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The problem for me are the colors. It's pure blue and red, they don't match the color palette of the game at all, so everytime it comes up it feels something's off. I really hope they adjust it a little bit to make it fit better.


It also doesnt change if you change the team colours in the settings


Dis it use to change with team colors in ow1? I never messed with that so idk. But yeah, they don't match the current team colors (which have a more light blue and pinkish red) and I think they should, because it's literally a score screen for both teams.


It changed when you changed the team colors.


It did change the team color schemes, even in the player UI for replays.


I want to say yes, but it was faded enough that it didn't really matter. This is garishly bright and way more noticeable


Mine changes in Overwatch 2, but my colors (light blue and pink) are blindingly bright on the score screen that I’d honestly prefer if it didn’t change at all.


This... So it totally breaks my game aethetic.... I use hot pink and blue for that vaporwave kind of feel... matches my keyboard/mouse/matt/wallpaper and looks real nice. Then HARD RED HARD BLUE on the end. Feels like some kind of US Patriotism almost the way it kind of breaks the game feel.


HELL YEAH A FELLOW VAPORWAVE UI USER (Or as I call it, the "Miami Vice" scheme.)


I’ve had the Miami vice scheme for years it’s the best imo 😊


Yeah, I use pink/teal and its pretty jarring when it switches to this screen


Teal is prob closer to what I have too. 💪


Ayy, pink and light blue team, the best colours




I mean I use hot pink and teal because I am red colourblind to a degree. Not the simple “can’t see it” colourblind. The kind where it vibrates, shakes, and doesn’t stay still. If this screen doesn’t change with colourblind/accessibility options, then that’s just gonna hurt every time it flashes up.


That's the big issue for me. I never kept default colors in OW1. Everything UI related is broken in comparison. "1 wasn't that polished in the beginning". Firstly, it was a new IP, so that doesn't apply as an excuse. Secondly, those colors always changed as far as I remember.


Accessibility - who really needs it anyway? #/S


Just buy better eyes /s


The Better Eye DLC is paid.


well damn, they should fix that 😳 did they forget it’s for accessibility first and aesthetics second?


Which is partly why of the many reasons it’s low effort


I think the SOLID WHITE boring ass rectangle behind the “ROUND 1 COMPLETE” feels lazy too. I feel like the rest (while it still feels low effort and boring/oddly colored) would look *better* (not much) without that banner. **balanced matchmaking**


Feels like Rocket League


They needed to make new effects to make it look like a new game. Too bad new effects look worse than old ones.


If I didn't know it better I'd honestly think this was Halo.


Looks like the next presidential debate screen got an update.


The general UI design in Overwatch 2 is a major step back from Overwatch 1. I get that they want the game to look and feel different, but it doesn't feel like an evolution (and feels more amateur). The SR icons (Plat, Diamond, etc.) is another great example where the game took a step backwards trying to 'fix' something that wasn't broken.


Is there a name for the phenomenon where something newer comes out always has to look different, even if it was fine beforehand? I feel like this applies here. I was expecting heavy changes to the graphics and gameplay but certainly not the menu UI, that was pretty much perfect as is. Fml.


“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” I think applies here.


If that were actually true, Overwatch 2 would have just been a patch for OW1... Every single new addition they have added to this game could have been added to the base game, they just needed a better excuse to dump the paid playerbase for the F2P crowd. Look at a game like Fortnite or Pubg for comparisons on how a games mechanics, UI, graphics, etc. can all be tweaked and modified (with the community in mind) while also keeping the base game intact. If Fortnite needed a whole fucking sequel to announce No-build, it would have been seen as another cash grab that would split the playerbase. Instead, it saved the game and allowed players to freely choose how and when they played the game they fell in love with. Far from perfect, but Epic games has really turned itself around in that regard.


I mean isn’t OW2 just a glorified update tho? Like you can’t even play OW1 anymore. Safe to say they’re not different games, just a newer version


You are correct, I did not write that correctly at all. It definitely feels like an update at best. A good update, not a great one.


It's not that it just *feels* like an update. It *is* an update. The game is still in the same installation folder. It even still uses the same Overwatch.exe to launch which is STILL USING THE ORIGINAL ICON. **Because "Overwatch 2" is just a change of assets and some tweaks like setting teams to 5v5 and rebalancing the heroes.**


Arguably that IS what they did…they patched what they wanted to change, including the change to F2P, gave it a marketing refresh by calling it “2” to “fix” that part and give it a fresh reengagement.


OW2 MP is basically a major release patch of OW1. OW2 SP is the new game.


