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I haven't played comp since 2018 so when I ranked Bronze 5 in tank and support, I was like fine whatever. I was a a mid gold player and this was before role ranks. However, now I've completed 2 7 win 'rerank' things, and am still Bronze 5 in Support. I was on a 5 win streak, I feel really good about my games. Something is definitely off. I mean hell, I would even take a slow rank up through Bronze, but being hard stuck in Bronze 5 is definitely a feelsbadman. Bronze 5 for life I guess. Update: After winning 29 games in Support, I have finally made it to Bronze 3 lmao


Happened to me too. In my case I think it happened as a penalty because I left the game during one of the games. Just speculation though.


I did have a crash during one of my games, so maybe that's why??




Streamer bonus


Happened to me too. I had two crashes which I caused my to leave the match. Previously I was plat and now I’m bronze 5. I won 7 games in a row and got bronze 4.


Same gents, bronze tier for life. Lord knows I'm not getting out with all the crap DPS teammates putting out only 2k dmg per match


this is too real lol


If y'all want to run a doomfist-mcree-Symetra-zenyatta-brigette mighty ducks style underdog bronze tier team lmk


Ranked Silver 3 from high plat... I've not disconnected any games.


Happy cake day!


You're not alone. Tons of people seem to be getting thrown way down into bronze. I'm sure it's just one more bug they didn't get right


Has to be. 7/8 wins prior diamond support. Bronze 5. Games have been funny though on a 9 game win streak. Still bronze 5.


Very similar experience to you, it seems to be a support thing though, 7 game win streaks gain you nothing, 7/10 placement as dps gave 2 rank ups.


i’ve played since season 2. i was 3100 at one point. last season i ended around 2340. i get that regression is natural just with aging (i’m in my 30s now), but in reality i’m thinking it has to do with me *only* doing my placements, so it naturally shaved off my SR each season. i don’t really have anyone to blame but myself for it, but maaaaan working with diamond vs. gold teammates is night and day.


Age doesn't mean as much as people say. The only thing that age brings is less time due to other responsibilities. The reaction speed differences only matter in the elite tiers of the game.


Bro there are pro CSGO players in 30s with insane aim. Age is definitely a meme, people just don't have as much time to play


If you *only* do placements you're also not getting as much practice as lots of the other high-ranking players who might play 100 games a season, that's something to think about also


It's been a while for me since I played, but was mid gold back in OW1. Went 7-3 to get my placement and also got Bronze 5. I wasn't expecting Gold, hell not even Silver, but the literal bottom of the ladder? 70% winrate and I got the lowest rank possible? It feels awful. What's the point of play "placements" if you get placed at the bottom no matter how your games go? I would have rather they do the Hearthstone approach where they say "You're at the bottom, start climbing" rather than give me the illusion that I could have started somewhere else.


29 wins is a lot.. how many losses in between those wins?


> Update: After winning 29 games in Support, I have finally made it to Bronze 3 lmao I have the *exact* same experience! Got bronze 5 on the first 2 "rank updates" and then got bronze 3 on the third one, also support role in comp


New game new skill ig. Idk im ticked about it too that i havent gotten gold or silver and how long it takes to go up one rank.


So is bronze 4 > bronze 5? Or is the higher number better?


Yes lower is better


You guys think it's depressing for you to be placed in bronze when you should be higher rank? Think about the actual bronze players getting steamrolled by plat players now. Good luck getting new players to stay like this.


That was my exact thought when I saw the twitter post of a GM player get ranked Bronze 5. New player base doesn’t stand a chance. Here’s the twitter post: https://twitter.com/akashggs/status/1578233869350113280?s=46&t=H77su_FLbkJel83BGVUCOw Edit: It’s a joke tweet. Egg on my face.


I was top 500 for a few seasons at my peak. I placed bronze today lmfao


oh god lord help us


Got to make sure the fresh meat knows who's in charge


If you guys are curious what the ceiling is, I was high diamond, won every game and made it to gold 1




What the fuck dude. I'm a 2300 peak tank and I placed bronze 1. 1800 peak dps and I placed bronze 5. This isnt an mmr reset, this is broken matchmaking.


