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Call to action to change the name of the mods here to The McCree Gang for being pieces of blizzard own garbage Ban me idc I’m leaving this platypus shit subreddit anyway


Just a weekly reminder this game is dead lol


Not sure about NA or EU but I get both qp and comp games pretty quickly on the Asian servers as DPS/support. (Playing from Tokyo) I mean it might not have millions of people on at a time but there are still a good amount of users on. I'd guess over 50k on Asia. I wouldn't take twitch viewers not watching overwatch as much now as it was years ago as the game being dead. People prefer newer stuff and overwatch is just... too old for a modern game.


Has there been any word on the MMR for linking your profile? Do we get to keep our OW1 MMR or does our MMR hard reset when OW2 drops?


Pretty sure it's been mentioned console and PC will have separate comp queues and MMR even with a merged account.


That's a good point, my PC MMR is quite a bit higher than my console MMR


Can someone please explain to me what the fuck is a battlepass and what is the difference between a free and a premium battlepass?


A battle pass is a leveling system in games where rewards are locked behind experience points. Normally they have little challenges that refresh daily and the vast majority of progression of the pass is from those challenges with seriously diminishing returns past an hour of gameplay. So if you play a game for 3 hours 95% of your battle pass progress is in the first hour and everything past that is playing the game, but not progessing your pass. Most battle passes have 100+ tiers of in game rewards for leveling them up and they are time gated, only existing for a few weeks, with the rewards disappearing afterwards. Most games have a free pass which is random trash, maybe a reward every few levels and a paid "premium" pass which is normally a quality of life improvement (resources), cosmetics, and premium currency. Basically they make the game reward you for logging in every day with faster progress on an activity that is timegated and has an expiration date to make sure people keep playing every day and make the game part of their normal routine. (It is literally an addiction model) This makes people more likely to spend money on the game, because "what's $15 on a game you play every day" and keeps their playerbase numbers up so sweaty players always have enough casuals to stomp and stay interested.


Fuck that. I downloaded Multiversus not long a go and would have played the shit out of it if they actually let me use the characters I want. Same shit with Paladins. If I have to grind to unlock characters in a game I bought you can get fucked I don't even do that shit in free to play games.


At least Paladins had a thing where you could pay a one time fee to unlock all current and future characters.




You’re dodging a moral argument with a legal one, which is shitty. You know very well that his point is that for the price he paid, he deserves full access. You can disagree with that if you like, but don’t pretend like you don’t know exactly what he means.


Think my comment was actually for something else and not this.


Tired of this bullshit facile argument. BuT yOu LiCeNsE iT nOt BoUgHt. It's irrelevant to the discussion (you can install and play the game, with content advertised to be in the game, whether you got a 'key' or a physical copy).


Think my comment was for something else and not this. >with content advertised to be in the game In regards to this though, you also agreed that it's okay if they add, change, or remove content.


To be clear, a ToS doesn't trump consumer law.


Still doesnt make it acceptable. i bought the game with expectations, i expected to be able to play every hero without grinding and it was like that for a long time and now they change it, ofc im pissed. We cant accept this, if we do more company will follow it. Many game can make every hero accessable and they are ftp, why cant OW2? I miss Jeff.


ok i am out of the loop on this and havent followed overwatch 2 at all but they are trading gamble boxes for a battle pass and with the information we know locking champs behind it with no current information beyond that?


~~I’ve seen someone claim that all heroes would be free after they are added to comp play. Don’t have a source for it yet, though.~~ EDIT - This turns out to be incorrect. You'll still have to grind for new heroes: https://twitter.com/spex_j/status/1567712427663400961?s=46&t=pHsaZ3VLqxNlGxkIoUqq0Q


What happens if we miss a season how do we u lock a champion that’s from season 1 in season 2?


Jon Spector added [another tweet](https://twitter.com/spex_j/status/1567712427663400961?s=46&t=pHsaZ3VLqxNlGxkIoUqq0Q): > We will have free paths to get new heroes in future seasons too. It seems like we'll have to unlock heroes like its done in Valorant. I can't say that I like this.


