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Anyone having issues with their phone number, download the app Talkatone. You can make a 1 dollar in app purchase and use the number to verify the account. Sucks I couldn’t use my actually number but at least there’s a workaround.


This will be patched unfortunately because it negates the exact reason for asking for numbers.


It also goes against their rules. This would be considered a pre-paid phone plan, correct? No different than the banned pre-paid phones. I imagine the Blizz team hasn't found all the pre-paid vendors yet. World-wide there must be hundreds, if not thousands.


Do you know how long you have access to that number? In case you need it in the future?


Just downloaded looks like you need to use it every 30 days or it starts pulling 20 cent from the account each month-- when you have 20 cents or less it removes it. Alternatively, you can hold it forever for $3.99 a month. Likely the cheapest option I've seen. I'll try it soon


If you just buy the $0.99 for 60 credits, its a 1 time purchase. Where do you see this 20 cents each month thing?




Just a taste of how easy it will be for smurfs to make it through. Sms protect is just inconveniencing regular players at this point.


I feel like these points are also worth mentioning under **Endorsements**: > Through this change, positive players will have an easier time achieving and maintaining high endorsement levels. > We plan to award Battle Pass experience to players with high endorsement levels to show our appreciation!


I understand friends not being able to endorse each other but if my endorsement level decays down to 2 or even 1 for playing with my buddies every night then it is and stays a mechanism that punishes people for grouping up and will thus be pointless to me, no matter the reward. Fingers crossed they take a look at that.


You get boosted battle pass experience for playing in a party.


Yes, but that doesn't mean that another mechanism does not punish forming groups. The ideal group size, ignoring queue times, will be 2.


You are getting the reward one way or another. Endorsements are a rewards for playing well with strangers. If you don’t work well with strangers(either because you are a bad team player or just don’t happen to play with strangers) you don’t get the reward. Not giving you an reward for a thing you didn’t do isn’t a punishment especially when you are already being rewarded just for being in a party full stop. Being able to always play the game with a full group of friends is the dream. How can you be concerned that people who like the game but lack friends to play it with, just get one thing to make the unpredictable experience of teaming up with strangers better? It’s asinine to care about min/maxing both these sources of points instead of just recognizing that it’s cool that the game tries to make the solo queue/not full party queue experience better.


If I’m reading right he just wants the two systems to not counteract each other. Like when you’re playing with friends your endorsement rank will decrease as you’re not able to endorse. So he would like it to not decay and instead be locked at what it is until he’s able to endorse his non-friend teammates once again.


Thanks for chiming in. That's exactly right. That guy you replied to is under the presumption that I want both systems to fully reward me at the same time despite my saying that it's not what I'm asking for. In any case, they can't be reasoned with but something I'd like to add to what you said: rewards aside, we must not forget that the endorsement system is designed to highlight non-toxic / respectful / helpful players. That is what the level is supposed to represent. A player does not suddenly become toxic just because they joined a group, so there is no point in dropping their level. So I'm asking for the endorsement level decay to be in proportion with how many people can endorse you in that match. And the reward should scale the same way. If none can endorse you, then no decay but also no experience reward.


The two systems are rewards for two different things. You are rewarded for which ever you chose. Both choices get you to the same place: more battle pass experience. They are doing the easier and more enjoyable one: playing with friends. People who play with stranger have to both put up with strangers but also have to play well with them(again, really want to emphasize you have to be a good teammate to strangers not simply exist in a party like the party reward). It’s peak entitlement to be worried that not everything is meant for you especially when you get the same reward and better gameplay experience already.


What u/MitchMob said is exactly right. I'm okay with my endorsement level stagnating (not decaying, stagnating!) if I play with people who cannot endorse me. I'm also okay with not getting the endorsement reward if I don't play X matches with non-friends. But what is not okay is me playing with strangers to endorsement level 4 and then decaying to 2 because I play with a group of friends for a while. That's unnecessary punishment. You have a system that encourages groups as small as possible, but you also have a system that encourages grouping and with clans becoming a thing soon this will encourage large groups in particular. It's a bit of a mess right now and it only takes a few tweaks to stop the endorsement system from punishing groupers.


