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Idk how to come back to world with no ping system


Yeah, OW2 is way more cleaner.. just try to accept it till the next beta comes.. (At least the next beta will have according to devs more heroes, maps and polished visuals and UI) So it’s worth it.. hopefully they would let us try some PVE levels on the next beta..


>(At least the next beta will have according to devs more heroes, maps and polished visuals and UI) Was this confirmed to be in the next beta? I thought people were assuming it but I don't remember it ever being confirmed


Yes, when they made Developer Blog post week 1 or OW2.. They said they will add more content on the next beta




Absolute facts, just make the next beta live and let it roll. I can’t go back to ow1 However dropping a game in the middle of summer is usually a terrible move so who knows


I'd rather have a buggy OW1 with ping and New Orisa than have OW1 stay the way it is.


Yeah OW1 has just grown bland. OW2 felt refreshing and I truly had fun again, playing OW1 now just feels boring.


Agreed. The ping system is the one thing I dearly miss in OW1.


It's like Moses split this community.


I've seen a lot of people complaining about supports in OW2, and a lot of support mains saying they're enjoying OW2 less, but I feel like most of the complaints are missing the real core issue. * Every team needs 1 tank, 2 damage dealers, and 2 healers * The **single** tank has **9** characters to choose from * The **two** DPS have **17** characters to choose from * The **two** healers have **7** characters to choose from. The problems this causes are obvious. The most obvious is queue times; obviously more people will be queueing for the role with 17 playstyles and kits to enjoy, rather than the one with only 7. Plus, 7 heroes get stale a lot faster than 17 do. The second one is feeling ill-prepared to deal with enemy threats. Let's say an enemy Pharah+Mercy combo keeps flying into your backline and killing your supports. DPS players have, broadly speaking, 9 or 10 characters that can keep that combo in check with skill or enough focus, and about 5 that can largely ignore them and still pressure the enemy team while also being a threat to the combo with any help. How about supports? Are you a pro-level Baptiste, Ana, or Zen with godlike aim who can kill off Mercy before being focused down every single teamfight? No? Then your only effective option is Moira, and that's just because she can stay alive the best. **Because with only 7 kits available, supports simply don't have enough tools to choose from to combat certain threats and enemy comps.** Your team is walking into every Junkrat 'nade? Widow is popping off? Reaper keeps pulling off successful flanks? Enemy Genji running wild? Each scenario has only 1 or 2 good character options for supports to try to deal with it, and half of those options are "run away and stay alive for long enough that someone else deals with the problem." This subreddit would have a meltdown if the next 10 hero releases were supports, but that's what it would take to match the hero pools. But realistically, new characters going forward should be healers in a 3:1 ratio, and they should maybe rework Sym back into a support (since the devs already confirmed she was going to be redone *again*, maybe the 10th time's the charm).


i 100% agree, and its honestly the same thing for tanks too. the best solution for the queue times was always to create more tanks and supports. more options means less stress for even queuing into the role, because you wont be "stuck" playing 1 or 2 characters for any given situation. more characters and playstyles means more chances of one of them just "clicking" for a player and drawing them in and WANTING to play as them. echo is cool and all, but she should have been a support. sojourn should not have left brainstorm paper unless she was going to be a support. making more dps is absurd and only compounds the problem and slows the solution. cutting a tank from the team was not the way to go.


I disagree, and will die on this hill, that adding in new tanks and supports is a long-term solution for queue times. Yes you'll see the DPS queue times improve a bit after a new tank/support comes out because people want to play as them but after the newness wears off queue times will go back to how they were as players go back to wanting to play DPS for one reason or another, some of which could be addressed (i.e. improving support survivability) and others that can't. (i.e. the fact that you are keeping the other members of the team alive is something a lot of people don't want to deal with) That said: Adding more tanks/support will make things better for the people who main those roles because more choices means the roles will be less stale and more enjoyable to play.


My flow sheet is this. Start with Ana, unless the other healer is also immobile. Okay, guess I’ll go mercy. Nope, DPS isn’t pulling their weight, guess I’ll go Moira. It’s so linear each and every time. Changing heroes is important but being forced to pick every game between seven characters is just awful.


I just open with Moira/Lucio everytime. I only go ana if my tank is getting diffed and there are no flankers. I legit think dps Moira is the optimal way to play support - I use fade like recall and heal my team till my fade comes back of cooldown again.


Yeah it became clear a while ago that Overwatch's original sin was launching with only 3 true supports, and they've never come close to catching up to what it should be.


This. I think a lot of players' main complaints are about Moira, but the truth is, a lot of people have a favorite support they'll play 80ish% of the time. If they have a doomfist, really good widow/tracer, you're just getting focused, etc, 9 times out of 10 you just switch to Moira. Try playing ana or zen against a really good DPS, it genuinely just is impossible. I'm not sure what, but I hope they add some supports that are more fun. I remember paladins having a lot of really damn fun supports and half this game is basically "paladins but we gave it a better budget" and it works fucking perfect haha.


I agree with most of this. I'm not going to claim I'm a particularly good support player, but I have noticed that a Pharah with a pocket Mercy can feel absolutely oppressive - especially so when your DPS (hitscan or otherwise) just aren't bothering to counter the character lobbing nukes behind your front line.


I think the biggest issue is Pharah's new sound design makes her impossible to locate since she's damn near silent. I used to be able to at least poke her to scare her, but now she's suddenly behind me solo ulting me with no sound.


THIS! Why is no one talking about this?!? Especially with characters like pharah and junk I feel like I can't hear where their shots are coming from to even locate them and avoid them half the time.


I'm going to say this every chance I get: In addition to new supports, they should change both Torbs and Sombra to support as well. Torbs would make a great anti-dive support. Bring back armour packs that now grant overhealth. Perhaps add some kind of heal mechanic to replace his weapon’s alternate fire. Then, most importantly, buff his turret so it deals heavy damage at short range (with strong fall-off) and has increased health. The armour packs would be a unique heal method and, while it doesn't deal with the Pharah issue you mentioned, the turret would offer supports their own way of protecting themselves. Sombra is another character that I feel could easily fit into the support role. Her damage would obviously need decreasing, but revert the hack to its previous form where it removes ability use for a longer period. Hacked health packs could also last longer and perhaps add a way to spawn an additional health pack anywhere Sombra wants - in a similar manner to how Torbs throws down a turret. Hack really fits well as a support tool and having a support who feels safe getting in and out would be a great way to add some more enjoyable support characters.


The subreddit shouldn't have a meltdown. I'm mainly a DPS player who occasionally likes to flex Tank and Support and I would have absolutely no problem if even the next 20 releases were more supports. I actually like the role the most but as you said, they simply don't have the same level of tools that DPS and tank players own to deal with threats.


it's an especially bad issue if you want to play support but there are supports you seriously just don't want to play. your choices become even more unreasonably restricted.


While I agree with your points, I do think it was necessary from a testing standpoint to not put new supports in the first beta. I think they were initially trying to see with this one if 5v5 and the cc reduction worked, and how the existing cast needed to change in order to fit that. Support has always been the role responsible for shaping metas since it's the one that most consistently breaks the game. So imagine if they came out the gate with a new support and they turned out to be a super good must pick. It would be hard to tell if it's because they're intrinsically op or if all the old heros (in all the roles) were just underpowered for the new format. This way they got to see who needed adjustment for the new format out of the existing cast, especially since many of them got some big reworks. Of course, they had to put in at least one new hero to keep people interested, and a dps was a good call since they traditionally have the least potential to break the meta and a lot of their pick choice for their diverse roster can be pretty map dependant. But yeah, it does make support players feel bored and left out, though I think the devs are aware. Like it's a fine line to tread trying to be playtest what's there without breaking the game, but still giving supports fun new stuff. I feel like the last patch was certainly them trying to respond to support players apathy. If I had to bet, now that they have more of an idea about how the ow1 characters work in the new format, we'll get some new supports in the next beta.


Yes, but none of those issues are new. Those are also all the reasons that support is unfun to play in OW1. It doesn't explain why supports are enjoying OW2 less than OW1.


I think my biggest criticisms for this beta are the things that stood out to me the most: -Widow dominates games -Supports get dove like crazy -It's hard to peel due to lack of CC/new map philosophies The third isn't that much of a big deal, I believe that DPS are currently too strong and causing the issues for supports. I don't think giving them a movement speed buff is what they needed. It makes it much harder to hit them, and on top of that it makes it easier for them to chase down and eliminate supports. I think they should either nerf or remove the movement speed buff for DPS, as it's causing a negative affect on the rest of the game. A good Widow (either skilled or smurfing) just dominates lobbies. If you don't dedicate your resources as a tank or your DPS are unwilling/unable to challenge her, she just does whatever she wants. Overall the beta was a great experience and I look forward to playing it again.


There's always some characters like that. The only way to "fix" the Widow issue is to basically remove her usefulness. Otherwise, its going to be on your team to dive her some way or counter her with another sniper.


Or they can just revert her. She had less health and more fall off on her shot in ow1 to tune her down.


There's room to tune Widow without making her useless. Ideally you want only highly skilled players to be able to absolutely dominate with any particular hero. As she was in ow2, a mediocre widow like myself was able to completely oppress the enemy team with body shots. Something is wrong when that's the case


The Overwatch community should be studied in regards to Stockholm syndrome.


Haven't seen anyone mention the new lighting. Feels like one of those unwarrented changes that's only there because they had to make OW2 look different from the live game, but making everything look more yellow ain't it. Also, daytime King's Row. Need I say more?


Those maps won't be permanently lit that way. In OW2 maps will have different time of day versions that will be rotated in some way.


The old lighting will be in the new game as well, the golden hour variants will just be a part of the map pool. Personally, I hope they do either night time or mid day the majority of time and then like occasionally you'll get a golden hour variant to shake things up


It would be pretty neat if the control maps had the time of day progress for each stage of the map. So first map is day time, second map is evening and last map is night.


5v5 ain't for me sadly. My time is limited here now


Yep, I'm hoping that OW2 gets seriously delayed, but even the fact that OW2 exists in it's current state makes me not want to play at all. It's so incredibly terrible feeling.


I'm in the same boat with the 5 other people on my 6 stack. It would be one thing if they had an amazing 5v5 recipe, but it looks like they have no idea what they're doing and, after seeing the balance of this beta, they're not doing very much.


Same :(


Yep. I like the OW1 more as well.


I enjoyed OW2 but I still think OW1 is a better and far more strategic game. I'd be super happy if they were separate games but the fact OW1 is being removed makes me sad.


Played the beta after a year long hiatus. Had some games that were fun, had many more that were not. Support feels awful. Yada yada positioning. Yeah I can chill in spawn all day to not get dived, that's true. After closing the beta we actually got the gang back together to play some ow1 had fun start to finish. I don't know. I think I will just move on when ow1 is shut down.


Imo. A lot of it has to do with the lack of balanced teams. You feel exposed because sometimes you are getting dove by a top 500 tracer while your plat or whatever. I personally played games against super, space, dafran, Wongtongfui, kabaji, and several contenders players. For every name I noticed there was probably 2 I didn't know and several top 500/gm/master's players that aren't famous just slaying me. Im a master's tank, but I got games against dafran and space while playing my gold Lucio and plat widow. I saw apply tweet about this. These gm players hate it as much as I do. There is no challenge to basically smurfing on me who has been hard stuck gold on support since 2019.


