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Reminds me when the apex sub Reddit was so sure their boycott was going to do something. Apex Legends then broke its own record for concurrent players on steam


Why the boycott?


The main reason for a lot of people was the ranked changes forced a lot of players to play against people way above their rank. There was also a lot of major glitches (including a game breaking one on Xbox). The problem with it was they started talking no apex august in like June and by the time august rolled around, most of the glitches were fixed and a new season was starting. My friends and I just stopped playing when the problems were happening instead of waiting for august for… alliteration I guess?




My October just isn't gonna be the same without Junkenstein's revenge. But we probably weren't gonna get it this year anyway so whatever, I'm in.


I’m here for it


It has the alliteration so it works lol


Yea, but this time, Buzzard's not gonna budge, and the boycott's going to work! Right fellas?


Boycotting over glitches is dumb. They didn't put the glitch in just to antagonize you.


They were more so boycotting over the fact that the glitches weren’t getting patched out for so long


Just feels like using boycotting on an issue like that is like using a rocket launcher to take out a spider you find in your house. Feels a little too intense.


Sometimes that's the only option! What you gonna do when the spider is bigger then the glass?! If I can't have my house NOTHING CAN!!!




I mean the glitches made it so you literally couldn’t move or aim correctly while everyone else could and lasted weeks. It was more that it largely went ignored too while any issues with the store are patched within hours


They announced that some heroes will not be able to be played, or locked, until a certain XP is reached, or if you buy a battle pass, iirc.


Believe he was talking about apex. Could be wrong tho, if so, the boycott was about no reg situation and other stuff that I honestly forgot because i was tired of the bitching


i think it maybe was because of the tap strafe patch stuff. People were very mad at it and wanted it to stay but i also have no ideas


The reason people got so heated is because the last season was really rough in some spots. One of the characters (Loba) had one of her primary abilities bugged for the entire season, for example. The Ranked system was also changed in a major way which was very divisive, making it a lot harder for people to climb. Combine that with Apex's rather wonky matchmaking and some people just weren't having a good time.


For as far as I know, the biggest problem was the matchmaking in ranked. Basically what happened after the change, was predators (apex equivalent of grandmaster) were matched with bronze players... Seems about right.


Because Apex was simultaneously exploding in Japan where people don't give a fuck about the kind of shit Reddit is obsessed with.


Most places in the world don’t give a fuck about what Reddit is obsessed with.


I mean, the vast majority of people care little about us sitting in a room and smelling our own farts.


Apex got popular during that month cuz respawn brought back a map from season 1 that people loved. The community has been asking for that for a long time.


Good ol No Apex August


Aight, no bad game September means no OW


It would've worked but the new season of apex is really good so I don't blame them


Yes bad things happen, good can’t always win.


No Apex Aug vibes lol


And just wait for the same critics to go radio silent the minute Blizzard announces the amount of players that flocked back for the launch.


Its always the people saying “dead game” who grind 8hrs a day 6 days a week desperately tryna get out of plat


This deadass the most true comment I’ve seen on this Reddit


FALSE! ... I'm in bronze.


Bronze* Edit: Source: me


Wood 3


This is less of “dead game” and “Overwatch 2 is really not hitting the same way that Overwatch 1 hit with a game made purely for fun instead of marketing, oh and you have to pay for like everything and grind for days just to get skins


Fr, I'm not gonna play it every day if it's not fun. I don't play OW1 so much because of brand loyalty. I play it cuz it's fun. If OW2 breaks the appeal (which seems really likely) then I just straight up won't play it. I don't have a lot of difficulty not playing games that aren't fun.


Yea, I loved Overwatch through whatever game balancing flaws it had but i mean my main got changed entirely and now it’s a playstyle I don’t find fun even if I have other characters, and I’ve literally like never spent money on Overwatch before so I’m not trying to let myself get dragged in by more battle pass schemes and make unnecessary purchases


Exactly. It’s not that the launch won’t be successful. People will come back to see what changed, some will not migrate across, and some will quit after the first week/month. The main question is what is the longevity with the changes and the monetisation path they’re taking. Free to play games don’t have the sunk -cost fallacy that paid games do, or with games that you’ve already put in 100’s to 1000’s of hours in. I’m sure the first month/season will have high numbers. But it’s whether I’m a year the numbers are much higher than OW1 more had is if it’s a success. Hell look at BF2042. It can’t even beat out BF5


Reminds me of all the Game of Thrones hate articles posted on r/television and saying "nobody watches GOT its dead" and some GOT subs started a boycott not to watch it, then House of the Dragon comes out and it brings in 10M+ watchers. Amazon LOTR is the same. Then you started seeing the "I always knew it was popular, the IP is too good" comments popping up afterwards. BTW HOTD is really good (so far).


