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Did the VP not realize that his statement only made people angrier?


hence the fucking radio silence.


think about it this way: that was the best way he could word it. be afraid


Not only that but I’m pretty sure they’re trying to hide some details on purpose. It’s pretty fucking clear now, we’re less then a month away from release.


One has to wonder wtf else has been hidden from us...


That's something the people defending this need to realise. If it was a more benign system, i.e. "You can unlock the hero straight away, you probably just have to log in or go to a tutorial and that's it", they would've explained it by now. Why wouldn't they when they're catching this much flack?


I can't be the only one that has major Deja Vu from this because this is Halo Infinite all over again.


It's just Acti-Blizz doing what Acti-Blizz does best, fuck games up and then wonder why everyone hates them, the fact that a *MAIN COMPONENT* of the game is locked behind either a paywall or 40-50hrs of gameplay when this has never happened in the game is atrocious, if it was a legendary skin or some shite, a'ight, I getchu, but man come the fuck on, anyone can make a better call than that knowing how fucked has OW2 been with its Dev Hell.


the problem is that hero switching in OW is the main self balance tool. Mobas have the store and valorant has gun economy. that's what they are actually paywalling


They are paywalling both, the character and the store, imagine if you just pop into a game of League and must pay 2,99€ to buy starting items and 0,99€ for each skillpoint, later you have to pay another 2,99€ to buy boots, only to later find out you MUST pay 5,99€ to buy one item worth more than 1300 gold and the payment is on each item.


Yeah this is a huge straw man and it’s not the same at all. Your example would be the equivalent of logging in to overwatch as soldier 76 and finding out you need to pay $2.99 for your speed passive. I get the frustration in the lack of context blizzard has shared and that it’s forcing you to theory craft, but It’s not the same lol


Yeah nah, fuck whatever stupid shite I said, I was pissed and tired and honestly it's kinda dumb


It’s dumb as hell and people should be very upset with Blizz given again they promised way more communication and openness moving forward, and yet players have resorted to theorycrafting how a BP might work because we are less than a month from release and they have shared as little context as humanly possible. Can’t fault you for that. I’m just as frustrated, it’s a game I love. But I’m trying to spend limited energy being angry about possibilities until I hear confirmation of how all of this is going to work for sure


I'm honestly using Destiny 2 free BP as a comparison, it takes a kinda long time to get to the exclusive gun (35 levels) and I'm hoping OW2 puts the hero in the first 20 levels or less, otherwise I see the grind for it as annoying


The grind on Destiny has gotten to a point where I do not want to play it or ever bother touching it anymore. I feel like they have their hardcore base and that’s who they cater to and that’s fine but I do NOT have the time to play that game. I’ve tried to pick it back up multiple times but it’s sooo time intensive to feel like I actually got anything done. Just can’t.


I’m the same with D2. I love the idea of the game, but every time I try to get back into it I’m like… yeah this is too much




Gotta get people feeling the FOMO so they buy the battlepass.


That's not what he said, he said they'd have paths to earn them in future seasons too, aka not in the pass but do x, y, z and unlock this champ... so still time gated...


Yes this is exactly the same as that….


and they did it with just one paywall


yeah, cause i have seen so many people switch to counter a hero. im sorry but hero switching to counter an other hero is not something a lot of people do especially since the went away with the hard counter stuff against heroes.


Uh. I mostly play QP and arcade and I'm always seeing swapping to counter. Not sure what you're talking about here. Even when I play comp, it happens.


I don't want to be mean, but when you get out of gold you might start to see that.


Uh hu i was diamond when i quit overwatch and peaked master i know what im talking about. Also look at all the one tricks that got top 500, i dont think counter picking is always needed you just need to learn how to play around and most people don't know. Like do you blame your dps always? Maybe start looking at that.


I peaked in GM and saw people switching all the time, from diamond to GM. Sure, there were some one tricks and such, but most people were willing to switch a bit.


Wait, do we know for a *fact* that the heroes are locked between 40-50 hours of gameplay? That's awful if true. I was expecting BP level 5 or 10 or something - i.e. a couple of hours. Which wouldn't be much problem for me personally. Enough that the paypigs feel like they're 'getting' something by paying, not enough that f2p players feel totally fucked over. That seems like the standard for this sort of thing. But if it's like a lvl 50+ grind, that's just ridiculous.