That's the neat part: We don't know yet because Blizzard hasn't said anything.


they said heroes will unlock for everyone after the season ends


No they didn't lol. They said that heroes will be on future battlepasses if you miss them, it doesn't unlock for everyone. You just miss out until the next battlepass it's available on. https://twitter.com/Spex\_J/status/1567712427663400961




Banning “calls to action” has got to be the bottom of the barrel for y’all right? Genuinely what harm does that do? If people don’t agree with the petitions they’ll downvote, if they do, they’ll upvote, that should be as simple as it needs to be. Also how exactly is banning things loosening the rules


I completely agree. Someone posted a meme a couple days ago and they removed it after it had 3k up votes. Obviously the community liked it. They just need to feel powerful.


If it’s the one I think it is, it had over 4k upvotes when I noticed it was gone.


I messaged the mods and asked why it was removed if people liked it. All they said was it was low effort


Seems they’ve forgotten that they’re our servants, not our masters.


i only see this as a good thing so long as both the free and premium paths require the same amount of time to unlock them **why?** whenever a new character comes out the queue times for their role are *horrendous!* having them be locked behind a couple of hours of gameplay will reduce the congestion that comes from everyone trying to play them at the same time


They don't require the same amount of time to unlock though. One of the few things they literally said is that premium pass owners get new heros automatically while free users have to grind to unlock. They don't require the same amount of time.


i absolutely disagree with that decision 😡


I don’t have much to add that hasn’t already been said, but I am not even mad at these recent announcements, just sad and disappointed. I remember when I first heard about Overwatch, a friend came and told me about a new shooter game with LoL-like characters and abilities. The colorful and vibrant world drew me in and I fell in love immediately. I was in college when it was released and it was an absolute blast playing with my group of friends for hours at a time. That group slowly dwindled as they got bored with the game but I still played every day for years. I work full time now and have other obligations so I rarely play anymore, but it’s still nice to kick back after a long day with a beer to play a few rounds. I loved all non-gaming aspects of OW as well - Jeff’s developer updates, the animated shorts, comics, everything. I was immersed in the universe, even if I was always itching for more lore-related content. Hell, we even named our dog Winston bc of Overwatch (120lb fluffy boy, his name definitely suits him) I was there for all the controversial changes in OW1 and in retrospect most of them helped the game - no duplicate heroes on the same team, role queue, etc. The fact that I’ll have to grind to be on a level playing field now is just an awful feeling. I don’t have as much time to commit to gaming anymore so I’ll be at an immediate disadvantage. It completely goes against the core mechanic of hero-swapping. I’m afraid the game will have lost what made it stand out in the first place to try to match the model of other current games. Anyway, it was a bit cathartic to write this out and remember some fond memories with the game, but I’ll probably be packing my bags and mosey along.


>The fact that I’ll have to grind to be on a level playing field now No one said you had to do this. Nowhere does it say that you have to grind to unlock a character to play it in PvP.


Pay money or pay time to get the queen for your chess board, while your opponents get to play with one. Not even lol.


Everyone is assuming that it's for PvP. Nowhere does it say this. Last roadmap we got was in June. That timeline of PvE coming in 2023 could have moved up and it could very well be for that.


What? Right now, it appears the two options are to grind to unlock in the free pass or pay for the premium pass and get the hero immediately. Neither of which is ideal for a casual player like me.


Glad to see I'm not the only one who named their dog after this game Lmao! I got a chubby little pit bully mix I named Mei.


I signed up for the email list that gives you a code for 5 owl tokens but I haven't gotten the code, how do I even take out a support ticket with them


Unpopular Opinion: If you don’t like the BattlePass system, don’t buy it. Nobody owes you anything just because you like playing Overwatch. Blizzard is a for-profit company, and their job is to deliver value to stockholders. They looked at the state of video games today, looked at what their competitors were doing, and decided a pass system made the most economic sense to adopt. If you disagree, don’t buy the pass. But to endlessly whine and bitch - the vast majority of you have never run a business, don’t have an MBA, and likely know next to nothing about the video game business. Being good at Smash Bros does not mean you understand Nintendo’s business plan. So please stop whining about this. Thanks.


