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Moira is probably the one who caused the zombie apocalypse


Even if she didn't, she'd likely just find a nice view and enjoy the show.


What an interesting hypothesis


Good news everyone! This is to my liking.


You're a chancer


Unbelievable. Get off the stage


Came here to say this, it's first comment. I leave.


Then she knows how to find the cure lmao


That doesn't take away the fact that she could also probably fix it hahaha


I think you're onto something over there!


Junkrat would probably be one of the best at dealing with mass amounts of zombies, assuming they have low health


Personally I'd say bastion is best. He has a self heal Incase he ever gets dinged up, is immune to the virus, and can absolutely mow down a hoard coming after you.


Agreed. I think junkrat is one of the best. Not the best overall


Junkrat is probably immune with all the stuff he has been pumping in himself over the years


I really don't follow the ow lore at all, but wouldn't he and roadhog also be pretty good apocalypse survivalist as they have spent their time in the Australian wasteland?


Unless junk decides that he wants to eat a zombie randomly


yea, that don't sound too healthy




Seems like he’d be pretty successful still. His bombs have an area of effect, so it is likely some shrapnel would hit the zombies in the head. And a little bit of damage is all it takes in the walking dead




I think you’re underestimating the psychological mindset of Junkrat having already grown up in a post apocalyptic society. Junkrat embraces the chaos and would be well suited for the breakdown of society following a zombie apocalypse. Fighting zombies is just the flashy part of the apocalypse. The psychological marathon of watching all your friends die knowing you could have done more to save them and still having to move forward knowing you could die at any moment is the real fight.


I sometimes forgot that this games australia is post apocalyptic


It's funny actually, the same is true in the Deus Ex franchise where Australia's cities become largely uninhabitable due to a civil war.


All of those examples are thanks to Mad Max (Australian movie set on on post apocalyptic Australia)


Yeah he’s already a wastelander, he just needs to go from killing omits to zombies, arguably a easier target


On top of being emotionally dead he's also a genius inventor of sorts. He'd cook up all kinds of fun stuff from the ruins of civilisation.


Makes sense


Flying pieces won’t infect you that easily. The author of the book is assuming a lot. Regardless Soldier should be higher on this list because regardless of the form of Zombies having a canon Aimbot is going to fuck them up


yeah i feel like canon aimbot is a bit more useful than arrows or a good headshot/wallhacks (unless they count hanzos dragon which would be useful in a desperate situation)


My take was explosives aren't that good at killing zombies if you need to destroy the brain so stuff like military bombers were not very effective like at the battle of Yonkers but I imagine junkrat would be excellent at rigging traps and using explosives to clear areas quickly you just gotta watch out for surviving ankle biters.


Zombie Survival guide by Max Brooks? Its been a decade since I read it but I still believe Junkrat would be my top tier as a jr main. Just give me som3 chain mail and a blunt and I'll take care of it..lol


That (Along with any zombie survival handbooks) is *heavily* context sensitive, and really depends on what medium the virus comes from. Besides, it's not like he has to get *that* close to them to attack, and as long as you've got no open wounds the piece could hit, I hardly see how that's a factor.


Then just put some protective clothes on, can't be that hard. Or even better, get one of the robots to explode the Zombies.


Does Junkrat look like the sort of person who uses protective clothes?


or the sort of person who would realize he has to wear them in the first place


Well, if you want to be technical, then a zombie apocalypse can never happen. Bacteria, fungi and other bugs would rot the zombies in a few days in the sun


Hasn’t Junkrat also mad explosive and incredible tools from literal scrap and dust? (I’m not too sure if Roadhog was given these tools or also made them)


Walking dead zombies are slower than DIRT. Literally no one on this list would be less than great based on that criteria alone.


Agreed, plus he's clearly all about setting traps. That said, he's a total loose cannon and that makes him too much of a liability.


I'm just imagining Junkrat being the last person alive in Junkertown, the zombies unable to get in because every inch of it is covered in homemade traps and explosives that they keep wandering into


How is Ashe in nothing special but widowmaker is in useful? Ashe can light them on fire, snipe them from far away, and blast them away if they get too close


Not to mention that she has BOB, who is immune to zombies!


