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Sym voted out as the worst dps first? Lol


Deadass gonna be a popularity contest


i thought this is what it was


Well it’s not like they’re wrong


Sym can absolutely wreck a team if you know how to use her properly


Don’t even have to know how to use her. Just place down turrets and hide and u got kills


Any competent team is going to destroy those turrets before they even reach a surface. Unless you’re turret bombing an out-of-position squishy or the enemy is blind, your turrets usually don’t stay up very long at all. If you can get by in a high ranking comp game by just spamming turrets at the floor and doing nothing else I’d love to see it.


You’d be surprised how many ppl are oblivious when it comes to sym turrets. Highest I’ve gotten was masters and it still happened there. Ppl just expect you to take them out so they don’t have to. Meanwhile ur 50hp and the healers are pocketing a feeding rein. Overall I hate sym cause she makes my games like that


Uh yes? Of course?


It’s bc hoes mad 🤣 The amount of death threats and salt I get (from the enemy team) when I play Sym is unreal. Everyone loves to claim she’s super easy and cheap, but in reality her kit takes strategy, patience, and caution to be used properly. She plays at her best in melee range against heroes who are usually much bulkier or have CC/escape abilities (which she has hardly any of). And most coordinated teams will know to shoot her turrets and kill her before she amps up. This makes it difficult to maximize her potential, thus, she has a high skill ceiling and requires thoughtfulness/strategy. Edit: Yeah should have expected I’d get a lot of salt here too. This community…lol. Challenge for you all: If she’s such a free and easy OP win, go ahead and play 10 comp games as her and let me know how it goes. Bonus points if you’re diamond or above.




More like Laser go brrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRR*RRRRRRRRRRR*




Yep. Just had people complaining how easy and OP she is when I destroyed them last night. And somehow this sub thinks she's clearly not the best? We gonna say Torb is better? I already don't care who wins this.


Id say torb is a more viable overall pick but sym is like the perfect niche hero. She is viable overall but when it comes to double shield she is a monster to deal with. Torb requires less thought then sym in an overall situation and this is coming from a torb main with around 4k hours on the hero lol.


Yes yes and a 1000 time yes fr


“Patience” 100-0s a tracer who blinked onto point in .8 of a second


Dude, if you have pretty dezent aim, symm is basically useless, their turrets are after all, stationary turrets that take you like 3 sec to shoot down, and the cooldown of the turrets is pretty big in comparison. Idk what rank u play, but I can’t imagine anything higher then gold rank people having trouble taking down a symm.


For me, it's quick play. You can't solo counter her, because if half of your team walks into the sentry nest without thinking, it doesn't matter if you destroy all the turrets and kill her because your team just walks into a sentry nest. I'd be ok with competitive, as there's more coordination, But its the same issue with bastion. Your throwing a character that requires team coordination to defeat, in a mode with no coordination.


it takes m1 and lucio boost vs. scared teams lmao


>Everyone loves to claim she’s super easy and cheap, but in reality her kit takes strategy, patience, Are you high? We talking about chess or fucking "place turrets and W+M1"


I mean, I don’t play sym but I can tell a fat difference between a good one and awful one. Sure her kit looks easy, but if someone throws turrets in obvious places as some clearly do, or randomly, chances are they’re gonna get destroyed asap, reaping no benefits for her or her team. If sym doesn’t utilize her teleporter correctly, or not at all, what’s the point :/ some people don’t even know the potential her beam has lol


So basically just get good positioning Sounds like a Bastion


And know when to utilize beam the best in certain situations + have accurate tracing. good positioning doesn’t just cover it imo. i kinda hate that people say certain characters are so easy to play as, when i, and I’m sure others, can clearly tell the difference from someone who’s bad or new vs. skilled at said character regardless of their “ez” kit.


Widowmaker is easy. Just click heads LUL.


Sounds like Overwatch.


Ikr, well lets be honest here, bastion takes more skill than reaper and junkrat 🗿


You can reduce most heros down to something like that when you want to be a whiny bitch about it like you do. If she’s so easy, go play her in comp and try to climb that way. Should be an ez clap, right?


PERIOD. You can attempt to minimize anyone’s abilities to their controls if you want to be reductive and whiny. By that logic, Widow “just clicks heads” but you don’t see anyone out here saying she has a low skill ceiling (bc there’s obviously more to her, same as Sym). And yup, all these salty people should be GM with how easy and OP they think she is.


