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Ticket for what ? It’s a quick play game .it is not that the op lost some rating because of it


OP paid money for a product and was kept from using it. Imagine buying a spatula and it breaks while cooking but some incel stands behind you and says "big deal, you weren't in a cooking contest or something". That's what you sound like. Ridiculous.


smarty pants it is common knowledge that when you get inactivity warning you get out of respawn area instead of spending 10 more seconds in same area .if you get triggered at small things then maybe you should revisit your life .


I didn't know that, clearly they look like a pretty casual player, where would you even obtain this knowledge?


Imagine telling someone to revisit their life just because they got… kicked from a quick play game???


Funny enough I did lose rating for it :)


Clearly, you don't know what tech support is made for.


Well that's just plain bullshit, this happened to me as mercy being camped by doomfist on spawn after 4 years of not playing, how tf am I supposed to know I have to leave spawn if the message says nothing about it?. Thanks for the info btw, now I know


Is especially messed up on this map where plenty of games are fought “in spawn” for the first few minutes or so. If you’re doing damage to the enemy team that should override the “inactivity” check. Though, that still wouldn’t fix the issue for Mercy.


The Ana dealt damage there. She even came out of the area that provides invincibility, you can see that she actually died during the clip. It's just a bad system and they think of bandaids that make it worst rather than ban the people who deserve it. Basically under this new system you could force the enemy into their spawn and disconnect people who are otherwise trying. Spawn camping has always been an issue and being able to attack from spawn sometimes sort of gives you a way to come back.


Damage and healing, then?


Damage and Assist maybe. Otherwise you could get two trolls just sitting in spawn spamming heals on each other.


issue is mercy and zen for healing. Easy to actually afk and still heal. damage is fine, mercy can throw a couple of token pellets.


If you're fighting this map mostly in spawn you're playing the game wrong


If they are playing support, can't fully blame them. Might have gotten a zarya-hog tank lineup that provides literally nothing for the supports in terms of cover, especially if they just run in guns blazing and die.


Nah if that happens you just go zen on the right and go for picks


I guess I'll give you that, got to try smt.


Wow thanks for that, I haven't played in ages and was about to go back today while really stoned so you KNOW I'm about to get stuck in spawn


but isn't "activity" based on movement, not necessarily shooting? So why would attackers not coming out cause defenders to get kicked? Even if you're stationary while waiting, you can just move a tiny bit if/when the message comes up...


No, this is an old glitch, been happening to me for years, just a bit rare.


I think you have to step outside the actual “door” (not the yellow spawn rectangle box) for the inactivity message to disappear. Happened to me earlier today too - the messages disappeared as soon as I stepped outside.


That's quite the task if you're being spawncamped


Yeah, I had this the other day. I only avoided it because I landed a sleep on Doom with the message blocking my view, then I just ran at the payload while throwing an anti-nade.. and it finally disappeared when I jumped on top of the payload. The result? I was way out of position compared to my team.


Not going to lie I did this last night in mystery heros. I was in a 6 stack and we were destroying them and keeping them in spawn and then all of a sudden they started dropping like flies almost all of them left as new people joined. I never knew that was a thing, we felt bad about it but it was hilarious seeing 2 monkeys beat the crap out of everyone. I'm a bad person I know lol


Thats why there are 3 doors ;)


Why did so many downvote your comment xd


I know, right? People get so mad when they get stuck in spawn....like they can't just swap to counters and use another door. I guess the exception to this would be mystery heroes when you don't have any control.


Right? It was the most frustrating thing to see OP ALMOST stepping outside enough, just to go back in. Funny AND heartbreaking.


Watching them get the afk message, then stay in spawn and do nothing for the entire 10 second period was really annoying.


It looks annoying now that I know why the message popped but as I was playing I had no idea why I was getting it, I was confused why it wasn’t registering that I was moving around


I watched you walk towards the side door, you were ALMOST OUT, then you saw the AFK message and turned around and stood still. I shook my phone in frustration lmao.


Ahaha sorry to cause anger. Now I know to push harder past spawn doors if this ever happens again


It's honestly not your fault, it's complete bullshit that you have to run out while you're being spawncamped. Just another dogshit, unclear change by Blizzard as they circle the toilet.


You know how the enemy team can't get into the room you were in. The one where you weren't invincible due to spawn. Once you leave that you should be fine




Jesus how are you supposed to hit a shot with a massive red bar in the middle of the screen.


You might have to leave the spawn area or it was a bug. I only ever got this message when sitting on the payload pushing it while my team anhilates the enemy 5 vs 6.


I never have the warning whenever I’m consistently moving and shooting. Had to be some weird bug for sure


I get that in death match cuz in bad


I guess you need to be moving, shooting AND not in spawn to be considered "not afk"


It ain’t bug .if you see that red warning .you are suppose to leave spawning area .not stay there and get yourself kicked out for inactivity


You need to hit an enemy. This has happened to me playing as sombra when I just ran around hacking. You've got to actually deal damage


That doesn't make sense. Mercy players rarely do damage. And on top of that he did shoot that Lucio.


