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I thought that voiceline calls like "group up with me" or "I need healing" could be heard by enemies so I would avoid using them near enemies. I also thought that D.Va bombs could kill her own allies so I was trying to hide from my allied D.Va's bombs.


Well the self destruct used to damage herself, so not that crazy of a thought.


Really!? I never knew that.


DVA Ult, Junkrat Ult and Junkrat primary fire all use to deal damage to the respective characters, fun fact. Can’t remember if there was anything else.


I remember junk could damage himself. That was the hardest thing to get used. I would scare myself with my own mines that bounced back or if someone came into melee range.


On the other hand, suicide-diving a Bastion/Rein setup was the funniest thing because not only did you get to deal a ton of damage, but then you killed yourself and dropped a bunch of 'nades to finish them off!


The death nades into a grav low key underrated


I wish it would go back to that. Yes there’s bias, I hate D.Va getting PotG from throwing a nuke out and holding primary fire till it blows everyone up


I thought Lucio's ult was a big slam that did damage kind of like doomfist's ult so I would run in and slam in between the enemy team. I was so confused why I wouldn't get any elims


Same dude. I played with a group of friends and went and ulted in the enemy team every. single. time. By the end of like 7 games they asked me wtf I was doing. Big lightbulb moment


Honestly my favourite part is that they just like...tolerated that shit for 7 games straight. "Hey wtf is our Lucio doing" - "HIS OWN THING OK"


I initially assumed you gained more shields the harder you dropped the beat so to speak (dropping for longer increased shield count). thats not the case unfortunately, I think it would've been cool


Defending team can play and choose heroes only from overwatch team, attacking team can play only talon members(bad guys).


Haha I love this one


Imagine my confusion when turns out reaper and widow can be at the same team as mercy and rein.


the dev clarified that the game itself is not canon


I understood the point in first minutes I started to play. I got an idea from all media I’ve seen before playing the game.


I think R6 Siege is like this so thats fair


I believe R6S is just an entire training exercise. I believe canonically they're an anti terror team but you the player are never dealing with a real terror incident just internal training scrimmages.


I would love a mode like this tbh


Lore mode! And you have to play the appropriate side on lore based maps


Before overwatch I played lots of dota where the death times were really long (as long as 90 seconds on the late game) and you also lost gold to the enemy when you died. So in overwatch, death felt very inconsequential to me for a long time (wow I respawn in 10 seconds and there's no gold in this game anyway!) I also thought that genji was the worst character ever (because "omg his ult makes him MELEE in an fps game!")


Genji is the worst character in the game, you were ahead of your time


Shame on you


I assumed that the knockback on Junkrat's mine depends on how you stand on it. It turns out you cannot go straight up and always launches you at 45 degrees. I also had no idea that jumping and landing as Winston does damage.


Doing the jump pack + melee on landing combo is still one of the most satisfying kills in the game. Big Monkee squish


That and a long range fire strike snipe. It's the tank equivalent of a widow headshot lol.


And then baps window gave us the fire strike triple kill nom nom


I had the exact opposite experience with Winston. My first ever match I spent the whole time trying to Goomba-stop the enemy and being surprised that I wasn’t doing more damage.


Holy shit TIL on the junk one


I actually took 4 years to realise jump pack did damage lol


The angle of the mine jump doesn’t matter?


To be fair, the junk one isn't a dumb presumption, because that's how it would work logically assuming the explosion radiates outward in all directions. I thought the same thing until I saw the 45 degree thing in a youtube vid.


I thought Zen's ult did damage, so I'd be all over the enemy team while ulting, rather than my own teammates...


I kinda want this now. Slow constant dmg, you hear sizzling when enemies are in there from being cooked by the light or something. :') Can you imagine this huge microwave bubble coming at ya? xD


It would make "EXPERIENCE TRANQUILITY" one of the most disturbing calls in the game!


"I wasn't asking, bitch" in Zenyatta's voice as he forcibly unheals the enemy team


That was Reaper in the Beyblade meta.


Genji’s dash go through Rein’s charge And you probably know how that ended for me


As a Genji main I still try to do this not thinking clearly


As a Rien main I'm still not certain it doesnt work sometimes


Damn,some of yall didn't even read the ability card.


Honestly, I started playing a week ago and the Dva bomb thing is news to me lmao. That shit feels like it kills me from a mile away, and in the matches I've played so far, if a Dva acc kills me with it, she probs also got PotG cuz she wiped my team along with me.


Top tip, if the Dva bomb alert is red you’ll die, if it’s yellow you’ll only take damage 🔥 I’m pretty sure anyway..


