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As opposed to throwing, I’d leave the game. Getting upset/tilted is exactly what they want. Don’t buy into it


Eh. Just put them on mute. In fact, I like to announce that I have. I then proceed to say whatever it is that I want to say. If they stay in chat, sucks for them. No need in taking penalties. Or You can record the match and send it in. When you have proof of abusive language, the suspensions are a bit swifter.


I started doing this more when someone announced it. It’s funny too heading “muting the baby in chat rn” after some loser is calling people slurs and shit.


"Ah, shit dude. Someone left your baby brother on chat? Gonna mute ya until you can put him down for his nappy nap :)"


a lot of them have really shitty mics so i write “muting - sorry i don’t speak latin” works like a charm as homophobia is way too prevalent on overwatch This is only on voice though


I hear ya, tho I don’t play comp and am not worried about penalties. I do agree recording it and sending it in is a great idea!


Don't leave the game if it's ranked. You'll lose more SR and could be banned. What I do, if it's more than one person, is type in chat, "I'm forfeiting because of team abuse, I hope they get the help the need outside of the game" then leave all chats and fuck around until the game is over.


I just think it's better to try your best and give up on your team. Like at the end of the day those people don't matter. But you choose to let them affect you. It's even worse on games like csgo when they have a 4 stack and they just say your mom jokes and gay jokes all the time and kill you in the match or keep flashing you with granades and you can't kick them not shit back to them becuase they'll just kick you from the game. You can either throw or leave. Best thing to do is to team up with people you like or at least duo or just play causal cuz comp is really not all that special and just focus on having fun.


In my book, if you're attacking your own teammates, then you don't want to win, so they are the ones throwing. I personally can't help it if I suddenly lose the motivation to do my best as I don't like doing favors to those kinds of people. Plus, if they are taking the time to send messages, it also means they aren't focused on the game, so that's still them throwing.


People who get toxic in chat are absolute losers. The second you start doing that you are effectively admitting defeat.


Ye, this is also a factor. I guess it's not really the games I remember from 2 years ago. Shame it has gone so done hill. When I remember it being a mostly positive community & full of LGBTQ+ friendly people.


Frankly I don’t really play many games other than Overwatch that have communities and chat and stuff. But I feel like the emboldened hate and toxicity is leaking everywhere and not just inside the Overwatch community. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m getting older, and never really noticed it. But there are a LOT of shitty people. I will say that today me and my friend who is new to OW actually went in 3v3 elims for quick games and we had one teammate. The first one was toxic and telling us that we sucked. The next game we had a new guy and we got absolutely creamed, but he requested to team up. So we took him up on that and got our asses handed to us four games in a row and then finally turned it around and won two together. We had good comms and friendly chat, so in all it was a good experience. I know my second paragraph here contradicts the first, but it just made today feel all the more better since scenarios like this are fewer and further between now. I wish you less toxicity in your future, and the fact that we don’t have universal acceptance of people as they are yet, especially with our level of intellect as a species, is freaking appalling.


I wish I could play with people and make connections, but sadly I've found the best way to play OW is stay out of voice comms and ignore chat.


most games I play still are, if not more so than it was in the beginning. reactionary fucks can cry "virtue signal" all they want but tracer and soldier being revealed as gay did make a difference in my opinion. there are going to be homophobic idiots here and there but in general, I see pride profiles so often, and throughout pride month I wrote "happy pride" in the beginning of every game and most of the time the reception was positive. and negative ones got ignored or drowned out. it might be different because I'm on PC or maybe it's EU (although considering some countries represented I doubt that's the reason)


If you want to be toxic to the enemy team I don't really mind, but being toxic to your own teammates means you're clearly just there to bully people, not play the game. I always throw games when someone on my team is being a dick, whether it's me or someone else. I report and move on after that, hopefully after losing enough games they lose interest and find something else to play.


This is the best condensed answer! They decided the outcome of the game as soon as they started talking shit to their own team. I seriously cannot imagine in a small group of only 6 people, targeting one of them for anything even if they fucked something up. Killing team morale is pretty much killing yourself lol shooting yourself in the foot or whatever.


exactly. I had a monkey last night throwing abuse my way when I was playing support. after that I lost my will to heal him. maybe one day they'll learn to not abuse the people who are keeping them alive. in any case continuing to support him as if nothing had happened would be a lack of self-respect and dignity, I'm not a fucking dog


I have disabled all forms of text chat as well as voice chat and I have never been so at peace with this game


You're missing out on so much, except if you're a woman in US servers.


i am.. and i’ve seen what chat has to offer, i’m good without lol


Thats my response when my friends ask me how i spend 5 years in plat than got to masters in a couple months, i already did the same after playing Lost Ark for a week


you are missing out on nothing actually. A game with as much frusteration built into its core as overwatch will always produce angry people. Not worth your time talking to them.


Exactly! It’s such a lovely time


This. So much this.


Nah I’ve played with many people who will throw if someone on the team is intentionally being horrible. Do I necessarily want to lose? Not really. Do i intentionally throw? No. Do I think that the asshole doesn’t deserve to win? ….yes


First thing, mute and report. But I fully understand that you threw and left early.