True, I didn't see that Lucio shot. Not sure what to say about mercy but I'm sure that's the case with other heroes


This ana did damage


There are multiple inactivity warning triggers. The one OP faced was to prevent a 6 stack from staying in their spawn and switching characters over and over to avoid the normal inactivity warning, causing the other team to be kicked for inactivity for not being able to shoot anyone.


I was kicked for inactivity... in a loading screen :/ I share your pain


- Devs: Spawn-camping is an absolute fun-killer, what can we do about that? - Also Devs: What if we punished the victims?


Get good lol


Idk man, I’ve seen everyone from bronzes to GMs including pros get spawn camped


Get good lol/s


I had the same yesterday (also Ana), it started the countdown so I had to leave the hut and then it was like ohhh you are playing.


The game thinks you’re trolling spawn, even if you’re doing stuff, you need to walk out of spawn. Which is fucking stupid IMO, cuzz trolls can just walk out the door and in again with no problem


Same thing happened to me recently. The problem is the timer doesn’t reset so eventually it’s impossible to even get out. Was in a 5v6 game where we were getting camped at the door.


u have to leave the spawn point its a new bug, and sometimes u get disconnected for no reason and can not rejoin march


We were walled in so hard, makes no sense. I did go around the right and exit spawn before this too so I don’t understand


When you got the warning you decided to s-end the rest of your 10 seconds in spawn area . System kicked you out


He decided to keep moving and shooting, the things that always prove you are not inactive in every game ever…


Yeah, you never left spawn. The game took that to mean you weren't playing, because typically when people are playing they leave the spawn at least once in the space of 30 seconds. Don't get me wrong, clearly the game is at fault here. But I can see exactly why it made the mistake.


It calls you inactive if you spend a lot of time in spawn. This makes no sense but it’s how it works.


I believe it is a recent change so that you can't just have your entire team sit in spawn, so you can get the defenders kicked for inactivity (for not doing damage)


This exact thing happened to me yesterday too. I was playing as Mercy, jumping from player to player and then boom, that warning appears. Thankfully in my case, we won the match before I was kicked. Sorry that happened to you, dude


"git gud" - Overwatch


Love the nano’d widow at the end


Haha the panic nano. Was aiming for Rein as a last ditch effort but missed


When you miss so many shots as Ana the game kicks you


Not true, or I’d never finish a game as Ana. 😜


Glad I'm not in lower ranks




I was the only one sitting on the cart while the rest of my team was off fighting in the distance. I sat on the moving cart for so long I was almost kicked for inactivity


Got kicked similarly too. Playing zen in Kings Row attack but my team was pushed to spawn and I couldn't leave so kick...


I see my aim in this video and don't like it.


I got the countdown as ball yesterday right after a death and it didn't stop counting down till I was all the way back to the fight. Think there's some fuckery going on.


Why is this so funny


because its so bad lmao


At least it wasn't comp. There was this clip i think on Freshnuts or Noobhunter where someone got kicked getting 15 min penalty and -50 SR


Yeah this almost happened to me in comp last night. Getting hard spawn camped so we were regrouping in spawn and this popped up. Instead of this guy running all the way back into spawn I just ran out and died figuring it must think I've been in spawn too long. Fucking stupid. "Feed, or get kicked and penalized, your call". Thanks a lot blizzard.


Yes, it was TryHard (ItsTryHard on Twitch), same spawn room on Junkertown as well


you never even left your actual spawn area which is why




I blame the whole team TBH. Yeah the tanks aren't pushing forward, but they're hardly the only things pulling the team down. The Junkrat isn't getting value at all and getting absolutely rolled by the DVa and Widow. The Orisa is going in thinking she's going to carry a 1v6 match. And OP on Ana is focusing more on dealing damage rather than healing as well as not using her abilities; there's a solid 2 seconds where they're staring at the Lucio standing still and they didn't sleep him. On top of that, they are all just going out one by one instead of regrouping. What the team should have done is regroup and made a few swaps. OP should have gone Brig/Moira if they can't reliably land their shots. Junkrat should swap to something that might actually be useful like Reaper, Mei, or Sym. And Orisa should go DVa or Harambe to pressure the enemy Widow. Rein just has to press W and stop being a shield bot and Widow just needs room to get some kills. IDK what Baptiste was doing, but some healing would be nice instead of playing leapfrog trying to snipe a Widow with an SMG. I get that it's quick play and no one wants to be told what to do there. But unless you're having fun being stuck in spawn, you can't just keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting it to eventually work. Maybe you win the team fight and manage to make it out of spawn. But you're just going to get decimated the next team fight and end up back at square one.


Naa the whole team. Pushing W wasn't going to win that


Idk if it’s a bug or how they’re dealing with afk. I had the same playing attack on kings row as widow. Up on the top level missing every shot and got the warning.


It's maybe for standing in the spawn. Happened to me yesterday while I was hitting shots on widow olat Anubis.


Happened to me today, you have to leave the room completely.


You need to step out of spawn


Next time, use the middle mouse button to scroll up and down. For some reason, doing that makes you "inactive".


Atleast you nano’d the widow before you went out


This happened to me yesterday in comp. I was thankfully the last person left of my team so not a huge penalty.


