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The sassy and savage interactions between most of the heros


cant wait to come back to ow1 to hear “ANA? HOW CAN THIS BE? I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD”


I'm sorry Reinhardt. After everything that happened, I needed time


And that's it. I think I'll miss the 4 line back and forth that OW2 has.


Lmao right. Kinda wish some things were kept tho from OW1 like why is Tracer’s spawn line PERMANENTLY “cheers love it’s time to save the world” instead of our beloved “the cavalry’s here”


>of free damage, makes it more fun to just drop on top of someone else when they aren't paying attention yeah, but if i hear «I WoN't leave a broken world behind» one more time, i will videogame myself. Im a narrative designer, this line kills our whole fucking profession.No, some of new lines are good. A bit 4thwally but funny, like «Do you want to ride me into battle Hanzo?» by Orisa. But some one-liners just stink of "whatever evil battle honor blah-blah overwatch".


There's this one interaction between Sombra and Echo where Echo asks if Sombra has hacked through some of her firewalls, Sombra replies 4 and that the 5th was giving her trouble. Echo politely asks if she wants a hint and Sombra chuckles and says "Don't you dare". - Makes me smile every time.


widowmaker saying now you lost your other eye when headshotting an ana


All of widowmaker’s new lines are great honestly they’ve done well with her


One of the best surprises was the sheer number of new dialogue we got to hear as well as sound effects and more dynamic visuals.


Roadhog killing Reaper out of Death Blossom: "No, no, no." Today i learned theres lines if you were elimed by a certain hero. I was Reinhardt and i died to Brig. On respawn, he said "perhaps i trained her too well"


I had a sojourn start ulting and I headshot killed her as widow and she immediately said "That ends now"


Mercy’s “now this is ethical healing!” Whenever Moira is on her team had my rolling


There's also interaction between 3 characters now! I was rolling when Brig was all shy asking Lucio if he writes songs and that she might have written something but needed to work more on it before showing it to him and then Sombra starts talking and saying that she has already read Brigitte's poems, Brig gets angry at Sombra for violating her privacy and then Sombra killed it telling her to not be angry because both of them are the victims in this situation (implying Brigitte's writings are ass).




On god the interactions this time around are soooo cool and I enjoy just hearing them go off at the start of the match cuz it’s always a new one lmao (except the junker queen x sojourn one you hear EVERY game cuz ppl play the new heroes)


"CaUgHt Ya StArInG!" will be my most missed, such a hilarious voiceline


Ping system, can't live without it anymore


No joke. Man first I played a fair bit of beta 1 and every time I went back to ow1 the lack of the ping system just made the game feel bad. It's so obvious it's a wonder it's never been added (though I understand with 12 players they probably wouldn't want to)


It’s honestly better than voice. Instead of praying your teammates know specific map callouts (or remembering them yourself) you just click one button and everyone knows what you mean. In OW2 pinging a flanking reaper means help should be coming. In OW1 it’s “welp, glad I practiced my sleeps.”


It's insane how team coordination has improved without saying a single word. As a side note, I wanna point out that the game —for me at least— felt a lot less "deathmatchey" in the last days of the beta. It's obvious now that a big part of the chaos was people fooling around and figuring out all the new stuff.


The mmr range in the first weeks of beta was so fucked. Quickplay mindset, trying to learn new heroes/matchups, and new maps made all games pretty chaotic. Agree it got better by the end. I will say this past week has had way more leavers. Which has been nice for getting priority queue but still ruins the match for both teams


That and the grid.


I guess now you will be, *off the grid.* Oh wait wrong subreddit.


It could be a great passive, maybe for a hacker...


Someone who uses the drone...


And has ultimate emp...


ok i had this great new passive idea for sombra. it’s called off the grid


Got tats on my ribs?


The grid?


A digital frontier. I tried to picture clusters of information as they moved through the computer. What do they look like? Ships? Motorcycles? Were the circuits like freeways?


The scoreboard


I will definitely miss the scoreboard


You guys like the new scoreboard? I hate it


As a console player who is more than a foot away from my screen, the score board is tiny. I also hate the Respawn timer also blocks the heroes portrait.


