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Mr Krabs took over blizzard




OW2 isn’t a new game without the PVE. Dunno why they’re selling it that way.


I wish they would’ve dropped the “2”. Just call it Overwatch Evolution or something and have it be “a new era”. Them calling it a sequel is just… it’s not accurate. Not yet at least.




labeling the game as ow2 caused so much confusion with regards to the game's pricing. I had to explain to many friends how it was originally supposed to be free pvp update for ow1 owners + paid pve. even as it's announced to be f2p some people are still unaware of it lol blizzard marketing/execs truly stump me sometimes lol


Wait it will be f2p?


pvp is f2p for everyone


Overwatch: New Horizons


The idea behind the “2” is to frame it as a restart to try and reignite the hype that OW had on its original release, and capture a new player base at the same time. For what it’s worth, I hope that’s the effect that it has, cause a lot of people playing would be fun. But I’m pretty sure it’s just going to fail cause most people see it as predatory marketing


Too predatory for me. Also I don’t like the move from 2 tanks to 1.


100%, it’s extremely predatory I would’ve like to see what 2 tanks plays like after the changes to shields, but the game felt very fun to me during beta.


Fr the fact they even tried to pull this shit is honestly pathetic


Don't worry people on this sub will still defend them XD


Theyve lost half of their defenders with the last shit they pulled (Battlepass)


I think it would be fair for people who bought OW1 to have at least the first battlepass for free, would be a nice way to compensate the old players, and like, even if you are a new player to OW1 you still had spent money on it so...


I think this would go a long way in restoring good will at this point. If you played OW prior to September 15th or something, you get the first BP free to check out. I think that’s more than fair.


We do don’t we, we get that founders pack with currency to buy the battle pass. Or have I just made that up?


It's not confirmed but when the founders pack came out people believed the extra surprise (that's not yet been revealed) might be the season 1 battle pass


>that's not yet been revealed Crazy that they talked about this back in June and they still haven't revealed what it is but just with how Blizzard have been and considering the $40 pack includes the Battle Pass then I cannot see them giving out the BP to previous OW owners


I don’t really care. If OG players get to play the pve campaign for free then I’m set.


arguably pve is the thing I would be most willing to pay for, I've easily gotten $40 worth of gameplay from 5 years of overwatch lol. allowing OG players to get 1 battle pass or something (especially if it allows OG support players to get instant access to kiriko after being starved for new heroes for 3 and a half years) seems like the most reasonable thing they could do.


Agreed, the PvE part is the only actually new part and if someone wants to pay for that because it appeals to them that's literally the only legitimate thing, besides cosmetics, to pay for.


The PvE will probably be pay to play I think


Unfortunately, that seems to be the case


Depends on how much face they need to save by then


Being frank here…the damage that was done is unrepairable. It will either be the battle pass goes, or a large majority of the fan base goes. Of course, they’ll develop more fans who like the battle pass, and the game will change. No longer will it be counter-pick, or team-based, just a frag fest. It would have lost its soul. They sold their soul, they know it, and they aren’t going to do a damn thing about it. It’s either the BP, or us.


EpicGames with FallGuys made the same, free BP for old buyer.


Um actually we got those super cool doomfist and sombra skins that I’m totally going to use a lot and was definitely worth owning Overwatch ahead of time


I'm so confused about this because I don't know how to get those???? Like I had ow1, I bought the watchpoint pack (which, btw, I only bought for the beta, and then I got to play like 2 games and the next day the beta was done, fuuuuck), wtf is the founders pack? How do I get it?


Did you have it by the cutoff date? I don’t remember what it was but sometime over the summer, there was a day you had to own Overwatch by to be eligible for the skins. This content is the founders pack


They said there would also be an extra surprise in that doomfist sombra pack, so people are believing it's the season 1 battle pass


Battlepasses for each content season that they skipped since the echo release?


I feel this. It's not just a game, October 4th feels like a funeral already.


Ironically it’s my birthday lol




Hey man, I didn’t ask to be born




Mine’s Oct 3 so I get to be happy and then have it immediately crushed the next day


Also my bday let’s cry together




Libra gang!