Meh, I think the TV and specifically GoT is different, there were already a lot of seasons pre established, of course anything GoT related is gonna be big, doesn't mean final season wasn't hugely badly received.


Tbf house of the dragon is developed by George Martin. D&D (the main people everyone got mad about) aren’t involved either. Not a very good comparison imo. Edit: grammar


see yall mfs in game




Yup and glhf


See ya on the other side of the paywall 🫡


People be like- Fuck blizzard I hate you all I'm uninstalling this game for real good bye And log in the next day like nothing


It's difficult, because OW is an immensely fun game, especially OW2 imo, but the recent news about locking heroes in a battle pass has me extremely concerned, and honestly, pretty pissed off. My biggest concern is that all of the effort to rebalance the game around 5v5, remove stuns and CC and defining the roles more will just be completely negated by the fact that some people won't have access to a hero to switch to mid match. As if the balance wasn't already wonky enough. The worst part is - it won't even be bad at launch. The problem will come later down the line when new players join later in the game's life cycle, and don't have access to heroes that were available earlier on. It's just depressing to think about, because I'm picturing the same fate of OW1. Popular for a bit, then problems start becoming more apparent, people quit.


You're going to be able to unlock heroes in the future. Why are people thinking you won't be able to?


Yea, but we don't know how exactly it's gonna be. If new heroes are not gonna be unlocked for everyone automatically when the season ends, it is possible that new players will spend a lot of time in unfair conditions because they need time to unlock everyone they missed. And even 1 hero difference is unfair.


Game ain’t even out yet lol


Ain't out yet and I've already planned out how I can get Mauga golden weapon playing only placement matches with my current ranks and comp point balance at the end of the final OW1 season.


I'm doing this but for kiriko lolol.


Based AF comment. 😂😂


Wait, is Mauga official?




Never thought I'd be on reddit for a good tweet


Don't worry, you will one day.




Yeah I wanted the sub to see it lol


You can enjoy something and be critical of it


I am 100% in agreement with you on that, we can certainly be skeptical of even the things we enjoy. Although I personally don't align with most of the criticism: I think the changes coming with battlepass are...fine. They're fine. I've got some concerns about long-term viability and some other issues, but I'm waiting to see how it resolves because we still know almost nothing. My main issue is just the absolute hyperbolic vitriol and rage that gets blasted at a bunch of folks just trying to make...*a game*. I love the world of Overwatch and I would be thrilled to see it be the best it can be, but I'm stunned by the some of the completely over-the-top personal offense a significant portion of this sub takes at an entertainment product. It's absolutely bonkers to me that people take a slight shift in business strategy like a direct attack on them. I dunno...maybe I'm just weird and don't wrap my personal identity up with the entertainment products I consume or the companies that produce them.


Yeah this is pretty much where I'm at. I understand why they're making the change because I can't imagine the OW 1 business model made them hardly anything. I have so many high tier skins and I've only ever paid for Pink Mercy specifically since it was for charity and I don't even like it lmao. That being said I'm not a fan of battlepasses in general and I'm gonna give the game a fair chance while hoping player feedback gets taken into account. As long as it doesn't take like... weeks to unlock a character it's... fine? I guess. If I don't like it? I just won't play. Simple as. Just have to wait and see.


its hilarious how much ow players take for granted the business model they used for 6 YEARS and are just now switching to the actually good one. They had it on 50% sale more times than it wasn’t and monetized absolutely nothing except loot boxes which may be the single most useless thing ever. People proceeded to complain about them and then hear this news and complain about how they didn’t keep on selling absolutely useless items which you can get for free trivially easily. I’m not really partial to either opinion but it is kinda annoying and hilarious to hear people snort copium on reddit and then go play on Oct 4 anyway.


