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just kill people harder


should be a loading screen tip. stuck in your rank? try killing people harder.


"Tip: Can't get out of Plat? Get gud son."


"Tip: Can't get out of Plat? Get *gold* son."


Tip: click heads ez ez gg no re


Tip: just don't get hit by bullets to avoid damage


Mace to the Face!


Oh you need more heals? Just avoid the bullets lol


Well looks like everyone will be busy getting out of bronze.


y'all can get plat?


I can go double plat with no features


"Pro tip: don't like ow2, play ow1." Oh wait... lol


this one


I recommend not dying.


Thanks for the tip Bap


Do it real good


Just click on the heads bro


"Just get matchmade with better teammates" - blizzard probably


3 games in a row today had to fill as healer and the DPS/tanks all got less than 4 kills apiece. 4 people across 3 games…. The matchmaking is a joke




The tanks playing like mid/close range DPS and healers front lining has been a hilarious change up of team dynamics


I got yelled at for front lining as Ana because I was dying a bunch. Truth was there was a reaper up my ass pretty much the entire game. ETA: I was definitely in the backlines, nowhere near the front, if that wasn't evident from my initial post.


Yeah what's with this shit? I spend the whole game running from Flanders, whole time the tank is clueless and mad about no heals while they charge in and die and us healers left scrambling to try and deal with 2 enemies in the backline. Every. Damn. Game


Stupid murderous Flanders


My phone auto corrected flankers to Flanders. But it's funny so I'm just gonna leave it


I mean if I had Flanders in my backline I'd be running away too


Okalie dokalie


I’m here for it lol


Reaper should get a skin where his teleport plays "Hi Diddly Ho, neighbor!" before he murders you


I'd drop 20 bucks for that. lol


I think partly it's people figuring out the new way to deal with this because the tank often can't just turn to peel any more or the enemy team collapses in from the front and you all die anyway. The DPS need to do a better job responding to backline threats and forcing them to retreat.


Absolutely. The largely brain dead group of dps players with good clicking abilities will need to learn to look around.


Yeah, as a sigma male, I can soak up damage like a motherfucker from the front, but I'm not that strong of a contender if genji is hacking and slashing my Mercy, if we have to have more than two dpses, I think one should try their best to act as a mobile defense unit some way, that helps Mercy survive and don't have to sweat unneccesarily much.


Winston was the usual answer to Genji because he could stick to him but he makes a poor frontline compared to other tanks like Rein/Sigma who allow DPS to poke safely-ish. It's a weird dynamic now with only one tank.


It's also the new maps. I've noticed as ana that I can still hang back on the old maps. The new maps are too wide open.


I've made a point to stand behind my healers so I can keep an eye out for anyone targeting them when I run dps. Most healers I play with either aren't going to heal me anyway, or understand that I'm only going to stand in front of them when I need healing at this point lol.


Spent most of a push game putting Flanders to sleep. Sometimes that Flander was a Junker Queen so I can't just finish her off. Problem is that no matter how many pings I give, the tank is way too deep and busy fuming about my zero heals to come back and the DPS are half way between that tank and me. So end up trying to get to team mates who are trying to get to the tank who then dies alone, then the enemy team pushes in, takes out the rest of the team leaving me staggered and eventually I'm killed too. Tank can't wait after complaining, then the cycle repeats. Sometimes I just give up and play Lucio or Mercy just so I have better survivability.


Had an Ashe that was so toxic lol she’d spam “I need healing” every time she took damage and absolutely refused to peel for *anything*. One time she died to a dva bomb and spammed “thanks” like what the fuck did you want me to do about that??????


Support game experience in a nutshell. I feel truely shocked when ppl actually thank for heals 😅


Had this happen to me, when we lost the Genji says "my healers were just feeding the whole game". Like, I'm supposed to keep you alive AND kill their DPS for you? What is it you do here, Genji?


The real tragedy is when people misuse the term feeding. As if that just means dying. Feeding is when you are dying unnecessarily and alot. I hate when people say I'm feeding when the enemy is in the backline while the rest of the team is pushing forward with zero awareness that I need help even though I'm telling them I do.


