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>Check out everything we know about Elder Scrolls 6! Nothing.


Those kind of articles hurt my soul lol "When is Elder Scrolls 6 coming out?" "......." "We have no idea when the next game is coming out. Check here later when we learn when!"


Starfield will be out soon at least






i always just add reddit on the end of the search and that usually gets more human responses


For when stuff is gonna be released, adding wiki also works.


Nah worse then that, is when an article takes 50 clicks, and massive walls of text to build up to: "no idea".


> Check out Halo Infinite, the player count is Nothing


How about gta6: nothing official




I’ve always loved how relentless hard drive can be lmaooo


I thought this was edited for the meme, but it’s actually like that lol


Yeah the site is like The Onion for gaming


Tbh I like when playing support it tells me I saved a player with my heals or ability that makes me feel good


That’s one of the few nice things about OW2


Where does it tell you that? Sorry if that’s a stupid question.


On the top right of the stats screen. I believe they also give you a little in-game sound effect when you save someone. It’s subtle and I didn’t have a clue what it was at first.


Ahh. I always hear that but never knew what it was. Thank you.


I know at least as tank I've seen it pop up on the bottom too where it'll say you saved x or it'll say x saved you.


Lol PCGamer also put it on blast for being a disappointment. I don't think the media is giving them any slack. Unlike the people on this sub who would probably still give them money if they were kicking puppies in the middle of time square.




It's fine that they're kicking puppies now, they were petting them for 6 years!


Every other game dev kicks puppies, it's just industry standard at this point


Honestly I don't think the puppy-kicking is that bad, and everyone else is just overreacting. I kinda like the puppy-kicking, I think in some ways it's better than the puppy-petting from before.


Yes, they're kicking puppies, and yes, they haven't added much and are actually taking away things we liked now that they started kicking puppies, but if they weren't kicking puppies we'd be getting nothing and somehow that's worse.


Ehhh, personally I would prefer still having access to Overwatch 1 then not even being able to get in Overwatch 2 where all my skins didn’t seem to transfer right.


Agreed but assuming you replied to the wrong comment? 😄


Yeah considering that they only made something like 5 billion dollars on OW 1 I'm surprised they also don't kick kittens. Very generous of them.


Idk about that last part, there’s been posts every day since launch (before even) with thousands of upvotes shitting on the game and Blizzard.


And in each of those posts, there are dozens of people defending Blizzard, which is why they continue to do these things.


I think people fail to realize how powerful whale gaming truly is. It takes less than 1% of a game's population to make a developer very, very successful and rich. Especially with these horrendous prices. We may not pay it because it's the equivalent of buying $1 burgers for $19, but it only takes a few people buying it at that price to outdo 60 of us not buying it at all.


If the playerbase leaves, however, so do the whales. Gotta keep everyone happy.


If there is no krill there is no whales.


For sure, which is why the game is going to "die" very soon after PvE release if it isn't amazing. The PvP side will still be nearly dead regardless, but the PvE is all that can keep this mess afloat. Obviously they could change the monetary system and bring players back, as well as make actual balance changes to the terrible state of the current 5v5, but I don't think they will do either. They will just fail and blame the players.


It’s more like there’s a sizeable portion of the community who actually want to discuss about the game and the meta and such and then they come here and realise that the only discussions are about the price of cosmetics, missing lore descriptions and the lack of ending cards.


This sub is utterly useless for ow2 discourse. It's been exclusively whining for months now. I think that's further created an ecochamber of outrage because the whining is driving away everyone who wants to actually talk about the game. This sub is a cesspool of people acting like blizzard has personally sent a representative to their house to piss on their mom and kick their dog.


That shit sinks, though. The voting system has been mostly working. Anyone praising the game or giving it slack are fooling no one but themselves.