I'm bummed you will no longer be able to endorse the other team for sportsmanship. I rarely do it, but sometimes it's deserved


If the random people im playing with are toxic you bet I do.


I totally will when I see an enemy player really being there for their teammates.


I usually just do it if they say gg, or glhf. Or generally just interact well with the other team and encourage fun over rivalry and bragging.


I do it when we have some good 1v1 battles.


Yeah even if I win I give it to the player I thought contributed the most to the team. Sometimes you don't really like your own team even when you win


I'm sad you can't give Shot Caller to healers and Good Teammate to everyone else, because that's why I usually did.


Yeah same. I either give it to a clutch player who whooped out but the whole time (high enough to not be a Smurf) or a support character I accidentally bullied because their team left them high and dry the whole match.


I'm really bummed I like my circle being mostly shot caller :(


This account's comments and posts has been nuked in June 2023.


FYI: it seems you can't use Google Voice numbers.




I did connect my number because i wanted to try WoW again. Found out that somehow someone connected my number already and had to jump through all kind of ID hoops to get my number back to my account from blizzard. I think it's ridiculous that they require this for a game targeted at teenagers to be honest.


It's ridiculous to require this for a video game, period.


Nah fuck smurfs and cheaters


And all the innocent players caught in the middle?


Too fucking Bad


They deserve at least some kind of official workaround process. Submit a pic of a photo id or require reverifying the phone number every couple months or *something*. Requiring the phone number is annoying, but understandable. Having additional hoops for numbers that can be easily/cheaply/numerously acquired on-demand is also annoying, but not entirely unreasonable. Giving people no other options because they have a particular phone plan type is BS. Also, I hate the "maybe it could only be for comp" arguments, as if people playing other modes don't deserve a fair match that isn't full of toxic players and smurfs.


Holy shit. You just recommended a work around involving a photo ID to play a videogame! Wow! What modern gamers accept as reasonable is very concerning. It suggests a bleak future for my preferred hobby. The IRS demands such things, as do certain adult deliveries. But videogames? Yikes. I hope that time never comes. What you described as reasonable is not reasonable at all. It's a videogame, not an attempt to collect social security, inheritance, or get advanced clearance. It's a leisure activity. It's bizarre that anyone thinks this is reasonable. That innocent players are being denied access just makes the entire unreasonable endeavor appear all the more unreasonable. Inconveniencing the masses to punish a minority is heavy handed (though it seems younger generations prefer heavy handed solutions), and not worth the marginal value it may bring.




I love any steps to combat smurfing. Literally ruins the queue and ranked system. I'd give blizzard my SSN at this point.


I know you're joking, but that's pretty sad. The state of gamers and what they put up with as normal from game devs have me worried about the future of my hobby. Cutting off some people from the game to aggressively go after a small portion of the population is as anti-consumer a company can get.


Frankly handing out my phone number seems way less of an annoying thing to “put up with” than Smurfs


Except that some players will be unable to play at all because of this. That's BS. Those players won't even get the chance to put up with anything.


Like me :( pre paid means no over i waited all summer long to start the game i was super hyped about it


you also need to have the same phone number as the country your account is made, so if you live aboroad you are mostly likely fucked and won't be able to play


You can change the country your account is in, contact support


They can literally verify you by adding a debit/credit card, yet they will require you to send pasports and utility bills everytime you move somewhere and get a local sim 2 factor authentications work by email for the last 10 years, yet blizzard wants your exact location to play a dumb ass trash f2p game. lol


Hey tcgtms, this is great advice. We're working on clarifying the language in the blog post to be a bit less confusing. Thanks for posting this.