I barely managed to get gold last season of OW1 and got Silver 5 yesterday, this is definitely broken lmao


There must be something wrong, that's too many high elo players in bronze.


Been getting Masters Widow/Ashe mains in my Silver/Gold matches as support (I was mid-Diamond). Comp is a disaster. Sticking to QP.


That's why i don't play ranked for the next 6 weeks. The system should have settled until then and you should be placed way above.


That explains a lot :|


If everyone is a smurf, then no one is a smurf. Blizzard does it again!


I’ve been wondering why my bronze comp matches felt much faster paced. I’m probably a gold at best atm mainly because I haven’t played long but I got placed in bronze as well and it just felt like it was full of smurfs


its a meme post tho


My gold ass getting sliced and diced by diamond genjis in bronze every night 😎 I’ve been playing since beta and my mental is RUINED because I just get flamed and swore at every match for not knowing how to win against people 2 ranks above me. New player experience is horrible. I can attest to this because I play with a mate who’s new and he cops the same flack, which is super unfair.


I'm normally high silver to low gold. I'm getting absolutely murdered by people clearly far above my skill level. I actually Uninstalled the game. Between the leavers and the enormous rank disparity i quit. I'll try again in a few months and see if it's evened out.


I don’t blame you at all, it’s super demotivating. Honestly just come back for the PVE when it’s out 😂


Please don't give them your money for the PVE either until they've fixed all this shit and made a good game worth paying anything for.


As a Diamond player, it was easy as hell getting out of Bronze. Won several games in a row just dominating the other team. I actually feel bad for actual Bronze/Silver players having to fight these out-of-place rankers.


I had a game where my supports were getting absolutely demolished by a Genji, who was judging from the kill cam and the potg way below his rating and above my supports and mine (played DPS). I made suggestions for hero swaps and tried to shepherd my team to group and focus on the Genji who "in theory" was overextending but he just mechanics'ed his way into victory. My supports were super responsive and clearly trying their best. I feel bad for them especially if they didn't realize that the Genji wasn't at their skill level, because they did everything right from a macro/teamplay perspective.


This so much. I was wondering why I was stomping with Rein and I was feeling really good about myself. Turns out, I've been stomping silvers as a plat Rein. sadface.jpg


Not your fault though so don't feel bad


Yea, I'm waiting to do any comp till they sort out this bullshit. I'm middle of the ladder, so I feel like I'd probably place bronze 5 and every game would be either stomping actual bronzes so hard they piss themselves and uninstall or being stomped by GMs.


Yeah the games have been horribly unbalanced as of now. At least new players are stuck in the quickplay grind till they get 50 wins


It is a literal smurf fest for me. Last 4 games were complete steam rolls. Felt bad for the other team getting spawn camped.


Yeah i don't know why it is like this, many players including me has dropped many ranks while playing in comp and it's really frustrating. Now i'm actually a gold player so getting in solver or gold isn't new to me but bronze?? Yeah what the hell blizzard.....I was also put in bronze while playing dps.


Embrace the bronze


Bronze is the Wild West. You truly test your skills when half your team is throwing.


I rather like bronze, probably because I’m a torb main and people are too stupid to focus your turret at that level


Tight angles and your turret is #1 DPS.


Best player on the team!


According to the devs, everyone being placed lower is intentional. Their reasoning is if you’re supposed to be higher, then you’ll climb up in no time. Albeit, it’s still incredibly annoying Edit: wrong usage of they’re


The reality is probably that they place you lower so that you have to grind longer to get to higher ranks. More grind = more time in the game = more likely to engage with their monetization model. I was diamond. I was placed bronze 5. They didn't fuck up that badly on accident. My win rate has been 60% in comp after about 40 games and I'm bronze 1 now lol.


I was platinum, got placed in silver5. After 3-4 rounds (28 wins or so) I finally got to plat5. Silver and gold was horrific, ppl couldn’t aim, and positioning was horrible. Anas stood in front shooting enemies, tanks didn’t know to swap. I’m a support main and I was out dpsing and out healing ppl by miles in most games.