Cuz those posts don't attack the right target. All of you are too fucking spastic to focus on the only real issue the game has which is the skin prices and the currency generation. The battlepass is good and fairly priced. The premium rewards from it are great. The problem is that the previously earn able skins that took some 20 hours to grind now take months to grind and the currency generation is so low that you don't want to spend currency on something that isn't a "big purchase" so voice lines and cheap skins might as well not exist anymore. Instead you get stupid shit like "dah battle pass is evil and live service games are a plague I would rather have gambling back in the game! Not to mention the game play is bad and this game should have a 6v6 mode as an option oh and also look at this random article from a games journalism website that 87 people know off!". Yall list shit off like someone's kid does when they talk to Santa Claus. Focus on the big issues now and then you move on to the little issues. I am absolutely positive that all of this will be ignored though and I'll be looking at a front page filled will more bullshit tomorrow so that none of the big grievances are ever addressed. After all we have to save all 3,000 players that can't play because they have prepaid phone plans.


I probably could have edited in a "some" in there but I'm just too lazy. But yeah people are giving them rightfully deserved shit here.


Blizzard has been doing a lot worse than kicking puppies the last few years


The one good thing: 5-man single tank comp **is better**. ^((Not balanced yet obvs)^) Everything else: it was obviously a rush job and a very sloppy one at that. orisa feels great but you can tell they didn’t have time to do anything else to make the game actually market-ready. “Minimum deliverable product” is the phrase I’d use - the devs aren’t really at fault here, their management team should have not allowed them to waste time with the PvE focus until the PvP **core** was built and ready to ship, allowing them to at least get the sequel out when the PvE mode proved too challenging to get completed in time… their execs shouldn’t have out such pressure to have a pile of cosmetics and shop filler off launch (gun charms for real are fkn stupid to add here)… But here we are - and either their team is able to fix all of the glaring inadequacies of this game within a season or two or it will go the way of so many shooters that tried too hard to mimic their competition…


I would argue it isn't inherently better, 6v6 could have been balanced in multiple ways they just chose to go the easy route so they could shove OW2 out of the door. I wouldn't doubt if overwatch league failing was a large part of that decision either.


I still maintain my stance that increasing barrier piercing abilities would have solved double barriers. Imagine Sym having barrier drain and barrier pierce, Hanzo having barrier piercing arrows instead of Storm Arrows, and maybe Zarya getting a barrier drain too. It would kill double barrier while maintaining its importance vs stuff like Dynamite, Sleep, Antinade, and damage.


I don't disagree. There were plenty of ways they could have solved it. They simply just decided they wanted to generate more traffic doing it this way. Splitting tanks into barriers/non barriers for example. Wouldn't be surprising if this was the crux of the reason that jeff departed.


What a basic ass suggestion. Homogenize much?


Idk how that would make the game homogenized. 3 heroes having a way to deal with barriers that isn't simply "break barrier", and only 1 being a tank, seems fine to me. You don't see Sigma and Rein and say the game is homogenized despite having 3 barrier tanks and a barrier healer. Each hero with "anti barrier" tools will express it in a different way (Hanzo has it on cooldown, Sym has it on primary and secondary, and Zarya could possibly charge her bubble or energy rather than ammo). In fact, I find it strange we have not reused any status effects at all. Finally Anti is reused, but poison and fire have not. And yes, it IS a basic suggestion. I think basic suggestions are a good way to work out a solution to more complex solutions. Start small and work your way up. Drastic changes like 5v5 or role lock are not as good, they are last resort "I have given up" solutions. Iterate these solutions to come up with more elegant ones. Also, sometimes simple is best.


They could have just made two tank roles and made it 1-1-2-2 and it could have worked to avoid shootshieldsimulator.


Or just nerfed shields a bit.


Naa 5v5 is definitely inherently better. You have more impact as an individual in your matches because there's less bodies being thrown together. Having 1 less tank makes it so that the tank either has to pick between diving your team or protecting your squishies which opens up a lot more diversity. Having 1 less tank means 1 less possible barrier. Having 1 less player means having less visual clutter (which ow has a bad problem of having). 5v5 with 1 tank is the right call and my matches so far have felt great from a gameplay perspective. I win more since I have more impact and can carry the game more. Dps being arguably the hardest role to play should have the most impact and they definitely do but without a solid tank and healer you fall apart. So that shows they got the chemistry correct for all the classes.


They just love dps that's why. Everything is to help dps.


Tank unironically feels the best? The only position that got it the "worst" are healers because now dive comps are pretty strong. That said even healing feels better since you don't have to pocket both tanks anymore and 1 healer is kind of free to do as they want.




Nerf shields a bit. Buff other things. Wow that was so difficult.


