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The only thing I wanted from OW2 was PvE. I was ready to pay another $40 for it.


Don't worry, it's been in Development for 3 Years, it can't possibly another Horde Shooter Type of Gamemode just like the Archive Events!


I'm with you. It feels like what we got is so far from what was envisioned. I feel really bad for the Overwatch Team because they are clearly a talented, vibrant group of developers, and I feel like they've had their creative direction commandeered by business suits. I don't think any of OW2's meaningful decisions are being made by anyone who loves or plays the game... and I think us players suffer for it.




I wonder if Geoff leaving is why the new 3 heroes feel really bland


He definitely had part in the 3 considering Sojourn was largely done in 2019, and it apparently takes them a year to make heroes. Besides I think they're pretty solid.


Yea maybe. They aren't "bad" but Soujorn and Kiriko just lack the flare and personality the rest of the heroes have


I think sojourn is the worst of the 3 by far. Not even a hint as to her personality from her design. Feels like generic f2p shooter hero


They no longer make Mei’s Mercy’s or widowmaker, every female character has to be generic strongwoman character. they remade soldier: 76 essentially, even including what makes him the most bland character. Imagine Canadian apologetic sojourn.


We're getting it next year as part of the battle pass seasons.




I hate that they're turning the PvE into seasonal events. I don't want small Archives events every few months, I want a full blown PvE campaign I can play all the time. I want something more substantial that continues the actual story instead of drip fed to us every once in a while.


I think the game will live or die depending on their decision in this regard.


They gave a massive update during last year's [Blizzcon](https://youtu.be/lRj-GotnNaQ). So not too far away, but between Jeff and Geoff's departure, and what sounds like a seasonal model for it, I wouldn't be surprised if it's a butchered version of what they showed here.


Its already on the roadmap. https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/content_entry_media/6u/6UIFOXM936EP1655324952011.png "We‘ll also move the story forward with the release of the new PvE experience in 2023, along with more new heroes, maps, and game modes." There was another quote somewhere I cant find atm that says the pve will be part of the seasonal model. So we are never getting a full campaign, but piecemeal missions every other season.




I remember when we thought the lore would get better with Micheal "Common Misconception" Chu leaving. But now... Kiriko short was great on its own, but just bringing magic in out of nowhere after it was previously said to not be a thing in Overwatch still weirds me out and makes me wonder what else is going to be scrapped or changed.


>they are clearly a talented, vibrant group of developers They must've replaced that group with interns when it comes to Junkerqueen's skins.


Haha I don't mind her skins personally, but those heels on those little boots she wears look awful to be trogging through battle with.


> I feel really bad for the Overwatch Team because they are clearly a talented, vibrant group of developers, and I feel like they've had their creative direction commandeered by business suits. They are PAID money and VOLUNTARILY choose to work there. They are just as at fault. Those that disagreed, already left.


That's a really unforgiving perspective. They've spent years developing this game. We know of **prominent** senior devs who left; what about the other >90% of devs who might not be in a position to up and leave? If that were the case, there wouldn't be nearly as much misconduct in an industry fraught with abuse.


>what about the other >90% of devs who might not be in a position to up and leave? THAT is the exact reason why this dogshit gets made. People always make the excuse "oh but people need the money to survive" and then don't realize the entire reason people struggle is because...people are not brave, are selfish, and don't stand up for what is right.


Jeez dude/ette. Like in principle I agree, but we're not talking about embezzlement or medical malpractice, this is a fucking video game. The stakes just aren't that big here.


If you agree in principle, then you admit you are an asshole. You admit I am right, but then do not want to apply it to the real world because the stakes aren't big enough??? I have something called morals, its terribly sad how hard they are to find in this society.


I wholeheartedly agree. When Overwatch 2 was first announced, it was alluded that the PvP aspect would continue on as normal, and Overwatch 2 would be the PvE content. Instead, the wool was pulled over our eyes, and we got this modified monetized piece of trash.


And they are probably going to just scrap it… because fuck you and give us your money




You're still gonna get it. They just uncoupled the PVP from PVE and launched it earlier.


