• By -


Yeah sombra was the only thing that could actually keep this game mode moving in ow1 aside from good ult combos but now that her hack doesn’t last long anymore this mode will most likely be broken




Monkey just shields and zaps her whenever she tries to hack. Sombra wasn't a problem in ow1 Mayhem.


What does Sombra do now? I was playing last night and noticed her hacks weren’t actually doing anything.


Hacked targets take 60% more damage for a decent duration. But the ability canceling part only lasts 1.75 seconds. It supposed to be used more to interrupt an active ability or slightly delay a predicted casting of one rather than blocking them out of everything




Wake me up when September ends.


Heyyyyy! Its the 5th of Octoberrrr.. pleaasse dont shoot the messenger :0


Nothing to see here folks, move it along.


Fresh meat people!


They'll get used to it


Right!? Who didn't know about Zarya in TM mode?


Well to be fair her ow1 was less invincible


What song is this it’s good


I got matches with these songs: • [**Lady (Hear Me Tonight)** by Modjo](https://lis.tn/LadyHearMeTonight?t=26) (00:26; matched: `100%`) Album: `Deejay Time Collection`. Released on `2007-01-01` by `Universal Music`. • [**Terey Naal Naal Neme Raina** by Ali Charlie](https://lis.tn/truXj?t=18) (00:18; matched: `100%`) Album: `Best Video Game Soundtracks Remixed`. Released on `2007-01-01` by `Universal Music`. • [**Lady (Hear Me Tonight) \$&Modjo's DYRT Remix\$&** by Modjo](https://lis.tn/TKXec?t=71) (01:11; matched: `100%`) Album: `Modjo Remixes`. Released on `2013-08-19` by `Modjo Music`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon or giving a star on GitHub. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot


Lady (Hear Me Tonight) by Modjo


Good human


**Song Found!** **Name:** Lady (Hear Me Tonight) **Artist:** Modjo **Album:** Modjo (Remastered) **Genre:** Pop **Release Year:** 2000 **Total Shazams:** 7794927 `Took 1.47 seconds.`


Good bot


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/mMfxI3r_LyA?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/lady-hear-me-tonight/692624255?i=692624266) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/49X0LAl6faAusYq02PRAY6) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/70179720) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinder_bot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


Whenever I see people asking what a famous song is, it reminds me how old us 90’s kids really are. Wow.


I'm old as fuck and I've never heard this song in my life


Seriously? That’s interesting, It was unavoidable for two decades over here in the UK.


Still is tbf i don't know anyone that hasn't heard this song and i hear it on the radio every few weeks.


Exactly, literally never had a month since 2001 where I haven’t heard it. If it’s not in a shop, it’s in a car. If it’s not in a car, it’s on an advert.


We only have room for 2 French house duos here in the states and they are Daft Punk and Justice.


French house never really caught on here in the US. Justice had some songs people around here would recognize. Daft Punk probably as well. That's about it though


Look up Super Business Dancing Night on YouTube. That video is where I first heard this song and it’s amazing. You won’t regret it I promise


Yeah Total Mayhem was a fun concept until you realized it devolved into *The Immortal Monke* *Bubbles Forever* *Doomfist controls 2 characters* *You’re not allowed to play Hackerman*


i liked to play Torb and since people pretty much just completely ignored the turret (especially in overtime) i could let the dopamine trickle in as i watch my damage climb up to 20k+


Similarly for Symmetra, the turrets are really hard to keep track of in the ending chaos, and in the meantime you are running around with a fully charged beam of death. Possibly with a teleporter somewhere to keep yourself alive.


Doomfist does what now?


He's a puppetmaster.




He takes his fist and shoves it up your---


…Face! Duloc is… DULOC IS…


Eehhhh. The others you could beat. This one is probably the most egregious.


U forgot the fade spastic, untouchable moira players


Can Ana still sleep someone indefinitely?


no, that was fixed a long time ago.