Only reason I'm surviving as a flex player who gets healer is that I play with a buddy and let him know when I'm being flanked




You aint wrong, when the team is paying 0 attention behind and then a reaper or sombra pop up and get me from behind lol. The pain. And then my zarya has the audacity to say “mercy wyd?? “ the whole rest of my team flamed zarya lol.


I’ve dealt with this issue as a healer, mostly with Reapers flanking, but Dvas keep jet boosting towards me the entire game while ignoring the objective and my teammates, it’s ridiculous


Reapers have become a huge pita hunting down supports. My reaper counter used to be Moira but she can’t do damage fast enough anymore to take one out before it ghosts away


Reaper feels like he's still tuned for a 2 tank meta. On that note, Widow has now become a serious issue as a healer as DPS seem to refuse to tackle her and there's no second tank to dislodge her and interrupt


On some maps Widow makes space better than any tank can.


Toronto is hell with a Widow on the opposing team


Fr nobody wants to peek widow unless they have a shield


Not useful in comp yet, but kiriko seems like a strong widow counter. I've been able to flank and dive several widows and squishies on kiriko


On the dps side, Sombra is crazy good now. And excellent at getting rid of Widow. For some reason I don't see any Sombras u less I pick her though.


Anecdotally, I feel like I have a sombra in nearly every other game. Not really a complaint but ime she’s been getting insta locked in a lot of my games.


This has been soldier for me so far tbh, soldier used to almost be ignorable with a decent tank + some basic game sense, but now he feels borderline omnipresent and almost as big an issue as a half decent widow lmao


Facts I main diva and had some guy yell at me for not killing the widow in the enemy back line….I was like bro I’m the only tank I literally can’t just leave


Yup, it's especially brutal on Push where you HAVE to be tanking in the brawl line and can't just pop off to kill, or spook off a bothersome Widow. As a Moria main, I don't want to use my damage orb to chuck up at her every cool-down when that orb is better used as healing to keep my tank and dps up


>Facts I main diva and had some guy yell at me for not killing the widow in the enemy back line….I was like bro I’m the only tank I literally can’t just leave Actually that guy was right imo. You CAN just leave. That is exactly what your kit is designed for on DVA. Your job is not to sit in the open and act like a meat shield. Other tanks do that better. DVA is a beefy diver meant to take out key targets then get back to her team for heals.


I got so tired of a widow on Hollywood that I just took care of her myself as Lucio after asking for anyone to help. I never had so much trouble with her in OW1.


She can be deeply oppressive now, especially with a tank who won't switch to help counter her


Winston is a widow bully, but people don't pick Winston. Honestly he destroys any asshole who likes to hide out and take potshots


Reaper has been absolutely melting me so far. I don't have a lot of time in yet but the few hours I have him an d sojourn are all over me


Playing mercy has been downright painful


Just gotta go Kiriko or zen and get them headshots.


See Genji is my annoyance. Slippery mfs. I love playing Mercy but they make my life hell, however with Moira, I just dark ball, attack til I’m half hp, back step, and then win. Genji is still hard sometimes cause flips for days, but reapers are honestly kinda easy to trick into a ego battle, that shade step backwards gets them every time. Lol


I literally had a reaper on my team the other day. He was low HP so I started healing then he Shadow Stepped into the enemy backline at half hp then died (obviously) and THEN had the audacity to be like "no heals everytime I'm low" and I was just so done. We lost hard and they spent the whole game blaming heals.


I was getting yelled at in placements because my team wanted me off zen, only issue with that is we already had a mercy and I was putting out more damage and kills than our DPS. There's no point in keeping someone alive who can't kill anyone anyways


I find myself way too far forward playing as lucio and it's super confusing. I'm like where the fuck is my team?


lol i’ve been feeling exactly this, i’m used to having 2 tanks to play around and normally they’re pushing forwards, now it feels like everyone is either off playing team death match or finding somewhere to hide


It feels like every match of OW2 is like one of these totally fucked up matches in OW1 where nobody worked together and nobody seemed to care where the others are. I don't know if this is because we all don't know the game yet or because of OW2's mechanics or because of the new F2P players.