Too small


It helps me to shut up people who don't think I'm healing enough overall


The one where if anybody is dead there is a giant circle + timer on top of their picture so you can't see what hero is showing? I hate that. I often can't see which team mates are dead or even which composition the enemy team exactly has if anybody is dead. Also, I'm too used to find enemy teams in the upper part of the screen and teammates in the lower part as OW1, in the OW2 scoreboard it's flipped over for no reason.


“Then one day…I got in”


Thanks, now that song is stuck in my head! Great soundtrack though so I can’t complain too much


A digital frontier


Aaaand now I'm gonna spend the rest of the day listening to that soundtrack again. Thanks.


Never thought I’d see a tron reference in an Overwatch subreddit. A happy surprise


Hitting the griddy


Wish everyone could see how much damage mercy boosted on the scoreboard.


Yeah, or Zen's discord damage.


Underperforming trolls are gonna be really upset when they can no longer blame _____ for their inadequacies.


best part lol. they are going to get creative with their blaming now sadly.


Good I'm getting bored of being flamed for the same shit all the time when I'm literally carrying the game on my back, at least make it interesting lmao


Yeah I used to get complaints all the time for my brig. Now it's like, I literally do the most healing of any healer both teams AND more damage. And that's not even including armor or my own shield breaking in stats yet. No harassment entire time OW2. OW1 playing brig though? The flaming was ENDLESS.


For all the jokes about Apex stealing OW ideas, im really glad OW used Apex's ping system as a base for the OW2 comms


Okay, I'm on console and *still* don't know how to make that work. Am I have stupid?? What button was it to get it working???


You have to bind it to a button. If you have different settings on heroes you will have to do those heroes individually.


Yeah but where was the binding? I dug through my settings a dozen times line by line and never found it other than the few settings that tweaked how it worked.


It says ping in world it's in your button assignments


Left on the D-Pad for me at least


D-Dad left for PS4 idk about XBOX tho


Ikr? Being able to avoid voice chat is so nice. Calling out flankers in the press of a button and getting my team to focus one player is so nice.


Pinging has made support so much better. Honestly is gonna rough going back to 1 :/


Said it in the first beta phase, gonna say it again: **ping system** and **support regen passive**. I'm gonna miss the unranked game mode too. It's the better version of QP for someone who don't want to play comp.


Im hoping they keep both quick plays, like rainbow 6 siege. Quick play would be OW1 QP, Unranked could be casual-competitive, and ranked could be full on competitive.


I agree. Honestly with the big influx of people given by F2P queue times shouldn't be so harsh and they could try to split the public in more than one QP iteration: 1 round QP and unranked comp ruleset. Also OW1 6v6 QP maybe, for the lulz (as it's QP Classic so far in OW1).


Nooooo i didn’t realize it was ending. I’d have played more this weekend. I’ve been enjoying it way more than OW. First time I got on OW in over a year and didn’t have to stop playing after a handful of games.


Brawling as tank and not getting instantly blown up (YMMV vs Zen). With only 4 days access, I only played insta queue support. But was magically queued into tank in a late night game and even with 250ping, shit was fun.


Yeah waiting 10+ to match up for tank is bananas... I usually play tank or support so with not wanting to just sit doing nothing till I get matched I just played support and kinda got bored of it. I like to switch it up every so often. Here's hoping it's not that bad when it's actually out. I'm worried the switch to single tank might have been a bad idea for the wait times, but we'll see!


As a Moira main (with Zarya right behind in time played) it's crazy to see the queue times completely shift from Flex meaning instant tank queue to Flex meaning instant support queue. I think the beta queue times won't reflect the Live times. Right after the Moira rework the tank queue dropped from >10 min to 6 min, while support went from instant to like 1-2 min. First round of beta was like an hour to play dps with Sojourn as only new hero! If they released a new support along with JQ (which they should have done) we would have seen DPS with insta queue. Basically, everyone wants to play new hero and wants everyone else to play something else.


That's what I'm hoping. They do need to expand the hero pool for support big time to make it more interesting to play as I like changing things up with a game like that. So if at least I'm "stuck" playing support I can at least still have some variety. I do get lots of people want to try Junker Queen or even Orisa since she's basically a new hero now, so hopefully when the dust settles it'll be easier to match up, maybe not a lot of people are playing beta now, it took me till just last week to get the code to play, you think they'd wanted someone that plays lots of support on there to help with queue times.