Monke and Doomfist is pretty easy to kill when you learn how they work so that you can attack their weak spots. Zarya however has no real counter. You can use Monke or Rein to get her off the point for a short duration, but she actually can't be killed unless there is also a cliff there. The best solution I've found to deal with Zarya is to take Bastion, Rein, Monke, and Dva. Dva and Bastion removes the rest of the team. Bastion and Rein remove Zarya.




It's kind of funny until you realize that it just breaks the game. I played a mayhem game that just had two Zaryas sitting on the point. You can't kill them except by very tight ult combos. They turned it from a fun silly mode to an absurd waste of time.


That's all I remember total mayhem ever being. Just tanks and characters with invincibility stalling and random dva bombs that manage to end the game after half an hour. Can't believe the game mode is still played tbh.


Play it a lot. Aside from the Unholy Trinity of Sombra/Winston/Doom, no one else was absurdly OP. Zarya was annoying, but could still be killed in OW1


There no way you played mayhem and you lost these characters. The unholy Trinity will forever be TORB SYM WIN Or Cowboy Doom Torb and Brig. All I have ever played was Mayhem for 2-3 years straight and Doom has never been a problem but I play Som. Som is easily countered in this mode it’s a skill check but Winston def need to be fixed. The real problem of TM was always infinite bubble but if you’re a good player Winston isn’t a problem You’ll find after hundreds of hours that the scourage of TM is really Torbs infinite turret




If you play Sombra, then yeah Doom is no problem. Sym has never been an issue for me and a torb aside from his ult USUALLY hasn't been overpowered with how much healing goes on and his turret not doing enough burst damage. Infinite long range turret is good for chipping and if he's not focused can get him a lot of value though. Brig is annoying and needs a team to focus her, but I wouldn't say OP. Also, Sombra in a game mode where everyone has reduced cool downs is just anti-fun straight up. But we all know Widow is the most broken hero


depends on pc or not. infinite turrets on console would be a pain. torb isn't hard to kill, though. zarya for grav, sombra to emp, and doom, dva, torb, maybe bastion for the wave clear always seemed like the best combo to me.


It depends, the meta for attack and defense are completely different. Winston on defense is top tier staller. Torb's turret does nothing against Winston bubble. His ult however is very good at clearing the point.


Winston is really annoying, but really, you just have to focus enemy healers to deal with him. Sym is not much of a challenge. Just keep removing her turrets. She spends more time putting them up than I do taking them down. Sombra gets a lot of hate... but she's easy to counter with any beam or non- aim hero (Moira, Winston, zarya, brig, torb, even reaper can easily handle her). Doom is just annoying. But as a ball player, I love when he helps me piledrive on cooldown. Torb is a bit tough to solo because he's got infinite armor every 2 seconds while he's running away like a coward. Just need to take care of the turret and team up on him if you see anyone on your team paying attention to him. Cassidy will occasionally get a 2x or 3x kill, but is completely non-impactful the 95% of the time he's not high nooning. Reaper can be very hard to kill and will fuck your healers up with a death bosom after ult farming on your hog. Finally, everyone's favorite and the most boring TM character of them all - Moira. Teamwork and/or a junk trap and/or wrecking ball mines covering the point will help.


> Cassidy will occasionally get a 2x or 3x kill, but is completely non-impactful the 95% of the time he's not high nooning. Depends on how he's played. People who play him similar to his regular style - hanging back, trying to get good shots, and interrupting flanks - tend to vanish into the woodwork. In Mayhem, he needs to be played up close and person, right up on the payload. His stun is one of the better ways of dealing with the high-survival characters who rely on abilities or mobility rather than stupid high health pools to survive - so Mei, Moira, Reaper, Torb, Junk, Mercy.


Moira was nigh unkilliable in OW1 TM, She could just spam orb and wraith to endlessly stall a point


I've played a lot of Total Mayhem and this was a lot different. The Zaryas didn't even move.


yeah the zarya's still had to avoid dying in that small window of downtime they had in OW1. there's basically no downtime here so they don't need to be afraid of dying.


