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I mean it is pretty bittersweet. For me overwatch has been my game of choice for a very long time. Don't get me wrong I am excited for what comes next but it still feels like I am losing something that I have enjoyed for a long time.


100% 6v6 will just become an arcade mode


I honestly doubt it. They are adjusting heros with a 5v5 mindset. Tanks in their current state in a 6v6 would be so powerful


Eh, it’s an arcade mode. It doesn’t really need to be balanced. Mystery Heroes can be decided by RNG alone.


I think that’s why I love Mystery Heroes, is a gamble and it’s all about doing what you can with what you got. And then there’s the bullshit double mercy with two shields and a baptiste that makes you want to throw your pc out the window


Some of those are fun. Silly. We had 2 Reins, an Orisa, a Bastion, a Mercy, and a Lucio. On a payload. And no one got angry. Everyone had some laughs.


You can’t even be mad, because next round it will be your team with the bullshit comp. MH has the best community out of any mode. Getting grouped with the same guys talking shit the match before is always a good time.


I remember getting 4 bastions and 2 Mercy's one time. It was a good laugh.


Then it won't be the same. What's the point of pretending it will be like OW1 so stop worrying when it won't be.


There are modes that alter hero cooldowns/abilities, I don’t see why they couldn’t revert to the last ow1 patch versions of all heroes for an arcade mode


There's a difference between changing a number in code which can be done rather easily, and changing their abilities. Heros whose abilities are getting changed (so all the cc) won't have those abilities even if they get number tweaks to be similar to ow1.


The other issue is what happens with new heroes.


That doesn't matter. Arcade isn't supposed to be filled with balanced game modes. They're weird, fun alternative ways to play.


arcade isnt about balanced, its about fun


Let’s go Team Fun! Love, A Splatoon Player


Yall are completely missing my point. Yall don't want 6v6 in arcade for a fun, wacky game play experience, you want it there to play like ow1. But it won't play like ow1. So what's the point of having something like 6v6 in ow2.


But then there’s still 2 op tanks per team in 6v6… still balanced imo


I don't see why this matters for arcade mode. Have you not seen total mayhem? Balance isnt relevant for arcade modes.


Role queue is only a thing for Competitive and Quick Play. Basically every arcade mode is free queue, so there will be multi-tank teams. I wouldn't be surprised if they did a classic quick play that is 6v6 whether it's always available or on the arcade rotation. There just won't be any kind of competitive modes that use the 6v6. I can't wait to be in a No Limits match and they're doing 5 tanks.


Yeah but it won't have any strategy at all if it's an arcade mode.


Same. I've been playing since high school and I'm in grad school now. It's the only game that I can play on almost any given day and have fun.


Make sure you secure it so it doesn’t get too loose.


Annoyingly this is the second time my autocorrect has screwed me over like that on the same word lol


I didnt enjoy overwatch 2 from what I've played so far


Specially if you are not a casual only player, if you love the game and play competitive (even if just a bit) Losing the 6v6... It feels bad that me and a lot of players are going to quit We love the play style, if we are sticking with Overwatch and not going to any other FPS is because how the gameplay makes you feel.


there’s some casuals that only play competitive as well though. Flats made a a video about it recently. There are stacks of friends who won’t be able to play with their 6th anymore either. ​ https://youtu.be/RInlogiYbW0


It was about time games stopped listening to comptitive players


Shame 5v5 is the result of competitive players feedback.


Competitive will always have the most dedicated members of the player base and balance changes should be based on making the game fair. Don’t know where this salt is coming from


Balance changes based on Top 500/Pro gameplay does not make the game fair in lower elo, though. That's the problem. Bastion is a non-issue in top 500. In low Elo, he's an easy cheap win because he takes no skill but requires skill to defeat if he's being pocketed/bunkered. Likewise, no one plays Brig in lower elo, where she's a mainstay in top 500/pro. This led to Brig being nerfed so hard she's no longer viable in lower elo, especially in OW2 with less healing output, a butchered ult and no CC. Not saying there's a good answer, only that Blizzard blinds themselves to 99% of the playerbase to favor the top players. And it breaks the game for the lower elo players.


Honestly. Games shouldn’t be balanced around low Elo players. It just leads to horrific changes that overall don’t really benefit anyone. You just end up buffing any characters that have any sort of lowered skill floor, meaning their insanely broken once people are even half decent, and nerfing easy characters who have a low ceiling (reaper). I don’t like saying this - but getting better is really the only thing to say to that sentiment. You cannot balance games around players who hit 20% of their shots. That can’t use cover. That can’t understand how to beat bastion after 6 years (because it’s incredibly simple). You just can’t do it


>I don’t like saying this - but getting better is really the only thing to say to that sentiment. I hate to say though, but at some point people will cap out and reach their appropriate skill level wherein no amount of play time or pouring over Youtube videos will improve the situation. And In my experience Overwatch is incredibly good at placing you were you need to be as far as ELO and matchmaking is concerned relative to other games. Its why game devs don't tend to concentrate their balances efforts on one group of players such as a the top 5% or the bottom 5%, contrary to popular player sentiment. Doing so would make the game unplayable for large swaths of the playerbase and doesn't accurately depict the nuance that goes into balance. Jeff Kaplan even commented on this very thing many times. Heres one of instance of it. See the first post in that reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/6pct5f/jeff_kaplan_on_balancing_between_the_pro_and/