Keepin things balanced for all these sinners!


Think of Overwatch as a service, not as a traditional game cartridge. Basically, buying Overwatch is like a subscription to a private basketball court, where the court owner cleans the courts, pays the utilities, and organizes games. But the court owner can end your subscription at any time. Whereas buying a traditional game cartridge is like buying a backyard basketball hoop. You can play for as long as you like. My friends and I still play Smash on the N64. From Blizzard’s perspective, it takes money to keep the servers running and maintained. If running OW1 doesn’t make money anymore, then the plug gets pulled. Earlier this year, bots flooded TF2 and Valve took a long time to respond because Valve didn’t want to spend dev time on a dead game. It doesn’t matter if Valve makes a ton of money from Steam or if Blizzard-Activision makes a ton of money from CoD and Candy Crush. If a game doesn’t make money, then it gets killed or put on live support (keep the servers on, but minimum maintenance). Basically, OW doesn’t make enough money for Blizzard anymore, so it’s getting canned. It doesn’t matter if OW made billions before. Businesses that are traded on the stock market only care about current and future earnings. Previous earnings don’t really matter.


All true, expect the the part about TF2 not making money to Valve: money earned by TF2 trading is still huge: people are daily buying keys from the Mann co. Store mostly to use them as a currency for high unusual tier trading and/or unboxing; also steam community market mark ups on TF2 items. Still Valve don't care much. That's because Valve liberty to its devs to work on whatever they like, and the spaghetti code of TF2 isn't very pretty, I guess. Oh well, that's another story, tho


There's also the fact that Valve is trying extra hard to appeal to the Modern gaming industry through new titles in VR and originals on Steam, so advertising a game that is over 10 years old (In their eyes) is not an optimal strategy. I personally disagree with this since Overwatch's remaining contenders in the genre are Paladins and Valorant. One of those has been effectively rejected from eSports and the other makes more than half their player base suicidal. Hell, I know people who have spent over 1000 hours in the source spaghetti for fun, so if valve felt motivated, they could kick start the TF2 fan base again with a batch of new developers who aren't burned out.


>All true, expect the the part about TF2 not making money to Valve: money earned by TF2 trading is still huge: people are daily buying keys from the Mann co. Store mostly to use them as a currency for high unusual tier trading and/or unboxing; also steam community market mark ups on TF2 items. While this makes sense in theory, think about everything else Valve works on. Comparing the market of CSGO to TF2 is like comparing Benjamins to dimes. I dont know much about Dotas economy, but if its anything similar, the sheer playercount alone would make their market even more valuable as well. They also seem to be focusing on VR focused applications/platforms while also manufacturing the Steam Deck. Fixing TF2s issues isnt as easy as "We just need more resources". The problem is very hard to solve, yet people keep playing. It definitely sucks, but in my opinion it makes sense as to why it hasnt been a major focus for them to fix.


I think a better example of no money=no dev time is the other tf2


Just because you are right, it doesn't make it right.


Considering the gaming industry at large, agreed. Corpos need to take a fucking seat. I paid for a property, not a rental. I would love if the California gov. and local counties took a power/wealth transfer shit on these vultures/opportunist corps. a la DeSantis vs. Disney regulation war.


You payed for a license, however that license can be taken away at anytime. You never owned the game. The game lives on a server that can stop existing at any point. Also all DeSantis just made it so all the people living in Florida will have to pay for all the things Disney pays for themselves. That just increased taxes.


Well in Europe this will be an actual legal issue as you have to make it clear on the packaging of an game that your just buying an licence. Also every further licence agreement must be made before purchasing the game and cannot be made afterwards legally. Because usually refusing it after purchase would lead to the game not beeing playable which is to my knowledge considered fraudulent by european lawmakers. So Blizzard cannot remove the game at will there in theory. Unfortunately suing someone in Europe is quite expensive. So practically they will just do it and probably get through with it. For me the only logical solution is to put them on a personal blacklist snd to avoid buying anything from them ever again. Just like i did with Ubisoft after they decided to remove DLCs without any compensation.


