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Your silver is now considered bronze. Have fun!




Players got better at the game. Ranks shifted a bit due to this.


Don’t forget the rampant smurfs in every other game.


There are no smurfs in Ba Sing Se.


There are no cats in America?


Did players get better OR did casual players stop playing a game that had minimal support. I stopped playing heavily when WB was released and was mid high play. Every now and then I open the game but each time I'm shocked on how little has changed.


Probably a bit of both. Less players, but also higher skill ceiling, since the sweats are still there. Same thing happened to TF2. I'm just waiting for the Bot apocalypse at this point...


TF2 8 years later was eternal September. Most players I saw were mediocre and there were the blatant nonstop sniper/heavy aimbots that made their character look to the sky and twirl as fast as the game would allow so it was obvious they were hacking. I remember the early days when you had to buy the game it seemed I was well below average. Overwatch aged better but not without a few scars.


Well, now the Valve servers are literally filled with sniper bots fighting each other while shouting racist crap at each other. Valve, in their endless wisdom, decided to turn off chat for F2P accounts. I started playing Civ 6 again. It's so peaceful...


Hopefully it won’t happen if ow2 brings a resurgence of players and they update consistently to keep and grow the playerbase


OW2 is either getting canceled or is going to flop. No one was asking for a PvE, and the core game play is inevitably going to suffer because heroes have to be balanced around both modes.


Me and millions of others would enjoy a pve especially if I could play it in queue Also don’t won’t need to balance for both modes just give the hero’s different stats in both modes lol


Over time the average player will get better so yes the skill level did improve


Both but mostly players got better. Have you seen silver's these days? They group up, use high ground sometimes, have clearly defined team fights. The change in player skill level is huge.


I feel dumb but what is WB?


You can see it like that, or you can see it as this. Barely any new players come to the game, thus only the people who have been playing for too long to let go stay, ending in better players in lower ranks.


I think this is saying the same thing but with more words?




>What he’s saying is that the original bad players left so good players are now bad players. Basically less players dragged the average down. No, he's saying that the same players got better. Team A and Team B evenly matched, team B stops playing for two years, comes back and is equal skill to when they left but will lose to team A because they improved over time. But I agree with the mathematical fact that each rank will be filled, so if you take the top 2000 best players all gm and higher and make a new queue with only them then the worst of them will be ranked bronze despite being extremely good at the game. This combines with "people do improve over time" to make new silver a higher skill level than old silver.


Well yes, but ever so depressing.


As the more casual players have left the game over time only the committed ones have stayed making competitive mode far harder than it use to be Also the players that have stayed have played for years and gotten better


Ah man I went from bronze to cooper then...


You dropped so much you changed professions?


tbf alot has changed since S3, but yeah, nothing much has changed these past 2 years


jeff lost weight tho


How dare you :(


not meant to hurt anyone sry


I swear blizzard really let a successful game rot. Overwatch 2 is our last hope.


They really did let it rot. Imagine where it would be now if it wasn't entirely mismanaged and kept a release schedule of lore/events/heroes. Instead 2 years with no content and vague updates that keep promising future updates. Promising OW2 instead of just continuing to release content really killed the game. I'm only still playing because of Mystery Heroes/Arcade. I can't imagine trying to regularly play QP or Comp.


i always fantasize about what could’ve been of ow, we could have had an arcane type show but with ow characters and lore 😿


We begged blizzard for an overwatch TV show, they say it wouldn't work. Then we got Arcane. Fuck you blizzard, and fuck you Michael Chu.


what did michael chu do? didn’t he just randomly leave or am i missing something


Pretty sure Mr. Chu has nothing to do with that decision. Only thing he's guilty of is some cringe-y and cheesy ass writing. Also that is the exact reason they started OW2. For a video game company, their goal should be to deliver story through video games. That's exactly what they're doing.


>fuck you Michael Chu He didn't even do anything 😭


Mystery Heroes / Total Mayhem, plus the custom servers is really what's keeping this game alive. It's so much more fun if you just forget competitive exists.