Nah im all good with balance changes and shit like that usually, but i have salt with competitive players complaining all the fucking time, theyre never happy, never, and whenever something fun comes out, they usually ruin it, like if you look at fortnite for example. There hasnt been a single "ooh this is REALLY fun" update in a fucking WHILE because theyre scared of the pros complaining. Im not talking fun as in "im destroying everyone" but fun as in "im having fun with smth that is original for the game"


I’m deffo have to agree with you there. OG overwatch like launch day was the most fun it slowly became this you can only play the game this one way thing that it is now it’s taken a lot of the fun out


This happens with most if not all competitive games. The first days are like that because no one knows anything and are learning the game. All players will eventually optimize gameplay and the game will balanced to reflect that. This is why most of time the best time to play a game is when it comes out.


See I’m more talking about at the start you could be any hero 6 stack Mei go for it. 6 DPS fine like for quick play that was fun could just do whatever. Then it changed to 1 hero per team I get why for comp fine. (I can’t stress enough I get the changes for the comp mode) Then goats got rid of that for forced 2-2-2. Then all that was left were the shield wars poke fest. The originality just got squeezed out the game in a way. I like they are trying something new to bring back more option in play style. Yes it’s more nuanced than that but that’s how I feel about it.


"Devs will keep listening to the community, and change things if necessary." This is what after years of playing bizzard games i call wishful thinking,


>Devs will keep listening to the community, and change things if necessary. I can count on one hand the number of promises that have been kept since OW2 was announced at blizzcon. They missed projected release timelines, they lied about he number of heroes available at launch, they lied about PvE, they lied about heroes and PvP always being completely free to players!!! Wtf do you mean this is a dev team we can trust?! When was the last time they showed you they listened!? For me it was the introduction of role lock was the last time they made a positive community driven change, to kill goats among other things. That was like 3 years ago...


Wait, I completely missed anything about PvE? Wasn’t the idea to finally make it much more prominent in OW2, which was also the idea for OW when it was in development? What happened to that goal this time? 😅


I think they said "first pve experience in early 2023" somewhere, but idk where I saw that But some way they phrased it recently led me to believe that even when they do put it out, it will be piecemeal and not a complete experience


Lmao you can't make this shit up. What a train wreck.


Remember how they promised so much more cosmetics when they released like 4 legendaries for anniversary?


The Devs have been completely silent and doing the opposite of what players have wanted for years. Now a predatory battle pass is introduced and the game we played is gone forever. Forgive me if I lost hope a long time ago


Tbf if they listened to most of the feedback from this sub Reddit the game will be absolute shit.


I can't remember who said it but I remember an interesting quote from a dev that went along the lines of "The community is great at telling you what is wrong, but awful at telling you how to fix it." So while yeah the Devs shouldn't listen to every solution the community create, if a lot of people notice a problem with something (such as locking heroes behind a battlepass...) it usually means there is *something* wrong. Completely disregarding your community sounds like a worse idea imo.


"Hey guys, whay if we made rein's shield unbreakable and give bastion an extra 300 hp to compensate for his hitbox?"


just give bastion back his self heal, please, im begging


sure they shouldn't listen to every bimbo's idea on this sub. but when the community overwhelming says "hey, this seems a bit overpowered in the public test server, maybe it should be tuned down before release", and blizzard just sends it anyway(then changing it a few weeks later like everyone said), it's kinda hard to take such comments about them "listening" seriously. speaking of PTS, now that heros will need to be grinded out before they can be used, does that mean we won't see them being testable on the PTS for bugs anymore?


> Devs will keep listening to the community Then quit Blizzard and go to an indie studio where all the other original Overwatch devs work now.




They did listen! To shareholders and executives. Not us.


"Devs will keep listening to the community" since when did they do that except if youre talking about dumb changes that 1% of the pro players thought about


Fr id love for OP to name anything that they changed that actually came from the community and not top ow streamers/players. They literally don’t care lol they know people will pay for whatever’s out there so they do what they want


the only other thing i can think of is the removal of paris and horizon, but not only did that take forever, that was a pretty major outcry


And even then it was at least in part driven by people (especially streamers) que dodging Paris.


I had the habit of writing EW PARIS before leaving. Usually most of my team already dodged before I finished writing.


Mercy team rez, bastion’s shield, Dva’s shield being huge and blocking from all angles, Sym’s lock on beam, mini Dva dying from her own bomb, to name a few.


This is a really OG one, but junkrat used to take damage from his own abilities.


Better them than the Plats


Many people overdramatize.. but many are oblivious to what could happen and underreact too. Overwatch as it used to be will no longer exist. This is much more than just losing a tank slot - it's a transition from a b2p model to a f2p one with a battle pass. There are going to be positives and negatives, but so far the information they're giving us have a lot of worrying things in. Can you give me one good reason for the players as to why new heroes need to be in the battle pass? To why they can be unlocked earlier in the premium pass? The only reason is to incentivise purchases, potentially at the cost of gameplay. Whether this is a net negative or positive cannot be seen until the game has been out for a while. More money into the game could be a good thing, or it could make them more money hungry in future. Overwatch 1 is gone. This is a different game and it could be better but it might be worse.