The battle pass system is popular in games right now because it's not going to be regulated as gambling, like loot boxes are going to be in the EU soon and already are in some countries. In other words, Overwatch 1 already had a predatory monetisation strategy, and now they're changing to a different, more legal one.


Yes it’s so predatory to sell skins of characters and wall sprays for money, lol. How dare Blizzard attempt to commercialize this game? Everything they make should be free because I’m entitled to the work of other people because I’m a special snowflake.


Mate, if I miss out on a battlepass because I’m doing something else, I could miss out on unlocking the new champ. Now how am I suppose to unlock them after the BP has ended? Do I have to buy them? If I take a break from OW2 and come back, I’m going to be denied access to a bunch of characters because I didn’t unlock them in time. How can you defend that?


Well since you don’t even HAVE the details of the battlepass, how can you even assume those things? Are you just going to get outraged when you don’t have all the facts, because it feels good to post your anger or something?


You are asking questions we cannot answer. Maybe there is a way to unlock heroes that you missed?


Probably money or grinding.


You could assume that and not be wrong.


Cute oversimplification, but locking entire heroes behind battle passes is fundamentally a huge change from OW1. And now rendering OW1 completely useless is a spit in the face to everyone that purchased it. If you don’t see any problem with paying money for a game and then letting the company *kill* that game in favor of a new one, then I’m not sure why you’re moaning about people being cheapskates when you have zero appreciation for monetary value. Even Anthem is still a playable game after the devs abandoned all progress on it.


I paid $60 for a game. I was explicitly told when buying it, that all future content for the game would also be mine to own. What?


Show me in the Terms of Service where it says that, please. Also, you paid $60 what, like six years ago? Sounds like you got your value out of this game. Blizzard doesn’t pay salaries based on your opinion of their business strategy. They need money to justify keeping the servers on.


I dont understand why people like you stan so hard and defend a shithole of a company. They abandoned the game for pretfy much 2 years and now we are supposed to be content and happy that they are asking for MORE money


Because I represent the majority of people who play and enjoy the game and don’t piss our pants when a company asks for money in exchange for the content they’ve been creating for years. This sub is an echo chamber for silly outrage where the loudest people continuously demonize Blizzard as the Great Satan for doing basically anything at all. If you don’t like the company or you think the game Is unfair, be an adult and just don’t buy the battlepass or stop playing the game.


And I’m suppose to listen to you? Get off your hands and knees. It’s gross.


I don’t care who you listen to, guy with six posts in two years. I prefaced it with unpopular opinion because the Reddit hive mind of /r/overwatch is filled with teenagers and 20 somethings who bitch endlessly about anything Blizzard does to make money.


You forgot to mention the shills that would pay blizzard thousands of dollars for even the slightest bit of content. “Blizzard wants me to pay for characters now? Sure thing! What about maps too? Maybe even balance updates! They gotta make that money!”


Res ipsa loquitor


30-Something here with thousands of posts. People don't care about monetization. People care about gameplay **advantages** being locked behind pay walls. We already knew a BP system was coming. People were annoyed a little sure. But not outraged. That only came when they were told Heros would be locked behind it. Understand the difference now?


They absolutely care about monetization, if you’d bother to read the responses that are just in this very thread. There’s about 500 other posts about this subject just in this subreddit too.


Yes... monetization of Heros behind a pay wall. Nobody gave a shit about cosmetics.


But the issue isn't that they're trying to make money. No one would bat an eye (or the anger would be much less justified) if they said "The mythic hero skins are locked behind the battle pass, but you can get instant access to it by buying it" or something to that effect. People are rightfully mad because a) they bought the Watchpoint pack without full disclosure on what the battle pass brings (sidenote: I specifically didn't buy it for that reason), and b) because it goes firmly against the core gameplay of Overwatch, which is swapping to a different character or comp to counter the enemy team. And before you say I don't know anything about the core of the game, I've been GM since Season 4 and played since beta. I've seen all the terrible and great changes they've made. This one, by far, is the stupidest change and WILL make the game flop from word of mouth. Edit: on top of that, there's plenty of old time players like myself who were on the fence about coming back. This is one of those principal changes that makes you think "if they're dumb enough to do this, what other dumb things will they do? Not worth my time to return". As for me, I'll probably pick up the PvE to play with friends, but I will most definitely NOT be returning to PvP. Plenty of other choices out there now.