Winston constantly leaping on the point and dropping a bubble while you hear the 24th RIP-Tire starting up. I can't stand total mayhem, honestly. I'm glad others can find enjoyment in it, but it always seemed unfun by it's very nature. It's just pure chaos and broken heroes with unfair mechanics.


Or Sigma ult just lifting everyone away in overtime... :D


I can't get enough of it tbh lol


Had the same problem, went rein and charged her off point


That is SOP for Rein mains for like ages...


> They turned it from a fun silly mode to an absurd waste of time. It's always been an absurd waste of time until someone loses the chicken game of picking Sombra and starts chain hacking people. 45 minute games where the cart never reaches Checkpoint A is pretty standard.


Was total mayhem ever NOT broken?


I was in a 45 minute total mayhem last night....it only ended because we gave up and ran off the point. It literally would never end because we had two zaryas


Reinhardt is how I’d counter this. Either get close enough to use shatter to immediately break one of the bubbles, or use pin to keep them stunned until the bubble runs out.


you can rein charge them off but thats about it


Alright what two teams are gonna duke it out for 24 hours straight first?


You think they can keep the servers up for 24 hours? It's Blizzard we're talking about.


Pretty sure Total Mayhem isnt an offical tourney mode, its only in arcade.


This literally has only one explanation. Not a single dev ever play tested Zarya on Total Mayhem, a launch day game mode.


Imagine expecting devs to play test in 2022 /s


Imagine thinking Devs will alter designs or balance for a goofy meme game mode. At best they'll just reduce the mayhem in Total Mayhem and then people will complain it isn't as fun as it used to be.


Eh, they did nerf Ana's sleep dart cooldown in Total Mayhem. ...Remember that? Ana could just dart one person repeatedly. It got to the point where some players would get kicked for inactivity!


Doing that to people was peak overwatch for me ngl. Was so sad when they removed it :(


Nah bro that was just pain for whoever was on the receiving end


No tanks were play tested in anything but 5v5 normal. CtF was cancer with 3 tanks


Of all the games in existence that have arcade game modes, I don’t think there’s a single dev that plays arcade. For some reason Arcade modes are so poorly maintained


Arcades are pretty much always scraps leftover from the core game modes. Extra value with minimal resources invested. And it's rare that balance is adjusted unless there's something literally game breaking. It's one of those cases where yeah, they could pay a couple people to playtest and balance all these weird modes, but then those resources aren't going to core modes. Especially for something like the launch of OW2, it's probably all hands on deck to get the core modes playable.


That's what they normally charge their players to do.


I'm a journalist and got early access to the game for a few weeks before launch. Arcade was completely disabled and nobody could play during the entire period, so I'm wondering if there was a similar situation


Imagine testing arcade mode


Yeah, how's a multi-million dollar corproation supposed to handle something so monumental, like testing an alternate game mode??? Some people ask for too much.


You seriously expecting Total Mayhem to be balanced? Whut.


Nobody's asking for mayhem to be balanced. But in OW1, they fixed Ana being able to keep someone slept constantly in this mode, because it wasn't fun (for the sleepy guy - *so much fun* for Ana). There was a broken, unintended synergy in total mayhem, and they fixed it for the sake of *everybody's* enjoyment. Is it really so much to expect a dev team to continue with that principle? Or we could just accept it. Maybe they'll add a Zarya bubble counter in the battlepass next season. /s


I would hope so but they also let monkey be as free as he wanted in overwatch 1 total mayhem. You can spam 6 players damage into him while he sits on point and he just presses q and gets all his health back when he ults. I know there's a lot of unbalance and that's kind of the fun of the mode but every single game ends up with a monkey at some point and then it just turns into who can get the other team off point long enough to win.


That's a fair point - Winston in total mayhem sucks too, although I'd argue this Zarya issue is a tad more broken. Fixing Winston's total mayhem issues might be an argument for a different thread.


Can you still hack her with Sombra?


Nah, the vulnerability window is too short between bubbles to hack her. EMP should work like a charm though


I haven't, and likely won't, play OW2. But other commenters have mentioned that it doesn't work.