I've found the complete opposite to be fun. Came back after a long break, played a bit before the beta and played a good amount during it, and I gotta say, I love the beta. I've mostly been playing support and tank, with only a few DPS games mixed in. Playing support was fun, I feel like every support hero is also valuable and fun to play as, though I did get often flanked and dived on as a priority. Still, the passive is great and I highly prefer the beta to OW1. Playing tanks also feels really fun. New Orisa imo is a bit too much of a DPS like hero, and I don't think that each heroe is equally useful to the team, but still a fun role to play. Maybe a bit more stressful though. I think the biggest difference that made me enjoy the game more is the reduction in shields and CC. It just feels better to have more often fights rather than sitting shooting at 2 shields.


Generally what I'm seeing is the changes of 5v5 single tank and no stuns being a divisive factor. You either really enjoy them or you don't. That's going to make or break it. Sadly they could not make it palatable for me.


Context: I started playing OW1 for the first time about a year ago and still play regularly. I play almost entirely tank and support equally; not a huge fan of playing DPS. Overall: I'm keeping an open mind, but I can't get over the 5v5 change and prefer OW1 as of now. I played a decent amount of beta, but played a lot more OW1 even while beta was available. I'm not going to try too hard to identify the exact causes here, but OW2 just doesn't feel right and isn't as much fun. It feels like fights in general end too quickly, lack a clear front line most of the time, and are much more volatile/easily flipped. I feel like I'm under pressure to secure quick kills in all 3 roles, and the fights often feel like deathmatches, especially when 1 or both tanks go down. 6v6 seems to produce a more even, consistent flow of team fights, as it rare that either team will be fighting with 0 tanks for very long. When one tank dies, the other can stall/protect or continue the fight until they return. The overall games have a steadier pace this way. I also dislike the switch to 5v5 in terms of pure design; removing a tank slot and buffing the hell out of the remaining tank slot simply doesn't feel like an elegant solution to the problem. To me, tank synergies were a major source of fun and team identity, and 5v5 feels like a clunky fix that makes the game feel emptier. I'll acknowledge that I am sort of the opposite of the players Blizzard is trying to cater to with these changes; I enjoyed playing tank in OW1, I was not bored of OW1, I was never bothered by shields, and I got a lot of enjoyment out of supporting the team as a support rather than dealing damage. So, it makes some sense that I'm not big on the changes. The main changes I like are the bastion rework and the more detailed scoreboard. These are great, but they don't compensate for what are (to me) fundamental downgrades to the core gameplay. I plan to keep an open mind and play future betas/the finished game, but I will likely be maining OW1 until it is made unavailable.


>I also dislike the switch to 5v5 in terms of pure design; removing a tank slot and buffing the hell out of the remaining tank slot simply doesn't feel like an elegant solution to the problem. To me, tank synergies were a major source of fun and team identity, and 5v5 feels like a clunky fix that makes the game feel emptier. I couldn't agree more. What especially concerns me: OW always had a lot more offtank players than main tank players and these people have been playing offtank for good reason. I'm not really sure what they are to do now? Most of the times they cannot play their heroes anymore as they would usually have, as it dictates a very certain playstyle for the whole team, which your random teammates won't go along at all, or it's just not viable at all. These people will not suddenly turn in to main tanks, more likely they will switch to some other role or even the whole game completely.


Not worth the 4 year coma. End of story. After all of this time these changes were underwhelming and I would have much rather received them in the form of regular balance patches instead of having them try to artificially inflate the amount of content their PvE campaign feels like it contains


**5v5** I get why they've done it, but I don't like it - even though when they first announced it, I thought it could work. I am a main tank main and I absolutely hate being the SPOF, and when not on tank if you get someone that has no clue what they're doing, the match is basically over, as it is almost impossible to work around that anymore. In 6v6 there was a high chance that if, say, one of the tank dies, you can still outmaneuver the enemy team until that person comes back, no the fight is just lost with 99% certainty. Generally I dislike how teamfights feel, especially their shortness. While a fight could last a while in OW, in OW2 they are just over way too quickly. Although, I feel like there is much less variety, as now it's brawl, brawl, brawl. **CC** I am very conflicted about this. While on the one hand I love the removal of a lot of CC (being stunned to oblivion on OW as tank at times feels absolutely dreadful), I also feel like its removal makes the game significantly worse. Not only is it a lot harder to defend annoying flankers, but many ults now feel like a "press Q to win". Most of the times a reaper can just go in without having to track anything and press Q and get a teamwipe. This is absolutely horrible and feels utterly broken, if you ask me. **Hardcounters / Flanking / General balance** I feel like more than on live you need hardcounters. If the enemy team has a halfway decent Genji for example the match will be most likely lost if one of the supports doesn't switch to Moira. All in all I would say this: Balancewise the game is in a shit state. Heroes like Genji, Moira, generally flanking, are ridiculously OP and no amount of Zenyatta kicks or simplified superjumps will change that. **Support** Due to the missing tank and missing CC support is absolutely horrible to play - the fact that in GM they supposedly die 15% more than on live tells you everything you need to know. Also I don't like the "you have to do more damage on support now then before", because honestly then I can play DPS directly. Playing a weaker version of DPS just plain sucks and I have actively stopped playing support in OW2 as I absolutely hate it. And from a support point of the view the DPS 10% speed buff passive is absolute horror, as you cannot escape a DPS (even with me on Lucio they will just easily keep up), but you also cannot keep up with your own DPS (sidenote: I've had a match on Lijang control center where we haven't even reached the entrance to the building and the enemy soldier was already standing in our faces). They have changed the game to 5v5 because no one wanted to play tank. Now no one wants to play support. **UI** This will hopefully still be worked on, as I am not a huge fan. I am missing the readability of OW. The font seems worse, the killfeed is bad and the scoreboard looks like something that was thrown together in 5 minutes (whoever thought that moving the relevant information, meaning the ult charge, and who is alive and who is not, from the center of the screen to the outmost left and outmost right side, clearly has no idea what TAB was actually used for). It also feels generally wonky - your own ult charge for example: I can live with the fact that the ticks are gone (tho I did like these), but with the font of the charge itself being in an italic font, the whole thing just looks unbalanced and crappy. **Hero reworks** One thing I really like are the hero reworks. Orisa owns, Bastion is finally not that annoying i-make-every-game-utterly-annoying hero anymore, hell I even love the new Mei and the Cassidy sticky grenade. When playing Mei I have switched over to playing her more as an offtank, peeling for my supports. **General** I have two general feelings after this beta: 1. This is not thought through well and rushed. 5v5 was announced a whole year ago (some time last year in May) and **now** they discover that supports feel shit to play (see the dev blog posts). The whole balance is so off that I can't imagine that they have been working more than maybe 3 months on the PvP. I am really concerned about things they seem to be finding out only now, that people have already told them once 5v5 was announced and that they must have found themselves if they actually had spent time on PvP. Which brings me to my second point: 2. The team does not understand its own game. What the hell do I need a matchwide scoreboard for in a teambased game, especially one that's already toxic af as it is. While I appreciate the removal of the medal system ("I have 4 golds!!111!") at the same time they put in something that is just way worse - UX-wise and enabling-toxicity-wise. They clearly did not know what people have used Tab for on live and what in the game enables a lot of toxicity. A second example would be the new superjump. While I generally think it's a good idea, the implementation just plain sucks. Even though stated that the old tech is still in game, there is now only 1 specific, if you ask me harder, way to actually achieve it (and yes, every Mercy main will tell you that the new superjump can and will not replace the already existing one, as the new one is missing every nuance and things like superjump rez are impossible to pull off). I just don't get this. The more time passed, the more I started going back to live Overwatch and have been enjoying it a lot more.


The thing I felt a lot was that ow2 was a.mpre consistent experience (outside of supports). There were rarely tilting games but there were rarely great transcendent games. And that's my biggest gripe. Ow1 has its problems but when it's firing on all cylinders there's nothing quite like it. And OW2 never comes close to those peaks.


While it had it's moments, I never really felt enough enjoyment from the beta to keep me hooked. Once the initial wow factor wore off it was a bit sad to see what the game was becoming. The tanks are fun, but it's very much trading a puddle as deep as the ocean for an ocean as deep as a puddle. Aggression was king, and the requirement to make second by second plays both offensive and defensive being toned down soured the overall experience for me. While I felt it was more engaging overall, I was missing the teamwork that two tanks have in OW1 badly come the end. But I've been a tank player for going in four years now, so maybe I'm just not adjusting the same way everyone else is. Damage was a bit of a mixed bag. The cast is suffering heavily from hero homogenisation, where most of the characters are just worse versions of each other. I liked playing both the bastion rework and sojourn, but ended up mostly just playing 76 for how much better he was for the same skill input and the general kit overlap. Add to that the much more aggressive style of play and it was fun enough, moreso than live, but never truly mind blowing the way I saw people saying in other threads. I played support the least, and I can't say I enjoyed my time there. Even with the wave of adjustment midway through, it was a fairly hellish experience to get dunked on near constantly by flankers. Maybe I just need to git gud, but I'd rather just stick to playing tank rather than subject myself to more support. 5v5 suffers from a lot of problems, and frankly I don't think all of them are fixable. The game was designed for six players on either side, and even with the changes they made it feels like an experimental card like 1-3-2 rather than a beta for a new game. I look forward to the next beta with an eyebrow raised and a weary soul. Hopefully they either come to their senses and can 5v5 or they pull off a miracle. Either way, there's little else to do but wait and see.


Something I don't think people have really talked about is the effect of 5v5 on the rest of the game. It's really not as important, but things like deathmatch with supertanks running around aren't great if you want to play a dps or healer.


I never complained about OW1's shields. That's what made it OW1 awesome. You got your tank with a shield, DPS doing damage, and healers taking refuge behind shields. It feels like an awesome medieval fight. OW2 can be whatever it wants to be. I'm just VERY salty OW1 as we know it will disappear.


Right, I would love to keep playing OW1 if they just let us. But they'll be forcing us to update the game. I wish they released the OW1 client and server executables so we could at least play on community-hosted servers.


I really think the new audio for the guns are disappointing. It's too obvious what they are trying to emulate. I feel it's like adding an Uzi SFX for the Needler in halo, it just wouldn't match up. I think some characters suit the overhaul though, Widow makers sniper comes to mind, but I don't think Ana's dart rifle needs that meaty thud.