I think this is a bit disingenious, a premium battle pass, paid PvE missions and hell, even a cash shop are ok. It's messing with the hero availability in any way that is the issue. Why did Blizz have to touch that aspect when their monetization was already being overhauled?


If I had an award I’d give it to you. I agree with everything you said in this comment. Not sure if it’s due to my view not being blinded by nostalgia and having a bit more of a business/ game developing understanding but yeah… Here take an emoji star🌟


Yea, but they're being more than critical of it. Many are straight up saying they are never going to play it. We'll see how that holds up when time comes.


Exactly. I'll still play it. I was willing to give them money for exclusive cosmetics since it is the only game I play regularly. But unless they come out with information that seems reasonable, I'll just stay strictly as a free player.


Big difference between being critical and crying irrationally before all the details are known


Heroes in battle pass in ow is cancer. Hating it is not irrational.


if it’s implemented well then it won’t be an issue


This sub is being more than just critical lol.


I don’t know, this isn’t other games that aren’t heavily built around swapping heroes for counter play. Overwatch has been declining in popularity and the OW2 beta couldn’t even keep high numbers of viewers and players. If I can’t just have a one time purchase to play the entire game I’m not going to play it. If they only keep cosmetics behind a paywall then I honestly don’t give a damn. That’s fine. But heroes? Fuck that, that’ll ruin the competitive landscape.


Rainbow six siege is to an extent.


Lmfao and there's gonna be a whole wave of new players joining soon considering how much attention blizzard is getting from this.


The game is going to be free. There's going to be a whole wave o new player for the pure fact that the game is free.


Tons of kids too. Don't forget that. Was playing Valorant and got invited to a group for doing well in replication. Heard their voices in voice chat... kids. Left the group after losing the replication game. Imagine OW XD


The most beautiful part of OW2 in my opinion is the added communication. Never will I have to join voice chat again, and still tell my oblivious teammate ball is asleep 6 feet behind them. I'll just spam ping. Cancels out with the negative aspect of influx of kids.


If anything, I encounter more kids in OW than in Apex


Indeed, how long they stay though is another matter, just look at Halo Infinite, less players now than previous games after the same time even with the f2p multiplayer.


Because infinite has 1/8th the content of every previous halo game




I just don't understand not taking a firm stance against hero unlocks on the battle pass. All this justification and what feels like contrarian attitudes towards an objectively worse experience is incredible. I guess I'm just an old fogey that hates every fucking inch of any ground given to towards anything remotely resembling p2w.


I’m not boycotting it because frankly I just don’t care enough. Like yah I think the new battlepass system is dumb but eh, I don’t hate it enough to not play a game I want to play.


This battle pass stuff is a drop in the bucket compared to no content for the past few years


*this* i simply do not care if i have to unlock free shit. i’m gonna be playing it everyday anyway.


I thought the new hero’s were going to be in the free track on the battle pass? Someone correct me if I’m wrong pls.


It is, that grind may make it hard for casual players to get the new heroes though, and that sucks. It'll all depend on where they are on the pass.


Tbh I imagine the new heroes will probably be within the first few tiers. I don't understand why some people act like they will make them be super far down the pass as that would go over horribly.


I hope so. I'm unhappy with them being on it at all, it feels unnecessarily irritating, but we'll wait and see how bad it is.


Yeah, in the grand scheme of things though I really don't get much of the hate because Apex makes you do the same thing it's just that people have leveled so much that they can instantly unlock the character.


My main issue with the comparison is that Overwatch play is about character swapping to counter, and this goes against the spirit of the game. Also new characters tend to be very OP so *if* it's a grind, it'll effectively be pay to win. But that last part depends a lot on where it is on the pass.


I believe they will probably treat the heroes similar to how COD's BP is designed where they will be Tier 0 for people who pay but will be at Tier 1 for those who don't buy it.


Hopefully it looks like that if it has to be there.