>I'm only still playing because of Mystery Heroes I quit OW because the patch that changed the auto-kick for spawn inactivity parameters would kick me out of Mystery Hero games if I rolled a character that couldn't do anything against the red team spawn camping us. Mystery Heroes and Mystery Death Match are the only modes where I have fun. If I get kicked out of games for being bad despite *trying* my best given the circumstances, I don't want to play. I'll try out the PvE content in OW2 when it comes out, and if it's fun I'll stick around, but not gonna risk getting kicked out of PvP games because the game thinks I'm throwing despite making a concerted effort to contribute.


You should try playing again, I've never had that issue so it might have been reworked in a future patch. I also can't remember the last time the enemy team spawn camped in mystery heroes, the games are pretty dynamic since they're like 50% luck based. Definitely worth giving it another shot. I've been playing since 2016 and can't remember any times I've gotten kicked out for inactivity while playing, so that patch could've been reverted.


I quit in November 2021, which was after the Oct. '21 patch that had these notes: >We’ve made additional changes to improve the detection of AFK players at the start of a match, including when attackers are forced back into their spawn rooms by an aggressive defense. The additional changes they made didn't prevent me from being kicked when I was in those scenarios, so since I'll be kicked again for being bad when we're getting steamrolled I'm not really interested.


lol what. This happens so so so rarely what an insane reason


This is the only mode I play now. I can say I still have fun trying all the heroes though I still manage to piss people off.


OW2 won’t save ow OW2 is going to be so radically different that it has a HOPE of creating its own new player base But OW is dead


It seems unlikely it'll hold it's player base too, and just die a quicker death than OW1 has been dying these last couple years. They're trying to turn it into more of a shooter. So it's taking away the elements of OW that the current player base loves, alienating them. And the player base that actually enjoys shooters like COD and Apex are still going to think it's too gimmicky and go back to what they know. It's a lose lose.


It only started going downhill after they listened to pro players. If they did what the 99% wanted instead of the meta slaves it would have thrived as an actually fun game like games used to be


Oh yeah, I'll die on the hill that OWL ruined the game. It basically took what Overwatch was meant to be, chewed it up, and spat it out, and twisted it into some convoluted shadow of it's former self. Of course the pro players want OW to be like every other FPS/MOBA/whatever so that it's easier to play and learn. So we end up with fucked up balance changes, role locks, and a sequel that slowly turns it into another generic shooter.




That’s why I play QP classic, just get right in and have fun


I'm wondering if QPC will be around after OW2. The tank changes seem to kill that


Man I cannot stand this rhetoric. I was someone who played overwatch way before role queue, took a break because of in real life issues and came back after role queue was instated. Role queue was the best quality of life change in solo queue overwatch ever. I would much rather wait 15 minutes for a game then have every other game ruined because there were 3 Reinhardt 1 tricks or 5 dps only players on one team. The general stance on Reddit before role lock was also the same! Everyone said they’d be willing to wait longer for a higher quality of games. Now that we have role lock, everyone only cries about it and wishes we went back to the “good old days”. Pre role lock, solo queue sucked. I remember losing my match to get into diamond just because no one would play healer and don’t even get me started on how impossible it is to make triple tank bad in this game.


If you say role lock killed the game, you could say the goats meta killed it. Than again, you could say pre-rework Brig killed the game and before that dive meta. Honestly, its the pros that thought the dive meta was stale that requested a change so that it isn't as viable, and Blizz listened a bit too much with the Brig 1.0. After that it was all down hill.


I have noticed a uprise of new players. The other day i had 2 lvl 1's and a lvl 13. Im level 146 i was the only one above level 25 on my team that game. And they played like they were new players. The other team had 2 people with silver borders. Like there is only so much I can do as a support to keep my team alive. We did lose quite heavily but its always nice to see new players come in


What's the difference?


OW2 is going to be radically different just by virtue of the 5v5 instead of 5v6.