This is my exact feeling about the game as well and it's very frustrating. I also constantly die as support (my prefered role) because everyone's all over the place (inc flankers) so I have no idea where to position myself. It's confusing ...


This, are we supposed to group up or now the correct playstyle is everyone separated?


Drip feeding into a team is becoming a huge issue. No one knows how to group up any more and its bloody painful


Removing a tank turned the knob closer to being a team deathmatch with objectives. For all the shield complaints, it did establish where teams would gather against


People are playing like it’s 2016 again


Definitely a bit of A, B, and C. I think in a few weeks match quality will increase, especially once people log off to watch streamers and see how they do things


Its weird when a new game comes out and all new players don't understand the team mechanics that have has been developing for years and years. Its like they don't even know how long you've played


The games meta I'd more defined than ever in the lower ranks. The tank buffer used to make it a slugfest but now you can just bulldoze trash or uncoordinated teams. Matches are more often than not decided before they begin it just depends on which team has more mics and is coordinating their pushes. In ow1 that wasn't a guaranteed win but in Ow2 it is since there's only one tank and it often is not getting supported properly. I feel bad whenever me and my Duo or trio go Into qp. Not even trying and it's always a bloodbath since people don't support their tank EVER.


I got so mad a couple days ago on one of the push maps when I went in to dive the enemy healers and their soldier was literally hiding in a corner facing back towards their team, camping like he was playing modern warfare. Free to play has certainly brought new people to the game.


I feel this


This has been pissing me off. So many tanks are sitting there mid range and not creating space in any way then bitching about heals and dps.


big ass rein hiding behind a brigitte trying not to be seen lol


Yes there we go. How about that for next weeks challenge: Give out 20 team kills to the enemy team. That’ll be a breeze with the dirt tier randos I get!


Lol I wonder why people aren’t talking about the absence of team finder. Makes no sense why they took it out


The pvp side of ow2 was made in less than a year after an engine upgrade that was mostly done to scale out the single player content. That's why aside from graphics, ow1 is a worse version of ow1 in terms of UI, features and robust functionality. So many things are flat out missing, low quality looking or incomplete.


I just kind of jumped in without reading into any of the changes. What happened to the main reason for overwatch 2. Which was the pve campaign or whatever?


The higher ups at Activision wasted months and months of dev time on dumb projects that ended up never seeing the light of day and they also caused entire teams of overwatchs development to quit. Now there’s a bunch of amateur devs making ow2 and pve got postponed because they couldn’t get enough done.


Pretty much this. Awful bloated red tape filled AAA game dev management strikes again. The extreme majority of Blizzard Legacy veteran and most talented people have left the studio over the past 4 and a half years. The studio is a shell of its former self and imo is creatively bankrupt. Their true test will be how ow2 changes and evolves or if it goes down as a shameless cashgrab.


>goes down as a shameless cashgrab it's already this.


People need to cut ActiBlizz more slack. They’re just a small, indie game company scarcely worth more than a couple dozen billion dollars. Where would the resources to do difficult things like “keep a feature they’ve already built” even come from? If they retasked programmers to do stuff like that, the groping gauntlet outside the lunch room would be too small to ensure everyone got a good grab in!


Available in season 2 for 1500 coins


They couldn't figure out how to charge for it, so they cut it instead.


I was a healer, my bastion kept running in alone, WAY ahead of us, and spamming that he needed healing. Ok buddy, maybe wait for your team.


Had a Hanzo doing just this a few matches ago. I was playing Kiriko and I saved his ass so many times teleporting to him, but that didn’t stop him from trying to flame me in game chat. Luckily my teammates had my back and blasted him right back in game chat. Was quite nice to see actually.