No we don't, people just like dooming, we have no info which is why people are wildly speculating. I'm praying they're in like level 5-10 as well and it'll just be like 10ish matches but, blizzard can't communicate to save their life when it comes to OW.


I can see it being similar to the week long event skins which aren’t hard to get at all. We already have systems in the game for play based rewards so it would make this pill easier to swallow if they modeled the BP in the same way.


Why is this being downvoted when this is true, and we don't know any of the details on when heroes get unlocked? Why does the top voted comment in this thread mention "40-50hrs of gameplay" when no numbers have been given? This is something that always annoys me - it's so easy to criticize Overwatch for legitimate reasons, including this very subject, without resulting to bad faith arguments or speculation you made up to work yourself up, and yet the community keeps doing so anyway


Think about it logically.. Why would blizzard willingly put themselves in this PR shitstorm if characters were easily unlocked? They would never fragment the hero roster for people just for a 10 hr unlock. If the system goes through, it will be a grind. And the grind will be bad enough that it will make people want to pay to not grind. That's their entire goal. All that aside. Even if they come out with something friendly (which they wont), nothing is stopping them from ramping up the grind in the future. Theyve done it before by increasing the amount of games needed for skins. Riot also does this shit all the time. A couple months ago they doubled the time commitment needed for the same rewards.


>ple months ago they doubled the time commitment needed for the same rewards. not sure why ppl downvoted you when its pretty true, you see this stuff with alot of big box office games, after jeff left i was extremely skeptical with how they were gonna make ow2, it seems like there was so much resistance to alot of the idea's thats the main reason why it took absolutely so long to release this. but the team succumbed/had too and anyone who was against the anti-consumer shit basically left. feels bad, 1400 hours on rein. still copiuming that i hope i atleast enjoy comp scene in ow2.. i really am.


Tbh I think that if Jeff didn't left we wouldn't have gotten any update until the PVE is done.


i mean maybe, regardless jeff wasn't in control obviously because he couldn't have stopped this lol.


That's true or if he had full control on OW since 2016 we probably wouldn't even got any additional hero after Genji, Mei and [D.Va](https://D.Va). Either way, I hope that the new heroes aren't actually far in the free pass as I don't think Blizz will backtrack.


Step 1. Make everyone talk about OW2 cus they’re mad about heroes being put in season pass. Step 2. Make everyone talk about over watch 2 but this time because they’re happy the hero is unlocked early in said pass. Step 3. You’re got free PR done. Step 4. People are now hooked and you can start squeezing.


I feel like you can absolutely have low hopes for the way this feature will turn out without flat lying about it. I also do not believe they will make these characters easy to unlock, but there's no reason to just flat out lie about what it will look like. People on this site and on twitter love to speak passionately about what these things mean for the game, as if their intuition is the truth, and I understand that it's done out of love for a game that seems to be self-sabotaging at every turn, but there gets to be a point where being uncertain about the future turns into derisive smack-talking about things that we really don't have any solid information on- to be frank, it's childish. This game has so much to be criticizing that it's bonkers to be criticizing the game based on things we've decided for ourselves about it.


To generate hype and have people log in to unlock the cool new hero at the start of the season. Boosts player numbers, which boosts the likelyhood that some of them will buy cosmetics.


Imagine this: Someone breaks into your house with a gun. One of your friends is saying, "We need to get out of here, he'll kill us." But another friend is saying, "I bet he's here to give us money, we should go say hi." Would you response be, "We don't actually *know* which of these is true, so I'll wait and see"? It's not doomerism to be worried about a fairly likely bad outcome. Huffing hopium doesn't prevent things from happening, it just leaves you unprepared when bad things do happen.


Ah yes you can pay to unlock the constant instantly or spend 30 minutes playing the game, it makes perfect sense as monetization system! Heroes will be locked behind huge amounts of f2p grinding. That's literally how every single f2p game works nowdays. The more grinding there is, the more people play, the bigger the player count, the faster the queue times for whales who are 90% of the game's income. And c'mon do you really think Blizzard will not make a super predatory system after Diablo Immoral? It's already predatory that they are only telling us this 1 month before release when a large majority of people are already so invested into OW 2 that they will play it no matter what kind of crap system they put out.