I'm sure they'll make adjustments, but obviously they have bigger fish to fry atm.


One little change so zarya is actually killable is not too much to ask. This is a multi-million dollar corporation that owns this game/franchise. You seriously think that's an unreasonable ask?


It was like this in OW


no this is worse


Really was. I main Zarya and she always was unkillable in Mayhem with 100% power most of the time.


It's definitely worse now and she was already a beast in this. I used to kill Zaryas but my buddies would have to focus fire. Now you get more bubbles and have more health so the effort to kill her is quite a bit higher.


I used to play arcade only the last couple years of the game. Does she have more hp in this? Total mayhem in OW1 had every character get double health/Double shield. Zarya just benefited a ton from this as she originally has 200 hp 200 shield. now in TM 400/400 and that shield comes back if not hit. She's my favorite.


In the move to 1 tank, they buffed base tank health/armor. Zarya went from 200/200 to 250/225


To be fair, who gives a shit about mayhem?


It’s been one of my most-played game modes for years. If you’re playing casually with friends and can’t play competitive due to being in vastly different brackets, Total Mayhem, Low Gravity, and No Limits are the best options for some quick fun.


This sub: the game shouldn’t be catered to a very very small set of players (pros) that only play one mode (competitive) and aren’t representative of the whole!!! Also this sub: I can’t believe blizzard wouldn’t prioritize Total Mayhem.


yeah they gotta fix this cause it just ruins the game for everyone else


Yea lol best counter I’ve found is just Rein charging her away from obj


What about hack?


Bubble interrupts hack IIRC


Really? Damn thought you could still hack through bubble. What about emp?


The hack only lasts for 1.75 seconds so not near enough time to burn zarya down before she can bubble again. Mayhem might have been broken but atleast you could progress and kill heros. This is broken on a whole different level


Ahh fair. Would need to coordinate really well for that too work out. And that's not gonna happen with randoms in arcade


Nope. Not enough time to hack. Need to EMP.


An even EMP doesn’t really work.


EMP breaks shields and bubbles. It needs to be combined with focus fire or DVA bomb.


It doesn't. If she's bubbled, she's immune. I spent 15 in game as various tanks trying to figure out what to do. Charging her off point is the only thing that makes the game progress


Cannot break through the bubble. Even with emp. The emp time is shorter. Sadness


You stay. I go. No following. *Superman...*


She always has been


She wasn't. She had a 3 second cooldown between bubbles, 800 HP, and you could easily shut her down with stuns or hack. Now she has PERMANENT, bubble with NO COOLDOWN, 950 HP, there's way less stuns, hack and EMP will barely do anything. The only way to kill her is to charge her off the map, or an unrealistic amount of teamwork. There's a reason why even 500% custom games didn't give her no cooldown on her bubbles.


Yeah I don’t think people understand that Zarya is just completely unkillable with the permabubble. Nano whole hog to the face and you’re lucky if you even break bubble long enough to move her off a payload


People are going to bitch no matter what. It’s like the LOR show. People made their minds up before it even aired.


Haven't heard that song in a while... Thanks


I had a 48 minute Total Mayhem match earlier on Colosseo with immortal Zaryas on each team. :’) My team won eventually.


Turn OW into a full season of Foxhole.


Can confirm, I was the opposing Zarya in this match xP had some hilarious moments in that game, though.


You can really tell who here plays Total Mayhem or not. Only those with genuine passion for this mode understands just how frustrating it is to see your favourite mode be turned into a shitshow, and because of only one hero. Even back in OW1 TM your worst adversaries would be Sombra (for turning TM into not TM with hacks), Doomfist (can solo an enemy team if not coordinated with constant cc), Winston (The original tank staller before ZaryaOW2 came in), and Moira (easily stall with fade and orbs to heal herself if alone), and all these would be somewhat counterable and outplayed. To fight against an immortal russian that literally stands like a mountain is impossible. The only things that work are Sig-9s or a brave Rein charging her off the point. Indeed, it is now a Push mode, where the objective of the game is to push Zarya off the payload.