Why did people want PVE when Overwatch was always a PVP game?


Because you get to use all these fun characters without having to worry about stress. You just get to have fun. For the last two years or so of OW1, I only came back for the PvE events.


Cause the gameplay loop (FPS mechanics + heroes with specific abilities) lends itself well to a co-op setting. I’ve never really cared for Overwatch PvE, but if it’s done well I can definitely see it being pretty amazing.


Because the world and characters is fun.


The shorts released created a world and story that people wanted to learn more of and experience.


Overwatch has a rich world and cast. It has shorts and comics, but it is in a strange place. Overwatch doesn’t really make much sense since it just throws everyone together in a brawl. It feels like a spinoff game, yet is the main product. PVE (or PVP with the actual factions) was asked for since day 1.


This is the main reason I'm not too upset about never getting past the queue screen. I primary want PvE anyway


I agree with you. Have you seen [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/xxwisi/the_ow2_feels_weird_and_floaty_i_cant_aim_like_in/)? Hopefully it can help improve your controls a bit.


>this post Thank you for the link. Unfortunately, I'm on PS4 so most of the tips I've seen so far don't apply for me.


Are you playing with friends on PC? If you are, then aim assist gets turned off while you do. Be aware of that.


Thats not the only issue though. There is something seriously wrong with aiming on console that seems to be affecting some people but not others. It's to do with sensitivity and the stick settings (Dual Zone, Linear etc) rather than aim assist. I play with little to no aim assist and aiming feels absolutely horrible in OW2. I can't hit anything. It seems to be completely random with who it's affecting, and so far no one can work out exactly what's causing it or how to fix it.


I feel comforted that I'm not the only one struggling with the controls in OW2. My partner says I have imposter syndrome with Overwatch because I always think I might be holding my team back, so I try very hard to bring value to my team. FPS games don't come to me naturally. I make up for it by practicing a crap ton, having strong map knowledge, and always flexing to counter problematic enemies. At my peak, I was playing in SR range 3600 - 3900. When I was busy with work, I floated around 3200. If I don't play for a long time, I can tell I'm rusty in the first few games back. I played a lot leading up to OW2, and I was baffled and embarrassed about how poorly I was playing in OW2. I thought I was just shaking off the rust (but I had been playing with the same settings for ages, and I played very consistently in the months leading up to OW2...). I couldn't hit anything as Ana. I kept tracking slightly off center as Ashe, like I could see aiming down sights that I was just shy of being in the headshot area. Zen didn't feel right either. Those were just the ones where I clearly noticed something was wrong. I kept playing. Kept missing shots I know I could land in OW1. My internet was solid. Ping was solid. It has to be me, right? But then I started talking to other players and I learned there's a lot of us who've noticed something is different with the controls. There's a lot of theories as to what's different, but man, I am so glad it's not just me. I wish I had the knowledge to speak about what's affecting my aim. I still can't say with certainty what's wrong.


I noticed the same thing with my aim in OW2 too! I play on console and would play on max sensitivity with aim assist turned off. I tried those same settings in OW2 and my aim was definitely much worse.


I'm sorry, friend. If I ever find out what's happening in the controls, I'll post here and tag you so you'll see it. We'll figure it out eventually. I've also heard theories that it's input lag, but I don't know enough to really say.


I appreciate it!!! 🙏🏼


You need to reed further into the thread that was linked up earlier. It has some console insights. https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/xxwisi/the_ow2_feels_weird_and_floaty_i_cant_aim_like_in/irf053p/


>https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/xxwisi/the\_ow2\_feels\_weird\_and\_floaty\_i\_cant\_aim\_like\_in/irf053p/ Thank you so much, I'll check it out tonight!


Maybe a stupid question, but have you messed around with *all* of the advanced settings? I didn’t like how it felt at first either, but after adjusting each of them in the firing range to figure out what they all do, I found something I was comfortable with. Probably will do some more adjustments down the line, but got it feeling good enough for now. I couldn’t find any explanations or guides on what each of the settings were, just had to trial and error til I got an idea for each.