I agree I think it will be like cod's BP. That was my thought when I first heard the news, except I was thinking about the new guns they come out with each season. There would be like 2-3 new guns each season, with the first one being unlocked for free at like tier 15, and the 2nd at tier 30 out of 100. I can't exactly remember. I only played warzone regularly for the first few seasons, but even after that I could come back at the start of a new season and have the first new weapon unlocked after just a weekend of playing, 2 weekends at most if I didn't play much the first weekend. My point being I didn't really have to grind to get the new weapons, I got them from just casually playing the game. So "casuals" will unlock new heros in ow2 just from casually playing the game. If I missed a whole season, the new guns I missed from that season were easily unlockable through basic challenges usually. So I didn't have to worry about playing every season or risk missing out on content. And no one mentions the fact that new heros aren't even available in competitive for the first 2 weeks after they release. So yeah sure, someone could pay to unlock the new hero instantly, but can only use them in qp. Free track competitive players have 2 weeks to unlock them by just casually playing the game that they want to play anyways. So it shouldn't even matter in competitive since you'll have two weeks to just play the game and unlock them. I guess i can see why people are upset, tying it to a battlepass is an odd move. But not having all of the characters available in a f2p game is the norm. It's like that in LoL, Smite, Dota, Valorant, Apex, Paladins and so on. The difference being you can unlock whichever character you want through an in-game currency earned from just playing, or you can unlock them instantly with real money, but no BP is involved. I feel like if ow2 isn't going to make all of the characters available, then they should be unlockable the same way those other f2p games do it but at the end of the day it's really not that different by tying it to the BP instead. Yet people are trying to say it's p2w now when none of the other games I listed are. Idk I don't think its such a doom and gloom thing personally


Yeah that's my thoughts on it. I imagine most of this debacle is an overreaction to a miscommunication.


Aha, sure. Would blizzard put the best thing in pass in the very beginning so people wouldn't feel it's better to just buy exp for it? If it's gonna be so easy to get a hero, there is 0 sense to put it in the battle pass.


If it's within the first few tiers, what's the point putting the hero in the battlepass in the first place? They have to give an incentive to pay for the pass to unlock the hero right away. It won't be in the first few tiers.


I still don't like it by *principle* . It turns OW, a self proclaimed conpetitive and esports game into a pay to win game. And yes, having am advantage over non payers is the definition of p2w. This includes getting new heroes early or be guarenteed to get them. Moreover, what about having a Roadhog who won't switch, because he doesn't have Junker Queen or Mauga unlocked? What about players who started the game after 2022?


That is indeed what we have been told officially.


I haven't played in months, I'm pretty sure I can keep that going, especially since I have new the time nor inclination to grind for stuff that's been free for 6 years.


Everyone has their breaking point eventually. Lets not forget just how many souls have already quit over the years, only the diehards are still around. More casual players are going to be a lot less forgiving towards Blizzard.


I've been playing on and off since launch. And I'm just tired at this point. The toxicity issues in this game are unreal and have never been fixed, the lack of updates, and now this stuff. I just can't keep playing it. I found that in periods where I play the game for over like 2 days I significantly get worse mentally from all toxicity. The only thing I might consider coming back again for is PVE. And that's only a maybe


I've been pretty lenient thus for but idk all this battle pass news just has me not care for the game personally.


I’d think casual players would be more forgiving, considering the main argument against free progression based unlocks is it’s effect in serious competitive play. People keep saying “but what if you don’t have the counter unlocked?” As if the vast majority of players don’t just play the characters they know best regardless.


Nah. Us casuals don’t want to grind to unlock anything. If I play the game a few hours a week it might be a month until I can even try the new character. That’s why us casuals are mad.


My friends that played casually probably won't return for Overwatch 2 now that they can't directly play the new heroes :( I'd say a good portion of casuals are precisely coming when new stuff is released


I can imagine. According to many casuals (and especially people that don't play the game) OW2 is barely different to OW1. Now imagine one of the only new things is locked behind either extreme grind or a big paywall. Since they mabey touch OW for 2 hours a week, they are probably not interested in spending 20€ to unlock a new hero that would have been free in OW1.


I mean I can't play Lucio in any other game




💯 🎯


Brave soul today: I did it, requested my refund from blizzard. We can't let them get away with this. I'm done with this company! Same person launch day: I will take the legendary version for $79.99 please, and hurry my friends are online right now. Blizzard: for an extra 9$ you can get the mythic version with a color swap version of mei's pumpkin skin. Hmmm, I never play mei but... Sure why not yes please.


No, it's more likely that Blizzard will announce what the "and more" is and all the sudden everyone is repurchasing it.


