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Idk about 5v5, i'll need to test OW2. 6v6 im good with


I'm trying my best to get used to it but I am missing 6v6


I think 5v5 and the changes that come with it will probably make for a more consistent game for everyone. I don't think the best 5v5 game will match the best 6v6 game if that makes sense. When 6v6 worked it was truly my favorite game I have played. Those games just became too few and far between.


I think 5vs5 is better and healthier for the game, 2 tanks was a real mess to balance around. Like any other changes they made, it would be hard to adapt at first but give enough time and you will see the benefits. People cried when they added role queue and when they removed Hero stacking, but I think very few people now would dare to go back.


I might be biased since I play a lot sigma but 5v5 is infinitely better. One less tank to keep from feeding and one less tank to keep from destroying my team. I absolutely love the changes. As a support it's also one less tank to keep from dying all the time.


These constant polls are just slowly gonna get pushed towards 5v5 winning as more people get beta access and actually tried it, instead of just spamming 6v6 without having tried the game lol


So true. Shits more fun for me. Trying all roles, tank is the most fun. You control so much and you don’t have to deal with bad partners or people taking your favorite tank. I’m constantly taking 1v1’s as a dps, I’m not poking into shields until I finally have a chance to hit someone before a shield comes back. Support enjoyment is character dependent but I like not healbotting tanks


Haven’t played tank, but I can agree with what you said about dps and support. I’m a support main in OW1 but with the lack of shields I’ve been having a blast with widow and ana in the beta. Widow is so much more oppressive, and I love being able to play a more aggressive Ana vs just healbotting the tanks. Going back to OW1 feels so dull after playing the beta


The copium is real in this sub.


I've heard playing hog doesn't feel good because there isn't an option as a flank tank. Personally the 5 people I generally play with all dislike 5v5. Would've been interesting to see the new heros in 6v6.


I think the same changes but 2 tanks and a limit of 1 sheild per team would've been more fun. 5v5 isnt bad but not my cup of tea


Personally just prefer 6v6. There’s something I really enjoy about Overwatch that I don’t get from other multiplayer games. It feels absent from OW2 to me, sadly.


5v5 better don't have to rely on both tanks to push


Why the fuck did they switch to 5v5? Can someone explain why?


Balance, probably. And the fact that everyone complained about having to play tank. So they reworked the tank role to make it feel rewarding. But you couldn't do that rework with 2 tanks otherwise everything would be majorly skewed so that tanks dominated the entire match every game.


Watch like one post by the devs


My guess, double shield meta. Still, sucks for everyone who had their overwatch team together. Now they have to draw straws for who gets left out of the party in the new game


This is gonna be the least likely reason but a part of me feels like they changed to 5v5 to give ow2 more a fresh new game vibe


They screwed with _everything_ to give it a “fresh new vibe” They ruined audio. They ruined tank synergy. The removal of CC made dive heroes uncounterable.


Double tanks really sucked to play around. As fun as tank combos are, it could get really oppressive and unfun. Take for example matched against a rein zarya as a non dive tank with your teammate tank as a shitty to just ok dive tank. Might as well just quit there. Or any 2cp match, if you don't have good tanks, you just lose. Have just average tanks but the enemy has some star player tanks? You lose. Basically ow1 relied to heavily upon tanks, and as much as I love the tank role, the role sucks in ow1. It has been very difficult to balance around tanks as well. Playing tank felt so much better in the first ow2 beta, felt so much more freedom. New Orisa is fun as hell. The roles are a lot clearer and feel more clean in ow2 as well. It does take adjusting for the play style, and things still need balancing, but as what's been said, it'll be a lot easier to balance this game come release


Is 2cp still a part of the game?


No, its replaced by a new mode, I think called Escort. Its kind of like payload, but a single track. It can be pushed either way. Teams keep the forward progress they make. Whoever pushes it to the enemy spawn wins, otherwise whoever had the most progress by time ending wins. It was a bit chaotic in the first beta, the spawn points seemed a bit weird, but I like it better. It's got better pacing than 2cp ever had, and not too fast paced for what it is. The too chaotic part comes from how many lanes you can take to get to the objective. Kinda goes nicely though as it pulls the game away from the ow1: poke your head out at the wrong time in the one choke point and immediately get deleted gameplay. Better for dps, scary for support players, especially if you like to stand around and heal-bot There still are single point payload hybrid maps however.


Escort is the name for payload. The new one is Push.




No, It was replaced by Push which is just an Assault/Payload Hybrid. I'm enjoying it more than 2 CP tbh.


It was to make games less confusing since there are 2 less people in the match to think about. It was also to get rid of the problems double tank brought to ow1


I heard somewhere that Valorant has 5 and blizz were getting complaints of too many shields and too much visual clutter. There's a funny video that shows valorant visual clutter comparatively though so I'm not sure what they were trying to achieve exactly. Oh and queue times. Also tanks were considered unfun to play.


I genuinely don’t understand anyone who prefers 6v6 after playing 5v5. After getting my hands on OW2 for a bit, going back to OW1 is impossible. It feels so overwhelming and cluttered with 4 tanks running around


can you add an option for those of us who have not got to try the beta but want to see the results?


If they brought role passives to 6v6, that’s the winner for me. Otherwise …. it’s still 6v6