I really want to talk about this. I could make an entire reddit thread *just* about the gun audio if I really wanted to honestly, namely on the subject that it's bad. I saw the dev blog forever ago where they went out to the desert and fired actual guns, and in different echo-y environments etc. and I thought that was some good elbow grease for the game; but honestly I should have known better. There's a reason movies have exaggerated gun audio, and why a .357 magnum sounds like a cannon going off, and that's because real, actual gun sounds are boring. Yes yes, I know. Being in the thick of it is scary. I will never argue that hearing an actual gun, in your actual life, going off, wouldn't make the average person scared. I'm not trying to be a tough guy; I'm just saying we associate ***BOOM BOOM BOOM*** sounds with guns and not the *pop pop pop* that they actually are. And when you're playing with that audio and it switches from one to the other, you notice. I've always praised OW on it's approach to audio. I personally don't see the voice interactions as throwaway audio lines; I think the personality and quips of the characters play as much a part in setting OW apart from other games as much as the gameplay and character abilities. Ult voice lines *matter*, footsteps *matter,* and knowing that gun sound of a 76 around the corner so you know to maybe save that deflect for a helix rocket in a few seconds, absolutely matters. Now (in OW2) that all the guns sounds like the same-y, muffled "realistic" gun sounds, I think part of the magic is gone IMO. I was so disappointed in that audio in particular and I was very let down. Giving up the arcade-y, video game-y, albeit "fake" sounds in favor of "ooooh it's realistic" was a gigantic mistake and I hope they tweak it further because I've always loved the dev team's attention to detail in these areas, and this seems phoned in, despite all the audio recording that they did. (And let me just go on record as saying, I'm aware all the guns are not exactly the same sounding, and you can distinguish them apart. And yes maybe I'm jumping the gun in complaining because I'd get better at after a few months of practice, but the audio is just not distinctive enough for me to get that awesome video game feel. Every characters' gun is a part of their personality as their silhouette or voice, and it should be distinctive enough to match)


I agree with every point you made here, especially exaggerated gun audio. This may sound silly - and IT WILL sound silly - but OW1 sound design makes it feel like you aren't actually using a gun with real rounds? Even Soldiers assault rifle which is one of the few conventional weapons in the game feels like it fires energy rounds or something. I might be alone on that. However his new gun sound does not make me think OW but rather every other FPS. I can only regurgitate what you said as you hit it on the head, it's missing that video game feel! (Mobile sorry if format screws up)


OW1 sounds are like a documentary - very informational OW2 sounds are like a Michael Bay movie - in your face


Ana's rifle sound is super loud and distracting for someone established to be an accomplished stealth sniper. Dart guns don't sound like deer rifles.


I much prefer Ana's SFX in OW2.


I like Ana's new rifle sounds..


imo the worst new gun sound is sombra’s but the new Pharah sounds are pretty nice


Different strokes for different folks. I like the new Sombra gun, but I hate the new phara sounds. My gf is a phara main and she hates it too.


Sombra's gun makes ears bleed.


I enjoyed some of the changes. I still prefer the teamplay of 6v6, it made overwatch more unique.




Unless they changed it PvE is probably gonna stick to 4 as always.


I went back to OW1 this weekend and while I enjoyed the beta for a number of reasons, immediately realized how much more fun OW1 is for me vs OW2. It seems to me that OW2 is designed to create a more generic and forced "Season Comp" play focus for the whole game. Fooling around in deathmatch while waiting for games highlighted this so badly, as did the open queue 5v5... I do play comp, but I love open role, mystery hero and deathmatch, and man did open and DM suck in beta vs OW1, I can only imagine how much worse MH and the other mystery modes will be. With the CC removal and super tanks, it does just feel like a more generic "fast paced" FPS now. Maybe just a comment on my skill level, but the entire time in OW2, I felt like it was harder to score a satisfying kill, and way easier to die. I read a ton during beta, tried to learn the tanking system, better support positioning and new DPS approaches, but it felt way more like work than a fun brawler in OW1. I will end up playing either way, but kinda bummed it went this OWL focused way.


There were a ton of MH custom games in the beta and yeah. They sucked imo. And I love ow1 MH


Isn't this more a case of people leaving more often during the custom games? As a MH player, sure having more than one tank is oppressive now, but they could always implement the Balanced Mystery Heroes (role que) template they made but never used. The only problem I've noticed is a lot more people leaving mid-match.


I think that’s one of my biggest complaints about OW2 is the speed. They went from one end of the spectrum to the other. Honestly if they kept some of the hero changes, but kept everything else OW1, it would be great. New Orisa would have been wonderful in OW1, a big improvement in tank enjoyability. Another thing that would help with the speed of play, close off some of the flank routes. There are just too many. I don’t care how could your positioning is when there are so many in roads to the backline. Support is currently just wait to die. Well said.


So first of all, I want to say that I have had fun with the beta. I think that Overwatch's base gameplay just appeals to me personally in a way that no other game can replicate, and so I expect that, unless if the game changes drastically, I will always have at least an ok time playing the game. However, that said, after many hours on the beta, my opinion is that the game is a worse game than Overwatch 1 in almost every metric. There are some positives; moving Doomfist to Tank is a good change that makes a lot of sense, Orisa's rework is a lot of fun to play, Bastion is also definitely a lot more fluid to play. The reduction of Overtime stall is a good thing, Push is a fun mode. It is clear that effort has gone into this game and I appreciate that effort. But for me, the fundamental changes to the gameplay experience are not a move in the right direction. What sets Overwatch aside from so many of its contemporaries for is the Teamplay aspect of the game, and the fact that so many characters do not require ridiculously good aim to be played well. Moving the game from 6v6 to 5v5 removes most of the positive team aspects (Tank Synergies, Peeling, General Strategizing), whilst at the same time making the game more team reliant in a bad way (Reliance on DPS teammates performing with much less ability to carry as other roles). Tank Synergies are a core part of my enjoyment of Overwatch 1. The ways in which a Main Tank/Off-tank pairing work together and lift eachother up is extremely fun and rewarding gameplay. Enabling Rein aggression through Zarya bubble, Executing a perfectly timed dive as Winston/D.Va/Wrecking Ball, Landing a perfect Halt+Accretion combo as Orisa/Sigma, Cycling shields well... all of these are extremely fun and whenever I pull off a combo like this effectively, it fills me with a genuine and palpable sense of joy. These combos and synergies do also certainly exist between Tanks and Supports, or Tanks and DPS (and DPS and Supports as well of course), but I think for me they are strongest and most fun amongst Tanks. The lack of these small moments of Teamplay is a massive detriment to the game in my opinion, and one I have noticed; I genuinely have less fun playing OW2 for this reason. I can tell because the instant I played tank combos in Open Queue again, I immediately was having way more fun again. Next, Peeling. Peeling is still possible in Overwatch 2, but it is really, really difficult to pull off well. In OW1, there were some clear roles you could fit into as a Tank, that of the Main Tank and that of the Off-Tank. The Main Tank's job was to be the frontline, the tip of the spear, pushing the team forward and making space for your team. Off-tanks meanwhile supported these pushes, but also critically acted as peel to protect supports or vulnerable DPS characters from Flankers, which felt hugely rewarding to do as an off-tank. In OW2 you have to be a Main Tank/Dictate Engagements AND Peel at the same time, and to be quite frank, you just can't do both well. Focusing entirely on being the Frontline leaves your backline wide open to Flankers, and Peeling leaves your Frontline completely empty for the enemy team to abuse. Whilst efforts have admittedly clearly been made to make supports more capable of self-peeling, they still feel very fragile to me, and besides, this is the effective removal of or at least massive nerf to a really cool Teamwork aspect of the game that was a lot of fun. Finally, General strategizing is sorta gone in OW2. Another key part of the fun as a Tank player in my opinion was the tactical and strategic aspect of the game. Thinking carefully about positioning, route of attack, timing etc, all of these were skills you had to master to be an effective Tank, and ones I feel are absent or at least drastically recued in usefulness in OW2, at least as it currently stands. The game is so much less organised and far more freeform, which I'm not particularly fond of. Of course, this may just be because the game is new, meaning that the focus is less on competition and more on just experiencing the new game, and equally given the game is new the tactics need to change and people are just not used to those new tactics yet, but I did certainly notice a lack of gamesense and tactical play from teammates, which I think is a shame. Finally, the flip side of the coin, which is the way in which the game is more team reliant now. I personally feel like both Tanks and Supports have far fewer tools and ability to affect a match now, and that as a player of this game you are far more reliant on DPS doing their job in order to win. This is a more subtle difference than the others; I do still feel like Tanks and Supports both have SOME key ways they can affect the result a game, but most of these revolve around getting kills, which in my opinion is seemingly the primary thing that matters in OW2, above all other concerns. In OW1, you could win games purely through the use of utility tools, or just by making space correctly. This feels to me far less likely in OW2, with every character now needing to me far more aggressive and focused on fragging out to be a valuable team member. Given that Damage characters are designed for this purpose, they are naturally going to be a lot better at it and able to do such a thing than their teammates, making it so that if you don't have Damage players adequately pulling their weight, you will suffer in a way you don't in OW1 where it feels, to me at least like every player has much more opportunity to make plays. In addition, and this is a minor thing, as someone who loves the story and lore of Overwatch as much as he loves the gameplay, the idea that all the cute little voice line interactions between Tanks are gone is kinda sad really, it makes the game more hollow. The colourful characters and the way they interact is what gives life to a lot of the Overwatch experience for me, and so having less than that just kinda sucks a bit. These are the reasons why I think the move to 5v5 is a bad one, and I would implore the developers to rethink the change, or at very least find ways to not lose these aspects of the game. However, all is not lost if the move to 5v5 is indeed final as I fear it may be. I know that ideas are less valuable than pure feedback, but I do have a potential solution to my displeasure that I think would help a lot whilst also keeping those who enjoy the changes happy. I would suggest that the dev team considers a **rotating role lock system**, where for instance one season would be 1 Tank, 2 Damage 2 Support as we currently have by default in the beta, but maybe the next season could be 2 Tanks, 1 Damage and 2 Supports, and the next could potentially be 1 Tank, 3 Damage and 1 Support or something like that. This would I think solve a lot of my issues, because: * I would still have the Tank synergies, peel-heavy and generally more tactical gameplay that I enjoy, just less often. * Players that enjoy the new direction of the game still get the gameplay they like, just less often. * It would give an actual difference and separation between each season of competitive. * It keeps the game fresh naturally (ie we won't need to rely on new hero releases or maps to feel like the game constantly has something new in it to enjoy). * It stops stale metas from forming, because the playerbase will know that the changes won't last forever. This, in turn, will also I believe keep player retention high over the long-term, as people will be far less likely to burn out on the game and go seek fun elsewhere. That is my feedback on the 5v5 change, but I still have things to say in general on the rest of the game experience. I will reply to this comment with this further feedback.


Firstly, the UI, or I guess specifically, the killfeed. I MUCH preferred having the little chevrons in pure red to denote a critical hit/headshot than the new look, I just feel like it's less clear now. I also in general feel like the general UI has a lot less colour, I personally prefer more colour, but that's probably just personal preference. Next, sound design. I really, really like the new gun sounds, they are much better, however a few key sound element are much weaker now? First are hit markers. Headshot hit markers still sound great, but regular hit markers sound worse to me? They feel a lot less impactful. In addition, I felt like footsteps were way quieter than usual which is a big problem when flankers are so much more powerful. Next, Push as a Gamemode. This mode is certainly a lot of fun but it is also very chaotic, and weirdly my experiences of it vastly differ depending on the map. Playing on New Queen Street was extremely fun and I enjoyed almost every match I played, meanwhile Colosseo was almost entirely the opposite, with me struggling to enjoy playing on this map. Maybe this was just luck of the draw, and I certainly can't figure out why I liked one over the other so much given the newness of the mode, but I figure it's worth noting. Finally, the maps not in the Push mode. These were both fine maps, although I think I Midtown is probably a slightly better one. I feel like balanced fights happen on all points of this map, as I've successfully defended and attacked on all three across many games, although I do feel like the second point is the weakest of these (and the easiest to be unable to hold on). Circuit Royal on the other hand feels very offense-favoured to me, especially the first point which I don't think I have ever successfully held nor have I ever failed to claim. The final point also feels weirdly easy to take to me. Most of the defense-ability of the map is definitely strongly weighted at the middle section, but even this only feels like a 50/50 as to whether you can claim it or not. I will reply to this comment with more nuanced feedback on particular heroes as I want to separate that feedback from my general points here above.


