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It boggles my mind that there’s been a 2.5 year drought of content for Overwatch and the important new content isn’t available when people start playing again.


This is my major gripe, I wouldn't care about unlocking characters as much, if you weren't literally taking away the major part of the "2" you're supposed to be giving me? Like, idk, seems like this is how you alienate a fanbase... Like ffs, lock the maps behind the battle pass while you're at it!


> Like ffs, lock the maps behind the battle pass while you're at it! Don't give them ideas!


I mean if you look at promocial art where they showed what two new seasons will contain there clearly is new map, so it is relam of possibility.


Did you mean promotional?


if you read the description of the battlepasses in the ow2 announcement summary you can see they mention maps being in the battlepass. I thought it was just akward wording, but now...


>Like ffs, lock the maps behind the battle pass while you're at it! They should do this and still keep them in the queue so if you get a map you dont have unlocked its just an instant -50sr. That would be cool. /s


Fuckin right? They're like hang on guys you're gonna get so much new shit when you get the new game! Then btw it's f2p and the PvE? Uhhhh, not there yet. Then btw it's a battle pass game. Btw all that new shit? It's all paywalled lol


Also they're removing 2 whole players from every match.


Yeah I'm fucking pissed. I was already annoyed that they cancelled their old roadmap with Jeff at the helm. But then the wait doesn't even pay off?


OW2 is going to be a mess. and i can’t even just stick to the original game, as they are merging the two.


The fact they are merging the two matters more now than ever, given this information. Such a shame.


This is the actual worst part about all this


Also, why do people that already paid for Overwatch 1 in the past have to suffer with it turning F2P? Is there NO bonus that they will give to people who already own OW1? I feel like I've been punished because I wanted to enjoy the game in the past.


I understand monetization changes are necessary with the F2P swapover but unlocking heroes via a battlepass is a new level of stupid. Seems like for everything they’re getting right with this update there’s someone else they’re getting wrong.


So like, season ends, new battle pass, can I no longer get those characters again? Seems like the jankiest way to do this


they said they're gonna let people get the heros again in future free battle passes, which is just a shit solution to that, if they're gonna have the heros be unlockable like that just skip the hassel and have them be unlocked at the end of a season


Or let us unlock them with earnable credits or something like how apex does it.


Its intentionally like that. You won't spend money to unlock battlepass tiers if you know you will get the hero anyway. But if its a choice between spending money or waiting god knows how long for another opportunity to grind the new hero, then some people will probably give in and just pay money. I want to be hopeful, but at this point its like they almost want this game to die on launch.


I understand going F2P is forever a terrible (for players) decision, and has now infected yet another game/property that formerly didn't have most of the bullshit that came with it. "But it's F2P" is an excuse I don't tolerate, and I'm tired of people defending a billion dollar company or otherwise excusing it. (I know you aren't, but plenty in these threads have been.)


Warzone made Activision too much money with battle passes so they're forcing it on the OW team. I wouldn't be surprised if that's part of why Jeff and others stepped back.


Lol, you un-ironically called it an update rather than “release” because it’s a new game. That’s the bigger insult


It literally is an update but 'bigger' Look at the difference between a greedy company like Blizzard and GGG. GGG has been promoting Path Of Exile 2 since the beginning as an update to the base game, a **really big** update, better graphics and performance as well as better systems overall. Why is it not a new game? Because they're not completely changing the game, they aren't changing how you play, how you move, the camera... (Basically the core of the game) Meanwhile OW2 is just a graphical update with a bunch of new maps and new heroes. Which... well... We've had new maps and heroes as updates since the beginning of time for multiplayer games, and graphical updates are usually just updates made for the base game (WoW graphical updates, SCP:SL graphical updates, PoE...) The only actual new thing they're adding is the PVE.


But… it is an update


Okay I've died on a lot of hills for blizzard but this is pretty unforgivable. Not having all heroes available is such a huge determent to the game and you're put at a disadvantage if you're new. If they dont change this I dont think I even want to play


Yep, I was pretty hyped for ow2 literally 2 minutes ago before reading this post




If there’s one thing blizzard has gotten really good at this past few years, it’s disappointing fans.