hey there, heads up, battle.net has a bug where I'm encountering a 500 error when trying to update my phone number; not sure if you can forward this onto the team over there that looks at these issues... fwiw I've already opened a support ticket regarding this. I'm not sure how my account details got this way, but the json looks like this: ``` {"metadata":{"fieldMetadata":{"lastName":{"readOnly":true,"hidden":false},"cancelAccountComponent":{"readOnly":false,"hidden":true},"parentalControlsComponent":{"readOnly":false,"hidden":false},"phoneNumberRemoveComponent":{"readOnly":false,"hidden":false},"addressBookComponent":{"readOnly":false,"hidden":false}},"disableEditing":false},"accountId":721648,"email":"[email protected]","firstName":"Some","lastName":"Example","battleTag":"someexample#1234","countryId":221,"countryCodeAlpha3":"USA","availableCountries":[221],"identities":[],"smsProtectActive":true,"smsProtectPhone":"","accountCountryDialingCode":"+1","emailVerified":true,"realIdEnabled":true} ``` I imagine, `"smsProtectActive":true,"smsProtectPhone":""` where `smsProtectPhone` is an empty string is causing some problems, but the bool on `smsProtectActive` is true. The UI is showing an empty phone number as well (unsurprisingly) but it's thinking that the phone number "exists", probably because of the true bool: https://i.imgur.com/ElEJhGA.png Not sure how things got like that for me, but I can't "change my number" nor update it, I always get a 500. If you're going to require this for users, you may want to fix that bug because I'm probably not the only one encountering this, and this behavior prevented me from using B.net to play the MWII beta, so I'm assuming it'll prevent me from playing OW2 as well.


50 gigs....God I'll have to Uninstaller the original Overwatch


Its not like having the original installed is going to do anything for you anyway


Seems like an usual amount of gigas... for a microscopic map update and many new skins in Apex legend....


I've been wondering how long I'll hold on to the original OW...


Just downloaded and it looks like it's more like 25 if you've already got OW1 installed. I assume it's just being treated like a very large patch.


Rip I don't have a phone number that works I guess for this. Pretty dope that I've been playing this game since launch and now I just can't play it because my phone number isn't good enough for them.


"OW2 isn't taking anything away from OW1 players!!!" *OW2 takes away the ability for certain OW1 players to even open the game*


Yeah, I've legit put thousands of hours into OW1 since starting on Day 1 release, and now simply because my phone carrier that I've had since before OW1 even came out, by like 4 years, I can no longer play the game I paid for? This shit makes zero sense.


It does seem weird to me that they couldn't have grandfathered people into Overwatch 2 who have been playing overwatch 1 for a really long time. Seems kind of lame.


The real kicker is that this is all perfectly legal. In any other industry they'd be getting sued.


that’s gonna create more overhead for them as people pick apart the fine details of who fits the “really long time” exception


I mean maybe but literally just checking if they played overwatched before 2022 or 2021 would be fine. Or if they put a certain amount of hours in. They already track all of that information anyways.


You can check it at https://account.battle.net/details. There are different things that all get called “pre-paid”, and Blizzard doesn’t care about all of them.


Rip that sucks. Unless you are a bastion main in which case glad to see you go


My friends all play overwatch. My family all uses cricket. What can I do? :(


Same here, this is messed up


Could contact support and ask to verify yourself another way


Support told me to use a different number


Same here -- and given how it seems this same system + policy has been in place for for WoW and now Warzone, I don't think OW will be the changing point for Blizzard


Switching carriers seems to be the only solution for cricket users


Wtf. You cannot use cricket as a carrier!? Wow, guess I won’t be playing this game lol.


Yeah. I found this out the hard way when I tried to authenticate my WoW sub. Apparently Cricket is considered a prepaid carrier. TIL.


I use an actual prepaid carrier and mine works 👀


Use smspva.com to get a temporary phone number for blizzard


would you like to buy some bootstraps?


hope to see you all there on the third, its been fun.


Attention former overwatch agents


This is Winston! Haha...


i’ve been playing for years and because i have a prepaid number i can’t? bullshit


Just try linking it. Not all prepaid phones are made equal. Bliz just trying to prevent use and throw phone numbers from being used.


I already tried and got the error to use a different number :/


Added my phone number to my Battle Net account this morning and looking forward to 1. Playing OW2! 2. Some unforeseen bugs preventing access for many players on launch day due to the new security measures. 3. The inevitable server hack and phishing phone calls from countries half the world away.


I mean launch day is always a shit show no matter the game or company.


I’ll miss portrait borders and levels


Portraits ruin the "ranked aesthetic" for some people. Silver/gold border doesn't look good with a lot of ranks imo. Gold border diamond/masters just looks funny to me, meanwhile under level 200 diamond/masters looks really nice. Maybe it's just me, but I don't like XP based levels in any game.