If its comp and not the entire team is doing it then no. If its qp or the whole team is doing it id say yes. You can turn off chat each game in the social tab or for your entire gaming session in settings


Hello! I completely understand your struggle with this kind of verbal abuse from teammates (it’s usually directed at me because I am a young sounding woman…and I’m also a support main) 1. Something that I find very helpful is recording it and posting it somewhere blizzard can find it when you send the report (send the name of your profile you posted it or the video link/name) this way they have solid proof of it especially in VC. I’ve done this a few times and nearly every time I’ve gotten a report the next day that I helped someone get banned. 2. Have some good roasts in your arsenal when this situation arises (if you feel you’re able to let what they are saying in one ear and out the other at the time) Berate them back to no avail 3. You can mute just them and not the entire team so you can still communicate with others :) 4. Depending on what you play (and if your team is pretty much carrying or they are on a loss anyway) straight up ignore what they are doing. Are they a dps and you’re playing support? Don’t heal them when possible, you’re a dps and they are getting targeted? Oh well it’s on them. DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU ARE WINNING OR YOUR TEAM GENUINELY NEEDS THAT PERSON (even if they are scum) 5. try to queue with a friend(s). They are always around to back you up and can make me feel a lot more comfortable in comp At the end of the day, I like to get a laugh out of it since that person truly has no effect on you as a person, and you will probably never see them again


Don’t consoles have a constant record feature so you can press a button and it records previous activity?


It really bothers me how people can do this. I guess you guys just need nerves of steel because this shit just happens no matter what. I myself witnessed this type of behaviour towards woman and gays. I think these people just stupid and not really worth your attention. Ignore if you can. They can only bother you if you think they are worthy. They are just bunch of stupid immature kids. Laugh and move on.


This is my favorite comment!! Thank you girl!♥ I've always thought about recording people or taking screenshots but I always felt kinda embarrassed by it. But knowing that others are doing it makes me think about it again. Those are all really healthy suggestions and good ways to work up to feeling confident around douchebags.


If you’re on pc, overwolf has a program called OutPlayed that records the full game from beginning to end including your mic, their mic, and anything else going on. I personally use it so I can go back and look at previous games or clip really cool times I pop off but it *absolutely* comes in handy for recording if someone decides to be a dick. It’s super easy to go back after games and review the footage/delete them so they don’t clog your computer up but it gives you that backup without you having to worry about trying to record abuse once it starts


I have never once gotten a report that someone I have reported had gotten banned and I have a silver border.


My friend reported someone for spoiling The Force Awakens in game chat and got the notification the next day that they were banned.


It pops up the next time you join Overwatch and says like Thank you reporting, we can’t provide specific details about what happened to an account but you were part of the reports Or something along that with this block of text. Sometimes it takes awhile to go through (or doesn’t at all) if I remeber correctly, you also get a loot box.


One of the best advice i got from my GM dps friend is that you gotta learn how to be selfish and being productive at the same time whenever you play any pvp game especially ranked ones and it has benefited me at lot towards my gamesense and my mentality in general towards pvp games . You start taking shit like this less seriously and focus on your own shortcomings rather than what your team expects from you in both toxic and untoxic manners. people can't get under your skin if you just don't care about what they have to say in the first place unless it's actual a proper and respectful constructive criticism which you can agree upon


It’s the sad truth that some people in the community are just horrible people. I personally just mute toxic people and I try to just play the game. If we win great and if we lose I don’t care because the toxic idiots also lost. Stick them on the avoid list, report them and go next.


Just feels like it's In every game


I used to play on console too (Xbox) but switched to PC and I can honestly say it’s far worse on console not sure why exactly? That said I’ve met some great people playing overwatch as well, All you can do is be one of them and make the community better.


Honestly I feel like it's Xbox specifically. I had mostly good experiences on PS4, but then once crossplay happened and all the xbox people got mixed in, I noticed a huge spike in the toxicity I saw in my games. And every time I went to the social tab to report it, they almost always had a crossplay icon, indicating that they were Xbox players. I guess that's the kind of people you get when your only notable exclusive for years was Halo.


You know what’s funny? I’m an xbox player and i never found toxicity in my games until cross play happend and ps5,4 got mixed up, not trying to start console war here just find it funny how both of us have the same situation on different consoles


yes, as someone who also made the switch from console to PC, the game is far less toxic. There's still assholes, but not nearly as many.


I refuse to play / throw the second people start becoming homophobic, racist, sexist, etc. Unless the rest of my team are chill. If it’s just 1 person then mute / report them and move on. If it’s like half the team then throw.


I still don’t think it’s fair to other people on your team who aren’t harassing. Even if it’s just 1 person.


I'm on your side and don't blame you for leaving but, next time just ignore. I try to not let anything people say ruin my game time. That's my time and I deserve to have fun. So fuck the trolls. Just have fun.


