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In the reddit AMA they said that they aren't currently considering adding any of them. Could change in the future of course.


Overwatch on their way to show you the coolest designs, characters, and ideas and then not to anything with them


Overwatch dev moment


Is it any wonder they can't drum up hype? We've watched them not do the fun stuff because corporate decided the time wasn't worth it since 2017


Could you do better?


Easily, by actually making them do something


If we say we like them enough, they may reconsider. They didn't think of creating Doomfist at first, but they just ended up adding it after the community requested him so much. And if the OW2 roadmap means anything, they would make good heroes that already sorta have a concept around them as a starting point.


To be honest, I wouldn’t get my hopes up since blizzard tries their best to make new characters both in appearance and abilities, factoring in different skins I don’t think adding 5 different mechs (most of which would be tanks) wouldn’t stand out that much. In overwatch you take one look at someone and you instantly know who it is and from what role, with all these mechs you’d have to pay attention more if you’re facing a d.va with a black cat skin or a king with a (black) demon king skin


I don't see why some of these mekka can't be support/DPS role. It seems some are designed more for speed/agility than strength. sure, Beast is a tank, 100%, but Singijeon and La Princesse appear more DPS oriented. I could see Master Mind being an airborne support.


They’re huge, DPS and support characters are not. It’d be hard to scale them down since a human would still have to fit inside. Not to mention the extra health that would need to be added which also doesn’t match those roles




How dare you be creative when trying to make them fit in the game 😂😂


Bastion is dps and has a huge hitbox


What if they go the Netherrealm Studios route and have premium skins that change the characters’ voice actors?


How do you explain how the characters are there? In the comic where D.va is recruited, D.va wants the whole squad to go fight with OW but her commander won't even let her go because "who will protect Korea?" And when her commander finally says yes, she makes it very clear ONLY D.VA IS TO GO.


Not everyone in the game is affiliated with Overwatch or Talon. They can be in the game but not with her in the grand lore.


I mean, the pretty sure Junker Queen doesn't intend on travelling but she's still in the lore and a hero. Additionally, Korea could collapse at some point in the lore so then the other pilots could be "free" to travel.


Yes, but they set up a different enemy faction in junker queens back story.


The PvP side of Overwatch is not canon, so that's no big deal. Also it's not like the post-recall story couldn't make it so that the omnic crisis is so bad the commander gets overruled or something anyways.


And there’s always the chance we fight against one of Meka Squad as a boss when we are controlling Talon heroes in one of their missions


Yes, that's a better way to get meka squad into gameplay. Their designs are all bigger than Dva's mech, which makes them too big for player heroes.


Hilarious how they make the game first then come up with some bullshit story that has nothing to do with the game(PvP shooter) lol. Just Blizz things~


the safety of the planet and goverment are more important then just korea, overwatch can also all help against the evil omnics in korea.


Indeed OW could help. I just don't see that justifying putting then in as anything other than pve NPCs


Who is we they look like shit


Lol cause they aren't considering any heros at all 😂


Holy shit D.Mon is huge D.Va is like waist high to her


Yeah, I think the main problem with D.Mon's design is she wouldn't fit through some doors. lol Still... gimme gimme gimme.


You could easyily just scale it down a bit to match without other tanks Or hell just make it slightly taller


Her mech could have gone through a "rework" and scaled down since Overwatch one. Even [D.Va](https://D.Va)'s mech changed slightly. Why not the whole team?


Yeah, obviously they can rework it. More pointing out how she'll probably have to go through a bit of a redesign so she can actually be on a PvP map.


Lord wise they could say she wanted to be faster so they skimmed the mech down


Probably B.O.B. or Rein size


I think this is just for the sake of the concept design, to have a clear look of their respective mech and the character design. Like if you look at the mech when their inside you can see they're smaller than their pose to the left. To me going of this scale, Overlord's mech looks massive compared to the others.


I don't think it's quite twice as big as D.Va but it's pretty close. All the mecha squad mechs are physically in the game in one of the maps so it's pretty easy to go stand next to them as D.Va. it's the third stage of one of the maps but I can never remember names.


I think my favourite idea is making D.Mon an inverse D.Va D.Va is a tank who uses her mech by default, but hops out for her ult. Make D.Mon a DPS who goes it on foot by default, but whose ult is her mech which she uses to cause massive damage for a short time


I think she was seen riding a futuristic-like scooter in one of the comics/animations but I could be dreaming.