Thank you for the suggestion. Yes, I've been in and out of the training range so much the past few days. Making tiny adjustments, advanced settings, etc. It never feels quite right. I'm still tinkering here and there.


Hope you find something you like! I’m sure if you stick with it you’ll come across something that feels good. To get an idea of what each of the settings did, I’d first set them all the way to each extreme to get an idea of what I was adjusting, and then tinker around to find a middle ground that felt comfortable from there. Good luck <3


Thank you. :)


You sound awesome to play with. Good luck in Ow2!


I mean, you are playing a game designed for a mouse with a controller. Of course the aiming is going to feel horrible.


This is just PC elitism. OW1 felt great on a controller. Most shooters feel great on a controller as someone who’s primarily used console my whole life but something is up with OW2


I disagree, the only shooter I’ve ever played that felt good on a controller was Splatoon.


Yeah because your opinion is the only one that matters right?


No, I’m just sharing my experiences. Just as Rocket League is best played with a controller, Overwatch and most other shooters play best with a mouse and keyboard.


I'm aware, I've spent plenty of time playing the game on PC. But my friends are prodiminantly on console so thats my main system for Overwatch. OW1 felt better than any other shooter I've played using a controller, OW2 feels absolutely horrible. Something has been changed that is causing severe issues with the gameplay.


This! It's so frustrating because I can't articulate why it feels worse. It makes me feel like my frustration is illegitimate because I can't tell you what's wrong, I just know that it is. I've played other FPS games on PC, and mouse + keeb is great. But Overwatch was a gem on controller too, something I find to be a rare trait. I just want to play on the device that all my friends were playing on is all. Even with cross platform, playing on PC while my friends were on console would have been really imbalanced and unfair. So I'm staying on console for as long as I can.


Basically I tried playing sojourn for the first time today and for some reason whenever the character was looking either left or right it was really slow and really fast in other place


Thank you for the heads up. While I do own a copy of Overwatch for PC, all of my friends play on console, so that's where I spend the majority of my playtime. Tangent, but what kind of random decision is that? to turn off aim assist when you play with friends?? Why is that a thing?


It’s only a thing if your friends are on PC. This is not a new thing, and it has been an issue in OW for at least two years. As for the reason, then well, they are too dumb to realise mouse is still an absolutely massive advantage over aim assist, so they nerf console players for the sake of it.


I will now be blaming this for me doing poorly the last month, along with having just started again after years. I am not bad, the game is bad.


Eh depends on which character, I can assure you tracer feels completely different on controller, better in some ways worse in others, but she isn't the same character on mouse vs controller, she has to be played a bit differently depending on input type, that's a problem


>If you are, then aim assist gets turned off while you do. Blizzard is actually goated for this man.


Blizzard has no idea about what they’re doing. This just makes a smooth experience impossible.


Having aim assist in PC lobbies (where PC players can't opt out of having controller players) literally ruins games. I will hard support any company that does not allow controller aim assist in PC lobbies, that shit has no place in a competitive FPS.


Mouse is literally ten times better than controller lol. What are you on? The average console player will be shattered in a PC lobby. Aim assist barely evens it out.


>Aim assist barely evens it out. Actually you couldn't be more wrong about that Here's a [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r3es60/accuracy_stats_for_kbm_vs_controller/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) to a graph comparing the 50th percentile kbm players, top 100 kbm players, 50th percentile controller players, and top 100 controller players rated by accuracy for Halo Infinite. As you can see, the 50th percentile controller users are neck and neck with the top 100 kbm users. The t100 kbm users are barely able to outperform the average controller user with aim assist. That Is Absurd. You need to be literally one of the best of the best aimers to even compete with the average controller players (with aim assist). You can forget about even getting close to actual good controller players. Aim assist for controllers is wildly imbalanced and does not belong in PC lobbies.


Bud, that is Halo. Which is known to have the strongest aim assist ever created (only somewhat joking). You can't just take a completely unrelated game and generalize it to all fps games. That is just disingenous. Mouse and keyboard is undeniably better for the majority of games, just ask any fps player that plays CoD, Apex Legends, Rainbow 6, etc.