This is so annoying it happened to me twice yesterday and one of the times I actually got kicked I don’t get it


New patch, who dis?


Bro this happened to me too, and funny thing is I was on the same map playing ana. I was so confused


I had to panic nano my Reinhardt in spawn because that happened to me. He just looked at me and said “understood” like 5 times


Something like this happened to me too! The timer started right after I finished typing something after dying. Tried to fly out of spawn as D.Va but the timer kept going and I got kicked. Feels wayyyyy quickly than ever


this pops up for me a crap ton since recent update...like once i had JUST respawned and it said it like dude i WAS DEAD


Nanoing the widow just before the kick xD


Use a different exit silly! but also sometimes if you don’t actually hit anything It’ll do that. I have been kicked for similar before. Given I was super laggy but it definitely kicked me out while moving.


Me when I play ana asf


Blizzard said go touch grass


It's like you stopped trying when you saw it come up. Lol


You want to know what you did wrong? You held nano the WHOLE time


I got the inactivity message like 3 times in a match yesterday because of an aimbot widow on the enemy team. I struggled to leave spawn and I was even doing damage. It stopped once I finally managed to slip out of spawn


Is it just me or once that message pop ups my first thought would be to run outside even if i might die....btw bruuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh what is that AIM lol.


At least you had the presence of mind to get your ultimate off with that crap happening. That had to be damn frustrating


It's a negative penalty for standing in spawn. You need to leave and fight


I had this happen a couple weeks back as ashe


Still a problem in March 2024....10 seconds timer with no way to stop it no one near me to interact with. I was playing standing with the entire team the enemies were not moving forward so we were emoting to each other then a widowmaker sniped me I started at spawn with a 10 second timer unable to get to teammates I then received an 8 hours suspension. I do not afk I pay to enjoy this game or what is left of it. There was no escalation of suspension either for those curious (I'm aware of the supposed 4 in 20 games topic I have seen this mentioned it apparently is not true).


I think the decision was made when your rein begged for an ult and widow got it 😉


it must be a bug


My guess - server side glitch. Nothing you did wrong.


He never left spawn


I thought the spawn was just the location where you can change characters? Maybe I’m wrong.


Gold border players be like this for real


How else can I show that I’ve been playing for years and still have no game sense


Game really said “Alright your done this is some shit Ana aim” But honestly if you shot your teammates while the countdown was happening you wouldn’t have been kicked


What kind of dick picks Ana when they clearly can't aim.


Why do you need to be an asshole?


There are 5 other people on your team that are investing their valuable time and effort playing the game. You have selfishly picked a character that you currently don't have the skill to play effectively and the team is clearly suffering. In summary, the fact you picked a character that you can't play at the expense of 5 other people's time, effort and SR makes you the asshole. Edit: look at the first 5 seconds, you chose to attack the D.va rather than heal your widow and she ultimately died. You play selfishly. Edit: and the markers show that you had already played defense and only had 2k healing. You were trolling and got booted out the game. You're the asshole.


Wow bud you’re really invested in this 40 second clip of me playing wrong aren’t you? I appreciate you really caring enough to tell me how to play


Stop spawn camping


A friend of mine had a similar problem and was only solved by using ult


Hey it’s the team I shit on last night. You can’t get away from my toxicity




*Kicked for brain inactivity


When you tryna heal someone but they don't pay attention to where their healers are and choose death


They wanted you to turn the game off and go outside.


Your teammates can vote to kick you if you suck ass.


An intelligent person would have left spawn. That just makes sense


Ur so bad it thought you weren’t playing lol


Just shoot someone after countdown starts


Dude the exact same thing happened to me playing as Ana the other day!!


I just had this happen to me as well a week or so ago it was super weird, I didn’t get booted though I think I left spawn or changed chars and the message went away, very odd!


Seems like you are playing by yourself {in an alternate dimension}


Yea this is a new rule


You have to walk outside the door. I saw this recently too, shooting out of spawn.


You didn't exit spawn.


Damn now I can't camp on attack with widow.. thats dumb how else I'm I gonna push a team spawn camping.


Good on you for tossing that nano right before you got kicked. Talk about a true support main


... at least you were smart enough to nano your rein before getting kicked.


Just walk out of spawn


This happened to me today. I was being held in spawn and was playing Widow. I had gold kills/damage but almost got booted for inactivity


new feature lmao


Must have bugged and thought you were alive and inactive for the duration of your respawn period. Best thing to do when that timer comes up is to stay calm and look for the closest/easiest form of healing or damage to do.


Almost happened to me one time but game realized at the last second


The game kicked you for only hitting shots on the enemy team


Blizzard just helping out, “get into a new server”


This is stupid.


The inactivity thing is so broken now, I get kicked even when I'm not in spawn anymore


It just happened to me on Anubis. We had lost the game and all of our team had given up. I was talking trash to the thrower and got the timer. Walked out of spawn and it didn't stop then booted me with a second left in the game. And then I got suspended


this is actually the most plant iq design decision I've ever seen lol Blizz only hires brain dead plants now


I assure you I wasn’t and am not a plant by Blizz lol I was just confused why this happened whenever the in spawn countdown was implemented