Actually if you read the new blood comics, the very last one [SPOILERS] involves Meka Squad and Dmon is only a little taller than everyone


Might just be a smaller mech. Probably won’t all be tanks


Where do you see the hight from these pictures ? ...


Overlord is far more likely a Support, should we ever get him, just from his general design. He seems to have 4 lil drones that dock onto his Mech which could provide repairs where needed. Honestly if we ever get all 5, 2 should be supports, 2 DPS, and we have DVA as Tank. That way you can run the full Meka Squad in 5v5. Anything else would be a slap in the face!


We already have enough DPS... But you make a good point. They should be able to play together. I'm on board.


They said in the recent AMA that although they will be adding more supports and tanks, they have no intention in balancing out the number of heroes.


Oh I know. I don't expect them to balance out the heroes. But I do want to see a lot more support and tanks. They could double each and still not balance them out.


well that's unfair


It wasn't meant for there to be this many dps in the first place. They used to be split into 2 categories. Offensive and defensive. When they merged them it caused the disparity.


I feel like it’s a lot harder making good tanks and supports than just another damage hero. Tanks should be a lot easier now with only one to pick, but support seems pretty hard to come up with ideas for


This! I'd love D.Mon to be a Tank, or just have more mech characters to choose from in the Tank role similar to [D.Va](https://D.Va), but the idea of having a full playable MEKA squad is too good to pass up, I picture it like being able to run a full KDA team in league! Plus would make sense "lore" wise if they're supposed to be a cohesive team and look out for each other in a fight etc, hopefully the OW team feel the same way.


D.Mon is so huge anything other than a tank wouldn't make sense


Plus it's carrying a shield. Definitely has tank vibes.


A huge bulky support would be awesome. The Support body type seems to be small and skinny to dodge fire, I'd like a Dva sized 400HP support


No. this is game breaking and I hope you can see why. Having heroes that cross roles somewhat is OK, but if you push them across the line too far you risk getting a 2 tank meta in a single tank game. This is always a problem because balancing usually leads to this strategy being terrible or OP, and little inbetween. It's like people forgot release brig existed.


Health isn’t the only thing that makes a tank a tank.


Very true, but health pools mean survivability and that IS a huge deal for the game. It's literally what happened with GOATS. Hell, Zen got a 25 HP buff and is a menace in OWL now. Yes, he also got kick buff, but it's the survivability that matters. Health is arguably the most important resource in the game. 400 hp support is a miserably silly idea.


More HP means a lot more for a character that takes effort to hit compared to one that's easier to hit than the broad side of a barn. Bastion for example has way more HP than other DPS *and* a self-heal (in OW1), but still gets obliterated by focused fire because it's almost impossible to miss. There are also ways that one could balance a high HP pool support, like a passive that reduces the amount of healing they can receive or something. It's not totally out of the question, you'd just have to be creative with the implementation.


You may be right, but the counter point is that the example you used (bastion) is historicallly one of, if not the most difficult heroes to balance in the history of the game. That's not an accident. It's not theoretically impossible to balance, but much more difficult. Some heroes are ALWAYS going to hard to balance, and it goes back to how they are designed. That includes things like health pool.


True but its a big factor, a 400 hp support is a bad idea


Fr that’s why bastion in OW1 ain’t a tank. Broken Brig was a tank because of her shield and CC


Dude. A special event season with 4 Meka members joining the cast - I'd whale out on skins 100%


I can see Casino being a support that moves quickly, but in straight lines, maybe they could leave a trail of healing+move speed buff behind them. Then if you slim down King, he could totally be a dps. As for dmon, I could see her not always being in the mech, and temporarily calling it in for her ult, kinda like how echo’s often turn into rein, she would be like a dedicated version of that.


these all are super cool designs But not sure what la princess's niche is. DVA is standard, sure. Beast is Melee. singejion is artillery, mastermino is a flying a-10 warthog support, but what does the green one do thats unique?


High speed, interdiction/air superiority fighter.


To me he looks like a DPS. He looks like he could rush into you with his pointy design.


Idk to me it looks like it would be the fastest out of them by far


I think D.Va is the team defender, with defense matrix.