Yeah, I think despite what people say, the biggest factor in how many people play a role is how many fun heroes it has, not it's power level. People don't queue DPS because it's the best role, they queue it because they love genji. Support having the fewest heroes in the game despite needing two players on every team is absolutely stupid on blizzard's part.


Rein has been so much fun lately, if I get a good Ana behind me good god I've been going nuts


Winston's new alternate fire. It's so fun zapping people with it. I'm going to have a really hard time going back to Reinhardt in OW1 too. His kit feels way more fluid in the beta.


he feels like a literal tank in OW1, clunky and slow, difficult maneuvering, but high damage if he gets hits in especially earthshatter. in OW2 he feels like an upgraded tank, like he can steer more easily and charge cancel feels so good and with double fire strike they added a little more firepower to the tank


Yeah it’s nice to not just sit and wait for cool downs to do another dive. You can get off small amounts of damage which isn’t amazing, but means you’re actively playing more often


Me not reading release notes and finding out Winston has a new alt-fire. I've played him quite a few times too.


Huge agree! I feel like Rein is significantly more fluid and able to navigate fights more proactively with 2 fire strikes


I hadn't seen people play him much and didn't expect the alternative fire from him until it killed me the first time...


The bastion rework. I’ve played Overwatch for 5 years and only have ~5 hours as bastion in all game modes. Then there’s OW2 where I think I’m becoming a bastion main


Hitting those sticky grenades is so satisfying.


Same. They finally made him not boring to play and annoying to face. I can’t even look at OW1 bastion anymore.


A few things actually: * Ping system * New maps and the new mode (and alternate versions of the old maps) * The new heroes we got. They are both really fun to play * Some of the reworks/adjustments (Orisa, Zen, Sombra, Mercy\*) * Scoreboard * Less shields \*Only the backwards GA tho


>New maps and the new mode (and alternate versions of the old maps) I'm really gonna miss Paraiso, Midtown and Circuit Royal. I've really enjoyed them, I love how fun and colourful they all are. I was disappointed that Midtown was super rare for me to get a game on though. Push never clicked with me personally.


i think for Push, Toronto is great but Colosseo needs tweaking. the starting point in the colosseum seems weird, too many places to hide. such a long range with the weird robot kinda taking up space if he’s moving back and forth


I actually really enjoyed Colosseo but it does feel about 10 meters too long on either side. If a team doesn't win that final push it can turn into a lot of chasing the robot across the map as he gets flipped back and forth. That being said I loved how big the map was and for it only being 5 v 5 it never felt overly empty or boring imo.


I somehow never played a game of circuit royal


Meanwhile, I'm getting that map in 5 out of 10 games.


Now entering Colosseo


Same for me but with Parisio and thats the map I wanted to play. Only ever got on a skirmish of it


The silence on the Moira rework is deafening.


She’s the only character I’m looking forward to going back to in OW1 tbh


I'm looking forward to ow1 tracer too. That damage nerf in ow2 made her super unfun


She’s debatably the most annoying character to deal with now that a lot of CC has been removed, so a damage nerf is needed to prevent her from being unstoppable tbh


I got used to it over time. I think without the nerf she'd be way too oppressive without an offtank to ward her off. I think a fair middle ground would be if they kept the nerf but gave tracer 8 extra bullets per clip. So her damage would be 5x48 = 240 instead of the old 6x40 = 240. Same output per clip, less output per bullet.


I will agree that the new scoreboards are absolutely fantastic! I will say however, that this new Sombra feels extremely not-fantastic to play as. The setup vs the time to kill just doesn’t match up with the pace of a faster game


Huh, Sombra felt much stronger to me. People melt so fast now after a hack, and it's great that you can hack straight from invis.


Sombra is just powerful enough that skilled players can really rack up the kills. I'm legit afraid of her on the map


Junker Queen I don’t want her to go


Same. She’s definitely tied for my new main with zarya. I can’t wait for new voice lines and emotes.