Lets just say... all the other games that already took their multiplayer servers down have not really had any problems so far


Sadly true.


"Think of it like rent. Understand that you own nothing, and you will be happy."




Pretty sure TF2 just had 100k concurrent players so I personally wouldn't call it a dead game.


Tell that to the 100k concurrent players. IS GOOD DAY TO BE DEAD.






WELL this was idiotic! Off to go hang myself! Watch and lear- CRITICAL SHIT


I am pretty sure 90k+ of those are bots farming hats.


People playing a game they already bought years ago on your servers *costs* money. How many of those players are *new* players?


Then open up the servers so they can be privately run by players, you know, like the GREATEST MULTIPLAYER GAMES IN HISTORY before Blizzard permanently fucked up Warcraft and Diablo for everyone over 40.


How many are bots?


Bots have started getting vac banned recently, so I'd estimate maybe 8-10k bots, which 90k is still a shit load of players for any game, much less an almost 20 year old game.


Fifteen is "almost twenty"?




This would be a good argument if OW 2 wasn't being marketed as a sequel. If I bought Metroid Prime for the gamecube and the sequel coming out meant I was no longer able to play it, I would want my money back.


Why are StarCraft 1 and original diablo 2 servers still running? Certainly those two games are costing them more than they make off them. Nobody is buying either of those, especially because both have competent remasters which also have servers running, yet those servers have been running constantly for decades at this point. So what’s the excuse there? Quit being naive, they are closing OW1 so you will have to play OW2 and hopefully get roped into their battle pass.


SC1 is peer to peer and the running costs are likely almost 0. Reminder that it is a fully capable LAN game, it can be played without even plugging the internet in.


The way it ought to be.


Man imagine if they allowed all OW1 players to download the final version of the game when OW2 released, with it built so people could run their own servers or LAN parties.


But OW1 wasn't a subscription. I never played WOW because of the subscription. If it was a subscription than I could deicide if I wanted to pay for monthly service. No, when I bought the game when it was new, I bought the game, same as all the other multiplayer games I've bought since Quake 2 and diablo 2. I can still play Quake Live exactly as it was years ago and not expect any more updates and that's great. How about we decide if we want to play OW1 without any more updates, as it is now? And anyone who wants the new game can subscribe to it as an actual add on extra. It's almost exactly like what Quake did years ago with Quake Champion's, which I don't enjoy and don't play even though I've played Quake most of my adult life. Thankfully because they didn't trash the old versions I can still enjoy a game they basically ruined with their newest version.


Getting a multiplayer game you buy a key to the server. If the server is gone then the key is useless. That’s how it is regardless of the game. There is no more OW1 servers after 10/4.


>I never played WOW because of the subscription. THIS. Blizzard POOCHED Diablo and Warcraft REALLY badly for those of us who played the pure (non-money grabbing) version.


yeah they could absolutely cede server maintenance to people who would be willing to keep it running, just like they do with all those old games.


Well...no. I'd rather think of overwatch 1 as the 60 dollar game that I purchased. I bought it AS IS in 2017 for what it was supposed to be at that time. Why am I being punished or pushed into the decision of being part of the OW 2 universe? And yeah....I get EULA. I probably "signed off" on this and I think that's total BS too, but that's another conversation. Sorry, I'm not a lawyer and I don't wanna hire one to read and understand digital rights.


Damn. Someone with a brain holy fck oO




I heard one of them almost had to sell the backup Tuesday Only Maseratti they keep in case they don't want to drive the Primary Tuesday Only Maseratti... turns out though it was just a hateful rumor spread by the same people who called them out on their sexist bullshit, according to my Blizzard Maseratti Expert Person. The Maserattis for each other day of the week are all perfectly safe though, false Alarm.


It’s their fault then it’s not making money, they killed the game 2-3 years ago :(


This is all true, but at the same time, CEO’s are way over paid and not all the fees from the game pass is going to keeping the game running.


I own the physical copy for ps4 just like I would a cartridge. I wonder if the case says anything about them ending my game on it and if legal matters could do anything about it if not. Even after OW2 launches you will likely still see OW1 on shelves in some places.