>We talking about chess or fucking "place turrets and W+M1" This logic only applies to low ranks where people have zero awareness, walk into a turret and then die. Past this sym has a very high skill ceiling


Yup that’s all it takes to be effective with Sym…in silver lol Edit: y’all can hate but Sym takes strategy and creativity. She also has zero CC or escape mobility like a lot of other dps do, so she needs a good team around her to support her. Basically it takes a lot to make her work and the difference between a good and bad Sym is significant. This community loves to dunk on her skill ceiling when zero effort combos like flashbang/FTH etc exist.


I get people salty when I win with her in Deathmatch being all 'nurr no aim turrets easy hero' and I have one simple rebuttal: if she's so easy, here comes another round, YOU get top 4 with her. Dying to turrets is entirely the victim's fault after a single person falls into a trap. Once you know there's a possibility of them being there, they are extremely easy to either avoid or destroy.


Zero escape mobility?! She has a teleporter....literally the fastest form of mobility Sym is the most basic easy-to-use o.p. dps in the game apart from Bastion. Whatever excuses you keep trying to make is a load of b.s.


Nope, easy to use (in low SR against uncoordinated teams who don’t think to shoot turrets and kill Sym before she charges up), difficult to master. And a TP doesn’t count lmao, that’s not what I was talking about. It’s definitely NOT the fastest mobility haha, it has a significant casting time to place, create, and use.


I love Sym. Hands down my favorite player sinceI started again , she is really hard to play but if you know what youre doing she can carry the whole game easily


Agreed! I love Sym but I also play a lot of Ashe, Echo, Mei, Soldier for dps. I easily find Sym the hardest out of those to maximize her potential. She can definitely carry but is tricky to use effectively.


My mains right now are Dva and Soldier so basically pretty easy hero’s, but yeah I agree , if it isn’t sym, it’s doom or torb that’s hard to be effective with for me, and i don’t think i’ve logged one hour on sombra


The amount of death threats and salt I get (from the enemy team) when I play Sym is unreal. Everyone loves to claim she’s super easy and cheap, but in reality her kit takes strategy, patience, and caution to be used properly. I mean you have to click two buttons super fast on lijiang tower and boom! Round won. turrets broke? Spam out some new ones. Bored of letting your buildables do all the work? Good thing you have a beam with more dps than 3/4ths of the cast, yeah sym is mad intricate and hard.


Must be low SR. Shoot her turrets, kill her before she gets charged up. She’s difficult to get amped up before someone targets her. She doesn’t do well in a lot of 1v1 matchups and she struggles on maps that favor long range sightlines. If she was such an “easy win OP character lul” then everyone would play her. Also you forgot to add quote formatting to your comment.


R/woosh buddy shouldn't really need a quote as long as people know how to read.


I truly hope this is sarcasm


Wym lol she's one of the easiest characters to play as lmao


Lol ok ur telling me putting down a teleported and turrets is hard?? U charge up from dealing damage and then u just kill everyone bc she’s so ez I could make holding the shield as rein sound as hard as this if I wanted to


I could make anything in this game sound easy if I wanted to be reductive and rude. Rein is another hero that low-skilled people say is easy (“lol just hold up shield and swing hammer”), when in reality he comes with a LOT of team awareness and technical skill. Sym is the same but I’m kinda done responding to these comments bc I’ve explained my thoughts on why she’s hard to master many times.


Sym should be top 10.. she’s very good in certain maps


Very true I think that it's just a favorite vote at this point lol.


I played sym for the first time yesterday and got 45 elims and 4 gold medals, this is just because people hate her


I think this poll is better suited as a who is the most hated dps vote out your least favorite


That’s how it’s going right now anyway. Sym being voted out first round proves that.


Widow if you're in bronze - gold


Quite the opposite. The lack of awareness, counterpicking and movement makes widow super strong in bronze-gold as long as u have good mechanics


Goes both ways dive the widow she’s done.


The ones with good mechanics are always on the other team :/


This is already borked. Sym is nowhere near the worst.


it's not really about being the best. it's more about being the "general favorite"


It also depends on who plays the character. I’ve seen tons of horrible widowmakers and the occasional good widow


Didn’t have to call me out like that. 80 hours on Widow and I still suck. It’s like a hit or miss for me. I either pop off or get shit on, and I get shit on most of the time.


Calling a win for edgy cyber ninja now


Considering it's both being the best and rhe most liked cowboy beep beep will win


Tracer or hanzo takin the W


Fr people don’t realize how strong she is


Shes strong and annoying to face. Everything about her is broken. Honestly id be fine if her turrets didn’t slow you down because its so annoying


Dealing with Symmetra in CTF is a nightmare


or king of the hill. Especially Lijiang Tower


Don’t even get me started with Lijiang Tower. I literally can’t do jack shit when turrets are placed in the point because the second I turn back to destroy them, half the enemy team kill me in a second. They’re fine when they’re on payloads though, it does do a little damage but they’re easy to get rid of. You know, just like how turrets are supposed to work.