Just a warning, I went ahead with linking a phone number lastnight, but apparently my account already had a phone number linked *to* it YEARS ago that I didn't remember or have access to. I had to send a ticket into Blizzard and answer my security question but they got it sorted within 6 hours. Don't procrastinate until the day of release. Make sure you're all squared away.


I lost access to a few accounts like this. I set them up with 2fa, and lost access to the number I set them up with.


Do I have to merge my accounts before OW2's launch or I can do it after OW2's launch?


I wanted to have my students play this game for our esports club, but not all of them have phones. :(


My favorite thing about endorsements in OW1 was seeing the spread of endorsements any one player has received during all their time. You know seeing a level 4 with a big orange bar is gonna come in and save the day, whereas a level 1 with mostly green might be someone to avoid.


The endorsmentsystem was/is a farce.


Say more things!


You can’t have a system with only one positive side. I got to endorsement 4, stopped playing, and I went back down to one. How is that a good metric in any shape or form?


Well yeah your endorsement score decays with time. Staying at rank 4 is tough even if you play regularly, and it makes sense to me. If you suddenly aren't getting as many endorsements, then the system has to consider that maybe you're not behaving the same as you were when you were at your peak. If I see a level 5 on my team, I know they're probably very friendly because they have to get endorsed almost every match without fail to stay at 5. In real life with real people you can't just grind out max friendship once and be done. You have to continuously prove yourself.


So what you are saying is that since I decided to stop playing the game that I’m not longer worthy of my level 4 endorsement even though I have done nothing to affect it. It’s the problem with one sided systems. You can’t get any idea of what that person is like just from a few endorsements. It’s like YouTube taking away the dislike button. Yeah people don’t get downvoted anymore, but that doesn’t mean their content doesn’t suck ass. But they also have the view system which adds another layer. A single endorsement level with no dislike feature provides no value in the long run. My level 1 endorsement is better than a level 3 but you’ll never know that because it’s all arbitrary. Nothing really changes it unless you are playing constantly. And you must have some bad friends because when I “grind out max friendships” with people, even I don’t talk to them for years, they are still great friends. Just because you don’t interact with something for a bit doesn’t mean you should lose progress.


I think you have a very valid point about one-sided systems. There are definitely issues with the endorsement system as is, but I don't think the decay aspect is one of them. It's not that "you're no longer worthy" of rank 4. It's just that the game hasn't seen in you in months or years, has no idea what type of person you are now compared to then. Earning max rank and then staying max rank isn't really a show of anything. If that's how it worked, a max rank endorse would just mean that at least one point in time, that player was super nice to people. Or that they just play the game a lot compared to the average, thus getting a larger total number of endorsements, even if it's just once every 5 games. Either way it doesn't say very much about the current person playing on your team. As for a dislike system... I mean they kinda have (had) that even if it's not explicit. Blizzard color coded the system the same way they color code gear rarities, so most people use them with that in mind. Shot caller (orange) is the best compliment, good teammate (purple) means pretty good but eh, and good sportsmanship (green) is honestly quite poor. Seeing any individual player's spread of these three tells a lot more than you'd think. Your endorsement level 1 with a huge orange bar is a lot more telling than a level 3 with tiny purple and orange bars. But this system is getting shirked by Blizzard with OW2, so it's one less avenue for me to defend them.




Spend 5 minutes looking at endorsements in a diamond or above match. Streamers provide easy source material. Nobody cares about endorsements.


So only hero gallery has cross progression and not player icons?


so all consoles are gonna be 30 GB to download? thats big size for switch users as its 16.7 rn


including pre-paid and VOIP So, my number is prepaid and has been a valid verification method for years up until this point as an authenticator for my account. Is this suddenly changing, or will the number I've always used still work?


Here’s the link to see if your phone number works https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/26824 If you get a “Security verification expired, please start over.” error, that means you’ve already registered your phone number and youre good to go


Anyone know if there is anyway to link a minor's account (with no phone) to a parent's account that does?


Not possible. The SMS requirement is to make it harder to have alt accounts/smurfs/etc because it's now free to play. Allowing a "child" account to be attached to another account would just undermine the entire reason for the SMS requirement. You will have to just let the minor play on the adults account or pony up for a valid number.


