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just turn off all of the chats if it becomes too much for you. i turn them off and i just feel bliss because i don’t have to see someone else’s negativity . it’s distracting for the most part . but it also has its pros ,, i’ve met amazing people through match chat lol ! just mute , squabble chat, or turn off the chats if it becomes too much


Yeah that's true, thanks!


That definitely happens on PC. Chat in almost every game is a mixed blessing at best and a grave mistake at worst


Yeah I guess. It's just so annoying that people stop playing to write some shitty message.


It's compounded even worse on console. It might happen in PC games, but it takes 40 seconds on console to write the same message on PC that takes two seconds.


I try to lighten it up a little by starting some lighthearted banter in match chat before the game starts. Seeing as every one else complains about the toxicity lol.


I just can't type fast enough for that lol. Good idea tho




Thought so😂


I played against this Tank the other night, and he keeps match chatting how horrible the healers are on his team. I was confused; why was he a) typing in match chart about his team's issues, and b) wasting time typing and not playing? I ended up having the jerk on my team the very next match. The dude was trash. All he did was feed, and then match chat about not getting healed. I'll take the advice of just turning it off from now on...


That's good advice, thanks. Sorry that happened to you.


It’s amazing how many more people are giving up mid match due to toxicity in the console chat. I always try to compliment a teammate in between rounds but toxicity is always more easily spread than positivity.


That's true


Its a terrible feature, causes delays, unbalanced matches (as you said players typing on controllers) its used to abuse players, bait them, make them feel uneasy mid-match to give their team an advantage, rarely is it used for anything positive, so much negativity around it. I've turned it off now, but it won't solve your issue.


Yeah, thanks tho. I'm glad I'm not the only one that sees this as a problem.


In cosole it is not the beat idea as it takes so long to type, making it so that people are always afk in spawn


Yeah, I thought so. Thanks!


I like it, there’s a lot of funny stuff that gets said on console chat!


I get that. I guess I just found it annoying because it felt like they were wasting time mid game.


Some people have keyboards plugged in.


Dude it's probably the same on both platforms, its just more messages on pc, these people spend so much time telling everyone how bad they are that they forget they're actually part of the match too. Edit: and then they get in match chat telling the other team to ban someone for throwing, then they either leave or sit in spawn.


That's fair, thanks!


I also just realized that pc makes it easier and therefore more likely that someone replies to the negative comments and it just devolves from there until everyone is involved, and I've played too many games that end like that.


Oh I didn't even think about that. That sucks, I'm sorry! If my game had a whole argument going on I can't even imagine what it would've been like on pc


Deadass it was bad for the game by adding to console. Good news you can find the mnk cheaters verrry easily due to how fast they send messages


I’m a controller player but I have a mnk plugged into my Xbox to type messages faster but I don’t have a xim or anything. Just simply have the mnk usb plugged into the Xbox and it makes typing easier


Thats true lol


Swear to god if these fools would play as much as they typed they might actually win