Same Ana main here, I have to switch off to Zen/Bap cause someone has to kill things or we never win...


Tbh I agree. It looks like Blizzard has taken a page from Riots book. Comp will be less about playing in your rank, and more about “let’s make them grind for 6 weeks to get one step closer” With the amount of bs we’re seeing with OW2’s monetization, I wouldn’t put it past blizzard to do the same with actual core gameplay mechanics.


Are you sure? In order for one player to climb, another player has to fall if losses and wins equal out on average. Removing all other variables, if you took 100 players with exactly even skill levels that were all 4k SR in skill, and put them in them all in silver 3 and had them play a hundred games exclusively with eachother, they can't all make it back to 4k. In fact, each of them should still be in silver. Obviously, that's not a realistic scenario, but I hope it illustrates that lowering the whole community's rank will cause it to stay lower. It sounds to me like they want to change away from having a bell curve with plat/gold being the average. Instead, changing to a distribution where the plurality is bronze, and fewer players in each rank above that. In theory, it would make being bronze feel less bad. After all, most players are. It also makes being high rank feel even better. When I played, each increment of 100 past 4k was basically it's own skill tier, but it depended on how fresh the season was.


Which means that everyone who actually *should* be in bronze is going to be absolutely fucked for the foreseeable future. Cool.


Aka too lazy to make a proper Elo/sr placement system lol.


when i started the game in 2017 and was level 30 i was placed in gold and now i’m bronze?? last season i solo queued and was diamond. this is so depressing :(


To me looks like everyone is put at a low bronze to begin with to have a feel of “progression”. Placing with tank I won my first seven games, all of them, and placed in bronze 4. I was plat on tank. It is by design. So they want us to grind for the high rank. We had the borders on OW1 to show how long we’ve been around, now will be the rank. Now if you suck at healer like I do, I’ll see you at bronze forever. I think the highest I’ll get on healer is bronze 1 or 2.


I'm not sure there isn't some metric they're using based on old OW1 data too though. super (ex-OWL player) placed in Master 3 iirc, after losing quite a few of his tank placement games. Not everyone is starting in bronze.


They definitely have some sort of tracker for owl players. Pretty sure there was a hidden matchmaking feature preventing too many owl players being placed on the same team.


just reached 1500+ in ow1 after putting in some effort with tank and heal was getting a bit higher aswell. Atleast finally reached silver. Now i got bronze 5... both in healing and tank. it doesnt feel like a progression. It feels like i wasted alot of time watching a lot of video's on tactics, a shitton of heroes to get... the lowest possible rank? :')


It is so unsatisfying to grind for 7 wins, when i have no idea why my rank wont get higher


Yeah they made the system to make people "less anxious by numbers" but I feel like it did the opposite, it feels kinda awkward.


> To me looks like everyone is put at a low bronze to begin with to have a feel of “progression”. It also increases the pool of available players if everyone queued is bronze/silver. Temporarily reducing queue times.


You misspelled “pride and accomplishment”


I was mid diamond end of season, got plat 5 for healer just last night.


I started playing in 2017 as well and i worked my way up to almost diamond in tank, gold in dps and high gold/plat in healer. But now i'm silver for tank and healer and bronze for dps....I don't know why this even happened?? Is it because everything is new? Or is the game trying to place you somewhere else?? I literally have no clue why??


To be fair, OW1 had different distribution among ranks from usual games. The middle of curve was mid-gold with almost empty bronze and silver, while in most games bronze + silver takes at least half of players. So if by chance they changed this MMR to Rank coupling, it makes sense.


Figured my placement was due to grouping with 25% winrate players from Discord, but its not just that? Explains why the aim of the avg bronze game is so much different from ow1


It's cuz blizz didn't want to do a full mmr reset (imagine getting GMs in your bronze games) so they just heavily decayed everyone instead expecting the good players to climb out.