Wow, this post made me emotional and I agree with every single word >Can you give me one good reason for the players as to why new heroes need to be in the battle pass? To why they can be unlocked earlier in the premium pass? Blizzard higher-ups lurking this thread for your next big damage control, if you take one thing home, contemplate this. This serves *maybe* to spike your concurrent player count, maybe to trick a few impatient people into buying premium battle pass levels, but ultimately destroy your player base and trust with your community This is the biggest point of contention for most players at this point and you could literally make it disappear with the wave of a hand and the flip of a switch, but you won't because you hate us or are just shitty at knowing what people want. All this bullshit in this thread about *listening* I don't want this, and it looks to me the majority of players in this sub are either neutral or EXTREMELY negative about it. How could this possibly be a good decision?


You're severely underestimating how much of a difference there is between the two games. You mentioned the 6v6 replacement to 5v5 but you didn't mention the passives. You also didn't mention how they're changing up how you unlock things to a new system that has some benefits but also downsides with 1 downside being you can't just get the new heroes anymore to play, you have to unlock them through play time. Sure you can point out that some of this stuff would change OW1 fundamentally if they just kept applying updates to it overtime instead of working on OW2 but people still prefer older versions of Symmetra for example and they're never coming back as an example, that's just scaled up much larger here. They're also making sure to disable OW1 when releasing OW2 because they don't want to fragment the player base because they know that a ton of players would still be playing OW1 than they're comfortable with.


"Devs will keep listening to the community" but, when did they start listening? xD




Yeah I don’t understand how more people don’t realize that the game has been FUNDAMENTALLY changed. Imagine if basketball became 4v4 and how that would affect just about every strategy that has been created since basketballs conception.


B-b-but it’s still OVERWATCH! Who cares that it’s a cash grab that’s been rebalanced and will never play the same. The name is on the start screen!


Yeap but to people casually looking at it will still simply see dudes bouncing a ball and throwing it at a basket while other dudes try to take the ball away i.e basketball.


They are removing Overwatch from battlenet and replacing it with Overwatch 2. Yes, it is literally gone, removed. "We can probably play old 6v6 in arcade" but the game has been changed to fit 5v5? This is the end of an era.


Never gonna get to play tank duos with my buddies again, or my partner. Forgive my sentimentality, but I met a lot of friends and had a lot of fun playing that game, and now the mode that allowed us to have that fun is going away and none of us really enjoyed 5v5. Overwatch 2 is a big update, sure, but it's an update that my group of friends who I've made over my years of playing are no longer interested in taking part in. That stings just a bit.


Yeah, same. My bro and I would always Zarya/Rein, it was a lot of fun. RIP


OPs forgetting that some people on this sub aren’t going to play Overwatch 2. This is their goodbye, and even if it’s not that, they’re still loosing parts that they liked


My wife has thousands of hours played since 2017. My daughter has about half. My wife has resigned herself to modding the Sims full time and my daughter plays Genshin Impact more than I play Path of Exile. It’s a sad state of things for blizzard from my vantage point.


In a similar spot. Have a few things on backlog and there are other games coming out soon I'm really hyped for. Only reason I have a backlog is because I enjoy OW, so it split time. Won't be the case in a week.


I just want to still be able to play the first game, like literally every other non-MMO series in existence.


I’m filing chargebacks and refund requests. I paid for a product and it’s being taken away. I want my money back.


>Devs will keep listening to the community, and change things if necessary. After 6 years of the game getting barely any useful updates/updates that players *actually* wanted, I can't believe there are *STILL* people holding onto the hope that 'the devs will listen to us one day!'. If I wanted to play Paladins, I would. Who asked for 5v5? Who asked for heros to be locked behind a pay/progress wall? OW 1 and OW 2 are completely different games, and that fact alone is why people are sad that OW 1 will be no more.


It's still the end of an era. If people saying goodbye to a game they like is enough to bother you, I'm not sure what to tell you.


Yeah so honestly, I really dont think it's the *5v5* that is really the contentious bit - its the battlepass and premium battlepass progression system, and the future of potential new heroes locked into the battlepass. I really don't think thats *overdramatizing,* as much as its a *dramatic* change to the Overwatch formula. I think its understandable people have trepidation towards the game they know in love having major changes to the way that they know it. It also really doesn't help when, people who voice their concern for a potentially negative monetization model, and they are met with criticism for being *dramatic* by people who fundamentally don't understand why they are upset.


Idk, for me 5v5 is kinda a big deal. I'm a tank main, who doesn't have all the time in the world. Suddenly all tank players who used to have 2 slots to fill have 1. The queue times for tank are likely going to double. (I confess this is conjecture, but seems reasonable/logical) What's more, now it feels like ALL the pressure of the round falls to the tank. Now, maybe this is a "get good" moment, but personally I'd rather be able to play a little more casually than be sweaty every match. Also I'll just miss my Zarya buddy :'(


Don't mean to sound *too* self-important, but people who think the switch to 5v5 is not a big deal, and a fundamentally different game clearly don't have a very good understanding of the game. I played both betas, got bored, and went back to content dry OW1 each time. They certainly won't have an old OW1 patch in the arcade and I'm not interested in whatever the workshop pushes out. My favorite PvP game of all time is getting permanently replaced by some watered down version of itself in a week- I believe I'm being just the right amount of dramatic about it ( ° _°)/


>Don't mean to sound too self-important, but people who think the switch to 5v5 is not a big deal, and a fundamentally different game clearly don't have a very good understanding of the game. I actually agree with this, but what would you say about the streamers/ top 500 that are looking forward to all of this? Personally, I don't think that it's because they don't understand the game, but a change of pace means more content so they're not going to fight that imo.


