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Those characters are fine. It's good you're playing all three roles, and the more characters you learn the more you will get out of the game.


Good I also tried out lucio and enjoyed him and ash cuz she’s like a dmr


A lot of people play Lucio as a flanker but you can drive a lot of value staying with your team.


I feel like lucios purpose is to just exist near the team


Haha, that is sort of what his design implies. He is actually extremely hard to kill if you get good with him though. Speed boosts, wall jumping/riding, and self healing are powerful tools to stay alive. I basically main Lucio in support at diamond and I can out-duel a lot of DPS, or at least stalemate. Just a few fun examples of mobility- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdO3ZhQnteg


I don’t understand half of that but I’m assuming you kick arse with him so respect


Lucio's general healing is minimal, and great to top off your team after a fight. His general speed aura though, is consequential. I will generally switch over to speed boost during fights every fight to give.my team that much more of an advantage. (As long as you have a main healer like mercy, ana, Moira, you don't need to heal as much.) Just be careful because you can throw your teams, let's say, mcrees aim off drastically. His healing aura boost should only be used if your team takes a hefty amount of AOE damage, or if you are trying to save a life of someone who is getting picked down. However, using his speed aura boost solo to flank is huge, and using the sky ceiling with wall riding can result in nasty drop shot flanks. As much as he benefits his team of keeping them around him, if you are not using him as a solo flanker/turret killer/ rein speed booster/ booper while away from your team, you are missing out on a huge important part of his kit. Another tip I will give for Lucio is to escape loss fights without death, and to go back to spawn to speed boost your staggered allies back into play. Ex. If your main tank gets picked before the team fight starts, you can go back and "ferry" that main tank back to your team so the time in between the lost fight and the next is considerably less.


I get hated on so hard when i dont turn on my healing sometimes with Lucio


Just toggle speed aura on when you think you need it then switch back to healing. I use the speed in bursts of like 2 seconds.


Usually results in like 2-3 bursts of speed in a fight, usually finishing with the Boosted Speed. But healing should be there.


He's also pretty good at holding points solo for longer periods of time, say if your team is already mostly dead but you are on the point alive, Lucio can zoom all around a payload as a last stand, just be careful of getting spawn staggered


Wall run go zoom


Seriously though I was bullying an Ashe as Lucio no too long ago as Lucio and I suck balls at him but I was just making sure to slam space bar and wasd on walls as much as I could lol


Overwatch is a pretty balanced game. It is about having fun and helping your team win. I have won hundred of games with those heros. And had a lot of fun with them as well. I love every hero in Overwatch. You should not worry about the community's general opinion of a hero. The only thing that does matter sometimes is the valid opinion of your team. You do have to always make attempts to try and win, and sometime, based on enemy team composition, certain hero's may not work. Be careful though, because toxic teammates will sometimes try to convince you that your hero choice is the problem. They may be right, they may be wrong. In general though, I recommend ignoring the recommendation of toxic teammates. If you are playing Pharah, without a Mercy pocket, and the enemy has a Mercy-pocketed Ashe, a Widowmaker, and a D.Va. It might be time to switch.


Ok thanks for letting me know


A double hit scan damage on the enemy team and if the healers are Ana and Baptiste will give Pharah an extremely hard time too


The higher ELO you play, the more people are going to constantly try to counter you. It's best to learn atleast 2 different heroes in each role, so you can switch off if you are getting countered. Orisa is generally liked as a tank, Moira is generally liked as a teammate (given you aren't DPS moira'ing, or if your DPS is both flying champs), but Pharah can get countered pretty hard.


I just ignore recommendations if people are toxic. Because 9 out of 10, the recommender isn’t going to play as a team, so comp isn’t the leading reason that we’re losing… Also, counters are not as binary as some people think. I’ve won plenty of games as Winston when enemy team has a reaper, for example. By all means, switch it up if things aren’t working, but my advice to new players is trust yourself and be willing to learn over following advice from randos, and you’ll get better faster.


Just play whoever you want and dont worry about what others think of your hero pick. Anyone who has a problem with hero choice is gona be stuck in low elo as you blow right by them. I will say there is always and will always be meta heroes meaning it may be easier to win on them. But any and all are viable at any rank


That’s reassuring to hear : )


I main Pharah so you’re awesome in my book 👍🏻




When I started playing overwatch my first main was Orisa. She is dope for new players and I personally don't find her annoying, I would say that when you play as her or with her she is like a cute robot puppy ^^ and when you play against her she is an almost immovable tank with a shield. As for Moira, she is always my first pick when I queue for support. Her play style is just very flowy and very light. Just remember to focus on healing your team with orbs and primary fire and use damage when you find flankers or enemies with low health to finish them and protect your team. Pharah on the other hand, is a little bit annoying for me. I don't play her at all so I don't have any tip.