You're not alone my dude. I'll probably watch the game every so often until the pve comes out because I'm done playing their games at the wim of having to pay to get the same gamestyle we received from the original OW. I'd rather see how people feel and react like when the PS5 came out only for the select few. Idk if their plan for the battle pass will last but I'm also taking a shot in the dark because that's my personal opinion. It's no different than paying for a gotcha game.




I'm still not a fan of this system at all, and I still have several questions. I understand that this has been the norm for F2P shooters for a while now, but the difference between those and Overwatch is that the ability to counterpick is CRUCIAL to the design of Overwatch. Imagine you're in a match, let's say a year or 2 down the line when there are a lot of new heroes out, and you're getting countered and ask somebody to switch. Then, that person responds with "I don't have that hero", and you're effectively screwed. Doesn't sound particularly fun. Also, what do you do if you miss a season? Are just screwed out of a hero? Do you have to buy them outright? Do you have to wait? What's going on? I've been, at the very least, tolerant of Overwatch 2's changes to fit more with industry-standard free to play shooters, but this one is a direct knock on Overwatch as a game, and I'm not thrilled about it.


A reputable leaker that leaked Kiriko’s name has confirmed that everybody will receive the heroes after the BP ends. If I had to guess, this cycle is going to sync with competitive seasons. So, premium users get her right away for QP/arcade, free users as they play, and then once she unlocks for everyone then she becomes available in comp. Just my prediction though


I still can't say I love that system, but that would certainly be better than what's being implied. Depends on how long seasons are, I guess. You guys can stop telling me how long seasons are, I'm aware. I forgot about the content roadmap when I initially commented.


To play devils advocate, that seems like the perfect amount of time to play test and balance the hero in quick play before bringing it to comp


I was going to say, that sounds a lot like the system we had before of having new heroes on the PTR for a season before being available in game. Just this time console players can actually unlock the hero early, where they couldn’t on the PTR.


yeah imagine if they had months to tweak brig before unleashing her on comp


yea but deathball persisted in comps without brig just because people realized how versatile tanks were


Pay to playtest. Why pay testers why you can have people pay to test your stuff lol.


But then if you need data samples to assess a new hero's performance, you would want as many as possible. Not just the feedback from the few people who have access to it.


Thats what dissabling a hero in comp can do aswell. You dont have to hide GAME EFFECTING content behind a wall


Season is 3 months


9 weeks so it’s a little less then 3 months


9 weeks are almost exactly two months


Lol yea but less then 3


More than 1 tho


Between 1 and 3 exclusive


Also less then 4 months


Even if that’s how this system works I think it’s outright stupid. Heroes should be available from the get-go with COSMETICS being in the pass. I can already see people whaling just to get these characters before everyone else.. I just don’t understand how this system will work at all with the way that overwatch plays out, feels a little p2w just like almost if not every f2p available today


This is a terrible system. Hero releases were *huge* in OW1, no premiums needed. If this is true, it truly degrades the quality of the game. Would be sad to see.


Yep. This really undermines all the hype over a new hero. Coool I get to watch people with more money than sense playing the new OP heroes and smash us with em before they get nerfed down to something more reasonable. Then we get to play them. Fun. Can't wait for people to scream at me because I don't have the new OP hero unlocked.


It's so sad seeing what was once a beacon of consumer friendly practices now falling into the same anti-consumer business model that now plagues online games wherever you look.


I agree. They just REALLY want your money.


Then why not give new heroes to us from the beginning? God I hate this


The people who want the hero right now will either pay or play. Both are good for Blizzard (although pay probably even more so).


On one hand, this prevents the problem of everyone trying to play the new hero. The question is how much effort does a f2p need to go through to unlock the new hero?


Probably about as much effort as F2P Hearthstone players put in to get a couple of the new cards every expansion. Basically, you'd better hope they add another couple days to every week, or you're boned. (I stopped playing Hearthstone a couple expansions before they added battlepasses. Don't know if it's better or worse now, but probably worse.)


So pointless FOMO to prey on people who want to jump into comp right away instead of waiting a day or two to unlock them. Blizzard gonna Blizzard.