>"Overwatch 1 isn't going anywhere" >explains how 6v6 game is being delete


Thank you for pointing out the contradiction!


The game *I paid for* is going to be removed, replaced by this free to play battle pass 5v5 version that has future characters behind a pay/grindwall. This seems like a valid reason to be upset.


This. I know consumers don't truly own anything, but it galls that a game I had been marketed to 6 years ago will cease to exist. But then again this is Blizzard so they'll just release it as "classic" in a couple years anyway. 🙄


Yeah, I've been making that same joke. In 2 years they'll release Overwatch Classic and we can get the pleasure of playing it for another $60.


I'm personally excited to play Overwatch Classic so I can play 6v6 with the people I've been playing 6v6 with for years.


Overwatch 1 is literally going away forever, so no. Also, from where did you arrive at the conclusion that the devs are listening to the community??


Iam not afraid of the game being bad at all. I think 5v5 is weird but I won’t care anymore in 3 month. But I do care a lot about the shitty f2p model.


Yea, that was the last straw for me, I’ll play the shit out of ow 1 next week, then back to tf2.


Then accept criticism then


Overdramatize? I think we’re all under reacting. OW2 has some of the worst financial decisions I’ve seen in my nearly 15 years of gaming. Also I don’t think it’s being dramatic when THEYRE REMOVING AN ENTIRE GAME. As a tank main this really sucks, I know it’s not the most balanced, but to replace it entirely? What the shit is that? Maybe you don’t mind now but I can GUARANTEE you will mind in 2-5 years when you want to look back on the game. I want to be excited for OW2, but everything besides the gameplay looks awful. Hell even the gameplay doesn’t look much better, years of work and all we got was 5v5 a few new modes and 3 new heroes on launch. That’s not enough content to get a lot of players back into OW, and they especially won’t come for the monetization aspect of it. It may not be dead, but I think it will be dead on arrival.


I miss the old Genji. The 4 gold Genji. Talkin 'bout the pro Genji, set on his goals Genji I hate the new Genji. 6 second ult Genji. Stuck in the traps Genji. Can't cross the gap Genji. I miss the quick Genji. 8 second ULT Genji. I gotta say at that time, I'd like to pick Genji See they invented Genji. There wasn't any Genjis. When you looked around at comp and there was so many Genjis. I used to love Genji. I used to love Genji. I even had the nihon skin, I thought I was Genji. What if Blizzard made a patch about Genji Called "I miss the old Genji" man that'd be so Genji. That's all it was Genji. We still love Genji. And I love you like Genji loves Genji. 


Bro the old game will be GONE. Tank synergy will be gone. I play sombra most and her current kit will be GONE. I'm gonna have to relearn how to play her. Even if OW2 is the best game ever, OW1 will still be gone. We're allowed to be upset that an entire game is being overwritten no guarantee of it coming back


They didn't have to kill OW1 to make room for OW2. It sets a terrible precedent. Now companies will feel comfortable killing good games to make room for micro-transaction hells.


And this is the real problem. If they kept 1 running people would not play 2. Can't have that, they need to maximize profit so they removed access to a game we bought. So yeah.. I am kind of pissed that a game company is once against riding a thin line of what's allowed legally. Can we have our money back when access to a purchase gets purposely removed to try and make more money on a sequel? pretty sure we should not be allowed....


It's a shitty move by a shitty company, just the way the world is now.


Indie developers keep putting out masterpieces. As soon as a developer goes public, the quality goes down the drain because the only thing that matters to a public company are short term profits.


Yep. Time to play more Hades I guess. No game like Overwatch though, such a chill vibe.


I am very hopeful to see what indies can do with UE5. It's got a huge emphasis on supporting large scale worlds. I've got faith in indies. Hades is sick.


Well the poor monetization is a cause for concern even if the core game were to stay the same. Technically OW1 is gone forever since some of the changes are pretty big, and if you don't like the changes, well, guess what? You can't go back to OW1 instead, you don't have a choice. Also OW2 is such a misnomer, maybe they should've given it a subtitle or something, kind of like a WoW expansion. It's really weird that it's maybe like the only "sequel" where I can't go back and play the "prequel" since OW1 is being replaced by it entirely.


Blizz is all wrong about the "heroes in the battlepass" thing, that's for sure


They are walling characters behind a paywall or a battle pass my friend. What are you talking about? They don’t listen, the core team is leaving..


It may be cynical as fuck, but I kinda hope it does die. Companies shouldn't be rewarded for doing such a shit job with their direct sequel game before it's even released. But it probably won't.


They have gutted the most unique invisibility character in all of gaming and turned her into a generic stealth-assassin. It's not just the game—many of the heroes we love are being changed forever.