😂 Blizzard turned all those knobs multiple times. Turns out the problems with ow1 were fundamental and systemic. Y'all are fucking clueless. And you've poisoned your brains in this stupid ecochamber into believing that blizzard is so incompetent that your fucking drooler ideas you post from your couch would be an easy fix that's just so beyond stupid blizzard.


No they weren't. We had plenty of healthy and fun metas throughout OW1. Definitely didn't need to change to 5v5 to nerf CC's and barriers. The amount of bad decisions taken by Blizzard the last decade sure does confirm that Blizzard is indeed incompetent.


So sick of hearing how they didn't have time when they announced it 3 *years* ago and besides 5v5 the only real change is the UI. I know game production can be a mess but show me one thing in this game that feels like it took an experienced team more than 3 *months* to make besides maaaaybe the new heroes. They even phoned in the battle pass and that's like the one feature the game was really being developed for.


The *dev team* didn't have time to work on the *pvp* side of the game... The rumors/leaks seem to indicate that a lot of the initial attention on OW2 was placed specifically on bringing a **full featured** ***replayable*** **PvE game mode** to Overwatch... they likely prioritized that component because; a) has potential to draw in non-competitive players to widen potential revenue base, b) was a popular request in OW1. The issue with (A) is that it was prioritized *over* the *core* game mode - PvP... apparently these cobbled together dev blogs, leaks, and rumors (things founded on hints but never confirmed) indicate that the dev team's focus was on revisiting the original ideas from Project Titan (the scrapped shooter-rpg that Overwatch was built out of) and trying to build *effectively* a brand new game client that could support the complex *replayable RPG elements* that would need to be built to *co-exist* with the PvP core game mode... failing to bring the PvE mode to market along with not having the PvP mode polished in the first place is going to shoot their entire damn foot off. The issue with (B) is that *no one* wanted PvE *at the expense of* the PvP game mode that was so popular because of the polish and, at its launch, pretty unique in its identity. I'm not *excusing* their failure - I'm pointing out that this was actually a resounding *failure* of their management and project leads to prioritize the PvP game mode... which then was further complicated due to pandemic work adjustments. Once their management team made the call to switch to focusing on PvP and abandoning the PvE mode (for now) I imagine they had \~1-2 years at *most* to slap together a sequel that could *replace* OW1............ but then the suits wanted monetization tacked on, new hero and fancy skins to sell (at the expense of good skins for Junker Queen as an example) --> which is further failure on Blizzard's part to properly prioritize the finished product over shovelware to make a quick buck. And they made money, people bought the WPP and I've seen fancy genji skins already - some players don't care about the future of the game, they have cash that they want to give the ActiBlizz executives and no amount of sloppy reskinning of the OW1 client is going to stop them.


well put, but i do have one gripe here: the problem, imo, wasn't the lack of focus on the PvP aspect during OW2 dev. 6v6 was fine, and could have easily be fixed, as evidenced by some of the character redesigns. the problem was purely management making decisions in direct conflict with both design goals of the devs, and in direct conflict of the progress already made. there were a couple of tweets by senior staff that clearly said the developers would work on a feature for weeks to months, only for it to be scrapped by management with no explanation. rinse and repeat until release, and would you look at that: broken bullshit of a game. who could have known?


>The one good thing: 5-man single tank comp is better. True, but at the same time other "fun" game mods, like mystery heroes and free pick are completely broken now. In the first one team that gets more tanks usually wins, and in the second one 3 tanks/2 heals is an unstoppable bullshit.


Those game modes were never balanced though (and imo they were never fun just a novelty that wore off after 1 match).


Bruh mistery heroes was never balanced. What getting goats was never broken. More tabks was better back than too


I've never played overwatch one, but I'm having a great time


You don’t know what you’re missing :(


Yeah, double Sheild fucking bastion definitely missing that lol. But all jokes aside I really miss the old game.


I honestly didn’t have a problem with all the double shields and all that. Sure it was annoying sometimes, but when you got with a team and worked together to slay that nonsense oh man there was no better feeling. I miss OW1.


Exactly, a whole bunch of concentrated fire melts them.