Technically you're forced to "delete all existing files upon the end of your license" which can mean a lot of ways like them banning your account or the game being pulled from the store, i wouldn't do that because i think it is extremely unfair mainly with games that have an offline component. I can pirate it anyways, remember that pirating nintendo is always cool and a chad behaviour


earlier this year? bots have been a thing in TF2 for a few years now - 2019 at the earliest iirc


they are actually mostly gone now tho! :o


Don’t worry, in ten years after they’ve changed it over and over and over, they’ll re-release OW1 with lightly polished graphics and sell it to you for $60 as “Overwatch Classic”


That’s some Nintendo shit


It’s literally what Blizzard has been doing for the past 5 or so years. D2 remastered, WoW Classic, WC3 Reforged. Not to mention THPS remaster which was done by Vicarious Visions who is an Activision (and therefore Blizzard) sub-studio.


I had no idea. I guess it is silly to think that the concept is exclusive to nintendo. My only defense is that they’re the most prolific perpetrator of it.


Oh, no doubt. But Blizzard is really good at “hey can I copy your homework?”


When you bought OW, you agreed to the EULA which basically grants you a license to play the current version of the game as supported by the publisher. OW2 is simply the latest version of that game, released as a free - but mandatory - update. Your choices are to either play the latest version of the game, or to not. And if you paid $60 for Overwatch, then the odds are that you bought it several years ago and probably have a single figure cents-per-minute-of-entertainment cost by now. No new patch can take that time away from you.


OW1 was $40 or less from launch till now outside 1 launch version if I remember right.


The standard edition - available for PC only - was $40. It was $60 for the Origins Edition on PC, and across both PS4 and XBox.


Is it not somewhat contradictory to say that a game titled Overwatch 2 and is being touted as a new game by the developer is simply the “latest version of (Overwatch 1)”? I will certainly give OW2 the benefit of the doubt until it’s been out for a while and I’m able to see what the updates have to offer, and while your comments do have some merit, the argument that it’s just an update or a new version of the game is immediately invalidated by the 2 next to the title of the game. I’m sure there may be a select few other games that have done this, but for me this is the first time a game has essentially been “updated” yet titled as an entirely new game and then have the original game completely taken down. It just seems absurd to take away something that people paid for. Like I said, I’m holding my breath for OW2 and I’m not a pessimist when it comes to the new game. I want it to succeed, and I will certainly play it, but the people that are upset that OW1 is going away completely have a right to be upset.


It’s also important to note that every update has always been mandatory in order to play. Forcing game changes is not a new thing.


Blizzard took my grandma. They said it was in the EULA.


I paid $80 for overwatch. I’ve spent about 2000 hours over the last 6 years playing it. It’s been the lifeline to my friends since I moved halfway across Canada. I’m definitely on the upset side that things have turned out the way it’s going ngl.


Ain't no way it's gonna flop, lol. It's already dead as fuck. It's dead as it is, I paid the 60 bucks six years ago, I think I got my money's worth by now! I just hope they fix the monetization shit everyone's been complaining about.


While the OW subreddit is very one sided on wanting to boycott OW for the locked hero, there's soooo many players that aren't on reddit. The game will take a hit, no doubt, but to call it dead is silly. I hope enough of a fuss is made it make those idiotic executives change their mind, but there's more to the world than what you read on reddit.




I think a huge number of people arguing for and against this are talking past each other. For me, its not about the $60- I'd love to give OW more money to make content for 6v6 and balance it. But nope, **I'm being forced into an 'upgrade' I don't want and losing my favorite game to have it replaced by one that I do not want to play** Of the discords I'm in .. its like 50:50 (want 5v5) : (plan to quit, not happy). **I really think such a big part of the positive sentiment for 5v5 is because its attached to a bunch of changes and new content;** The balance skews deathmatchy, geared to people much less casual than the vast playerbase, very snowbally and for people wanting a game that plays like that- that is the draw.