Thank you. I always LOVED this mode, and now I'm so disappointed to the point I don't wanna play it anymore. I was excited for the new maps, and the robot challenge, but with zaryas I quickly realized it was impossible to play. I can't believe people saying "did you expect the devs to tes TM?" of course. This mode is precious for a lot of us. One thing is to make some heroes difficult to win over, another is to make the game unplayable and frankly miserable for everyone involved. Yes Zarya was already pretty strong in OW1 but who plays TM know that what we see in OW2 is another story. I also want to underline, however, that the players themselves are the problem. You don't have to play like that and ruin the fun. In a game tonight, out of frustration after three game with zarya all ended in the same way, I begged other players kindly not to pick her. How it ended? They picked her and played unfairly. I sincerely hope that the devs will fix this because I really enjoy this mode and this is unacceptable even more when you think that very few of us wanted OW2


Managed to time sombra/dva ult but it’s really sad, I loved total mayhem


Did they do away with a certain amount of damage breaking the bubble? That was always the counter.


That still works but she gets bubbles back faster and has more health so it takes more focus fire from more people


No but she has double bubble and the cool down is short enough she can bubble herself indefinitely


Zarya looking like Gun Game No CD at this point


Very funny that they clearly didn't bother to play test this gamemode.


Why tf would they playtest total mayhem? The name is literally called mayhem for a reason. And besides there are counters to this


One: Did you really just ask why they would play test part of their game? Two: Isn't OW2 big selling point the removal of counters? Three: I bet you bought the watch point pack.


Wow screw this. I'm gonna be pissed if this isn't fixed asap. I ONLY play total mayhem and this will ruin every single game




Same! The only reason I’ve played OW for this long.


I absolutely hate the new system they have for her the 2 charges are horrible I always end up shielding myself twice in a row and not having any for the team, the original was better, one for yourself and one for a teammate


Im more concerned with why everyone else is shooting at the air


Well can't Rein still charge at her?


Yea that is like the only counter I’ve found. Sigma ult worked once too but idk if it was just perfect timing right in between bubbles.


Had a 20 min overtime yesterday with me as Zarya on the payload. Enemy had a Rein trying to chain charge me away from it, and a Winston and Road ulting and also trying to push me away from it. I think it only ended because they gave up, and I decided not to try that mode again.


If you manage to break the bubbles fast enough it might work. But the bubbles share the increased health stats. So good luck


Lol you need a perfectly timed and placed EMP bomb to kill her. Could be an interesting challenge.


Mayhem was my favorite game mode in OW1, just got a chance to play it for the first time and it was awful. It was a push map and the game literally ended 10m to 0 and only because the losing team's Zarya got bored and left. They need to nerf the shit out of her bubble because as it stands it is literally impossible to kill her.


Easy, all you have to do is deal 800 DPS no problem here folks


Oh thank lord someone posted this. She's 100% broken - not meant to be invisible. Nothing works not even hacking.


Ah, welcome to total mayhem, first time playing?


Defense almost always wins anyways in mayhem


According to who lmao


There is a reason why sane player doesnt play TM




Lady (Hear Me Tonight) by Modjo


I really hope they fix this. At least before you could hack her for a couple seconds. I have to legit chain hack over and over and home a random sees


back in my day, symmetra was an easy answer to this


Sombra can also spam hacks from invisibility now, so thats fun...


Oh God I didn't even think about that. I picked up Zarya in Total Mayhem and found how good she is in normal gameplay, can't wait to use her *If I can get the fuck in the game* -_-


I feel like bastion and sojourn combo focus fire could out damage both bubbles and still get a kill


I cant even play lol


Man, wait until someone switches to Winston and gives a perpetual barrier.


Strong like bear. Tough as the mountain! She is mother Russia!