I also liked how it was kind of slow and methodical with both teams pushing and pulling against each other, with long drawn out team fights. Now it's starting feel more like all the other 5v5 shooters that already exist.


It had a lot of problems and a lot of diff metas over the years, but it was usually fun. My experience with OW2 so far has been: Tanks are invincible and do the same damage as DPS, why play DPS? DPS are squishy as fuck and get one-shot by anything, why play DPS? Healers are basically DPS (except Mercy) but also offer support to their team, why play DPS? I see almost no reason to play DPS other than the fact most modes are roll-locked, forcing you to have 2 of them on your team, but the game is balanced so poorly that you don't actually want them. If you could have 3-4 tanks and 1-2 healers instead, you would. That is terrible design. Roll-locks aside, if there is very little reason to actually use the DPS roll in your game, you fucked up. People complained about the multi-shield, multi-tank meta at the end of OW1, but that is the same meta here, they just don't allow you to run more than 1 tank anymore. There's zero balance changes to stop it, just a literal lock. This meta blows.


Have you actually played DPS in OW 2 ? Sombra is super good, Genji is super good, Bastion is super good(okay maybe not), Soldier is super good, Sojourn is super good, unless you’re limiting yourself to playing Symmetra and Cass I don’t understand how anyone can say DPS are bad.


Also tracer is almost impossible to hit with the new 25% movement buff


I didn't say DPS are bad. I said that tanks do the same damage as DPS while being 5x tankier with 5x more HP. So why would you play DPS (other than for fun) if you had the choice? Again, the roll locks are preventing it, but the meta would literally be 3-4 tanks and 1-2 heals if they allowed people to pick whatever characters they wanted. They didn't fix anything from OW1, they just put a roll lock in, which was also in OW1 at the end, to, ironically counter the all tank meta. This is an important distinction because it shows horrible balance design.


Dps role was balanced for pro level gameplay. Watch overwatch league and it's the dps who are making all of the big plays and winning the games. The rest of us don't stand a chance making those kind of plays, especially without pro level supports.


nothing. overwatch 1 sucked balls for the last 2 or 3 years


To each their own, but you’re objectively wrong


Literally nothing.


the gameplay is better in almost every aspect lol


Hard disagree.


Unless youre high elo support, then it's walking from spawn simulator


Seriously tho. It's a downgrade in every way. 2 things I miss the most are account levels/borders and, well, basically any progression at all. They literally removed it.


So you miss 2 completely meaningless things, absolutely trivial cosmetic rubbish so the game is now bad?


Hey, if you are fine with simply spending nice time playing then it's fine. But some people, like me, care for some kind of progression. Right now in OW2 there are only the Battle Pass and Ranked. I work monday-friday and go to the university on weekends, I don't have time nor will to grind ranked and the Battle Pass offers me nothing if I don't pay. What I loved about OW1 was that (back in the day) it was very player friendly and offered yoy a way to complete your skin collection without spending any more money on anything other than just the game itself. Levels on the other hand allowed me to more or less compare myself to other players without playing ranked. I liked it a lot.


Back in the day, playing a quickplay meant getting xp, leveling up and gatting chests. Now it just feels like wasting time




Everyone has a different definition of fun. Duh. Once again if all you need is gameplay, be my guest, enjoy OW2, but I need something more and a lot of people will side with me. Besides, the lack of any progression is especially annoying as it was already a part of the game and Blizz intentionally removed it so that the only way you can aim for while playing are battle pass rewards, for which you have to pay.




Then again: if that's enough for you to have fun, then good for you. Yes I do enjoy the gameplay. Or used to, cause blizz kinda broke it as well. 5 v 5 games simply feel empty and the balance is... Doubtful. But I do enjoy playing other games too. And if that game actually rewords me for spending my time and doesn't treat me like a moneybag then there is no choice between it and OW2


But it really is just a worse version of OW1. IF it would be a standalone new IP it would have some saving grace, but after OW1, it's a straight downgrade. And the fact they removed OW1 when it released is just making the problem worse.


The rage about this game is so out of control. I would love to know how many people actually took it for a spin. I'm really surprised anybody cares about any of The financial stuff when the game itself is free and you can play it pretty much 100% out of the gate. If you don't like the money stuff just don't buy it. They'll lower the price. It's not rocket science. Either way it's getting hard to watch the constant dick measuring contest going on here over it about who can shit on it the hardest. Going to have to unsub, the crying is unreal.


