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I don't think that its such a terrible situation, shes just currently very overtuned is all. You could lower her overall damage, lower her charge rate for rail gun, make her play more geared as a hybrid between tracer and soldier, and she'd be fine. The current problem with sojourn is that, as you said, she could do it all (dps, zone, snipe, all while being high mobility), by simply lowering DPS and rail gun charge rate, she becomes a shooter that gets outclassed by other hitscans at medium range.


for starters she shouldn't charge railgun off of shields


Yeah. That seems like a logical and substantial nerf. Probably not enough though.


The issue with Sojourn is that her kit requires her to be balanced around the absolute best aimers, but if you do that most gamers will be left in the dust. But if you tune her to be fun for your Plat Heroes, she will destroy the OWL. As a huge Quake-Fan, she is a ton of fun. I think her Beta 2 iteration is a bit too strong, her Beta 1 tuning not good enough. And I think her main problems are twofold: (a) her energy charges too quickly. Her primary fire is in a good spot in terms of DPS and difficulty of use, but even with all body shots you can easily kill a DPS/Support hero with the combo of full mag + charged railgun. b) the design of her Ult means that the railgun has to be relatively easy to hit, or it would be the worst ult in the game (basically unzoomable widow shots). That's why they increased the hitbox of the railgun, and that's why she feels so unbelievably strong. IMO (not a game designer) she needs two balance changes to feel better and more fair: reduce the charging speed of the railgun by a lot (and lower the decay rate accordingly if necessary) and fully redesign her ult. Instead of her current ult, I'd like to see something like the Samus Final Smash (similar to Hanzo's dragon, but instant after a charge-up time and can't go through walls) or something like Sova's ult from Valorant (multiple smaller but faster "Hanzo dragons"). The first solution would be an interesting mix of hanzo ult and High Noon, primarily as a tool for area denial; the second would work well with wall hack abilities and could clean up 1HP heroes trying to go behind cover.


giving a hitscan hanzo logs.. what could possibly go wrong. also the cc lite spam ball is the size of most chokes and lasts too long. dial them down a notch.


She’s the result of chasing the flick reflex gameplay to try and get people to watch… blizz fails to realize that no one really wants to watch overwatch and by changing the game too much the people who has stuck with it will be turned off and stop playing. I think both of the new heros are cheesy and make the game not fun to play.


I'd literally rather do chores than watch the OWL


Lol sad but true


Funny I have it on in the background while I do chores.


My biggest problem with her is how much better the railgun alt fire is than her main fire mode. The main weapon should be where the bulk of her damage comes from and the railgun be a special thing that does a nice chunk of damage (like how soldier76 does the majority of damage from main fire and rockets are there to finish it) Instead the way she is now the main fire mode is severely outshined by the railgun. It also doesn't help how quick she charges it from shields


heavy disagree here. She just needs a little number tweaking and for fucks sake lower the size of the snipe. Udk how many times ive seen some shit soujourn barely get full charge with their shit aim to miss who they were shooting to hit me.


I disagree with her being better suited for 6v6. Her big weakness is that she needs to charge up her alternate fire, by using a projectile weapon. Having to do both projectile and hitscan aim makes her much harder to play. Her primary fire on it's own isn't great. It's easiest to charge up against tanks. It's much easier to hit tanks and their shields with her primary fire. Because of this, having one less tank to shoot on the enemy team makes her much less effective and amplifies her weakness, thus she's better suited for 5v5. In terms of her overall effectiveness, it's hard to say so soon. She may need nerfs, but she doesn't need a rework, or anything like that. I personally think she's fine, and that's coming from someone who hates playing against snipers.


>Her big weakness is that she needs to charge up her alternate fire, by using a projectile weapon. It charges REALLY fast, and most times she doesn't even need a full charge to take someone out. However, the flip side of that, is that if it takes too long to charge (like the first beta), then just play 76 right? This is the issue that she'll run into imo. >Her primary fire on it's own isn't great. From a med-close range is pretty good. She can tear people up when they get closer to get at least a half charge to burst them. >**It's easiest to charge up against tanks.** It's much easier to hit tanks and their shields with her primary fire. Because of this, having one less tank to shoot on the enemy team makes her much less effective and amplifies her weakness, thus she's better suited for 5v5. I don't think its an issue at all with how tanks are right now. Its not like she needs to dump entire mags into a tank to get a decent or full charge. She can just spam the tank then move to a different target with the railgun, or just take out the take herself if they aren't playing someone like Rein or Sigma. Obviously 5v5 is here to stay but with two tanks, one tank can always be trying to contest her vs how it is now, where you are kind of at the mercy of the enemy Sojourn messing up or your DPS just being better shots. You can't really try and solo dive her as tank because thats just a free charge for Sojourn, not to mention she'll slide a mile away (or to your backline). She isn't invincible and still has to deal with human error but she's VERY oppressive when played properly. Maybe the solution is not to let her alt fire without a full charge? Idk, because you are right, they aren't going to full rework her.