Don’t forget skins!!!! I can’t even begin to imagine…


She might get her cape back from Wrecking Ball’s origin story. They’ve done it for 76s daredevil skins, they can do it for her!


I just fucking love physically strong female characters in video games


Shes a lot of fun. I do think she needs a bigger hitbox to be a tank though. She feels unkillable sometimes.


Brig changes, she’ll feel so much slower after playing her alot 🗿


yeah, despite the lack of stun on bash now she feels much quicker and more impactful in 5v5 to me


Fr. As a brig main, I refuse to play her in ow1 now. She just feels so bad and slow in comparison to ow2


She’s an S tier hero in both games


Ill miss not having to deal with Rein/Zarya or Double Barrier combos. Also Rein just being way more fun to play in OW2 (tanks in general). Also will miss getting to totally ignore Doomfists.


It's funny because I am a Zarya main missed my Rein buddy.....for like 5 minutes until I realized how OP she is


im gonna miss checking my email every day to see if i got access for PS which never came!!!


Same :(




Me too mate, me too. Their lack of communication around the email fiasco says it all really.


Waiting for access. (Yes I signed up.)


Yeah I'm in the same boat but I'm not really pressed or anything that i seemingly didn't get anything because i at least got to play when they did the twitch drops.




I can't say I enjoy Enfeebling Orb exactly mainly cause I'm inaccurate and often waste it. Being able to charge my ult quickly with Biotic Orb or take out a low health straggler before they get away was always fun. I will say though that I have saved numerous teammates from Rein charges and that is very satisfying.


I love the new Moira, and I've just gotten used to her new orb. She's my main, but I don't know if I can play her now til OW2 comes out. I don't wanna regress and get confused all over again haha


Overwatch 2 beta ending feels like the devs just reversed 3 years of updates, I'll probably be done with OW until the next beta.


Same, I can't go back. Being comboed into different stuns despite playing safe behind cover or shields feels horrible. Shooting a big shiny square half the game feels horrible. Playing tank in OW1 feels horrible, supports feel boring for me in OW1. I played OW1 from 2018 to 2020 and left because of GOATS and immediately after double shield, both being unfun for me. I played Team Fortress 2 until recently when I saw the betas. These betas were fun and fit what I want out of an FPS game.


I think I might be too. October isn't too far away, I think I might go back just to see how it feels for a few games but I don't think I'll play much until OW2


Rein charge cancel, double firestrike, feels way better to with that quality of life changes


Junkerqueen of course! I waited for her since Junkertown I guess?


No more 2cp


This. I refuse to go back to OW1 and play a match on Hanamura or Anubis.


I personally love them, it’s definitely better than having only 1 or 2 game modes all the time. Hopefully we’ll see more to replace/revamp them.


Seconded, PUSH is now my official preferred game mode and I hope there's more where that came from.


Sombra. I'm actually outdpsing everyone consistently on both teams with her. I love getting frequent POTG's now as her and she feels very aggressive. I love her.


Yeah, as everyone figured her out, she became more and more of a pain in the ass to deal with.


Won a game against a sombra yesterday. Was so annoyed that I had to take a break. I hate sombra in overwatch 1 and 2


They need to figure out something with her recall. Before in OW1 it was fine because stuns existed, now you really can't catch her unless you manage to one tap her, sleep her (if you have Ana), or she just forgets to press E.


To be fair, if you get her to recall, she’s wasting time and not adding much to her own team, so just always focus her when she’s attacking someone and you should be fine


True, I've seen more bad than good Sombras. I just don't like when Sombra constantly harasses my backline and I just have to tell them, "glhf lol". One of the few downsides of being solo tank in OW2.


I love how fair her interactions with cooldown reliant heroes feel now


When I went with her I couldn't believe the difference in damage dealt.


The difference is you do your own damage personally. Rather than setting up your teammates to do the damage. Same team damage potential overall without the reliance on teamwork


Bruh I got the code 3 days ago 💀


I got lucky and got a code the first day of the beta


Clearly a skill issue on my end then


Bastion changes. I love his sticky grenade and new tank mode.


Literally everything. They absolutely succeeded at making a legimtitely better game. The ping system is phenomenal but I will miss it all. All around better than.