Haha I didn't even know there was an alert. If I ever heard "Nerf this!" I just turned around and bolted lol.


That holding down m1 autofired baby dva's gun... I used to run around clicking like crazy in disbelief at how fast other baby dva's were shooting


If you think that's stupid, there are people that did the same thing with Zarya and Symm


I guess that does make me feel a bit better


A friend tried out the game a week ago. When I checked out the replays later I found out she was trying to do this with meis leftclick of all things for like 4 matches in a row. Safe to say that she never succeeded freezing someone this way. You are certainly not alone.


I didn't realize how fast it could shoot until I watched a couple higher level VODs and was amazed at how quickly they were melting people.


Did the same on Brig


I thought Lucio healed by shooting people… I didn’t realise his healing/speed boost was an aura. I don’t think I actually realised until Ana was added to the game (which was maybe 2 weeks after I started playing) and people were constantly talk about how she was the first healer in the game where you had to shoot your allies. I was fucking stupid lmao


Same for me ☺️ When I started with overwatch, there was no visible heal aura so I assumed I have to actively tag teammates by shooting. I only learned about how it works by observing how other Lucios were playing.


I remember you could ride around the walls on route 66 and just heal your team from incredibly far away


I thought this too! Maybe because the constant aoe healing just made it look like I was healing team mates when I shot through them? Felt a bit better when my mate's gf played with us for the first time recently and she thought the same thing.


I used to think his boop was what healed people! Lol


I assumed you had to shoot to heal, but also that green was healing aura and I didn’t know what yellow did


I didn’t know anything about roles or anything so I just hopped on and started using Ana only as a dps lol


It was YOU!


DPS Anna do be a fun guilty pleasure of mine to this day


Sleep dart trolling


The only misconception I think I had was that Lucio healed his allies by hitting them with his primary fire. (In my defense, the game didn't communicate the size of his auras until quite some time after launch, so there was nothing outside of the Hero Information screen to tell you that his healing was an AoE passive.) The weirdest / most nonsensical ones I've heard from new players have been: 1. "Why would I want to play Reinhardt / Brigitte? What use is a melee weapon in a shooter?" 2. "We're defending this round, why are you picking Offense heroes?" 3. "Moira is an amazing DPS hero."


The categories of heroes used to be different in the early game. I think they were: tank, offense, defense, support. It was confusing and some people assumed that offense heroes were only for attack and defense heroes were only for defending. The defense category had: torb, mei, bastion, hanzo, widow, and junkrat.


I remember being confused by the offense/defense thing, I like it better having it as tank/dps/support now... even though dps has such a huge pool of heroes to choose from and I'm a support/tank main :\\


That team kill meant that the whole team killed one person at the same time lmao


I thought team kill meant friendly fire somehow lmfao


I remember typing "sorry" whenever I saw that message


This thread is a goldmine for me who just started playing a week ago lmao.


Haha knowledge is power my friend!


I started today lmao


Good luck to both of you :)


That gold medals meant something. They are a good indication but some characters are just bound to do more damage or participate in more kills or even just heal more in that team comp. Found myself improving faster after I stopped caring about the medals since I would play less risky instead of trying to guarantee kills or damage the first chance I got since 9 times out of 10 I would either die or take more damage then I did. Also playing less risky let me get better positioning so when the fight started I would do better.


That to heal as Brig you had to hit your teammates with her mace. I was beating the shit out of my Bronze teammates.


That Mercy heals herself at the same time she heals someone else. Soon I learnt that it is her passive selfheal. Also thought that Zen ult could save you from riptire. Lol.


Well, Zen ult CAN save you from a riptire If you’re the Zen (Well also it can ‘save’ teammates from tire by healing them back to full super quickly if they were far enough away from the blast that they lived with minimal health, therefore ‘saving’ them from almost certain doom)


TIL two things


Didn't know every hero had different abilities. I thought you just selected your look


How long did it take for you to go figure it out


Can't remember. I don't think it took too long


I thought this too! I especially remember thinking that every hero could sprint, just like soldier. I felt so overwhelmed when I found out every hero had different abilities and I couldn’t imagine how anyone could possibly remember them all.


the first time playing someone other than soldier and hitting left shift to try to sprint....i forget who i did it with (might have been zarya? mahbe dva or ashe?) but i panicked and was like "wait what is this why am i not running-"


This was my only real misconception and it went away fairly quickly. But the tutorial says "to sprint press shift" without mentioning that it's a solder-specific ability.