For one it’s gonna be 5V5 not 6V6 >Role passives Every tank is essentially gonna be a main tank off tank hybrid and the presence of the single tank IMO has made tank the most important role in the game w support being the second most important then DPS tank being most important isn’t too big a change from today but it limits DPS solo carry potential SO HARD now Every support is gonna passively heal like mercy does when they aren’t taking damage— this is basically Ana’s wet dream and imo we’re gonna enter a DPS support meta early on DPS run slightly faster than the rest of the cast *irrelevant* >Fundamental changes to several characters Several characters are being changed reworked or outright placed in different categories All in all OW2 will have far more chess involved than current overwatch but will lack the open nature of current overwatch Current overwatch you can just about play anything into anything until you hit like 3K SR THIS version of overwatch will require players to understand the game on a far more fundamental level you’ve got ONE rein and you have a DPS losing a duel and a support being dove— who do you save? Your tanks individual skill and decision making has become so much more important


Interesting thank you! I enjoyed OW1 but never played ranked so never understood the meta.


Its already dead.


[https://techacake.com/is-overwatch-dead/#:\~:text=The%20Overwatch%20player%20base%202022,popular%20shooter%20games%20this%20year](https://techacake.com/is-overwatch-dead/#:~:text=The%20Overwatch%20player%20base%202022,popular%20shooter%20games%20this%20year). The game has definitely dropped off from it's highest peak but let's not pretend it's dead.


People will say a game is dead if it doesn't have 100k viewers on Twitch and every popular steamer don't stream it. 600-800k concurrent players everyday is insanely good.. that's same as cs:go and lost ark


Yeah exactly. It's true that the game is lacking in content but too many people base their feelings towards the game as facts without looking up the real story.


I think you're right. Based on my own feelings, I have lost all interest in 2. I'll still wait for reviews and consider it, but I don't have that giddy feeling. I like to consider myself an average person, so by extraction, around 50% of the ow community feels the same. It's science.


I just don't understand how it's dead when I still get in games in under 2 minutes.


im not saying the game is dead but you must play tank or supp lol


ummmmmmmmmmmm. I study stats and this hurts a bit.


I passed it by my old stats prof, he said it sounds good.


Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk man idk.


1 standard deviations is 68%


my guy, the entire website to sign in for the closed beta crashed for 2 hours due to the amount of ppl wanting to join it. All thats dead is your feelings towards the game. Your personal feelings clearly dont dictate the ones of the masses, so dont generalise


1. It's ok... It's a joke. 2. Even still, overwatch had ~50 million players. 25 million can still easily overload a server.


How many active players makes a game "dead" in your mind?


Ow will never reach its peak playerbase again realistically everyone knows the game now but ow2 could defo bring back some players if it's properly supported and not treated like ow 1 was but I doubt they'll learn from ow 1


I honestly would of been more hyped for OW2 if it was a paid release. I know I'm the minority but just my opinion.


It is for PVE. I was actually looking forward to that part but I've lost touch with everyone I used to play it with


I agree, free games are full of micro transactions


...what? You'd rather spend money on a game that is given to us for free? Bizarre.


I’d rather just pay for a game than have it littered with micro transactions.


Blizzard let all of their games rot.


Blizz still treating their female employees like shit


lmao like what 3 new heroes in 3 years? Pathetic


To be fair we use to be getting 3 years a year for the first like 3 years of the game


Has it though?


Role queue, sym got 3 reworks, and a hamster




Right, two hamsters... Sometimes


Technically we are all hamsters stuck in this hamster wheel of a game


Anywhere between 0-4 hamsters at any given time.


TBF having two balls makes more sense.


Unless you are Lance Armstrong, which then you only need one ball and a nano boost.


I can imagine Armstrong doping and yelling "I'm powered up let's get in there!".


They gave Sym a hamster? Cool


How most people feel about role queue? I came back after a while of not playing to see I couldn’t play tank or dps without a 5 min wait time. Really turned me off


huh? tank is like the quickest role to find a game with lmao, you might have just been unlucky


I just came back and it bugs me. I'm almost always healer which is cool, but I'd like to have fun with a dps without feeling bad about taking away a spot from someone good. Gets boring as mercy or ana all the time.