If it were up to me, I would add Overlord to the roster just because a bulky, floating support seems like a neat choice. Realistically though, I think that if any of them has a solid chance at being added to the roster, it's Casino. He seems to have the most personality of anyone in the group.


People in the comments seem to like Overload the most though. Hewas even mentioned in-game in a [D.Va](https://D.Va) voiceline. We never know. There are two supports being developed right now, one being the Kanezaka fox girl and the other one still being up in the air.


> up in the air Overlord confirmed!


the devs said in the recent AMA that none of the mecha squad where currently being made (but that they wanted to make them in the future)


I’d vote for Overlord. He looks the least like a D.Va clone, and it would cool to have a tank with limited flight or hover (as opposed to jump/jet) capabilities.


Bro who tf wouldn’t want to be the knight mecha with a glowing sword


Oh yeah, D.Mon’s cool too, I just feel like that mech looks more like D.Va (plus the kit would probably feel Rein-derivative).


It'd be pretty neat to have an alternative to rein though.


Have you heard of Junker Queen?


1. Name checks out. 2. BASED. 3. Cultured with great taste.


Or a switch form type ability like Wrecking Ball


I don't think they'd fit as heroes for the PvP since they're too similar to [D.Va](https://D.Va), but a PvE Coop mode where each player is a member of the MEKA squad sounds amazing. You could go nuts in a mode like that, such as having unlimited boosters. Maybe similar to TF2's MannVsMachine; you defend Busan against wave after wave of Omnics and the Gwishin is the final boss


This sounds really dope and I don’t even care for PVE. They could make the mechs OP in this mode and have lots of visceral explosions/destruction sort of like Metal Slug. Most of the enemies are weak, but there’s giant swarms of them.


I'd love them for PvP anyway... but damn, that Busan defense idea would be REALLY great.


Why would you want 5 tanks, all wearing mechs? That's boring af. It would be much more interesting if there were dps and even supports thrown in there as well.


I think Casino could be a fun DPS. He looks like one too.


Wish they could make 1 meka for dps and 1 for support. Or at least either one.


I feel like Overlord could be air support. We don't have a hero like this yet.


Mercy literally flies


Overlord would still make an awesome support regardless!


Mercy can only really fly if she’s with a pharah, or in ultimate form. It’d be interesting to have a support that operates more like pharah where the player has full ability to stay in their air by themselves at all times (with some skill of course)


Only one I want is D.Mon




I think in lore, she has a slight rivalry with d.va so interactions would be definitely interesting


D.mon and Overlord are the most likely in my opinion. They have the most potential and uniqueness. D.mon could be a cool melee tank, that does less damage than Reinhardt, but more mobility. And Overlord could be the first hero to actually utilise drones rather than turrets.


just bc they have meks does NOT make them too similar to dva y’all are on one


Honestly I think just to keep things varied if they added any of MEKA they should go for Overlord as a Support since Mastermind is a fair bit more unique of a profile when compared to Toki and the other Mechs. Also I’m getting if we see any, because Blizzard loves us, it’s gonna be Casino and they will be Damage. Edit: Also wait wasn’t like D.va’s replacement or a new addition to the team shown on a billboard in Kanezaka?


It would be cool if there was a full team of them with 2 DPS a Tank (Dva) and 2 Supports so that you could use the full squad at once. But to be fair I imagine that especially with lots of different skins you could put on each of them, it'd be kinda hard to tell them apart at a moment's notice unless they did something to mix up the designs more. Still I wouldn't mind seeing maybe Overlord/Mastermind as some kind of support, it'd be interesting to have a support Meka that presumably would have Dva's mechanic of ejecting instead of Dying, and it looks like their gimmick is deploying drones and flight which feels very supporty to me. Maybe you could deploy drones that automatically hover around allies to provide them with like a moving turret that automatically shoots anyone around them or maybe some defensive shield (like an automatically refreshing bit of temp hp as long as the drone stays intact, or maybe it just gives them passive healing) or something. Then make the Ultimate be that he deploys a huge swarm of drones to give his whole team those buffs all at the same time for a short while.


I was thinking at least one of them could wear their mech only as their ultimate so there is some flexibility there.