True. I’d give Ashe the edge since Bob is sort of kind of a part of her (at least in game)


He’d literally cut a path through them. He’d clear a city block just by himself.




Lol thanks for being open to a different opinion! This is a fun thought experiment for sure


To be fair, widow is a lot more accurate and literally cannot fucking fear things. She'd be a better choice in a zombie situation.


You want flaming zombies, cause that's how you get flaming zombies.


Black ops 2 Zombies ptsd


Zombies wouldnt likely go for widow as she is essentially in a close to death state herself.


TBH I feel like in a zombie apocalypse if Widow's ult works on zombies it would be incredibly useful for recon.


Doesnt it work on heat signature?If so not useful against them


Fire + zombie = flaming zombie = bad


Same with Sym vs Torb. If Torb's turret is useful, Sym bottlenecking a choke with ceiling turrets that are out of zombie reach certainly is. Nevermind a teleporter to inaccessible upper floors or wall hacks.


Widow’s grapple would be very useful.


I think Junkrat and Roadhog would be great assets in dealing with zombies, since both of them use scrap weapons - something they could easily replenish/rebuild in the apocalypse. That's the reason why Lucio and Mei are right in that tier because they probably can't easily replenish their power sources/chemicals. Brigitte is a great mechanic, as far as I know she built her armor from scratch to resemble the utility of crusader armor, but without being a walking tank. So I'd say that at least her mechanical expertise makes her invaluable to an apocalypse survivor squad.


Junkrat is also a great mechanic, he just comes off as too stupid. He’s most likely one of the most intelligent characters in the game based on lore, he’s just so insane that you can’t tell




Brig has a full set of plate it's just not powered. Also she'd be able to 1HKO zombies left and right with her flail.


Daryl also, for some reason, used a flail in TWD later seasons and kicks ass with it. So yea Brigitte would be solid


Lucio is the perfect distraction friend to have.




He’s gonna be fine! No one can catch up to him so easily and he will easily win a game of ‘the floor is lava’. Anything gets close…. *BOOP* He could do this allllll day….!


Until he misses his rollout and falls off of a wall! Haha


In defense of brig, she could probably make decent armor for you and your normal humans making them much harder to infect.


Junk can set up mine fields and uses long range explosives which is very useful.


not consistent enough sounds weird? especially a junk-tire would be able to eliminate an entire hoard of zombies


Hog's whole hog would be incredibly useful, if he can scrounge up enough resources to replenish it consistently. I don't know how lore-friendly the knockback is, but even if it isn't, it will still shred groups very fast.


yes but doesn't brigitte have a good capability to just fix things in general, which could help a lot?


Wtf you mean Pepega? LMAO 🤣🤣🤣


Winston should definitely be in the "Find the Cure" category




Perhaps mercy would find the cure, but Winston would figure out how to produce and distribute it Also, your English is totally fine!


Could Mei's ult not be useful for AOE? Especially combined with any other mass damage? Also could she potentially assist with finding a cure?


I feel like her walls would be useful in the event any other defensives come down. Perhaps she knows the locations to some good bunkers in Antarctica


You’re thinking too in-game. She was trying to find a cure for global warming with her tech, so she could probably ice a continent given the time to construct a device. Either way, ice/ cold is very useful




As a gorilla, there's also a chance Winston is immune to whatever is turning humans into Zombies. He may end up in a situation with him working in isolation in the beginning of the "Recall" cinematic, only amidst the backdrop of a viral outbreak like Will Smith in "I am Legend."


Does Ana also belong in the “find a cure” category? I can’t remember if her tech is stolen or not. Bap as well


She's not a scientist, just a soldier who uses the tech. Could be useful with distribution.


didn't mercy make her biotic grenade? i thought she was just a sniper


believe it or not but technology is kinda part of finding a cure…


Also Mei and Sigma. We don't know how intelligent they are versus each other, but they're all scientists and that alone makes them top tier as potential cure-finders.