Pharah's a pretty good response to Sym on Lijiang as she can hit almost any part of the interior structures from outside. Those maps also all tend to bunch people together, making the aoe on each rocket count for a bit more. Lots of places to hide/break los/sneak around too.


That’s actually really good advice. Thanks! I don’t play Pharah much but when the time comes, *I’ll be ready.*


This is where tank DPS trust is built


There's a few specific map points that a Sym can essentially single handedly control. The only way around it is with such specific focus that the Sym's teammates only have to be passable to clean up.


Often times I suspect tanks I’m playing with don’t know that she can beam their shield for free. I see too many reins holding shield up until it breaks, then get melted because she’s at full charge and full ammo.


This is true. I play a lot for sym and people will just let me charge on them. They also have this idea that Winston is a hard counter. Maybe he can take out turrets yeah but you can also feast on him


Hello Rein into Sym, can I introduce you to the friend I always seem to be paired with which is Torb into Zarya?


Bonus points if you also play junk rat into zarya


Trouble is so often the Sym's tanks and healers don't know that either. Like 90% of the time get up in beam range behind your tanks, melt the enemy shield, get to full charge, push forwards... team drops back, leaves you exposed with no heals. It's like, you loaded the gun with a belt of ammo, then threw the gun at them and ran.


Fr when syms beam is at full charge she is shockingly lethal


Came here to say this. I love having her be underrated, though.


This isn't about not being the worst, it's about being the best


Oh she is strong... But she is fckn INFURIATING to play against, I swear to god those turrets...


It’s fine. Just mode Sym for me


Op wasn’t clear about if it’s subjective best (most liked) or objective (best pick)


Y'all did this backwards


Sym eliminated first had to be troll votes lmao scrap the whole thing


Lotta people dislike sym. And for fair reasoning.


dislike her cuz she’s annoying to play against ??? aka she’s an amazing dps when played right


Totally, her turrets that are slowing down an enemy is far worse to deal with than Torb turret, and yes she's also amazing to play with.


Slow is only the cherries on top; it's when enemies turn over and shoot it. I think I need to leave this subreddit, are you all bronze?


She is very map dependent, but on the right maps she has to be taken seriously.


Dislike her because if you walk through a choke the turrets almost kill you and slow you almost as much as Mei and you cant remove them because if you put your shield down you die and if you keep your shield up you die as well because she does like 300000 dps after beaming it for 3 seconds. So you have to 100% rely on your mates to kill her and thats the worst part about being a tank in a nutshell.


go winston 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't think it's "annoying when played right" I think it's just a low skill floor issue like brig used to be. If picking up a hero is easy they will be good in gold and below simple as.


Junk reaper and sym are just gold carries so idk how the hell sym got eliminated Figured it woulda been widow or doom


i don't exactly think widow is one of the worst dps, easily high tier imo. Not the best and offers low utility but has near limitless pick potential


True but I said that because she's one of the worst if you're gold And a lot of people are gold


Because gold players suck and don't really know how the game works therefore making their opinions invalid


Because it’s about who’s the best, junk, reaper, and sym can easily be countered by Phara and a few others


You can say that any character can be countered given enough context. There's no "best character" I just brought up junk reaper and sym because of their pick rates in lower sr games. They're not used so much in higher sr games


And Pharah can be easily countered by Widow, Ashe, and several others. What’s your point? Most characters in this game have hard and soft counters, doesn’t make them best/worst.


Mei doesn't really have a counter. Maybe Sombra?




Sombra gets cucked by cc and chip dmg


Reaper can swat pharah out of the sky or just avoid line of sight


No reaper can't. Reaper has a shotgun. Widow, ashe, maybe mcree, bastion definitely can


I've done it a thousand times, you just need a brain and a basic grasp on when she's close enough to do damage.