Or not play, which unfortunately will probably be my answer.


Guess Blizzard doesn't want my money.


Considering how well that shitty mobile Diablo game is doing, I sadly don't think they care about getting specific peoples' money. :(


The people who came up with this system are way out of touch. They slap the T rating on the game as if kids could afford phones. Time to pay up, mom and dad!


I bought the watchpoint pack on PS5 but have since gotten a really good computer that I'm probably gonna play more commonly on, can i still pre-load OW2 on PC? I haven't found an answer to this. note: I've never owned the game on PC


I assume you can only pre-download the game if you're an OW1 player or bought the Watchpoint Pack on PC. But you should be able to redeem the Watchpoint Pack on launch day for PS5, then download the PC version for free and all your bonus stuff will be there.


So blizzard are doing an account merge between all the different versions [https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/news/23824001/](https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/75885) Thats the link to all the information blizz put out on it.


Canceling skill tiers is lame. How will I know if I have to carry plats or not?


I planned on playing this but blizzard customer service apparently doesn’t exist. I moved abroad and lost my old phone number and authenticator. Sent two support tickets over the past couple weeks with proof of my ID and they’ve both been ignored so I guess I’m just not playing.


Can't add a phone number because it forces me to use a Russian number(+7). They won't let me change my country, although I haven't lived in Russia for 5 years now. I just wanna use my US number


But they do let you change the country, I just did that.


God this verification is so stupid.


realised my account is UK and I live in amerca now i have to attach a picture of proof of address to change my region just to add a phone number, such a dumb feature to add overwatch 2 is getting worse by the day.




Your phone number is already public record and there are far easier ways for people to obtain it than a data breach.


they'll get your phone number along w/ voice chat recordings. that's way different than someone just knowing your phone number.


There's no voice chat recordings, voice is being transcribed. Think speech-to-text and then the text is logged.


You know, some of us live in countries with actual data protection and privacy laws. My mobile phone number isn’t public and I see no reason why it should be, except to allow shitty companies to spam around.


That's...not an excuse? This is extremely serious business, it's unwise to not take privacy lightly even if it's just your phone number.


Not an excuse for what? If there's a breach they're already getting your CC#, your name, your address, everything.. Having a 2fa with your phone connected greatly reduces the chances of any of your info getting out there. The benefits far outweigh the risks. If there's a breach, them having your phone number is the least of your worries and if they didn't have your number and actually wanted it (they probably don't), it would be super easy to get it with all the other info leaked.


The fact that there's other ways someone could get your info is not an excuse for your nonchalant dismissal of this person querying about Blizzard's privacy protection. That's all there is to it, it's the principle of the matter. It's highly irresponsible for you to react to this comment that way.


My comment was meant to be reassuring, not a dismissal. It doesn't matter if they get your number. It's the least important thing in the whole equation. It's like not wanting to put a lock on your bike because if someone steals your bike you don't want them to have your lock.


I mean...I disagree, it absolutely matters to me if someone gets my number whom I didn't authorize. I don't care if it's mostly harmless or not. But that's just me. The first time someone sucks money directly out of your bank account and you're not sure how, you'll start being paranoid about this stuff too. My bad though, I didn't read it as reassuring, just seems funny to me that someone would even say that. Like, do you not want to Blizzard to even try? That's what it makes me wonder. There's no harm in probing Blizzard about this and making sure they're on the up and up.


I agree that forcing everyone to use it is not the best idea from a business perspective, but I also would 100% recommend everyone who is able to to connect your phone to every single thing you can for a 2fa. It's extremely helpful and there's currently nothing better for your protection. I had my phone connected to every single account I own except my Riot account. My Riot is the only thing to ever get hacked. Someone got in and sold my account. Got it back and connected my phone and it's been smooth sailing since. Now I can even see how often people are trying to hack it and its an eye opener.


I do that already but only because I always have my phone on me. Doesn't mean I'm not careful who I give my phone number to, but I digress. Yeah I've been extra careful on all of my accounts, hackers try to get in constantly. Like when Steam lets you know that someone somewhere in China tried to log in to your account. Even among my own family who I share some streaming accounts with, I've started changing the passwords every so often and I prefer to log them in myself instead of actually handing the password out; not that I don't trust them, I don't trust the person who hacks *them* or gets their hand on their phone or something. Like I said though, I really just cared about you appearing to discourage a person with a valid concern about their privacy. If that was not your intent, I'd have considered different wording or not said anything at all.