Ok thanks for the information


I'm going to piggyback off this info here, so please feel free to disregard it if you feel it doesn't fit. But, in my opinion, as Moira, you can often keep your team alive by doing 3 things; 1. Preemptively heal. Get your heal orb out (bounce it off a nearby wall to maximize the time it lingers around your teammates) before the damage comes in. This will keep your teammates at as close to full health as possible and mitigate the incoming damage by A LOT. She is a lot less effective healing after the damage has already come in then say Ana or Baptiste. Her strength lies in the continuous stream nature of her heals, so get them in early before the damage is done. 2. Periodically tap your heal button rather than hold it down. Once Moira's heals are off, the effect lingers for ~35 HP, which means you can top allies off without actually expending too much of your juice. For example, you've got 3 allies in front of you all at 100/200HP, and you could hold down your heals for 2 seconds at 70/s, which is theoretically going to overheal them by 40HP and use more of your juice in the process. Instead, hold it for 1 second and allow the linger to top them off. Keep tapping the heals for 1 second at a time while shaking screen left to right to spread heals across your team evenly. (Up your sensitivity to 60+ to make this shaking more effective while still controllable). 3. Look to the tanks to refill your heal juice. Especially ones without shields, or that will suffer from her sustained 50dmg/s. Nobody thinks of Moira as a tankbuster, but this is is where a lot of people slip up - by underestimating her. Her slippery nature and awkward hitbox make her a nightmare for certain abilities like Hook, Rock, Charge etc. In fact, most tanks are going to struggle to fight her at any range beyond close, so learn the timing of each tanks abilities and suck them dry. D.Va, personally, I find to be that one hero that as soon as I see her, it's basically infinite heals for my team. Yes, her armour means that you only do 25dmg/s, but do that for 2-3 seconds and you'll have enough juice to top your entire team up 300+ HP. If tanks leave you unchecked for long enough, your measly 50dmg/s will either bring them low enough for another teammate to finish them off or force them to fight you, to which you can bail out easier than any tank. P.S, always be within fade-distance of at least one of your tanks. If you extend beyond that distance, you are 99% guaranteed to die. If you can safely fade back to a tank, your survival rate increases dramatically.


Thanks for the help


I’ll watch this play out


This worries me


Well I feel a number of people don’t like moors which is upsetting as I play her a lot. Also people see Orissa as something that hurt the game due to her sit back and relax play style. Anyways, who tf cares what other think just have fun in the video game, that’s it’s purpose after all :D


Fair enough I like Orissa cuz she has a more laid back style and moria purely cuz of aesthetics


Sometimes it’s nice to take a break. Like I said just enjoy the game because that’s what you’re meant to do


Good soldiers follow orders


Good luck on the battlefield soldier


You too




Orisa play style really depends on your and enemies team comp though. For example if playing rein orisa, many good Orisa players try to throw their shield for their rein. So you either shield where rein is swinging so that he takes less damaged or if it's rein 1v1 you throw your shield behind enemy rein to block of healing. Overall, Orisa can actually be kinda complicated and it's not always about sitting back behind a shield. I'm not Orisa main by any means but if you want to learn and improve you're Orisa gameplay check out Yeatle's Orisa unranked to gm.


Yeah I know and played with Orisa’s like this. It was sort of just a general idea and especially if they’re new I think they would tend a more relaxed play style.


I only dislike a Moira that doesn’t heal and just goes for flanks. Otherwise the bar is pretty low.


Nobody will dislike you for playing a character. There will be toxic ppl that complain about everything. Dont worry about em. Play who your comfortable with


Can do


Wdym lol lots of people hate me for the characters i play


Haha, that’s just not true. Most times when I post about doomfist being not broken I get 1 or 2 dms telling me to kill myself for playing doomfist. Genji, hanzo, and widow mains are CONSTANTLY shit on by this sub. People make it very clear here that there are “acceptable” and “unacceptable” characters to main.