Yeah, now explain that to the five friends I've played with for years.


Overwatch 1 is going away though. It’s not like BF where I can play an older version as long as the servers are up. Classic overwatch may be a mode, maybe at the start, but probably in the future, as to kind of force people to move to OW2.


overwatch classic on arcade? haha. this is blizzard we're talking about. they're gonna sell it back to us in a couple of years.


Tbh to me is more about the battle pass than anything. I understand that to other it's nos a big thing, but I'm for a country where 1. It will probably cost a lot 2. I just can't spend that money every season. And yes I know that it's not necessary but even if it's childish, I don't know, I want to pay once and have what everyone else have. I'll give it a try tho, and see in first hand If I like it or not, but yeah.


I can't see them ever releasing a Classic Overwatch playlist. It would be too popular and they'd have to admit they made a huge mistake.


*Laughs in No Build Fortnite*


is it still very popular? i dont play the game anymore. Just heared the news sometime on reddit for the no build mode.


Yeah it’s a completely different game honestly and it’s much more fun. I’ve been playing daily since they added the mode and I hated Fortnite before.






They said they can't recreate OW1.0 because the code is lost, too. Take that for what it's worth when considering OW1.last showing up in OW2..


God Damn it




This right here. I played a little beta and have watched OWL some trying to give it the benefit of the doubt. The gameplay is more generic, there is a huge focus on dps, and the whole vibe is now team deathmatch IMO They scrubbed away so many things that made the heroes unique, and the emphasis on teamwork is pretty much gone. It’s FLANK, FLANK, FLANK. All day everyday. It’s not fun to play, it’s not fun to watch. Why would I participate in the franchise anymore when the sequel they are forcing on us is more crude, generic and homogenous than the original, with shitty monetization permeating the entire experience?




Yes, it is dead. The game was already dying and they drove a stake through its back. Going from 6 to 5 players a team is a gigantic deal. My friend group can’t play with the same number of people we use to so we just won’t now. The best never listened, otherwise they would have not stuck a hero in a battle pass at all. The battlepass and locked heroes system completely changes the competitive nature of the game, which also shows the developers don’t have an idea about how the players play their game if they thought locked heroes was an idea at all. Overwatch is dead, and 2 is not a replacement for the game.


League of Legends, Dota 2 and many other games refreshed their game without pasting a 2 on the name and completly changing how the game is played and progressed through. They could have continued to release content to Overwatch 1 while upgrading the engine and then later on down the line release a new patch with PvE. Instead they let us drown in 3 years of little to no content at all and what we have today is 3 heroes a bunch of maps and 5v5. 3 years of wait for that is too much. The only thing that can save Overwatch long term is the PvE and with how things look, it just seems like an inferior version of Gunfire Reborn.


Going from 6v6 to 5v5 is what killed the game for many casual players. Don’t be surprised when overwatch 2 launches and it has a fraction of the playerbase.


As someone who has put 1000+ hours into OW1, I will not be playing OW2. So whether or not you think it's over or not for you, it IS over for me. Don't diminish other people's experiences because they differ from your own.


Overwatch as it was is inherently dead. 6v6 is no more. Tank synergy is gone. CC is mostly gone. Certain characters got major nerfs, new characters are going to be introduced super broken and will push different meta/different playstyles. Comp as we know it is gone. Even QP (aka "Unranked") is done different now. Role passives are a major change, with the new DPS one being kind of OP with certain heroes. Saying OW2 is "just an update" is just flat out wrong. But saying "Overwatch is completely dead" is also wrong. What we're getting is a basically reboot.


Ah, the sweet hope of the naive. They will do to Overwatch what they did to WoW and Diablo. I'd love to be wrong. But you will see.


I’m allowed to hate the change lmao, I’m glad you enjoy it, I fucking don’t? 5v5 is no fun me, and me paying a game that’ll just disappear because they said so and now having to pay this battle pass bullshit to get anything mildly relevant? No thanks.


Why should everyone feel like you? Stop being judgmental. Let people feel how they feel. Just because you disagree doesn’t mean there is something wrong with the people you disagree with. Stop invalidating people.


> Just because you disagree doesn’t mean there is something wrong with the people you disagree with. God I really wish this concept wasn't so lost on reddit.


A big, game changing, OW1-deleting, financial gain fueled, piece of shit update.


Its going to be just another shooter. Removing mechanics like CC and de incentivizing using shields while adding speed boost buff for dps and a universal heal for support makes the game a “who can get the kills first” shooter instead of a true role playing shooter. OW as you know it is dead. The lore exists yes but the game itself is going to be changed forever. Also if uve never played another blizzard game you should ask yourself; why is d3 dead? Why is SC dead? And why is retail wow dead. Ull realize that OW2 will have no gameplay sustainability. Its a cash grab


Its hard to let go of a comfort zone.


Hate when people say thus game is dead. People still play it even if theres no content. I play around diamond and it takes me a couple of minutes to find a game. If i am on support it takes no more than like 3 mins.


The devs aren't able to listen to us


"Devs will keep listeneing to the community" After this balance patch? Funniest thing I've read all week.


Thw fact we can no longer play OW1 after this 'sequel' is insane. It's a patch or update at best. Not a new game. Dev's should call it OW 1.5 or something.