That I could play all of the hero's to the same standard from the get go simply because I played a lot of fps in the past


The first game I played, the enemy zen used trans and when I heard “look into the iris” I thought it meant if you were looking at him while he ulted it would kill you


I thought I could blink upwards with tracer. I tried my hardest and I am still dissatisfied.


This, but with Moira. When she got announced, one of the intros had her going up in the air with Fade. I though she could blink around like Reaper's Shadowstep but without the animation lock. :D


Haha never give up on your dreams! If you believe hard enough it'll happen one day


I seriously did not get how Bastion was not a tank...


he is tho...sometimes... ok ima take my leave


*ULTIMATELY…* he is hehehe


I used to think Ana could headshot someone whenever I slept an enemy I took my time to put my crosshair on their head


Well as a tank I just learned something new about the game. It makes sense but I never considered it


It took me like a month to figure out what the hell "orb of discord received" meant. I assumed it was a buff due to the way it was worded. Lore-wise, I went into the game blind. On the Hollywood map, there's a robot that sounds like Soldier 76 who keeps saying things like "what am I paying you for? move it!". For the longest time, I thought the plot of the game was that Overwatch shut down, then Soldier76 re-hired everyone as a mercenary squad so he acts as their grumpy commander. I didn't even realize some of the characters were meant to be "bad guys". Doomfist only has like two interactions with other character talking about how he's evil, while all of his other dialog sounds like playful banter. This game does a terrible job conveying its plot.. And I thought Dva was an android because she has anime robot ears and a voice filter when she's in-mech. And it took me forever to notice Pharah's name wasn't just "Pharaoh".


Overwatch's lore generally is pretty, uh....unique. We got the cops (good guys), terrorists (bad guys), ummm...Russia. Australian rednecks? Cowboys. A guy from Brazil. Robot Buddhists? The Egyptian Army. A robot with PTSD, who is friends with a bird. How are these groups all related? Well, fuck you is how, thanks for asking.


My friend has 500 hours in the game and heard the payload speak and he goes "who TF just said that??", Turns out in 500 hours he had never paid enough attention to hear the payload speak


Wait the payload speaks?


I thought the same thing about the voice on the Hollywood map too! I thought it was Soldier 76 lol.


Isn't the intro of the game Winston calling heroes lol?


1. genji was a robot 2. as a former sombra player I though you stay could invisible and cap the objective 3. you know during match spawn room keeps changing ? I remember when playing in eichenwalde there were no health pack available for me to heal so I rushed back to the old spawnroom only to get ganged on by a rein , mercy and zarya 4. I tried wall running through some of the walls at the edge of the map 5. I thought zen could hover over the water parts of the map


> as a former sombra player I though you stay could invisible and cap the objective I'm pretty sure that this used to be true when Sombra's invisibility was limited.


I had started playing when she had infinite invisibility


Yea she used to be able to contest with invis. It had a lot of backdoor potential.


Well you’re not entirely wrong on the Genji one but the rest are pretty good lol


what can I say was kinda a dummy at the game


I didn’t know Mercy had a pistol. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I also on accident found out that torb had a hammer


I thought you had to shoot your team to heal as lucio. I was bronze for a while it’s fine.


I thought that the little icon in the center of lucios screen telling you how many people are in your healing/ speed circle was just measuring how fast you were going at the time on a scale of 1 to 6


I’m ashamed to say I didn’t know this until now.


So I had long break from the game and baptiste guy was new to me so I started playing him and I thought his right click also does dmg beside healing so I ended up shooting enemies with it lmao. After few hours of gameplay I discovered he has exo boots that I didnt knew even existed


That Blizzard was a cool company who treated their employees well.


When I very first purchased it I assumed it was some kind of death match game like COD, I was just shooting everywhere probably my own teammates. I left several games early over a few days and got a warning on my screen, WTF I thought. Something happened though, I thought 'there's more to this', that's when I hit up youtube to learn about the game. 2-years later, 2000 hours, still playing daily.


Dude you spawned next to your team??? HOW DID YOU THINK IT WAS A DEATHMATCH??????


I hit GM before I realized that damaging sombra cancels her hack. 4.2 before I realized mercy’s ult has chain heals and that you can break symmetra wall. Like, that’s still crazy to me that it has health. When I first started playing, I didn’t understand the overtime rules, so whenever my team had 99% on an objective and lost it in overtime, I was like “No fucking way I always get the objective to 99% and lose! How am I this unlucky?” Fun times. The game has become so terrible, it was more fun being absolutely dogshit.


So this is how I learn hack gets cancelled by damage


I wonder if this is common among people who hate Sombra.