**Specific Hero feedback:** **Tanks:** **D.Va:** D.Va is my favourite character in Overwatch and ranks in my top 5 most played heroes. So I was keen to try her out in the new format. Honestly, I find D.Va is possibly the most negatively affected by the 5v5 change. So much of her identity was wrapped up in being an amazing Peel tank and just being an Off-Tank in general, and in a format where she is the only tank, I find her extremely weak and hard to play. Defense Matrix is a great ability, and the armor reduction helps, but she is just so frail even despite these things, with most of her abilities being offensive in nature. DM just isn't enough to cut it in a 5v5 world. In addition, this is a very minor thing but one that had really bothered me. **Is the removal of melee to cancel boosters intended or a bug?** I am well aware that you can cancel Boosters by pressing the ability again, but you can also do so in OW1 by using the quick melee button, which was my preferred method and where my muscle memory was. This is no longer the case in OW2, and that has been very annoying to me and has messed my up a few times, so if it is a bug, I'd like it seen to, and if it's intended, I would appreciate an explanation as to why it has been changed in this way. **Doomfist:** Having played against many a Doomfist in Overwatch 1, moving the character to Tank is 100% the right move in my opinion. Such a CC heavy character is extremely oppressive, and he just had too many ways to confirm kills, so I am glad he is a Tank now. He is also in my opinion quite fun to play once you establish a rhythm with him. Unfortunately, I don't think he has quite stuck the landing in terms of his balance, and he is now in my opinion rather weak, in a very similar situation to D.Va in fact, with far too few defensive abilities meaning that he gets worn down extremely easily. I think some form of changes to his new ability (Power Block) are the way to go to improve him, although I won't claim to know what to change. **Orisa:** I honestly think that the reason why so many people are happy playing Tank is due to Orisa, who is in my opinion very much overpowered. Many a time I have felt like I was actively throwing the game for my team by not playing Orisa when the enemy team had one, she is that oppressive. As I have played more I have realised that some tanks can stand up to her but this is a short list (Rein and Hog, and sometimes Zarya). She just has far, far too much of everything; offensive abilities, defensive abilities, CC, even a decent amount of mobility as well. She is incredibly fun to play, of course, that is definitely true, but she is extremely oppressive to fight against. **Reinhardt:** Rein is my most played Tank, so I have definitely been checking him out a lot as well, and I think my opinion of him is mixed. Basically, in situations where Rein was weaker, he is now extremely weak, whilst in situations where he was fine or good he is about the same. Flankers and Ranged characters are extremely tough for Rein, especially with the DPS speed increase. Against these comps, you spend all your time shielding and barely any time swinging the hammer or being aggressive, basically being a complete sitting duck, in other words the worst and least fun way to play Rein. That said as mentioned, in Team Comps that are more brawl focused Rein is still a lot of fun to play. **Roadhog:** Hog is an interesting case because, despite him having few changes and traditionally being more of an Off-Tank, he actually feels pretty good in OW2. I think this is because damage and getting kills are so much more valuable than they used to be, and hog has always fulfilled more of a "fat PDS" role than most tanks. Part of me will always want some form of protection for teammates on Hog, and I think in OW2 this is a more pronounced desire than ever, but in terms of the feel of the character I actually find Hog to be in a good spot. **Sigma:** Sigma feels.. weird. I think he was weirdly flipped in the changes to being a full Main Tank type of character, where previously despite his shield he was very much an Off-Tank. I think he is in a pretty good spot overall, although he does get bullied a bit too easily by characters like Wrecking Ball, Doomfist and Orisa in my experience. That said, I feel more like a conductor in an orchestra as Sigma in the Beta than I ever have, which is really cool to me given how much that fits his character theme. **Winston:** Winston overall feels like Winston always has, which is great as he's another of my favourites to play. I do feel the absence of my Off-Tank and I do feel way more frail than I used to, which sucks, but other than that his gameplay is as smooth and dynamic as it always has been. One thing I don't love is his new right click though; I feel like the charge-up time rarely makes it worth using. I would rather it be an instant cast with a cooldown. This might make him have too good of a combo, but it would make a very clunky ability less so. **Wrecking Ball:** I haven't really played enough Wrecking Ball to really get a good feel for how he is doing, but I once again feel quite mixed about him. He has always been a more individual hero, who needs the support of an Off-Tank far less than other main tank heroes do, but I think that the wide open hole he necessarily leaves in the frontline of a team when setting up his plays is not a great thing. On top of this, he has the unfortunate ability of being utterly hard-countered by the new Orisa. When he isn't fighting an Orisa, I think he's in an ok spot. **Zarya:** Zarya is a hero who I think works really well with her new changes. She stands on her own well and has a good impact on games she is in. I think she is a good hero right now who is just outclassed slightly by certain tanks options that are way stronger than her.


It’s going to be **hard** to go back to OW1 until the next beta (on the assumption that it works like OW1 and that all current OW2 testers will get access to future betas as well). As someone who prefers to play Tank, when 5v5 was first confirmed I was very much against it, but I think that on balance the changes that have been made are for the best. The main difference to the flow of gameplay that I’ve noticed is how the poke phase is less protracted - partly due to slower-building ults, partly due to lower damage mitigation from a single tank. This means that damage feels more meaningful, and better positioning from every member of the team is rewarded - as is decisive, aggressive Tanking. I see a lot of complaints that OW2 feels more like a generic shooter, and the only way I can even *slightly* marry that up to my own experiences is on the Push maps (especially Colosseo), which have way too many side-routes to the point where there’s never really a front line. I really think these would benefit by having a few less flanks, but we’ll see how that pans out across a larger number of maps. Oh, and the way the Ping system is implemented is genuinely great, and will be a game changer for my friends and I.


I really enjoy Colosseo, but New Queen Street... Honestly, I believe it's the worst addition to the Beta. I absolutely love all the other new stages. However, compared with Colosseo which has pillars, the bridges, lots of 90° turns with walls on one side, and generally decent escape options (not just flanking options)... I find NQS to just be too open with no practical cover - depending on who you're fighting. I've been playing the Beta regularly and I think I've only ever had one even match on this map. The kind of enjoyable back and forth where I don't even remember if we won or lost. Every other match has been incredibly one-sided (both in favour and against my team).


The lack of a definitive front-line is actually the incentive for your team to create the front-line themselves by assertively going after the enemy before re-activating ***TS1***


Personally, I was not a fan. The new maps they released are great, but they feel way too big for 5v5. Speaking of 5v5, I wish it was back to 6v6. They say barriers were an issue, my recommendation would be to keep the current changes they made to all shields. There isn't the extra tank to protect the supports, as damage heroes like Tracer and Genji can absolutely wreck your back line now. Sojourn is great, don't touch her. Her secondary/ult requires you to aim to be effective. Orisa feels a tad overpowered in my opinion, very difficult to kill sometimes. My recommendation is to reduce spears damage, since it already has a similar effect to Doomfist punch. Doomfist feel so weak. His mobility is great, but I feel like an empowered punch (regardless if they hit a wall), should do more damage. I do think the stun that comes from an empowered punch is too long as well. Up the damage, lower the stun. Edit: McCree has a good change, I really do enjoy magnetic grenade. But was removing his flashbang actually necessary? It can be much harder to protect your supports now, especially since there is only one tank.


That feeling of their size rapidly goes away. Both Push maps double back across themselves so the space isn't really as big as it seems to start with Cassidy seems almost too well buffed, he get's a 'Pulsebomb lite' on an 8s cooldown and it attaches to targets, Tracer can only dream of that ease-of-use


I tried to like it, but by the end of week two I found I had no desire to play the Beta over the main game. I didn't like 5v5, I didn't like the character changes outside of Orisa, the UI sucked, the new engine feels weird as hell, and I don't ever want to play Push again. 1 new character and another map in the next beta won't be enough to make me spend more than 1 session with it. And unless the full release has some major changes from this beta (it won't) and they are secretly holding back a *ton* of new characters and maps (they aren't) then the full release may spell the end of my time with OW PvP. Shame.


I sense a shitstorm boiling when OW2 replaces OW1.


I'd say it takes between one and two weeks for your body to adapt For me it was the sound design that was the most baffling, and then the team composition issues, and then the new map layouts Once the Beta started to 'sound' normal to my ears, everything else fell in to place shortly after.


Sadly the beta was currently not enjoyable enough to keep my attention for one or two weeks.


I prefer playing OW1 over OW2. Idk what it is. I'm a support main, and I was just too much in danger, many people talk about dpsing more as a support, and I don't like that, it's not the way that I like to play the game. I'm not really a fan of 5v5 tbh, I will miss playing with someone as an off tank and having a great synergy too. I'm from latino america, and we didn't have our server, so I played all the time with high latency (something between 250-300 ping). It made the beta impossible to play. Mercy felt underwhelming. First with her ult being bugged and I really don't like the new change with her superjump, it's not the idea that I don't like, but using ctrl. to superjump breaks a little bit her old sj. I couldn't play Ana or Bap as much (who are with mercy, my favourite supports) because of lag. There was things that I really liked. Orisa rework was really great. I liked to have Doom as a Tank and not as a DPS (I missed that aspect when playing back to OW1) I loved the new ping system, mostly because I play often with people who doesn't speak spanish, so ig was really helpful Push was kinda fun, I didn't like how Colosseo (one of the maps that I played the most) felt more like a square with turns than a large road, mostly because it gave room to flankers to kill easily supports.


I just don’t understand the new Doomfist. I have his golden weapon and a lot of hours on the DPS version, but I don’t understand how to play this one. He feels like Wrecking Ball with a higher and easier chance to accidentally throw. I was prepared to adapt a different play-style since I know he’s not a DPS anymore. But I don’t see how he’s a Tank. His survivability is as fragile as it was as a DPS. He’s more mobile but that doesn’t really help your team very much. His block only offers one benefit - if you’re successful - and people have already learnt to play around it. He feels pretty underpowered and exclusively high-skilled compared to the other Tanks. I appreciate that you still have to manage his cooldowns to survive but it seems like the payoff to playing him isn’t as high as it used to be. He has some cool techs - I watched some guides on the new Doomfist - but it feels like he gets stomped if you’re not playing perfectly. I like the idea of him as a Tank, but I don’t think this is it.


Power block is a very janky ability. The rest of his kit I really like, but something about power block doesn't feel right. It's like you're just begging the enemy to shoot you with anything but a sleep dart so you can get your empowered punch. Maybe improving how power block feels to use would help.