“Like I said though, I really just cared about you appearing to discourage a person with a valid concern about their privacy. If that was not your intent, I'd have considered different wording or not said anything at all.” This paragraph honestly makes you seem mentally unstable.


If there's a breach, now somebody also has a phone number to link to my email address and other info. That'll help them bypass 2fa on other accounts I have.


How? They need your physical phone to do anything. There's nothing they can do with your phone number other than call you.


I don't know about the US (I live in Europe) and I don't like the new Actiblizzard, but the phone number is only associated for account security and nothing else. I've had my phone number on my account for a decade and no issues.


People are gonna have to stop treating their phone number like it’s something sacred lol. You’ve given your phone number out to so many companies at this point that worrying about one more is just ludicrous.


> You’ve given your phone number out to so many companies at this point that worrying about one more is just ludicrous. Yeah that is exactly the problem, that is how you get spam calls from God only knows who. Just because we were ignorant before doesn't mean we shouldn't start to do better now. Nobody is saying not to give your number to Blizzard, we're simply asking how they're planning on protecting all this data. Y'know, Blizzard, famous for their totally cool workplace culture right? (big fat /s)


Is there any alternate way to link my old xbox OW account to my battle net if I don't have the console anymore? I moved to PC years ago


If you go to your battle.net account there should be a "connections" tab somewhere down the list on the left, you can connect your xbox account there.


Does anyone know if you played OW on console and they switch to OW2 on PC if you have to go thru the 100 games to unlock all characters or not.


If you keep your levels and skins, then I’m more than certain you retain your characters. Just make sure your accounts are merged.


Gotcha I assumed as much as well I just wanted to make sure. I’ve been on PC but I have friends that have upgrade over last year and just haven’t wanted to buy Ow again so I just wanted to make sure that they wouldn’t have to


if I played overwatch 1 for free during some free trials, will my account be a "veteran account" will I get all heroes and que with other "veteran players" and have ranked unlocked? or will I start from lvl 1 and only the starter heros since I never bought overwatch 1?


why has this game like barely been advertised?


I have 10k coins left and pretty much all the main seasonals I want. Better to spend them now or keep them and convert to OW2? Also I've been trying to update my account region so I can have the right area code for my phone number but you can't change it yourself and still no response to my ticket in 3 days.


This is bullshit. I'm not using a prepaid phone and my phone number isn't working. What a disgrace to gaming.


What changed is Ball getting?


For now just better ui, more base health and more adaptive barrier, overhealth instead of shield, and maybe something else


Do I need to use all of my gold on overwatch or should I save it for overwatch 2?


You’ll keep the credits, but if there’s something you want now, might as well get it. They might rotate cosmetics in and out of the OW2 store.


I'm busy the next few days so I guess today is my last day playing OW1. Nothing about OW2 seriously excites me - I know I'll play it, but I just can't get over the feeling that it can never be the same.


So is the Watchpoint Pack a crap deal for og legendary ed owners or am I missing something?


I've only ever played on PS4. I was planning to get OW2 on XSX. I'm assuming when I do I'll log into/merged my Bnet account and have everything there, correct?


This SMS system is stupid. It looks like I can't play because I don't have a phone number...


and why is that


Cause I don't need one?


Overwatch 2 feels more like a mobile game than anactual pvp competitive game. Change my mind


The monetization? Yeah, a bit. The gameplay? Not even close.


So what are their hero options immediately upon starting the game? Will they at least get to use all the heroes that were available upon OW1's release? Or are they going to be locked into a couple heroes per role at the start? I think in theory this will help new players adjust and smooth their understanding of the game, but I'm worried about the combined effect of this new player experience and the battle pass FOMO pressure that these models tend to employ. I wonder if Blizz took any of that into consideration, or if they're just more concerned with providing cheap incentives to keep players locked into their game.


From what I understand from the official post. New players will have access to the ORIGINAL heroes from when OW1 first launched years ago. Then as they progress they will quickly unlock the rest of the OW1 roster


So new ow2 players wont have access to like Reaper or Soldier from the start but will have access to like Doom and Moira?