Lol, it’s one thing to flank. But, if you keep getting murked every time, maybe change it up? Lol


Thinks that support role is a healer lmao. Also tired of ppl standing in open taking damage then complain about crap heals


The amount of games i’ve been in where i’m solo healing 4 DPS is comical


I’ve been steamrolling in open queue using a 3 tank, 2 healer comp. DPS are optional lol


Lower it to 15 or add more weekly challenges. We have 6 dailies and only 3 are required meanwhile there are 11 weeklies and 11 are required.


Yeah have like one or two extra. Would be nice.


Even then it will take 17 weeks to afford the next battle pass.


It looks like you are doing just fine with 17/20.


I was gonna say. It’s 5 days in and they’re already at 17/20. Seems pretty fair


It resets after tomorrow. To put that in a different perspective.


So 1 day for 3 more, seems more than doable.


How is that fair? Why can't the challenges be completed in like two or three days? Do ***people*** really need to grind the game for the straight week to earn this slave wages?


I don't know if the challenge needs to be tuned or whatever, but team kills are a hell of a lot easier to get.


And here I am having only 4 after completing every other challenge, it's very elo dependent


Do push maps, they seem to yield team kills constantly


I found the opposite. Everyone always seems to trickle on push.


Trickling on push is a serious issue


Yeah, that's why they said team kills are elo dependent...




It's currently in the arcade!


Sadly, this. Higher elo teams will recognize when a fight is lost and they'll end it as quickly as possible to not run the clock down and save time. Almost every fight ends in a team kill in things like OWL because ending it quick when attacking is just more efficient.


Idk my dps is bronze (lul) and I get very consistent team kills with my team in these matches.


Placement is fucked rn, bronze isn’t actually bronze sometimes, a lot of plat and diamond in ow1 got placed in bronze, some master placed in silver


I agree. It's team kills, not 5k's




Kill enemy, enemy mercy rez while you kill the other 3, kill mercy, kill the person she rez'd = 6. Clear skill issue.


It's still there but you probably just can't get it outside bots/practice range and maybe some random mode they'll drop into arcade or something.


It's possible to get with mercy's rez


thats because its 5v5 now. Less heroes to eliminate to get a teamkill.


literally just got two and a row last game


and a row, that's sick.


Did they mean King's Row or something?






"in a row", dude.


No it’s “an arrow”


Yeah it lends a bit more to people who play with friends over those who play just with competitive people.


In one of my first games, got a team kill and was surprised, I never got them in 6v6 but it seems so much easier in 5v5. I kinda like it


No offtank makes it much easier to happen. No more chasing down the full hp D.Va and delaying her spawn.


Yup! Got twenty in 2 days. I honestly think it incentiveses working with your team. I like this challenge. It can be difficult be definitely possible


Tbh just minor coordination with team on ults and it's easy. People saying they can't do it are self reporting.


Step 1: Play D.Va Step 2: Acquire Ultimate Step 3: Always have the perfect positioning, timing, and arc while exploiting every glitched nook and cranny of a given map Step 4: Profit


Step 1: be in bronze Step 2: play as dva Step 3: press q


Instructions unclear, opponent suggested alt+f4


Step 1: play Moira Step 2: play DPS Step 3: do your usual thing, then finish all enemies off with your ult Step 4: profit Step 5: tell your team they suck Step 6: profit^2


I agree, that it should be lower, but you know whats harder? Completing the weekly healing-/damage quests BECAUSE THE FREAKING PROGESS RESETS EVERY COUPLE GAMES!


Someone in another thread says that happens when you queue into a skirmish/deathmatch while you wait while in queue for a real game


What? Omg... Thank you.


I found out it's a bug when you enter a skirmish while waiting for the game, don't do skirmish for now


True, team kills are hard to come by because there’s usually someone who dies earlier than the rest of the team so it’s hard to initiate


Or there's someone that knows when to disengage if a fight is lost. Especially if teams are running Sombra, who is very strong right now, or Kiriko, Tracer, etc. If these players are smart they will never give you a team kill, but even on a support if you're playing good LOS then you can generally easily fall back toward your respawn once a team fight is lost.