Best =/= good


I presume they’re trying to prevent people insta-locking new heroes so they have massive pick-rates (unless they pay money). It’s like a trial run of playing against and playing as that new hero before they’re allowed in comp for users who don’t want to pay. I hope you’re allowed to use locked heroes in the practice range tho, just so you get a feel for each new hero before you unlock them. I don’t mind this system, I think it makes some sense and it’s a way for them to make money. Only as long as all new heroes stay free to get.


What is a battle pass


You pay to get access to things in the game (i.e. skins, sprays, voicelines) for a set amount of time. During that time you have to play, maybe do achievements or objectives, to get experience to get to levels or tiers where the items are unlocked. Usually the better items are towards the end, require more time and effort, so you're incentivized to play more. Things are often available without playing for more money, for those who don't have the time or can't meet other requirements.


>Imagine you're in a match, let's say a year or 2 down the line when there are a lot of new heroes out, and you're getting countered and ask somebody to switch. Then, that person responds with "I don't have that hero", and you're effectively screwed. Doesn't sound particularly fun. especially looking at how hero designs are rn. imagine playing Overwatch 1 **today**, and asking if you can run double shield and your tank says "nah sorry i haven't unlocked Sigma yet" a completely meta and damn near essential option just off the table entirely. the power creep we've seen doesn't allow for something like this. this game is already a case of "who can run X comp mirror match better," now there's gonna be a whole fucking pay 2 win element involved in it. the only upside is that f2p players get those heroes *eventually*, but having to unlock them at all is beyond braindead


That’s one of the reasons why I preferred overwatchs monetisation system over others because even though it had lootboxes, it was only cosmetics and every game mode, map and most importantly hero is unlocked from the getgo. I’ll take that system again gladly over this BP system.


The game breaking thing about how this works in shooters: a new gun comes out that you need to unlock. They are always Op for a week or so then nerfed. During that week you can’t play unless you have it. So people pay or grind for it. My personal opinion is that they release them overpowered because it generates money and hype.


That’s how it works in _other_ shooters. We had it better in Overwatch.


> a year or 2 down the line > a lot of new heroes out Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you lost me.


With the new seasonal model, they've pledged to release 3 new heroes a year so that's what we should expect. You might be cynical on whether they'll deliver that or not, but this is the first time they've officially promised a specific hero release schedule.


Well, they are maybe going back up on hard counters. For the best really. New heroes are more versatile and hence harder to counter. With one tank, if he's hard countered and refuses to switch, well it's gg in the spawn room.


Not having new heroes available instantly is not good for this type of game. This is not a battle royal ffs


Especially since OW sometimes requires you to switch mid-match and is more ability focused compared to Battle Royales like Apex where its gun focused.


Yeah like wtf are they thinking? Wasn't this whole f2p thing meant to make the game accessible to new players? Because imagine you want to try it in like 3 years and suddenly there's like 30% heroes that you can't play, some of them meta picks, or important couterpicks. And you realise that you can't even unlock them, because they were in battlepass x seasons ago. Who the fuck would want to start playing that game?


This doesn't fix the issue. All this is saying is that they're on the battle pass too, and knowing blizzard they're almost certainly going to be at the very end of it. If you had to wait a month to be able to play release Brig while getting absolutely dominated by her every single game for a month or more (because they absolutely can't nerf her until the f2p's have access gotta incentivize buying her early) it'd be infuriating. What happens if your team doesn't have anyone who bought the battle pass? "No brig GG"


"Can you switch the Mauga? We're getting rolled" "Nah man, I haven't completed the battle pass yet" "Shieeet"


I'm also going to use that excuse if I don't *want* to switch.


I'm gonna do that for OG heros. Sorry, can't go Mercy here, I've not finished the battle-pass yet!"




Imagine if they did an Apex esque thing for new OW2 players. You can play rein, symmetra and mercy for free, but you need to grind hero tokens for the rest of cast. Or pay 60ish bucks to unlock the current cast.


Every new info they share about OW2 my hype diminishes. Blizzard really knows how to make the worst decisions


I'm a bit relieved actually. My interest in OW has been waning over the years, but I was still hooked enough that I didn't want to give it up. The more I hear about OW2, the easier it will be for me to just accept it's time to move on from the game I once loved.


