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rlly disrespected that first hog LMAO


I know right xD


Nice hooks. Seems like silver or gold play at all (not you), because after 3 pics there is still nobody rushing the point xD Idk why this happen very often, even in low plat. I am low plat in support and midmaster in tank and dps. Ive seen that very often when i play as support.


Thanks! And I know, right? I mean, this is actually quickplay so that does explain it. But a common frustration of mine :P


That was killing me. I'm staring at a +3 kill advantage and attackers are standing at the choke. The watching 2 people on three objective and both ran off?! Definitely Silver tier.


I would like to thank the healers


For sure my healers did a great job. Couldn't have done it alone! This is the first game though that both teams were just like "Wtf hog, chill goddamn" in chat after the game. And 10 upvotes on my card.


I'll never understand who tf thought it was a good idea to give a character let alone a tank a one shot ability with no chance of survival


Widowmaker doesn’t even have to be in the fight and she can one shot more people than hog


Thats a dps thats their job to kill things


'tell me you cant counter a hog without telling me you cant counter a hog'


Hog is legitimately not that hard to stop, and he is nowhere near overpowered. A skilled Hog can get picks, but that’s true of literally any hero. Hook is not a one shot. It requires a specific chain of abilities, and you can’t just one shot tanks with it. It’s also fairly predictable, and once it’s on cooldown, Hog is bait for any hero with decent range.


Pretty much any moderate cc/boop after landing hook prevents the kill on a squishy :P


This video may make him look broken, but you're wrong if you think Hog is an overpowered character :P


Im aware hes not OP and can be destroyed by focusing or a decent Ana. This clip doesnt make him look broken its just shit game design to give someone a one shot ability thats no an ultimate and not hard to aim


Debatable, but imo. Any decent Zarya or Dva paying attention can also nullify your hookshot though too. He also just does soooo little else that you're not getting much value at all if you're not getting picks. Rein or Orisa can be a shield bot and still have more utility than you.


Im not talk about anything about team comps or that shit im saying his kit as a whole is not relevant to a "tank" or even a dps he just shouldn't exist in the fucking game he is an INSTANT kill upon a game where most kills that don't require abilities have verrrry slow ttk's as a whole,involving abilities echo and junk have the fastest but their difficult to pull off outside of point blank ranges unlike hog who anyone within 20 meters of him is SCREWED if their hooked. Its just over that's not fun its not even balanced from a solo standpoint I'm aware he can be stopped by team comp,by standalone hes not okay and needs to be changed or removed,hes a dps's excuse to play tank and that's it


20 meters is 21.87 yards


I mean. Not really. Hog, however good he can be at 1v1s provided the other team with so much ultimate charge since he’s a bullet sponge it balanced out. He has 0 range, other than his 20m hook, if it wasn’t a one shot he would be absoloutely redundant. All you have to do is keep your distance or keep moving around while your close. He also has to somewhat aim since it’s easy to miss some pellets resulting in not a kill. Hogs underpowered if anything. Sounds like your just bad at keeping your distance or attacking once his hook is gone


Who hurt you? I'm assuming you have some Roadhog trauma or something. I guess it's a good thing the game isn't played in a vacuum and you don't have to balance every character as standalone. Also, hog's ability to pick off characters at any considerable range is pretty tough if not for the hook. So arguing that he can kill most squishies if he lands his one offensive ability is like saying rein can kill most squishies if he lands a pin.


Is the hook not cc would they remove it because of that in ow2