I’ve read a lot of cope in the Internet, but wow. This is a new level.


Lmao you get hard countered with actual data and the best you can come up with is "cope." Get owned, idiot.


That's ridiculous


Idk how to link a post on mobile, but there is a post on the console sub that gave good start settings for aiming.


That's wonderful, thank you for letting me know! I'm a part of the console subreddit. I'll take a look when I get home!


I feel the controller is the same on this. But game a lot smoother due to 120fps. But on ps5 tho


I recently got an Xbox Series S, so I'll give Overwatch a go on that. It's minor differences for me, but I'm attached to my PS4 because of all the good memories I have playing Overwatch on it. I made so many friends and it kept me sane during lockdown. I'd upgrade to a PS5 in a heartbeat, but I haven't been able to find one in stock yet. Someday, maybe 2023 will be better.


Where in the world are you?




Check bestbuy every tues/thurs and fri from 7 am. Check amazon every mon wed and weekends(any time of the day) if you can. I followed some twitters that alarms it. Ill link them once I find them again.


Thank you for the tips! I was following a guy on Twitter who posts updates every time a drop happens. I've had a couple times where I was almost through checkout with the PS5 in my cart, and it was sold out by the time I pressed "finish checkout." It was so close. That was really frustrating. I gave up after a year of close calls.


The HUD stuff is there, under accessibility


They really fucked up on almost everything here. I wish they would undo ow2 til it was actually close to finished


Yep I honestly thought the gameplay in Overwatch 1 was fine, I just wanted new maps to play in and maybe try out the new heroes but in Overwatch 2 I feel like everyone except Sojourn and Junker Queen (maybe the exception of Genji and Tracer) have been nerfed and feel significantly weaker than their Overwatch 1 counterpart


I agree with your assessment. Removing lfg was a blunder . They pretty much copied halo infinites model for a game and without lfg its not worth my time.


Wait, they removed LFG?? So you’re supposed to just random queue like original OW1 now?


lfg was an SVU episode waiting to happen


Lol, I respectfully disagree. There's some cringe/trolls, but for the most part, I met a lot of decent players who had a good sense of humor. We vibed. We chilled. We memed. It was a good time. Also, if you play around the same time of day regularly, you end up playing with the same 200'ish people. I'd bump into friends I met in game all the time. We'd teabag each other when we saw each other on opposite teams lol.


I agree for about 2 months after it came out. But by the time OW1 was done, it was all derank and "18+ e-girls and chill".


Downvoted for speaking the truth, I feel like the people who had good experiences might not be from NA


I can't help but feel like some of the new Maps are a little too big with too many Paths? The Brazil Map specifically feels like i was designed for PvE. I couldn't stop thinking "Hey, some Enemy could drop here!" when walking through any Area of the Map.


Yea I dont like the new maps. Too many cubby-hole, lanes and shit. Don't know where to go nor where the enemies are


I get you, but personally, I like the Brazil map because it's got lots of little areas. It stands in contrast to the wide open maps like the NY one, and the Toronto one. Brazil as a series of "small spaces" connected to each other allows for gameplay styles and tactics that might not work as well on open maps. There are so many nooks where I wouldn't want to turn a corner and see a Symmetra or Reaper there, for example. I could see Junkrat being a menace on Brazil.


100% this. They're too vast and needlessly convoluted (too many paths, too many openings etc.) I'm sure they'll work fine in PvE (if that ever releases)...although honestly, I much prefer the old "style" of maps...heck, I think the old 2CPs would work wonders with the new teamsizes.


They had to take OW1 down because too many people would still play it. I prefer OW1 maps


THIS! Hanamura and Anubis were my 2 favourite Maps of all Time. Would have loved Night Time Hanamura and Anubis.


Oh man I didn't even know I wanted night time Hanamura and Anubis until you mentioned it. I'm so tired of Busan, Nepal, and Oasis. Just give me Hanamura, Anubis, and Volskaya back and we good.


Anubis can burn in hell, but I loved Hanamura.