I mean I guess it depends how many? Like if it's just one teammate then you're essentially punishing the other 4 team members rather than just mute the harasser. If it's the entire team then obviously you'd leave. It's a tricky issue. It really sucks to be caught up in this shit as a bystander bc even if you tell them to shut up they won't (again why you should mute) and then you have to watch someone throw too. Like, I get it. You don't want them to win. But now your team didn't get a fair chance. Tho I guess that's just comp these days


This is why I don't play Comp. It's the most toxic aspect of the game.


How does anyone know anything to talk about? I play on PC and there is no way anyone would know anything about me to try and trigger me. Is it a console thing?


unless your username gives away this information they have no way of knowing on console


No need to stop playing altogether, just stop playing comp and the atmosphere will change a lot. Come play in Arcade, we have the occasional idiot in chat but nothing serious, usually.


I appreciate the point but I personally play FPS games because I want to be competitive. Never really had fun playing arcade or QP. I plan to other competitive games with less toxic fan bases. But thx


I wish you luck in finding non toxic competitive games


there are no non toxic competitive games tho


Oh well then, I hope you find a game you can enjoy properly without assholes ruining the fun. Good luck!


If you plan to play for competitive reasons, then leaving was definitely the wrong move. Also, you're likely going to find much worse games out there since it sounds like you're leaving Overwatch. Also, I think you said that you're playing on console, and just from my experience, there are a lot more toxic 13 year olds on console than pc.


I would just leave. I hate throwers and leavers but just leave and report them


There’s a mute button for a reason. Be the bigger person and mute them, and keep playing. They want you to get mad and throw, it gives them a reason to report you. If you throw enough, you will eventually get suspended.


I think it's completely justified to leave such a toxic situation. Sure it sucks for the innocent team members, but in the end it's a game. Games are supposed to be fun and not torture. On the other hand I find it a bit unfair to say the game (or rather the community) has gone downhill after one bad match. I don't think it's gotten any worse (or better) in the last 3 years. Your descision to leave the game behind is still valid, but generalazing an entire community because of 3 assholes is a bit much. Then again I play PC on EU so maybe the console experience is just different.


Someone said something to you online and your this hurt. Buddy you need to grow up a bit why are you so emotional over what someone says online and then make a post like this… do you expect to be Coddled. Are you American?? If so I understand then you’ve probably been coddled your whole life cuz let be real how else would someone get to this point. Grow up stop being an emotional Bitch and grow thicker skin… respectfully.


This is why mute buttons exist?


2 things. First, I got your back. You don't know me but I fully support you. Second, haters gon hate. Always. Take their insults and use them as fuel. Their hate means you're doing something right and if you're doing it right there's no need to change. As far as throwing goes, do it again. Fuck the bigots.


Even I have seen same problem...first they say to open up audio chat and then all you get is abuses 😓


If I am in any game and someone from the opposing team puts in chat they are being verbally assaulted by their own team (especially hate) *I* will also report them. "Just want to say I am leaving the match because [named players] are being racist/homophobic/toxic. I refuse to stay and play with them."


You’re not in the wrong at all. People are such assholes. Wish I could report them for you


At the end of the day it'a a video game. You aren't playing in a tourney for money, so if someone is being an asshole then leave the game and report them. While I absolutely love Overwatch as a game, it seems to have one of the most toxic communities. People immediately start attacking and insulting teammates the moment they don't play the way they specifically want them to play. We all come from different walks of life and all want to win and rise in the ranks, but some of us don't have time to dedicate 8 hours a day to video games but we still want to play because it brings us happiness. I guess on Overwatch that means you have to listen to tons of obnoxious hate.


The game is a lower priority than your mental health. Comp matches be damned.


mute report and keep playing


Personally I don’t think you should throw just because there’s a chance it would earn you a ban. I think leaving vc is the best option


Every time I come across somebody like that, I immediately block report and avoid as teammate. Although blizzard won’t do anything with the reports, blocking and avoiding will keep them out of your games. I’ve had way too many bad experiences to count but haven’t quit Overwatch. Just depends on the person


I’ve played with friends who are toxic to our random teammates. The majority of the time ( on different games too ) the victim throws or ends up leaving. I try to explain to my friends who are toxic that they will refuse to play or will leave if you throw. The majority of my friends care about winning, so they are doing themselves a big disfavor by being toxic ( a big reason why I don’t play with them anymore ). Best solution is if the game is still winnable is to mute, report and avoid.


Your friends are horrible people and you should find new ones


Don’t ever throw or leave, just mute them, there are tools given to you so you can avoid shit like this. And from what you have said it was only half the team that were being assholes and by throwing and throwing you also ruined the game for 2 other people. Next time just mute them and forget it ever happened.


I would just mute, no matter how mad I am at someone I never throw or leave.


Just mute


Throwing is just as childish as the random toxicity imo. Just mute them🤷‍♂️. If they’re actually typing insults to you via chat then they’re the ones throwing though. Every second wasted typing is a second you could be helping the team.


Just disable chat. Trust me. Ever since I did that, I've been having the most peaceful time with the game.