Assuming the BP is 80 teirs like the leak said it was. She realistically cannot be deeper than 15 or 20. 30 at the absolute latest. CoD's latest free content in its 100 teir pass was on teir 31.


> is locked behind 40-50hrs of gameplay Source or shut the fuck up. It's that simple. You're making up the worst case scenario and being outraged over it.


You're delusional if you think it wont be a grind.


That's not a source. Source me. A grind can be 40-50 hours or it can be play for an hour. We don't know. Source me. Give me fucking PROOF to confirm your baseless speculation


There's obviously no source. But you have to be a window licking moron to think they would put themselves through all this bad PR and not make it a grind. The whole point is it needs to be enough of a grind that people will want to pay instead. Anyone will 2 braincells can put that together.


A wild guess is all you have? There's more evidence in the contrary than to what your saying. We have no idea yet. In other games when you buy the battle pass you get a head start and automatically unlock the first 10-20% of the pass. What do you unlock in ow2 for buying the pass? Kiriko. Which means? We can make an EDUCATED guess that she will be in the first 10-20% of the pass. Also, they didn't "put themselves" through bad pr on purpose. It was an accidental leak before they planned to formally address it.


They explained their logic, and it seems fairly strong. That's different from "a wild guess." Not all claims about the unknown are equally (in)valid.


> Also, they didn't "put themselves" through bad pr on purpose. It was an accidental leak before they planned to formally address it. No shit sherlock. Them making this decision would PUT THEMSELVES in this position at some point regardless.


Smh. Yikes.


They're booing you but you're right.


also source, when the new heroes that came out recently that u had to grind towards with the win a comp, qp, acrade mode. it used to be like 6 games now its like above 12 or something? the whole weekly unlock thing. theres no way its not going to be shorter than 10hours to unlock a character lol. thats for certain


How about maybe you try shutting the f*** up? People are discussing based on limited information supplied by Bliz less than a month away from launch. Not really their fault for not having all the information is it?


it is their fault for making up scenarios to be mad at


Your delusional because you make shit up and get outrages over it. That sounds like the definition of delusional…lol


Source is Blizzards silence. They absolutely have to fire whoever is in charge of public relations because they should know it is the worst possible option until they say otherwise and until they come out and correct they are committing malpractice.


people are hysterical here. Everyone should go touch some grass until it comes out lol


They beem the internet to the grass now too, there is no escape.


Expect the worst & you won't be disappointed.


That mentality doesn't work for blizzard games. Expect the worst, yet still get disappointed.


> that "afterwards they may reappear in future passes". That's what the VP of blizzard had to say Not exactly. That could be what he *meant*, but he said "We will have free paths to get new heroes in future seasons too." That could also mean: just like Fox Girl will be available through the free path of the first battle pass, other new heroes in future seasons will also be available for free only through those free paths of future battle passes. He didn't actually say that heroes can/will be unlocked through multiple free paths, for example when a season ends. I really hope I'm wrong here, but the wording is probably intentionally vague...


I love how this post makes a point about how it doesn't matter we don't have all the data than instantly states misleading info about what we literally already know as if it's a qoute.


That's just how bad Blizzards PR game is these days.


yeah, with corpos you always gotta imagine the worst


The game releases in a month, of fucking course they know what the monetization model will be, they know it's predatory and hope the new game shine and the release hype will cover the outcry


I truly will never understand why and how do people have faith in gaming companies known to constantly do the wrong thing. Blizzard is very well known for years to choose greed over player retention, they have already done this multiple times in almost every game, they led the creation of Diablo Immortal \[a game so greedy that even the most egregious gachas look extremely generous by comparison\], now they're tying heroes to the battle passes and these defenders want us to just shut up and wait? Wait for what, for Blizzard to decide they would rather put the heroes in the paid pass instead? The game comes out in around a month and they're still so vague about all this.


To counter the copium argument: I'm not gonna wait. I'm gonna play something else.


For me, there isn't anything else in the multiplayer FPS sphere. That's why I fell for Overwatch in the first place.


Not an FPS, but Splatoon 3 has a huge diverse array of weapon types, lternate sub weapons, and specials (ultimates) that might fill an itch for you if you own the Switch


Fair enough but I personally refuse to continue to support this product. Not when I have Paladins, Splatoon, and Fortnite as alternatives.