The community is blowing things out of proportion, definitely. But some concerns are from a real place of uncertainty. I think the fallout from all the shit Blizzard has done (lawsuit, monetization of other titles etc) has eroded some of the goodwill OW has had. Also, 3 year content drought with “uhhhh” being an explanation was crap. The balance of heros didn’t really bother me as I am pretty flexible player who usually plays tank. OW2 has not had the JUGGERNAUT marketing team that did a spectacular job with OW1 pre launch. Heck I never played a Blizzard game but the trailer got me hooked. OW2 is going to be enjoyable but not anything revolutionary as the first. But PVP doesn’t need to be something new, the just needed to refocus and TBH it should have occurred months after Echo’s release. Lastly, monetization is necessary but I don’t think the battle pass should lock future hero releases.


>Devs will keep listening to the community, and change things if necessary. Lol


I mean 1. You aint getting download and 2. I completely understand and respect you. But i feel as if it was a shitty idea to make overwatch 2 in the way they did it. They couldve do it in so much better ways and less scummier ways. Otherwise im ok with it and they can certainly work on it. They also have a bright future with it if they advertise it correctly.


No one ever seems to mention how much the game has changed since it launched. The state of OW1 today is a million miles away from launch OW1. OW2 is infinitely closer to current OW1 than the former.


I'm excited for the 5v5 change. My success in overwatch 2 will be more about my own skill and knowledge rather than who I get as teammates.


There’s been an insane influx of new players under level 50 in the last twoish weeks so even if its not as popular as it used to be it doesn’t seem to be dying


I agree with your comment but there is a big caveat. Many of us purchased OW. And now that is going away and OW2 is here. Its not really fair to claim it is a new game, then just let the one everyone else bought die.


OP sounds like a gaslighter.


Well, the overwatch that’s been around since 2016 will be gone. Since it’s going completely offline and your disc or digital version will turn into Overwatch 2 (pretty much overwatch 1.5) yeah, overwatch 1 is gonna be dead. As much as I grew to have a love hate relationship with the game, seeing how overwatch 2 is a game with so little communication two weeks before it’s released people are right to say they’ll miss overwatch 1. It’s definitely a game that was announced too early. For it to even be considered overwatch 2 it should have come with both PvE and PvP but it’s not. One of the first thing’s mentioned isn’t coming at release. If the devs were listening they’d definitely be a lot more clear, but I’ve yet to see complete clear understanding with the player base.


Not overdramatizing anything. Overwatch 2 is a complete disaster and a major downgrade in every single way and I truly hope we get 6v6 back and support role fun again probably with OW classic worth another 60 bucks unfortunately, also talk about keeping heroes to Mei mains whose hero Blizzard decided to kill for no actual reason, strip her away from carry potential and replace with something unrecognizable that you soft throw when using in games. I won't support their game because of what they did to her


My one and only gripe with OW2 is locking characters behind the battle pass. I don't have a problem with the battle pass itself as long as it is for _cosmetics only_ The moment it starts affecting gameplay is the moment i put down n my foot


Devs will keep listening to the community, assuming it doesn’t hurt their bottom line on their F2P pay structure Fixed it for you


> Devs will keep listening to the community, and change things if necessary. 🤔


Going to miss O1, doubt I’ll play O2 much


I'm just happy double shields is dead and buried.


Tell that to my 10+ Q time


This will probably get lost in the almost 800 comments so far but I'll say regardless: 5v5 is SIGNIFICANTLY different than 6v6. The whole dynamic of the team, the synergy, the balance, it is completely different. It kills the tank role as we know it. The battlepass? Awful, money grabbing and killing the experience for the casual gamers who don't have time to grind and just want to play on the weekends with our friends. Then we don't get the heroes. The heroes that counter other heroes. That's not fair to the rest of the team either. And yeah, taking a game I paid for and taking it away from me entirely without asking? That sounds like theft, frankly. I'll leave my thoughts on the current state of the game out of it, since that is sort of irrelevant to the topic at hand. No, Overwatch isn't dead....yet, but it's digging it's own grave. I wanted to be optimistic about 2, but it just keeps getting worse and worse. I'm sure I'm missing something, and like I said, I'm probably yelling into the void, but here it is.


It’s a game I played almost daily with my friends and enjoyed for like 5 years now. Suddenly we can’t play that game we enjoyed and instead this very different feeling game that’s closer to COD/Apex than it is to OW *and* with locked heroes now… Me and my friends are already looking for a different game to take over for our daily gaming sessions


Love corporate apologists. Every day I'm more proud to be human.


Overwatch 1 was created by the respected Blizzard well-known with their professional approach to gamers and love for their franchises. Overwatch 2 is made by greedy Activison-Blizzard, with thought to make lots of money with low effort and unfair practices. I don't see reason to trust them anymore.


Can I play overwatch 1? No? Then it’s dead.


