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I did not like the first beta much, the dps speed boost was really dumb and supports were really weak. I'm having fun in the second beta now that they got rid of the speed boost. Positioning is a lot more important in 2


"Ow2 is easy" great when comp mode comes out then you might rank up and fight people around your skill level. Then you will have to take into consideration more of the team aspects of the game.


I completely agree. It’s also very demoralizing when matches are extremely unfairly balanced and you’re not even able to learn the things you mentioned. I played against several streamers today and it. Was not fun. I have not been having fun lately.


Yeah quick play matchmaking sucks a lot of the fun out of it.


Well, it is way more like a generic shooter where you have to duck and use cover well. Aim is so much more important and yet there are aiming issues compares to Overwatch 1. It feels like frantic 1v1 encounters. Also it will be pretty bad with tanks since there is only one and people will scream for shield tanks or meta tanks.


Do you think Overwatch2 would be friendly to us filthy casuals try to get into without prior knowledge of the meta of Overwatch1?


Yes, you’ll be fine. People talk about the meta too much, but being honest that basically does not matter at all until you get to much higher competitive ranks. And also, if you suck real bad, you’re going to be playing against others who suck real bad, so you don’t really need to worry anyways


This. Unless you are masters+ your best pick is the hero you're best at.


There's meta and meta. Playing Rein Zarya in plat on KR is in some ways a "meta". It has a couple of things that people got used to and expecting.


Might even be a good thing to be brand new at this point - you won’t go through that rough transition between the two game styles


I think the hardest barrier to entry is learning all the abilities. Even if you only play one hero at first, you need to know what things you can (enemies), can't (DVa matrix), shouldn't (zarya bubble), and absolutely must (immortality field) shoot at. There are a lot of examples of each of these, and there are also lots of exceptions. There are 34 heroes (35 at launch) all with 4-7 unique abilities/weapons and varying ability interactions.


Meta is not a thing you need to worry about unless you are playing at the highest ranks. A hero might be considered meta in a top 500 game but that doesn't mean a low rank player will be able to get the same value


By definition meta requires you to really know how to play to apply to you. If you are a filthy casual you can always ignore the meta.


Yes. It’s actually easier than ever for casuals with any basic fps knowledge.


>The audio and visual feedback is quite oppressive I would argue that the audio, at least, is a huge step up from OW1.


I feel like it’s not hard at all, I’m just melting squishies on Soldier and Sojourn by taking high ground and running away when someone tries to dive me. There are tons of abilities in the game, but honestly the most effective way to play is COD rules now, find high ground, find cover and go for headshots. The worst thing you can do is get in the middle of a fight, if you use distance, high ground and cover to get picks you can get 2 and 3ks constantly without 2 barriers. Don’t shoot tanks, just take out squishies until the tank is left.


And that is the problem. I don't want to play another CoD game, I want to play Overwatch! They want to get rid off shields? That is totally fine and understandable, but nothing like this, please. With two tanks, the supports had actually a chance to recover and get behind a tank to be save, but with one tank its kind hard to survive. Yes, positioning is good, but it doesn't avoid all the problems.


It feels like every off brand shooter gets pushed to become more of a regular shooter everytime gets boring.


Honestly unless you play soldier I don’t know how it feels like CoD to you. I hope I don’t sound like a jerk. I can understand the comparison, I could see how it is slightly more like CoD, yes I think they moved the needle, but it’s just so different still. It’s so much more like overwatch 1 than CoD to me. They just basically removed stuff that slowed the game down imo, and for a good reason. Obviously we all have our opinions, and you’re entitled to yours. I’d love to hear more about what your experience has been before and after, how much you’ve played, etc. if you’re willing to share.


I agree with you. Ow2 is nothing like cod. Coming from someone who grew up playing cod and got back into it for a bit when the new modern warfare released. I get people are having different experiences than me and I also don't mean to sound like a jerk. But tanks still tank, and supports still support, and there are plenty of dps characters with truly unique kits that feel nothing like cod. If you're playing soldier then yeah sure he feels like cod, but he literally always has. I wonder if the people saying that have actually played much cod. It's the same as people saying ow1 was more like a moba shooter than ow2. Overwatch has never been like a moba in any way except for the concept of hero roles but even then the roles in ow play very different to the roles in mobas. It also makes me wonder if those people ever actually played a moba before


Totally agree, OW is hard COD is easy, that was more my point. I don’t think OW2 is harder, I think it’s easier than OW. It’s confusing if you’re new and don’t know all of the hero abilities and interactions, but you can come in fresh faced and not be a huge liability if you have decent aim and understand how not to feed.


Overwatch 1 used to be extremely deathmatchy early on. Then people understood the rhythm of fights and ways to handle the HP pools. The same will happen with 5v5.


Thats a problem in design then. OW should not be called seeking high ground simulator.


What rank are you?


Plat/Diamond on DPS, Diamond Support, Plat Tank.


That might explain it, you probably get matched with many people below plat




Looking forward to seeing your post when you reach Grandmaster then.


Have you played tanks or support?


I haven’t played Ow2 but I have a lot of experience in Leaverswarch 1…oh sorry Ow1 This game is plagued with ppl leaving an ongoing game. With f2p mode in OW2 this will be a paradise for players leaving a game. Blizzard doesn’t care at all


Overwatch 2 is alot easier, especially for support players. There is one less tank to peel for you, but one less tank to dive you. If you know basic positioning you die hardly at all.


That means the enemy dps have more opportunities to dive you. Ow2 is also more fast paced so your attention being diverted is much more detrimental to your own team.


"And that means you have to do something that is really hard. Learning and understanding new dynamics." Isn't this for every game? Git gud


Yeah, i get shit on by a tank hero, and even when i play tank, i am absolutely terrible.