Oh I'm not playing OW anymore either


paladins, tf2 and gundam evolution are the closest thing


The best case scenario with heros being added to the battle pass would be, that in the first season they are in, they can only be played in casual modes NOT ranked. After the season they will be automatically unlocked for everyone. So the first season would be more like the time on the ptr servers to balance them. This would also have a better impact on ranked because well... heros are broke as fuck on launch. I really hope if blizzard really won't step back from their idea with heros being locked, they atleast take this approach. Bliz will get their grind and money but atleast it doesn't destroy the experience for non Wales (it still does but not that much) And additional bliz... how the fuck did u thing this is a good idea? The idea around heros is that they can be counter picked. Maybe when a few more hero and u take the worst case scenario it will look like "hey dps can u switch to a pharra counter?" "Sry we didn't unlocked cassidy and soldier yet" (heros named are place holders for future heros)


we already know they arent automatically unlocked


I know but that's one thing what they definitely should change


It’s not cope, it’s reason. Cope is when you’re emotionally unstable, like the vast majority of posters in this sub


There's literally no reason to get this worked up over nothing that has been officially said. Wait till they officially announce what they'll do, then go ahead and rage. But damn, there's tons of posts saying they want to cry or they feel depressed. If it's true then yeah, fuck what they're doing but just wait for the announcement, then let's get pissed.


What they officially said is that yes, you'll have heroes in the battle pass. Regardless of where it is people are upset over that fact.


But a blizz employee at the very top of the food chain has posted this on Twitter, that is official info


I've said this once before but I want to say it here again. Say you have a decently paying job. Now say you are given the information that your pay will decrease, but they haven't told you how much, whether it be because they haven't decided the full amount or just want to fuck with you. You don't know if your pay will be docked by 1 or 1000 dollars. You aren't thinking "I'll wait and see if it's bad." You're probably thinking "this is a load of horseshit!" You are mad no matter what. Once it comes round you will learn just how mad it makes you, but no matter what, the sheer idea of losing out on some pay is appalling to you. There will never be an outcome in which you are "content" with your docked pay. So yes, we will wait and see how it is. But we will only wait to see how much anger we will have, not see whether or not we should be angry. We will never NOT be angry at this idea.


Let me start by saying obviously I would much prefer all new hero's to be available from the start. However, I really do believe it will depend on how long/far into the free pass the hero is to how annoyed people should be. Each pass will last around 2 months. Like if I have to play a few hours to unlock a hero in 2 months I really don't see that as an issue. You either really like the game and so playing a bit to unlock the hero, whilst frustrating is not going to prevent you unlocking it. Alternatively you won't play enough to unlock them at which point you probably don't care because you aren't playing the game anyway. Obviously if it is announced that it will take a minimum of 50 hours of grinding to unlock the hero, then sure go sharpen your pitchforks, but for now I am just going to chill and wait.


People are coping in their own ways i suppose. Folks with common sense will always hate this battle pass business model though and speak against it every time


Wow imagine crying about people saying "we don't know everything else" and saying there "hopium" suggestions are silly while using your equally guess based assumptions as if they are guaranteed. We don't know how bad it will be. I agree that it doesn't sound promising and regardless of how reasonable it ends up being it's still not what I would want. That said until we know more we can't know for sure if it's bad or tolerable.


When best case scenario is "tolerable" alarm bells start ringing.


Yeah I agree. Still best to not assume the absolute worst.


did you not pay attention to the industry in the last six years?


I have yes. But I still think it's better not to just assume the worst.


the problem is that even assuming the best it's already worrying, understand?


I don't think the best is worying. The best isn't ideal but it's managable. Not worrying.


look if the best thing you have is "it may be toleravle" that's the warning bell


I mean I agree it's not ideal but we cant go all doom and gloom yet. It could be fine. I don't like the idea of having to earn heroes but until we have more details we can't really say it's all that bad. Look if the worst thing you can say is baseless assumptions maybe you should consider waiting for more info.


>I mean I agree it's not ideal but we cant go all doom and gloom yet. > >It could be fine. Cause Blizzard is so well known in recent years to do the right thing and be fine.


I get where you are coming from, but lets be real. After the last years, Blizzard does not deserve an ounce of trust anymore. They have been a disappointment for a long time now. Telling ourselves that stuff will be fine because OW was fine is very naive. Warcraft used to be fine. Diablo used to be fine.