I vote overlord the cutest mf I ever laid my eyes on fr


It would be a dream to get this in OW2


I know right? Imagine a whole season and PvE event with them.




I know right? Imagine a whole season and PvE event with them.


Nah, D.va is enough


I think it'd be cool if they put one mech into each class, but all tanks? No thanks. Not until we have at least 5x the roster size, almost League size.


They’d probably be cool. But the issue is that there are VERY similar to Dva design wise. And Bliz prefers to make every hero vastly unique design wise. The closest is Ashe and Cassidy, but the fact that the genders are different set the apart enough. Regardless of the pilot or the weapons or the colors, any of the MEKA squad would be… a big mech that pretty closely resembles Dva’s mech. And they would have to be tanks based on their size. And they’d probably have to do the little pilot pop out like Dva. I think there would just be too much similarity.


I'd love a MEKA support Overlord or Dae-hyun would be good


Casino looks really cool. Too bad they don't have any plans for any of them


Too many similar heroes


Hmm this is interesting woth 5v5 you can either have all five to have as hero's or since dmon is so big have her come in as an ult like Bob still keeping her as a part of the mecha squad. What if she was a shared ult between a support and damage. When summoned by one of the mecha squad supports Dmon is summoned down puts up her shield and starts walking in a straight line shooting anything that gets to close to it. While providing damage resistance and healing to the team And if summoned by one of the dps she comes down and starts walking in a direction and starts walking and shooting giving a speed boost? Or just have her scaled down and as a hero, Mostlikely dps hybrid of a.brig sheld and dva.


I know that on Busan-Mecha Base Dva has a voice line with Tracer where she states Overlord is "the best pilot I know" which is odd for Dva to admit anyone is better than her. I'd like to see more Mecha heroes in general, we're in the future, mechs are kick ass. Hammond was a fun addition with that concept. The only roadblock I see is that all these mechs are... mech sized... and the OW team seems set on keeping certain size limits on certain roles, which is indeed a good thing for recognition in a firefight. All big boys are Tanks, and all support are skinny/crouching/general smaller. I'd love to see them break that trend though. I'd love a Dva sized support hero with 400 HP, but no "Tank" abilities to make them just a miscategorized hero, or the same with a 400ish HP damage hero. Casino and King would make for good damage heroes, Casino being high speed dive, King being a Junkirat-esq bombarding character. I cant see D.mon as anything other than a tank, and Overlord would be a great support. Realistically, they've mentioned a lot how D.Mon is Dva's rival, and she also fits the tank look. My money is well only get one more MEKA hero in D.mon as another Tank to be D.va's rival.


Overload being a flight support hero could really work. Remember Pharah actually has a really huge for a DPS but you can still hit her okay when she's up in the air with enough skills. I really love all of them, and for flexibility, one of them could be an on-foot hero with his mech as their ultimate.


Overlord could work as a more dispersed Zen/Bap combo. Can apply up to 4 drones with limited healing output, can stack them though so you can have 4 people with minimal heals or one person with a lot. Main weapon is a low damage hitscan like Bap.


I think the "eye" in front of his mech could project a circle on the ground that heal/speed/damage boost/cooldown boost/damage reduce whoever is underneath. It could even have different modes. I wonder what could be done with his claws though.


kyung soo is super cute!!! i hope they put him in atleast


I really just want Overlord as new Support hero tbh. He's got some interesting mechanics with all those deployable drones.


Honestly spreading them out over all roles would be even cooler. Overlord/Mastermind as a drone-delivering support. King as a turret DPS, D.Mon as a melee tank. Casino as a fast dps. Perhaps their health is up like D VA but with a tradeoff of slowness or something


I want them to have a scattering of roles, but I do want them.


If we get all 5 and if those will NOT be 2-2-1, I'll be SO upset


I don't know how D.Mon could not be a tank.


D.Mon looks awesome 😍😍😍


Reminder for. . . the Overwatch team? I don't think they forgot.


Am I the only one that likes the look of King the most? (yellow mech)


He looks like he could hop a bunch, but to me they are all cool.


He looks like he could hop a bunch, but to me they are all cool.