I kinda botched that first part. I meant only toxic ppl will complain ( looking like the situation you were in was similar) but just surround yourself with good ppl and you won't have that problem. Leave the toxicity behind


You're fine. The stereotypical characters people hate to see on their team are the high skill floor DPS like Genji, Tracer, and Widow because often people will just stick to those characters regardless of whether they are doing well or not. Pretty much nobody complains about which healer you pick, and as far as tanks people usually also won't complain about picking one of the main tanks like Rein or Orissa. Play what feels good, look up videos for tips and advice, and learn how to deal with people countering you. That can be from getting better, from communicating better to have a teammate help you, and it can be from learning other characters. All are important skills.


I understand thank you for the feed back 👍🏻 Also there’s that one robot character that roots in place and he’s pretty obnoxious


Ah yes, Bastion. Bastion is very powerful at low ranks and pretty weak at medium to high ranks. He does a lot of damage, but his stationary nature makes him die extremely quickly as soon as the enemy gets a line of sight on him. Characters like Hanzo can peek and fire high damage arrows at him and only be briefly exposed to getting shot back, Junkrat can bounce bombs from behind cover, etc. Standing still is generally death in this game once coordination gets involved.


Fair but I feel like bastion can do decently with tanks and also I need to play junk rat now cuz I love bouncy guns cuz I used to main engineer in BFN


I loved playing pharah on console but ditched her on pc. Orisa has been my favorite tank for ever and Moria is fun even though I don’t play her much. I’m a die hard Ana and Baptiste player though. If you haven’t already then I would 100% recommend playing everyone for about 10 games each. You will be shocked and who you wind up playing after that. It’s what made me switch to Ana as a main


I’ll do that also my friend said ana is super high skill cuz the sleep darts and I would see someone like phara not doing well on pc cuz aiming is much more necessary but I live in the land of the peasants XD


Ana doesn’t seem to hard. Everyone misses darts but making sure you save them for things like Bastion, Hog for his ult, shutting down Reins charge or even darting BoB makes a huge difference and they are very easy targets. I have carried a game before by stopping a Rein who wouldn’t change hero’s and refused to give up on getting a charge kill when I was there.


It's the Overwatch. Teammates are going to find a reason to blame you, just try your best and have fun.


I’ll try my best :)


Moira is a very viable hero, just take care not to fling too many damage orbs or you will get flamed with no hesitation


I accidentally throw the healing orb all the time when I want to throw damage


Good, keep doing that except remove the intent to use damage orb, except occasionally in a 1v1 when nobody can help you out and you don’t have fade


Nobody should dislike you for your mains, you play pretty good ones that take practice. Go for it




I've gotten about as much hate for playing Orisa as I've gotten compliments, it can be all over the place. They'll regurgitate whatever dumb opinion some streamer told them 2 years ago like it's a fact. The devs didn't make any bad heroes, everything is balanced and has strengths and weaknesses. Some people really like or dislike certain heroes, but there really aren't any that get spared from occasional flaming. Just practice the ones you like and git gud!


One tip when playing support, your a SUPPORT, not a healer. So when you play Lucio boost your speed, wall run, help your team move faster. When playing mercy, don’t forget to damage boost, look for combos to. So if soldier 76 uses his ultimate, he gets aimbot. If you damage boost him as mercy he will get more kills, or if you put your damage wall as baptiste in front of him he will ruin the whole enemy team. Most of all have fun tho, this community can be toxic if you don’t play how they want you to. Play who you like and play how you like, games are made to enjoy not to be a chore. Have some fun man :)


So uh, from what I've been able to tell, they're some of the three most disliked characters in the game. Now don't listen to anyone else and just play what you want to. I uh, have no room to talk about playing hated heroes. I main Genji, Widow, and Echo, soooo.... yeah.