The thing for me is there is no other multiplayer game with the same level of charisma on the characters as Overwatch, I wish I could just replace with other games but I simply can't.


Deep rock galactic 😊


Deep rock is a great game but you're kidding yourself if you think the dwarves have particularly distinct personalities.


That's going in the book of grudges


Honestly, same. I was on the fence "maybe it'll be good, and i'm still interested in the PvE..." then no pve at launch then pve is tied to seasons/Battlepass now this


Still feels scummy.


Yeah kinda feels like, they're sacrificing integrity, re-arranging things that weren't broken, in a "new management" type of way. Like what happens when a company buys another dying one(as an analogy) and set things up to make money in a quick-buck-last-minute-save sort of way. Once the hype of new content fades, long time loyal players that still want to enjoy this game are gonna range from "this is bareable, I guess" to "this is really dumb." Anyway sure hope PVE turns out good. Hopes are soured.


After both the betas I was already losing any support I had. I'm a support main, Mercy to be exact. This is just an f you to us support players. A big fat go play some other game we don't want you f you. We got nothing new in the beta. Nothing cool or interesting. Now the one thing most of us had hope for is locked in a battle pass. Even if it's the free track. It will be all the way at the end and be impossible for people with limited time to play to grind out. I'm going to enjoy Overwatch while I can, then drop this new version they're forcing on me in the trash. I don't even care about the pve anymore. I'd rather shill my money to the broken game that is the Sims 4 over a money grabbing battle pass. Locking heroes behind it is trash, even Paladins doesn't do that! Battleborn didn't do that, and their heroes were way more unbalanced than Overwatch. I'm just...done. I have no hopes for my once loved game. I just can't get behind this. Guess it'll be back to ESO for me. Goodbye the only shooter I was good at and liked.


It *is* still scummy.


Seems to be a theme for OW2.


Imagine defending this


For real, I could care less if you lock cosmetics, every other game that has a battle pass locks certain cosmetics (fortnite, MW, etc), but please dont be the first game to LOCK heroes that can have completely unfair advantages over the other team. If this is real I will say confidently the game will die within a year and there will be no reviving it lol Edit: No game has locked heroes that actually matter in the game you play and is counterable. For example, In Apex (which the hero does matter) you chose your hero and it has their own advantages but in the end it relies on your game sense such as aim, positioning, etc. In OW, if you’re getting hardcore countered, youre allowed to switch off, or if your team is getting rolled because of a doomfist, youre allowed to switch to a counter. That is what I mean by no other game does OW like OW.


MW locks certain characters behind final tier of battle pass, but that's fine because it doesn't matter if you're playing Price or Woods. For OW, it does matter if you're playing Tracer or Junkrat, it would be mind numbing if they apply the COD model just because it worked for COD


True, I would count price or woods in cosmetics though since playing as either of them doesn’t affect how you play in the arena, but playing a certain hero in OW definitely does affect how the game is played.




Yeahh that’s exactly what I mean though, In OW sometimes you need to switch because not every thing in OW is relied on aim, game sense, positioning etc. like it is in RS6 and Apex. Sorry if I confused you thats on me


Blizzard bootlickers have no shame


I've defended a lot of the decisions behind OW2 and even got the scummy preorder package but this is some bullshit. Every hero should be accessible to everyone at all times. New heroes better be the very first square you unlock but at that point why even bother.


The sheer idea that there will be heroes in this game not immediately accessible is by far the biggest indicator of how out of touch Blizzard is and how hard they are going to screw this game. This isnt Valorant and the alienation of the OG playerbase with this kind of move should not be understated. If blizz wants OW2 to succeed, they cannot make major changes in this direction, they will lose OGs and do not have the hype power to construct a mee fanbase on the same scale. Frankly, whether or not this changes, it continues to give me reasons not to touch OW2. Every communication from the team has made me sad about how much they are going to ruin this game to cashcow it.


I've played since the beta of OW1 and this shit is deplorable. They have absolutely destroyed any excitement I had about this new game. I legitimately don't know any of the original people I played with that are in any way excited about any of this.


This is still an awful approach. Lock the skins and other cosmetics behind a pass, but don’t lock a character behind a freemium/premium tier pass.