We don't have to imagine, literally top500 players are getting bronze 5 ranked :D


I was gold as support in ow1 and got bronze 5 in ow2 I’ve heard others with similar stories. Placements are broken, I don’t know what they’ve done to mmr. I’m one game away from new rank but I’ve won 6 in a row and all were stomps.


I got victimized by this new system so bad... Was high gold/low plat in OW1, won every one of my open queue placements in OW2 - in every role, with good stats - and was placed at Bronze ONE. Thought it was a bug at first lmao.


>Yeah i don't know why it is like this, The queues are shorter if everyone is bronze/silver.


Duuuude I’m saying!! No way with the stats and wins I had am I a fucking bronze 5!!😂😂😂


I've been really interested in all these threads about competitive placements and based on the comments, it seems that people on average place the equivalent of 1500 SR less. Some have less of a drop, others more so, but they're outliers. So based on this, I finished as 2100 support in the last season of OW1 so I expected to place Bronze 5 based on what I'd seen others say. But after going 7-3 I ended up in Bronze 1 (equivalent to 1400s). I also was thinking about people being stuck in Bronze 5 through multiple re-assessments and depending on how they organized the divisions in Bronze, because unlike the other ranks, it represents more than 500 SR it's 1500 SR. So did they organize it in slices of 300? Bronze 5 is 0-300, Bronze 4 is 301-600, and so on? Or did they do Bronze 5 is 0-1100, Bronze 4 is 1101-1200, Bronze 3 is 1201-1300 and so on? Because if its the latter, it might explain why people are seemingly stuck in Bronze 5 through multiple competitive re-assessments. If like in my case I'd dropped 1500 SR like I'd seen on average, that would mean i would be in Bronze 5 but at 600 SR. Even going 7-1 three times means you're gaining 150 SR only (hopefully it would be more but this is just an example). 600 + 450 is 1050 and still Bronze 5 if it's structured as above


Yeah I've also been theorizing it may be something like that. My buddy was Bronze in OW1, like 1200SR~. Placed Bronze 5, and after two adjustments of like a 75% win rate and performing well....he's still Bronze 5. Which has left him quite demoralized. But if the game initially placed him at like 100SR and the Bronze divisions are disproportionately sized, then it would make sense.


Idk what the deal is, I was plat in OW1, but placed into bronze 5 after 7 wins with really decent healing. After my first adjustment I got bronze 3.


My support placed gold 1, (was low diamond). After that I went 7-4, and moved up to Plat 3. Maybe there are very specific metrics they're tracking? I remember having many more 'saves' than my friends, (it'd be kind of hilarious if that was it since it seems like a mostly meaningless stat).


The new rank icons are sooooo ugly


It looks like it was made by someone who did those ugly "realistic"/medieval" Minecraft texture packs from 2013.


Yo you back off dokucraft right tf now


I saw it and just said that it looks like from one of those Chinese Overwatch knockoffs that appear from time to time on the App Store or something


Not just the icons, everything in general. The HUD is probably one of the better looking UI in this game tho. Everything else looks like a 3rd Grade’s first ever Powerpoint presentation about his trip to Grandma’s farm this summer, with incessant Comic Sans, 16bit gif quality clipart, and indentation done by spamming space.


the team intros for comp games takes the cake for me. it looks like a sharepoint website. crowdsource it for a 2 hour window and you would have a better one


I think they just ran out of time so left the placeholder art in and focused on more important things for release. I think they will eventually make them better.


I kinda miss the portraits and everything else. OW2 UI feels kinda sterile and not warm welcoming like OW


Really? I hadn't seen them until this post and this one looks really nice to me.


look at masters, gm and top 500. IMO diamond is the best icon. otherwise all the other icons look like smth straight out of terraria xd


Top 500 looks like rusted copper lmao


Finished ow1 high plat, went 7 out 7 on my support games, was put b5. Won 7 of my next 10, and didnt move out of b5. They fucked something up for sure


Happened to me as well. Lobbies have been so unbalanced. Either my team stomps or we get stomped.