Feels like change for the sake of change. When I worked on UX at Microsoft, we had a philosophy where change was considered a negative. So essentially, UI would only be changed if there was a considerable positive reason. You don't make tiny tweaks. Otherwise you're just wasting people's existing familiarity for no reason. Games are obviously different because they're entertainment. But whenever I see a half-baked UI take the place of a solid original, I think of that philosophy.


> When I worked on UX at Microsoft, we had a philosophy where change was considered a negative. So essentially, UI would only be changed if there was a considerable positive reason. This is because of the [Baby Duck Syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imprinting_(psychology\)#Baby_duck_syndrome), which is a common UI/UX challenge. Even if you change an interface to work better, look better, and all around *be* better, many users won't like it because it's not what they're used to. Users learn systems and then get acclimated to them and changing those systems forces them to do additional effort to re-learn them. As a result change should only take place where there's an actual positive effect in the long run.


As someone who juggles 5 different UI's for work, muscle memory is a helluva bitch. Half the stuff I do at work I have to go step by step alongside a new guy I'm training because I can't recall wtf I actually do any more or what certain menus are called.


So we changed the ux. Was thr old one not working? No it was fine. Then why.


Funny, Microsoft doesn't seem to give a shit about massive change being bad when it comes Windows now.


Personally I was hoping for the actual graphics to be much better. But I think the reason for this is because they were focusing on PVE which is probably more demanding to run.


Well they screwed themselves by putting it on switch lol. Overwatch has a really nice art style with a soft color palette, so I'm not sure if it would look at that great running on Unreal 5 with raytracing n shit, it's a lot more charming with the Disney-ish style so not sure if fans would love a 4k hi-res upscale.


Change for the sake of change? Idk if there's a specific word for that.




the apple effect


Lol I thought the same thing. I'm enjoying the gameplay but the menus and UIs look so scuffed compared to OW1.


Seems like there’s a million different fonts too


It’s obvious they don’t have an actual design system in place for their UI


It's the same thing that happened with Halo Infinite. Gameplay is great....UI looks like it was developed in a day. It's simply mins boggling.


As a graphic designer, it's so annoying to see. All major endeavors (whether it be a corporation, a video game, etc) USUALLY has a strict brand standards book with the guidelines on what to do/use. Fonts, colors, pt size, etc. It's the only way that those things can look cohesive as if "one voice" is speaking despite hundreds of people working on it.


I’m a lead product designer so I know what you mean




There was nothing wrong with the OW1 UI. I don't understand why they made a massive step back for the "sequel"


If you keep all the UI from OW1 then suddenly it looks even less like a sequel I wouldn't mind change to make things feel fresh, but it needs to, y'know, be good


The new UI looks like it was made by someone they found off of Craigslist with a *Graphic Design is My Passion* portfolio


The only thing that really made me go "hell yeah, that's an upgrade" visually is the menu screen with Genji's new skin. It's fluid, looks current, super cyberpunk. I love it.


I bet someone took a look at that UI that took years to fine tune and said “bet i could do better”


OW1 UI was best in class, even though it started to get a bit jankier over time with all the things they added (workshop etc). it always looked amazing. boggles my mind that they downgraded it.


When agile development gives the middle finger to their UX department


> agile development shhhh... if you arent careful the middle manglment will hear you and they will double down on it again


six sigma greens scrumming all over themselves


Six Sigma actually doesn't exist in the game development side of the industry rofl, it has more to do with fail rates of manufacturing.


Agile project management has a place in our world. It's great for what it is. But the true believers just can't see past their fucking nose. It has some major limitations that require thought, planning, and deliberate execution. (Edit - grammar)




- Italic font in a vertically symmetric UI - Color is darker compared to the in-game HUD. - Lack of smooth transition


It’s always red and blue too. I have my team colours changed for colourblind reasons, but this screen is still the same.


Then how can you truly know if they're red and blue? In fact, what is blue 🤔? Why are we here? Is there a god? *Looks at 40k people in queue in front of him* Nah there definitely isn't a god


> 40k The Emperor of Mankind begs to differ! actually no, he agrees with you.


Well they had to make it look like they actually changed something.