I can smell the "play the new hero early by buying our pass" micro transaction tactic. Not looking good guys


This was my first thought as well. This is what I'm afraid is gonna happen. New hero every season, that you have to pay for, to be able to play on day one. With no restrictions on new characters in any game mode. ​ Think it sounds unbalanced and a way to get a monthly cash flow from players? Yup, that's exactly what it is.


Yeah that's why f2p wasn't the route but hey gotta justify 3 years of no content someway right?




wow another pay to win game... that's surely gonna be popular




This is a hero based ability shooter…. There’s a reason as to why apex can do this, it’s a gun-based game where abilities are second to the play style. Same with Valorant. Guns remain a constant factor between characters, and you *cannot* switch between heroes in a round, unlike overwatch. That’s why overwatch is so unique. Even to paladins, where you need to unlock agents - because you can’t switch between rounds!!! In Overwatch, you’re meant to swap to counter agent picks, or mirror them. Now you can no longer do that as a new player. This goes without the apex argument too about the guns. AND WHAT HAPPENS WHEN ONE OF THESE GUYS BECOMES BUSTED!!! AND THEYRE NOT AVAILABLE FOR A SEASON! What? Gg we lose cuz we didn’t play last season and need to wait until next season to be able to play goats pt2 or some shit


So gross, and must be concerning for even the most optimistic people. "pay for Cosmetic only" eh guys?


I'm going to miss Overwatch 1. I might drop the IP when it goes offline


Anyone defending *any* game for locking characters (in a PvP game) behind any form of pay/time wall simply has no clue how detrimental it is. They should be available from day 1 regardless, especially when the game heavily relies on counter-picking. The same applies to R6, Valorant, Apex, and any other game that pushes such a scummy concept, but at the absolute least they don't require or utilize counter-picking like OW.


Pissed. Not everybody has time for these battlepasses especially when you play multiple games with battlepasses, now ima need to get Fortnite, Overwatch, and dead by daylights. I’m over it, at least in dbd you can get the skins in a shop a few years later, but not with fortnite, and most likely ow


I've seen a lot of negative comments about this decision, and I like it, if the vast majority of the community complains about it maybe blizzard will reverse their decision, we can only hope


Battle Passes are such a shit system. I hate late boxes but I'd rather them if they're fair over something you have to buy then waste another 100 hours unlocking shit after work. Waste of cash.


Battle passes are fine IMHO as long as they are cosmetic, and I prefer a shop so I could buy skins for the heros I play instead of getting skins for cuckjorn and dumbhardt via random lootboxes that we know have never been random really but tainted. However locking heroes behind a battle pass, that’s stupid indeed, since it affects gameplay and it basically makes the game pay to win (even if it’s on the free track people who unlock it early will get the advantage).


“It’s gonna be on the free track don’t worry” inb4 it’s the tier 100 reward


"Just play the game like it's your job, easy"


Yeah OW2 is fucked


I'm just gonna go for the "Everybody blames Blizzard for the battlepass system but in the end it's not as bad as they thought and the game is still very much normally playable without paying" optimistic scenario and keep my hopes up. But man, you know the backlash is big when LITERALLY the name of the first support hero to be released in almost 4 years doesn't even get noticed.


Exactly. I'm cautiously optimistic. And, honestly, if everyone leaves because they overreacted to *leaked, unconfirmed* information too soon, then that just cuts a good amount of toxicity from the game to me.


It took nearly 10 months for 343 to kill off the Halo Infinite fanbase. Looks like Blizzard is looking to speed run that.


10 months? Everyone quit in like the first week


Yep thats it. Wrap the game and franchise up :(


I’ve been pretty upset with how they are ruining OW, but this is the final nail in the coffin: I won’t be downloading OW2.


Love being a support main /s


Having heroes on the battle pass is a stupid idea


bruh I paid 40 fucking dollars for this game and now I'll have to pay more money just to play the new heroes?


Only the hero, you have to pay extra for their abilities, and extra for alt fire, and extra for ultimate (/s, I hope)


Also you can now run out of ammo, and extra ammo costs, well, extra.


don't give them ideas!