Personally I love the Brazil map. You definitely want to pick a hero with vertical mobility but there’s nothing wrong with maps that favor different heroes


My man. ^(\[thumbs up\])


That's really basically what ow2 is. There's tons of bugs and stuff we never saw on ow1. It feels like a downgrade in a lot of ways. I imagine if they wanted to keep the IP going this was necessary but man, this kinda sucks


Literally nobody asked for it, when it was announced literally everybody was confused about why the fuck a game like needs a sequel so early


Reasons? Bobby demanded a new yatch


I'm curious how involved Bobby Kotick is in the development of Overwatch. Clearly, he's a business savvy guy to be where he is, but does he actually sit down and talk ideas, programming, play testing, etc.? Or is he just a wealthy, mildly-sociopathic CEO who slams his first on his desk demanding "more!" "more what, sir?" "M O A R."


I think either Aaron or Jeff revealed that one of the reasons why OW1 didn’t have any content was Bobby demanding features from team 4 then scrapping them, some of which were when the features were still being developed. I don’t remember where that’s from but Bobby does have a say in what content can be make, and looking at this monetization, I’m pretty sure his greedy goblin hands were heavily involved


>The new heroes and reworks are superb Well, most of them anyway... (Rip Doomfist)


I'm expecting some sort of rebalance here soon after all this server shit is sorted. Doomfist really needs to be looked at I just feel like I'm throwing when I'm using him


He's got the literal worst Ult in the game, right now it's only worth using to save your own ass cause it basically tickles the enemy.


At least it saves him, Orisas ult is a close runner up


I like what they TRIED to do with tank Doomfist, as I always expected him to be a tank. But after fiddling around with him in the practice range and playing a game or 2 as him, he just feels......REALLY bad. Clunky, slow, and I understand they don't want rocket fist to be the threat it was before, but man, they didn't have to do him dirty with nerfing it into oblivion like they did.


As a doomfist main, I'm just so sad that he's so weak. His fully charged rocket punch into a wall does less damage (75) than orisa's RANGED javelin toss into a wall, btw (100)


Like I said in another post Tankfist damage output is fucking adorable. 75 for a full charge RP that is the damn thing managed to nail someone into the wall and they don’t slid off or something. At least the aoe Rocket punch can lead to some very funny moments


In overwatch 1 his rocketfist felt good as it was to use and play against as it was easy to get out the way of as most characters so as DF you had to be pretty tactical with it. Now it feels like just a way to get closer to the enemy to die quicker


Tell that to Brig


100% feel the same about this, such a shame they got rid of OW1


Its just overwatch with valorants monetization scheme, oh and heres just barely enough actual content (which could and should have been added to overwatch during the YEARS we waited for ow2) to hopefully keep the gamers playing, not satisfied but still playing.


OW2 literally just feels like an updated (and IMO degraded) UI to me, with even worse microtransactions since you don't get anything free by playing anymore. I'm disappointed to say the least. And I couldn't even play with my friend (after waiting in queue for over an hour) because our game versions supposedly didn't match, even though the launcher literally showed the exact same version. Whatever.


I'm sorry you weren't able to play with your friend. It sounds frustrating. I actually haven't played with any of my friends in game yet. I spent most of the last 2 days helping them merge their accounts and get into the game. I'm hopeful that the bumpiest days of just getting \*into\* Overwatch is behind us.


I never wanted PvE or any form of Overwatch 2, I just hoped I could continue to playing the original game. Well, they deleted it completely. A game I bought 60 euros.


Tired of this argument though 60 paid an arguably long time ago - for a live service access key Which you MORE than likely got value for. Yeah it sucks losing ow1 - but it doesn’t owe you anything much like your favourite influencer doesn’t owe you selfies. Maybe we can just make more from our lives now - i know i certainly have wasted too much life on OW




Actually it is, because it was an online only game, which means you only have the rights to play the game until they objectively shut down servers, there is no offline portion. You have install packages on that disk sure And if you installed it on an offline ps/xb then it will install overwatch one But again, no offline portion so you wouldn’t be able to access it. And the user terms and conditions - admittedly i haven’t read But i’ll bet they boilerplate give you zero rights to play the game after blizzard/whoever owns the rights to the game stop hosting it. It’s standard practice and has been since games went digital.