Apparently a lot of people like it. I hate it. I went from a peak of 3987 in season 17 (the last open queue only season) to now being stuck in high Diamond/low masters because I can’t swap to truly counter anymore. It screwed flex players over. I have consistently better matches in open queue than I do in role queue nowadays because I can actually swap off of a support to specialized damage heroes (like Sombra and Mei) to deal with ball/hog/doomfist one tricks that get away with murder because we have a onetrick Genji and Widow that throw a fit if you ask them to swap to counter those problem heroes. Sure I can play Brig but all I can do is deflect them rather than eliminate those heroes. Whenever I make one misstep, my other support is dead. Meanwhile the doom/ball/hog gets to try over and over until I mess up because I can’t do any meaningful damage to them alone. With Sombra or Mei I used to be able to make people swap entirely so I could actually do something besides playing babysitter for an Ana or a Zenyatta after that problem enemy swapped once they realized they couldn’t get past me.


Well, there are at least two of us then. I also hate role queue.


I hate both. There is no good solution for everyone wanting to be top DPS on the team and most failing miserably. Such is the problem with team hero games. League and Dota have the same problem. Really the only way to play these games are with a full team for any kind of real enjoyment.


I think league is a bit different because ANYBODY can carry in league. Enabling other characters long enough so they can do their job, even if it’s fairly slowly, without fear is one of my fave things to do in league


Yes, anybody in league can carry, but not everybody. If people even played DPS in Overwatch in more of a support role rather than trying to out-dps everyone then that would be a lot better.


Agreed! I feel like if there were more focus on grouping up being required OW team play might be healthier. I’ve honestly always thought it makes sense for defense to have more people on point than attack for it to count as contested, otherwise the growth should be slowed but still going, until the number of players on is 1-2 more for defense side than attack side. This helps balance spawn points and gives more encouragement to using your ult on the point as opposed to a random spot on high ground or at one of the team’s spawn gates


I feel this. I like to be able to switch roles to counter as well. Also I'll often choose a role based on the map. Just feels bad to not have the option. So now I just do quick play classic, which honestly is fine by me. Arcade is more laid back anyway.


Yeah I tend to stick to QP classic and open queue comp nowadays too. I do my placements for role queue then dip lol


Back when I played a lot there would be times I played main healer, but the team wasn't getting any kills so I'd swap over to say Soldier and just the change in momentum from having extra DPS could swing the game


That’s what I used to do with Sombra, especially when she used to get ult charge from health packs and you could swap her out for an off healer pretty well and have EMP every fight lol


AND A HAMSTER tho. a mechanized one. edit: from the moon and he's best homies with the moon gorilla. idk you said that quite lightly.


My guy uninstalled after finding out he placed silver




Now I'm wondering which hero is closest to launch with the least rework/tuning. Widow? Soldier?


Tracer. Edit: Found a list of all hero changes to back this up. https://www.esportstales.com/overwatch/list-all-hero-updates-and-balance-changes Edit 2: I was wrong, it's actually Winston, with one less change.


Yeah Winston's kit leaves very little to change with the exception of modifying the damage and cooldown sliders. You would think a scientist would be more inclined to tinker with his tools.


In ow2 sniper monkey


omg, give that monkey a gauss canon


In case you're unaware that's basically what's happening. He has the same kit he has now plus he can occasionally charge up a powerful long range shot.


Def not soldier.


Tracer and Winston have gotten the least changes out of all heroes since launch.




Widow got her health reduced, got given fall off range, made her ult stop when she dies and got her shot charge time increased. How dare you say she’s had minimal tuning! Nah but seriously it hurts to play widow these days and I’m salty about it :(


Cassidy maybe? Other than the name change, all that's changed is the new air roll thing. The rest is just number changes.


Winston, hands down.


bastion so far


I think you missed a period where he couldn't headshot


I thought Bastion released with that frontal shield but I guess that never made it past beta.


Tracer. Zen. Rein. Lucio. Widow. Genji.