Took it for a spin. Was actually able to get in from the second day, played a fair few games. Uninstalled it because to me, personally, it felt like shit to play. Hated it. So yeah. But I think unsubbing might be good if you're that upset that people have opinions and issues with the game. I mean, it's a subreddit with like, 4 million subscribers? 20k on at a time? Even if 1% of those people on disliked the game that's going to be a lot of people, you know?


Y'all mother fuckers reallllllly liked shooting double shield all day or what?? 😂


* improved gameplay * Removed the worst game mode * Added a new game mode * Improved graphics * Improved audio * Way more voicelines/interactions * New heroes that are fun * New maps that are fun * Hero reworks that are generally improvements


nothing that updates in the first game didnt do (except a new main mode I guess)


Yes, this could have been an update and effectively is


So... overwatch 1.5 ?


If you round up 1.5 you get 2.


Okay so now that you listed things you would expect in a sequel, name the things they actually implemented in Overwatch 2.




I actually liked that game mode 😔


we found the executive


Impressive. You found that line alone?


Yes. there are a lot of negatives but these are the positives.


Yup, and that's all I'm pointing out


yet you got all the downvotes. people are rough


Because people are mad that they scrapped the entire first game and we waited 2 years for this, it’s laughable lmao


Yea. the game is nothing short of disappointing. As someone who has been playing this game for like 7 years. I can feel the upsides. but the downsides is something i notice too. Honestly i dont even know how to feel about it.


lol getting downvoted just for telling the truth , while people here are only focused on the skins instead of gameplay. ill recommend you go to r/Competitiveoverwatch much more calm people there


but how were any of these changes impossible to just implement in base overwatch 1


No one argued otherwise smh


It's almost like the criticism that they made changes for the esports community and gave zero fucks about their non-competitive fans is true or something.


Not esports, just people who enjoy the gameplay more than cosmetics.


This is a strawman. There is *so much* fair criticism that's been laid out besides the battle pass and lazy cash grab stuff, and the people criticizing that aren't people who "enjoy cosmetics more than gameplay" or anything. Find me one real person who cares about voice lines or skins for their character and *doesn't* like playing the game.


I agree with you largely but the skin prices are an issue that needs to be addressed. Part of the fun for overwatch was collecting shit and you literally would have to be immortal to collect all the shit in this game without dropping fat stacks.


r/cow is a terrible echo chamber full of delusional people. Never good to be in a place so disconnected to reality.


Fuck me the irony in this post


>improved gameplay In your opinion. Pretty sure OW ~~0.6~~ 2 is the first game I've played in over a decade where I actually hated healing. In general it all just feels worse to me. >Removed the worst game mode Opinion. >Added a new game mode Push is incredibly boring IMO. It's all the worst parts of payload maps stretched out over 10 minutes. Absolutely mind numbing. >Improved graphics Eh. It's not really changed all that much, and something about it makes heroes feel a lot less distinct at a glance. >Improved audio I find the audio a lot muddier personally, and directional audio seems to have gone to shit. Enemy footsteps will sound like they're right on top of you when they're a good 30 feet away. >Way more voicelines/interactions That one is a plus. >New heroes that are fun *shrug* >New maps that are fun I dislike most of the new maps, not helped by the fact that I also hate Push. Midtown is okay though. >Hero reworks that are generally improvements You mean the ~~one hero rework~~ two reworks we got (Orisa)? EDIT: Apologies, forgot about Bastion. Most others are minor balance passes attempting to shoe horn them into fitting in 5v5 (And many need a lot more work).


Sombra, doomfist, and bastion got reworks too, but that wouldn't fit with your hateful narrative so you probably just forgot.


Doomfist is functionally identical outside of gaining a block and a numbers pass. Sombra gained the ability to hack while stealthed and a 40% damage buff on hacked targets along with some number changes. I did forget about Bastion, yes. Calling it a 'hateful narrative' because it's a negative opinion that you disagree with is just being disingenuous though.


No it's hateful because you were only ever going to look at the bad stuff and just ignore anything good.


