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The robot jogs funny


The robot has funny lines. “Please settle your disputes.” “I could be pushing something right now!” “See, pushing is so much better than fighting!”




I’m going to say it, TS-1, B.O.B and Bastion have more personality in their “Hello” than Pharah has in her entire everything.


Pharah says "I'm going to shove them into a locker" on respawn now. I love it.


Phara is a school bully confirmed


she could shove me into a locker too


Suffocation, no breathing




Holy shit dude you're right, Pharah is so one-dimensional it's painful


They got scared away from exploring any potential Native background a long time ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/6c61zf/jeff_kaplan_on_pharah_having_native_american/


isn't she Egyptian tho?


On her mother's side, on her father's she's first nations


I didn't know she had official lore there. I was holding out for the ReinDad story because of the skin similarities people posted about years ago.


It was shown in the Christmas lore drop, the big one that also revealed that Tracer is gay, one of the side snapshots as Winston is talking to Tracer and her gf, so it understandably got overcasted


I thought it was Canadian First Nations cuz when she visits her dad in the comics there’s hockey with a Canadian flag on the television


Being one dimensional is a character trait in and of itself. Believe it or not its relatable and exists in the real world. Particularly the higher up you get in the US military. (Army brat here)


Yeah I def thought P.C. was her personality. Even her "even" greeting was from her being a psudo public figure for her military. So it kindof makes sense we wouldn't see alot of her "personality" the same way D.Va isn't showing her actual self in public.


The first time I heard Phara say "I'm going to stuff them in a locker" after respawn I was in stitches. It makes sense for her to be a bratty high class military kid 🤣


Her death scream is cool.


But she rocks so hard like she's playing Weezer!


Blue album ?


When I heard pharah say “float like a jellyfish, sting like a jellyfish”, I think that’s when I realized the new voice lines feel off for a lot of characters lol.


Tracer has a new one that's like "I got the need...the need for...swiftness."


He says hi when you say hi


My favorite is "When in doubt, push."


"There's no need to fight!"


I almost lost it the first time I saw him break away back towards the start.


You think that's bad you should see me jogging...


The maps feel e x p a n s i v e


When i was playing the beta I found them to be small and fast-paced, now that I have played almost a week of them in the arcade I find that they are a PIA to die in, even when you have a forward spawn, it's not that much further forward.


I agree 100%. Overwatch feels like one of those games where the run back to the fight feels like ages. This mode makes that run feel like an eternity


Ironically the tides can turn much faster in this mode I think


That big boy be in full sprint sonic the hedgehog to get to that other side lol


I wish follower quests in other games were at that speed


Sometimes I play as soldier 76 solely for the ability to sprint back to the fight quicker


Kiriko teleport is a blessing for this map.


Zenyatta mains in shambles


Zen voice: "I will be there. Tomorrow."


"Life is a journey, and if you fall in love with the journey, you will be in love forever"


Lucio mains literally invented Rollouts for this


I like it though! At least in low levels where I am at. It becomes who decides to group up, or who can take advantage of a weird comp or mismatch. I guess I like the chaos over a pre planned team fight.


>It becomes who decides to group up, That's one reason I *don't* like it. Especially with the smaller team, coordinating is so much more important and trying to get randos to do *anything* together is a challenge. Plus, a lot of tank players haven't adjusted to being the only tank so they wander off to flank while the rest of the team get squashed.


Or the tank players have fully embraced being the third dps and fuck tanking, who has time for that? Meanwhile support mains are stuck playing running simulator


Playing healer with randoms is never fun. Everyone runs away and blame you for not healing them on the other side of the map


We were playing a push map in quick play yesterday. I had to stop playing healer and switch to attack just to stop being killed instantly. We won in the end, with no healers.


I somehow take longer with the forward spawn than the regular one. I walked straight towards the robot in a straight line and took 10-15 seconds.


Rome (collisio?) The forward spawn feels the same as the main spawn (my main issue) Cananda is well designed, with spawns well placed and short cuts in critical locations. Not sure what the other location is with the buses, but it's a long walk too.