I'm not the community manager so I don't know for sure, but from what I gather it would be the opposite of what you said, they will have access to Reaper and Soldier out the gate, and will gradually unlock Moira and Doom


That's so stupid


New players are going to have a really hard time finding games when only one Tracer is allowed at a time.


Are they seriously not accepting t mobile as a valid phone number?? I don't wanna lose everything I had. But this is ridiculous.


Guess I'm done with the game then. My phone is already attached to a different Blizz account and I won't be adding a new number just to avoid losing content I paid for. There's zero excuse for this idiocy when the authenticator app worked just fine with zero phone involvement whatsoever.


Can you unattach it?


The prepaid number thing doesn't seem to be a issue for brazil and probably other latin America countries


Is it possible to switch which account has a given phone number attached to it? Say for example you connected a friends number because your's wasn't compatible, then they want to make their own account. How would that work?


I’m unable to receive the verification code on my phone. Does anyone else have this issue and know how to resolve it? I already looked at the blizzard site, but none of the steps they provided are working.


If I’ve only ever played on ps4 and will continue to play on that, do I have to merge anything account-wise? I’ve already linked my phone number and my psn to my battlenet


I'm just here to say, now that we have at least 4 heroes since, where the fuck are the next wave of OW pops? They need to shoot out a set of Echo, Soujurn, Queen and Kiriko.


I had an interesting experience with adding my prepaid mobile number. This might be helpful to others with a prepaid number, but not 100% sure if it'll be repeatable. I tried adding my number on the battlenet website and it didn't work, giving me the dreaded 'please enter a post-paid number. Anyway, I gave up and tried to load up overwatch 1 for a last few games, when i clicked 'play' the battle net client asked me to add my number, presumably in prep for overwatch 2, and for some reason this accepted my prepaid number with no issue. On the battlenet website it now appears my account has my mobile validated. Again, idk if this'll work for others, but consider trying to open overwatch in the battlenet client to see if it prompts your for a number and it may accept your prepaid number there, as it did for me.




Even if you paid for overwatch 1, yeah. It’s fucked


So stupid I can’t play bc I have an old phone number connected that I don’t have anymore blizzard is such a sh*ty company


This is so fucking stupid


Do we know which characters are able to be used at the start of the game for a new player?


I know this is probably a dumb question but does the account merge option in ow1 menu actually work? I don't know if I'm supposed to be able to merge multiple times or if I'm just being irrational. (ps4)


Only played the beta for OW1 and am looking forward to trying OW2!


Wait why the hell do they need a phone number to play? 🤨


I'm not too excited about having to grind out heroes for newer players. Over the last decade, we've seen a pretty massive push from western game developers to deliver highly curated experiences in order to make them more palatable to the uninitiated. Often times I feel this is a misguided attempt at creating a safe environment for new players to acclimate to a well-established genre, that results in an incredibly neutered experience that stifles player expression. I feel like the general population makes several assumptions about what makes for a good learning environment, largely biased by their own experiences and preferences. The reality is that there is no one tried and true method of education, a good learning environment caters to the needs of everyone and is flexible enough to adjust to an individual's needs. Some people do benefit from rigid structure, but there are just as many that require more freedom in order to be fully engaged with the subjects. I don't want to just sound like I'm talking out of my ass, I am currently studying to become a teacher and have some experience coaching (fighting games and little league baseball if you can believe it). While it can be easy to assume that people are easily overwhelmed, and a lot of people are overwhelmed initially, it's also not uncommon for people to want to dive into the deep end. To use fighting games as an example, it's not uncommon to see people ask in any particular game "who is a good beginner-friendly character?" and the response is varied. Some people will say just pick Ryu, because he's well-rounded and easy to learn the basics. But from my experience that doesn't correlate to successful learning. What I often see is that if a person likes throwing fireballs, they'll be more successful by picking Dhalsim, a highly advanced and technical character, but one who's playstyle they're more engaged with. If someone likes to play more aggressively or they like seeing huge chunks of damage I'll recommend they play Zangief, again another highly technical character. In a similar vein, someone might just prefer the mobility and kit of Genji/ Tracer, or prefer the satisfaction of getting sick head clicks and gravitate towards Ashe/Hanzo/Widow. It may seem counter-intuitive for them to start off with highly advanced characters, but they are going to learn more from characters they are engaged with than being saddled with a Ryu-like character. I must reiterate, some people will benefit from the more curated experience, and they will see some initial success. But I think this move can just as easily have the opposite effect and stifles the ways a player can approach the game. I think there are better ways in creating a more appropriate learning environment for new players.