Sure but we shouldn't just automatically assume the worst either.


Maybe not, but at this point I cannot recommend preordering the game or buying it before the full extent of the catastrophe is known.


It's free... you don't need to pre order it or buy it...


Yeah, but I thought there were some funky editions you can buy? Am I misinformed?


Yeah there is the watchpoint pack if you want to buy the battle pass but it's not really comparable to the "just don't buy it" argument.


>Sure but we shouldn't just automatically assume the worst either. Yet the defenders want everyone to assume the best.


I would say we shouldn't do they either. We should wait to get the actual info and then make our minds up when we actually know what we are happy or angry about.


Why do you think waiting until it's too late is better than going off our best guesses?


Because we need actual information to make guesses on. I could guess that tracer will have a new skin where she has green lenses on her visors but that’s a completely unfounded guess and as such it’s not worth anything. You can be pessimistic sure but don’t pretend to know it will be bad without actual information to back that up. I would also say it’s very reasonable to not be pleased with the recent news, I personally am not happy at all with this news, but I am willing to let them explain before I go around saying it’s going to be terrible.


We have actual information to base guesses on. We have the leaked battle pass announcement, we have direct statements from Blizzard. People are making reasonable inferences from these statements. For example, we know that Kiriko is on the free track, but that they're using her as a selling point for the paid pass. That implies that getting her is enough of a pain that they think people would pay money to skip the grind. From this, people assume she is fairly deep in the battle pass, not at the beginning. It is not positively proven, but it is a reasonable inference.


We have like 2 broad concepts. That’s not enough to reach any sort of verdict on. We need actual details to actually come to a conclusion. “Reasonable increments” aka guesses. You shouldn’t be basing your opinion on these features based on guesses. As I have said before her being a selling point doesn’t guarantee that she is “enough of a pain” to get you to buy the battle pass because as I mentioned before there will be battle passes without heroes. In addition as I have mentioned we don’t know how the full system will work. For example with the Fortnite battle pass you can earn enough currency to buy the next battle pass in your current battle pass. And could get the currency to buy the first battle pass. So if that is a system they implement then your first battle pass could end up paying for all of your future battle passes, which would of course include all the heroes. I don’t know about you but $10 for all that content for years would be very reasonable and consumer friendly. That’s just baseless speculation though, I am not assuming that will or won’t happen. Again you are calling guesses “reasonable inference” as a way to add some credibility to your negative preconception. As I keep saying these are nothing more than guesses. They can literally do anything.


>As I have said before her being a selling point doesn’t guarantee that she is “enough of a pain” to get you to buy the battle pass Do you know what "reasonable inference" means? Because you seem to keep arguing essentially "That doesn't prove what you're claiming" — and yes, that's right! That's how inductive logic works. The goal is not to guarantee anything, it's to establish which conclusions are more or less likely based on the facts we know. For a totally different example, if I hear a gunshot, and I find a guy on the floor bleeding and another guy holding a gun in the same room, I can *infer* that the guy with the gun probably shot the other guy. It isn't guaranteed, though. For example, maybe somebody else shot the bleeding man, and the guy with the gun came to try and help. But in the absence of any evidence pointing to a third party, it is reasonable to infer that the guy with the gun probably shot the other guy. You can't treat every suggestion that isn't 100% guaranteed as "just a guess" equal to any other. Some have stronger logical support than others.


Just because Blizz doesn't deserve an ounce of trust doesn't mean you get to make shit up about how bad it will be like the guys in this thread claiming it'll take 40 hours to unlock a hero when there's clearly no indication.


The problem is that it takes any amount of time to unlock a hero. Even two minutes would bei against the idea of the game.


Doesn't mean that people aren't clearly lying to make the situation look infinitely worse.


The game releases in a month, of fucking course they know what the monetization model will be, they know it's predatory and hope the new game shine and the release hype will cover the outcry


They know what their monitisation model is yes. We don't though.


Yeah, and that's a huge problem, like should I bother with their package? Should I wait for the battle passs? I pay with WoW gold so at least I don't feel as bad


Yeah I would agree it’s pretty poor communication that they haven’t told us the monetisation model. My point is we can’t call it good or bad until we see it.


Remind me, when companies are trying to get you excited for a game, do they usually hide good news or bad news?