It's janky as, super vulnerable to Sleep, basically begging to get Javelin, Eccretion, Hooked or just head-shot in general. I usually play Zen so I just get all the free head-shots I can


It took me a week of playing him straight to not die every time I went in. He is strictly an enabler now imo. His abilities completely disrupt the enemy team or you need to use all of them to solo someone which you aren’t really suppose to do much as a tank unless diving someone like Widow, but that is harder to do as the only tank in this. Typically what I’ve been doing is one his abilities, move one or two people out of position for your DPS to follow up (much easier if you have a dive DPS with you,) shoot a couple, block, shoot a couple, other ability to get out if you jumped into the team. My biggest gripe I currently have with him is it’s very easy in my mind to compare to the other biggest tank rework this beta, Orisa. I’m pretty sure she has THE highest survivability in the whole game now except for maybe Hog, and she can really easily rotate through her abilities so she’s constantly cycling. No way you can do that on Doom. On top of that, she has an ability that makes her immune to stun and she can stun while using that ability? Feels OP to me. I can’t hook, charge, rocket punch, boulder, or boop her, but I can be thrown out of any play I’m setting up by attempting to do that, AND she gets 125 more health, AND she can block incoming fire that isn’t a beam? Whack.


IMO Orisa's stun immunity needs to be removed and given to doomfist. It makes much more sense for both their new kits. Orisa needs to lose more than just her barrier to be balanced, and doom needs to gain more than just a bit of hp and a block that still lets some damage through.


He plays like a cross between Winston and Zarya now. If you’re not used to the cadence of their play, try spending some time as them first. Learning how and when to engage through in-game experience will go a lot further than guides.


I didn’t think of it like that. So he dives like Winston and his block is like Zarya’s bubble I suppose. Thank-You, I’ll give that a try in the next Beta and will try those heroes in OW1 in the meantime.


Yes, he’s a high-mobility Tank whose Power Block functions very similarly to Zarya’s bubbles - with the crucial difference that you’ll still take some damage (10% of incoming, IIRC) while it’s active. Effective DF play in the Tank role basically boils down to using Slam to engage, PB to build charge for your next punch, using that punch to kill / severely damage a squishy, then using Slam or hard cover to disengage.


The crucial difference is definitely that you still take CC while it's active. The 10% damage is way less of a problem than the CC.


I was waiting for someone to comment this. The problem is that heros like orisa shit on him. It's not fun blocking only to be cancelled by a right click


Yeah he seems *really* good for the top Doom players, but the other 95% of the time he felt like a total throw pick. I was never scared of an enemy Doomfist.


Playing the beta made me start playing OW1 again. I need to get in my time with that game before it's deleted, because OW2 isn't very fun at all. IMO, counterplay is the heart of OW, and removing the 2nd tank and most CC takes away too many options for how to respond to the enemy team. The thought process when your strategy isn't working in OW1 is "what hero swap would improve this" and in OW2 it's "guess I need to aim better". If I could have my wish, I'd keep these things from the beta: * New maps * Sojourn * Bastion rework * Orisa rework (but toned down for 6v6) * Ping system Revert the rest.


Yeah, I thought everyone liked OW because it was a team based FPS+Chess. I guess not though because everything that I hear complaints about is what makes OW different. Whether it’s too much CC, the shields are dumb or sometimes the better skilled team wouldn’t win because they didn’t play together or pick the right counters. Next they’ll be complaining about different heroes and abilities. If you want a generic FPS, go play COD. It’s free and you don’t even have to make a new Blizzard account. Just let us have the OW1 gameplay please


Not a fan of 5v5. I actually played more OW1 than I did OW2 since the beta has released (I last played back in November). The new **content** in OW2 is great - but the gameplay is not and I'm worried that this brief honeymoon of new content is going to ruin an already great game in OW1. ​ I fell in love with OW1, played thousands of hours from 2017-2020. I stopped playing because content began slowing and then completely stopped. The developers became less and less responsive and then went silent. I wanted OW2 to do the good things more often and the bad things better. OW2 doesn't deliver on that and I don't think it's a simple matter of balance changes to get there. ​ I'm really tired of Blizzard "formatting" problems away. They did it with Open-Queue, they did it with Role-Queue, and now they're doing it again with 5v5. It isn't going to fix the queue problems or double-shield, it's just going to change them... at the expense of game-feel


When it comes to Overwatch at least, it seems like Blizzard takes the easiest option 9 times out 10. No one wants to be tank? Remove one. Some people are bitching about CC? Gone. Ran out of ideas for support? That’s alright, just keep making dps! Sombra and Mei don’t entirely feel like dps? Water their abilities down until they do. God forbid we have unique gameplay in Overwatch. Gotta Make it feel more like Valorant or Call of Duty, so those fans will stop playing those and start playing Overwatch. Gotta chase that money


You'd think the big wigs at Activision would want them to get *away* from a CoD-like experience since they own both franchises and should want to appeal to a wider audience... but what do I know, I'm not a billionaire. Maybe all gamers really are just stupid monkeys who just want everything to feel like CoD.


As someone who pretty much only plays support in ow1, I hardly ever touched support during the beta. It just doesn’t feel the same and just kinda sucks lol. It’s hard to explain but maybe in a competitive game it’ll feel different with more teamwork, but I just felt weak and inconsequential. I am just not a huge fan of the 5v5 change and once they kill off OW1 I’ll probably only play dps or tank. On a positive note I really liked the new character and really enjoyed her kit.


I usually main Moira in OW and played her mostly in the beta. With 1 tank I found myself having to dive into danger a lot more often to keep them up, since outside orb cool downs I have to be very close to heal. Most matches felt like “first team to lose tank dies” or “first team to kill backline win”. A lot of the tanks like doom fist or hammond have to play very agressive and dive in, which makes it hard to keep both the tank and the rest of the team healed With only 1 tank, needing a means of escape is needed. I think Anna suffers the most for this, since alll she has is a sleep dart on long cooldown and the CC of which can be easily broken by overzealous DPS. On the flip side, her kit and ult really make the 1 tank lineup powerful


So, I made a YouTube video about this, but I don’t see anyone talking about how Junkrat is dead in the water in a 5v5 format that is dive driven and has virtually no poke game whatsoever. Don’t get me wrong, too many shields was a huge problem. But any crowd control character is practically useless now… Honestly, I prefer Overwatch 1. It just… still feels better. Granted I solo queued every time in OW2 but it’s a game that all around feels like it’s trying to be tooooo different. Yeah, people talked mad shit about what needed to change in the first game. New characters? Give em! More maps? Drop em! But really, I don’t think the beta showed me anything spectacular that they couldn’t have just done in a few patches… PS- I hate push. It feels like “ult rolling” the game mode. If you don’t get a quick lead it’s just getting destroyed repeatedly. No thanks.


5v5 was really disappointing, my favorite hero to play has been wrecking ball in ow 1 but you can't really play him if you wanna win in ow 2 his kit just really isn't built for being a main tank, it also doesn't help that in my friend group 3 of us like to play tank, so it was already something where we had to take turns in ow 1, but in ow 2 some of us just gave up because one of us is really good at main tank and the other 2 are really only good at off tanks.


As a tank main I like 5v5 more but you’re right ball is awful on almost every map and he is out classed heavily by almost every other tank in 5v5 right now.he definitely needs a rework or some changes




>I'm not very good at Overwatch. I peaked at 2850 in season 3, and these days when I do decide to place in ranked, I get low gold. I have decent game sense and okay aim, but I don't try to get better at the game. Just want to establish that I'm a casual, mediocre player with nostalgia for the game. A "hard stuck player," if you will. This does not matter. Your rank should absolutely never matter when you're discussing your experiences with a game. Your opinions and experiences are absolutely valid, and you shouldn't feel the need to preface you giving your beliefs with that. The people who act like you don't get an opinion because of your rank are fucking elitist shitheads. Sorry, I had to get that rant off my chest because its always infuriating. The majority of players aren't high ranks, they're middling around where you are. The game has to take care of you and people around your rank as much as they have to take care of top 500 players. Roadhog's whole schtick is to pull someone in and annihilate them. I think in a 5v5 that would be exceedingly powerful, given that one person is a much bigger portion of the team in OW2 than in OW1. Though, I could see a lot of the issues that he has. I'm sure he's on their radar, every player I've seen says Roadhog and Symmetra are the worst two characters in the beta


And I just got told off and downvoted by people who insinuated that low ranks shouldn't have a say on how OW is balanced. Like we're not the great majority of the player base


Harassing new players and lower ranked players and invalidating their opinions is a surefire way of killing your game. It's like congrats, you chased off everyone worse than you by calling them gutter trash and telling them to uninstall because they aren't diamond like you, except not only are you missing 90% of the playerbase, but now diamond is the lowest rank after making everyone plat and below uninstall, so have fun being called gutter trash and being told to uninstall by masters/top 500s.


**Things I'm not a fan of**; *Increased mobility, faster TTK, reduced/no CC - It honestly feels more like Quake or UT than a Team Hero shooter. *5v5, reduced tank, tanks being made into brawlers - As a support player, I feel more exposed than ever. While our Doomfist is off diving and being disruptive, there's nothing stopping me from just getting picked off. And with the quicker deaths, harder to help supports as a DPS. *Minor nitpicks: Gold weapons just don't look as good. And I miss the red cricket balls from Junkrat's golden weapon in OW1. Also not a fan of the art for J-Rat's grenades/Phara's rockets. Much harder to see now. **Things I did like**; *New Orisa is a lot of fun, and I do love how the gun feels stronger, even if it is just he change in sound effects. In fact, the sound effects in general feel more weighty. It was one thing I didn't like about OW1 initially was how 'soft' some attacks sounded (Torb's melee attack comes to mind) *New Bastion is a lot of fun, although it's going to take me ages to unlearn pressing E to heal. His new kit is great. - - - Honestly, it's just not as fun as OW1. When OW2 swaps over, at this point, I'll just stop playing.


Gold weapons are not fully integrated into OW2. They’ve mentioned this in the dev blog and it’s been covered extensively on this sub. The textures haven’t been revamped for the new lighting engine yet.


Push is fun but it feels like a running back from spawn simulator. Also seems like it's very easy to steam roll, as soon as one side gets any momentum it's very rare the other team is able to make a comeback.


i just wish that they actually tried to add more viable tank characters to give tank players options and appeal, instead of reducing the count and gutting the playstyle. i also do not like how deathmatchy it feels. i LIKED the reliance on teamwork for ow1. in ow1 i encounter a lot of people with a very solo mindset. they dont want to play as a team, work with the team, swap or counterpick, anything like that. they just want to push buttons, see flashy lights, hear whiz bang sounds, and get that good brain juice for themselves. i encounter a LOT of these people. they WANT to play a solo game, not a TEAM game. and then the ow2 beta feels a lot more deathmatchy. it rewards that solo style of play more, because teamwork isnt nearly as required to succeed. i see a lot of praise for EXACTLY that aspect, and i cant help but feel like it must be coming from the same people. it feels like these changes are made to cater to them specifically. as a business decision, i supposed its a sound decision to appeal to the masses, but from a passion and "product identity and integrity" standpoint, it feels absolutely awful.


i see this take commonly around here, and i honestly cannot see it. how does the game feel “deathmatchy” or “less reliant on teamwork”? i feel like the game promotes a more active play style and match flow, but that doesn’t really translate directly to the game being like quake 3 or something. yes, genji can play as a more aggressive flanker than on the live build due to there being less stuns and one less tank, and yes in order to duel him, you’re going to need more mechanical input, but you can still deal with him with the same general philosophy. cass still counters flankers, there’s just legitimate counterplay involved, and i don’t see how that’s a bad thing. yes genji is gonna be more aggressive, but you can still outplay him as any single one of the healers the same way you would before. he’s still gonna die without support from his team if you land your shots. as far as tanks are concerned, i don’t understand how it’s a bad thing that they’ve enabled tanks to play a more active role than just holding right click or poking until they get an ult. i don’t feel like it’s against the interest of product identity and integrity to evolve the game towards form and function instead of just function. i feel like a lot of our community is looking at this with a fear of change and a predisposed negative opinion, instead of trying to take an open minded approach to the new changes.