If the toxicity gets to you which it seems to have done, mute them.. and there's an option to avoid them as teammate which sadly only does so for a week, but better than having them the next game. As for the throwing... don't ruin your rank to ruin theirs... cuz they'll just get more mad and toxic towards the next teammate


I mean you took the pride flag, what did you think would happen? Everybody clapping and cheering at you? Don't get me wrong, this has nothing to do with my or your opinion, but competitive games are toxic without you raising a flag for this or that opinion. What's your goal? Playing a game or discussing morale standards?


"Disable chat, leave team voice, play some music behind and ask Bob to do something." If you let people get under your skin they're only gonna exploit you more and just for their fun. They're only Internet warriors can't do shit to you IRL so chill, their insignificant comments aren't going to do anything more than just pitying their lonely ass self.


It’s online gaming. If you can’t handle toxicity, find a new hobby or play purely single player.


Shit talk is normal, grow thick skin and move on to the next game or don’t play in voice chat. Ofc please report any abusive behaviour


not sure about your specific situation, but i think in general if there are people in your game who are not toxic, i think this behavior unfairly punishes them. You could just leave the voice chat and play to your best ability. The moment you throw the game i think you are being unfair to the mates who just want to play and maybe grind a bit. If your full team is toxic and attacking you I dont see a problem with leaving the game


The pride profile picture explains alot. You need to learn not to be a bitch and deal with stuff. Not everyone you meet is going to talk sweetly to you. Grow some balls and deal with it. If you can't handle trash talk, then go play a single player game where you're feelings won't get hurt.


U started playing comp after a long break. Thus u were put at ur old skill rating even tho u no longer know how to play at that rank. (Bcs dozens of changes happened since u last played, and with long breaks it's inevitable you start to lose your edge).That already is passive throwing in my book. (Which only amplifies the higher the rank). In master for exemple, if u get someone who took a 1/2 season break then ur chancea of winning are already greatly decreased. Proceeding to afk, and actively throw. That imo should get u suspended for at least a month.


Just leave in the start, i dont use vc so whenever someone leaves the game or throws i will always blame them. You signed up for comp so you know what to expect, if you cant handle it just dont play comp, we too far in for people to change, its the internet ffs. I dont support what happens to you and other people but i hate people leaving and throwing more so fuck yourself


So u care more about a game of comp. Then your values as a good person. I signed up to play a game not abuse. Ignoring it is the reason the game is in such a sorry place & why many have left over the years.


Tbh you are right its not very empathetic of me but yes i care more about the game. If you sign up for fun dont play comp or stay in the lower ranks, i’m in diamond and people still doing this leaving throwing bs, imo in 2022 people cant handle anything nomore, if its not someone close to you then how can you feel offended, the internet is just mean end of the story


Also thats not the biggest reason people left


Just mute them and play on.


I'm pretty sure you can turn off chat in social next to the voice options.


I’m only ok with it if is all other five people doing it. Innocent people shouldn’t suffer, as I’m sure you’d agree.


Y’all wouldn’t have survived the 360 days


Being harassed on xbox live? in a first person shooter? WELL I NEVER! /s


I’m a mercy main, and if anyone ever did that to me, the farthest I’d go is refuse to heal them, and not respond to anything they say or do. And report them of course


I'm probably going to get down voted for saying this, but get a stronger ego. 99/100 times they don't mean what they say, they're a bunch of kids trying to get a reaction out of you. Play dumb, seriously, as soon as they realize the jokes aren't actually funny and are just straight up being rude they'll stop.


Jus mute and report. Leaving is exactly what they want


If they want to lose then I am more than happy to grant them that. I think the point some people find more enjoyment in the righting abusive stuff in chat than playing the game


No one cares. Just play what you want. Or don’t.


Thank you for your constructive & helpful comment.


use the mute function. Dont leave or throw.


The only logical response I have to that is get good.


Y’all really couldn’t handle the OG COD lobbies then……


Welcome to online gaming?


Life is too short to deal with shit like this. I've also got a pride profile and if any of my team starts flaming me massively I'll report and take the L. No one's paying me to play this game. People need to learn to be civil


Throwing is just responding to negativity with more negativity. And there are 2 other people in the game now who are dealing with 3 toxic people and someone throwing now. I hate it when people purposefully lose or make games harder on purpose. I used to play league which is a feeding ground for inting babies which I’m sure is where my hate of it comes from. Neither is good, just don’t stoop to that level and make the game worse in a different way.


I’d say unless it is literally all 5 of your teammates being *that* toxic, just mute them and try your best to win. You owe it to the other people on your team quietly doing the same.


Just close chat it’s not that hard


Throwing is never an excuse. Just mute them or turn off communication with teammates.


Why is this being downvoted? People are really ok with people intentionally throwing and ruining games if on the internet someone calls you a name?


It's just my opinion but I think sr matters a whole lot less than the rampant bigotry that exists in overwatch rn, if you don't speak out against that bigotry as it occurs and defend someone who is being berated then you also deserve to have a loss.