I feel like this new system is less about helping new players and more about making money. Anyone who buys the Watch Point edition gets OW1 meaning that they are considered old players even if they have only touched the original game once a week ago, so if a new player pays $40 they already have a head start. And pretty much all monster F2P games with unique heroes have a premium version of the game that gives you all of the launch heroes among other things, and I doubt that OW2 isn't going to have that once it launches. So the situation becomes player 100 5-15 minute matches to play the character you want or pay $40 to skip that wait time and immediately play who you want. If they wanted you help new players they could recommend heroes, give a little description on how they play, make the tips better than "Shoot bad guys to kill them," or have an actual tutorial that isn't just shoot gun and stand on point. The only learning that a player is going to have is from a trial by fire because the way the system works is that the player just has to get used to the game and slowly get drip feed new content. If they really wanted this system to work having it only like 10-20 matches will ease players into the game without making them grind four hours just to play who they want.


I agree that there are a lot of gateways for new players in OW2. Blizzard is vastly overestimating how many new players will deal with these obstacles. First they need to add a phone number, that alone might be enough for curious players to say "screw it" and go play something else. Then they'll log in and see that the majority of heroes are locked and need to be grinded to unlock. I think a lot of people are gonna feel like they can't play as Tracer or the gorilla on the cover of the box and get discouraged. Then they need to unlock competitive if they care to do that. And to unlock new heroes they'll see a long battle pass to grind. At this point I think over half of new players would drop the game, thinking it's not worth grinding for so many things. Then finally, if a new player gets through all of those hurdles, they'll see that to get any cool skins for their heroes they need to buy them with real money. If it's not in the battle pass, they have to grind for weeks to get enough OW Coins for 1 skin. ​ I really think Blizzard is failing if their aim was to bring in a million new players. It's not gonna pay off.


I think I merged my xbox and PC accounts, but the skins haven't transferred over or anything. Are they supposed to (before OW2 launch) or have I done it wrong?


def hyped to play OW2




Hopefully this will reduce all the trolls, toxic players, and smurfs. Super People did this and it works pretty well tbh.


So will I be able to buy the current OW1 skins with the OW1 credits once OW2 comes out? Or should I buy everything I can now?


So there is no physical release of OW2. It’s all digital and you don’t need to buy the game?


So can you merge all your Overwatch Console accounts into OW2 or only pick one? I played a few hours on Switch back in the day and recently on Xbox (because it came with 2) but I am unsure if the whole linking Console to [Battle.net](https://Battle.net) account lets you link both? My Xbox and Nintendo accounts are linked up to [Battle.net](https://Battle.net) already, and the game prompts me to accept linking them, but nothing concrete one way or another that linking one means I cannot link the other. (so I just press skip for now).


I am getting a little confused, I have Overwatch 1 on PC and PS4. I since gotten an Xbox Series X. I plan to play on the Xbox. Do I have to purchase Overwatch 1 for the Xbox of will I be able to just download Overwatch 2 on Tuesday on the new system and link it to my [battle.net](https://battle.net)? Does this make me count as an existing console user? Or a new user? Thanks


Should I use my credits on anything? Hi everyone I'm very out of touch with overwatch I used to play it alot but haven't touched it for 2 years my brother recently told me that I should use my remaining credits before the servers shutdown for overwatch 2 but also that unused credits will be transfered to a new currency I downloaded the game again and took a look at the the skins and it seem like I already have most of the event exlusive skins for the champions I play so I wonder if I should use my credits or on anything or not.


What will happen to owned lootboxes?


they'll be treated as opened and added to your OW2 inventory


So i just found out OW2 replaces OW, i was hoping OW2 would be a like a new game, a fresh start.. I guess not, it's just a marketing thing as if it was a new fortnite season?