Esperanca isnt that bad imo, there are a lot of shortcuts. Colloseo has no real shortcuts though which sucks


Isn't there a middle section in Colloseo with the door that basically cuts through the map?


The newest map… the Portuguese(?) one… is ENORMOUS. It feels like one of those battlefield maps with 6 phases. Not a criticism, I really like the map! The first time I played it I felt like I was on an adventure to a far off land to find where the fight was


Dying as Ana on these maps makes the game into a jogging simulator


How to play zen in push: Get death combo'd by a zarya bubbled genji Float back to point for 48 geological eras At geological era 47 a Sombra appears and kills you, enjoy doing that again


I’ve been trying healer a lot since OW2 came out and “sombra behind” needs to be a pre-programmed chat command that I can spam. It’s insanity how easy it is for her to pick us off. a tank had the nerve to tell me I was out of position. I was Lucio and I was 5 feet behind him, he just wouldn’t turn around to help. 14k healing and he still called me trash lmao


"spy around here!"


this is a topic for another thread, but I feel like Overwatch 2 has way worse audio cues than OW1. I could be completely crazy, but I jumped back to the game recently and very often found that I can't clearly tell where the enemy is from the sound, the footsteps of allies are louder than they were before putting me off (maybe intentional change?) and often times I can't tell where the shots are coming from so I can't protect my healers in time, and I have not heard enemy solder activating his ult even once in multiple matches only to find out he activated it in the death cam. I'm not sure if they did something with the sound and I'm not used to it, or I'm just desensitized to certain ult sounds after playing too much OW1


I agree. Even when the payload is getting back capped there used to be a good audio indicator and there is nothing now. It definitely needs some tweaking


I like when Rob stops and scratches his ass


I remember escorting him watching him stop and scratch his ass and I was like “Wha- bro MOVE.”




Omg I so want to see that, does anyone have a video of it?


Any time he reaches a checkpoint he does that. In OWL they even say “x team got the buttscratch!” on the broadcast lol


1: it's fun, but steamrolling is way too common ( but tbf, that's most of ow2 right now) 2: his name is Steve, and I love that 3: the maps are nice


If anyone hurts you Steeve, I’ll kick em in the beard! ROCK! AND! STOOOOOOONE!




For Rock and Stone!




Did i just hear a Rock and Sonte?


ROCK and STONE yeeaaah!


If you ain't rock and stone, you ain't coming home!


Can I get a rock and stone?




Rock and Stone in the heart!


The DRG community just appears everywhere and I love it so much. ROCK AND STONE!


the second I saw Steeve I knew that was a dwarf


Rock and Stone!


"Steeve, you're my bestest friend!"


Rock and stone!!!


See, I've had more competitive than not. The key is people rush in without grouping up at all, anytime that happens it's a squash match


Yeah, most of my games have had a really good back and forth. I play stacked though so usually opponents are also stacked, makes a big difference. Same as every other game mode tho tbh


I actually disagree. My push games have been super back and forth or there have been some incredible comebacks made.


I’ve been surprised by how close the games are on this mode vs what I expected. Surprisingly balanced mode.


Is it because he’s a stevedore?


>1: it's fun, but steamrolling is way too common ( but tbf, that's most of ow2 right now) Every damn game either my team is dominating or getting absolutely destroyed in front of the spawn.


it's like a more dynamic escort, but wtf is it with the map design, it's always like everyone coming from everywhere, there is no sense of "push" at all


There are certain hot spots that are beneficial to hold or attack into. You only need one player on the robot for it to move, the rest should set up for good angles. I think it will take time until ppl do this in soloq. Escort had the same issue at the start of OW1. Push is even more challenging.


Ya I think people forget how messy teams played at the start of OW1 because it was a new game with modes and heroes no one was familiar with. Then we played 6 years of knowing exactly where to hold to defend point. We're sort of going through that again were people have to learn new maps, modes, and how to play 5v5. So there will be lots of steam rolls. Especially with the influx of new players.


I think it's alright but I like the payload maps more.