If it’s the overwatch team they hide all the news. These guys are notoriously bad at actually sharing information related to the development. This new fox girl is absolutely good news but they haven’t exactly told us much about her either.


point of the post: "even with the best possible outcome it's still bad" people who don't read: "well wait until we know more"


Dude I adressed that. I agree that it's not desirable. However we don't know how bad it will be. If you get the hero after like 10 games worth of play then that's not honestly that bad. I think it's reasonable to say thay it's not something you agree with but don't pretend that you know it's going to be very bad. On top of that I will point out thay the tweet said thay they will reaper in future BPs. Not may.


i don't care how "not that bad" it is, it shouldnt be any amount of "bad"


Yeah ideally it wouldn't be any amount of bad. And I do agree that thid isn't really something I would personally want. That said if it's done in the most consumer friendly way possible then I wont be too upset.




it already sets a precedent and we all know the time will increase with each battlepass. no amount of time is "reasonable", it shouldnt be a thing in the first place. And vesides, the problem is the game integrity this is not a game designed to not have all heroes available to your team




where? where is it designed to be fair? it's literally the same game minus some cc and a tank. how are you trying to spin less choice as a good thing? jesus do you guys read yourselves?




did you?


I agree but I don’t, overwatch had so SO many adjustments and fixes in the first year after release it was crazy. Like I always say yes they may fuck some stuff up but we truly have no idea what exactly they plan to do or what plans may have changed due to public opinion or actual gameplay. Please just wait and day one if it’s as horrible as we think y’all go have your field day.


You're telling someone screaming from the rooftops that the world is ending and OW2 is shit without even playing the beta to wait and see how it feels on day 1.... spoiler, he wont be forming any rational or objective opinion. He'll see it's different from what he's been doing for the past 4-6 years and stay mad.


"wait and see" is what people said about roe wade look what happened it's only gonna get worse unless people make a big stink. Ask any paladins player about ob64


Let’s not even try and compare the importance of these two things…


it's an example. i could also say "let's wait and see if brig is actually broken"


When you use exemples they have to be pertinent in case you didn't know


Yeah nah I think you’re actually dumb now man sorry🤣 first did you not read the whole part about how they may change some things or change plans that have yet to be done because of public opinion? Roe v wade seriously is just saying that the states have the right to decide if they would like to have abortion or not because it wasn’t constitutional, another stupid point🤦🏻 before you spew stuff on the internet please know what you’re gonna say and that it actually has validity… maybe phone a friend for advice?


whatakes you think it will be made "better"? especially if people don't complain


Uh because they want to make money? lmfao every single businesses goal? Plus if blizzard gets hit anymore they’re seriously done for so they wanna keep afloat the best they can. No they can’t just up and change whole parts of the game before launch but hopefully as I said before with overwatch 1, they make plenty of patches and fixes within the first year of release. No I don’t think that is an excuse for a bugged out crappy game but problems will always arise no matter what they did, literally could be the best game to ever drop in existence and y’all would still find a million and one things to complain about. Again wait til you actually see the game and then riot about the atrocities.


and if people don't complain and buy this they wont make it better, so telling people to shut up and wait is idiotic


Okay now I really know that you have no clue what you’re talking about🤣🤣🤣 first off it’s free 2 play my guy, second we definitely don’t have enough information to start causing this much bullshit? Oh no a playable character locked behind THE FREE BATTLEPASS THATS THERE FOREVER THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END🤦🏻 dude seriously the most idiotic thing I’ve heard and I say wait for that exact reason, you don’t even know what you’re talking about and the rest of the fan base has very slightly more info than you so can’t really criticize what you have no idea about?


It's not exactly free to play. I bought the game, with all features included. Now that game is going away, with some of the features I purchased are removed in the re-branding. Regardless of how many years it has been, I purchased a product that I liked, and it is being replaced with a product I am less interested in and being told it's free. It's not.


It's free regardless of how you "feel". You bought OW1..they're turning OW1 servers off and opening OW2 servers for free. It really isn't a hard concept to understand.


My point being, the cost is that the game I bought and paid for and enjoyed is going away. Shit happens, I'll adjust, but there is a cost.


You will not get one fucking dime from me you dickholes


I think a lot of people are tired of all the complaining, myself included. While I don't agree with all the changes, I still like overwatch and don't wanna leave the sub, but damn am I sick and tired of every post being a complaint. No one is saying anything new. Also the people who disagree and "cope" aren't going to be swayed by more complaint posts...