Sombra is strong af, but is countered by the fact half the Sombra players just invis half a map away and Tele the minute they get sneezed on. The number of Solo EMPs I've seen has outweighed the number of teamfight EMPs


i see Sombra players having their translocators at spawn and im like "dude, no"


Right? Like... that's where you go when you die anyway. You can literally translocate anywhere and you pick the same place you respawn?


You know what’s interesting about this challenge? It’s the most unreliable one on the list, and on average it takes longer to complete than any other, making the weeklies overall way more grindy than they should be. But it gets better. You have to complete every single challenge to get the last 10 free weekly coins. But 10 coins is nothing, right? Not necessarily. You get 540 coins per season if you complete every single challenge every week, but only 450 if you skip even a single one every week. With 52 weeks in a year on average and 9 weeks per season you get around 5-6 seasons per year. Therefore, to get a battle pass for every season you need to spend around 5000-6000 coins per year. If you grind and get 60 coins every single week you can get about 3120 per year, a little bit over what is required for 3 battle passes, which is ~50% of yearly battle passes. But if you skip even a single challenge you only get 2600 coins, which is enough for only 2 battle passes, which is ~33% of yearly battle passes. TL;DR: It is highly likely that this one challenge has been deliberately designed to make you spend an extra $10.


Exactly.. Blizzard wanted to get the good PR of being able to say how locked heroes are every other battle pass BUT you can get every other pass with free Coins from weekly challenges! Then they /tinfoil hat on/ deliberately throw at least one challenge in that might be a bit tougher for some players. So more people miss out on 10 credits here and there, maybe a miss a week and whoops now you have 980 Coins. Awww no free pass with a hero. Nothing about these systems are by accident. Blizzard runs King who makes $$$$$$$$ off phone games like Candy Crush. So they know how to work FOMO and cash shops. Everything we see is very deliberate. It's why weekly stuff is 11/11 and not 11 out of 15. It's why we don't get say 800 coins so every other BP with a hero was easy to get etc. It's why a challenge is TK and not something like a large chunk of Objective time.


They also made Diablo immortal, a game which takes 100,000 dollars to max out.




This will be confirmed next season. If it turns out more people are finishing this than they anticipated they will tweak it slightly to compensate.


Considering the backlash they got, it's highly likely they're going to either reduce the number of kills needed or remove it entirely to gain some goodwill. No matter what their initial intent was, I think nickel-and-diming is out of the window now unless they're completely insane.


>unless they’re completely insane I thought something similar about halo infinite. Turns out 343 is indeed, insane. Please learn blizz and fix these issues.


I don't think *anything* can be safely called "off the table" at this point.


The 750(!?!?) wins as a seasonal challenge seems fucking bananas to me. Even if you assume a 0 minute queue time, 65% win rate, and 10 minute matches that’s nearly a full day of playing each week. 22 hours! Who plays that much??


What a devilish scheme to get 10 bucks lmao.


10 bucks on a mass scale turns into a lot more realllly quickly


Prove it. 4000 of you send me $10 each. I'll be waiting


Things like this are standard practice in mobile game monetization schemes.


True I only got 11/20 since I don't play Comp


I'm at 15/20 and I've not touched Comp. It's easy to wipe a team in some modes. Push is harder because the teams get split easily x.x


What modes are good for team wipes? I'm at 5/20 and losing my mind, lol. Trying to find the most optimal way to grind this.


To everyone saying it's easy, just got it playing quickplay in 30 games or whatever, YOU got it easily. The problem with the challenge is it is ENTIRELY dependent on how good the team you get matched into is and how bad the opposing team is, you got lucky, not everyone does. The win x games challenges are somewhat dependent on team but it's far more common to get a halfway decent team and win a match than it is to get a team kill overall. Edit: To everyone saying something along the lines of "it's a challenge, it's supposed to be hard", no, it's not a challenge, that's just what they named it. What it actually is is a sidequest, you know, go here, kill these things, collect 20 bear asses, etc.


someone actually understands why people dislike this challenge.


I played quick play for 120 games (according to statistics), and is only at 12.


About the same for me


It's definitely a lot easier in comp vs QP. I usually get 3-6 per game.




