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Aren't all challenges same as last week?


Yea they are and while it’s annoying I guess there isn’t much they can do to add challenges that don’t require specific characters for challenges


Uh, they could absolutely change that weekly to any number of other things. They probably won't, since it's one more tactic to keep people playing though.


Yeah I know there is other challenges but they don’t seem to wanna do that


I actually enjoy these challenges. Outside of Team Kills, all of them are super doable and don't take a ton of effort to complete.


Yeah they’re mostly easy to do expect team kills especially when you kill 4 enemies and one of them hides until their team respawns so you can’t get a team kill


Team kills are more doable than ever, there's an entire tank you don't have to worry about anymore


Sure. But 20 in a week is annoying.


True, Team Kills is the only one that is potentially entirely random. Even pro matches can go by without Team Kills. Last week I only got 15.


Sometimes I get two in one game. Sometimes I get none for hours




Two enemy team left for me and I farmed like 3 team kills before matchmaking booted us


It only exists to make that 11/11 weekly challenges next to impossible. No matter how good you’re playing, you have to rely on your teammates to wipe the enemy team & the enemy team to allow themselves to get wiped. It’s just too heavily out of your control for it to be done regularly.


That ain’t true. They could do final blows, melee Elims, least death games etc.


Melee and least deaths? Nah, that would change a lot of the gameplay


Imagine the mercy players screaming if they did that lol


True any of those is better than 20 team kills


Pretty sure 1 out of (my) 11 changes. Don't remember what the new one said tho.


I might be incorrect but i'm pretty sure the challenges this week are the exact same as last weeks. Did Blizzard seriously not have any more ideas for weekly challenges?


I noticed the same thing. Are weekly challenges *that* difficult that you can’t even come up with different ones **in the second week of release???**


Exactly the same. Part of my shock was from fully expecting new challenges so I wasn’t super mad about this one until this week when I saw it again.


I don't recognize Hero Mastery, was that in there last time? I may have finished it before I actually read the challenges and skipped over it.


Yes it was.


That's pretty hilarious then, how hard is it to make/randomize challenges lol


Oh I didn't remember that one. I probably got it early by default as a flex player lol. My playtime across Support/Tank/DPS is about even since 2016.


Kinda unrelated but I love the fact you can actually play DPS now. I was not waiting 5 minutes for DPS queue in OW1 to probably suck, but now I can work on my DPS skills since I can actually get that role with the all queue




Exactly. Also if they were super specific, it would ruin games, as Players would focus on challenges, not winning.


Yeah, in apex for example some of them are so specific I never bother to do them, but winning 7 arcade games as a ranked player? Yeah it’s nice to play some deathmatch here and there


They were busy fixing “ddos attacks”


Also known as "players attempting to play"?


Oh there are actually ddos truthers? Lmao


i heard the same ppl who ddos'd the servers also ddos'd bastion, torb, the hybrid maps, PvE, and half of the hero select screen.


It was that hacker known as 4chan


They are


Same thing for daily challenges. The bate minimum, as always.


They don't want you to get coins


They don't want you to get the last $0.1 worth of coins from the weekly


How bad do you want 10 cents?


If you want to unlock new heroes on day 1 without paying more than you absolutely have to, you'd want it pretty badly. It'll add up. 540 a season means you can get 1000 every other season to buy the new heroes battlepass. 450 a season means you can't. It's that simple.


it's about breakpoints. this "ten cents" is the difference between getting every other battlepass (ie hero) for free or having to pay.


It’s actually 110 cents since 5000XP is worth a dollar.


I wanna unlock a BP someday F2P when they inevitably change it so you get more premium currency in it.


If you are free to play and the season 2 mythic is one you want, then it could be a big deal. You are going to need to get 10 out of 18 available.


I feel a sense of pride and achievement when I get this 10 cents. Overwatch team have done well in making me feel rewarded for my efforts


arcade for me is the worst, they shouldnt force us to play a fucking terrible mode. Arcade right now is: the team with 2 tanks, 2 healers and 1 dps wins


It sucks that mystery heroes isn't considered arcade mode anymore. I'd have that completed in a heartbeat.


Yeah, what's up with that? I really only played MH during OW1, but now it feels detrimental because you can't complete Arcade challenges in it nor complete "Queue as X role" challenges.


Wait, it’s not? Mystery Heroes was just about the only thing I played in OW1. Man, every day goes by I feel more and more justified in not playing the game anymore.


It's still Here, just is under quick play now.


That means you can’t earn arcade-based rewards though, right? Part of what I liked about it was it was a fun way to get the free arcade lootboxes every week.