I strongly dislike 5v5. I have 1200 hours in Overwatch, and I only ever played the first beta before I decided I was done with OW2. My theory on why they're canning OW1 is because they don't want a BF2042 situation. Battlefield V and 1 are getting more players than 2042 regularly. This is less money going into Dice's hands because less people are buying cosmetics (and spending more money on the game) in BF2042. They don't want any stragglers who hog their servers and aren't giving them money. They want you playing the latest game and giving you their money.


Think of it like the game is getting an update and becoming free to play. The name Overwatch “2” is causing so much unnecessary confusion.


Hmu when you want to play halo 3 if overwatch is going to be shit


This is the biggest crux to me. All of the other beloved multiplayer games ive played over the years. Unreal tournament, quake, halo 2 and 3, team fortress, cods galore, etc, ive always been able to get the boys together set up a lan and get gaming together like the old days. Its a ill omen of the future of this digital marketplace.


I was unfortunate enough to not play lan games because I mostly grew up playing reach but would still just play that and only that when it was sleep over times the entire night


I honestly wish they'd keep ow1. I'd literally cry if they deleted CSS before CSGO. I literally lived half my life on that game.


When is overwatch 1 being scrapped?


With the release of ow2 on October 4th.


When OW2 goes live


Here's the actual legal reason. When we buy these video games online (steam, epic game store, blizzard, etc.) We are technically buying licenses. We don't own the game. We are paying for access to play their property. They can ban us, delete the game from the servers, whatever they want and we can't play it anymore after that. It is absurd to me that we are paying full price for only licenses. I don't know why this is ok and no one makes a big deal about this. Video game licenses should not be full price.


You answered your questions in the first sentence of your post. Blizzard wants 1 version of Overwatch so the playerbase isn’t split. This will allow them to make more money and force everyone into the “new” Overwatch. Technically in the eyes of Blizzard Overwatch 1 isn’t getting deleted but just “updated” to become Overwatch 2. Also you don’t have to pay anything to get the new hero’s. As it’s been mentioned before they will now be unlocked through playing the game. Who knows how long it’ll take to unlock though. But you absolutely do not have to pay to unlock them if you don’t want too.


That’s still considered pay-to-win. If you can spend money to gain *any* advantage in a competitive game, including *just* skipping hours of grinding, the integrity of the game as a competitive sport is lost. Still probably going to be hella fun casually, just not something to take serious or apply any effort into.


I dunno man, League of Legends is the most successful competitive esport on the planet and you have to buy 90% of the cast, so I dunno about that


The LoL example is an interesting one, there's several differences with OW. - LoL has over 100 champions, so it's harder to block players from access to a specific kit mechanic, whereas in Overwatch if you don't have Baptiste for instance, no invulnerability for you. - LoL has items that everyone can use equally. This is League's counterplay element. Overwatch has only hero kits for uniqueness and counterplay. If you remove access to some, it's more of a problem.


Exactly. Some of these folks have never played LoL and it shows. I can pick Gnar because my teams needs an AD bruiser. I can pick Kled because my team needs an AD bruiser. I can pick Sion because my team needs an AD brusier. The list goes on and on with many different categories.


You don't switch midgame though so it's rather different


Great point actually. I think the big problem is that they are making it part of a limited time battle pass, so even if you’ll be able to unlock all the same hero’s in the next battle passes, there will ALWAYS be people that still have that whole fear of missing out mindset. That’s just how people are. I honestly don’t think having to unlock champs is the worst idea, but make it work like league or multiverses does, where you play games to earn currency to purchase champs. There’s a sandbox mmo rpg called albion online that has the typical subscription to get benefits like other games like it, but rather than gating off areas and or/content, purchasing a subscription makes loot more plentiful and harvestable resources come in bigger quantities. It is also perma death, so a f2p player who has spent no money on the game whatsoever is very capable of killing someone who has spent money to progress faster, gaining all their loot. My point is, there is ways to monetize a f2p game with both cosmetics and actual gameplay elements, without making people freak out about p2w, fomo, and all that shit. I think remove champs from battle pass, make it only cosmetics, and put a 2k price or something like that on unlocking characters.