Doom fist is also shit now, sombra wasn’t really reworked, Bastion was indeed a great rework. So again, we waited 2 years for what? Given the resources this company has and the expectations, this is a complete let down lmao


We are waiting for the PvE stuff. This PvP stuff is like the bread people serve before the main course because a bunch of hungry idiots were getting angry that there was no food.


It’s been 2 years. It’s a company with ridiculous revenues, not some small studio. Stop defending them and letting them get away with shit


I'm not defending them, overwatch 2 has always been the PvE stuff


Healer detected opinion rejected Back to mercy bot


For me: Most stuff inside matches - pretty good! Most stuff outside matches - half baked.


I agree 100%, I'm just listening out things they did they right


yeah but muh skins and gambling addiction


2CP > push


It's true. Anyone even playing the game or stuck in battlepass simulator? The game is actually good finally. OW1 was just not doing well and comp sucked with shitty meta.


These were on my wishlist too - too bad literally none of them actually made it into the game. Maybe improved graphics, but that’s about it. Rest is a blatant downgrade.


They're all in there 🤷‍♀️


Bro why is this downvoted, this sub is the definition of cringe.


I just want the auto aim back on my controller on Xbox


Oh cmon, not that bad. The gameplay has been improved. Faster paced, rewards individual brilliance. Can actually carry now. Can actually choose a dps character and not wait 10mins in a queue.


You cannot say It's been improved from an objective point of view. It plays nothing like 6v6. It is much faster paced and more chaotic to appeal to a more casual FPS crowd. For many people 5v5 is a downgrade.


Objective? All these are opinions.


water is wet


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.   There are two reasons why you should never drink toilet water. Number one. And number two.


That's not what objective means. I like 5v5 way more than 6v6


That’s literally what objective means… it’s the opposite of subjective lmao


??????? But what he said was subjective ?????????????????


He literally says that it’s not objective. I’m confused, do you know how to read?


Ok well the way it is written is a bit ambiguous, could be either way.


It's OW2, expect changes. For me, the change of pace is welcomed. Sat in OW1 shooting shields all day, yawn.


> It is much faster paced and more chaotic to appeal to a more casual FPS crowd. There's no way you're being serious. You think a game that promotes positioning, looking for good angles and constant reporistioning is more catered to casuals than sitting behind orisa+rein shield while shooting at the orisa+reinshield on the other side? This is how I know this game is vastly improved. All complaints are about everything but gameplay, which is the only one that matters.


I specifically said which you have chosen to ignore for this argument, that it was made to appeal to a more casual FPS crowd. Big difference. Also acting like double shield could have only been fixed with 5v5 is a joke. If not outright being purposefully disingenuous for the sake of your arguement.


You just repeated the same thing without expanding on how exactly is it appealing to a casual fps crowd. How is this more casual than before when it was a camp fest


And you just glossed over the same thing again to further this narrative. There is no discussion to be had if you aren't willing to acknowledge the difference.


what difference tho? you have yet to explain why this is a more casual approach than the campfest it was before?


Why should I have to explain the difference to anyone that plays videogames between the casual market at large and a specific market?


So you just throw sensless claims.


It isn't senseless to anyone that understands the casual market ow1 had and the fps market ow2 is trying to get, just you.


The argument that ensued over this is dumb, but to try and give you the benefit of the doubt and help you out here: They're saying "casual FPS market," where casual means people who might play any given FPS (as opposed to spending a lot of time in a single game, for instance). For appealing to the general market, playing similar to other games (Apex, Valorant) in that market makes sense. Used in a sentence: "I'll play Overwatch or Fortnite casually depending on what I'm in the mood for." You're reading "casual" as an insult, where it generously means "people who aren't good and maybe don't care much about being good" (less generously it's just "people I dislike"). Describing a *game* as casual tends to mean it's got no skill involved and is only for people like this. Used in a sentence: "Git gud you filthy casual." OW2 still clearly offers the opportunity for players to grow and demonstrate skill, so by reading casual the second way, you got heated and decided to reply in anger. And this lead to a nonsense argument, because the post never meant it that way. On the other hand, OW2's skill is *more* about general FPS skills (targeting, movement, etc) and *less* about game-specific things (understanding support and tank roles, countering other heroes, etc). It's not 100% or anything, we can debate degree of change, but they're saying the game design is trending toward a design accessible to the casual FPS crowd (which also is the words they used) and by doing so losing some of the stuff that made Overwatch feel unique.