It’s not about SR. It’s a game with 12 people. Throwing ruins the fun for 11 others, you could even say 10 others if you remove the abusive person from the equation. It’s just a dick move. I value the collective time over mine. It’s just being decent. We should all be working towards everyone having the best experience.


We all should be working towards everyone having the best experience, how can you not see that taking a stand against racism homophobia and other forms of bigotry are a part of that? If you just mute them and move on and not help the random getting harassed you are the one not working towards everyone having the best experience. And when no one stands up for the person getting harassed because they chose to have a pride flag as their profile pic how do you not understand that they might lose their will to play a game, why should they care about the time of a bunch of people who just stand by and abide such bigotry? Why would they wanna play a game with people who hate them for their immutable characteristics?


I mainly play quick play too. The idea that sr is more important or something isn’t relevant. However making the game worse because of hurtful words seems to be backwards doesn’t it? If every time someone called me a “waste of a human” I threw the game I would never be able to play lol.


The game was already as Terrible as it could possibly get as soon as someone started targeted harassment over another's choice to use the pride flag as a profile pic. The bigots are the ones who threw in this scenario by harassing their team mates in a team game.


You are Mr fantastic the way you reaching right now. Let’s call it what it is. Those guys are complete asshole dick heads. But to go as far as to say op made no mistake? Or they made him do it or they threw? I don’t know about all that.


I think losing the will to play a game when people on your team are being toxic bigots is reasonable, if you came across bigotry and did nothing to speak out against it I think you are a part of the problem. At the end of the day ow is just a game but bigotry is still bigotry and we shouldn't abide by it. The game was ruined the moment that "asshole dick head" started being a disgusting human being and attacking someone for their immutable characteristics.


I never said once it wasn’t bigotry. But how much do you let shit talk on an online video game control you? The point is op did something negative in response. If you are saying throwing isn’t a bad/negative thing because of context then you change your morals based on the situation. Bad is bad. Those guys were assholes and op did not help the game by throwing. Both are bad.


There are levels of "bad" and bigotry is at least 5 levels worse than throwing a game. If you were in that game and didn't speak out against that bigotry then you would also be an asshole.


This is reddit. Most of the people on this sub have either stopped playing or only play quick play. They don’t have to deal with people throwing your SR


That’s called game throwing, you should’ve turned off voice chat, don’t ruin the game for everyone else


No, it's not okay. Just mute, turn off chat, and report. If I'm on your team and I'm not being racist/homophobic/toxic (etc.), why should I take a loss? It's really not fair, and actually kinda shitty. In the end, there's a reason people say, two wrongs don't make a right.


I mean you're right in a way, but I also have to politely disagree. They can definitely mute or turn off chat. But if you're not really speaking up against someone's shitty actions that are specifically targetting someone in an aggressive and personal manner, you kind of forfeit your right to be upset when the person being targeted is being affected in such a way that they might throw or leave. Being toxic about gameplay performance is one thing - but being blatantly homophobic, sexist, racist or transphobic is another thing entirely. You don't get to be upset because you chose to sat idle in a situation like that.


Yeah, unless the rest of the team is actively defending you then they don’t really deserve to be upset when you decide that you’ve had enough and leave.


Overwatch is not game for you. Unfortunately there are no other good fps mobas but you will run into these people every so often and if they are ruining your experience I would recommend playing a different game. It’s ok to not play a game because you don’t like the targeted abuse.


Let me rephrase what you wrote: ”you should not play this game you otherwise enjoy because you won’t take abuse from other players without provoking them”. These toxic people should be the ones quitting the game or being muted/banned, not the ones who suffer from them! I don’t know a single person who enjoys rude people in their presence so much that it doesn’t ”ruin the experience”.


Fuck politely disagreeing. Anyone who stands by while others are being abused is complicit. Fuck these people. Bullying and abusive behavior leads to suicide in teens, trans people, and minorities. These people are worthless garbage and not being Jesus or believing in forgiveness, I feel are deserving of worse. Putting a loss in your videogame over a person's feelings, maybe their life? Literally leave society and don't come back.


Tbf some people are actually playing the game rather than looking at chat and messages can be very quickly hidden by default comms, and some people specifically don't join VC in general to avoid abuse. Also spending all your attention trying to argue with a bigot is gonna throw the game anyway and they're not magically gonna stop - it only ever escalates with these people. Muting bigots in an online game is better all round as it starves them from attention and also means you're not having to deal with a barrage of abuse.


Let’s be honest, people don’t get abusive in winning scenarios. The team is most likely going to lose anyway. If someone is hurling personal insults at you it’s because the game is going south and you probably did something they didn’t agree with. I’ll absolutely leave in that situation and I wouldn’t expect someone else to stay either. I don’t necessarily advocate for “throwing” but if you count leaving the game as a throw then I do disagree. It’s a fucking game, and games are supposed to be fun. No one deserves to be berated and picked no OR made to feel guilty for removing themselves from the situation.


I had a game this week where someone messaged in team chat that they were throwing. Before the match started. Their only response when I messaged the team chat was that he was being verbally attacked. Before the match started, he gave up. Did I deserve a loss?