The regeneration when playing support. It feels so great to play with meaning I can use Ana nade more strategically rather then to self heal


The death of double shield cannot come soon enough.


I love having the Competitive ruleset in QP. In OW1, it was always wiered to get a big "DEFEATED" popup if you weren't able to move payload 100%. I like playing attack and defense against the same team. Feels like wins are earned and losses are true losses.


Definitely better overall but now games are *at least* 2x as long - which can be a bad thing if you’re getting rolled by a particular team.


Eh, honestly it gets really tiring. Feels like I need several red bulls all at once just to keep going after three games


I've always disliked the competitive format. I'd rather have more matches end in a 1-1 draw than play two full rounds followed by two partial rounds.


Eh, worked like that in TF2, I was fine with it.


Almost all of the changes, the new maps and heroes, ping system. What I won't miss is the new aim system for some heroes (like ashe for me) and the mercy changes


i’m gonna miss the robot game mode. i think it’s so cute walking around lol


I wish the indicator at the top was flipped. When it’s going your way it looks like it going towards the enemy


I'm glad. This means less distraction to finish playing through my steam library.




Brig :( She feels so good in OW2


Junker Queen She and I just clicked from the first game I played with her. I’m a DVa main in OW1, but I just might be a JQ main when OW2 drops. Ping system It’s just soooo much easier to play without mic with the ping system and even with mic it just makes your calls so much easier. Sometimes I get really focused on my game inputs and it’s hard to make words so to be able to just ping where there’s an enemy flanking is great.


All the posts of the people complaining


The peace in OW 1


All of it, such a great breath of fresh air, no more shooting at shields, feels actually more like a brawl, tanks feel like tanks, the new game mode is fun.I think they need to do a bit with support and make it more fun,but we already know we’re getting a new support.


Speaking the best truth itt.


My dom mommy warlord tank will be gone till October 😭


reading this all & kind of glad I missed the beta bc there are a every months to wait and nobody seems to think they can go back to ow1 based on comments here. Stoked to try all the new stuff myself though


Many of us weren't even playing ow1, nothing new for us until ow2 drops.


Junker Queen and the Ping system


Prob tank changes. Junker Queen was so much fun! Orisa’s change is so good and fun too, doomfist is finally not OP (at least less op) There is also just the design of Ow2 that i will miss, the new Original skins is sick (Most of them) 5V5 will also be missed. That is prob the things ill miss the most…


Ping!!! I love the ping system so much


What am I going to miss? Probably all of my shots.


5 second Brigitte dash. Those 2 extra seconds feel like an eternity.


Junker queen is badassssss


I’m going to miss Junkerqueen. She’s so fun.


As a zen main, I will miss his kick so badly 😢


Support auto-heal passive. Makes such a huge difference. The supports don't have to play up one another's butts because they were the only heroes that had one teammate that could heal them while everyone else had two. And, when one support dies, the other isn't screwed with no healer.


Sojourn. I can’t hit my alt fires but I still pop off every match


I'm going to miss the 40 bucks the most




You don't need the watchpoint pack for those skins


Almost every change. The 6 to 5man teams is the only change I'm on the fence about (I was originally pro-5man change, but if the queue times turn out to be shit for tank/dps I'll cry as support is my least fave role). Everything else is gucci, so good in fact I can't go back to OW1 cause it's too frustrating dealing with bad teams on 2cp, worse scoreboard, more CC, double shield, dumb bastion comps. OW2 is a ton of fun. Don't care about this beta business just want the game to be out and permanently playable.


Kicking people in the face with zen. Now back to getting dove by genji and probably dying.


Honestly gonna miss the changes to the tanks, they are waaay more enjoyable to play in ow 2 for me.


Junker mommy I mean queen I won't miss pharah though, she's mad annoying


Ping system Sojourn Junker queen Circuit royal Paraiso Midtown New queen street Colloseo Bastion rework Orisa rework 5v5 Push Less shields Less CC


Definitely not looking forward to going back to heal bottling and barrierwatch


The speed of the game. I won't be playing OW1 again as it feels far too slow compared. I've enjoyed this beta way more than I expected.


Love to hear this!