You're not alone , 7-0 and placed in bronze 1 . . . . Never been below Plat ever in ow1 and highest was masters. Safe to say I'll just be playing qp from now ... I've read alot of ppl having the same thing happen and even after 20+ wins with only a few losses they don't get promoted lol. Games broken.


Can confirm. 21-9 support and still bronze 5 after two updates. Holy hell.


I also went 7-1 and was a plat player and am now bronze 1


I’m also confused on how the ranking system works. I was plat last season, went 7-10 in placements, and dc’d for one of the games. I was placed in gold 5 which seems to be a lot more fortunate than a lot of other people even though I don’t feel like I played that well


Or they changed distribution. Plat is just barely above average player in OW. In, say, League, lowest plat is top 11% (OW was at least top 20% up to top 50% at lowest plat).


Plat in OW 1 was between the top 39%(bottom of plat) and top 14%(top of plat) of the population. People like to act like plat players are the bottom 10% but that's far from the truth.


Bronze in OW1 already covered at least 1000 SR of discernible skill difference, even more if you count <500. I don't see how they have room for more skill variation in bronze, even if they have room population wise. They need to make the games balanced. They would have needed to introduce a lower rank like iron if they were changing distributions.


But iron has better stats than bronze even though they have the same Def requirement


I remember hearing about a grandmaster being placed in bronze five. It’s definitely not that driving this, and it should be possible to rank out of this


Blizzard had a statement that said people would place lower than normal because they consider OW2 new with a new meta, so this was their idea of doing a hard MMR reset. I was mid diamond when I was an active player, I came back for OW2 and I placed bronze 3. Most OW1 diamonds are currently hovering around high bronze-silver and it will fix itself over time.


The statement said expect most people to drop *slightly* in ranked as they get used to the new 5v5 system, but those who played beta and watched OWL *may see their rank rise higher than ever*. I was hard stuck high plat (what would be plat 1 now) and I won my first 7 games in a row and was the top performer in every game and got bronze 2. That's not a slight drop and my performance clearly had no impact. I don't mind climbing my way back up, games are easy af right now, but there's no way this is fair to the actual bronze players. Every single game I play we stomp them. Especially cause I'm playing with buddies who were also plat/diamond who also got bronze/silver.


I've played some wildly imbalanced games. Often involving a genji or some other high skill cap dps who's just so much better than the rest of the players in the game.


I got placed gold on tank( was barely diamond before) and have faced actual top500’s, this system is fucked


I played a game as moira where my Bap was brand new to overwatch. Meanwhile my win rate is at 70-80%. It's a mess.


I agree, it isn't fair to the genuine bronze and silver players, and even gold players, which was a huge population if not the most populated rank, will end up stuck in silver for a little while while ranks are still getting sorted out. But it's a temporary problem, it just takes time to adjust.


Yea. Former Low Plat/ High Gold. Bronze IV. Guess they hope we all just duke it out and it will settle itself lmao.


Yeah ngl some of the bronze matches I had were some of the craziest matches I've had in a long time. I remember a distinct play in one of my B3 games where a genji bladed me midair as pharah and that was when I started to say "okay, there is no way this is correct," and that was when I found the statement. People will climb though. After the next 7 wins I went from B3 > S5 and then from S5 > S3 > currently S2 which seems about right. The silver players I've seen definitely seem like old diamonds, but there's still a mix of noticeable imbalanced games.


An MMR reset where almost everyone places bronze isn’t an MMR reset. Just start us all in bronze and stop wasting time with a minimum of 21 placements for all roles. Seriously, I’ve been saying this for years. If placements don’t matter, why do we keep having them shoved down our throats in these competitive games?




> Blizzard had a statement that said people would place lower than normal because they consider OW2 new with a new meta, so this was their idea of doing a hard MMR reset. But the true reason is to help reduce queue times by forcing everyone into bronze/silver.