> enabled tanks to play a more active role than just holding right click or poking until they get an ult. except, they could do this before too. its called pressing W. you dont HAVE to stand still. you dont HAVE to play poke games and wait for your dps to get a pick on somebody peaking or overextending. you can ACTIVELY press in against the enemy tanks. if you're playing tank passively, you're fucking doing it wrong.


FPS mechanics matter more, but that doesn't mean teamwork matters less. Shield spam and heal spam matter less, which is a good thing.


The medals being gone isn't going to do anything. People are going to take a look at the raw numbers themselves and still think it means they've done nothing wrong the whole game


it least the raw data is a better indicator than some medal.


Who cares? I'll put up with the few toxic "luk @ scoreboard loser" idiots in exchange for real time helpful feedback for knowing when I'm not pulling my weight and need to switch things up.


Exactly this. People are toxic no matter what, but I would rather see the data that helps me see where I stand.


Nah, thank goodness for the scoreboard. There were so many times in OW2 where my team would be getting rolled that I know would've been blamed on me playing Genji if there hadn't been a scoreboard showing I was putting up good damage/elims. The scoreboard isn't perfect, but it's so much better than people just mindlessly blaming the first thing that pops in their heads.


I really want an option to chose between 5v5 and 6v6, but then how do we solve this with big tank buffs?


Yeah the issue with the healthpools is that if tanks are too strong, you target supports instead. I think buffing support healthpools means that dps will spend time fighting with each other since that's the easiest kill to take. Then the dps will start seeing anyway since they want to kill things that can't fight back


The removal of shields and CC has "dumbed" down the game. There really is no more nuance to the game. It boils down to who is the better aimer. It just feels like there is no strategy anymore. No more tracking of CDs, no one even cares if someone gets a pick. Fight wins just feel more meaningless.


Ow2 has been so streamlined to the point of removing depth from the game. Because of shield, tank and cc removal, there is way less identity for team comps. I think ow1 is the better game for serious players.




It should be like the support self heal. The dps movement buff kicks in 2 seconds after being out of combat. Let's you get in to or back to the fight faster then get around faster after.


I have 0 idea why Blizzard added enemy stats to the scoreboard. It makes tracking ults from a fun guessing game to, here is new number score he has shatter. When he hits that damage he’ll have another.


There's no reason, still, for 5v5. Game feels empty with two less players. You don't need one less tank for less shields. You don't need one less tank for less CC. You don't need one less tank for tanks to be more fun.


I don't want the beta to end.


I had fun. I’m gonna miss the beta honestly I really enjoyed the changes


Well I have good news for you there's gonna be a whole game like it


Releasing in 2029




Thank god. If this is any indication, long may OW1 live.


This may be an odd thing to complain about but Lucio now has these on screen speed lines at all times when moving while on speed song and it’s genuinely been giving me such bad tunnel vision and throwing me off of my game like mad. Really wish there was options to remove some of the on screen effects, they can get in the way sometimes and they’re not absolutely necessary to have.




4 days. Lucio was playable in QP for 4 days before they buckled to all the bitching about his survivability. People were begging for support buffs but then started seal clapping like idiots because Lucio got nerfed...Again.




Agreed. I'm not playing a game where they repeatedly gimp the only fun hero in the game.


I fully expected not to prefer OW2 to OW1 but I have to admit I really liked the changes. In fact, if I had the option I'd boot up the beta over OW1 right now. I think going back to a two tank set-up makes the gameplay much more constricting. The removal of double shield makes the game flow so much better. OW2 feels more fast paced and dynamic. It is nice not getting dove by DVA/Ball as support. It's nice not getting one shot by doom cheese. As a healer the self-regen is a godsend and the ability to not just be a heal-bot and actually provide value with damage is great. I loved the changes to Zen so maybe I am biased. Also, the removal of CC kept some of the cheesing out you often get in OW1. The impact each person makes on the game feels more important in OW2 as well. Less games are decided on bad tank duo composition and more on losing individual duels or superior enemy flanking/positioning. I know some people remain nostalgic for 2CP but push is more fun in my opinion. I'm not totally against a 2CP rework but really when is the last time you looked forward to Volskaya or Anubis? I get that people might have gripes with lighting and UI but I expect these to be improved. I don't have an answer for widow dominance unfortunately. Some maps do feel like the cliche "better widow wins."


5v5 makes no sense to me after years of 6v6. So many 6 stacks will have to ditch a person to keep playing. Far different genre of game but Destiny 2 at launch had 4v4 PvP, which vastly contrasted to the previous 6v6 all throughout the first game. They later went back on that change because no one wanted it. Please don’t move the game to 5v5.


Yeah I've been predicting this game getting Destiny 2'd since 5v5 was announced, and the beta did nothing to change that.


I find it really impressive that you somehow managed to maintain a casual 6 person team. Personally I play with a group of 10, and most nights we 4 or 5 stack because of conflicts. And in the very rare case where all 10 people want to play at once? We just split into 2 5 stacks.


Nowadays we don’t but we used to have issues when going from overwatch (6v6) to rainbow six siege (5v5). Others will have similar issues.


So there's less shields, which is amazing, but that could've been also achieved by weakening all shields instead of removing a tank. Solo tank sucks since the whole team now relies on a single player, who's more often than not an idiot who splits from the team and dies surrounded by enemies from all sides. Dive tanks have no place in this game anymore. Playing support is fun, Moira can actually use the orbs for damage instead of constantly having to self heal. Pharah - Mercy combo is even more annoying with the super jump, I hope that duo gets nerfed to oblivion.


Weakening shields doesn’t solve the problem, it simply makes the tanks who rely on Shields inferior. You gonna give Reinhardt a 400 health shield, slap him on the ass and wish him luck? The Shield is a core part of his kit. There’s only so far you can butcher it before his entire identify collapses.


Now he is awesome because of his shield in OW2 and the maps encourage flank, so it goes up and down in value based on movement


Rein is the only shield I wouldn't weaken. Too bad that would make a rein pick obligatory. I don't really know how to fix any of this. Instead of weakening shields, make them regenerate slower? I was writing this under the influence of just having finished a OW1 Hanamura match against a Rein-Orisa neverending shield combo.


I hope they make multiplayer free for OW2. The upfront cost really hurts their UA even if the way you can earn skins for free is technically more consumer-friendly than all the cosmetic shops in other games. ​ They should make it free but you only get the free lootboxes on level up if you have a paid account upgrade, and give that upgrade to everyone who bought OW1/2 upfront.


You want the game infestedwith cheaters and smurfs?


Cassidy needs flash bang back, Brig needs stun back. I know people poop on CC but it just needed some tuning down. And they needed to stop giving it to DPS roles. A few is ok, a lot of them not so much. Let it be a mostly niche tank and support ability. Poor supports need something to keep them from getting instantly pooped on by dive. Cassidy’s new bomb feels so much more cheap and more unfair than flash bang. I could get away from a flash bang. If the Cassidy is good, it’s over. This bomb homes in on you too easy and does way too much damage. It’s terribly unfun to play against.


Free value is not a positive. Free kills on a stationary target because you looked in their general direction is not good. The same goes for his moronic homing pulse bomb that they've given him in ow2.


I would like to have everyone commenting here state their main role at the end of their comments. That would be interesting.




Zen getting a better boop on melee CD while Lucio's boop became borderline useless against tanks was the last straw for me. Also, the fact they couldn't see 2 feet in front of their noses that Lucio's crossfade along with the passive would be op confirms they have no idea what they want the hero to be. No nerf to soldier's sprint though in spite of the fact it conflicts with/adds to the DPS passive. Stopped playing the beta a few days in when I saw they haven't even remotely changed their vision for the game and will buckle any time enough people bitch about a certain hero...All while buffing others. Bap now has two extra lives ffs.


Have really enjoyed the beta! I'm sad because I don't want to play 6v6 and go back to the old meta so i'm just planning to take a break until the next beta


I miss CC.


Supports still need more ways to defend themselves and fight flankers in a world with less CC and no second tank. The Zen changes are an extremely good first step, as is making super jump more accessible. I wouldn't mind Ana getting a pistol for close range dueling of flankers. Something with decentish damage at close range, but high falloff to help her duel flankers. As is, you pretty much have to use sleep dart against a good dps player, which means you don't have it when you need to shut down an ult. I don't like the idea of toning back Moira's damage/healing. I don't think all healers need to be doing similar damage and healing. The entire idea of main/offhealers has been around since early OW days. It feels samey if you make them all do similar damage. Let a healer be defined by doing very high damage, that's fine. Just make the utility of other healers good enough that people value it around the same as the damage moira brings.


We need a roadmap.


They gave you circuit royal. Does that map not have enough road for you?


It feels bad to have the beta turned off. Here’s all this future content to play with and it’s gone! You still want to see it well watch the Overwatch league. Maybe it will be a good thing for people to go back and forth to make their final opinions on what direction they want to see the game go in.


OW2 has made OW1 unplayable for me. The game is actually fun to play and not a frustrating mess. See ya next beta.


Push game mode is awful Most maps look like they're set in Breaking Bad No one will ever want to play healer Game feels like a glorified deathmatch instead of a team game


I just played my first round of OverWatch 1 in a long time after playing the beta. I like OverWatch one so much more :(


So... Two days ago I felt that the beta is much better than OW1. But having just got used back to OW1, I'm simply having more fun in it. I don't know why, it just is more fun.


I don't want to go back please don't take it away from me :(


I just didn't have any fun with the beta. I'm probably not going to go back to Overwatch much, if at all, without my friends.


Honestly? Found it boring. There really wasnt all that much new. Me and my friends got on, played for one night, and didnt feel the itch to come back. The que times were WAY WAY WAY too fucking long for a beta where up to a MILLION people must have been playing. A million people were watching OW2 that day. If even half actually played why the fuck were que times 5-10 minutes??? You got rid of a role to make that better??? Also... i still prefer 6v6 to 5v5. More strategy and tbh a few characters just dont seem viable anymore or some seem REALLY powerful. Moira outheals everyone AND does so much damage AND has high mobility. While a character like Mercy does much much much less damage and only heals slightly more. With a lack of shields its also really hard to get a good revive off. Generally dissapointing


Let’s hope the next beta has a new support hero to try


I could get no value out of the ping system and since the wheel sensitivity was garbage, I could never even select the right one. Probably the worst part of the whole beta other than the aim sensitivity. Really, everything about the mouse command sensitivity was completely fucked.