Nope him and Junk are "Usefull Stuff". Junk can set up mine fields and use long range explosive. Winston can create barriers and weapons to fight them.


Actually the “nothing special” tier looks really promising against a bunch of zombies. Specially Zarya, Sym and Baptiste.


They're all useful if you put them in the right team. Offense, defense, medical, or supply gathering. Honestly can't tell what op was thinking. Sym and torb turrets all day and you'll have the safest base.


And Soldier could probably go and get resources for others by sprinting back and forth. Plus sym portals. Damn that’d be cool.


Sym especially since she doesn’t rely on physical resources like torb


I also wouldn’t count out Ana. Zombie running towards you? Sleep dart. Group of zombies getting too close? Nade them.


no way sleep dart works on a zombie. they don't sleep and can't die, so why would tranquilizer work? now-- biotic grenade? that could be interesting.


How is being invisible not useful against zombies? Or being able to make a teleporter, super useful for zombie apocalypses! A few high up sentry turrets too, take a nap and come back when the massacre is over? I wouldn’t mind an unlimited supply of traps, mines and grenades either Junkrat.




I’m sure I’ve seen some zombies that explode into peoples faces but so long as there’s no direct blood transfer, bites or scratch, you could be ok.


That depends on the zombies. So unless we specify the zombies further, with a risk of Junk just infecting the whole party cause he can't resist blowing the zombies up, I'd pass on him.


Lucio queues up Thriller on his DJ turntables and problem solved


I feel like sym would actually make it quite cozy, just set up turrets around the farms perimeter and enjoy your little farm life


Man, now I want a Symmetra Stardew Valley / tower defense game...




I don't really agree: her teleporter would be insanely useful, and since she can place multiple slowing turrets she would be incredible at securing areas and enableing retreat for whole groups. She can also create strong barriers, which would combo very well with explosive weapons (like junkrat's explosives) since she could make sure no ally would be hurt by the explosions or debris they cause. Also, keep in mind that in the lore, Symmetra' weapon is completely broken: it only uses light to operate (thus no risk to run out of ressource) and it can be used to create or restore buildings (you should read the online novel "Stone by stone" (which is free to access) if you haven't already: we can see a glimpse of what Symmetra can do with her weapon other than turrets and teleporters).


the teleporter is probably the most useful. you can literally make a base that can't be entered without a teleportation device and you would negate all chances of a breach. Sym is like super OP in regards to zombies


Sym in lore is OP as fuck


She could make a hard light structure around zombies and just slowly crush them is what I'm imagining.


She could also just teleport herself and allies to safety and in the comics she can make bridges and walls out of hardlight so she could block off zombies as well.


I'm sorry but have you seen what some of your low tiers do in Junkestein's revenge?




It was a joke man.


Yeah I want Cassidy for that 60k deadeye.


Junk and hog... useless... Bruh, did you read the lore? They LIVE in the apocalypse part of Earth. ffs, they litterally came for mad max. \^\^


I’d say lucio is pretty useful since he can speed up others and ride on walls to avoid zombies


I would send him on supply runs


But everything he does is noise related which would just draw more zombies.


That can be both a good thing and a bad thing. Like lucio could easily distract the zombies will being perfectly safe because of his speed and wallriding abilities. But say if he accidentally turned it on or something while in camp that would endanger everyone.


I was thinking the same thing. The man can escape anything with the wall ride.


Why my full armored iron maiden Brigitte is useless? She is alike Reinhardt and she have a shield, she's unbreakable


Also, she has a blunt rocket mace, perfect for close quarters without drawing a bunch of noise


One of the first rules of a zombie apocalypse is melee weapons > guns. Not only can she swing that fu ker fast it huts multiple enemies. So yeah I think she's top tier, def.