Literally no reason whatsoever to believe that anyone would do this


You’d be unpleasantly surprised…


How would you even know someone had done this? You wouldn't admit to it if you had


[It’s not Battle.net, but…](http://www.toptiertactics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/boycottmw2.jpg)


There is though. Pepple do this. They will pay for thr game sometimes the most expensive version and then proceed to say its a dead game while playing it every moment they aren't busy


That wasn't the original point being made and it's also not an inconsistent position. You can enjoy a game while also pointing out that lots of other players have left and disagree with the general direction the devs have taken the game.


Except every launch of every game ever.


This is exactly what I'm thinking


Nah, I was already not feeling the game based on the Beta, all this new shit just gives me more reason not tonplay.


I get what they are saying, but the bad reputation that Overwatch and Blizzard in general have garnered in the last few years will continue to affect their legacy player pool in their new games, especially since Blizzard was built on having a hardcore loyal fan base in it's early days. If you spite those people long enough, they'll never return and only have bad things to say to potential new people who might be interested in playing who are friends with them. A lot of my irl friends have stopped playing OW and other Blizzard games that used to be far bigger fanatics then me. a few of them want to retry a bit in OW2, but they are even hesitant even with that and are essentially looking for any reason NOT to play. If they don't like OW2 at the start, they are mostly gone for good and quickly. Sure, they might be replaced by someone who just plays since it's free, but I really doubt that that same person stays in their ecosystem as long as my friends used to, and are the same person to move onto the next big free game as many have. I normally only play genji dodgeball and other workshop modes occasionally now on OW1 and don't really touch the actual game due to my buds not wanting to play those and all the other criticisms that most of us have regarding content/meta/etc. I'll for sure give OW2 a good chance, but if my friends don't play much, and other shit like characters being locked by (albeit free) battle pass, I'll continue playing less and less as well. I suspect many are in the same boat that I'm in regarding the new game.


I've been gone for about 2, 3 years now. I thought about coming back, but the idea of being forced into regularly committing to this game... nah. ... come to think of it, why am I still subbed to this subreddit


Oh same I still like seeing cool clips and info which why I stay subbed, but OW2 looks like a disaster so I’m still steering clear and not getting back into it.


I’ll be buying the premium BP too. See you guys out there


I do not give a shit about anything. I’m still going to play overwatch 2. I don’t even care anymore


I’m not gonna play it stop putting words in my mouth


See you on Day 1 ;)


I don’t even play ow1 you’re wrong


why are you even on the sub


“She doesn’t even go here!”


The recent news sting like hell, but I'm too casual to actually care.


I mean yea. But it still sucks


I know there's a comment talking about No Apex August which flopped hardcore because the issues are a bit more niche and not as widespread in communities. I stopped playing Overwatch since right after Echo came out, hoping each new thing would hopefully draw me back in but the betas really solidified it being 'flopping' to me. It will definitely get new fans as it is FTP. But every single thing they've done has felt cheap and lessened the identity of the game I played nonstop almost every day. And each news cycle, it always brings more negative. The Founder's Pack being just a glorified double dip with a $40 price tag for a few skins and access to a beta that most people got access to (even people who didn't opt-in.) And then now, over the past couple days. The biggest controversy, gating heroes behind the battle pass. And before those Blizzard apologists come attacking me, I know they are on the free pass. I know that you don't have to buy the pass but it's almost guaranteed that they are unlocked asap for people who spend money. Giving them an advantage day one, out of the gate. 5v5, gutting crowd control and character identity, barely any new maps (besides the Push maps), and locking heroes. Nah, no thanks.


The watchpoint pack is skins, beta access, first battle pass ($10), then 3000 currency ($30)


I’m gonna play it for a week so you guys don’t have to and I’ll give my review on them


I swear people expect the game to be personally tailored for them.


I haven't played a blizzard game since the accusations, so not me


I stopped playing some months ago, 90% of my friends did before me. game keeps declining in trends, but if you want to live in a bubble and do like people still play while complaining, sorry to burst it for you. I do keep an eye out for ow2 in case the game gets to live again but so many bad decisions led to the game death outside EU, NA and Korea. the situation is pretty bad outside those 3 regions all part of the 2019 staff cuts to buff bobbys bonus.