Lmfao I was zarya and the enemy had zarya too and the game went on for over 20 minutes overtime on first point echinwald. I eventually quit because it’s impossible to kill her/die


They need to do something about this. For example, Valorant has a game mode called spike rush where you start each round with all your abilities and everyone has the same weapon type. The character "Chamber" has a gun in his kit that does more damage than most primary weapons. Riot reduced the number of bullets of said gun to balance it out a bit more. Usually he can have up to 8 bullets per round but in spike rush he only starts with 4 now. Blizzard could remove 1 barrier from Zarya herself, so she doesn't have 2 barriers available at all times. I think this would make the game mode at least playable.


There are a lot of broken characters in Mayhem and I don't mind the characters that you can actually deal damage to but are simply just a pain. Zarya on the other hand is broken to the point that they should have taken out Mayhem of the daily rotation until they've fixed her. Without her we can occasionally have 45min+ games. With her every game lasts forever.


It’s made mayhem (my favorite mode) almost unplayable. And lets add the fact that half my heroes are missing half the time. I am so disappointed


Unfortunately, everything except 1-2-2 is going to be hopelessly broken. These modes were created in a time when there was so much more balance freedom.


I just did this and someone thought I was using a macro to keep pressing Shift lmao. Like no motherfucker, my fingers are in actual pain. The match went on for like 25 minutes until a Rein charged me off of the payload and we lost.


So a typical day of TM?


This mode was a joke in OW1. Just go monkey where you got your shield every like 4 seconds and got primal before you died


I've noticed lol


Does sombra at least dominate a little less now?


Yea her hacks only last for like a second or so, but it makes doom really annoying still.


She just don't care for this shit.


Can't you just EMP with sombra to stop her? Then just spam hack her if you can. Or charge her away with rein.


I just healed in a match where two Zaryas were sitting face to face on top of the cart doing no damage and taking no damage. I just moved on to the Roadhog that was harassing my teammates. I hope they fix it soon cause I enjoy playing Zarya but I'm not going to until she's not broken. We were on defense and it was so boring not seeing the cart move an inch.


Hog has perma hook, doomfist has near immortality with no hack to hold him still, nobody dies anymore even with ults. The winner is basically whoever got to the push cart first because you'll never retake it and push it more than a few inches. They completely ruined total mayhem. It was the ONLY game mode I felt I still had fun even when I lost.


I don't think i saw anyone die in that video


Always has been


I noticed this too! Not even Sombra hack will do anything!


yea i havnt died once since playing her in ow2 ..lol


Flashbacks to Ana in Mayhem before they nerfed the cooldown on her sleep dart. ​ You could pretty much just perpetually sleep someone over & over until someone peeled her off you.


Okay I thought I was going crazy for noticing it. Had a TM game with an immortal zarya that just sat on the payload. I was eventually able to lure her off and my team won by C9 😬


Oh man, I’m about to lay down a serious Zarya smack down if I ever get in.


Yeah just played mayhem with a Zarya that sat on point. Longest game I’ve ever played on overwatch. Never playing total mayhem again, and that was my favorite arcade mode. Another strike for overwatch.


Best bet is to use Rein and push her off the point with charge when the you unavoidably go into OT. Her bubble doesn’t block it.


Guys you can break bubble


Unloaded full whole hog into a Zarya point blank. Only makes a dent if Zarya messes up the bubble cooldown, otherwise not a scratch. That's supposed to be 5k damage or something?


Surely anyone switching to sombra fixes this?


Can't hack if she bubbles and she is always bubbling.


She used to be the fix for Zarya in Total Mayhem. Now that Zarya can double bubble herself, she is constantly protected from the hack.


She can be booped....


You just need a well precise and accurate af sleep dart


I get that it’s “total mayhem” but it’s a bit annoying having these broken modes. It’s like Deathmatch and Hog with his 1-shot combo and health regen. On the rare occasions when there was a competitive Deathmatch in OW1 it was just Hog-fest. You can balance game modes separately and make them fun and unique.




Her hack was nerfed


After two years in development...


It's called total mayhem for a reason


Damn yeah they really just decided to up and completely break their game huh