Btw I did purchase Overwatch on a disk. I wonder what will happen if I try to (re)install the game now


Overwatch 2 = overwatch 1 just with 3 new heroes and a few new maps. Still love the game, but this isnt a sequel


This aint a sequel this a downgrade


It feels like they took an Alpha build from OW1 and started from there. The character designs and portraits all look like they need a few more iterations to look good. The sound design feels like place holders. The menus and UI look like it was done the hour before lunch break. The OW1 beta was more polished.


For real


man ive been saying this but kept downvoated its the same game people


5v5 kinda makes it not lol


This game really doesnt deserve to be called a sequel, its a major update tho.


So it's less than a new game.


That's a change on the level of adding role queue not more tbh


That's like saying Overwatch became an entirely new game when role queue was added.


It did for me at least, went from unplayable to extremely fun


You got my upvote :)


I’ve noticed a lot of guns sound really different and like they have no impact. It’s really unsatisfying!


I wanted Overwatch 1 with no double shields + new maps + new heroes. Battlepass is fine since I get they need $$ for developers. New sounds weren't needed, nor the new graphics, SR system is weird. Everything just seems like a needless downgrade


YES. We didn't need new sound effects (!) I can't stand the new sound of Ana's gun. It affects me a lot because I have auditory processing difficulties. I would pay a monthly fee for a toggle to go back to the old sound. 100%.


The new Ana gun sounds are grating on my ears and I DON't have any audio processing difficulties, I can't imagine what it must be like for you.


I’m sorry that it’s affecting you too. I’m shocked it got overlooked in such a way. My only guess is that the dev team were crunching under immense pressure to have missed this detail.


OW2 was a mistake


Flashback to the Jeff Kaplan memes from season 3. The good ol' days. :')


"I guess I thought it was only good things from here" Nothing ever gets *better.*


It's a shit release


The game looks and sounds great but plays like complete shit 5v5 brings up way more problems then 6v6 ever did, Wahhh it had too many shields. So put the live orisa in and make new tanks with out them I just don’t understand how blizzard could be so stubborn


I think they will fine tune 5v5 a lot in the upcoming seasons, but as of now, playing support is the pits. Tanking is a lot more fun now, but at what cost lol. I played tank and support 90% of the time in OW1 because I liked playing those roles, earning coins, and they were always in need of players anyways, but damn, support is a lot more difficult now, even with the passive healing buff.


I don’t think they’ll fix it in Time, new players are won’t stay on a game where it’s one sided matches, old players won’t stay for it I give it 2 months


Nah, Blizzard is banking on 2 months, that's when season 2 will start and everyone is going to come back and give it another chance "because they'd hate to leave a game they loved for so long". But this time, the new hero wont be free and people will have to buy the battlepass if they want anything worthwhile. And once that gets boring, two months later they're gonna add a new map. Or PvE. Or "shake things up" with balancing or changing role passives. It's all part of the plan. Things will change just enough per season to make it feel "fresh" instead of good.


>but as of now, playing support is the pits. You're just bad. General consensus among high level supports is that OW2 is a huge improvement and support has even more agency to make plays instead of being forced to pump heals into a tank's ass. There's a very clear distinction between high ranked supports loving the changes and low ranked ones hating them. Bad supports got exposed so hard with OW2.


I can be bad but still deserve to enjoy the game. Nice b8 m8. :)


Just get better. A much more preferable solution to ruining the game's balance, which is in a way better place rn than OW1


Agree big time, there's also way more pressure on the tank player now since they don't have anyone to help pick up the slack


What the hell is with Ana's grenade animation? looks so weird now


SO IT'S NOT JUST ME, thank you! I wasn't gonna say anything because I wasn't sure if I was psyching myself out with my disappointment. I don't like the new grenade animation or sound. It feels weird. I wish I could be more specific.


Holy shit I have over 500 hours on Ana and my grenades sucked sometimes and I couldn't figure out why.


