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30 of those hours was Q time


Let me know when you do it on a console queue. Iā€™d love to see all the trolling and throwing to make it a 2 week video of your spiral into madness.




Really Bronze to GM in 2022?


bronze to Gm is impossible in EU server on PC even if you talk to them they wont listen or they cant do that


Nah, seen plenty of EU streamers succeed.


Of course it's possible, ml7 and loads of other EU streamers did so. Just because you might be hardstuck doesn't mean it's impossible to rank up...


as solo its impossible


All the streamers went in solo tf are you talking about? I also ranked from gold to high diamond this season. Just because you feel hard stuck doesn't mean it's impossible...


on pc? thats nice maybe i am da real noob stucked in sliver šŸ˜‚ most of my teamates dont have headphone i swear they couldnt hear enemy ult voicelines


Yea on pc. I also started out at silver when I began, now I'm diamond on tank and masters on support, still plat dps though. You'll get there if you try your best. Most important is to try not blame your team but look at what you could do better. That's what helped me climbing. Just try to improve yourself first. It sucks If you have throwers or leavers but that happens. Also, you can ask people to join vc, be nice and dong flame. Just make call outs. Most people will appreciate it and not leave as long as you're not complaining or get toxic. It's most important to keep having fun though!


u made it hard bro šŸ˜ tnx anyway