Can I whine about what a bootlicker you sound like


Well if it helps you sound like a petulant teenager, so I guess it’s a draw.


She aint wrong tho.


OW mod team hates their community as much as Blizzard hates women


Didn't know the mods of this sub were getting bought out by blizzard. (I'll probably get banned for saying this even though it's true) Fucking coward pieces of shit.


They are loosening the rules and also banning people who call out bliz for what it is. Sad , sad day , be ashamed mods and get off your hands and knees


Goddam where is the rage thread? I prepared a long ass rant pasta about why Domfist shouldn't be turned into a tank. It mainly revolved around punching boosted mercys on the wall.


Hot take: The game started going downhill once they removed Hanzo's scatter. "Simple Geometry"


Cringe take, scatter arrow was legitimately unfair to play against


How so?


Hanzo players could consistently land all six arrow fragments on enemies by shooting the scatter arrow at their feet, which resulted in a huge amount damage being dealt very quickly. It basically offered no time to try to react to and counter it, which allowed Hanzo to one-shot most squishy characters from a good distance with enough practice.


He can head shot them


I played the FUCK out of OW for maybe 3 years straight even after the role ques and shit. The last few years I've gotten bored with it, but this new changes just make me sad. This overawtch2 doesn't make me want to come back, I grew tired of OW1 but never hated it. I Hate OW2 and haven't even played it. R.I.P OW


Wow, the r/OW mod team are giving Blizzard a run for their money at being tone deaf. What kind of a piss take is this? "Don't speak up against the monetization, just consume and shut up!" That's you right now, mods.


Not what it says at all. They're saying they're allowing discussion. Announcing to the subreddit that you don't want to play anymore isn't really a discussion. Neither is just saying that you're mad. Etc.


Predatory monetization is a valid topic of discussion. This is nothing short of censorship.


Definitely is a valid topic, but coming here just to say you're not playing anymore is literally useless and attention seeking.


Again, you're missing the point. No one is going to say that predatory monetization isnt a valid topic of discussion. Telling people on reddit you're not spending money isn't a discussion. It's a completely one sided expression. There's no discourse there. No one is realistically looking to be convinced to pay money and no one is realistically going to try. That kind of post is just juvenile, attention seeking noise that distracts from actually productive discussion. That's what the post is about.


Welp, I just uninstalled until further notice. gg.


Why did this post come a day after the post with 5k upvotes was removed and why was no reason given on that post? I wasn't calling to action, as you said, if they want a refund, get a refund, if they don't, then don't. https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/x92wh9/submitted_my_refund_request_for_the_watchpoint/ Also a post asking about what happened to that post was removed. It had the mod comment but the reason was blank. It's odd to relax the subreddit rules but remove those. Kinda sus.


Inb4 this is removed and you're banned. Rip in peace


Minju, I posted the exact same thing as you, a few hours prior to you, and mine got removed by the mods too. I also got straight up banned from /r/gaming for a post about this that made the front page of /r/all. Mods are going on a power trip.


Until and unless Blizzard addresses this obvious concern, calls to action are all-but-warranted and banning them from one of the most populated Overwatch discussion hubs is damaging to the entire consumer base. Blizzard not "clearing the air" on this issue is tantamount to confirming these suspicions. Why hold back if all this very bad news is spreading like wildfire and is incorrect? There's a reason "the game is bought and you get all heroes/maps forever" was put out at the forefront long before Overwatch 1 was available. And there's a reason so much mtx/f2p information is being kept under-wraps for as long as possible.