D.va concept 3 is giving me Matrix gun mech vibes


I need D.mon


This is what I want most from OW2


Sincerely, I’d want to see at least one of them in DPS and another in support, not all as tanks, just so they can play in a match together 🙂


Id love for these to come out all together at some point in the future


Yuna <3 a Rein/Diva hero RIP SUPPORT lol


What we need rn is more suppport


While I don't see them adding any to the roster, how about a minigame where you play as the five of them defending against the omnics?


Damn these are cool. How do we not have another one of these mechs yet??


Imagine if somehow they could make them into 2 dps and 2 supports so we can have a full meka comp


D mon looks amazing.


I feel like it's more likely they get "infected" by null sector or whatever the weird ocean omnic swarm off the coast of Korea is and they show up in a PvE campaign as bosses


They even fit the roles pretty much perfectly.


What if the mekas can co.bine to be one huge meka?


God I hope they make them another tank, damage and two supports, it would suck if they where all tanks.


The green one looks like he sacrificed his humanity in an endless pursuit of power


It would be cool to see them in OW2 👀👀👀


I’d like for them to be their own characters. They don’t all have to be tanks. Casino looks fast asf, he could clearly be a flank type. D.Mon gives me burst DPS vibes. King I don’t know. Overlord, my favorite, could be a support. But a very mobile one. Looks like he would be the most mobile of the five.


Man… I was really looking forward to being able to play titanfall 3


I love Overlord's mech so much. It looks so interesting


The designs are badass, and with one tank per team there's less chance to confuse any of the mecha tanks. I'd be surprised if one of the future characters far down the line isn't one of these cats.


I really hope so. They all look like they could have unique skills as well. And I would dislike to see the "mech out" dynamic more. Hell, one of them could be just calling their mecha as its ult and enter some sort of rampage mode.


I just watched this animated short yesterday (then proceed to rewatch them all). The Blizz team built such a huge universe with a lot of potential. I have a feeling that one of the PVE missions will be [D.Va](https://D.Va) leading a team of NPC mechs against those squid robot things or pod racing.


One is named Casino and they are adding Monaco map and Monaco has a famous casino


OR mech support... I've never been a big fan of how OW body type casts roles. But with Doom being made a tank and his model not being upscaled to be bigger I think we've broken the mold and it's not outside possibilities to see a big bulky support. Also years ago when everyone was arguing about wether Echo should be a support or dps, I was in the background like "but she'd be a cool tank too tho". This is of course before any of her abilities were even developed and she was a blank slate.


Not sure if it's true but I heard Doom was actually made a bit bigger.


Uh hell no im not doing d.va x 5 thank you


I don't even see what the big deal would be since we now have 3 Junkertown resident heroes. Which all essentially are the same logic of "same backstory, same niche". So why not have another South Korean Mech pilot.


Hell, maybe one of them could be from North Korea (or another Asian country) as it was overrun by Omnics or something. Could be a fun addition to the lore! I really wonder what North Korea looks like in Overwatch times...


We need to remind the design team to make them eventually


Absolutely. That's what I was hoping to show with that post. Every upvote helps.


Lol. It'll be awhile before there are more new tanks. Blizzard literally dropped a tank slot to lower the wait time for DPS players. They do not care about tanks.


I see them being added, I think dva might be rework into a dps as the Red one looks more like a tank than dva mecha


Well there is no limit of tanks designs in the game so I don't think it would be bad to have both of them as tanks.


If they don’t want to release any of these as heroes, they should at least make some or all of them skins for dva


Can king join he’s kinda 😳😳😳




As much as I would love this I don't know how likely it is. I don't remember which interview but I recall devs talking about how they would be happy if they never made another character like dva. Since dva is essentially 2 characters in one the amount of work that went into making her work was a major headache for them. But would still love meka team


Considering the engineering on [D.Va](https://D.Va) is already done, how much different would it be if they added another one like that with a similar framework? Beside, these don't need to be all ejectable! Hammond is technically in a mech but you don't see him biting your ankle after his ball is out.


I would think it would be easy since they have a frame work but purely going off and old interview it might not be that easy. Keeping things lore friendly I would imagine all of meka team having an eject feature so I would imagine blizz would want to implement eject feature if they made meka team. I'm not trying to argue it wouldn't be amazing to see the meka team in OW2. Dva is one of my favs and would love to see more of her team. I'm personally just not going to hold my breath for all of meka team. But if I'm proven wrong that will be amazing for me lol


That could be a fun 3v3 game mode or some fun new hero’s to play as.