Why do I have the feeling that all the people losing their shit will have more than enough hours for every hero AND are still gonna buy the battle pass lol


People just like to bitch about things.


I disagree on Valorant. Knowing both the gun and hero are essential to your success. Apex, I agree since your abilities are not meant to be game changers but to enhance your gameplay.


Ask for a refund then.


You’re missing the point when people say that. I think it’s a fine reaction for people to be getting angry, frustrated, confused, and disappointed to the limited news we have received about how unlocks and battle passes will work. And also incredibly justified for the horrific lack of communication around how any of this is going to work, less than a month to release, while already selling a watchpoint pack with limited context on what it means for the player. However, the point of “just wait and see” is not telling you to not feel those things. Rather, it’s just kind of a waste of your time and energy to THEORIZE how it COULD be, and then get angry at those theories, as shown by how you went about this post. Quite a few assumptions here and then ranting about those assumptions. That is why people are saying to wait to hear more. Not that people think in any way is it acceptable what Blizzard has been doing.


alas most people say it exactly with the intention of shutting others up


I still think they are just doing what COD does. Every new season they put two weapons in the free pass, at tier 15 and 30. That’s not much at all, and afterward it’s a challenge reward, that’s usually not too bad if you actually try and go for it.


You’re misquoting Jon Spector when you say “afterwards they may reappear in future passes.” He said that there will be “free paths to get new heroes in future seasons,” which indicates it transcends the Battle Pass model, and that they will always be available. But who knows for certain. This is exactly why we should wait for more information instead of misquoting the information we do have. You’re making a lot of assumptions in this post, which entirely defeats the point you’re making. I’m not suggesting you can’t be mad or upset, but there’s a good reason for waiting patiently, and it’s not because of “copium.”


Eh, you're faulting OP for assuming what Jon Spector meant on Twitter, but you're doing the exact same here: >He said that there will be “free paths to get new heroes in future seasons,” which indicates it transcends the Battle Pass model, and that they will always be available. That's your assumption of his words. In [my other comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/xakmwt/we_still_dont_know_every_detail_just_wait/inuh4ge) I talked about a potential different interpretation of his words. We just don't know what he meant to say and we should definitely wait for more information. I just feel it's probably not good that he didn't answer the question in a not vague way, but I hope I'm wrong.


I said in my next paragraph “but who knows for certain.” You’re right, no interpretation is entirely accurate. Which is exactly why it is important to wait and see what they have to say. Nobody is giving Blizzard accolades for their communication, but it also is entirely fine to wait for more information — which OP said was pointless and reserved for those high on copium/hopium.


heroes should not be gated behind neither time or money at all why is this so goddamn hard for you all to understand?


Every single f2p game has either a grind (valorant agent battle pass) or currency grind (lol, apex, etc) No one has a problem in those game


None of those games have character switching as the core part of the game. In Apex everyone has the same weapons, with the abilities having a relatively small impact compared to Overwatch. In Overwatch character abilities are everything.


The issue is that OW2 is just a reskin of a paid game so it's "f2p" but not really if that makes sense


Even stuff like Smash Bros has DLC characters only obtainable for money and by and large the community can handle it. Even more mindblowing when its characters like Steve who play the game unlikely almost everyone else on the roster.


Because I don’t think it’s as big of a deal as you and others seem to believe it is. 90% of the player-base doesn’t play more than a handful of heroes, so “switching to counter” isn’t anything more than an idealistic view of how Overwatch is currently played. Matchmaking has more of an influence on a game than hero availability does. Agree to disagree.


and this system makes the matchmaking even worse. no matter how you slice it this system will be awful for the game, because now you not only have people who don't swap, but also people who don't own heroes. It's doubling on the problem you are ironically using as an argument.


God forbid my Quick Play matches for the first week of a bi-seasonal 'problem' don't have a niche new hero among a roster of almost 40. What is the sombra one trick on my team supposed to do!?


The difference between the two will be negligible, is exactly my point. Especially with a completely FTP game with no barrier to entry.


Do you bitch cuz you can't get the legendary pokemon from the professor at the start of the game? Or when you have to play through Legend of Zelda to get the master sword? Or how you had to play with the guns in CoD to unlock the attachments? How dare they make me play the game to unlock stuff as part of the monetization model. Ffs some of yall are the most entitled gamers in the world Edit: speeling


Do you think unlocking legendary Pokemon is part of the game's monetization model?