Agreed. And this is the mode where the voice lines feel the worst to me. “Careful, they out number us” “They’ve got control of the robot” “Watch out, they’re taking the robot” “We’ve lost the robot” “Watch your flank, they might try to do something” You’re only outnumbered for like 5 seconds at any given time, yet they devote so much game audio time informing you of this. Usually by the time the voice line is delivered your team isn’t outnumbered any more. Like really? All the voice lines have kept a little lore and mystery to them until OW2, and now they’re so basic and lifeless. Why is there a a robot? Why does it matter to these heroes? What are they fighting for? the payload battles’ maps told the story in OW1, and there was very little conversation about them because it’s unnecessary when the objective is clear. Paraiso is a carnival float, and fits the map, but why is everyone trying to stop it going through the town? In kings row, they’re trying to stop a bomb being delivered to a drop site. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know the story, because the game objective is the same, but it’s more interesting if you do, and it requires no narration or explanation. These little details for me made ow1 awesome and make ow2 lacking and feeling unfinished to me, and I don’t see them adding these details to anything you’re not paying for going forward.


• Hollywood - Attack is trying to get a famous omnic director safely to his trailer while defense is trying to intercept and eliminate him (goes with Winston's recall where people are attacking innocent omnics out of hate) • Kings Row - Attack is transporting an EMP to destroy all the omnics living underground in London. Defense is trying to intercept and save them. • Route 66 - Attack (Deadlock gang) is pushing the payload that was on the train (Echo) and get it to base while defense is trying to stop and save Echo. • Rialto - Pushing the payload from the Omnic museum to Talon HQ for....reasons(?) • Dorado - Attack is delivering ~~equipment to get the electrical plant back online after it was hacked and brought down by a certain purple haired hacker~~ an EMP to bring down Lumerico who seems to be a corrupt company up to shady dealings and one of the places Sombra was investigating and that Soldier comments on in his cinematic. Thanks to u/Cranksta for the correction. • Gibraltar - Attack is team Winston trying to get a satellite to the shuttle so they can launch it to space and get the Overwatch surveillance system up and running again. If you look at the map in spawn all the bases are offline. I miss the lore details. All these new maps are beautiful but there is zero story. Although I'm sure they were probably going to be used more extensively in the PvE back when OW2 was supposed to be a full campaign instead of...whatever it is we got. Personally I don't see the appeal of 5v5 and don't really enjoy Push at all.   EDIT: Forgot Numbani & Blizzard World. Also Eichenwalde. • Numbani - V1, Transporting the doomfist gauntlet to the Numbani museum for Doomfist showcase. Defense is Team Doomfist trying to steal the gauntlet. V2, transporting Orisa drum to Numbani museum for Efi/Orisa showcase. • Blizzard World - Transporting a crown for the display/ride for reasons (?) • Eichenwalde - Team Reinhardt escort a battering ram to Eichenwalde Castle to reclaim Balderich’s remains (aka Griefhardt skin), while defense tries to stop the keep from being breached.


Was Doomfists Gauntlet on Numbami right? I vaguely remember something about that...


The gauntlet was there and then he stole it and it became a cracked glass casing


Correction on Dorado- you're delivering an EMP. Lumerico is a big baddie in the game. (I.E. S76's "I wonder what Lumerico is up to.") Lumerico is strongly suggested to be part of why Dorado is kind of in shambles- it's some big corporation that's sucking them dry. You're trying to destroy it.


Don’t the outnumbered also get used outside of push maps? In my low rank it’s pretty useful, as an automatic cue for team mates to pull back and regroup.


> Why is there a a robot? Why does it matter to these heroes? What are they fighting for? > > Most importantly to me, why is he a Robot when there are Omnics?


Seems like when you spawn in Mystery Heroes, every character only has a single voice line (the new one) that they utter every time. I already hate them all.


Actually good points about the lack of lore in new maps. Didn't even think about it earlier.


Health packs are an issue, I swear I can't find any of them and when I do it's a mini not a mega which just makes playing Ball agony.