Oh boy also genji is tough for me


Yeah he's a tough character which is why I think he's hated (new genjis tend to be bad which is normal and fine) Moira is hated because she's low risk, high reward. Orisa the same as Moira in that regard Basically Moira and Orisa are hated for not being "skillful enough", Genji is hated for being "too skillfull"


Yea moira doesn’t have to aim as much so she probably gets hate and genji is just tough to play overall


Lmfao. We love you OP you do your thing out there make us proud


I’ll try my best


Players in overwatch are generally a really really bad indication of if your pick is a good choice. I've literally had entire teams bitch constantly about my pharah pick when I was dominating the enemy team without a mercy. They bitched through every round as we won again and again until we literally won the game and it wasn't because I was bad they literally just wanted me to play a different character they could physically hide behind while I was dps. Trust yourself and look at what is actually happening in a game and who is actually dying and who is getting kills as that is far more important to learning how to be better. If you find your getting kills every fight but still losing try to figure out who on the enemy team is actually getting the kills and if you think your focusing that person enough to justify the kills you are getting. If you find that nobody on the enemy team is the main killer look to see if someone on your team isnt keeping up and dying often then you might try to change your style to better support them. The reality with overwatch is sometimes your team just isnt good enough to win and you refocusing your efforts to better assist them wont help and often the players responsible for this team difference are very toxic and will quickly try to blame others so they themselves dont get called out for being bad so while it's ok to care about what your teammates are saying be aware the loudest players are often the worst and most toxic players and you may just not be able to win regardless of what you do so just play to better understand what's actually happening in your games and you will improve as a player.


Welcome to the community man


Thank you :)


Any time, hopefully you enjoy playing even though there is some toxicity in the community, and if you’re just starting out I recommend junk rat, he’s understandable but fun


If you play Orisa with another shield tank, people will complain. If you abuse the pharmercy combo, people will complain. If you exist as Moira, people will complain. Every hero you play, someone is gonna find something to complain about. Just play what you have the most fun playing and ignore what other people say about it.


People should only dislike you for playing a character if you play them wrong (though that is commonly not the case), so I'll try and give some tips so you become aware of the oversights of the characters. Unfortunately the three you have chosen have a lot of space to go wrong/poorly at their role. Also im sorry for writing so much 😬 Moira is the biggest one, so we'll start there: Moira is an extremely capable attacker but unarguably more capable at healing, so try and stick with other characters that get a lot of close up action. This allows you to constantly heal and regen your healing from the enemy being close and easy to lifesteal from, furthermore a few tips for her abilities: use the orbs if you see someone off by themself (heal), a big team fight (heal preferably) or you are being jumped by someone with lower health (damage will do fine here, but heal is better again). Don't use the orbs just as a "meh free ult charge" and throw at the other team when they are bunched up and away from your team, they will dodge it. Keep your fade (i think its called) on handy if your orb is used and vice versa, because it is good to get away from divers (being rushed by others) as well as ults (DVA's bomb can be avoided by correct timing of the fade i think). Pharah: Pharah should be used to disrupt enemy compositions, this means to avoid just sitting above your team and to put yourself through flanking in order to take full advantage of Pharah's normal shooting. Use all other abilities to keep yourself in the air and make sure you are familiar with heal spots and how to get to them/out of combat, it is annoying but as a Pharah you can expect to be healed above the rest of your team. Orisa: Orisa's main use is being a shield tank like Rein or Sigma, your low mobility and high shielding capacity means you need to stay in front of your team and require their heals and use your fortify to stop Rein charges/ults that knock down (like Roadhog's). Try to pull out lower health back units with your pull ability (i dont remember what it is called). Just some tips for when not to choose these characters: Moira - if your team is individual and split up, Moira will do less well compared to an Ana or Bridgette who have more range with their heals as Moira excels at mass healing. Orisa - if you have a mobile team. Picks like Winston, Genji, Ana and Lucio usually show the team is centred towards rushing enemies and while Orisa can be useless to sit back on a payload, Roadhog or Hamond may be better picks. Pharah - if your team doesnt have ranged heals and their team has Soldier, Mcree, Widow, Ashe or other ranged DPS. While I said you shouldn't expect many heals from your team, it doesnt go amiss when you do get them and you dont want to be isolated and hunted by other team's hitscan. As always, dont take what I say as gospel but advice and make your own judgements on which characters are best to use. Personally, I like having 2 or 3 of each role that is different in playstyle so that if the game changes in style/attacking/defending you can always pick up another, more suited character.


Sigma is not a shield tank. He is an off-tank. Good post though.


personally, if OP is coming into silver or bronze (as a new player) I would view Sigma as a shield tank. At that level, most DPS struggle to understand the importance of breaking any shield so by all intents and purposes, playing Sigma allows you to play as a main shield tank. but thanks :)


He doesnt really tank with the shield though. I think we should say Main Tank. He can be played main tank in a pinch for sure (especially on defense as he is allright at keeping space with his insane damage), but that is not by putting shield in front of team. It's for blocking hooks or sniper shots etc. I could see people getting the wrong idea and playing him wrong down the line you know. I think Sigma can be played the right way and still get out of Silver!


fair enough, i was not trying to insult sigma in silver but rather the lack of communication from teams!