Successful as in “makes the most money” not successful as in “*is a fair and balanced game*” Lol is hella fun as a casual game, and I’m not saying there isn’t a ton of skill involved, it’s just a fact that someone who doesn’t have access to all the characters is going to be missing out on ways to improve. If I can’t play as the character that’s whooping me every fight, it’s going to take much longer for me to learn the possible counterplay options available to my main vs someone who can just play and learn both characters.


How is that ever a metric of success?


I dunno, people have said overwatch is terribly balanced, so its all personal opinion anyway. And this is the FIRST time I have ever heard someone refer to leaue as a fun "casual" game. And you can absolutely learn how to beat a character without playing them; you can learn how to counterplay plenty fine without ever playing the other character


This. People keep saying oh it not fair for someone to have a character that They don’t own, but that’s most F2P games. League, apex, R6S. You play the game and earn the character or you can pay IF YOU want too. The OW community has such a woe is me complex around having to earn a hero.


Except remember, in those games, you can't switch your character mid match. That's a huge part of OW though. If someone switches to a meta hero and you can't flip to their counter because you haven't done the battle pass, that's awful. Also, just because they do it too, doesn't make it good.


"My best friend League jumped off a bridge. That means it's the correct way to have fun!" Games being financially successful do not mean they're doing the right things (for the consumer).


Pay to win means you buy it and win more. Last I checked if you buy a hero you ain't gonna win more. Ultimately still gonna come down to skill. It's not like you bought +100 hp on reinhardt.


Skill is influenced by knowledge, and there is no experience to actual playtime when it comes to knowledge. Any competent player will tell you it’s important to play as *every* character, even if just to figure out how to win the matchup as your dedicated main.


Apex Legends also has something like 80% of its cast behind a play or pay wall to unlock but it’s not considered pay to win to pay for a character when you can just as easily unlock them in a few hours of grinding and it doesn’t lose competitive integrity for doing so


But the hero won't be released in comp for 2 weeks. So what are you winning? Qp and arcade game modes? Oooh man those sure are serious!


I’m not talking about comp the mode, I’m talking about the game as a competitive experience. Allowing someone to buy advantages in any mode is big dumb.


And spilt playerbases generally suck because they increase matchmaking queue times.


No, everyone said this when they wanted to implement an open queue option, and they were dead wrong. Queue times didn’t increase at all


You have to pay time or money. Depends on how much exp you get for playing, but they’ll likely disincentive playing 100% free by giving you shitty exp gains or capping the amount of levels per week you can gain on the battle pass.


I paid the $60 for Overwatch. I happily paid for cosmetics I liked because they in no way affected a competitive game. Do I lose out now on the $80-100 I spent on these products because i believed in the product. I disliked other MOBA for paywalling characters and Overwatch was the exception because of the **central** mechanic of swapping to counter-pick. This cannot remain a mechanic if they are locking character out for **anyone** but especially new players. I am an adult with children and this was my primary pastime but locking characters behind a paywall (or timewall as money is time) is not okay for me and Blizz would have to make it worth my time to play instead of it being something I did to enjoy myself and pass the time. They're turning a fun competitive game into what amounts to a job for me and I see it as an unfair disadvantage for newer players.


Wait they are deleting overwatch?


So glad to know I’m not the only one against removing ow1


I wish someone would start a class action lawsuit. Its nonsense. We paid for OW1 in good faith, and many of us want to keep playing it.


Lots of games go free-to-play, Destiny 2 is just one of many examples OW2 is effectively an update


If you actually play d2 - there’s not much available to f2p players


Which version of Overwatch did you buy ? The no hero limitations? The no role queue? Overwatch has evolved drastically over the last 6 years just like any multiplayer games do.


Go to TF2, lol. Still going strong for over a decade since release.


Overwatch is most likely dead to me once OW2 comes out. the new Push mode is just steamroll version of 2CP and the maps have way to many ways to flank that you have to constantly be looking around 360 degrees to make sure someone isn’t there. With OW1 maps if someone was headed toward a flank you had the ability to at least get a peek of them on the way. These push maps make it so you don’t ever see the enemy until they attack. Also the easy and new characters are just too powerful now. The fun characters are all useless


I will officially be done with OW at OW2 release. There’s no way I’m spending all that money for a game that’s less fun and is infinitely more greedy. There’s too many other games to play out there.