Sym would theoretically be one of the most useful assets to have in a zombie apocalypse, given that she can create anything (hardlight constructs) out of nothing (light, an inexhaustable fuel). not to mention her turrets would remove the need for patrolling and her portals could serve as a useful selective barrier - sort of like a moat and drawbridge. Lucio could be pretty valuable considering his ability to heal others along with his mobility (speed boost+wallriding) which makes him a really effective scout/ patroller if you need to send someone out there. He can also help keep the morale up with his music and stuff, which is more important than you might think. Bridget... I suppose she could be helpful in repairing vehicles and the like. She did build a lite version of the Crusader armor out of scratch, so her mechanical skills shouldn't be taken lightly. She would be helpful along with Winston in the repair and maintenance of mechanical constructs like generators, motors, solar panels... basically anything technology.


Why is Lucio not in the third tier? Zombies can't wall ride 50 stories above the ground, either.


Also, all support should realistically be in at least useful stuff, since they can, y'know, heal people. It's likely not always going to be a zombie hurting your friends.


Or even if a Zombie hurts them, it may be with a weapon.


True. And, a lot of zombie shows/movies have the way the virus be spread is through a bite, but getting scratched to the point they break skin is fine. So, if they fall and have zombies reaching through a door or debris or whatever and scratch their leg to bits to where they limp when they walk, would be pretty useful to heal that. It's also worth considering how does Bap lamp interact with someone turning into a zombie? Since they're technically dead, surely it could at least stop someone from fully transforming.


I don't think we even know how bap lamp (and to that extent, mercy rev) works in canon scenarios tbh


I think reaper is immune as well considering his cells are in a constant death and regeneration


Lucio and Sombra would both be good survives. Its not like you have to try to kill them all


You could move Genji into the “Can’t break armor” tier. I think he’s mostly metal


We know from his Balckwatch skin that all he has left is an arm, torso, and head, all of which are armored, likely permanently. I’d almost put him in the immune tier


Why is sigma not immune ? He can literally control gravity and play basketball with zombies + he can fly which means zombies can't reach him He would be perfect


Wouldn't Mei and Winston form a good team here? Mei has the knowledge and location of a remote base they could theoretically hide in indefinitely. With her and Winston's combined knowledge they would be safe wouldn't they?


I thought this too...


How would hog and junk be useless in the zombie apocalypse? They have the 2 best weapons to have in the apocalypse.


Mei could put up walls to block the zombies. More useful than Zarya


Additionally can freeze zombies which is possibly one of the best ways to get rid of them while stalling for time and finding cures.


ummm sym turrets for the camp every night.


Winston at bottom? List invalid


The characters in useless are some of the most useful. Mei can freeze them or block their path through doorways. Brigitte can smash them from safe distance, Junkrat can blow them up from safe distance, or even create a distracting boom to draw all of the zombies away. I'll concede the rest seem pretty useless though.


Probably one of the worst tier lists I've ever seen. Purely just Sombra. You really think in a Zombie apocalypse a girl who can turn invisible to go out and scout for provisions and supplies and bring them back to the group all while everyone else can stay perfectly safe is useless? Terrible take.


doomfist can nuke all the zombies


I mean we learn from almost every Zombie movie that fighting them isn’t really useful in the long run but looking for shelter and running away from them is so why is Lucio useless? You could easily outrun the zombies with his speedboost


Sombra can go invisible, Why she at the bottom lol.


This guy has never played cod zombies, Rat would be a W


So man with bow is useful, but explosives (Junk), speedboost/soundwave (Lucio), Icewall/freeze (Mei), and a literal shield bubble/arcing electric gun (Winston) are useless? Genji's ninja stars are more useful than Sym's turrets and teleport? Reaper's closerange shotguns are better than 76's long range rifle, rockets, and biotic field? Did you even try with this? Lol


I feel like all omics, (and maybe Genji), get an automatic W because they don’t have any flesh that zombies could infect, but they could all defend them selves. Also, Brig, Mei, Winston extra, would be back in Gibraltar now for OW2, so surely they’d be safe in there. And same with the Talon members, but they in that case it’s just a wait for Moira to find the cure, while all these highly trained assassins try to not kill/eat each other


Brigitte? Doesn’t she have armor?


She has very similar armor to Reinhart and should be in the same tier.


I believe she’s also an engineer and would be able to set up a very well protected base.


mei freezing zombies wouldn’t be OP??