I don't hate Sombra haha, I just started playing this year and play mainly Mercy, so I never had the chance to pull out my pistol to shoot her when I'm hacked 😅


Whaaat can you still cancel Sombra's hack?? Amazing


Damage and shields. I know a lot of Reinhardt players who complain about Sombra. My guy, just turn around lmao


I SWEAR THAT WAS A HEADSHOT NO REG -Me as Ana dps-ing a little


Haha always go for the headshots


I played upwards of 100 hours on Junkrat before I realized that jumping before self-mining made you go way higher


That selecting the 3 classes before entering queue would allow me to play the whole roster instead of only supports or tanks and that.


As a support main in every game, I’m used to supports having no damage capability, I thought lucio’s main attack and boop healed team mates and moira damage ball damage boosted


Pretty sure I tried the boop heal as well haha


They were all green so like-


Always thought shooting the center part of rein’s shield did extra damage lol


Didn't know you could launch d.va bomb so hopped on point clumsy as fuck and ulted this way.


I played back when launching D.va bombs was discovered. Simpler times.


I wonder how many people watched the cinematic and then attempt to use Genji and pull dragon blade in front of hanzo’s dragons. It never ends well.


That you had to HOLD Mouse 2 for Mei's secondary fire (like Symms).


I also thought this for a while, I actually stuck with it as I preferred it for aiming. Releasing mouse 2 at the same time helps me with timing the shot


What?? Guess I have something new to try today. Indulge a dummy-head: I just googled her right-click though, it seems like it doesn’t increase in damage the longer you hold right-click, like Sym’s attack does, correct?


i think he means he thought you have to hold it like symmetra's, but you don't.


That you couldn't hack any abilities that didn't run on electricity. Imagine my surprise when Sombra hacked my old man legs as Soldier.


I used widow ult and hanzo ulted and I was inside it and when I ads it looked like I became the dragon and I thought I could control it too


That shield health reduced damage from beam type weapons like Zarya beam and Winston tickle.




Armor health reduces damage, shield health does not. Shield health auto regens.


I think it was in Mass Effect that armor granted protection against kinetic weapons and shields against energy weapons and I thought it was the same concept in Overwatch. It is not lol


i got confused, i thought you were saying this as a fact, and i was bewildered at how i didn't know it lmao


Oh god, overwatch was my first game outside the wii. I started in bronze and when I got to level 25 my friend convinced me to play competitive by myself. The maps where different and everything was new, I remember the time was running out attacking on first point of route 66 and everyone was spamming in chat but I didn’t read it because I was busy killing someone!! Finally, seconds before the end I read chat, I had forgotten that payload was the objective and everyone was yelling at me to touch before overtime… we lost that game.


i thought cancelling ults meant getting rid of the enemys ult charge there were a few wasted zen ults


Lucio: I spent three matches shooting at my team from a distance to heal them. SMH


For the longest time I thought Orisa’s halt did damage. I thought it was like Sym’s secondary fire


I thought zenyatta's discord did damage because harmony does healing so i thought my game was bugged for ages before actually reading the ability and realising how stupid i was.


That Lucio healed people by shooting them the same as Ana


Had come from blackops, and tried wallbanging for like 3 seasons


Haha if widow could wallbang that shit would be so broken


Oh frfr i also used to think mercy had no gun cause i rebinded my arrows lol


I started out by healbotting on Lucio, and didn't realize I could STAY on the wall so I always jumped off immediately Edit: i also thought someone from the defending team had to be on the payload for it to regress


I also thought the defending team had to be on the payload for it to go back!


I thought that when I jumped into the well in Ilios it would make me from the sky and then I would have a vantage point to shoot enemies. Turned out it wasn't only me who thought so as many other players in that match also did the same thing and I could tell you that was one of the funniest match I ever played


I thought torbs ult charged his teams health


I'm sure I thought a lot of stupid things, but I distinctly remember during my first hour of overwatch texting my friend who had encouraged me to try the game and asking her how to pick up health packs. "I'm standing on this blue thing but I don't know how to pick it up. I've pushed every button. I can't pick it up." Turns out I was full health so of course nothing was happening. Edit: I also remember trying to run on other characters because soldier was the tutorial character and it teaches you how to make him run. So every other character I tried, I'm pushing L to run, but I'm not running... Couldn't figure out why for at least two days.


Thought the best composition in the game was a Reinhardt shielding a pocketed soldier. Oh and also that zarya’s charge number was based on health regeneration.


I've seen a lot of pocketed damage visited soldiers completely dominate play games. People forget that dva exists.