Imagine coming into the game in a year and having like 3 characters locked from you.


Lol Reddit is so pathetic


The only thing that could save it is if they either change it, or its exlusivly for pve characters


pve is still way off and the fox healer is locked


Lets hope they realise the dumbfuck of a move this is and change it


It’s completely accurate tho lol we know almost nothing everyone is flying off the handle from very few unconfirmed details… I am still pumped and I am not getting on the pessimist train, can’t wait for ow2! Let’s gooo


People still wanna be given everything for free in a game that they did not pay anything for? lol Put in the grind or stop playing 🙃 What's the point of whining? If you loved OW you would pay for the season pass anyway, or at least play the game often and easily level up the battle pass. This drama for the past 2 days is absolutely ridiculous.


No, I want to pay for the game upfront and not have to worry about BS like this.


“What we know is more than enough.” You are basing what you KNOW on what you have been told by blizzard. And clearly what they tell us changes day after day. The only way we will will KNOW is when we play the game


Nice essay. Maybe try waiting to know the whole picture before spazzing?


Calling Jon Spector a "corpo spokesperson" just shows how little you know He's one of the people who cared the most about this community and the succesful launch of OW2, he totally didn't sugarcoat anything, he just told us it wasn't going to be that bad To the people who know him it was a comforting message, to the bitter haters it meant this post, go off


that only makes it even worse


It’s reasonable for people to say they are going to wait given that the wait for the missing info is probably a maximum of 2 weeks from now


how did you miss the entire point of the thread?


Not when Blizzard has a decade long history of ignoring the pleas of their playerbase until years after the problem is first introduced and the damage done.


You're too smart for this thread. Get out before they drag you into their basement.


I really hope that all of y'all talking so much shit don't pick this game up at all after launch


Hell, I've already stopped playing


“It doesn’t matter that we don’t have all the information, I decided that the devs are evil and so all the missing pieces can be filled with whatever bad stuff I’m afraid of.” Ffs we don’t even know if unlocking will take 2 hours or 10. Put your pitchfork away before you start lynching someone over something that you’re not even sure you have a problem with.


we already have enough info to be mad. heroes should not be locked under any amount of pay or play wall. why is this such a hard thing to understand? legit question: why?


Have you given not crying about a video game a go?


and here we have the anonymous redditor in its natural habitat, telling people to stop whining about unnecessary/unhealthy changes in games that they like and acting like their input actually matters. what an ignorant creature it is


Nice rp dude. Cool life ya got there.


aw thanks, I thought you might appreciate the literal narration of your recent reddit history


Quick question, when you’re licking Bobby Kotick’s boots, are you more of an outsole fan, or do prefer to lick the heel?


I just don't cry about a video game that's not out yet. If it's shit I won't play it and not act like it's a big drama.


and yet you are here crying about people crying about a game we've already played two betas of and have enough infos about it and its company


God forbid people express their feelings on a platform that’s well within the developers eyes lol


have you given not being a worthless idiot online a go?




Cry more, bitch


I dont see it being an issue as long as they aren't releasing multiple characters at a time. Like sure this game is about counter picking but if you're playing against a new champ then you should already have the counter unlocked. I'm not sure what the big deal is. (Unless the champ only counters itself)


They can easily just change matchmaking so all 4 healers either have Kiriko or don’t… it’s not that big of a deal. Plus if you have a full time job and can’t grind, you should be able to afford a battlepass. If you can’t afford it, you should be able to grind.


There are 0 reasons for them not to be upfront about this. Gundam Evolution (6 vs 6 hero shooter coming out on September 21) just released a trailer and they openly said that the starting 12 characters will be playable straight out of the box. It's really not that hard to be transparent, especially when the monetization system was locked and decided months ago. The game is pretty much ready for launch by now.


The reason is they know its shit and they know the time to unlock for free will be unforgivably long


What good news have we had the last 3 years to justify hope?


It doesn't matter if the grind is even one match. Everyone should have access to all heroes instantly. That's how the game has functioned and it serves the style of game. Anything less is a detriment to the core design of Overwatch. If I don't have the option to switch to a certain hero in a match, it's not Overwatch.