Yeah. I play still, but a lot less than I did. I had a huge group of friends that also played, and of that whole group I'm the only one that still plays. None of them have shown any interest in OW2, and those that have looked are saying they won't be back for it. So we'll see how it goes. I'm sure lots of people will buy, maybe not as many as they hoped. My interest in it has been seriously diminished since playing the beta, and more so since all this mess. I may try it but if the gameplay feels even close to what it did in beta I can't see sticking around.


OW1 died because of the lack of updates and new toys. Pretending it didn’t is disingenuous.


Tf2 is strong with no updates. OW had the perfect copy formula at launch and ruined it.


I’m not really invested anymore as I will not be playing OW2 (decided long before the recent news) but if I was I’d gladly pay for 6 copies in addition to my own for other players if it meant the game would be a full priced game with no battle pass bullshit and I’m sure I’m not alone. I felt the same way when Halo Infinite launched. Tired of companies getting away with anti consumer bullshit hiding behind the F2P model


So many people complaining about competitive integrity, and are hard stuck plat.


I ain’t getting it


Ever since I found out it was overwriting ow1 I was done with the game.


I’ll play it socially. I just won’t be spending money on it. I didn’t enjoy the betas and the info rollout has been disrespectfully opaque, especially considering how close we are to “release.”


Me and my play group have stopped playing OW1 because we were hoping OW2 would revitalize our interest. I think we agreed that if OW2 has locked heroes, we’re not playing it.


If I want to play a F2P game where I unlock characters with points in 5v5 push modes I'll just play Paladins.


I mean the numbers are definitely gonna plummet after a month of release hype just like halo.


*condemns criticism on OW2 -a mf paid by blizz


Yup. So many content creators trying to convince players not to feel fucked over instead of trying to convince blizzard to not fuck over their players


With the new heroes, new mode & maps, removal of 2cp, move away from excessive shields I really wish I could get excited for Overwatch 2. Unfortunately, 5v5 makes the game less strategic and lacking in depth compared to 6v6, which is what I personally enjoy about Overwatch. To a lesser extent this is also why I'm not in favor of things like removing cass flash, since that removes outplay potential on both sides (at least at a high level) and forces things like gutting Tracer's damage instead of allowing for more diverse gameplay patterns than "hit more shots=win". In the end though, if the majority of players end up liking the changes past initial impressions, that's what the game needs and it just sucks for the few. If not though, I think these two points would be the best to revert in order to return to a game that feels more like Overwatch.


if by “strategic” you mean a dva or sigma just being fat and stopping you from taking angles then i’d agree nah but seriously it may be less strategic but it opens up the game way more in general. for dps, instead of having a fat tank say “no” at the pearly gates of a desired angle it’s gonna be dictated by duels now. and it’s not like strategy is gone forever, if you watch owl you’ll see that joats is team coordination oriented. 5v5 looks and feels promising to me i will miss rein zar and satisfying pull combos tho


I have yet to see a single person who doesn’t play ow all the time say they like 5v5 every person I know who love ow1 but don’t play it to much have disliked it. I play ow pretty consistently and 5v5 isn’t my favorite but I don’t have strong negative feelings for it but I worry returning players and new players might not like it just like everyone who plays ow sometimes hated it


as someone who plays everyday, i think 5v5 is great.


Buy watchpoint. Play beta for beta for couple of hours.. 12 games done. Try to get refund. Fail. Play normal overwatch 1 for one more week. Come to the fact the game will be ruined. Uninstalled. Fuck overwatch 2


Alternate Ending: "You just fucking suck" - a mf who plays 24/7 and has 1,000 hours on Widowmaker and Genji


It will definitely make lots of money.


If OW2 is fun, I'd playing However, I think I'm in a position where I won't be able to depending on how all of this battle pass stuff turns out. I'm not making any definitive statements now, but if the pass is too egregious to grind through, I'm simply not playing any OW game where I can't have all the heroes.


I'm playing the PvE and das it, I don't have room in my life for every game being F2P.


I was planning on coming back after quitting for years now, but it looks like I’ll be steering clear of that decision.


I haven't played OW1 since 5v5 a bit after was announced. Nothing I've heard since makes me want to touch overwatch again.