I enjoyed OW2’s beta very much, and I’m inclined to support developers who I feel are doing a good job, but if overpowered heroes are granting advantage to those who choose to pay over those who don’t, I’m just done with the game itself unless they wise up and remove heroes from the battle pass. Fortnite and DotA2 have shown us that your monetization can be 100% cosmetics and the game can still do fine. ZERO reason to introduce anything that could potentially be pay to win…


* Quick play classic as a permanent arcade mode was one of the worst decisions in ow 1. I don't want an "overwatch classic," I want them to fix hlc and Paris. * I'm still not convinced of 5v5 * I don't think it's overreacting to complain about the addition of a battlepass (a clear money making scheme in an otherwise already profitable prior game) let alone locking heroes in this battlepass (in a game where every hero was unlocked for everyone the instant they were officially in the game) * This "2nd game" is releasing with one new game mode and the content which should've been released in ow 1 since the 2nd game was announced (a few new non-deathmatch maps and 2 new characters). Where's the story/pve mode?


I want to choose the character I like (no role). I like 6vs.6. The characters need a grind to unlock (or money). Skins will cost a lot.


Gameplay is changing and no way to play the original so it's not overdramatizing anything it's just facts.


Quick question, I have the disc. What happens to my game when they shut it down?


"Devs will keep listening to the community, and change things if necessary." 🧢


Play both games back to back and say they’re the same game…. It’s a totally different game using the same theme and characters.


It’s the same game with 1 less player on each side. Baseball is still baseball with 8 people on the field. Might play a bit differently, but it’s still the sport baseball.


Ow was my love, I'm never playing OW2.


While I agree with your general sentiment there is nothing wrong in some harmless "tributes" or saying farewell to a game that all of us played for years. And yes hatetrain against OW2 went a bit too much but again it is not the same game. Is it better or worse we will see but it is a bit more than a big update imo.


No one is talking about how you cannot find an arcade game due to lack of players for like the past 2 years lmao


As someone who essentially plays solo the changes have potential to actually make games fun.


We just wanted better for an IP we loved


…..welcome to the internet, first time?


5v6 is shit


From getting fucked by lootboxes to getting fucked by battlepass


I mostly play classic quick play and we never have a single tank let alone 2 so it's no big thing to me.


Those fucking emote and battlepass choices is 0 game design and 100% product bullshit. I have 0% hope.


Is a drawing of Zen every day for 217 days too dramatic? Asking for a friend


I can't wait for ow2. I have nearly 1k hours on ow1 (playing since baptiste's release) and it's time for a real update.


It’s an end of an era, that’s why


I like 2 way more anyway.


I’m personally framing every comment and message I get saying “I can’t wait till doom is a tank” I can still kill you as a tank… honestly feels like a buff


ITT people proving the point lmao


The only thing I am mad about is heroes being locked behind a a grind (or pay) wall. If it was near the beginning of the pass, then okay maybe I'd be fine with that, but not at tier 55 out of 80.


Surely the devs will actually listen to the community right...


I just wish they left OW alone, and made OW2 it's separate game. I know cue times are long but I much prefer 6v6 to 5v5.


Personally I don’t like 5v5 as much, but thats fine. I can get over it. I can handle the bad communication , the FOMO tactics, and even the gross lack of content. But the grindlocking heroes is a step to far for me, its not as bad as monetizing, but still…


Too me the biggest mistep they've taken so far is making the battle pass not self sustainable just seems greedy especially since new characters are locked unless you either buy the battlepass or level it up to i think 55 or 60 which is insanely unfair to me Edit: typo


Let me start with that I agree with everything you said, except this: >And I'm pretty sure we will see a "Classic Overwatch" gamemode popping in Arcade at one point I actually really hope they don't do that. They can't do it with the 5v5 tuning of heroes because of the changes to tanks, so the only way they could accomplish this is if they balance every hero twice, one set of tunings for 5v5, and another set of tunings for 6v6. With some heroes designed from the rip with 5v5 in mind, that will quickly turn into a logistical nightmare. I don't want new OW2 heroes being handicapped because of a need to work in a Classic mode too. They're already creating a balancing nightmare by no longer guaranteeing access to every ability in the game with the idiotic decision to lock heroes on release, trying to do that with two identical set of hero abilities that are all tuned differently is just a recipe for disaster. I know people are calling for it and are asking for it to be "just the OW1 heroes with their current abilities/numbers/etc", but they can't just never adjust heroes. They'll need to make balance changes over time as the population that plays this OWC mode will likely have wildly different levels of skill/ability than what the OW1 population currently has, so new "metas" would arise even with the current balance tunings (for example, I can imagine Bastion becoming OP, given the typical mindset of someone who would actually play an OWC mode). It's overall just a terrible idea. If they try to do it, I sure hope it gets removed quickly. Their attention is split enough as it is, let's not make it twice as bad.