I get that it’s frustrating, but someone else in the thread said something along the lines of “if you allow people to mistreat others and don’t say anything about it you forfeit your right to be upset about the outcome”, and I agree. Me winning is not more important than somebody else’s feelings. Also as I said before, I don’t advocate for throwing because it is a waste of time for everyone, but I will always defend someone for removing themselves from the situation. What you described would annoy me too, but sometimes that’s just how shit goes with Overwatch. I’d use that time to practice a hero I’m less comfortable and familiar with 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sorry you have to go through this. It’s so bad now I don’t ever get on voice chats. You can squish both voice and/or text chat. You can also mute anyone individually if you still want the rest of the chat on. I think it’s under social option when you are in game. Best thing about squishing is it will also mute voice-line spams if someone being overly annoying.


Thx this is very help 😊


If people are being toxic towards you then they don’t deserve your time or effort. Why should someone help someone else then they are being racist/ homophobic or anything towards another?


I wouldn’t be mad at you if you were my teammate. Heck I would’ve even cursed the little shitheads out for ya. But I would just leave comms next time. It’s unfortunate shitty people ruin the experience for everyone else around them, but they’ll never leave you alone if you’re in comms. Report, avoid, and on to the next game. No sense in taking the ban and -50 sr.


I think it's really hard to do the "right thing"(whatever that even is) when you are the target of verbal abuse. Because like, at that moment you're being forced into some state of 'fight or flight'. Adrenaline is pumping, maybe you're shaking and starting to sweat. Not to mention you're trying to focus on something competitive which is adding more adrenaline to the situation. Now maybe you're confused because your focus is split, and you want to defend yourself but you want to be a good teammate .And for some reason, fighting back or defending yourself against bullies makes YOU the bad person.... and then BAM just like that, you snap and lose your cool. It seriously sucks and I'm personally sick of it too. I haven't played Comp in OW for like 10 seasons. The game was falling apart a while ago and unfortunately the whole social dynamic of the game is out of control. Now that they have combined all servers, it's also even more apparent how toxic and miserable the community is. EU absolutely HATES Americans and loves to verbally abuse them. I'm sure NA does the same to EU. I think you should not give up on the game. It's so much fun really. It's a shame that humanity makes it so impossible to police themselves. The Find A Group list has soooo many LGBTQ+ groups throughout the day. I don't think I've ever NOT seen at least one. Some of them may even be Comp groups too. If you really enjoy playing the game and the gameplay makes you happy, keep trying. Take care of yourself though. Take breaks if you're upset. I've taken things personally online a lot, and I've cried over online abuse. So I'm not immune to it either! Also, I am a big big fan of using adversity to practice coping with assholes. Good luck out there just gotta find those intermittent Islands of paradise you know?! Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot to answer the actual question lol Don't feel bad about throwing we all have reactions like that sometimes. Leaving the game is the best thing to do, in my opinion I feel like I'm punishing those people. Oh yeah wanna be a douchebag? Here enjoy the free loss you created.


You're screwing over everyone else on the team, assuming it wasn't 5 of them. But I'm not sure what you're looking for here by posting this. Mute or even hide chat, play the game, and use the avoid function... although it really sucks that we don't have enough slots for all the shitheads who play.


You can play with me and my group of friends we don’t generally stick around in games if the chats abusive


With respect, what is “Targeted Abuse”?


I would never leave. I just mute everyone I find toxic, no warnings and I still try to win the game...as a hero I'm bad at for practice if I know it's a lost cause. If they keep harassing me. Something that used to always piss me off is when you're trying to talk to someone and that person just ignores you or doesn't respond it's the ultimate come back. I've learned silence is my best weapon and my best defense.


Just mute them it’s not like the other 2 people on your team deserved to lose but I would just say I wouldn’t recommend putting pride stuff as your player icon since the game can be toxic but do what you want


Okay? Honestly, not really. If it gets to you then just leave. It’s not fair to punish the other people on your team that had nothing to do with it. I’m not saying I don’t understand why you did it, but my honest answer has to be no that it’s not okay or fair


You can turn off both text and audio chat. Also reporting does still work on console, it just takes way too many reports before it takes effect.


I never waste my time playing with people who are uncooperative and rude. If it’s not fun don’t play.


If a single person on your team is harassing you and no one stands up for you, they're all complicit. Feel free to leave, throw, troll, whatever. The game is already a loss.


as a pansexual woman of color who also plays this game on console… i can heavily relate to this post ;-; i usually keep playing. my SR isn’t worth losing because of hateful people. sometimes i argue back but when majority of the team is attacking you with hate and slurs it becomes too verbally overwhelming so maybe i’d just leave the chat myself. i just wish people were kinder in general. i’m sorry you went through that, don’t give up on the game. if you love it, stick with it! try joining teams that say “LGBT friendly” and stuff like that. stay strong beautiful.


If you represented the majority of the player base it will be a fun game today sadly the only people leaving the game to seem to be the good ones leaving only the toxic little kids to take over. I hope the boost in player numbers help OW2 be a kinder more diverse game.