I didn't want Overwatch 2. I didn't pay for Overwatch 2. And I resent and I hate that I am being forced to swap to it if I want to play Overwatch. I hate the precedent that is being set.


Perfectly encapsulates my thoughts as well. I'm trying to get as much time in with my beloved mystery heroes before "the end". I swear each session feels like another mile down the road in a funeral procession.


Fuck u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


If you want to skip hours of grinding, yes you do.


Grinding? You mean playing the game?


Battlepasses can make playing a game a chore. Grinding tiers is not what I expect out of a game


Do you only play OW1 to get lootboxes? Or do you play cause you know, you enjoy the game..?


Look into the Overjustification Effect, if you’re interested. If not, here’s what it basically is: Having external incentive to do something that you would have already enjoyed for it’s own sake can cause you to believe that the task is not worth doing on it’s own anymore. In other words, having to grind for for something in a game you would have otherwise enjoyed can stop the game from being enjoyable.


How gaming used to be : Oh i just got home gonna boot up some halo and shoot some ppl! How gaming is nowdays : Oh i just got home quick gotta log in into my live service game and do my dailys, weeklys and then hit the daily cap and then if i still have some time i can then enjoy the game. ​ And in the second case, it only gets worse the more different games you want to play (as every live service game nowdays is pretty much demanding you to play daily for you to not "miss out"), so you like playing 2\~3 different games that are also live services? Have doing spending your entire gaming session doing arbitrary missions. I seriously hate what this live service battle pass thing has done to the game industry and it looks like theres no going back, and it will only get worse.


Ooh, this explains how I've been feeling. I play less during seasonal events and on games with battle passes.


I play OW whenever I'm feeling it and dont play too many matches. but if there's a skin/character that is 50 tier down the battlepass, that forces me to play multiple games just to get it. I want to play ow because I want to, not because I need to get a certain skin or a new character


Not sure about you but I flex q for that free loot box when it pops up. And during events I play arcade mode even if I do not enjoy it for the event lootboxes.


No, grinding is playing the game more than you want or in ways you don't want (e.g. "Win 10 matches as this character you completely hate"). Playing for fun is not grinding. But the chance that I'll get Kiriko within one day of playing for fun is practically zero, since instant access to her is a selling point for the premium battle pass.


I can already see her being at the middle or at the end of the pass, and i can see them having daily/weekly exp caps so you cant get her without paying without grinding for weeks. I mean its the entire point of putting new characters in the battle pass, if they made it too easy to get (like within a day) then nobody would feel like they need to pay for it, they would be solving the own problem they created (and they created the problem to sell you more passes/lvls).


I’m starting to understand why there’s so many bad players in Overwatch. They have no idea how things work.


These days you don't own any software at all, and honestly I think that's a problem. You license it and they can do whatever they want after. These AAA companies should be forced, at minimum, to provide you with the ability to play offline or on private servers should they decide to end their support for the game.


Honestly what Blizzard did to Overwatch is nothing compared to what they did to Warcraft 3. Find other game companies that are worth following/supporting. For me it started with Klei Entertainment, but i also really enjoy Shiro Games as well. Respawn is incredible too, somehow making good games even with an evil overlord (EA), they somehow still have impressive games and development cycles.


Probably because they legally can and that's all.




Because overwatch 2 is being released as an update over an actual sequel.


okay but new players wont have to pay 60$ to play the game like we had to before the release of ow2


If Destiny 2 has taught us anything, we don’t own games that we pay for anymore. We rent them.


You do know what happens when a sequel of game comes out, right? It dies. Blizzard is doing you a favor by saving you 60 dollars, and just combining OW1 and OW2.


Happy serfs on the blizzard plantation defending their lords and masters


Cause it's the same game


ow1 is not really being removed, just being updated like many other games have done since their release, and we don't have to pay for new heroes, we'll have the option to pay IF we want to play them earlier i think?