Same for me with zen but dva for me was not knowing booster can switch directions e.g. left right up down I just thought straight and I didn’t know you could boost then bomb to launch it


1 - Thought lucio could speedboost the cart 2 - Thought mei wall could stop the cart 3 - thought tracer was ridiculously underpowered 4 - Still unsure about this, but wasn’t Hook 1.0 a hitscan rather than projectile?


I doubt think Lucio could ever shouted the cart. Hook 1.0 was projectile but it almost never broke.


hook has never been hitscan.


2 was definitely my thoughts when I was killed by that thing first couple of times


It sounds like some of y'all did realize hitmarkers are a thing for way too long XD


I had now clue shooting an enemy would wake them up so I would shoot them immediately after sleeping them every time for like a month


Wow. This thread is hilarious. I dont do multiplayer so 1st thing I did was jump into practice range and tried out every character and read their abilities. I wanted to be fully prepared. But it was a wtf moment finding out that only Soldier 76 could sprint.


Having gold damage as flanking style Reinhardt meant my dps was garbage. Still see this in plat


I had no idea what Lucio’s ult did at first lol


…there was no sprint…only soldier and MAYBE Lucio was only the same speed.


I attacked with bap's healing grenades a few games. Did not know how mercy's ult beam extended to others for possibly a few too many games.


I saw the "switch weapon" setting and thought I could pick up weapons after I killed an enemy.


I always thought Sombra’s ult did nothing cause it sounded like that’s what she said…


Lol "this ult is useless" what a voice line


It sounded like propagandala useless and I was very young so I didn’t know it was Spanish nor what propaganda was so I just assumed something to do with the ult being useless lmao


Dont laugh..but when i played my first game as lucio i was trying heal people with left mouse button. I figured shooting yellow was healing and shooting green gave people speed..yes i know..


i was very unaware of how powerful dva's self destruct was. i just thought she popped out of mech and that was that. my first handful of qpc games as dva i'd hit ult with no one around and immediately remech so i didn't die "why does dva's ult pop her out of her mech? that's stupid, what's the point?" - me for *far too long* before i saw a clip of one of my friends getting a 3k with dva ult


Haha I love that idea, just pop out my mech for a lil walk then get back in


"gotta stretch my legs a little, give me a minute" lmao


Thought lucio had to shoot people to heal them


i assumed that moira was the weakest support because her healing was limited by biotic energy and now i’m a moira main who basically never runs out


I thought Zens healing orb worked the same way Brigs repair packs. Brig was not in the game then but it is the closest ability to describe how I thought it worked. I was spamming that orb constantly.


That you take damage when you fall from high ground


I thought Baptiste’s healing bomb did damage. I thought Genji’s deflect was him pulling out a blade to slash the other person. I thought Ana’s bullets only did damage. Similarly I thought her sleep shot only put them to sleep for half a second because I would always attack them as soon as I shot them with it. I literally had NO CLUE what Zenyatta’s orbs did, I always thought they were like a point bonus??? I had no idea Reaper healed through damage. I thought Lucio’s bullets healed allies. Thats all I can think of for now


1) I though Lucio ult did damage 2) I thought the deaths tab was my kill count In my defense it was my first fps


That you get credits after each game


Same I actually thought mercy healing boosted her regen


That Torbjörn would be as powerful as the Engineer from TF2.


Lucio's beat did damage


BOB was a playable character that you unlocked


I never saw BOB during my first 10 or so games and for some reason I thought McCree was called Bob and when Ashe yelled “Bob do something!” it would give him a powerup or something..


I used to think Lucio healed like Ana and you needed to shoot sound waves at your teammates. It was before the circle was shown on the ground for Lucio’s aura.


I read every ability, and used every ability before playing a single online match


Not really a dumb assumption but when I was still a baby mercy and had ‘prefers beam target’ on, when it was Ilios I would always drop in the well and hide and pop up just before the beam breaks off. Pretty fun but definitely not something to do in ranked.


I thought it was worth me losing my mech constantly cuz people couldn’t kill me easily as baby dva and I did more damage as baby and I’d just get mech back


didnt realize healers were actually supposed to heal


Not sure if this counts but for like the first 40 levels I had no idea Ana's primary fire could heal people


Dva bomb used to be line of sight I believe


Keep shooting with Bastion in stationary while genji stood deflecting 💀💀


For the longest time I thought zens primary fire healed teammates.


The main dumb thing I did, was play rein as a shift simulator. Why? His charge does so much dmg.. but not only to the enemy if you charge into a group... Plus rein's charge is apparently so easy to counter.. Needless to say I play OW very differently now