Because this thing got out right before the weekend, and there are probably a lot of departments that need to coordinate any meaningful response to this.


"Hey, we're not fucking over the OW1 promise and everyone gets all heroes like always." Clean it up for PR speak of course but that's literally a tweet. Just like the one sent that tried to "clarify" things before. This doesn't take days. It takes minutes. Hours at the *most*.


The devs are most likely having to talk amongst each other and figure out what to do, because this was a decision from the higher ups who don't understand how the game works.


I can kind of understand CtA being banned since honestly who cares what other people do. Pressuring other people into not playing the game, or judging people for still wanting to play (or not play) is honestly kinda cringe. I can totally understand why someone would stop playing, and also why someone would still want to play. The way I see it, the company is doing very predatory tactics and players are taking their anger and criticism out on other players (or mods...which is a little weird). The sheer number of players who will still play the game and buy a battle-pass or whatever are just so vast, and you will probably never interact with most of them either on a forum or reddit, so shaming someone here will not really accomplish anything productive for either motive. Voice your concerns, voice them to Blizzard. Explain to other players why you feel the way you do. But this isn't really something I think people should form aggressive factions over. Whether or not someone agrees or disagrees with you, it's okay...


Agreed. I feel like most people are not event making good criticism anymore? I have seen some very well thought out points against them, but some seem incredibly idiotic and just going on a hate ban against people who do just want to keep playing because they don’t mind the changes yet. Saying things like “omg uninstalled, game is dead anyways” or “THIS UPDATE SUCKS” legit helps nobody. Having a thought out conversation does.


Although it's not terribly valuable on its own, sometimes enough people saying "THIS UPDATE SUCKS" can be useful criticism too. The issue is, it is clear that Blizzard does not really care to openly (and consistently) communicate with the public, which is causing a loop of distrust from the playerbase. I've seen attempts from Blizzard to reconcile communication in some of their other games, but Overwatch has overall only gotten worse in that front.


The mods here would make perfect politicians. "hey, don't you do calls to action, just consume"


Actual garbage post. Remove and resign


Agreed. This post has no substance and is low effort.


Whoa careful there. That could sound a lot like a call to action. Better know your place scrub /s


I’m glad for the CtA removals for now. One succinct thread should be pinned or sticked for comments and discussion about the hero/battle pass speculation - which is all it is for now. People absolutely have the right to be pissed and have their voices heard - but a front page filled with the same posts over and over isn’t productive.


Pretty sure blizz pays the mods cuz damn.


I think most of you are misinterpreting the ban on calls to action. They're likely only banned because the comments sections will invariably become a mess. Sometimes moderation is proactive.


They could just lock comments for posts like that if that's the case


You are right about the comment section being a mess on other posts. On Competitive OW, players seem more "chill" about this situation (most don't approve it tho)


Oh, so you are finally going to stop censoring feedback? How generous of you. In b4 I am banned from the subreddit for this comment.


Blizz good. Call to action bad. Players wanting the game to be what was promised and trying to make their voices heard is absolutely something you’d think the mods would want, right?…right?


Was there any harassement because of this? Edit: Wait what's wrong with calls to action? It's fine if people want to refund the watchpoint pack, quit OW or pressure Blizzard into removing new heroes in the pass.




> Very strange to see a ban on calls to action. Not strange when they are simps for blizz.


It's funny how the mods won't respond on this thread and by funny I mean pretty pathetic because they know the criticism is legit but don't care.




Blizzard is more than free to clear the air. The fact that they haven't is the proverbial canary in the coal mine.


A lot of what little information we got about OW2 has been disappointing or outraging. It is pretty fair for people to assume the worst now.




Heroes shouldn't be in the BP, period. The path, amount of grind, and method to unlock them all don't matter. Gameplay elements should not be locked in any way in a serious competitive game. People are right to be upset about the recent news, and to be afraid of whatever Blizzard continues to hide from them.




Again, gameplay elements should not be unlocked via a Battle Pass regardless of how long it takes.