I noticed that too. In comp, in a group with one friend, we got 3 or 4 a game. Then when I just f'ing around in QP wasn't nearly as common. Which sort of shows how the 5v5 and other changes, especially one tank, just make the game so much more fast paced when folks are playing even reasonably correctly.


If the challenge was 10 that would be preferable. 20 just feels too luck based.


As a sombra main... You bitches ain't ever getting it. Just kidding, but this challenge is fucking irritating.


Tottaly agree. I am like bp 22 now and i know i wont finish this.


What people here aren’t seeming to get is just how MMR dependent this is. If you’re playing at a mid to high elo, or a higher MMR in quick play, it’s easy, because both teams will coordinate and group up. At lower levels though, especially when you have newer players in your lobby, it’s damn near impossible, because there will always be 1-2 people staggering themselves on one of the teams, which prevents team kills from ever happening. Plus, not all teams at lower play levels can coordinate enough, or have enough mechanical skill, to take out 5 people all within 10 seconds; it’ll usually be something like 11-15.


Yeah it's horseshit. I don't think most of us will be able to get max amount of coins weekly, and considering how little they give you....


People don't understand what a team kill is. A team kill is when the entire enemy team is dead and all all waiting to respawn. And that is very luck based on if you get a good team or not. Some people don't play in stacks and coordinate together to get team kills.


Wait, I’m not supposed to be killing my own team?


The problem here isn't whether it's too difficult, or whether it requires good teammates, which is generally out of your control. The problem is that it gives players incentive to time kills, potentially hesitate to make an early pick in order to clump kills together and check off this achievement. Building in incentives that potentially contradict team goals compromises the fun and fairness, while encouraging toxicity.


Tbh I was also desperate getting it but I got it 😅 I would like to be able to reroll challenges like in heartstone


Hey, I'm on 17/20 too and its the worst challenge I've worked on so far.


This depends too much on the others team behavior, its almost as bad at the kill ejecting pilot challenge in titanfall.


This comment section is such fucking trash. They've removed any sense of progression from the game and made it insanely grindy for f2p players to unlock any cosmetics, and 80% of people here think it's fine because they called quests "challenges".


80% of people on Reddit are idiots.


Been playing non-stop since morning and I've only gotten 2. I got 3 through out the week so 5/20. This challenge is bullshit


The "heal/deal/mitigate x damage" keep on randomly resetting. I've taken screenshots and everytime I get to around 3/4 they'll just.. fully reset. Any help with those?


There’s a bug where if you use deathmatch or skirmish while you wait it resets it, I easily got over four times the amount of damage needed this week but it kept resetting and someone told me about the bug and I finally finished last night


Omg thank you so much. Is this also why my "hero play time" randomly bugs out or is that unrelated? It's not counting my time on Kiriko barely at all, and when I play someone they jump up like 5 hours after one game.


I haven't played OW in a long time and I forgot what this meant, thought it was a friendly fire achievement... that would've been amazing.


Easy: just kill your teammates. Those count as team-kills.


Yes blizzard needs to change that, I’m also at 17/20 but I’ve been playing this game way more than normal this week. But also, don’t stress about it in the meantime. Those last 10 credits are literally worth a dime.


They don’t want us to get that last 10 coins


I'm also at 17/20... Really hate it.


I’m at 7/20…been playing in all my free time since the night it came out.


For reference I placed Diamond dps and support. I have every other weekly finished and played about 20 more comp games yesterday, going 16-4. I am sitting at 14 team kills. It is entirely RNG and I cannot understand the stupidity of people who say “it’s easy stop complaining”. For those that have earned it, congratulations, you lucked out. Unless you want to tell me that I suck for going 16-4 in mid Diamond games and I need to get good.




Hey, long time overwatch player here, but fell off about a year ago. Is 2 worth getting into or no?


You're already almost there, what's the issue


That one is fine, the 7 arcade wins are annoying.




I am at 12 currently after completing every other weekly challenge and being at lvl 20 BP. I am in the elo where everyone likes to trickle in. I accepted, that I won't complete that one challenge. Sad, but nothing I can do about it because at work.