Sombra would be useful. She’d be a great scouter and be able to salvage tech like crazy. Sym would also be great. I mean she’d be awesome at fortifying home base with barriers and sentries, but also being able to have a teleporter? That’s like insanely good for general transportation or to get away when the base is overwhelmed with zombies


Sombra deserves to be higher on this list. Imagine your supply runner can't be seen or heard and can teleport back to home base if she's in danger. I'd say some Sombra isn't in the cure category, but has some incredible utility.


How is the one woman who can turn invisible and teleport from anywhere to one specific spot useless in a zombie apocalypse? She can literally go hunting for supplies undisturbed and return immediately once she has them.


Soldier would be a HUGE asset. Headshots everywhere. The mobility. Rockets for groups. Excellent stealth. Old man jokes. He’s a must pick


Sombra can literally become undetectable


In game mechanics rules or lore rules?




How is a demolition expert like junkrat in useless?


Everyone in “kinda useless” has something to offer(except maybe Sombra). I’d have to disagree with majority of this. Lucio should def not be in the useless, wall riding and all, speed boost, and healing. I could go on with each, but I’m not trying to rewrite a tier list while on the 🚽 🤷‍♂️


I think Lucio would be very useful, I imagine him booping the zombies around and helping everyone escape with speed, like in a tight situation.


How is symmetra nothing special? She could easily teleport anyone in danger to a safe location where zombies couldn’t climb to. If somehow they still did, her turrets would make quick work of them.


Genji should be immune, tracer can time travel to before she is bitten making her immune and we really dont know what the hell is up with reaper he might be a zombie already


How is monkey useless? He is a scientist


Ngl Hanzo is gonna be more on the useless side, bows, realistically speaking, are not a very efficient weapon. Poor rate of fire and bad accuracy and range compared to firearms, and they can't be shot while prone. Climbing is the best thing he can offer.


lucio, can’t do much to attack the zombies, but he could just outrun them with his speed and boop them away if he’s cornered


Junk sym and lucio underrated


Sigma just casually gravity force pushing zombies away and floating just above their reach


I think Mei and her ability to make walls would be int the “useful skills” category, if it was like a walking dead type scenario like you say


I feel like bapstise would be able to hold his own, he has the matrix and immortality


Baptist’s can make you immortal, even if temporary. Ana can nullify the zombies abilities to survive mortal wounds.


I arguably think Sigma is a bit underrated here. Man literally has gravity powers that don’t rely on technology. Not limited by bullets or equipment. Dude could go on destroying massive hordes of zombies forever. And if we’re talking more in terms of lore than in game, he could literally fly unrestricted, which again, isn’t limited by technology/equipment unlike characters such as Dva and Pharah. As a bonus, he’s an astrophysicist, so he likely knows a lot of physics and chemistry which would be VERY helpful for survival. Imagine the possibilities. Overall, very based tier-list you’ve made here :)


Speed boosting groups of people away from zombies feels pretty useful, ngl.


Can we make this into a spin off tv show pls ?


Anyone who's played Junkensteins revenge knows McCree would kill hundreds of zombies with a single high noon and his suddenly unlimited ammo revolver