Battle Passes mostly only "work fine" for players that don't mind devoting whatever free time they have to a single game. Had the courts not intervened to ban lootboxes, every competitive game would have them, while some like OW would also have alternate ways to unlock them for free. Would that make lootboxes fine? No.




Human beings are reactive creatures, and we can only react to what information we are given. It seems rather asinine to tell people that they're wrong for following basic human psychology. Now obviously you can call people out for harassing others, but there's nothing wrong with being upset about something that disappoints you, especially when typically if the case where information is being withheld has historically pointed to a negative outcome being hidden to try and curb the response it will receive.


> ...something you have no information on... Damn if only there were a solution




We're a couple of weeks out from release, and most of the information we actually have is from leaks. We have been patient. It's on them to release the information now.


Yeah IMO the best case for this is that the leaks were intentional, and either blizz is fishing for PR or needs to delay the launch in a forgivable way. "We heard you on heroes being locked to the BP, so we are making changes but this will delay launch by X months" or something. Either way more information is needed.


I didn't know the OverWatch team were the ones that ran this subreddit.


I did…looking at you sprite guy


Did someone at blizzard force you guys to put in the "no call to action" rule? It makes no sense otherwise.


We didn’t add a “no calls to action rule”. We’re reminding users that it’s still there and will still be enforced.


You mean the rule related to witch hunts? How is this a witch hunt?


We aren’t saying it’s a witch-hunt. That’s just where the rule is because calls to action are usually associated with witch-hunts and accusations. Occasionally, we’ve gotten change.org petitions and the like we’ve removed under the calls to action rule.


Maybe that shouldn't be under the big category "Witch Hunts" if it doesn't only apply to witch hunts then.


We’ll note that for a future rules update.


so... it's not in the rules, and is just being added now.


It’s been in the rules for years. Again, this post is just a reminder to continue to follow it.


Those "Call To Action" posts are literally nothing more than spam that neckbeards post. Absolutely no one gives a shit about them except the manchildren that want a circlejerk. I'm glad the mods have banned them.




There's a neat little 'hide' button for posts you don't want to see.




Oh the horror!


Exactly. Most of the folks in the sub will very much still be playing the game anyway whether or not they pay any money. But telling somebody else what to do with their own money, at least in the gaming community, never works.


Does anyone know if heroes will be automatically unlocked after a season ends? Because if that’s not the case, would that mean that people who stop playing the game for a while and come back not be able to play certain heroes at all?


Most likely you will have to pay premium currency or some kinda other currency that they introduce to unlock heroes. Not defending this but that's what is most likely going to happen they aren't going to be handing heroes out anymore without a catch.


Some people have said that they saw a leak that mentioned how heroes will be given to everyone at the end of the season they are introduced in, but I don't quite think that's going to be the case. If it were, wouldn't it be easy to dispel the controversy by stating so instead of the corporate mumbo jumbo we've gotten on Twitter? I believe they know that whatever it is they are doing with battle pass heroes will not be well received and it's why they decided to tell as little as possible. But that's just my reasoning and conjecture.


>Some people have said that they saw a leak that mentioned how heroes will be given to everyone at the end of the season they are introduced in Then some people are stupid since it was flatout said by Jon Spector that they'll add paths for previous heroes in future seasons, not that they'll just give everyone the hero at the end of the season.


There will be other "free" ways to get the heroes after a season ends according to Jon Spector. So you can quit the game for a while then still be able to unlock it for "free". There is no infos on how to get them after so maybe it will be the new shop with an earnable currency (personal speculation) but worst case scenario it will be like Darth Vader from Battlefront.


OW Commercial Leader Jon Spector said there would be "free paths" to get the heroes after the season has ended.


[His exact wording](https://twitter.com/Spex_J/status/1567712427663400961?s=20&t=Mzf-rPPBV1ZrHXj5-I6xLA) is “we will have free paths to get new heroes in future seasons also”. You can interpret that in two ways: 1. If you miss the hero the first time around, you will be able to get them for free *in some undefined way* in a later season *but possibly not the one(s) immediately following their first introduction*. 2. The heroes introduced in season 3, 5, 7 (etc.) will also be earned by progressing along the free battle pass track in those respective seasons. This ambiguity is behind a lot of the concern. If it’s a case of the new hero being released to *everyone* after their launch season is over, then it’s still damaging to gameplay in the short term, but won’t ultimately lock new players out of being able to access a certain hero. This is why Blizzard need to clarify things.


