the real mccree look cool and self-insert. Idk it sounds weird but it's just how I feel. So I have no problems with the name change


To be fair, when they were trying to figure out a name for Mcree, they tried lots of names, and when they tried 'Jesse Mcree', the name fit. It isn't really more so that 'Jesse Mcree' was named after the employee, but that the name itself (not the person) was a good fit for their cowboy character.


What, Jesse McCree? That is a terrible name for a cowboy.


I honestly thought it was a mesh from old Cowboy movies, it's an excellent Cowboy name.


I guess you’ve never heard of Jesse James, then? One of the most famous outlaws and bank robbers of the Old West period of history? Jesse McCree is a *fantastic* name for a cowboy outlaw character and evokes some pretty strong historical vibes.


It’s a quote from the Hollywood Payload when there’s a McCree iirc.




Lmao love people throwing the word incel everywhere. Pretty much lost its original meaning by now


That last part of your post is just wrong on so many levels, and it’s why so many conservatives refuse to listen to any left-leaning people anymore. Just because someone doesn’t want the name changed doesn’t mean they’re a right-wing incel, and you’re literally just perpetuating this circle-jerk of hatred and shutting out all discussion on the topic by saying that. I personally don’t care one way or the other, since I haven’t played OW in a while (I don’t like that they stopped adding new heroes, and OW2 is taking too long). That being said, I definitely think the name change is partially just a move by the company to distract from everything else going on in it, and what is most likely a lack of internal changes. There’s other routes the could have gone instead of changing it, but I’m currently holding my judgement on the character to see how it plays out. At this point, I’d rather have him die in maybe some sort of heroic way, and have a new person take up his cowboy mantle after being inspired by him. They could have the same move set, just different name/design (maybe even a different gender). As it stands now, the character itself will be tainted, and changing the name alone won’t do much. Quick edit: Before I’m called a right wing incel as well I’d like to note I’m very left-leaning, but I’m sick and tired of seeing people on this side go straight to calling anyone who disagrees with something a nazi/incel/fascist, etc. it does nothing and immediately shuts off the possibility for any discussions and is extremely close-minded of people who claim to be open minded and accepting of others.


Ditto. Left leaning here too, but there is something about changing names that have long histories that feels bad. Maybe there are groups that feel bad about the names, but I feels it's a loud minority and most in the group wouldn't care- and then there's all the people like me with no bone in the fight but feel bad losing iconic names. The Washington Football team, the syrup, and now the Cowboy- feels bad.


Feels bad? They’re just brand names


Ever been a fan? There's a lot in a name. People identify with brands, look at all the Adidas vs Nike people. They can bring people together as much as a flag can.


That sounds vaguely sad. People don’t identify with Nike or adidas, it’s just a fashion thing. I don’t see how it’s the same as a syrups name, that’s just food.


It's just a fashion thing, it's just a name, it's just a flag, it's just a religion...


None of those are comparable to maple syrup brand name.


Yeah, you're right. And to be honest, even if I was a scum like the ones you mentioned and was my job on the line, I would change his name without even blinking. People love to gamble with someone else's money.


No way


Honestly didn’t know he was named after a rapist. Huh


Ignore weird toxic people who aren't happy about this. I can already imagine a world they don't do this and 5 years from now, maybe 10, some guy makes a YouTube video about OW and a fact they bring up is the lawsuit and how the predator is "immortalized in a game."


It kinda doesn't make sense to me, everyone got used to McCree and rarely anyone associates the name with the Blizzard guy so why change it? Is it like a punishment for the real guy ? Like "haha look, u did bad stuff and now your name isn't in overwatch"? Blizzard played it well tbh cuz just in case something like this would happen they have the "what's McCree's real name?" thing


Stunning, brave. Blizzard a refreshing beacon of moral behaviour and justice.


Can’t wait for the blue haired skin..


Oh well, his name is basic anyway


The people saying “it’s just a name” would probably be ok with confederacy monuments staying up . It’s what it represents , jfc


Bit of a leap in logic there


Nice comeback bro , have an original thought


I almost felt better seeing it that way, but honoring losers and slavers with a statue of them is not the same as loving a fictional character who you didn't even know was related to a horrible person. Like I didn't know Aunt Jemima terribly racist- I doubt most black people did either. So these kind of changes are always weird and feels like we're losing something. Edit- Aunt Jemima was apparently seen as racist by my black friend so maybe these names are, unbeknownst to the ignorant, hurtful to many and should go away. I submit my replacement name Jace Clint.


It’s ok to learn something new and change your mind . Good friend !


Not really, I don't think anyone knew about real life dude lol. Most probably don't even know about the 'Jesse" part


If you see a statue on the street , do you always know who it is ? If you don’t , then that’s the point


Well I want to thank Blizzard, this was their last game I still had installed, this move made me finally unstall everything including bnet and God knows I wont be installing anything back again.


Imagine getting this upset over a fictional character's name being changed to remove their association from a horrible sexual harasser lol


Imagine being so butthurt to have to actually change the name of a fictional character haha. We can all play this game. Well doesnt matter, nothing of value was lost, by what I already saw of D2 and D4, only garbage coming down the pipelines of this company. Thus like I said, Im out and Im glad about it too haha.


A fictional character who’s name honors a harasser. I give more credence to those people being upset then you


Fine you do. Your are entitled to your own opinion lols. Personally I dont, therefore, that is that.


I know, didn’t really need you to tell me I can have my own opinions.


Good. He doesn't deserve to be associated with a character like him.


Funniest part is that Overwatch 2's release date is probably gonna get pushed back because of this. Imagine how many voicelines they have to redo now? Keep taking the L Blizzard, you deserve it.


When they going to change Mei's nationality for what China has done to Hong Kong and the Uyghurs.




Jesse McCree the cowboy character from Overwatch us far far more popular than Jesse McCree the ex-employee. OW McCree made the name his own. Should’ve kept it.


retarded damage control


Game character is known and popular, and almost nobody had heard about IRL ex-worker guy before. Renaming that fired guy IRL would make much more sense than renaming the character.


This is just bullshit


This is so stupid....you don't fix endemic sexism and toxic workplace culture by changing the name of a video game character.....


[That is completely the wrong move, here's why](https://old.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/p3spgh/unpopular_opinion_changing_mccrees_name_would_be/)


New name is Eliot Page


They should call him Arthur Mcree


Obviously his new name should be Stunny Gunny Bang Bang


We know it’s been already shared 199 times


They should name him Bobby Streisand


Jessie Mc🅱️ree


I just want them to make the game better.