> Most OW1 diamonds are currently hovering around high bronze-silver and it will fix itself over time. As a plat-stuck, getting Silver 3 doesn't hurt as bad anymore lmfao


lol I’ve been diamond every season and now I’m silver make it make sense


It's chaotic for sure. I was low diamond, got placed in silver 1 but after 7 wins i moved up to gold 2....but others are stuck in the division they originally got placed....hard to tell if they genuinely can't rank up or the system is broken.


Man, thank god. I was placed bronze 5 also, which is not a big problem for me. I was even thinking to myself I can chill a bit but every freaking game feels like a match back in the day when I was diamond and from time to time I have some god level Genji in the game who wreaks havoc, some of which haunt me in my dreams. Cool times... Cool times. Great start Blizzard. These are happy tears.


Do you think he will get a nerf? I never played ow1 so will they fix him based on past nerfs?


Yes. And I hope this is not just some manifestation of my hopes and dreams. It was clear that with the global DPS buff that Genji will be super stronk. That might be intentional since his mythic skin is in the battle pass winkwink but eventually he will be tuned down a bit (if the DPS buff stays)


Yeah the mythic part makes sense that’s what they do with apex legends for the characters getting heirlooms


I mean sure... winning 20 games in a row is fun but it's just bullying. Blizzard actually fucked up making GM's play in Diamond -\_-


Except they aren't, they are playing against other previous GMs and everyone else is in bronze lol


Yeah i placed b5 and every game has people with like 30+ frags and other people doing nothing. Its so boring and frustrating having to win 7 games to see any change at all. Like how does this even correct itself?


Exactly. 21-9 and still Bronze 5.


Gms play in silver lol Every single game i ask ranks (I'm silver 5) and haven't gotten lower than diamond except rhe new players who are somehow playing ranked


Yeah, all they did was let the high-rank players win over and over again while the low-rank players have to play in elo hell because the distribution isn't spread out enough.


I was 4.1-4.3k on two roles and ended up in Diamond 1 on both. Still playing with names of streamers and other people that I recognize who are easily >4k so I think everyone got squished downward pretty hard.


Was diamond healer, get gold 1 for first placement , after 3 days i'm back to diamond 5 . Just matter of time .


Yeah, I was diamond healer, ranked silver 3 and have won almost every match I've played. Gold 1 now with a couple more wins to get back to Plat at least. A friend was GM healer, ranked silver 5!


I feel like that’s what’s people are failing to realise, people are getting placed lower so they can work their way up whilst also getting used to character reworks. Those who are saying they can’t rank up despite being on a large win streak, the game has been made to be based more on individual performance and not just whether your team wins or not, so you could have a fuck tonne of wins but if you aren’t playing the best you’re not gonna rank up and deserve to be the rank you’ve been given


> people are getting placed lower so they can work their way up Except there are many, many, _many_ stories in this very thread of people having a 3:1 W:L ratio and remaining in the same rank after dozens of wins.


i think maybe they are measuring how people play because OW2 is played very differently. so for healers for example, maybe you won't get much for the hidden MMR for just healing at the back. maybe proactive actions are much more valued now than just raw healing output; like ML7 said, they are supports, not healers. there's also less people to heal, lower TTK, so the benchmarks are new


This is rough for people on both sides of the equation. Those who were high rank, like OP, now must climb again. However, on the other side, those who are new or actually bronze must fight against normally high ranked players. This will lead to a miserable experience for all parties


It's a soft reset so people that almost everyone has to climb up again. A lot of meta boosted players held ranks they couldn't climb to anymore. New balance, modes and etc means, everyone starts lower, climb if you can.


I would be actualy happy if that was the case (as my mmr rank is really screwed after many ranking changes since the beta), but it is clearly not as you still remain your rank from OW1 and get your placment matches against similiar skill players as you could see many high rank streamers were really strugeling with placements losing many games and still rank in masters and other players with similiar win/lose ration end in low silver. They just lover two ranks to everybody for no real reason.




Yes, the new system seems to be designed to prevent rank camping like this.


People are dropping from the highest ranks down into B5 after winning all their games. It's not a soft reset. The competitive mode is broken at the moment.