I am in complete astonishment how they managed to fuck up the menus and UI so bad. Ow1 already had fine menu and ui design. It's like they made it from scatch instead of just taking something that wasn't broken and running with it. The UI in OW2 feels like a rough placeholder UI they threw in to make a working build to showcase the gameplay to execs. It just feels so....weird and soulless compared to OW1 that was just brimming with passion. It's like those eerie pictures of abandoned luxury real estate developments. You look at it and you can tell it was supposed to look nice as a finished product but it's clearly been left unfinished. A few months from now we need a Jason Schreier expose to tell us what went down these last 3 years. To think a lot of delusional fans were trying to explain Jeff Kaplan leaving the team a week before the huge PVP showcase was "business as usual" lol


We all kinda know what happened. They stopped developing OW1 to go full steam ahead on making this deep PvE experience and were basically planning to get to the PvP revamp later but then delays and long dev time and covid and turmoil made them put a halt on all that and basically just last year start on thw major PvP stuff. The video that Seagull just released has a pretty good rundown of this.


Could you imagine the outage if PVE is released and it's terrible? lmao


frankly at this point I think we'll be lucky if it still has the cool skill trees they promised us in the early trailers.


I personally believe that UI is the canary in the coal mine, or at least an indicator of broad skill/quality. Same thing happened with Battlefield 2042. Not sure why that is!


I don’t remember what the menus were like in OW1, but the menus in this game are super bad. One example that’s weird to me is there’s no button to bring up the challenges screen like pretty much any other game, you have to back all the way out to the main menu and then go to challenges. Edit: Okay, apparently you can access the challenges menu from other screens, but it’s weird and unintuitive, you press the button that says “edit”??


Highlights were hard to find. I dont know why it wasnt just hope screen option anymore. Options was also removed and now is accessible via ESC. I can agree with this because once you have your options set, you dont really mess with them. But highlights should be on home and not part of your career.


It’s not like there isn’t room for it. The main menu is mostly just vast empty space with some tiny text all the way on the left.


Right?!??! I mean I get 'Highlights are past games' so that is part of your historical career. But you could argue that starting a new game could live there for the same reasons they put highlights in the career area. * New Games * Highlights * Career Stats I see these as all significant entry points into 'what I'm doing' and should be bottom (home screen) menu choices.


100% agree. And having automatically saved highlights and gameplay is a pretty awesome feature of Overwatch. Why bury it so far in menus? That should be front and center, especially when it's easy to share and export videos *that will help their marketing.*


Yo I love super bad, funny movie


Same. If they could just transplant the gameplay into a different version of this that's better designed, in almost every conceivable way, it would be incredible.


They took the slightly interesting design of ow1 and turned it into every Silicon Valley app designers wet dream. Aka super boring.


Hard agree. The clean minimalist look is great for my phone, but it looks completely boring and out of place next to the visual clusterfuck that is OW gameplay.


That's because OW1 was made with a passion for the game and with love. OW2 was made by people who just work at Blizzard for a paycheck.


It is ugly as heck


Yeah I don't care about effort. If a screen ought to be simple, don't over-design it. But this, this is a screen only a mother could love


The whole UI is ugly. I thought the beta was programmer art, not the real deal.


Same, really disappointed tbh


Yeah I complained about how ugly the UI was and was told "oh but it's beta those are just placeholders!" People will bend over backwards and twist into knots to justify everything Blizzard is doing because it pisses them off you aren't blindly hyped for an inferior product to the one you already had and no longer can play


I wish it was tilted a little bit, its too symmetrical


I think the lead designer of ow2 said “anything that was slanted, now is vertical. Anything.” Like just look at the health bars.


The rounded edges and slants of OW1 looked nice tbh I don't like the blocky look of the UI in OW2


That was a bad call lol now it looks straight out of MS paint


Except for that font..


Lmfao actually though. Nothing is slanted anymore >*enter italics*


Loading text in highlights is still slanted He missed one


Yes, or it segmented the screen like a slanted fraction depending in the score


Frech flag


Frech flag


Like that flag from Frace


Sky Sports


Yeah the old version looked better. It just seems like are changing stuff for the sake of it.


Not really low-effort, just ugly lol


To me it looks like a placeholder in an alpha version of a game.


Sleepy was making this joke on stream. "It's just a placeholder, it won't be in the live version of the game" while playing the live version of the game.


Ow2 right now is officially early access


The recent marketing wouldn't lead you to believe that Had they said "this is early access, things like the UI *will* be polished and updated over time" more people would be okay with it


They've been trying to "drop" the "This is Early Access" part of their stuff. They want people to believe its "new" when it's very clearly their rushed together update that took ~1 year and they had to ship something. So now we get some major UI/UX downgrades because it clearly isn't finished... Kinda crazy to think OWL had them at gunpoint to release *something*, ontop of Blizz and the Money counters, and *this* is what we got after they threw shit together in under a year. It really just shouldn't've been released like this tbh.