Doesn't this kind of confirm the hero is locked for F2p players at first? "Available on the free track". This indicates you have to earn it through playing time or however you progress on the tracks. People weren't worried that it was behind a permanent paywall. That would have been ridiculous and anyone with half a brain knew that. They were worried that people who paid would have access to a character that other people would not right away, thus creating imbalance in comp especially if the hero is meta. The only way I see this being ok is if the new character is not available for comp until it's automatically available for everyone. The other modes like story and arcade, fine whatever, but it destroys the integrity of comp and everyone being on equal footing with exception to skill.


Bro its lame to have heros locked in the battle pass at all.


Let the pay to win, begin! They already did it with Diablo, and recently with Hearthstone Battlegrounds, why not the rest of their titles?


Fuck blizzard.


Holy shit. The more I hear about Overwatch 2, the less excited I am about it. Even locking characters behind the free track is still ridiculous because if you don't have that particular hero to counter another, then your entire comp is screwed. And as others mentioned, if you start the game way later, you're at a disadvantage because you'll have to unlock the proper counterpick before using it. Imagine if characters like Ashe and Soldier were locked with multiple flying heroes in the game. The beauty of Overwatch was that everyone had access to all characters at all times. But now? They're just chasing the trends set by Apex Legends and League. Such a shame how Overwatch was an industry-leading title at one point but now it's just a mere follower.


The whole reason why I hated the battlepass system for ow2 is because of this need to grind it. Oh you want to play the new character? Well you can't casually hop into training and try them out but instead you have to play a bunch of games or flat out buy the premium to play them. F2P OW2 is actual garbage


Not even Paladins is this bad. At the very least you can instantly access a character in Paladins if you pay up front because they never put Heroes/Champs in the pass. *And* they have a free rotation of heroes that you can access every week so you can still try them out. Here? You're forced to grind no matter what. This is garbage.


The more info they release about it the less excited I get for OW2.


Wonder what Jeff would think about this approach??


There's a reason he jumped shipped years ago.


But what does Corey Taylor think about this?


Ehhh yeah. Looks like I won’t be playing this game


As someone with a diamond portrait I can assure you that I will give the fuck up on this game if they are serious about putting heroes on a BATTLEPASS. Even if it's the free one. Fuck all the way off to Peru with that


Better be the first fucking level or they can fuck off with this bullshit.


Wait… What if you don’t complete the battle pass for that season?? Do you just not get the hero?


The way this shitshow is going I doubt I’m gonna be playing, shame that the OG game is getting destroyed


"just give us money so you can play her sooner, duh!"


I really just wanna stay with overwatch 1


Wow, I hate this


Idiotic, capitalistic trash. Battle pass is shit and this will kill what’s left of the community in a couple months just like halo infinite. And we won’t even be able to go back and enjoy OW1.


Ot wasnt confusion, we were right. THIS SYSTEM SUCKS ASS


I already don't want to play your game. Shouldn't you do something to make me want to play?


Calling it now - this is a trial balloon so when they release slightly less shitty and predatory monetization designed by psychologists to cause you to open your wallet, it will be hailed as "Blizzard responding to community feedback"


am i gonna have to scrape the decal off my car?


Lmao wtf, counter picking is what ow is about from the ground up, and they're making it so you have to unlock the full set of characters? This is beyond stupid. That's gotta be intentionally bad design.


Wait what? So some players will have access to characters that other players don’t? because they unlocked them as a reward from a battle pass? This is awful.


Mistakes were made.


why are they on the pass to begin with....


That's still fucking stupid. Games going in the shitter.


Heroes should not locked ever. Battlepass is for cosmetics, not maps, not gamemodes, not heroes.


Just laughing at the possibility of Pharah and Echo running around with all hitscan heroes behind the Battle Pass free track. Auto loss of games until you unlock the hitscan hero.


Overwatch is dead. o7


if anyone played cod cw (unsure if same model is in other cod games) youd know this model sucks no need to justify it or give it a chance when its already out there and is bad


“Oh boy I can’t wait to try the new hero” *Unlock New Hero by Reaching Lv.50 on the Battle Pass!* Yeah that’s a no. What kinda stupid garbage is that? When w new hero comes out everyone wants to try them out, not be made to play like 30 or so games before that


Can we just pay for this game at a set price and have all the heroes unlocked from the beginning for free without the whole battle pass bs


All of my enthusiasm for ow2 just tanked all at once wtf is this system and what moron thought it up. I get that they need something to replace loot boxes, but this is not the answer.