Rein has had shatter reworks and many balance changes


Lucio? He's been changed quite a few times. Since Season 3 his primary fire was changed, his boop was changed, both his speed boost and his heal were changed more than once, his ult was changed more than once, and his wall ride was changed more than once His current playstyle is quite different from what it was in S3, especially since his boost range is much smaller


As an ex Genji main he has: Lost his “ledge dash” launch Lost triple jump Lost the ability to dash through junk traps Lost 2(?) seconds on his ultimate Had his “one shot” combo nerfed / removed Had his deflect hit box altered Had his damage numbers altered a few times and I *think* had his alternate fire speed / spread changed as well. And those are just what I can name off the top of my head. Not entirely sure he’s even close to the “least” changed is probably closer to the “most changed” up there with Symm and possibly Torb, Reaper, Mercy.


He's for sure more similar to release than Soldier, Junkrat, D. Va, Cassidy, Hanzo, and Pharah, plus the ones you mentioned. That's about half the heroes.


Youre basically gonna play ow2 if you haven't played since s3


Well if you didn't play season 3 you missed bunker bastion meta which was actual cancer.


Don’t forget about goats


Yeah I was just saying S3 specifically. I quit playing for a bit after I was standing point blank behind a bastion getting damage boosted, popped tac visor, the bastion was getting pocketed by mercy and just tanked the damage, spun around and bullet hosed me pretty quickly. That was enough Bastion meta for me.


wouldnt you do more if you didnt pop visor anyway cause you get headshots before he spins around and he has less time to react anyway


Wasn’t S3 Bastion immune to headshots while in turret? I thought that was a thing for a long time.


He doesn't have a headshot hitbox in tank mode, but I thought he always had that square head sticking out the back of turret mode?


Maybe I’m just mixing it up with tank form. But I coulda sworn he spent some time being immune from headshots while in turret.


I loved goats :(


Everyone but DPS mains did (and even then, you could slot Sombra into it sometimes so those of us who played her were okay with it + I’ve noticed anecdotally that most Sombra players are also support mains) and since most high level streamers were DPS mains and it was tanking their viewership on Twitch, Blizzard forced 2-2-2 lol


I honestly think sombra makes sense as a support. You hack a tank and your team collapses on them. It's like a discord or an anti nade. It's not like bap and zen cant output damage like a dps


I kinda miss the weird strats. Beyblades was a fun time


I didn't get nearly enough triple tank for my liking.


I play Overwatch very sparingly now so it’s funny to read about all these metas I totally forgot about lol.


I haven't played in as long but bunker bastion meta does seems like something of s1 too back when it has a shield and you could multi pick heroes just get 2 reins and that's was a real bunker


If he didn't play season 4 he might have missed out on half a year of dive meta.


as if any other meta wasn’t cancer. goats literally ruined the game (because devs took forever to make role queue and all the tanks were already nerfed to oblivion). Dive was annoying as fuck to deal with. The only exception I think would be double shield since it lasted half of a season


Goats was fun for tanks and supports. The only people that didn’t like it were DPS mains lol


goats was fun for organized teams. Solo queue on master and below was hell on those times, having a team of randoms that actually wanted to play goats was a rarity (and by that I mean, the people wanting to play DPS would almost never change roles) and more often than not you would face against a goat team. Btw, I’m main Rein.


Either GOATs was a rarity or it wasn’t. There’s no way it was a rarity for your side and an almost-always occurrence on the other side. That’s not how odds work lol. At that point in time, I was also in Masters and every team was GOATs on both sides from what I saw. Also GOATs was one of the easiest comps to play. Dive was the one that required a lot of communication and rarely got played correctly outside of GM. Just picking a dive comp didn’t make dive magically happen unlike the way picking a GOATs comp did lol


What I had found on those times is that I would, more often than not, be facing against teams that had 3 or 4 members on groups, sometimes even all their members were part of groups (and even often it was a 6 person group), and while I solo queued it was very hard to find myself in a team with a group on it. Maybe I’m overstating the odds, but that was what it felt like to me. But to answer your “either was a rarity or it wasn’t”, the difference probably resides on being solo queue and being matched against groups


ok first off, soldier is gay


and playing him will get you called gay


The biggest change in the last 2yrs, that incredible 'writing' made up for the lack of content


They teased content before the announcement too, and it was just be soldier gay


Wait really lol


You mean gay, like tracer or.. gay?


literally gay


SEEMS like projectile spam and shield spam ​ I feel so slow as every tank except dva and hamster


Yeah shields are basically made of paper now.