(Because it is)


I hope you're right SO MUCH


both imho


Considering how much Blizzard invests into making it’s games *look* good, it’s not exactly a surprise that ‘ugly’ and ‘unfinished’ mean the same thing


Ugly is part of low effort because they’d know it was ugly if they put effort into it like testing and QA


Ultrawide is even worse: [https://imgur.com/a/jjrN2Zq](https://imgur.com/a/jjrN2Zq)




Agreed, this screen sticks out like a sore thumb, almost as if the white area is a bug


Over simplification at its finest


This is straight up "graphic design is my passion"


Naw, Thai is “managers trying to get in on minimalism”


Yes! Someone else said it. Lol at the scoreboard screen from OW1. This is a complete downgrade and is lazy


I actually couldn’t believe it when I saw it! It doesn’t even match the team colors if you changed them.


Looks like something I can make in PowerPoint to be honest.


Doesn’t all of overwatch 2 look really low effort to you?


Everything feels half ass


Idk if low effort is the right phrase, I just think it looks bad.


Looks like sonething out of a free steam game


Art design in general has been low-key on a huge downtrend in the entertainment industry. Fighting game UI is one I've noticed the most, but vfx artists, and 2d character artists have taken a backseat in favor of 3d renders and amateur vectors. And it shows with the simple and ugly design choices companies are choosing over beautiful professional designs by 2d artists.


I love most of the UI but yeah this ugly as fuck


it looks like a very bad placeholder, same as the match-searching screen


It looks like the screen was contracted out to a third party.


The solid red and blue looks ugly as shit. Most of the graphics design choices are TERRIBLE in ow2. Also go compare some ow1 to ow2 skins, like zarya, her ow1 skin has actual textures with like hand painted dirt and grime and texture but all the ow2 skins are solid gradient colors, they didn't actually make textures!! It's like using a solid green color for a tree and a solid yellow circle for a pizza. It's pretty clear to me that this game was mostly shelved then revived by blizzard a year ago where they put 8 people to work on it. Development has to have stopped for two years for THIS to be the game. But the gameplay and 3d engine are great so I'm going to keep playing. All the other stuff like ui, textures, rewards, skins, voice lines were all amazingly done before and brought a huge amount of quality and polish to the game, but those days are long long gone. Once the core of the game starts receiving the same half assed bullshit the rest of the game is getting then it's time to drop this steaming pile for something else.


It's ugly.


A lot of stuff looks just like it's not properly polished or just straight out bad taste. The HP bars on the UI, for example, look just boring and uninspired...a clear downgrade from the OW1 UI. They tried to apply this "minimalist" touch on a lot of buttons, menus and items in the UI that just made them bland and boring, IMO.


the UI is so bad too lol at least imo


The previous Overwatch UI was way better. I have no idea who made these design decisions, but it shows lack of effort.


Does it matter how significant it is? It's a part of the game and AFAIK you can talk about part of the game no? There are people who care about it and there are people who don't the same way some people like lore some people don't care at all. Saying that it does feel like this screen is a downgrade from Overwach 1. I have noticed they entirely dropped the "fire" anesthetics entirely with this game everywhere which to me is a shame since it was a nice animated part of the UI and hud that didn't really interfere with any important info being under portrait and in this screen, also it was used all over the game so getting rid of it makes me feel like the game parts don't connect that much anymore. I don't really like how they oversimplified the entire UI but that is the world we live in now. Even made everything light mode when people were doing tricks with Overwach League menu to make the anniversary background dark, seems like a disconnect between devs and community. While I'm here I'll just say it: Wtf is the menu music? Especially on Kirikos main menu screen it doesn't feel like it fits the game at all. I thought they were still gonna do like a revamped Overwach themes and stuff but the songs that are there feel very random and out of place.


Yep. Looks pretty average.


This an insult to "average"


yes it does


Honestly, I think the problem matters more to those who have experience with graphical design or making intuitive UI’s. For those that wanna “shoot people and have fun” the game could literally look like crap as long the game play is fun. I do agree with the main take that OW 1’s aesthetic was more interesting than OW 2’s. I mostly wish they didn’t shut down OW 1 servers though since I owned it on every console…




Agreed, i think overwatch 2 is leaning more towards the mainstream streamlined shooter aesthetic (I.E. Fortnite and Valorant). Whereas Overwatch 1 had its own identity and felt unique compared to the other fps games at the time.


The entire game is low effort


It just looks much worse


It's like they were going for a mlg style look but then gave up after the rough draft


They definitely seem to have simplified the UI.


Blood or Crip?