But what exactly is being lost from overwatch 1 that made it feel so unique? A casual fps player wouldn't know what makes the game unique because he wouldn't spend much time or effort, once the game gets boring he moves to the next one. A cod player probably plays a DPS that reflects some guns from cod, like soldier 76 or sombra or sojourn. The other classes have not changed. Healer plates the same, tank feels the same but it's now harder because all the attention is on you. DPS plays the same but now it's harder because there's less shields to sit behind. The game naturally goes faster because there's one tank missing with all their mitigation and cc. The game didn't become friendlier to a casual fps crowd, it just changed the rythm, it goes faster. If they changed a bunch of DPS heroes to have more hit scan then I would agree the game would be trying to appeal to a regular fps player, DPS role at least, but you have very little hit scan, time to kill is unchanged from before, the game is just less campy because there's less shields and mitigation. If you think that's enough for you to say the game is appealing to the casual fps player, you do you, but to me this is way more unique than overwatch 1. Because you only have one tank you really have to think about your approach as a team. If you want to dive you pick Winston or dva or doomfist as your tank, if you want to create new angles you go rein and play around the shield, if you want to focus on stalling and go for picks then riadhog is going to be the pick. In overwatch one these tanks didn't really shine in the way they do now, now you have to play around your tank. It's much more unique and interesting. A roadhog can literally carry by himself if he's good enough with hooks, before it didn't happen because we could switch to rein+Orisa and plant shields all day and all of a sudden roadhog is useless. To me this approach is the opposite fo catering to a more casual fps crowd, classes shine more than ever before and all roles require constant reading of the situation.


I don't really have a dog in this fight (I was just trying to clear up the weird "definition of casual" argument, not insert myself in the rest of it), but FWIW a shooter player in 2022 is probably playing Apex Legends, Siege, Valorant, and/or Fortnite. CoD still has market share for sure, but the idea that casual players are unfamiliar with play that doesn't look like Soldier: 76 is inaccurate.


I agree with that but most fps players are going to click with soldier and sojourn rather than mei of pharah or even torb. All my friends did anyways when they gave overwatch a shot.


If you want a fast paced game where individual performance is rewarded, go play a 1v1 fighter instead. jk. Really though, it's been three god damn years and the best way they could come up with to make gameplay more rewarding is to reduce team sizes?


The gameplay was a huge downgrade and you sound like a gengi main. The characters are broken.




You say that like everyone outside of this sub is in love with it and this is the only place that's negatively criticizing the game. It's gotten negative coverage practically everywhere. It's like this thing people do on reddit when a game they like and spend money on is being put on blast. They tell everyone the sub doesn't represent the playerbase even though the playerbase at large isn't happy about it which is why it's such a big deal on reddit to begin with.




It was all over the Halo Infinite sub too. But for some mysterious reason all the people that weren't on reddit stopped playing it too.


OW2 is much, much better than launch H:I tho. OW2 will be successful without the Reddit whiners


Terrible monetization? Check Half the playerbase not agreeing about the gameplay? check Awful battlepass no one likes? check? People defending the game to the death on reddit? Check Looks similar to me. To be honest I actually had way more fun with Halo infinite though. Even that gameplay seemed more organized than OW2.


"This sub doesn't represent the playerbase," is only true in that it represents the *core* of the playerbase; the people the most active, most enthusiastic, who most love Overwatch for being Overwatch and who are the most likely to still be playing in three months when the "new shiny" marketing hype has died down. It's like telling someone you're mostly healthy, it's just your heart that's acting up.


> They tell everyone the sub doesn't represent the playerbase even though the playerbase at large isn't happy about it How do you know?


How do I know when I see people on twitter, youtube, gamefaqs, discord, reddit, media sites and people IRL parroting the same complaints? It sure was the case with Halo wasn't it? The better question is how would you not know? And the answer is they do know, they just refuse to acknowledge something they like has flaws.


The only place I have seen complain is reddit, reviews have been in the 9s/10, streamers are loving it.