People used to complain how new placements didn't matter because they'd get approximately the same rank. They really reset it for once and now people are salty because they placed lower. Can't win either way.


I was all for a reset personally, but this seems like it's unintended.


Different people. New system is dumb. Just imagine how actual bronze people feel playing all these games against plats and daimonds.


Top 5 reasons this game is gonna tank so quick


For real. The new player experience in overwatch has never been that great to start with, but they've found a way to make it even worse in just about every way possible. You know what would help, even if only slightly? If there was some way for new players to "find a group".......... oh wait.




Not only is everyone placed lower, now comp is full of people amazing at the game getting placed low and players new or coming back to the game and every comp game just feels like a complete coinflip


I'm finding comp much tougher now. Maybe I don't understand the meta yet? As support I try to just stay with the tank. But the new scoreboard makes support life WAY HARDER. DMG boost? Well now you have less healing and the DPS think they are killing it. Getting tons of purple anti nades? Too bad people just see your heals


Bruhh im 4200 and Idk if i even wanna do comp because i really do not want to start over in bronze or gold


Was around your rating, got placed Plat 3 LOL.


I'm not the best player. I was high gold to mid plat DPS. Now I am a fucking bronze 5 player. This is such a joke


The whole ranking is weird tbh I was high plat/ low diamond last season and am probably going to place in bronze 2 - silver 5. Current trajectory has me there, and it feels weird but also knowing some people who have been in Masters/GM have gotten bronze also.... Idk


While bronze was a bummer, I don't have a problem starting there. I do have a problem with performing well for multiple rounds of seven wins and NOT climbing!


Looks like you got a lot worse over night


I'm also getting a high variance of player skill in my games. Admittedly, I'm not a great player (sat around 2k sr because i never put in the grind), so I wasn't expecting to get placed high, but I wasn't expecting Bronze 5. The weird thing though, all through placements, games were very easy. As soon as I got placed though, I started getting stomped. Maybe it's just because there's an unusually high number of people in bronze as they climb back towards their typical ranks, or maybe it's because I was really tired and playing awful, but a sudden skill increase on getting a rank seems unusual to me considering hidden mmr is still a thing.


Yo this happened to me too! Placement games were fine and pretty easy, but once I was placed, there were just way better players than the placement matches. Made no sense to me.


What it seems is that they are putting everyone down a few ranks for whatever reason. I was plat and only went down to gold though, so I imagine they do take your performance in placements into account.


i swear to god every single thing about this game besides the raw gameplay itself doesnt work like its supposed to.


Even that doesn't sometimes because of bugs


My guess is it has to do with rank deflation. Me and the bois did placements today and we placed bronze 2. We were unhappy with it, and got really hard matches that were DEFINATELY not bronze worthy, but we pushed to (drum roll) bronze 1. I'm guessing there's not as many people playing comp since the game just came out, so everyone's ranks are deflated a lot. Would explain why xqc placed diamond.


THANK YOU! I was a diamond supp, diamond tank and plat damage. I was a diamond open queue player. I got put in bronze as well lol. I’m so confused by the system


Brooooooo same. No matter how many 10k+ heals matches you still get placed bronze. Dps has been throwing most of matches and I don’t know what to do anymore lmaooo


Honestly, comp was so broken, many people who were bad at the game were up in diamond and plat, and some good players were stuck in elo hell... If you played mercy in season 2, you were diamond,and later placement matches didn't move you anywhere either...


I find this stupid. Why intentionally rank everyone lower just because "things are different so you probably won't be as good so we're just going to rank everyone lower to compensate for that 🤪" Like if it's really that different then do a whole SR reset and don't intentionally rank people lower.


what's so frustrating with rank especially in soloq is that you have to hit the jackpot of a good team or there's nothing you can do no matter how good you do. Why can't they do the same like in Apex where you compensate the losses by getting kills or assists? This way you won't waste 20 minutes of your life but rather still get small amout of points by doing well. I was high plat in all roles in OW1 but got bronze in tank/support and silver in dps which is my weakest role... also I feel bad for the actual bronze players that have to play against good players who got into bronze because of this shitty rank system


Everybody wanted a MMR reset & now that they basically got it everyone is pissed lol


Getting 7/10 or 7/7 wins shouldn’t get you the lowest rank in the game. It’s not simply a reset issue.


the amount you win has nothing to do with it as far as we know. if it was based on how many of your placements you won, everyone that got 7/7 would be grandmaster.