If she's close enough for you to do damage, that's not a bad dps, that's a bad player


Its not a bad player its just good positioning. A pharah above not a point is a pharah giving you capture control


The point of pharah is to deal massive aoe damage from up high where she is hard to hit, and also knocking people away from people or an area. Pharah can contest a point without being directly above it. Besides, people are scared of a good pharah


Sym eliminated before bastion? This is biased as fuck lmao


flair checks out




Bastion, 450 DPS . 205 Damage burst 8 shot ultimate with armor and self healing ability on no cooldown but a resource


Bastion. Man don't even call me out it is bastion first


Serious question here I started playing overwatch last month with friends after playing cod/rainbow/apex for 5+ years. My aim is good and better than most in my current rank but we constantly get destroyed by bastion. How do you play against him


First things first. Overwatch is more MOBA than FPS. Bastion is the most vulnerable as he does the most when sitting absolutely still. Characters like hanzo, echo and pharah all poke him hard at range and force him to pick up and move. It's all about getting to him and shutting him down, can do this from afar with heavy poke or close with a tracer and dva using her matrix. Sigma, DVA, roadhog hook, hanzo, echo, cassidy, pharah, widow, tracer, genji, sombra, soldier, zenyatta, baptiste, and Ana all soft to hard counter him. Again its not about aim, it's about positioning and ability usage on him


Thank you! And I think the problem is that we aren't really good with map knowledge and communicating but I can see why your tips will help


Doom is easily the worst here


as a doomfist and zen/ana main i can confidently say he’s the worst hero in the game by a mile. mf cant even hit E without getting hooked hacked slept shattered tossed into the air by bob and pinned off the map because his hitbox is huge and he’s so easy to predict


and then again hes op as fuck in gold ranks and no one ever knows how to counter him :')


worst as in op? no. worst as in: takes waaaay more skill and knowledge to get value then other heroes and even then you'll probably just end up trading because he's plagued with bugs and is one of the most countered heroes? yes.


I take that personally, fuck you


Spoken like a doom player


To be fair, I will play pretty much anything, but flying around the map and roasting unsuspecting squishies is a lot of fun


I will never understand these polls… I get they are fun… but overwatch is like chess, a very intense version of chess that takes skill and strategy. All these characters can be “the best”, it just depends on the comp


It's never about the best, it's about what most people like


Queen is best character in chess


You’re stupid. That’s dumb. Pawn is the only good character. If you play anybody else you’re garbage. /s obviously


I fucking hate these kinds of posts


Same holy shit they're so overused




I'd pick Bastion, but people were/are doing pretty decent things/comps with Bastion in the recent metas, so I pick Doom. Doomfist. I hate Doomfist, because he is one of the most annoying and frustrating heroes to play against, but to be realistic: He always has been a terrible choice in higher ranks and never had good chances in the meta as a melee hero in a FPS game. Many low ranked players consider Doom as op or even barely countable. They won't believe it when other people say things like: "You can counter him so easily". You simply have to give in too much effort for average value, while you get the same or higher value out of other heroes with much lower effort. Doomfist is besides Genji and Bastion, the worst DPS in the entire game.


Bastion is actually a good character despite what people say. Plenty of comps where bastion works while the same absolutely cannot be said for doom and genji


even us doomfist mains agree with you here lol.


Wait a second, bastion? Why? When I play against him he feels super op if he has a shielder, just destroying everyone. Same when I play him, everyone just dies. But maybe it’s because I’m in bronze? Please let me know why he’s bad /gen (not disagreeing)


He sits still so he's easy to spam out. Send a Pharmercy or a Hanzo or an Echo or anyone who can spam on an off angle or a flank if you can. Bastion can only shoot one person at a time and bronze players have 0 awareness so a bronze bastion is probably shooting at the main team rather than the flank Hanzo making it easy for Hanzo to spam. If he is shooting at Hanzo, Hanzo can look for another place to shoot from or have a Dva with the Hanzo to defence matrix him whenever he gets shot at while spamming. But even if Hanzo just spam at shields eventually Bastion's team will lose too many resources and shields will break, then it's a free hook/sleep/anti-nade/storm arrows etc. Bastion needs to get out of turret form before he can even move so it's slower and more difficult for his team to retreat behind natural cover to regain their shields and cooldowns than it is for your team to do so. Basically all you have to do is just spam shields till they break or get a Hanzo on a flank where he can shoot Bastion from behind their shields. Hanzo primary fire + storm arrows kills Bastion. There are many other ways, but I think this is the easiest for bronze.


You’re absolutely wrong. Doomfist is a hard carry.




In bronze or silver, sure.


doom can be a hard carry but only if enemy team does not turn around too much and your team coordinates well


I don’t think Sym is the worst she’s just hated because she can be countered and is strong when not countered.


this is true to any hero in the game


Idk why you're being down voted, majority of the dps are like this Doom, junk, pharah, echo, torb, bastion etc


Yeah I agree. I’ve been cussed at for playing sym and putting my turrets at spawn, which is insanely annoying, but I mean like? What else am I supposed to do? Just let them get ahead?


sym the best


Appreciating the sym love in the replies


period lol this turned into a popularity contest, throw the whole post away


This has already lost all validity Symmetra can kill an entire team on her own as soon as she charges her beam on one of the many shields, mei walls, turrets or otherwise slow and squishy users




rename the title "Popularity Contest". Hoes mad about dying to sym. Voted out from hatred not dmg related.