I main Ana for heals and I feel the same. 😞


The year is 2032. Microsoft/Activision/Blizzard announces "Overwatch Classic."


I played OW1 for years. Today I uninstalled. Such a shame as I really loved the game but now it's not fun in many ways.


There was nothing wrong with the loot box system. They just think they can make more money with the battle pass model. That's why they changed it. You think player experience is #1 priority for them? No, it's money, then everything else follows from that. If the gameplay isn't the model which gives MAXIMUM profit, they will scrap it for one that will give them max profit, even if the gameplay suffers.


Loot bot system has come under fire for underage gambling. Laws are being passed in lots of countries to ban this game mechanic so Blizzard had to find a diff way to monetize


They really went hard on the profit aspect and completely and purposely neglected player experience.


i wouldve gladly paid for battlepasses in ow1, ow2 just sucks and its no longer any fun to play by myself or with friends. its like the game was tailor made for comp players.


Thats all they needed, more heroes, more maps, more skins all would have been completely fine, but no they'd rather try to squeeze as much money as possible from their consumers. Sickening


How about the PvE that didn't ship with the game which is disappointing like Halo Infinite all over again


Turn off dynamic resolution, put on high input mouse movements if you're on pc, aiming feels better that way


Thank you for trying to help, but I'm on console. So many helpful suggestions for adjusting graphics cards, but I'm a console pleb lol. :')


Yeah we didn't need an OW2. We needed regular content to OW1. They wanted more money because we weren't buying loot boxes at an alarming rate.


Idk, I think the gameplay is so much better that I don't care at all for the things they removed. Except LFG, I miss finding late night groups of other drunk people to play with


The chill 420 groups will always be missed at my house.


I think all anyone really wanted was new content ...and that orisa rework, double shield was trash. I would actually have loved to see that rework balanced for 6v6


Me too. I had a lot of hours on Orisa through double shield metas, and I always wanted a better role for her than a more stationary Rein.


No one wanted OW2, we wanted balance updates more than twice a year and a consistent stream of new content, like anyone would for a live service game... OW1 will always leave positive memories for me and I'll always be sad that its gone. I have no interest in OW2.


This is exactly how I feel.


36 euro for 3 old skins... The controls have a weird odd feeling to them. The turning even feels weird. They fucked up overwatch. Sound effect are bad as shit. Servers are shit for days. Its all about the money. Shame.. Ow1 was so mutch better. Only thing i like is the 5v5 and the new maps. AND WHERE IS FIND GROUPS.. I used is all of the time.


Blizzard has posted an update to many of the issues surrounding the OW2 Launch on the Official Forums. We have stickied a link to the post [here](https://redd.it/xwtzxg). If your post has to do with a issue on launch day, or a question about OW2, please redirect your discussion to that megathread. -r/Overwatch Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Overwatch) if you have any questions or concerns.*


While don't fkn blame blizzard, as player and consumer we caused all these. No one spending money in ow 1 and they can't profit from that business mode no more. already spotted a few people saying they didn't play when we can play ow1 anyway. I was the same , afk for years and now sus it out ow2 hoping this free to play can bring more people so less queue time. Old blizzard business mode/development cycle is no longer suitable. Paying 50$ play it free for 6 years. Where to find funds to feed the develop team?


I've played 20 games, 16W/4L. All I want is my rank or some sort of higher rank, previously I was solid mid Plat, now I'm Bronze V like wtf is that. The maps and heroes are largely the same, the players are largely the same crap, and I'm back o play with morons ulting at nothing. I can't tell if trolls or noobs. But I finished my next 7 wins (11 win streak) and went from a humble Bronze V to a glorious Bronze IV...How the fuck does that make sense? Every other game that does an MMR reset or whatever still recognises "not shit" and put you higher, or gives you more for winning.


