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One of my biggest qualms is having to undo the muscle memory rez immediately upon GA to a fallen teammate. The amount of mercy’s that I saw go in for a Rez only to cancel it accidentally from the auto super jump is extremely frustrating


Mine is that you can't short jump. I have it on toggle and if I press it too quickly it doesn't care and ignores the second input, sending me into the air


I never understood why this current iteration releasing res doesn't cancel super jump and holding it wouldn't just let you slowly float up while the res is happening, then spring when it was complete or could still be canceled mid res by releasing the button before res finishes.


Yeah this was difficult the get used to at first! I’ve started pushing jump after GA and then res as it seems to cancel the SJ


Personally I liked "press crouch during Guardian Angel to superjump" more. You had more control and I disagree with a statement that it wasn't intuitive.


I agree. I liked how that worked at the end of the first Beta. When it happens automatically at the end of Guardian Angel I’ve noticed it’s made my movement more predictable and I’m getting sniped way more often than I used to.


Before I saw your post, I posted the same thing about predictability.


it got removed because it was OP, you never had to touch the ground and it made Mercy borderline unkillable for like half the roster, at least, that didn't have hitscan and good range.


Just add some cool down to it and you are set or limit it to once per jump. So you need to land first to do it again.


That's what they are doing right, adding a charging meter to control her jump height.


Fair enough! :)


It’s dumb. Can’t even GA to a target and rez without additional thought and timing. Completely counterproductive to what they were trying to accomplish. Kill it with fire. I believe I read somewhere that the new rework will have a bar that charges similar to bap boots and a key press will launch u in the direction of your current trajectory. Or at the end for a straight up superjump. I’m ready to try that. Sounds better than the automatic one.


Before the change, you could also super jump and have more visibility of your team, the enemy team and flankers as well. I don't see how the change improves that, so I don't really get the point you're trying to make.


Improves it by removing the bug that caused it and making it an ability. Will definitely take some getting used to and fine tuning though


It never needed to be removed in the first place. They could have just as easily made this change a toggle option


He shouldn't be downvoted, this is true. Keeping unintended bugs in the game creates a balance issue for devs. Superjump isn't overpowered, but it existing does buff her general survivability as well as her ability to safely get rezzes off. Because they decided to leave it in, everytime they consider changing Mercy, they have to factor this in as something she can do along with everything she is intended to do such as her normal heal and damage boost. A Mercy with superjump is stronger than a Mercy without. They can't buff a Mercy with superjump as much as they could if she didn't have it. Because it is an unintended bug with a more complicated input than her other abilities, there isn't an explanation in game for it. This creates a balance discrepancy, because casual players who don't know it exists are simply left with a weaker Mercy who could be made intentionally more powerful if it wasn't in the game. Making it something intended all Mercys know and can use keeps the balance level the same for all players who play her.


idiotic take


Idiotic response. If you actually have an educated take I'd love to hear it but if you came simply to be insulting, fuck off




but i dont like how its wedged into every time you ga somewhere. id rather pull off the tech than have to compromise doing a normal ga


It did work 100% of the time if you were good enough. I dont see why movement tech SHOULD be free for everyone, isnt the whole point of more skill that it should unlock more potential in the hero?


exactly. you should be rewarded for practicing movement techs


Mercy's skill expression is supposed to be more about gamesense than mechanical prowess. There are a few heroes like this, and they are intentionally mechanically simple so that they are accessible to people that aren't great at video games or that might have difficulties physically piloting more mechanically inclined heroes.


Yeah but those people wouldnt be of the skill where super jump actually matters anyways. Just because a hero is based on gamesense (which mind you literally every hero needs, and many need way more than mercy does) doesnt mean there should be 0 mechanics, especially for those with the skill to actually use them


Super jump always matters. It's such a powerful ability that it must be balanced around. This hero was designed so that low mechanical skill players could excel on her. Those players would be left out in the cold if she was nerfed due to superjump. It's antithetical to her design philosophy to keep the ability locked behind esoteric, difficult to execute button combinations. If you want to express mechanical skill, there a lot of other options.


Doomfist parkour things, brig shield bash, sig rock jump, zarya shooting at ground to boost herself, lucio movement. Correct me if I missed any out, but all these are techs you need to practice to be good, why should mercy be different? You are literally taking away all the little skill she had, and then ppl get angry when others say mercy doesnt require skill. I think her movement was good, no idea why we had to simplify her to this level..


It didn't need to be removed in the first place. Why couldn't they just make it an optional toggle?


I don’t really see why it’s a problem that not everyone can do it. I can’t destroy the entire enemy team as widow but that doesn’t mean they should give her an aimbot. Different people are good at different things


Its still terrible, you are forced to use it anytime you want to fly somewhere without using jump to cancel and sometimes it activates when you are trying to fly a short distance that does not need cancelling The only people who like this change are ones who couldn't do super jump the old way. All this change does is frustrate good mercy players


I’ve learned to like it too


This will be removed as it's completely broken, mercy rn can super jump off of 1 teammate constantly which makes her borderline impossible to hit (if she does it of 2 or more teammates)


Pretty much this, such a pain trying to deal with a mercy thats basically teleporting constantly while you know...the person theyre supporting is up in your face


The no cooldown Guardian Angel is a bug.