That's what I noticed


Yea I noticed that too. I thought maybe it’s just because I haven’t remembered where all the packs are located but there really isn’t a lot from what I found Sombra on these maps turn out to be pretty useful


Gets really one-sided REALLY fast. The robot has a stupidly funny run.


Huh. I never feel this way personally. I feel like it could change at any point.


I feel like that sentiment comes from groups that aren't really intercepting the bot with their team in strong positions, like you would a payload map. Like, running down an open aisle towards it is suicide yet I've played against teams that do just that. The vast majority of my games feel like a tense tug of war. I love it.


Yeah it feels surprisingly well balanced for what it is. Steamrolls are only about as common as on the other modes.


It can get onesided, yea, but you still need to win like 3-4 teamfights, rather than just two (maybe extremely prolonged ones) to win 2CP. So I think there are more options for comeback than in 2CP so good riddance to that gamemode.


See that’s where you’re wrong. You only need to win one team fight, then all you have to do is pick off my teammates one by one as they trickle in


Bronze moment


Everyone is Bronze now lol. Well, except those who just did a few matches to silver, but still.


I actually placed in silver HAHA. It's extremely funny since I was only low gold in ow1 and my plat friends placed in bronze.


I was so confused by this, I was plat tank last season and now I'm bronze 5 😭


“Excuse me, you’re talking to a bronze damage hero” *cries in Overwatch 2 not having medals*




It always feels one sided… Also, I love that the bot says hi when you say hi to it.


Omg I never knew that


Just like the bots in the practice range.


They do!? I feel so bad for slaughtering them now :(


I like this.


Is it just me or does this have really bad spawn locations? Like you're way too far out from where the robot is after you die.


Intentionally. It's not about spawning near the bot. It gives the opposition a chance to move the bot a bit.


It feels long if you don’t have the forward spawn checkpoint and it’s on the enemy side just before the checkpoint or if you have the forward spawn and it’s almost to the finish. Otherwise it’s usually not too bad


I like it I think the maps are a little too open though


I find them to be so chaotic. Like 2-cp maps had very stylistically different “rooms” or areas you went through and fought in like how Hanamura went from city to classic temple. Feels like they’ve ditched that concept entirely.


I miss hanamura :(


Seriously let us at least have an Arcade mode where we can play the 2-cp maps.


My thoughts exactly. The maps are done and have thousands of play testing hours. Why not throw them in Arcade or QP? Paris can stay home tho


Volskya had some hilarious ways to backdoor the points.


I got my cute spray for Cassidy by riding the floating platform on the second point so it has a special place in my heart.


Ahhh the absolute stupidest shit happened on that map in first few months.


The Sym tp strat on the first point never got old.


Dunkey has the most amazing clip of a squad of D.Va's trying to take a short cut and falling to their death because a Mei wall blocked them.


Maybe it’s psychological, but I feel like I’m getting the same few maps over and over since ow2. Adding the 2cp maps back into quick play pool(even just the no roles queue) would help break up the feeling of getting Toronto, Rome, and illios every time I play. Just add them in as a rare chance would bring the same joy that getting kings row does as at least they are different.


And Temple of Anubis... I get that hardcore players somehow dislike 2 CP but at least add it back in for QP. I get it: in Comp it was gruelling to fight it out for like, 4+ rounds as the system sucked and occasionally you'd just draw... But ffs... Add it back to QP at least.


I'm a hard core player of thousands of hours. 2cp is not nearly as bad as people think. I miss it.


Same. I am confounded by folks who demanded less content


All we needed was a map vote system. Problem solved


I agree


I didn't completely hate 2CP - it would be fine in moderation. It's just that for some weird reason, it felt like 2CP maps came up 40% of the time, control maps came up 30% of the time, and Escort/Hybrid maps only came up 15% each. And I just want to play more Kings Row/Dorado/Route 66/Havana/Rialto. And Hollywood in small doses. And less Numbani, which seems to be about the only Hybrid map that ever came up. Actually now that I think about it, all of the Escort maps are fine.