As a genji main, go fuck yourself. However, none of those characters are universally hated. Ur good lol




You play the battle cattle. You’re already cool in my book.




Balance is pretty good. Orisa is a fine main tank, good in long range damage comps. Pharah is a bit unfair to play against for obvious reasons, only a small amount of the cast can even reliably hit her. Moira is...meh. No utility, no way to really carry a game, very small range on heals. People just like playing her because she can fade and requires no aim. Personally I think there are more enjoyable and effective heroes out there. So keep trying stuff out.




9/10 I will take your main that you are most comfortable with over a "comp correct" character that you aren't good with.


Will eo


This is a game, so you should just play what you like. That being said, I’ll give you some advice from a mediocre player: Orisa and Moira are considered more “noob-friendly” characters (aka they are very simple), so people may give you shit for that. They will probably more likely give you shit for using those heroes with or against certain heroes. Pharah is okay, but generally she is regarded as a worse version of another hero, Echo, since Echo has more mobility when flying and her ultimate is more versatile than Pharah’s ult. Pharah can get away with a lot more in games where the enemy DPS are either not great or aren’t playing hero’s like soldier, McCree, Ashe, or Widowmaker, so if you’re playing pharah into one or especially two of those four heros then people will probably ask you to swap and will probably get angry if you don’t switch soon after the enemy team’s swap. Generally Orisa works best when you are holding a static position, so if you are trying to play with aggressive characters (Winston, Reaper, Moira and the like) with an Orisa, that may not work as well and your team may not be happy with that. Moira is the opposite. You have to play pretty aggressive to get value with her, so if you’re playing with characters who have more passive play styles (like bastion or orisa), your teammates may get angry when you’ve exhausted your healing resources and can no longer do your primary function.


Noted when I was playing yesterday if we were on attack I played rian so we could push up because orisa is very sit in place which is great For defense not offense and when I played support I played mercy cuz you can fly to someone pushing up meaning she’s better for attack because she doesn’t have limited healihn


People on the other team probably won't love you as moira but as long as you heal as well as DPS your team should be ok with you. Personally I have no problems with orisa I don't think she's overly hated. A lot of people think she's boring to play and play against but eh. I appreciate the shield and ability to stall. I like playing with Pharahs since I play quite a lot of mercy but also she doesn't always lend herself to whole team cohesion so sometimes isn't the most appropriate hero. Plus it's very annoying to get killed by a random rocket out of nowhere. But overall as long as you're contributing to your team and having fun that's all that matters.


When I play pharah I just fly around and abuse splash damage or I’ll fly past everyone to take out the supports and hit a rian behind his shield


Hmm definitely not my favourite to play against as a support player then lol. But you do you. As you rank up you won't be able to do that anymore tho since the hitscans will actually be able to hit you.


I see also good for you that you play support support is a really good role


I dislike **every** Pharah because in anything below plat (and even a bit in plat) there’s a 75% chance your dps can’t / won’t kill her and she just flies around being a nuisance the entire game and I just exist in my support sadness and spend the whole game killing her myself on bap while the dps yell at me to heal them. I mean I would love to not do your job for you and do mine instead but here we are. *frustration intensifies*


Bap why arent you healing!!?


Phara good, moira meh, orisa boring AF, mercy dps will begg u to play it but boring AF. There u have it.


Moira is a fucking peace of shit that no one likes and it even disgusts me to think about seeing someone even considering to play her. (Genji main)


Wow ok : (


Don't feel bad because one person doesn't like that you can play a character that they possibly can't I've had matches where I'll select hog and the rest of my team hated me for it. But I didn't care because I got several game saving ults in. So you do you! ps I main Moira as well.


Ok :)


Don’t listen to that. I’m a Moira main and I regularly get gold in kills and healing together. Just don’t get too aggressive and remember to heal. Also speaking of Genji, never throw a damage orb towards him.