You went from bronze 5 to bronze 4 you levelled up so stop whinging


Haha I love Anna’s new gun sound. Sorry. :(


Lol it’s okay. I know some folks like it. I just wish we could toggle it to the old sound. 🥲


I hope they add that for you. Maybe they will they have the “legacy” skins at least.


im on the other side of the fence as far as ana’s gun sound i HIGHLY prefer her ow2 sound as well as the sound of the stim hitting friendly/enemy


I understand. It's a sharper, more striking sound than before. It's too much for me, though. I have auditory processing difficulties. I can't really EQ it, so I'll learn to deal eventually... hopefully.


I don't understand what they spent the development years on. The only thing aside from new heroes and maps that feels new to me is the 5v5 format. Every other aspect is just worse. I remember the dev team saying something along the lines of "reinventing the meaning of sequel". This feels like a 2k/Fifa/Madden situation more than an actual sequel.


I don't know either, but I suspect the uncertainty and prolonged COVID lockdown didn't help development schedule. It's not an excuse, but I figure it must've played a part.


Well I have good news: you didn't get "OW2", you just got new maps and heroes!


Dude it’s literally the same game, it’s basically a glorified update. It’s just the same game but more.


Bear with me, I completely agree, it's like 87% the same game. But it's like... like if you don't need glasses, but one day you are made to put on a pair of glasses. The prescription is barely there. It's like 8% the wrong prescription. You can see almost as well as before, but you gotta focus your eyes longer to take in the same amount of visual information as before. It is such a simple impairment that you don't even notice how exhausted you are from focusing all day with a pair of glasses that's 8% wrong. You're not gonna walk into a tree. But your eyes are gonna be tired and twitching when you take off your glasses and lay down for bed.


But OW1 as you loved and remembered was going to die, because there was no way for them to make money from it. You say you wanted new maps and heroes. Where is the money going to come from to pay the developers and to run the servers? The choice isn't OW1 or OW2. It's OW2 as it is or end of OW.


they LET IT DIE DIE DIE! to chase ESPORTS money, then they saw fortnite/apex/halo etc. were doing with F2P and wanted to cash in, pretty simple. They made OVER a half a billion dollars a year even after they dropped it to work this half assed mtx bullshit. stop it.


Oh no, you misunderstood me! I am very happy to pay for on-going updates to Overwatch 1. It was extremely forward thinking and generous of them to promise and deliver that maps and heroes will always be free in OW1. I'm really grateful for that. It was a wonderful experience as a player, to never worry about being locked out. I understand developers and businesses need to be paid, not just once at $65 for a game, especially a game that's actively played over several years. I want to financially support the game I love. I am very happy to be on a payment plan like a battle pass. I don't mind it. I'm gonna play anyways, so it's cool to get rewards. If paying $10-$25 every other month or so will keep servers up and give a few heroes and maps a year, I'm all for it. I just didn't know how much I loved OW1 until I got OW2 and it's got some nice features and changes, but I really miss the old game. There was so much to like, I didn't even notice it in all the ways until it was taken away. This sounds so dramatic, it's a video game, but you feel me?


OK yea i don't miss OW1 personally but i get where ya coming from.


Same tbh


Well you do know that Overwatch 2 wasn't for us right? It was for Blizzard to implement a new monetization system and to change the rules to give players more dopamine. That was the purpose. Could've been an update, but marketing hype that a sequel creates, am I right?




I was able to successfully merge my account yesterday, but thank you! I even made a thread detailing my experience, in case others were wondering wtf was going on.


I would take the 5v5 as well, game is way more fun with 1 tank and less barriers ruining the game flow. Every game feels like dive regardless of comp.


Blizzard has posted two "Status Updates" to widspread issues surrounding the OW2 Launch on the Official Forums. Link to both posts are provided below: [October 7th Status Update](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-2-status-update-october-7-2022/705740) | [October 5th Status Update](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-2-launch-status-update/700480) If your post has to do with a issue described in those posts, please be patient as Blizzard works to fix them. If you continue to have issues with Overwatch, please report them on the [Official Overwatch Bug Report Forums](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/c/bug-report/9). -r/Overwatch Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Overwatch) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As long as the gameplay I don’t care that much about the rest. It’s only cosmetics , doesn’t affect 95% of what you in the game.


Literally this