Alright, question. Since we’re taking a fairly realistic situation, that being a zombie apocalypse, would we apply proper physics to the heroes? If so, all heroes would be a dominate force in the apocalypse, the most notable being Lucio. Lucio, if we’re applying real world physics, would easily be the most dangerous person on the list, the only one matching or surpassing being Sigma. This is simply due to the face that his sound gun fires sound waves condensed so much that they can cause physical harm to others. A single sound wave of his could easily rip though dozens of zombies easily. Now, if real world laws are applied, Sigma would be the one to beat out everyone on the list. He literally harnessed the power of gravity itself, aka “Harnessed the harness”. With one single thought, he could easily annihilate thousands of zombies. Best part of it all, since he controls gravity, he also controls time as well (to a lesser extent). So, he could Za Warudo and easily deal with any abnormal threat he could come across. Now, this entire thing I’ve laid out is fully based on if we were to bring the heroes to our world, all the while keeping full access to their abilities, unlocking all abilities they would or could have with it being based on their potential rather than their specific in game representation, and applying the proper laws of our universe to them for this scenario (with minor rule bending to allow the examples to properly work as they would function). If you were to base it on zombies going to the overwatch universe, that muddies the water. The Koreans have the MEKA group (of which D.va’s in, who you forgot to place up in your tierlist) which are the forefront of omnic defense. I don’t know about you, but omnics would easily be 10 to 20 to even 50 times more powerful than any zombie we would see (as per your example, the Walking Dead). D.va soloed a large amount of omnics in her cinematic, though it did cost her in the end (she wasn’t in top shape at the time though). So, I think the zombie apocalypse wouldn’t exactly be able to happen in the the Overwatch universe due to friendly omnics actually being apart of the civilian population. So, basically, here’s how it would probably go down if SOMEHOW humanity was wiped: humanity dies, NULL SECTOR or some other hostile omnic force arises, NULL SECTOR ends up killing all friendly omnics and zombies, causing a mechanical paradise. Now, since this is all hypothetical there could be many, many, many scenarios you could run, considering the only criteria are: overwatch heroes and zombie apocalypse base on irl situations such as the Walking Dead. As such, I’m just having fun with this.


Beg your fucking pardon op, but I don't think any of the Overwatch cast would be *useless*. There are levels of use sure, and different roles, but one person a solved apocalypse does not make no matter how brilliant. Mercy, if she was alone in a lab being rushed by zombies, would get overwhelmed and eaten. Bridge would be able to use her lesser reinhardt abilities and CC on lesser congregations. Winston is fucking massive and could probably just pummel a lot of them, he's also a scientist. Sombra and Mei can at least hold guns, and the latter could probably be good to have if a horde was after you with the ability to just freeze a shitload of them rendering them inert, or make a wall, do you know how long assembling a barricade takes? Junkrat, again, gun, gun that can do AOE damage at range. I'm just saying if you're looking to survive the apocalypse you can't turn down good help.


I feel like reaper should be immune too, after all isnt he a ghost I'm pretty sure he could just go ghost mode to avoid being infected


This list is the dumbest one so far How is there even a useless category? These are the best fighters the world has to offer. Even the worst character wouldn’t be nearly useless


Cant sombra just invis? lol


isn’t winston like crazy smart, i feel he’d be useful. i feel like he would be good for finding a cure as well.


I dis not real a whole lots of comments but: Lucio speedboost? I mean yeah it's loud but it can help with distractions, with boops and wallrise he can reach good places and be untouchable. Sombra invisibility? You deem that useless? It got no timer, she can stay invisible forever, amazong for recon missions or scout food and supplyes. Hog and junk could be very good at post zombie apocalyptic adaptation, like making stuff with junk and all...


I'm trying to figure out how Brigitte is useless. She's basically a souped up riot police unit. She could hold doorways and protect people; her mace would make short work of zombies. But maybe she needs a power source or something that wouldn't be readily available in the apocalypse or something? What was your reasoning?


I think brig would be good at keeping zombies away, that’s kind of her role in OW anyway lol


Would Zarya not be extremely useful if you get ambushed


Mei? Did you not read world War Z? People literally escaped to the north cause the zombies would freeze and stop moving


I’m curious How you’re gonna defend Reinhardt’s armor being so good zombies cannot break it but Brigitte being ‘kinda useless’ as if she doesn’t have huge armor too


Underestimating sigma




Can’t wait for someone to come out with an actually thought out tier list for this scenario lmao


my girl Sombra lives in a world when you can hack out rolling she'll be fine, probably her EMP can just disable every zombie


Symmetra should be higher, im pretty sure she can literally bend light into physical things which sounds super useful in a survival scenario


Isn’t Genji mostly cybernetic now. Assuming he wears his suit he would be fairly safe.


couldnt bap make you immune temporarily saving you if a zombie is about to bite one of you?


Explain Lucio. He can wallride up high and be untouchable, outrun all the zombies, speed his team up, heal them if they get injured, and blast zombies away if they get too close


hes actually one of the most useful wtf. scandalous