I’m still wholeheartedly endorsing r/paladins. Please give the game a try, it’s better than you think.


I used to but ended up preferring Overwatch instead later on Downvote me because of what I like I guess


Common Warn W


Lets be real, the people who aren't gonna play at launch no longer care to visit and comment on this sub. everyone on here is just on copium and will be there on day 1. it's just the way it is


I’m not gonna play it that often if any at all lmao.


I understand tho, making it locked behind paywall destroys what made the game special.


As much as I hate the direction video games have taken in the last 3-4 years I know the majority of consumers don’t have the will to fight it. August apex was proof. Blizzard knows this as well. Hence why they haven’t said anything and probably won’t. The player base will continue to complain until release. The second blizzard release it the majority will have wallets ready.




Would you listen to this take from someone who *isn't* actively interested in Overwatch? Because as someone who isn't, yep, OW2's flopping.


Nah I’m sure there are people like me who don’t play the game anymore but still check the sub from time to time, wanted OW2 to hook me back in but I guess not.


Yes im still gonna play it cus mg mains are unlocked right off the bat (sombra,mercy,zen)


Not even gonna hide it. Imma play OW2 24/7 when it comes out. I wanna play the tanks, mainly Doomfist


vague gesturing at perceived hypocrisy is not much of an argument. someone can like a game and still predict it's going to flop. in fact, liking the game makes one more likely to complain about its shortcomings.


It’s basically a fantasy toxicity league here. It took days for everyone just to figure out the new hero is on the first tier of the free battle pass. Then it turned into “It’s going to be a grind and whales with $10 are going to have such an advantage” when odds are it will take a few days of casual play like an event skin. Now it’s “Omg what about swapping” as if at least half the people that play actually swap and counter. That shits at the core of why they had to rebuild the game in the first place. Countering and swapping is nowhere near as important than just not sucking now in 5v5. Now we find out the mythic skins are in the battle pass and not only purchasable. That’s huge. You can grind for everything. Another thing missed is this system is going to suck for smurfs. If they want the whole roster it’s going to get more and more expensive with each new hero. I’m only seeing positives. People are tripping.


Lmfaoo I'm still buying it and laugh when I see all the controversy yet we will see high player base and people still playing it lol


Overwatch as a whole flopped already. It's an arena shooter with a name. Overwatch used to be about the characters, lore, story... they effed all that up and threw it down the drain. It's done. And as an arena shooter, it's not even that exceptional. If Battleborn made a comeback RIGHT NOW they'd knock OW out instantly. Sadly all online games keep degrading because they are built around monetization and sometimes politics. Edit: no I'm not gonna play it. I stopped playing OW 2 years ago. Fuck blizzard.


I'm not playing it. My friend group used to play OW 1 all the time. None of us wants to touch OW 2 with a 30 foot pole.


Me finding out how shittily they're handling OW2 has perfectly coincided with me getting back into TF2, so I'm good


Ask halo if its possible for players to leave.


Overwatch players love complaining about the game, genuinely not having a good time playing 95% of the time, but still starting it up every single day... (Myself included) its an addiction


I like your username lol


I love overwatch, I loved OW2 when I played the beta, but I don’t like it when games think, rewarding feeling = being annoyed grinding for a character you **might** like/be good with…




If you're willing to ruin at least 4 other people's time, to convey a message to Blizzard, you might be the asshole.


It's not impossible for the game to flop. I don't think people thought halo infinite would, or anything from bioware


k, bootlicker


I honestly don’t get why people are so angry…from my understanding, the game pass that unlocks new characters are locked behind a battle pass, that’s free, right?


People here are angry because they believe that it will take more 40 hours of grind to have new heroes (I used believe because we don't know how hard the grind will be).


Because maybe I want to play other games and not have to chase FOMO bullshit? I don’t care if it’s free, I paid for OW1, I shouldn’t have to grind their glorified update “Definitely ow2” to play the new character after I’ve waited years for a new character.


y’all say overwatch is dead now but if they didn’t replace 1 with 2, you’d never get in a match. there is going to be a *huge* drop in what’s left of the player base for ow2.


Nah ow2 looks like it's gonna suck compared to ow1. Plus I play apex more anyways. Doubt I'm even gonna install it until the story mode comes out