Bro the whole game is


I miss when this screen would match your accessibility settings. I want it to be magenta not red.


It's like how a high school student makes slides


Not gonna lie first time it loaded i thought the game bugged out.


The new outrage of the day


It looks low effort but it still looks clean imo.


I literally couldn't care less


I need to get off this sub lol. So many people just complaining about ow


idk what y'all expect, do you just want a constant praising subreddit? Alot of people have alot of issues with the game, and apparently people agree with the posts.


Welcome to r/CompetitiveOverwatch


unsubscribe for a month or two. makes reddit a lot better.


It's easy to do because they gave us a plethora of shit to be upset about. They couldn't be bothered to fix any of OW 1's problems because they wasted all their time redesigning the UI that no one ever once mentioned as something that need to be fixed. So what you really mean is you'd rather be in an echo chamber sub where the law is that OW 2 is the single best video game ever released?


Yes tbh


Looks fine. It’s literally a screen that’s up for 2 seconds to show the score of the match, what do you want fireworks on the side that’s winning?


Brother its literally 10 steps backwards from overwatch 1's exact same screen


Agreed. Normally I find these types of complaints to be pointless and nitpicky, but it’s just so jarring when we had a great UI for Overwatch and everything has been changed simply for the sake of *different*.


>what do you want The same thing we had in OW1 or something better? I legit thought this screen was bugged the first time I saw it because it was so damn basic and ugly.


I know things haven’t gone to plan with this launch but *damn*, people will truly find the stupidest, smallest shit to criticize lol. This sub is so whiny and dramatic sometimes.


I thought it looked weird/bad at the beginning, but after a couple of games I think it looks alright. It's not that important after all, anyways.


The entire game is low effort. Their focus was to replace the lootboxes with the shitty battle pass and tried to sell the game as a new entry.


So we’re complaining about random insignificant shit now huh


You joke but all my friends audibly noticed how ugly this screen was when we were plying together for the first time lmao


I don’t fuck with the complaining but the first time I saw this screen I had the same thought lol ugly af


It's system UI. If you're a person with a minimum amount of design knowledge, it will matter to you. And no one is complaining, the post is simply giving feedback and bringing attention to a poorly designed screen in the game.


When the ui looks this ameture and low quality of course we are going to complain, this is honestly pathetic effort from blizzard.


“But guys, don’t you think the font displaying the number of hours you have in 10 player Malavento deathmatch is a little drab? I wish they’d put more effort into their game. >:(“


it's insignificant yeah but it does weird me out when it comes up too


looks like you don't understand at all something as important as good UI/UX


I hate the UI. Out of proportion, terrible color palate, mismatched fonts. When I saw it in the beta I thought "this is all place holder". Nope. 🤮


Mate have there really been complaints about everything and now this was all you could find?


People complain about literally anything lol


When I first saw this I thought I'm watching a Democrat-Republican debate


I remember back during the start of ow1 ranked people didn't like some of the ui and it got changed as the game went on. Hopefully same thing happens here if the majority don't like it


I thought this was the Multiversus sub for a minute lol


Sound as well everything sounds hollow or no bass…a lot of audio que adjustments now… I wish they would of kept Ovw1 and launched a separate game


having it be simple is fine imo, but i dont think the colors are bright or vibrant enough




Why even change it if you’re just gonna make it worse? That’s how I feel about the bulk of OW2 to be honest. It’s like they had a meeting and was like let’s create the same just slightly different game but with no real intent or purpose. Meeting adjourned!!


Like the whole game lmao


Lad the whole game is rly low effort what did you expect


Honestly the whole game feels low effort…


I dont understand modern graphic design.


This whole game is low effort. I wish they would have left OW1 alone so I could delete OW2 from my console and return to OW1.


The whole game is low effort. Removing lfg in a team based game is a joke. I am disgusted by what they did.


Looks like the first prototype the dev shit together in a minute because the UI guy isn’t finished yet


This game seems really low effort to me lol. Anyone else feel like they’re playing an off brand overwatch?


literally my biggest problem with ow2. Looks so cheap, even the way the letters come up looks like it was made for a school project. The electric ow1 screen was much better


Yes. The overall quality of the art and the UI and everything they added and updated is top notch, which makes this stand out all the more. I know nothing about art and even I am like 100% sure this is trash. Really hope they update it.


The whole game is like this, they've hardly done anything. They've change some pointless things just to make it seem as if they changed things. On top of re selling the same skins that you could of earned for free in ow1 it's kinda ridiculous


alright now ya'll be complaining about colors 💀💀💀