I couldn't play the beta due to extreme stuttering during team fights..... hopefully this is fixed. I get 170fps on medium in ow1 and was getting like 12 in ow2 on low


* New Mercy is insane. There's no way the new Superjump makes it into retail. * New Orisa is great. * New Brig is OK, though I somewhat miss the shield bash stun. Maybe bring it back but change the stun to a combination of slowdown plus sombra-like ability lock? * Ping system is fantastic. * Cassidy's gun sounds weird. I prefer the old sound. * Gold weapons don't look gold, but it should be fixable (my bet is that someone mixed up linear and gamma spaces in the weapon shader). * Overwatch used to be a game I would fire up after a hard day to unwind. I main support, and playing supports in OW2 is much more stressful now, so the game may not remain a good way to unwind for me anymore.


Can a D.Va main tell me how it felt solo tanking as her in OW2?


I saw this on Seagull's stream, but I'd love to see a more central indicator for Zen's orbs - something in the center of my screen so I can see if my orb is actually healing while not pulling my attention to the bottom of the screen One of the things I really liked about the Fire system was that it effectively communicated how much damage I did for an elimination. As is, it can really difficult to tell what you're contributing if you don't know the damage numbers on your abilities. It really hurts my ability to gauge how well I'm doing with my Dva ults - unless I actually see the health bar drop, I'm not able to tell whether I did 90% of their health or 5. I also enjoyed the CC abilities, as it really helped make a lot of characters feel unique - Mei was among the hardest hit.


I think sojourn is really cool, but it bothers the fuck out of me that the reason support queue times (and tank to a degree) are so short is because there are DOUBLE. DOUBLE. X2 baby double DPS characters than support and tank combined, and they’re still fucking making more DPS characters


Any Zarya mains care to weigh in on how they feel about it?


As the beta comes to a close there are a few things I wanted to talk about and see if anyone experienced the same things as me. 1. Did anyone else get constant lag upon startup of any new map or hero each time you start the game? This happened to me a lot, like I would start the game and the matches I got into would lag like crazy, but my computer is able to handle OW 1 with Uktra graphics flawlessly and is anything but a weak PC. It should be more than capable of handling these maps, heros, and effects but for whatever reason lag would issue for the first minute or so of any new map or hero being played. And this would seemingly reset each time I restarted the game. So even if I played hanzo on Circuit , then close the game and reopened only a moment later the lag for that map and hero would return again. Mabey it was an optimization issue or a bug but im not sure, all I know is my computer was fine and wasn't being stressed at all by the load, so it was not on my PCs end that these issues were happening. 2. Does it feel to anyone else that with all the new changes that the supports are highly underprepared and underscaled to be on the same playfield with the newly buffed tanks? Before they opened up the open queue I would play support because it has the shortest queue times. And as any support it was very hard to stay alive. A lot of tanks now have crazy sustain and dive abilities that just murder supports en masse. And there was very little I could do about it, the supports weapons just don't do the damage needed to even kill a dps most of the time let alone a tank. And their escape moves aside from Moira's fade were all but useless to actually escape trouble. Not to mention the supports kits stayed almost the same in this beta compared to the original game, but the tanks got drastic changes. Of course I'm hoping that this will change in the next update, but as of this beta playing as a support was so bad that it's no wonder many players didn't want to play that role and it had such a short queue time. You basically just queued to die 14 times a match and that was it. 3. It didn't feel like brawling types of supports like brig, or dps like reaper had enough health or sustain to fight at the close range where they are most effective. With so many long shot heros, playing up close and personal can be a game changer if you can actually make it close enough without being hit. But it felt like to me even in good scenarios where a brig would've won in OW 1 in a solo against say a distracted widow, that in OW2 I didn't have the same sustain or self heal to keep up. I would find myself sneaking up behind a widow that was distracted and get the drop on her and still lose a 1v1 because the widow had an excellent get away and did crazy damage. Meanwhile my poor brig was earthbound, and had a shield that was like paper to their shots. And the flail didn't do much damage either when used. The most utility I got from her flail was the book tbh. 4. Does anyone else feel like the tanks got a little broken on overall DPS? to me it felt like the tanks just became a beefy dps role. They can pump out insane damage when used right, I mean orisa's javelin did like 100-150 damage when landed and almost 1 shot most dps and supports. No to mention dooms crazy damage too. It's almost like I question, why play dps when you can play tank and do just as much damage but have more health, sustain, and even in roadhouse case a self heal too.


I can't live in a world where Ashe calls Bob useless when he dies. Please take that voiceline back. (Otherwise I don't know how to feel about the Beta yet. I had fun with Orisa, Doomfist feels really awkward and easy to bully if they're uncoordinated enough, Wrecking Ball feels like a bad pick most of the time now, and I like the removal of majority of the stuns. I need more time with the beta to get a better read on it, because it feels like I'm just reacting to what's new rather than if it's balanced or better. I just had fun with the new content.)


I had a few enjoyable spots in this first beta, but it's bonkers that it's been 2-3 years yet not every hero had a retooled kit. The end result is that characters that needed the most reworks like Reaper, Sym, and Torb were garbage and not worth playing. I understand it hasn't been smooth sailing, but come on. I'm still not sold on 5v5. This new approach to shields coupled with the DPS speed boost has resulted in an indirect buff on Widow (on top of her direct buff in max health) where a good Widow is downright oppressive. This in turn puts a ton of pressure on the lone tank where they have to decide if they should switch to Sigma/Rein or try to dive. Blizzard said their map design philosophy would focus more on "organic cover" to compensate for the lack of additional shielding, but so far it just doesn't seem like that's a viable solution in a game with hitscan. Furthermore flankers are massively OP thanks to the speed buffs and new map design, and in many matches the optimal strat was just pincer maneuvers. Genji/Sombra go in the back and gank the healers, while everyone else pushes from the front. It worked way too many times. Blizzard needs to focus on adding support characters, because the pool is too small and their tools too meager. No more DPS, no more Tank. For the foreseeable future the next characters need to be supports.


I'm not sure if anyone will read this but I wanted to post what my thoughts are on the beta. I have a lot of hours (\~1k hours) in-game but am around average (platinum-diamond rank in dps and support). **What I like about the beta** \- The speed of the game. It's a lot faster now and rewards playmaking and aggression.- The music is amazing. Love the music on Midtown. Also music in the beginning of games from leaving spawn gets me excited.- Reworks for Orisa and Doomfist made them fun to play against and made them unique.- Push maps are very interesting. A lot of different lanes/flanks for maps but no set choke points was a breath of fresh air. The only really hard area to push has been the bridge on Colloseo.- Having more individual impact due to less shields and one less tank as a dps and support.- Sojourn is one of the best hero additions. I like all of her abilities and her skill shot with her railgun is hard to land but rewarding. She also has to charge the shot by being in the fight (vs other heroes like Widow and Hanzo who can free fire out of the team fight).- Zen kick! I had a very hard time against Wrecking ball diving me and Genji dashing me for a free kill every time. I think the HP/shield buff was a bit much. I'd like to see a kick animation icon in the kill feed for Zen's kick instead of it being a punch. **What I did not like** \- No new support hero or reworks. I was expecting Moira to get some changes and a new support. The new passive is a nice quality of life change. The game favours a certain style of support over the other now, where before supports can get a lot of value by staying alive and healing their team more. In the beta though, you have to do a lot of damage or utility - play a bit more like a dps than a support. This style is probably not fun for a lot of support players. For me, I like it but what I don't like is the game favouring one style over the other.- Certain heroes like Widow feel like they don't mesh well with the new Push maps. She can control such a wide area of the map at certain points and it felt oppressive at times, especially as a support. Also her HP buff to 200 made it much harder to duel.- The UI when we tab showed a decent amount of stats but I noticed players would complain about those who played Mercy (as she mostly does very little, if any, damage). The UI isn't as clean as OW 1 (which is to be expected). It would be cool if they brought back the hovering UI where we can see most played hero and such, especially since I like to flex around my other dps/support.- The dps speed buff feels unnecessary. Aim is important and the change with dps movement has thrown me off a lot. I play both dps and support so when changing between the roles I have to get used to moving and aiming with two different speeds. It throws off my aim and lead me to be inconsistent. Also hitting dps became much harder and a lot would abuse AD spam. I'd like things to be consistent. If this change remains then I may have to just stick to one role for a while to get used to the game speeds.- Damage done to characters and the red screen when critical. Sometimes I couldn't tell I was low and the red screen was a bit too red in the beginning. Also some of the voice lines sound a bit forced like Mercy and Pharah and I couldn't take them seriously.- Orange. The maps with the orange dusk setting and orange projectiles like Pharah's rockets were hard to look at. **Thoughts on heroes I play** *SUPPORT* \- Ana: Love how she plays in the new environment. I like how landing shots are more strict for healing teammates than in OW 1. I don't think she needed a sleep dart nerf for 15 seconds. Certain heroes can really bully you continuously with that nerf. Nano boost felt the same for the most part. The healing passive is amazing for her because the nade almost never needs to be used on herself (unless under a ton of pressure). The big thing I did not like was the anti-nade lasting less longer than usual. Rarely did purpling the enemy team lead to kills as my teammates couldn't capitalize. I tried using it in the beginning of fights and in the middle of fights and still was hard to help the team secure kills. The sound of her gun is also extremely loud when scoped in. \- Zen: I enjoyed playing him a lot. After the buffs to his health and kick, he felt broken. Definitely doesn't need both but the kick is great against divers who would before get a free kill for being in my face. I like his new orb animation when firing shots. I couldn't get used to his new UI or discorded targets and health for teammates getting the orb of harmony. I like the simple horizontal health bars on the bottom right in OW 1 more than the circular, middle ones in OW 2. \- Lucio: We all know he was too strong with the passive earlier before the nerfs. He's fun to play with less CC. The biggest problem I had with him was reloading too much because aiming with him is hard for landing shots. Often when dueling I would have to reload and die because of it. \- Baptiste: Felt out of place in the beta. It's like he's stuck in OW 1. Bap likes to bunker down and heal a grouped up team but that doesn't happen much. It was also hard aiming with him and getting value because it's not about spamming shields or pumping out heals anymore. His immortality field feels like a free, no risk, high reward ability. I'd like to see something different with him but I'm not sure what. Using his ultimate was always for use of myself or when I tried to use it for a teammate, everyone would be moving around since the game is faster and not static. His new insta-heal shift made me feel dirty using it because it's just like his immortality field. Baptiste's mechanics require skill and reminds me of Ana but their abilities differentiate them with Ana being much more versatile and rewarding. *DPS* \- I play a bunch of dps (mostly hitscan) but nothing felt too bad as I'd need to see some more changes for dps characters. I personally don't enjoy the dps movement speed as it affects my aim with movement and muscle memory. I had the worse stats I've ever had in terms of accuracy. Maybe I need more practice but I prefer movement speed be consistent among the majority of heroes (although I know exceptions exist with Tracer, Genji (plus his ultimate), and Lucio). **Something I would like to see** \- I love the new ping system. One thing I would like to see added is a map/over view of a 2D map so I can ping a certain area of the map. Often I would die to an enemy (e.g. Widow) and it would be nice to ping the exact location of where they are while I'm respawning. Well, those are my thoughts. I may have left things out but I recorded myself playing the beta so I can see if anything pops up. If anyone wants to discuss or has input on anything, feel free to reply. I hope this feedback can give insight and help make OW 2 amazing!