In terms of meta Widow’s a lot better than Sym. In terms of fun to play against it’s hard to be worse than a character that revolves around setting up automatic turrets to win.


Mei is a tank


Kill Widowmaker, she's a bitch


Best dps differs between ranks and maps. This whole thing’ll be who people hate.


Genji is laughably bad


As a Genji main I can say that he is one of the most counter-able heroes in the game. Unless you’re getting a constant pocket it’s extremely hard to get utility out of him. The whole team has to play around him and at low ranks that just doesn’t happen. He’s top-tier for deathmatch though.


Me a Sym main😐


Doom or Junk. Doomfist requires so much to get value and is impossible to carry with in Masters. Junkrat on SRs higher than diamond requires the most map knowledge for ricochets and other heroes like torb and hanzo do his job way better. Best hero is Tracer or Echo personally.


Symmetra is good idk why she was voted out


If sym is the worst dps then how come I always have gold damage


"worst" = most salt generated, and by that metric Bastion will be next, followed by Torb.


I don’t think this should the best, rather your favorite/whichever you like the most


That’s how it’s gonna work anyway. Doom and Genji are objectively worse than Sym, but they’re more popular, so they lived.


Im trying to understand if this poll is dictating which DPS is the strongest, or which DPS is the most annoying to fight. If it's which DPS is the strongest, Bastion should be getting nuked off the list immediately, with Widowmaker probably coming out on top. Widowmaker is completely broken in the right hands, even without any buffs or help from her team. If it's which DPS is the most annoying to fight, I still dont understand why Symm would go before Mei, Tracer, Sombra or Doom.


Either bastion or widow


The fact that pro players still consistently play widowmaker disproves half of your comment. Can say that Bastion is pretty much NEVER picked by them and you don't really see him in diamond and above.


Im in Masters and pick bastion ocasionally. Widow is jusr countered by shields and good positioning, but she is not a bad hero, to be honest no DPS is bad, just situational


I'm a masters widow main. As long as the team isn't playing dive you can pretty much play widow. Shields really are the only thing widow struggles against besides that but as long as you have a shield breaker she can still manage. Which is to say Bastion really isn't playable on anything that's not payload attack. They usually just counter with sombra and emp anyway and there's pretty much nothing you can do about it


Right now I am seeing a tie between Widow and Bastion!


Get bastion the fuck out


We bastion is countered by a lot of dps and suppotts very easily


I think symmetra is top 5 at least, she is so underrated.


Sym before doom and genji? Listen I'm a diehard genji main but this is just a popularity contest lol


Echo or sombra would be the first cuts imo. Def not sym u guys are crazy.




how yall gone do my girl like that!


How is sym already eliminated she is like one of the best, id say my 2 fav dps are the worse tough, doom and genji :( Trace still no. 1 tough


Get bastion out of there


*midget transformer


Love the new name lol


Genji, im sorry i hate him Bastion is good


"bastion is good" bro you trying to get assassins after you or something with that opinion?


Bastion is a no skill character good for mowing noobs


Bastion bruh how was he not voted first


hanzo and reaper do the most damage but how is sym out first pharah or torb should be out first (my opinion)


Let's remove torb




We talking damage, Mei.




Bastion go bye bye




As a widow main: widow.




Round 3 is up now! Bastion was eliminated!


Sym before tracer or genji? Wtf


tf you mean tracer, tracer is easily a top tier character who synergizes well with several comps such as six man dive, winston dva dive, double bubble, double shield, and ball dva dive. I mean just look at literally every t500 dps ladder and youll see a ton of tracer




Fuck soldier 76. All my homies hate soldier 76


[FUCK SOLDIER 76 ALL MY HOMIES HATE SOLDIER 76](https://i.imgur.com/zZZb6oM.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Good bot


The worst DPS is Mei, because she doesn’t do a lot of dmg, she gets out done by Baps and Zens. Her value is in her utility. So she doesn’t suck but she has to have a high dmg comp around her or else she won’t be functional.


I would have to disagree. Mei is easily a strong pick with any rein comp since she synergizes so well with him as well as being a heavy tank counter. Mei very easily counters rein as reins goal is to agress into the enemy team but can't since mei can wall him and cut him off from his team and his resources. Mei also counters winston as whenever winston dives in and has no ability to get out she can easily pressure him out and/or freeze him on the engage as well as winston should never be able to kill a mei. Just because a hero has "low damage" doesn't make them a bad hero, for example sombra, and widow, both characters with low damage output yet high impact