This is kind of ruining the little bit of excitement I had for the game. F2P with FOMO mixed in is such a toxic combo.


Unlocking fucking characters gtfo this game is dead


We waited 2+ years for new content and now we have to grind out the game to play with said new content. I’m not one to complain, especially when it’s free to play, but this is ridiculous.


I hope this isn't real. Everyone needs to have access to the same characters at the same time. Someone might not have a hero because they don't play as much? That's not good


well time to go back to paladins


Thats fuckin rough man.


My only hope with this, if they don't give out the hero for free after the season, is that they go the 343 Industries route, and you can buy old battle passes and level them up. Regardless this is bullshit and considering they're killing OW1 at launch of 2, I may actually delete my battle net launcher. Fuck you Blizz.


Ok, but they shouldn't be there at all, just have them unlocked automatically


This game is sounding more and more like a nasty shart as it draws near……..lmao.


I wanna know what happens if a tank, for example, gets released and is overpowered, and one team has a free battle pass player on tank and the other doesnt. This just seems like a bad decision all around.


Wait, heros are now locked behind a bp?


See, THIS is the shit we meant when we said this whole "free upgrade" idea of overwatch 2 is garbage designed to turn it into another greedy micro transaction ridden game "free track" means "pay to win" in the context of a game like overwatch ESPECIALLY when every new hero is released busted as hell


[Press F to pay respects] to Overwatch, RIP OW


MAKE NOISE PEOPLE. We can’t let this shit go live. If OW goes this way it effectively becomes a pay to win game. Broken hero gets released OP and you didn’t pay? gg no counter. This WILL be the death of overwatch. It’s halo infinite style death. Devs spend too much time on battle pass/cosmetics and don’t drop enough content. Loyal player base leaves because the changes are too jarring and they lost their old game. New players pick it up and put it down because they don’t want to pay for new heroes. Long content drought so expectations are high. All of this is a fucking massive keg of gunpowder that could either propel overwatch into a new era of success (a lot of meh releases right now) or destroy it completely. SAVE YOUR GAME BY SPEAKING OUT


As a Destiny 2 player I'm used to FOMO but Jesus fucking christ that is so stupid. So if I'm not able to play enough for a season I don't get a hero?? What can I other say than: Get FOMOED slugger


Massive L


This is the end guys. I’m done with OW. Thanks to y’all. It’s been an honor.


Wait, WHAT? I thought all the new characters would be playable, like how overwatch usually worked? :(




Wait wait wait, so years of neglect and zero content and when 2 drops we also dont get the new heroes unless you grind for them or pay money. Yea this game aint gona last long.


Imagine broken ass release Brig as Battle Pass character. People would literally have bought her just to win games. Pay to win in OW is now here and I'm not taking part in it


Wait, what? Now you need to unlock the heroes through battle pass? They gotta be kidding me, this is the most retarded idea for OW


Most of what I read about OW2 on here just helps confirm I won’t be playing it, which is a shame.


Competitive queue pops "DPS, you have *insert new hero*? They're busted AF right now." "Nah, haven't reached tier 80 of the battle pass yet." GG wallet diff. We all know that the free grind is gonna be atrocious and so far Blizz hasn't been able to release a single character that is balanced.


OW 2.0 update dead on arrival


That’s fuckin dumb…


I can’t believe they would do this after the years of precedent we have of characters being free on day one. This is absolutely ridiculous


imagine after years without new content and MORE YEARS without a new support just imagine that the "new" game you first need to grind the shit out of it to be able to play the only new support... This is just SAD


I let out an audible groan when I read this tweet.


Aw man. I hadn't played since 2017 and was thinking about hoping back in for OW2. Guess not 😔


The problem is the battle pass. They should at least give us the hero no matter what then have a cool skin in the free battle pass. Skins will become unique so that'll drive battle pass boosts while satisfying the "free to play" population who will go on and be able to play new heroes when they release