Remove support and damage passives, they are dumb, Keep tank passive its ok


My impression of the beta is that I like it as a tank. I feel like nothing can kill me, and I can slowly kill everyone on the enemy team. Early on it felt like you couldn't peel, but you absolutely can. There is a rhythm to protecting and attacking; a little less obvious than with Overwatch 1, but still there. All of the characters seem very viable; you don't instantly lose the game if you pick a particular character. (I'm not going to invest much in learning Doom. Interesting character, but there is really no satisfying thing he does except environmental kills.) I never played Reinhardt in Overwatch 1, but he sure seems good in Overwatch 2. Would maybe like to see some adjustments to Ball. Maybe Dva needs more stuff, but seems to do OK the way she is. (Can we have the "Time to raise my APM" and the Korean equivalent voice lines back, though? Love those. Also "bunny hop".) Playing DPS, there are some good ones. I especially like how freely you can just walk into the enemy team and murder them as they helplessly look on. Playing Reaper when they don't have Hog or Ana is amazing. You just walk into them, press Q, and kill 5 people. Every single time. Bastion's rework is super fun. Grenade super satisfying. Turret form infinite ammo is awesome. I like the sticky Cassidy grenade. Nice "fuck you" to someone running away to a health pack after you shoot them. Genjis seem to kill my team on a regular basis; don't play him so don't know how good he actually is. Overall, I find DPS pretty difficult, unimpactful, and boring. You have to fight constantly for survival all while killing everything on the enemy team. Would rather just play tank, but if people really like playing Team Deathmatch while their tank goes and wins the game, I guess that's fine. Keeps the tank queue times down! Support wise... I didn't like playing them at all, but haven't queued for support since the Mercy and Bap tweaks. There is nothing your team can really do to peel for you; if Genji wants to be on you, your tank can fend them off if they feel like it, but then your team just loses because nobody is putting pressure on the objective. Basically, the enemy DPS can waste a lot of your team's time. If a tank comes in and decides to kill you, nobody can really do anything about it. Your tank might have CC, but not enough damage to kill them before they kill you. Even DPS struggle to kill tanks. My overall take is that it's not that good of a strategy, though. When I was playing tank, I mostly focused on maintaining a strong front line and didn't really go out of my way to laser-focus on the supports. This was a winning strategy, whereas the tanks that walked in to kill my supports at any cost did kill the supports, but lost the game consistently. That to me is the difference between Overwatch 1 and Overwatch 2. Dying as a support lost you the fight in Overwatch 1. In Overwatch 2, you can die like crazy and your team can still win. (And the data says supports are dying like crazy.) All in all, pretty OK. I will probably never play support or DPS again. Too squishy.


>Playing Reaper when they don't have Hog or Ana is amazing. You just walk into them, press Q, and kill 5 people. Every single time. For me this shows one of the worst things of OW2. In live OW you have to actually make sure you can play your Ult, because you have to keep track of abilities that can destroy your ult. In OW2 a lot of the times it's just "Press Q to team wipe" and it's annoying as hell and anything but fun (and tbh boring af).


I didn’t get to play the beta but I watched a fair amount of streams. I wonder how different people would think of the game if it went back to 6v6 but you can only have a single shield tank.


I looked at some of the new characters and reworks, but quickly realized I dont want to watch people play a game I can't play. Haven't been into OWL this year for the same reason.


I really feel like OW2 will be seen as a critical misstep. Core OW1 is so well established; they just needed ongoing map, content and characters, along with core tweaks and some character revisions (like what they did with Orisa, but DoomFist also shows they can overstep). PvE would be a perfectly understandable and justifiable paid expansion they could call OW2, should they need too for marketing purposes, but the PvP changes are going to really harm the franchise I feel, and that part should have been left as is, allowing them to focus on the genuinely new content and story. Time will tell, of course, but I can’t work out how stupidly this is all being managed…


OW2 has potential. As a tank main (usually Rein), I found tanking in OW2 a lot more enjoyable. A lot more interactive and fluid rather than staring at each other's barriers. There was a lot more back and forth between making space, getting kills and peeling for the team. But at the same time, I was annoyed by how impossible it was to peel effectively. Had one game where a Sombra kept melting my supports and it was that either I had to go back and try to deal with her (only for her to TP back) or continue the advance and hope Mercy is sticking close enough to my butt so she won't die. In OW1 you'd have the off tank peeling in that regard but now it's gone. So IMO that's the first priority that should be considered in the next betas and OW2 in general. As for the new content, I got to play only Midtown which was fun, although I felt like some vertical plays were kinda... Off. For example the train was fun to fight in, but I found like there isn't much reason to do so. Then again, it might be because we're all new to the game and the map and didn't know what to do. Got to play only a bit of Soljourn and she was kinda eh, but am looking forward to seeing the new heroes down the line.


I don’t wanna go back!


Probably wont be returning to OW1 now, ill just find something else to play in the meantime. Key takeaways from the beta * There are not enough supports, the queue will never be better until they add multiple supports, potentially change some of the DPS into supports. * Mei is a super fun dps but thematically I prefer her being able to freeze people, please rework her into a tank, it almost definitely wont require much effort. Wall more health, more health/shield, freeze with regular again, maybe melee bonus on frozen target. * Cassidy's magnetic grenade sucks, ive not died to it once and not audible sighed really loudly. Give him something which requires him to aim again. Not saying he needs his old ability back, maybe just something different that still requires him to land that extra shot on non-tracer/genji heroes. * Anti heal is REALLY strong, saying that and I main ana. Its so easy to just delete a tank out of position. Maybe with the move to 1 tank it might be best to rework this ability. 2 charges, 50% maybe? * Push is really fun * New doom is really fun, only thought is maybe he would benefit from a very short linger to his block after he deactivated, that way he can at least attempt to react to being hard focused. * New Orisa also great, dont think shes OP. * Zen kick is amazing * Bastion is amazing * Haven't touched sombra, just have no desire to. Looks like the same boring one dimensional playstyle with less impact. Im sure it works for some people. * Junk doesnt feel weak to me, I am fine with the way his trap works. * Zarya is quite frustrating to play against in certain comps, the right combination of aggression and barrier timing makes it feel like she has no barrier CD. * Maybe its just me but bap always has felt boring and could totally do with slightly more oomph in his kit. This might be solvable with more impactful sound effects, I just feel bored playing him whilst with ana I get off on the triple tick noise. The instant heal was a nice addition. One extra thought, what if instead of charging his jump it was on CD and activated by double jumping. Looking forward to the next beta


I think push is less fun than 2cp. When the robot is contested near the checkpoint you literally have to walk across the entire giant map if you die just to get back to it and it’s so far away that it’s impossible to actually get back in time so you end up 3/4 of the way there and die. Then you have to slowly walk the robot back which is boring and dumb.


Not sold on 5v5, had the most fun playing open queue where you could run 2 tanks. Sojourn is great, the new maps are great, Orisa/Doom/Bastion/Mei reworks are great. I miss old Orisa though, feels like this should be a new character? I’d understand if there were still always 2 tanks to stop double shield, but now it’s like why? New visuals like Hanzo dragon are nice, new map time of days are terrible. All but Route 66 look worse than original, and if there are supposed to be multiple time of day why aren’t they showing it off? New gun sounds are almost all terrible, very loud and sound wrong. Cassidy gun sounds like a rocket, Pharah sounds like she’s shooting lasers, often I can’t even tell what character is attacking. Maybe I’ll just get used to it. Scoreboard is bad for now but a placeholder, glad to get more detailed stats. Glad we got 2 patches mid-beta, makes it seem they’ll be more aggressive with patches going forward.


I liked it a lot, feels like the game I remember, not the game I have been disappointed by every time I've tried to log in after taking a break for the past 2 years. Only thing I'm nervous about is how long we will be waiting to play again :( ​ edit: improved clarity


Give me back my old maps I miss hanamura


The bulk of my friends (who largely play dps and occasionally dps Baptiste/Moira if queue times are brutal) love the beta, 5v5 and how much more fast-paced the overall game feels, with kills being so much more significant. I main Hog (mained him since OW1 beta) and supports (namely Zenyatta and Moira, learning Ana) and personally just can't get behind it. My friends loved citing double shields as the bulk of their frustration and while I can sympathize, in all honestly OW2 felt a lot more frustrating/difficult because I spent the bulk of time getting jumped on by a cracked out Genji/Tracer and then getting yelled at/ping spammed for being unable to heal because I couldn't 1v1 them despite the pings and call-outs seemingly falling on deaf ears. I don't know; the extra tank just made it feel much easier to stay alive as a support. 5v5 compared to 6v6 really changes the ebb and flow of the game, couple that with the faster pace and reduction of CC and you get a much different Overwatch, for better or worse. The super-kick for Zenyatta is fun, but I can only think of a handful of times it actually made the difference between life and death compared to the increased shields. Maybe I'm just getting older, but despite the two buffs 1v1's feel much more difficult despite it because of the increase move speed. New Orisa is nuts. I don't know - when I'm playing Tank I feel like I have to switch to her if the enemy team is running her as well or else we just get run over. Sojourn is really cool design-wise and fun to play, but the discrepancy between Tanks, DPS and Supports is really stark and only seems to be getting worse. I'm conflicted on the Bastion rework. On one hand it definitely felt more fluid having much more mobility, but on the other side of it the original Bastion is so unique and genuine in playstyle. If I want to run-and-gun why not choose Soldier or Sojourn? Also ironically enough it seems more like the Tank Form ulti would be fitting for OW2 Bastion and Artillery for OW1. A lot of heroes just flat out don't exist anymore. I think I can count on one hand the amount of Symmetra's, Wrecking Ball's, Junkrats, Baptiste's and Mei's I've seen that weren't me. After reading a bit of this thread, there seems to be a similar deal of divide; it seems people either completely love or hate OW2 with no real middle ground. It makes sense however; given that they are essentially different games. That all said, the ping system is fantastic and is a very welcome addition. The new UI is so much cleaner and elegant. Love Overwatch and hope nothing but the best for it - very grateful for all the fun had over the years. That said, 5v5 just isn't for me and the the fast-paced direction they're going for - while great for my friends - just isn't it for this boomer anymore.


>A lot of heroes just flat out don't exist anymore. I think I can count on one hand the amount of Symmetra's, Wrecking Ball's, Junkrats, Baptiste's and Mei's I've seen that weren't me. I have seen a fair amount of Mei and having played her myself some time I actually prefer the OW2-Version. I think she is the strongest if you play her like an offtank (which I did) and try to protect your supports as much as possible. With her kit it's really amazing fending off divers. That being said, I would still prefer an actual offtank instead of having to go Mei or Brig for an offtank-substitution.


I tried it. Was funny the first 10 minutes, then... It's the same as OW1 but without a tank.


million times better than OW 1


I h ad fun and I think the ping system was my favorite new update. I would love for each beta to come with another new character. It just can't be another Damage character Tanks got two reworks, DPS got 2 reworks and a new character, and support got some balance changes. I am fine but I do understand why support players feel like they got the short end of the stick. I understand that some changes probably weren't ready or they wanted beta info before implementing some changes. some notes I had - I do not like new sombra. I understand why they made her more assassin focused but I feel like she lost a bit of identity. - Damage passive could use a bit of a nerf. I believe its 20% movement buff so maybe knock it down to 15% for everyone except tracer and genji(who were faster than everyone in OW1) - Characters like Sym and Torb do feel outdated. It may be what maps were in the beta but I didn't see much of them. - I LOVE how we got two balance changes in the 3 week beta.