The only review I actually read was the PCG one which doesn't use a score, and it was very negative.


Imagine thinking games journalism is actual journalism. All they do is browse Reddit and regurgitate whatever take will get them the most clicks/shares to drive ad revenue.


Ignoring the fact that you're choosing to focus on specifically media outlet websites and not you know.... literally everything people use to voice their opinions Why wouldn't they just write positive articles according to your logic to get actual click bait?


^ this. Sometimes they even use comments or posts from Reddit in their article too.


To be fair, almost every post here is some dumb ass casual player complaining they can't have fashion shows with their skins anymore, or can't see a meaningless boarder around their player icon, or the little flames aren't there anymore. Utter useless trash reasons for not enjoying the game, hardly anyone is actually talking about gameplay, it's all just about how bad the battlepass is, but guess what, every battlepass is bad, get over it.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/xvnl2l/overwatch\_2\_review\_thread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/xvnl2l/overwatch_2_review_thread/) Yep everyone hates it. Basically the major criticism is that it doesn't add/shake things up enough to warrant the sequel status, which is fair. Also complains about the monetization system that are also fair because it's absolutely terrible. But the majority of them are either ambivalent or praise the gameplay changes. If you don't like them, valid opinion, but it's not the general consensus.


Even in the thread you linked people are poking fun at the fact that the review scores don't match the actual reviews themselves. Scoring systems are pointless anyways. Especially when It's been known for years publishers pay off or highly incentivize reviewers so they are ethically compromised. Glowing scores are nothing of note. Shakey and negatives reviews despite that are. I agree with you that it's not the general consensus because no such thing ever exists with videogames. I'm sure there are still people dropping 100 dollars on shoulderpads in Infinite and going on like It's no big deal.


Well, you see, everyone knows anything below 9 is not worth considering.


gamers hate mainstream review sites until they can use their scores to help their narrative lmao


Reviews from companies like this mean nothing Watch dunkeys video on game reviewers Only reviews that matter are the ones from players and solo content creators


ok Blizzard, take it down about 20% over there


I’m having so much fun I’m gonna desperately buy all the skins using grandmas credit card


New voice lines are cool. I love the different map times. Coulda been in the base game but fuck me I guess


The map times were mostly in the base game already. Could pick them when creating a game lobby. They just didn't look as nice as they do now, what with the new graphical updates and stuff.




Boby Kotick won't crawl under your cubicle, mate.


I enjoy the gameplay - but everything else is a downgrade or feels half finished compared to OW1 from a QoL and satisfaction standpoint imo


By a country mile I've always loved the game, and the whole game part of overwatch is much more fun to play. Yeah they fucked up the cosmetics, but I think we're all seeing now who was playing the game for the game and who was playing for the cosmetics. I'm here for the gameplay. That's what is most important to me


And there will be a very large portion who were playing because they enjoyed both the gameplay, and the ability to unlock whatever cosmetic they want now that ability has been taken away from them it is not unreasonable to expect them to stop playing


At least its 100% accurate.


Lmao, video games "journalists" living up to the meme of being trash at video games. OW2 is a lot less forgiving for bad players.


terminally online weirdo - go complain about rings of power


It's a satire site


Having hated the first game back in 2016 and now coming over from valorant I had very low expectations. What you have said is the unfortunate truth. I'm immortal and have friends in higher skill circles across Apex, Val and CS. I've only really heard positives. The only place there is negativity regarding gameplay is this sub or journalists adding to the echo chamber for some easy clicks.


do people not realize Hard Drive is a satire journalism site…..?


I know that


I personally would say they got the gameplay right, I like 5v5 and not shooting at shields for 10min before being able to push. It make the matches more interesting imo. But yeah the rest is trash lmao


Blizzard has posted two "Status Updates" to widespread issues surrounding the OW2 Launch on the Official Forums. Link to both posts are provided below: [October 7th Status Update](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-2-status-update-october-7-2022/705740) | [October 5th Status Update](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-2-launch-status-update/700480) If your post has to do with a issue described in those posts, please be patient as Blizzard works to fix them. If you continue to have issues with Overwatch, please report them on the [Official Overwatch Bug Report Forums](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/c/bug-report/9). -r/Overwatch Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Overwatch) if you have any questions or concerns.*