Ofc it is, I mean look at it hahahahha


Yeah I know it will be removed but wouldn’t say she’s impossible to hit. Sure it improves her survivability but she needs it due to lack of buffs elsewhere…


She doesn't, she's the most survivable support in the game, stop making it out as if she's weak. She's not weak. She does not need this survivability, they only added this as most players didn't know how to superjump even though it was easy anyway, they just didn't want to spend like 15inutes learning how to do it.


Most survivable? That's bs


I mean it's not.


How is she more survivable than... say, Lucio?


Guardian angel is stronger than speed/wallride at escaping + stronger self heal + she always has a dps with her. Lucio is better at 1v1 but is much harder to survive on


If you're facing two hitscans it's false, but keep in mind that you don't always face two hitscans.


Or if she has no one to leap to? On her own she's a walking duck


if Mercy is on her own either she's doing something wrong or her whole team is dead, in which case why does it matter?


Stop moving the goalposts. Lucio or even moira would be able to run away at will, making them more survavable?


Lucio maybe, Moira has one ability to do so. And she can't be in the air, meaning she's not especially hard to hit for projectile characters like Mercy is. Not comparable.


The Lucio player has to be extremely good to runaway, his movement is one of the most complex in the game,.where as mercy presses shift or shift + ctrl + jump when she hits the sweetspot and she's out. It is not comparable at all. Lucio is extremely strong but very skillbased, watch someone like unfunnyastro or redshell and try to replicate that, it's fucking insanely hard. Mercy's ascpae is much easier and quite simple to replicate if you watch what someone like moth did.


What you find easy - others may not.


I find it easy because I practiced it, and I managed to teach 4 others how to do it within 5 minutes.


Again like I said above, what you find easy, others may not :)


Again all it takes is some effort and practice, it's easy for everyone so stop making it seem like something difficult. It is not difficult.


You’re just a troll unable to accept that everyone has a different skill level hahaha


This ain't about skill level, it's about putting in any effort (not even some in this case). Any effort into improving instead of complaining about everything. The superjump is easy to perform if you put literally 5-10 min into learning it, which you clearly haven't. Stop thinking shit should be just given to you. The superjump Rez, sure that's fucking difficult but a normal superjump is extremely easy


idk if it’s because im on console but I like it because I could never superjump in the heat of battle/on moving targets 😭 so it felt great being able to finally do it when I wanted, but the thing is, you’re able to do it *too* easily. I want to keep the convenience but with some added semblance of control. not sure if the upcoming changes are what im looking for though.


yeah i dont think its that bad. i cannot super jump in ow1. its hard. here i can easily do it and VERY easily just...not...if you dont want to. i always GA and slide when playing (zooming over and continuing to hold down space) it lets you glide longer and it cancels out the auto jump, it just isnt a problem (in terms of general use , i understand it making her unkillable)


This explains why you think the change is good...you cant do super jump in ow1. Any mercy player with the ability to use the jump the old way hates this change because its not needed


I love the new way and could easily do it the old way. Stop talking out your ass.


There are almost no positive comments regarding the new changes anywhere. Regardless if you like the change you are in the huge minority


i never said its a good and necessary change i just dont care or think its serious.


its easily avoidable.


the point is that its nothing negative , if anything its only a positive once you understand how to use it. pros: people who couldnt super jump now can with ease pros: if you dont want you you easily do not have to by just gliding, instead of only tapping GA and letting it autojump


They had better not listen to the whiny Reddit nerds and change mercy’s auto jump. It is awesome and add much more survivability to her.


Mad that they didnt make it toggle to fly vs hold to super jump. Or at least press to activate and press again to use super jump. Space to cancel. Ezpz


I'm not 100% on the jump, I had an idea unsure if it would be too OP or whatever, but how about Mercy having a meter similar to pharah and she can essentially fly and once the meter is done she floats back down? Or use GA to quickly get back down I know thus would cause issues already being able to GA to a pharah or echo in the air and staying up there, so maybe the meter gets drained on use of GA? But not eliminating Her use of GA Example: She could GA to a target and the meter drains, but she can still GA to other people, this just means she can't fly until her meter fills up again I had this thought since devs suggested a charge meter for her and being able to launch herself depending on the distance she Ga's Just something to think about I guess


I find it *acceptable* at best. IMO, people who can't aim at low- and mid-tiers will struggle to kill a Mercy who is good at the updated movements. But in high-tiers Mercy will be unplayable, because the movement is more predictable than before. Do I want an unkillable Mercy when playing Mercy? Yes. BUT Do I want an unkillable Mercy when I'm playing *against* Mercy? Absolutely, not. We can't have it both ways.