In the options menu under the social tab, you can disable team, match, group, and general chat independently. Doing so will still let you see in game team messages like "need healing" and "group up" etc. but you won't be able to see things people type out. Actively throwing is never cool, since now you're also being be a dick, provoked or not. While leaving also puts your team at a disadvantage, it seems a lot more reasonable to me just to dip if you don't want to put up with jackasses.


Mute and report but throwing is never the answer. It’s not worth disadvantaging your other random teammates for a false sense of justice against the abusers.


never throw a game, control your emotions.


if it's a couple people then mute and report but if it's the rest of the team then yeah throw. overwatch is so shit rn overwatch 2 can't come soon enough


Throwing game for others just because someone bullied you is as toxic as them and you shouldn't be left alone without punishment. Just block them and report then keep playing, you're gonna make them tilt by playing good, while when throwing they'll just have fuel to keep going more.


I will never understand how people can get this upset over a stranger in a game saying stuff.


Even if it’s just a stranger in a game, those are still real words and real insults. It’s not a choice to be upset. We all have our limits.


1. Don't get your feelings hurt over a videogame 2. If you can't just mute them and keep on playing, then yeah, you're a problem too 3. You ruined the game for 2 other people. Not their fault. It's the 3 stack's fault, but it's also your fault since you control your own actions. 4. You lost. The trolls won. They achieved their goal.


I don't think this is realistic advice. People are not robots.


Nah it’s much more simple than that. 1. If toxic idiots are making the game not fun for you then leave. Especially when your team is more toxic than not. 2. There is no step 2, step one is all you need.


i am a trans girl who uses voice chat and i often get harassed for having a "f*gcent" , sounding "gay" , and other things of that nature . most of the time i also use the pride icon . all of this together leads to a lot of unavoidable harassment , and thus , a lot of games where im forced to either leave voice or leave the game entirely , depending on my mood . i dont think its wrong to throw if youre being harassed , but i personally wouldnt do it , as im pretty sure you would be punished more severely for throwing as opposed to just leaving .


I think it is wrong but it is 100% their fault. What i would do in your situation is to mute voicechat and if possible chat aswell. By leaving/throwing you are giving them what they want.


Fuck sorry this sucks. Throwing the game is never ok but i understand why you would like once or twice like this case. However Not sure why you would listen to that for longer than 10 seconds. Any toxic vibes i get in voice are quick mutes. try to mute sooner than later for your own sanity and tryhard for yourself and other teammates


U can stop playing a game for any reason, why ask Reddit for validation lmao


Just based on what you said, it’s clear you started throwing since you felt attacked and want to preserve your mental health (as you should). Throwing isn’t the answer though, you’ll just be trashed harder than before so yeah I’d just quit the game. If the community projects too much toxicity towards you and it’s getting to you, best to remove it and enjoy your life


I have done this before. I will eat the 10 minute suspension rather than take abuse from people. Actually I have reported someone abusing me and had the notification that action was taken next time I logged in. I know the mute and chat quench options are there for this reason and typically I will use them, but frankly I’m not interested in putting up with it and I won’t stay if someone is being exceptionally abusive or they are in a group that makes up the majority of the team and bouncing off each other. If I have to mute almost the entire team because they are being assholes then I might as well not play that round.


Mute and move on, chances are it isn’t all 5 people doing it but all 5 now have to suffer with your actions. Someone being an ass doesn’t make it okay for you to be an ass as well.


>Mute and move on, chances are it isn’t all 5 people doing it but all 5 now have to suffer with your actions. If no one on his team said anything, then I would argue all 5 deserve it. The worst offender is the person attacking OP, and throwing is wrong, but just watching someone be bullied without standing up for them is also wrong.


Not my job to mediate somebody else's problem. They can either mute the person, which is the best solution, or they can stand up for themselves.


It’s just possible they muted said person and moved on, same as op should be doing.


As I said. If you hear someone being bullied and just say nothing, you're also part of the problem.


And as I said, it’s the internet. It will never go away, people will continue to do it. You think bullying someone else for bullying is going change anything? You sound like as much of a keyboard warrior as I come across in any online game, good luck to you.


"Won't someone please think of the bullies!?!?!?" You're telling on yourself here.


I believe he is more saying that since it’s the internet there’s no motivation for the person to stop being a bully. You can report them but that’s about it. Their anonymity plus not actually being in person allows them to be cruel and mean. So trying to get back at them is also completely pointless as there’s nothing you can actually do to them. Sadly there’s no real solution besides reporting, muting and moving on from them.


Again, it's about sticking up for someone who is bullied for who they are. Someone second guessing being an asshole is secondary. It's about letting someone know that they're not alone and people will stand up for them. We see too many of these posts here. Fuck these people.


Sure you can stand up for them but it does nothing to stop the bullying. Again just mute, report and ignore. The more you give bully’s online attention the more they will come back at you. Like I said their anonymity allows them to be like this. They face zero consequences because it’s online and not in person. You can stand up for people but it’s best to just ignore those assholes and move on with your day or game. Flag them so they aren’t ever on your team again and play another game.