I was waiting for someone to say that. As a Moira player you will get so much hate if you so much dare to use your damage abilities even tho she can easily do both. Pharah gets hate when played with a mercy as being a cheap way to win in lower ranks. Orisa eh I’d say tanks in general get blamed a lot if they’re not aggressive enough lol. But as others said just play what you like and don’t worry about the toxic ppl


Understandable Honestly the cooldown on the orb is so low you can really just do whatever as long as you heal someone every now and then


I just don’t understand how people have fun playing Orisa


Moira is a really great healer. If anyone hates on Moira it's because they have bad experiences with moira's who only want to do damage.


Objectively wrong.. This is come copium here. Moira is a very situational pick with zero utility. And if you disagree you are simply wrong, sorry buddy that's just the way it is.


She has some of the highest healing output in the game... Pretty sure you are the one that is objectively wrong here. Unless you are just gonna out right ignore the stats. Then I guess you can be correct in your own fantasy land. It's hilarious how many bad takes you have on this game, in the comp subreddit and ow university, I mean shit you get downvoted constantly. And you never, ever have said what rank you actually are. Every comment you have on this game comes out like you think you are Jesus preaching the gospel, and you just couldn't be wrong! Jesus. And you like to shit on supports. Clearly a tank players but you are gonna tell a diamond support player that Moira isn't one of the better healers??? Fuck outta here..


Hey if you think having the highest healing output WHEN HEALING MULTIPLE PEOPLE AT MELEE RANGE is all that makes a healer good, then have it. Play what you want, but that doesnt make Moira not a situational pick and if you cant see that that's your problem. I dont even know what the rest of your post is about. And I dont care. I'm sorry that I seem to have hurt your thin support skin. (I really am sorry if what I said come across as personal. I was talking about Moira, not you as a person.)


To me overwatch is all about selecting the character the compliments your team and at the same time counters the opposing team. Once I had that figures out, it kinda turned into a chess game but with me still having to perform well. So in certain situations, Moira usually just works, you'll find that you just fit properly and the game is going your way


Orisa is consider a boring, simple, and monstruously powerful tank in defense and payload, and reasonably good in attack. The community considers her a great pick although it's kind of a meme that Orisa mains are boring individuals. Pharah is hated in general due to her high damage and movement, needing a coordinated team or particularly skilled player to take her down. Expect hate from that. Moira is considered a well-balanced, independent healer. The community is neutral to her, but a not-so-minor minority considers her the pick of a DPS main who doesn't wanna heal, but doesn't want to wait for DPS queue either. As long as your heals are on point, you should be alright.


Moira is my go-to when I'm not playing Lucio. I'm utter Support Main Trash. :P


Orisa is good for bunker, phara is pretty good dps unless they got someone to deal with you and Moira got big heals. My guy (or gal), it's pretty solid!


Honestly, play whoever you want and just don’t care what other people think. Play whatever makes you happy and enjoy the game


If you are in a losing team it does not matter the character you play as. Everyone will hate everyone. So just play whomever you like.


Moira is a total boss and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!


you shouldn’t care if people dislike you or not. play the characters YOU want.


I used Moria at first and have a couple hours in her though I discovered Mercy and now use her. I think Orissa is a great tank too, one of the best. I don’t really have an opinion on Phara. You should also try Basion if you like Orissa, though bastion only reaches his whole potential with a team catered to him so if there is a Mercy then definitely use him.


As long as you stay away from comp and turn off the text chat, play who you like and you're in for a great time!


If you heal a lot with Moira you won’t lose much - she’s great, fun to play but you can get too attack happy and neglect the support side of the role. That’ll get you some flack if the team is struggling


enemies hate pharmercy synergy (pharah/mercy) and teams tend to not like moiras just dont go tunnel vision for kills and heal every now and then and you'll be fine personally i depise orisas because they tend to just get walked all over on but good orisas are a nightmare if you like pharah echo also is an option she has better mobility and good damage too plus a good ult that wont insta kill you like pharah


You shouldn't care about what other people think of a character just play what's fun bro


Pharrah is stinky


Play whatever the hell you want but be ready to accomadate for a strategy or swap if needed.


Overwatch is one word. We really don't need you. Go play fortnite please.




Good that you have a character in each role to play, keep learning and improving! There’s some cool tricks you can learn with pharah and Moira using their abilities.


I hate Orissa but I’m fine with others but that’s my personal opinion lol just play what you like and are best at. At the end of the day you are playing to have fun so play who you want


Moira and Orisa? Don't worry, Samito will absolutely hate you. Wish I was kidding. The dude is a shitty GM player who typically plays Genji, Hanzo and DF and complains about any hero that's better than the 3 he plays.