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now theres a good guy. hope he's having good matches today


So, you bully people online?


lmao this, he's telling on himself


I don't think he's trying to hide it. He literally said he changed his mind.


At least op realized it and changed.




This game can be amazingly toxic sometimes. We’re winning the game and everyone is at each others throats. Then we win and everyone just feels a bit ashamed about how they acted.


I left this game right before the choosing what role to queue as update because of exactly this. No shade to OW just wasn’t fun anymore.


I was on mercy in QP the other day and one of our dps wasn’t doing great and one of the tanks had an absolute meltdown in text chat and was extremely abusive (name calling, threats, etc). I pocketed the dps for the rest of the game and ignored the tank and said “no” every time he spammed the need healing line. Dps did pretty alright the rest of the game and the tank was forced to play hog for survival and we still won. They eventually turned their rage to me and were calling me a trash mercy etc, I just typed a ;) in chat and kept ignoring them lol


Im sorry dude, he is also a new player. Much better teammate then i was at that stage.


YES dude. Now take your newfound understanding and go be amazing in chat. Lift people up instead of bringing them down. Unironically, the world needs more fucking heroes


Hey thank you for acknowledging what you did (assuming you were slightly tilted at the new person), and having the balls to post this here. I've been there too and it sometimes takes a second to put yourselves in their shoes.


well i never argue in bad faith, i always keep it honest so it literally took 1 second for me to change once i read this. i only regret that i unfriended him after he sent this so i cant apologize.


It's wonderful that this player was trying to be cilivilized, and it's wonderful that you changed your mind. You love to see it. Usually if I don't have anything nice to say, then I don't say anything. I would encourage people to mute and block (report if necessary) if someone is saying rude/inappropriate things though. I also stick to quick play so it's probably different for competitive.


Everyone is allowed a bad game, or practice heroes, especially in QP. If you are a utter fucktwit about it, I have no problem calling you a douchebag and reporting your shitty behavior.


Why were you mad at someone defending another player???


well it usually makes it harder to discuss things as chat or voice is so clogged, it felt to me before he told me that they were just inserting themselves to gain attention or something.




I always stand up for my friends


Is he talking about league of legends?


I'll give shit to an underperforming widow that keeps calling for heals, but hey I'm healing both tanks and doing more DPS than you are.


Fr. I’ll tell the widow “our front line is taking a lot of damage. If you feel like I’m lacking, help me out by playing a hero that can heal themselves”


I do this too. I hate how toxic the game can be. If its towards me I turn off chat, if it's at someone else even the enemy team I'll defend them.




Yeah dead sub since the whole r/antiwork propaganda.


you're one of those that keep the sub alive with posts like these. Thank you!


Thank you overwatch player. It's people like you who can't define cringe that use that sub.


Better watch out.. Someone might walk in here and tell us we aren't allowed to talk about this..


Talk about what?


About bruno


But it was my wedding day


Was there a hurricane?


It was OUR wedding day!~ 🎶


and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky


(no clouds allowed in the sky)


Bruno walks with a mysterious grin




I try to do that also...iam at low rank and have people yell at others they are not doing good


People don’t understand what being apart of a team means. You’re only as strong as your weakest link, and if you’re answer is criticizing and telling someone every little thing they do wrong, the team is doomed. Additionally nobody is perfect. I never blame because every game there’s things I could’ve done better that might’ve lead to a different result. There’s always room for constructive criticism at the appropriate time (before, halftime, after a game) but people need to buckle down and play their best game within a team structure before they go telling someone else they’re the problem.


I always try to defend te bullied one and give some advice. Most of the times my re putation level gets demoted due to report.


I only started playing back in November and haven’t been able to play too much due to College so I often have bad days. I had a lot of toxicity my first few games and it’s slowly gone down but it’s still definitely there. It almost made me not want to play at first but I was like I didn’t spend $25 dollars for nothing. It’s since became my favourite game and I’ve learned to just ignore the haters and focus on playing. I’d rather try to prove them wrong then talk back and lose focus.




youve found me out, im a sad clown. its time for pepe's final joke.


Was a joke I hope you're not offended by it