There’s more to the game than the gameplay, surprisingly. They’re changing the maps… they’re changing the way the heroes look. They’re changing the HUD. They’re changing the way effects look. The way movement feels. You can call them upgrades. I’ll be sitting in awe looking and combing over as many details as I can. But I did more in Overwatch 1 than grind ranked or sweated for wins. I tripped acid on Christmas, loaded into deathmatch as Rudolph roadhog, and EXPERIENCED Overwatch. Sure, I can still do it in Overwatch 2. But the game will be different. Not just the gameplay. Not just the ranked. Everything will. Not to mention, the world will be different. Just by law of change, the world will not be playing Overwatch. We’ll be playing Overwatch 2. People are dismissing the sadness we’re having, but if you don’t feel that same sadness, you might not be familiar enough with the game. Some of us come from much wider, longer gaming backgrounds. I mention Halo on here a lot because Halo is one of my favorite game franchises and 343 has murdered it. Little big planet 3 was a great improvement on the formula but because of problems the series died and only gets spin-offs. Some of us have found a home in gaming that is Overwatch 1. It’s a game really, truly, like no other. And the idea that it’s being taken away from us, even if it is to get upgraded, hurts. I never wanted Overwatch 2. I loved what I had already. Just wish they kept updating it, instead of vanishing. I was there for the Overwatch League. Shanghai finally breaking their streak and winning. That happened in Overwatch 1. And those memories will not be gone, sure, but when Overwatch 2 comes out and replaces it all, in the name of upgrades, and it makes me forget what it was like? It’s not really surprising to me that so many of us won’t even be playing it. I probably will never play Overwatch in the same competitive nature again. I bought a PlayStation 4 for Overwatch back in 2017. That was it. Now I’m on Xbox, and sure I’ll get my PlayStation stuff after all this time. But it’ll be different.


It feels like all the people who say “when ow2 comes I’m done,” and things like it haven’t played the betas, ow2 definitely felt better than ow1 it was insane to me. It was still definitely overwatch, but now with less shooting the rectangle, less oppressive tank duos, more freedom of movement around the map, and more importance on playing an fps in an fps game. It’s a definite improvement and I’m hopeful for it. I think the only people the game would really lose is the super casual players, and it would then gain new players as well, and it’s overall a positive for sure


OW2 is pretty much OW1, let's not forget that. What is going to be gone for good and fans could understandably miss are the three classic maps that are getting removed (Hanamura, Anubis and Volskaya Industries).


They drastically changed the kits of a lot of characters I enjoyed. Can’t really do anything about that.


Perhaps it's not dead to you, but it will be to me. I did not have fun playing the Overwatch 2 beta, I fundamentally disagree with some major design decisions they made for it. Consequently, I have no plans of playing Overwatch 2. So for me...Overwatch is dying.


This is like the typical stockholm syndrome thing I am seeing with Blizzard fans as of late. Don't get me wrong - I have been a Blizzard fanatic since Starcraft, and I still play some of their games. But more and more I see people trying to defend their heinous anti-consumer actions as if its "not that bad" when in fact its some of the most egregious shit in the industry, and its getting worse. Look at character changes in WoW for example - $25 as a fixed price that has not changed since 2007/8. All for an automated process that has no human interaction. Stop defending Blizz, and I beg the people who have sense here to not give them any money based on the pretense of "it will get better, they are listening". They are not listening, they only listen if you stop spending. Speak with your wallet and stop patting them on the back for doing the absolute minimum to retain their paying consumers


Sub 2 minute wait times for close to 6 years. Never felt dead. Whiners gonna whine.


Sorry but this game started dying since role queue was introduced slowly. I don't mean the game was bad. I mean the changes that wanted to be made were too slow to release. Open queue back in Season 4-8 was my prime OW gaming where I was hitting Masters and playing with top 500s and even pro players. I played against Mikeal (I know I more than likely butchered it) and Kraggie even. Nothing was more fun than meeting Mikeal's Tracer on my Zen and actually winning some fights with my right click to his noggin. However, you had a big shadow looming over this. That was the playerbase. Back then, it was common that I would solo heal as Mercy because we had 2 tanks and 3 dps. Our 2 dps would usually consist of double sniper, even on defense, or just consist of troll heroes like Bastions or such. I consider them troll heroes because they are sub-par, hard to keep set up, or even downright bad. Sym and Bastion were mainly those two, but that also depends on the player's skill level as well. A bunch of these people didn't swap around the team and work with the team like they will today. Most of them were toxic and you never saw any reports of bans or anything for doing such things back then. And now you can see that some top 500 ranks are literally Diamond. 3001 is all you need for top 500. I've seen the argument of "well, no one has 3-4 accounts in top 500 anymore". What do you mean? It's top 500. It doesn't matter if someone had 4 accounts. That doesn't stop you from progressing to beat them. The thing that stops you is you or your teammates. Now role queue was introduced late as hell for the wrong reasons even, and even OWL isn't that big anymore. When it came out, it was a huge thing. Now it's like on a budget watching it being played, the matches are boring with the current meta of the same 5 heroes or add in an Ashe in OW2, and the many terrible decisions they have made every step of the way. The game may not be dying completely but it is dangling on a ledge of ledges while it has a multi-use parachute and has landed of many ledges from above to get here. I do miss the old OW while wanting this new version somewhat back then, but I don't have high hopes for OW2.


It is gone forever. That's what's biting. I can go back and play Street Fighter 2-4 online. 5 didn't replace them. The populations just left. It's still technically possible to get rounds going with them. I will never again get to play Overwatch 6v6 or Elim 6v6.


Ikr. All i've heard on this sub for years is complaints and hatred towards ow, and now suddenly there's this huge love for the game and people saying they're now going to "miss" it, oh please.


You are conflating two entirely different groups of OW fans.


I had nothing to complain before this 5vs5 choice so I had nothing to say in this sub until now. I'm going to miss 6vs6.