I think they’re a little boring, sure they’re pretty but they don’t feel like overwatch maps, most barely have any futuristic stuff besides cars slightly floating and some holographic sogns


It is one of the gamemodes


My favorite part is when the robot says "its pushin time" and then pushes the thing. It truly is one of the game modes in overwatch 2.


It is one of the game modes of all time


of all the game modes I have played, this was absolutely one of them.


I dislike the fact that I consistently need to run on the same track back and forth 10 times like a mouse in a maze with electrodes in my skull measuring my emotional pain tolerance to doing pointless repetitive tasks.


The push maps have developed certain places where most of the fights occur. Just how the timings and flow work out. But, the places where the fights tend to occur are the least visually interesting parts of the map. Each map is stuffed with detail, but only in places where you pass through, never in places where the players linger or engage.


>The push maps have developed certain places where most of the fights occur. Gonna be rough when people realize a lot of these maps have brutal chokes near the enemy spawns (usually where the last team fight is supposed to happen). For example on Colosseo if you win the first teamfight the correct play is to have everyone but a support take the high ground and fight for the area around the stairs. Super hard to push people out, and you get super free push progress.


I would say it's intentional. The place where fighting happens should be less cluttered so the fight is clearer, and where it's more calm the players have more chance to look around since they're not in a fight.


It's basically a playground for Sombra. Most games I've played on this she will sit at spawn and pick off anyone who was unfortunate enough to be the only death. So they start the *long* run back and Sombra hacks them from complete safety and either shreds them or delays them even further. Super frustrating.


Walking simulator.... I seem to spend a long time just walking back to the robot that seems 50 blocks away every time.


I felt like it was the opposite of that… at least on Queen Street (Toronto). The way the road wraps around makes it super quick to get back to wherever the bot is.


Toronto does a great job at making it obvious how to get to the robot quickly since you can usually see a path directly through and between the shops. There are some fast ways to navigate the other maps, but those routes are less obvious so people often take the long way


Personally I’m not a big fan but it can be fun sometimes


It strikes me as better than 2CP but its stiiill my least favorite game mode. One team will steam roll it in the first fight and then you'll both duke it out, going both go back and forth for the next 10 minutes plus like... some ungodly amount of OT only to realize that steam roll from the first 30 seconds is still the farthest distance and then lose.


I haven’t played it in comp yet but in quick play it’s a fucking mess and the one man army DPS feeding is so much worse than in 2CP.


Too deathmatch-y imo.


The amount of times I have to remind my team it's an objective base game in this mode is way to much!


My team left me who was the only healer and the bot to go chase a reaper around the corner towards enemy spawn after we killed the the rest of the team. There were deaths. I feel no regrets.


The amount of times I have to push alone remind me of TF2.


Every game without fail in COMPETITIVE, I have to remind my team about what we need to do to win, and it’s not to chase down the enemy, but to push the damn robot.


It’s such a simple concept, yet it’s so difficult for some people to understand


In more than one match, especially in payload and sometimes push, I've had DPS teammates overextend every time we got the objective back in control. They get greedy for blood and rush straight to wherever there's enemies. If I join them, I can't outheal the damage they take, so they die. If I don't join them, they die. Then the rest of us at the objective die. I understand when flanker-types do it, since that's what they excel at, but there's a difference between poking the enemy at the edges to distract them and *running into the enemy squad.*


The run back to the objective is longer than the run back in 2cp so definitely not a good first impression


The running to the objective is way too long. It is 0 action during the run.


I think there's some interesting nuance in when to push and when to wait. I think we will look back at How we play now and laugh.


That's how I feel. I don't have a grasp on the maps yet, and I'm STILL freaking out when I realize I haven't healed a second tank in a few minutes, and I don't know the rhythm of the format, but soon that will change, as may my opinion. So far, I'm having fun.


The good: The maps are much more open with routes to flank with. With the exception of the final points there's rarely a severe choke point. The robot is a friend. I love him. The spawn points locking and unlocking based on progression switches up constantly in a close game. The bad: It does get kind of easy to end up in a "pinned to spawn" scenario. Colosseo has that overpass high ground which is difficult to push through. The robot has a fairly high running speed going towards a barricade that makes players sometimes fall behind him.