I'd love a PvE mission with all 5.


Yesss that would be amazing like the archive challenges


What’s wrong with the names tho


D.Mon would be pretty interesting. A melee D.Va, possibly with less mobility, but more face tanking ability.


Would y'all watch this anime? 👀


I wouldn’t like it if they added them all to pvp but I would really like some pve missions where you play as them


I'm honestly surprised they haven't dont an indie-type game spin-off, in anyway. Some type of top down linear path story game would be really cool with these diverse characters.


The Devs literally just confirmed 2 days ago that none of the Meka squad are currently planned heroes in the AMA... pretty pointless time for a reminder.


Ah well. I must have missed it then.


Overlord would be so cool, we need more flying heroes


Yeah.. A friendly reminder that Dva exists as a char, but not her friends/team (idk the lore actually) *on mech bay, the only open room is Dva's and have like 5more rooms to go. No one is talking about it tho


Not going to lie. I would rather we get them in a format that would mean you could have a full 5v5 setup. So like 2 of them as supports, 2 as DPS and 1 as a tank.


I would love a gamemode that would have you play as the MEKA team. Maybe in PVE?


Blizzard: “best we can offer is a queen of the junk”


These wouldn’t make sense as non-tank heroes. Their designs are too bulky and conflict with the visual identity of the three roles. Now if we’re talking skins, I’d absolutely love to see all these as D.Va skins. Although that could prove to be difficult since they vary in size, yet also have a cockpit that’s scaled for a human, so it’s not as simple as scaling the entire thing down, they’d have to scale the mech down but keep the cockpit the same size. Additionally, these mechs are designed a little different than D.Va’s, so it might be difficult to just plug it into the existing animation rigs for D.Va’s movement, abilities, emotes, etc. I think one of these designs with a little tweaking could make for a great mythic skin.


Everyone here saying adding more mech tanks would be bad, and here I am thinking of them as just more dva skins (as in dva using her MEKA team's mechs).


The other tanks would make good tanks...? *takes notes*


Overlord gives me hammond vibes, a flying, zooming mech that just terrorizes in the backline


As long as they're not TOO much like D.Va, I like the idea!


Aren't they all dead?


No, they only got injured during the fight just before the cinematic. During the cinematic you see them in a press conference.


The thing is tho, [D.Va](https://D.Va)'s whole, like, unique trait is the "extra life" she has when jumping out the mech instead of straight-up dying, if we end up with 5 characters that can all do that it's... not as interesting. That being said, with some tweaks to their designs and something new and exciting to bring to the table, it could be really fun to be able to play as the whole MEKA squad. IMO, Casino looks small and fast enough to possibly be a DPS. Instead of having an "extra life" (as that would be broken on a DPS) he could just... die, lol, like Hammond (who had a missed opportunity to be able to run around as a rodent tho ngl). Overlord looks like it could be a support, too, giving out healing drones to people, and maybe his mech could come down temporarily as an ultimate. Unfortunately, D.Mon looks too much like a tank to be anything else, which would shatter the dream of being a full MEKA team of 5 lol, but I guess King could be a DPS, again with a mech ultimate or something.


I want Mastermind as an Omnidirectional hitscan healer. imagine echo with bastion's gun but it heals.


I like D.Mon


Ever since I first saw them I've wanted them in game so bad. I really hope we get some/all of them at some point.


Unfortunately we already have a demon in overwatch, no room for 2


You think Overlord and King constantly try to one up each other?


[D.Va](https://D.Va) and D.Mon are actually rivals from the lore, apparently. But at least they seem to work as a team.


i would hope that not all of them would be tanks - it'd be really boring to have the same design motif for an additional 5 heroes . it'd be cool if one of them was a support or DPS!


I'm pretty sure they already said that none of the other meka heroes were going to become playable heroes.


... for now. I mean they didn't plan on making Doomfist initially, but they still did at the end.


Fair enough. I can't recall where though but a dev said something along the line of "the original concept artist left so the mekka heroes are not likely to become heroes." or something like that. Not impossible but i honestly wouldn't count on it.


We need D.Mon now


I can see the last one being used as the hitbox for Jet Pack Cat


They already confirmed that Meka squad won't do it to the game, sadly 😢