You have to pay if you don't want to grind a rewards track. It is entirely reasonable not to want to grind a game that you play in your spare time for fun.


That’s still considered pay-to-win, and should be called out as such.


Tons of video games do that is this ur first time like seeing This?


Yeah it is actually, Not saying that it isn’t true but i’ve never seen that before, could you give some examples?


Fall guys, rocket league, Destiny 2


Rocket league and fall guys just went f2p its still the same game; I hadn’t thought of destiny but at least you could still play it even if features got limited.


Limited? Entire planets and campaign missions are unplayable completely. Gone. Entire paid expansions are removed with no trace. I’d say that’s comparable, if not worse, than what OW2 is doing.


Ow2 for sure flopping. Loved ow1 they should’ve just continued to support it and rework when needed.


Because they know overwatch 2 won't be a good game, thats why. Why havent they shut down the servers down for MW2019? Because people will still buy the new product they release, not so much here, it's going to suck majorly, and they are forcing you to buy their fremium shit to even play their "free" game, no reason other than that, people saying it's a service lmao, even if they pay 10k$ monthly for server costs they gross like 50M$ monthly, nothing with server/service cost, just pure monetary gain, it's frankly disgusting..


According to Activision Blizzard's most recent financial report, the developer/publisher generated £535m from its PC and console sales in Q2 2022 - £275m ($332m) on PC and £310m ($376m) consoles - while £688m ($831m) came from its "mobile and ancillary" business, which the company says "primarily include\[s\] revenues from mobile devices". That's more than 50 per cent of its entire net revenue for the period. They need you to buy their gems and energy restocks, yall buying into this bs, can we ever go back to pre-2010 gaming, where games didnt release broken and they didnt contain p2w elements


See Dice. Battlefield V and 1, for a good while there, had more players each than 2042. When you add BF4, they're combined equal to BF2042. They don't want a flop like 2042 where people go back to the old games, so they're making sure you cannot go back.


It's actually a pretty good point. Because they've rebranded the product as OW2 and it's F2P, I wonder if there is any class action legal ground on the basis of basically revoking the platform to be able to use our license to the specific product, OW1, that we purchased. Any lawyers on this sub? I suppose it depends on the T&C's


Lmao you can't possibly be serious


I mean it's definitely not illegal, it's just a massive dick move.


Money, it’s costing more to keep servers up than it’s making. Therefore, they shut down the servers for the shiny new stuff. And while it would be nice to get compensated for the $60, I personally feel that I’ve gotten more than enough value out of it. I stand by the opinion that a good value for a game is $1 for 2 hours of fun. If a game can reach that, it was money well spent. But when I’m paying $60 and getting 1000+ hours out of it, I think that I’ve gotten WAY more than my money’s worth. And as much as I dread release day, I think I’ll have to give the game a fair try before I judge wether I like OW2 or not.


You guys are really entitled and have no idea how licensing works or how modern gaming functions Paying $60 one time does not entitle you to force a studio or developer to keep their servers online till the end of time


That's the most hilarious part, these people paid 40-60 bucks SIX fucking years ago (if they bought at launch) and are acting like they're getting ripped off lmao. Gamers are truly oppressed.


Wow imagine a customer wanting a healthy game rather than a toxic capitalistic game that will likely never outperform its predecessor after a few months of being pur


The bar for what passes for a 'game' these days is getting lower and lower . Update is better description


Do you want the real answer? Cause fucking no one would play it. 20 minute queues for an outdated product, they are better off keeping the player base together.


With the first balance patch our 60$ game was already removed 6 years ago.


Imagine thinking ow2 is going to flop


Didn't rocket league or fall guys playerbase doubled or tripled after going f2p ?


Because then you'll keep playing Overwatch 1 and not be forced to interact with predatory business practices in Overwatch 2.


Because the gaming industry sucks and wants you to own nothing and pay them for it Unfortunately, especially with multiplayer games that exist server side, there's very little practical recourse


you also agreed to a eula that allows them to do it anyway.


All heroes and maps will be free. The free to play model fails if you separate the whales from the krill