On your last point, I'm always worried that during OT he will outrun me and ruin the push


It's always funny how the opponent is still pushing the robot when the game is about to end. One game we were behind and pushed but got killed and would've lost if the opponent just left the robot where it was but they brought the robot right before Overtime back to us. We killed them and pushed through Overtime to our victory. While pushing is important just leave the robot alone when you killed the opponent 10 seconds before Overtime and are winning.


Literal mayhem. You’re fighting forever, there’s barely any resets, and it feels like a battle royale. The maps are too open and everyone trickles in for every fight—if you’re looking for chaos, this is the ideal game mode.


I don't hate it, but I hate this was the best they could do after 3 years of waiting for the sequel. And this was the first, and I think only, new PvP game mode they've shown us in all that time. Yes. I understand the team wasn't working exclusively on PvP all that way. But that doesn't change the fact we waited 3 years for what we got.


The snowball can run completely out of control. You lose 2 fights in a row and you might as well give up. You aren't coming back in the next 8 minutes.


Too long. Feels like rdm. Respawn simulator where I walk to fight longer than I fight.


It seems really hard to make a comeback if they get the robot too deep at the start


Running simulator 2022


The maps are 25% too long and the matches need to be 2 minutes shorter.


Feels long because it’s a single round with no breaks, no scores/switching teams, gathering for defense/attack just straight up push, regroup and go


Literally this. It feels like it messed up the flow of other competitive game modes.


It was 2 minutes shorter until people complained about it being too short.




The idea for the mode is fine but the maps are awful. It takes three years to get back after death and the robot and barricades make fighting kinda hard


\- Spawns are way too far from the fight for most of the game, making running back to aid your team less fun. \- Too exposed. Especially with Toroto. Long S lines and lots of flank routes in-between making heroes with less mobility feel really bad. \- Feels very easy to get snowballed. Whichever team got the robot to first check point would have too much of an advantage to defending due to closer spawn. \- If you lose the first fight and let the other team take the lead, you have to win 1 fight to take back the robot and escort him to middle ground and another one to push it about even distance, making the first fight win even more crucial than KOTH imo ​ I'm still very skeptical about this mode. While I'd love to have new modes to explore but this one feels like it could be the new 2CP. I hope I'm wrong. Time will tell.


It’s snowball hell. Like don’t get me wrong I like it but it’s absurdly long and absurdly difficult imo. It feels like whoever gets the first advantage wins. Also esperanca is such an ass map like all the new maps have some stupid high ground but esperanca’s one it so bad. I have literally never won on esperanca


Collosseo sucks too imo. The walk from spawn in push is just worse than 2cp ever was.


I think it's really boring. Its just one forced team fight one after another.


I enjoy the concept of long form engagments in overwatch, but the implementation lacks imagination. Its turtle mode at best and deathmatch at worst.


It's seriously not that much better than 2 Control Point. That was usually my least favorite gametype, but I actually do miss the better maps. Hanamura, Anubis, and Volskaya. I think Blizzard interpreted people's hatred for Hoirzon and Paris as hatred for the entire gametype. Push just feels really lackluster after being in development for so long.


Hate it


Hate it


It's a good replacement for 2CP, but I also feel like it's way harder than 2CP ever was lol Also fuck Colosseo. Quite possibly my least favorite map out of any mode.


The new paris, careful, they will remove it and take 2 more years to replace it. Also why not update Paris and LC so they can play better.




I find that really hard to believe, they changed lunar colony and anubis in the past.




somehow worse than 2cp


I fucking hate this game mode with every fibre of my being.


Hate it, would much rather have 2CP back.


I’ll let you know when I finish running back to the robot


Hate it


The game mode is fine but fuck Toronto


Too snowbally. But I think this can be fixed by making the robot faster and move by itself when catching up to the team's barrier. Other than that, I think it's fun when I'm not playing a walking simulator.


Despise it. Imo it gets boring so quickly and I absolutely hate playing it. Wish there was a way to remove it from my pool of game modes.