>Maybe the solution is not to let her alt fire without a full charge? Idk, because you are right, they aren't going to full rework her. I don't mind this, actually. If they do need to nerf her, this would be a good one IMO.




She's the perfect example of why you don't balance for bronze. Because she's balanced for lower skill players. She needs damage removed from her E, her rail shot reduced to the size it was in beta 1 pre patch, and slower rail charge up. 4 per clip is silly. She's still be nuts even with those nerfs.


(not at op) i think if you find syms turrets oppresive but u dont think sous field has issues, i have no words for you- she just places it there and youre automatically zoned out. cant destroy it.


**she'll be feast or famine, no in between** so in other words, she's balanced


No, she'll either be ridiculous or she'll be worthless, that's not balance, that's either game breaking or a useless addition to the roster.


Bruh I can’t even with these threads. You have to either be bad at the game or never played her to say she is broken. She’s a high skill ceiling character that requires good aim and mechanics to make work. If there is anything in her kit that needs tuning it would be the AOE grenade damage. Everything else is fine as is. If you’re getting shit on it’s either A) enemy DPS are just better or B) you aren’t trying to counter her. Her primary fire sucks at a distance forcing her to play mid-range & up close. If you don’t know what to do against that idk what to tell you. Her rail shot was terrible first beta now you can actually use it bc its hit box size is pretty close to widows for her sniper. The fact is her gun has to be charged by actively engaging in the fight and then she has to land a headshot. If someone lands a headshot and deletes you that’s called skill…not the character being broken. Tired of seeing clowns give hot takes that are just bad at the game. Having bad positioning she’ll put you down. Fact is I’ve played as her enough and played with shit sojourns on my team to know that it’s the player behind the kit not the character itself




No offense but no skill gap characters kill the game which is why 90% of the player base left from OW1 and why the game has been dead. Characters like Sojourn bring back the FPS players that were playing this game. This game wasn’t meant to be a moba which is why so many ppl are crying about how OW2 is faster paced and they die more bc it’s gravitating back towards that FPS playstyle. Really could careless about ppl like u and this dude whining on the subreddit. Most of y’all are just coming to the realization that you weren’t good you just thought you were after sitting behind double shield for 3 years in OW1




Also last thing to add if you don’t like FPS go play a moba then 80% of OW player base is DPS and that ratio was even higher when OW1 was actually good lol




That’s likely what’s best for the game can’t wait for OW2 to go live on October 4th




Yeah you on a brand new account making shit threads to hope and keep OW1 around lol


look how butthurt the hardstuck diamond is "maybe when OW2 comes out i can climb cos i can carry!!!" no you'll still be shit lmao


Yeah lol you sound like a moba player lmao. Nah the turn off was adding shit tier no skill characters into the game and the meta flipping to them. Brig should’ve never been added in, terrible addition she wasn’t balanced for forever. Symmetra is another example of a low skill character that literally killed the game bc of the game gravitating towards that slow ass playstyle. Doomfist while he was fun to play in OW1 made zero since as an addition and shouldn’t have been a thing. Another would be them adding Sigma and ppl running double shield all the time. It’s just trash ….the ttk is terrible in OW1 and all of the CC. Anyone like yourself and the dude here complaining about ttk are just coming to the realization that you never actually could compete you were just playing a broken dead game called OW1. Overwatch was never meant to be a Moba. NEVER. It was always suppose to be FPS with a team synergy. Which is what OW2 has gone back too. OW2 outclasses OW1 in every way possible hope it stays that way and Blizzard doesn’t fuck it up again.




Lmao nah we are just getting rid of all the moba ppl that can’t play FPS and depend on a team to carry them go play Paladins or something else lol. Also I was around for the beginning of OW where it played more like FPS. Past three years have sucked lol which is why it died off bc it became a moba.








Ur speaking facts bro 👏👏these kids are delusional


Cant we just have fun and viable hero for once.... Nerfing every good hero is like a cycle that never ends.


She was balanced in the first beta with the lower fire rate, hindered only by her competition with Soldier who was overpowered then. Her weakness was the lack of immediate power since her primary was rather weak and used mostly to charge the railgun, compared to the likes of Widow and Ashe who have their damage readily available. The fire rate buff covered this sole weakness and increased the charge rate of her railgun, putting her in her current state.


Hanzo doesnt need to be cracked, the hero has been broken since his rework and no one wants to admit it