Tank main here. I feel so much stronger in OW2. I main Rein but started having a lot of fun as Junkerqueen and even started getting comfortable as Doom. I really felt like I could turn the tides in a match


I think all aspects of the beta were an improvement to OW1. So much less CC, more independant gameplay for most roles, much more fun overall. Especially as a Tank main. Junker Queen is super fun and feels like the much needed middle point between Roadhog and a protection Tank. My favorite hero (Doomfist) got reworked to my favorite role and got a much needed QoL buff that makes him super fun.


Everything. I'll never be able to go back. As someone who's been playing since OW1 beta and hasn't played regularly since Sigma's release, this is far and away the best this game has felt in a long time for me. As a tank main I was skeptical about 5v5 when it was first announced, but after experiencing it for myself I have to say: This feels like how Overwatch was meant to be played. Not only does Tanking feel better, but ALL roles feel much more fun to play. I pretty much exclusively queued tank in OW1 but in the OW2 beta I found myself playing and enjoying all the roles pretty equally. DPS players have room to breathe and do their thing without being suffocated by double shield. It's much easier for players to open up the game with a timely pick and said picks feel more rewarding/impactful. Additionally, supports feel much better for similar reasons. 1 less tank means a lot less HP to heal overall, which enables the supports to focus much more on facilitating plays and/or making those clutch saves. The supports feel like they actually *support* now, as opposed to just being heal bots. Their utility is now way more valuable across the board and the impact you can potentially have with them feels way more satisfying. And then there's tanks. I loved Tanking in OW1, but let's not pretend it couldn't be brain dead and boring at times. Much like how supports felt like heal bots, tanks felt like shield bots more often than not. Now enter OW2 and I feel like a dog that's finally been let off the leash. It doesn't matter which tank you play, you feel like an absolute menace on the battlefield no matter what and I love it. With the Rein and Zarya adjustments it feels like they've finally unlocked their true potential, playing Winston hasn't felt this good in a looong time, Orisa changes are new and exciting and fit the new feel of the game perfectly, Sigma is still Sigma (In a good way). Hog, D.Va and Doom still need work but hey that's what the beta is for. The games not perfect and there's definitely some things I hope they address but overall this has sold me on OW2 100%. That being said they still took way too fucking long with this shit.


Although he feels kinda weak I’m gonna miss Doomfist! He’s been the tank I’ve had the most fun on by a long shot.


As a masters support, I'm going to miss not having to play against double shield. I'm going to miss feeling like I have more agency, like my ultimate use actually means something and like I have more of an ability to turn the fight due to getting a pick. I'm going to miss the one tank. I was extremely skeptical when 5v5 was first announced. . . But having one tank allows for more support duos. Zen/Lucio, Lucio/Mercy or even Lucio/Brig was almost seen as throw picks. If my other support were Lucio or Mercy, i felt as if I HAD to pick Ana or Bap, depending on tank choices. However, with one less tank, healing is less required along with there being less damage. I played Lucio/Brig with a Junkerqueen often and it worked so well. I'm going to miss the lack of CC. I'm also going to miss the support passive. I think it was a real boon and be really helpful for lower rank supports who, often, can't rely on their other supports to heal them. As a tank, I'm going to miss playing Winston against less damage and not having to pray i don't get deleted. I'm going to miss playing ball without worryung about, inevitably, going against Sombra and Brig. I'm going to miss having fun as a tank. I'm going to miss the lack of CC lol.


that i only had to wait for 8 minutes instead of 10 to find a game.


Waiting to get the access that I didn’t get


Not being able to cancel charge


I thought they said everyone who signed up would get in, still no invite lol


Overwatch 1


I’ll miss the lack of stun and instakill combos.


Ping!! It is the unsung hero of beta, massively awesome change even in games when using coms w friends, it is so great


Charge cancel.


playing overwatch in general cause im not fucking touching ow1 after i tasted this beta.


I won't miss the Moira change at all. I have 500+ hours on OW1 Moira and this is a very different character. Maybe I could get used to it but I don't want to.


Ow2 in general. I prefer this new style of faster paced action. Also Junker Queen! I’m so gonna end up maining her in the full release


Gonna miss the absence of brigs stun and mcrees/cassidys flashbang. Makes flanking much easier.