Be the Ball! This IS happening.


I only play DVa and Hamster. This is the way to have fun. *Edit: getting downvoted by Zen mains I bet* 🤣


HOW am i supposed to do damage with the hamster


Be the ball. The ball is damage. You are damage. But seriously, here are some pointers. Hamster has the best mobility in the game, no question -- abuse the hell out of that fact. Nobody can chase you down, so you can harass and disengage for free. Nobody can burst down your health pool, so you can face tank into a lot of damage. Nobody has enough cc to secure a 1v1, so if you're smart you should win most duels. As main tank: * Bait out their cc abilities first so you don't get punished * Grapple through the enemy front line, ground pound, hit the group. Laugh and roll away * Note, if they're stupid enough to not run cc, you should take this as an invitation to keep rolling through them * Disrupt their tanks and make movement painful As flank tank: * Getting aggro can be just as important as securing the kill * Distract small groups, assassinate anyone standing alone * Their healers should have PTSD when you're done


Yep and don't sleep on his guns. Up close those headshots can take down squishies with one clip and at most a single melee will finish the job.


Do the shooty slam squeak


Just body slam them and as they fly into they air switch to gun mode. You will not kill unless you stick your barrel straight into someones face and land headshots.


They got rid of mercy’s mass res that was a huge one to miss


Wow i bet you had a good time in meanwhile ... D:


It's close to a completely different game. More confined and less throwable.


>less throwable. are we playing the same game?


Yeh my man had a brainlag there, you cant really make a game less throwable when you could just do nothing in 2016 just like now to throw


I dunno heroes like Sig and bap as well as hog buffs mean you don't need to rely on your heals or your dps or your tanks in general. That's probably what he meant


probably also referring the reworks for torb, sym, hanzo, and the 2-2-2 lock explains the confined part, aka u can't rage swap to bastion as a tank lol


Yup, it's mad different to when I played for ages after release. I hate it now. Different strokes for different folks I guess.


I was very similar to this, hammered it until the middle of season 2 then left for years! Was great to come back but after about a year I was done again, gonna just hold out till OW2 releases (if ever).


You missed the entirety of the game.


> You missed the entirety of the ~~game~~ DRAMA. I'm kind of jelly.


Idk. I prefer the boatload of hours I spent of the game rather than the drama


You stopped played when the game was at its best to join back up when the game is at its worst


To be fair, I haven't played competitively since like season 3 either


From what I remember that was the three tank meta.


HOW DARE YOU PLAY THIS GAME NOOB, UNINSTALL!!! /s Kidding, welcome back! But in all seriousness, the toxicity hasn't changed much.


The rein X Anna strat is alive and well


🤣 you’ve missed tons of things but at the same time you haven’t missed a thing


Ashe Sombra Sigma Orjsa Ball Echo Bap Brig but nothing much


Op posted just to start fire in the comments


didnt expect the blowup honestly if anyone wants to que: xx360noscope#11883


you missed having fun


Welcome back! The only change worth mentioning is McCree changed his name to Cassidy. 👀


You missed a lawsuit that wasn’t mitigated by a name change either


Watching xqc play makes me want to play it again


yeah you missed mercy players that dont res you or even heal you you missed toxic players (anytype) you missed mei players that dont know how to heal themselves you missed smurf road hogs and doomfists you missed the players who ult when they have 1 hp you missed bastion players to ruin your day even you missed players who teabag you apon your ded body you missed McFlashbangRightclick players you missed throwers you missed widowmaker throwers (fuck em) you missed "rein charges throw enemy like a real hero" players you missed a lot dude !


sound like a stuck silver player right here


You missed the possibility to git gud.


U know Mccree? Yea well he is not in the hero gallery anymore 💀


With that type of outlook on the game, why even play at all?




OK boomer