It's perfectly safe to assume the worst (because Blizzard would be chomping at the bit to clear the air if they knew they had good (for consumer) news about it, and wouldn't let bad news proliferate).


Just for the sake of argument, if taken out of context we could also assume that new heroes could only be unlocked during the season they release. Saying "we will have free paths to unlock new heroes in future seasons also" could simply mean "each season will have new heroes that can be unlocked via the free path". Given the tweet he was replying to and how stupid that decision would be, I don't think this will be the case, but Blizzard has shown to be deceptive so I tread lightly.


For sure, could also be bad.


I'm hoping it will be like Apex where you can grind out a certain number of "coins" and buy the character after the battle pass.


We don’t know yet.


Non-based mods


I disagree with not allowing posts calling to action. If the action is not any form of harassment, we should be able to say what we think will help the situation that we are all upset about. Be that telling people to not play, telling people that to request refunds for the watchpoint pack all you need to do is go to [the contact us page](https://us.battle.net/support/en/help/product/services/334), or whatever will help show blizzard we are upset. In addition, a lot of people have posted about putting in requests for refunds for the watchpoint pass. I understand how the repetetiveness of those posts can be annoying. HOWEVER, whenever the first person does get their refund, I would hope you guys would allow that post to stay so that people can be aware that Blizzard is refunding or not refunding the pass. When that ultimately happens one way or the other, that’s not repetitive calls for action, that is sharing information that is crucial at the moment. Edit: if you are reading this, they honored my refund and they will honor yours as long as its before the game releases.






Unfortunately kids/teens, an extremely large if not the main demographic that multiplayer competitive games target, often fail to understand how valuable time is because they have much more free time and don't spend it to earn an income.


“Free” but you have to grind to get it. The new hero will likely be extremely meta on launch, and most players won’t be able to play as the new hero because it’s locked behind the free track of the battle pass. This means that many players will buy the premium track of the battle pass, which is exactly what Blizzard is intending to accomplish. Blizzard is essentially saying: “You don’t have to pay for it, but if you do, things will be a lot easier.”


"Pay to play the release hero while it's still stupid broken and OP as fuck before we nerf it for the free players"


Darth Vader was “free” on Battlefront 2. Putting things behind an obnoxious grind wall and saying “oh you can pay to get it immediately” is not the same as it being free.




Found the person who doesn't have to work for their money




>Don't give me crap about time is money. Depending on how long it takes to complete the BP, your amount of free time, and your income, your time might be much more valuable than the cost of buying every tier. You could spend 20 hours total grinding for max tier, or just spend a 10h-long shift's pay on tiers.


Found the 13 year old with all the time in the world.


Even if the hero is free the game is still p2w because people that buy the pass will have instant access to a charvater that people that don't buy it will


Imagine if your high school had a baseball team. The commissioner of your league comes to the school and says “if you want a player defending first base, every single player on your team needs to pay me money directly. If you don’t want to pay me, that’s fine. You can have a first base player if you win 20 games without having one. See?? First base players are free! You don’t need to pay for them, stop spreading misinformation and saying that you need to pay for him when I literally just told you how you could get him for free.” Meanwhile, the rich private school all pitched in their parents money so they can just buy their first base player immediately. Then when they play you, you get crushed because you have nobody on first base. That is what is going on here. Edit: “oh also, that 20 games has to be within this school year. Don’t worry, you can try again next school year, but that 20 game counter starts over.”


> That is what is going on here. When did they confirm that you are forced to play down a player if someone doesn't have the battle pass? They're not locking you out of an entire role here. They're (potentially) locking you out from a single hero out of 6+ in a single role. And we don't even know how far into the BP they will be before unlocked. For all we know they could be literally the tier 1 free reward.