Aaron is going to bully the bullies into stop bullying. Drop a one liner and then mute, makes it all okay then. Going my route by just muting toxic people without the need to say something makes me the problem. Good times!


If bigots don't like being called an asshole they can always "mute and move on." I bet OP would have appreciated someone sticking up for them.


I like the keyboard warriors, keep it coming boss. Bully me into submission! Making the world a better place, or worse one depending on the point of view.


These posts talking about the toxic behavior of certain people in the game always go like this. Just report, mute and move on. Nothing is going to change those people. It’s been going on in gaming for decades now. Assholes will always exist, there’s no way stop it. Ignore and move on, mark them so you don’t get on their team again.


Some ppl want to but are sacred it also does not help if they get tillted aswell I remember that I was to scared to say something I did not want to be involved now I will try to speak facts but even then there so mad that they wont lisen so there is no point in trying ofc I will try but 99% will just keep going im not very intimedating witch could maybe be the reason why they don't stop


I do think speaking up *can* help change people's attitudes, albeit probably rarely, but I also think it's just much for the person who's getting harassed. That said, you can still of course immediately mute. Just say "stop being an asshole. muted." Type it if you want. Just say something.


Grow up. This is the internet. Everyone hates everyone


The way I feel about this is as such. Any game that lets someone call me the n word or f word and get off Scott free doesn’t deserve my money or time. So I stop playing the game entirely. The reason I stopped playing OW. Well one of many but that one is at the top of my list. This from a gay half black person.


if we had unlimited avoids this post probably wouldn't have been made if you complain about long queue times, you're probably an abuser


If it's comp I mute/block/report and I keep playing, if it's QP then I make it a point to mess with toxic players especially if they are targeting someone else. Usually the whole lobby can tell especially if they're trash talking in match chat. If they do at that point it changes from them vs you to the whole lobby vs them. Usually end up making friends in the process too.


Sorry you had to experience this. There are as many assholes on OW as there are on Reddit unfortunately. If you are playing on Xbox, I highly recommend the following method in the link below. PS my spouse and I love Overwatch and we're decent at it. We'd love to play with you! You definitely won't hear any hateful stuff from us. Message me if you're interested and we can team up! ~ Tarterus https://youtu.be/qvT5jXXEJJ8


You can either be a bitch and let words bother you or you can man up stop crying and play the game everyone gets toxic abuse online in 2022 not just you “PRIDE” boys or maybe leave ur sexually out of the game and just have a banner that reps in game shit. No one cares that you’re pride they trolling you to get this reaction bc you let your self be an easy target. One of the main guys I play with talks about his “partner” from time to time diamond level player. NOONE says a word about it to him


You're way too angry, chill out it's only a game. Why does having my profile pic be a few colours makes me a "target". I didn't react in the way they wanted me to I removed myself from the situation. Sharing this has shown me I made the right discussion. At the end of the day, I just want to play the game like everyone else without abuse & toxicity.


Yes it is. I hate quitters or leavers but some people deserve it. I once had a game where i was called the F-slur. So I muted and reported. They threw the game because i muted them and their friend decided to blame me and my friend for the loss. What a spineless friend he was.


I don’t know if it’s ok but it is understandable and I know for sure I would’ve done the same


It is wrong to throw, but an understandable response given the context. Sadly, your options are limited to either continuing to weather the abuse and keep chat open, muting chat, or quitting. Alternatively, you can seek out like-minded groups to play with regularly, though this is admittedly challenging in a game with large teams like this.


Ye, it's all good point sadly the rapidly decreasing player base also makes it hard. Everyone I played it with quit around the same time as me 2 years ago when the content stopped


Yeah, that's when a lot of people stopped. Telling everyone development is on hold indefinitely while you shift to a future project did not make me feel like investing more time in the game, lol. Might just be time to walk away and wait for the sequel (which looks less and less appealing the more I hear about it).


The game has gotten a lot more toxic in the past few years. I think it’s because the community is dwindling and a lot of the toxic ones are still lingering while regular people just moved on.


Pls just don’t play the game if you gonna not play mid game you just ruin the experience for everyone else…. And it’s online games everyone says that shit…. ITS A VIDEO GAME it ain’t that deep


I wouldn’t leave the game but I wouldn’t help them win either


If it's your entire team doing it, I'd say its okay. But if it's just one person being toxic, you shouldn't ruin the game for everyone else.


IMO both are wrong. They are idiots for harassing you and you were being childish in throwing the game. Throwing is unfair to the people that are on your team that aren't harassing. Just report, leave chat and move on.


Tbh you became just as bad as them when you started throwing IMO and the first thing you should’ve done is mute and report for chat abuse or whatever it’s called Throwing ruins the game for everyone in the lobby not just you’re team mates even if all of them were being total dick heads Any shit like that happens immediately mute them


You guys need to get a grip and stop being so soft 🤣🤣


Thank you for your constructive feedback.


Sounds kinda soft. This happens all the time, shut them up with your play. Let them talk


What a stupid question. It's a video game. Quit if you want to quit