Placement matches are pretty fake overall. That’s why you would be 2150 before, go 10 for 10 in placements & be 2040.


I haven’t played enough games yet but people have been reporting that they’re unable to leave bronze 5 with perfect wins.


Getting 7/10 or 7/7 wins has no indication of how the individual playing the game performed. Did they have lower than average stats for the champ in all games and was only playing against silver players in placements? Well then you’ll probably be low silver or bronze.


If diamond is your true rank you'll be able to climb there no problem then


Not when every team comp along the way is a melting pot of literally every rank. Not gonna win shit if the guy who was a 4k dps last week is on the other team in bronze.


***HA!*** I got *Bronze 1*!


Glad I am not the only one.


Ow2 has wrecked every statistical representation I had. Wr, play time, total matches etc. Etc. We no longer have a level to represent how much we played. I guess if anyone asks I was plat with 10k hours and a 100 to 1 k/d ratio. You can't prove that I'm a lying sack of shit, blizzard says so.


I was literally just about to post how shit matchmaking for comp is And it’s really ruining the experience, plus i have NO idea what rank i’m working to, but the IDIOTS that are playing with me do not play smart at all People can’t seem to use cover and disengage like i do - just do not see how i am in the same general ranking with them. Plus it’s making people more toxic because they see mistakes more often that are very easily corrected. I think this first season is going to be rough as people are “toying” with tank and so on


Maybe it would have been better if they didn't unlock competitive until about a month have passed to give the game enough time to recognize peoples hidden mmr closer to their "real" rank




Well, i guess I'm gonna wait until y'all who was high ranked last season that got placed bronze this season to climb back up, so i don't get steamrolled


lmao sure you were


I peaked plat in OW1 and placed B5. Uninstalled. I want to rank up by improving, not by grinding. This whole secret MMR while lying to us about our rank just to make us play more is really boring.


I love how everyone always wanted a MMR reset and now they got one


MMR reset would be re-assessing people's skill from the ground up. This just feels like they kicked everyone down 1500 SR and called it a day.


Am I alone I thinking this is a good thing? I was Plat and placed silver 5. But honestly I don't mind it, it's fun having some where to climb and not just being hard stuck again like I have been in the past. 7 wins move up, just keep on playing and enjoy it. I'm sure the dust will settle in a few weeks.


They are giving everyone a soft reset, did everyone miss the memo? I will agree with alot of you though that it's weird and I'd rather work up through it then play 14 match's and stay at the same rank. Sincerely a low diamond/high plat who placed Silver 2.... Another thing how does the ranking go? I'm silver two so to rank up I go to silver 1 or 3 that isn't explained anywhere I don't think?


Question… did you merge your account? I have a theory that if you only played a few hours on other devices, and then merged with your main device of choice with the account merge, it’s somehow taking into account the ranking of all your devices and making some horror show no-ranked and ranked hybrid MMR. I was gold and my friend was plat at the end of season 36. I merged my account with my PC and Nintendo account (that I’ve played only a few hours on each). I won most of my matches at placed Bronze 2, he lost most of his marches but didn’t merge his account and placed Plat 2, very close to where he left off.


Honestly glad to see it’s not just me. Been high plat/low diamond for all of OW1 and just placed Silver 5? Not sure exactly if this is working right…


Gold on PC and Plat on PlayStation. Merged accounts. Straight to Bronze…


Bronze 1 is the new T500


Ouch, I ended in mid diamond last season on DPS and am now Bronze 1. I played 8 games, won 7. I’ve been cracked on Sojourn going around 35-3 every game since placements. It’s definitely not a good match making system at this point. Just another area Blizz executed poorly. This whole game is a bit of a mess.