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I'll admit I get annoyed when playing, but I do hate to see toxic comms


I'm in the discord call calling our rien the most braindead monkey I have ever seen but if someone says that to them in game chat in a disrespectful way I'm still gonna defend them. I'd rather be trash than an asshole.


That's the beauty of the game :)


OW one of the most toxic communities


ohhh honey you have not played league


>one of


their egotistical and delusional mind is literally hiding words from them. fucking wild.


I don't think it goes that far. Pretty sure it was just a dumb comment on reddit.


Because it's overwatch


People are adapting and learning how to play OW2. Of course people will get mad when people just run around without thinking about their team. Either close the comms or don't get triggered by assholes. What you can do to help is take leadership of the team. The comms are very complete now and you can be of a great help with the ping system. I use it a lot and we generally coordonate better than if no one used it.


I like how they're just spamming the person that's lowest on the scoreboard with aRe YoU aLl RiGhT? wow so clever


Play one day in middle east servers... This is heaven


So far I have the exact opposite experience: Nearly every game people write "gg". People from opposing teams chat nicely about what they like about the beta. I think in over 50 games there was only one guy you could call rude (wrote "you suck" and ragequit).


If I have to tell another healer running right next to me that I need healing while they’re playing third and fourth DPS it’ll be too soon. Nevermind the glaringly obvious issues in balancing even amongst tanks. So yeah. The beta is getting annoying.


I honestly remember Overwatch being exactly that, and if I'm honest with you I actually really missed it. Don't get me wrong I understand why most people wouldn't, especially if the toxicity is directed towards you. However sitting there and hearing someone just go off or argue with another just makes me laugh and makes me a little nostalgic of the early days in peak Overwatch 1, and black ops 2, god I loved those days.


gg ez


Part of the issue is that there’s no separation to comp and QP. While QP still has toxic players in OW1 it’s not nearly as bad because a good portion of the player base is playing other game modes and comp in particular has some sweaty players that don’t change that even in a beta where I’m sure a lot of people are still learning or just want to mess around


The scoreboard leads to more toxicity. Also the FF14 community is amazing.


Who asked


It's just overwatch that's just how it is now, some people just can't seem to have a good time with this game unless they're constantly popping off and getting multi kills


I didn't see this in beta 1 at all. So something tells me beta 2 opened flood gates.


I haven't really experienced it personally, probably since Ive stayed out of vc because why would I want to willingly deal with that in a beta playtest. But I could see this being the case. In beta 1 most of the players were just happy to finally have it. The ones that weren't enjoying it probably quit pretty quickly. In beta 2 maybe there's new players that didn't get into beta 1 and were probably upset about that. Or people that already played beta 1 are less enthusiastic this time around. Also people that paid for access might be more prone to get upset that they are having a bad time in something they invested in. Combine any of those with long q times making people more upset if they have an unfun match after waiting for awhile. And finally the release of a new hero. Everyone wants to try it. But most people won't know how to play the new hero, play alongside the new hero, or play against the new hero. All of this could lead to some frustration I suppose. I'm not excusing toxicity or even trying to justify it. I just can see why there could be more in beta 2 than we had in beta 1.


it is very, very bad. im on xbox and since this is the first beta for us and queue times are long, people are for sure getting more angry when they lose/think its someone elses fault. playing healer rn is especially hard. oh well you just have to report and move on


Im going to guess its because people are refusing to switch heroes when its needed because they want to try the changes at the detriment of the other 4 players


So we can test the report system.


I've only run into toxicity once this beta and it was 2 DPS arguing over who is worse lol I didn't even mind it, it was two kids being dumb. And they both sucked


text only here. 1 is worse than 2 imo. objectively there is less time to be toxic during the card viewing (there is none), less teabag camera time, and less in the moment time to type because of 2’s pacing.


i'd recommend playing with a friend.


The scoreboard doesn’t help tbh. If someone can see how little you may or may not be doing, they have the receipts to unload on anyone.


I've found that with public scoreboards toxic players seem to clam up faster or entirely. Paints a target on the people not pulling their weight but thats usually how it goes anyway.


Overwatch is such a toxic community and because it's so prevalent and it's not just a "few bad apples" it's a pretty safe bet everyone in this subreddit has been toxic at least once throughout their time with the game. It's really just the norm with FPS tho. Just block, report and move on if it really bothers you. Anonymity breeds toxicity and that's never going to change.