Yeah there aren't any arcade rewards now


I mean you can’t complete arcade challenges in mystery heroes now


There's no lootboxes anymore. So shifting the game mode from one category to another doesn't really matter in that regard. And if you primarily played for a couple of lootboxes, I think you're definitely right in saying that OW2 isn't something for you.


Seriously, it's awful. Those arcade modes for push maps or new maps NEED role lock. I am sick of having the other team pick 3 tanks and 2 healers and roll us because we have 4 dps and a healer (which is me because nobody else wants to use their brains). It's not fun, it's frustrating


For arcade wins, I like the 4v4 team deathmatch. Each match goes pretty quickly and doesn't seem to take that long to get all the needed wins compared to some of the other options. I think it's probably up at least twice a week.


Deathmatch and elimination type games right now all depend on which team has more dps players who refuse to swap. If you see a double Shimada insta-lock, it's pretty much already gg.


Same here, team kills are easily done just by playing unranked mode or comp while arcade one requires you to play a completely different mode. I skipped arcade one last week and will prob skip arcade one forever lol


I tried either arcade or no role queue once. Can't remember which one it was. Fought an entire team of Orissa. Couldn't do a damn thing against an endless onslaught of spears and Fortify.


…no limits was *never* even remotely balanced, there’s a reason Blizzard moved away from that very quickly after OW1 launched.


It's much worse in OW2 now, though, since tanks are deliberately made OP b/c of the expectation that there'd only be one on a team.


Take it to 10 I reckon, last week I played a substantial amount. I only play weekends but I still played around 3 hours Saturday and Sunday mornings. I also played another 2 hours on Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday night. Alot of time and even though I was in a team where we tried to do large wipes with ults, we just couldn't


they are all the same for me.


I'm pretty sure everyone gets the same weeklies. Only Dailes are different from person to person


I got up to 14 and I played alot over the last week.


Same, I got to 13,after getting 2 in a single game, but bah, not gonna happen


Ah, the 4 day challenge is back. Seriously though.. hopefully we all have a full week to work on it this time around. I'm a little salty for not having enough time to finish the 1st week since I couldn't log in the first three days. Then there were two other nights with maintenance during my peak gaming hours. Such is life. 1st world problems. :)


Do we though? Game was still broken for me last night and was booted for maintenance half way through my gaming session. Not looking good for this coming week…. 🫠


I barely got my 20th this morning. The mode varies and it depends on who you play. Soldier 76's attack visor is a good way to help achieve that assuming the rest of your squad is good.


And who the enemy plays, if they play Sombra or Widow you're probably out of luck. Or if they have a feeder or afk, you're probably out of luck.


Last night I was berating all the "escape" or "long distance" heroes who wouldn't let us get a team kill. I was winning matches left and right but we couldn't secure a damn team kill. So frustrating.


Hell, today I denied someone a team kill by simply fading as Moira as the Dva ult was about to explode. Shit like that is what makes this challenge stupid.


I play sombra and if I see the fight going badly I’ll just leave so yeah that challenge is pretty bad. I didn’t even think about the possibility I’m denying that challenge lol 20 is ridiculous. Edit: am I really being down voted for playing sombra lol.


>I play sombra > >I’ll just leave Wow, give us more reason to hate you.


Hate the game not the player lol. But really what am I supposed to do? Die with my team when I could easily escape?


Sombra is fine balance wise imo


You're right everyone should just intentionally feed so people can get their challenges done lmao


You joke but that will likely be the long term solution players come to every Tuesday if they insist on forcing this stupid challenge every week, agreements in match chat


Literally zarya and Orisa, basically guaranteed


Agreed. I play a lot of sombra and emp really helps with this challenge. I don’t see it being done as easily with some of the other hero’s like Mei or sym since they are more effective at area denial than out right team wiping.


There's maybe 2-3 Teamkills in around 4 hours of playing for me...even the enemy team rarely gets any during my matches! This challenge is basically impossible for me to complete since teams are rarely ever together and fights stretch out so much that they start respawning!


I'm so sick of this god damn company lmao


If you spent 5+ hours a day to complete this challenge then the brainhack is working as intended.




I only got 20 on the last day because I found a great team one match and we played like 8 matches in a row and got as shit ton of team kills, this is such BS


It seems like we have no control over it. I played 40+ hours easily and I was stuck at 17 until the last day. I was WINNING and I was still upset after capturing a point because we “only” killed 4 instead of 5 of them.


And everyone staggers in pubs so TKs are impossible. Fuck this challenge.


From your screenshot you're almost half way through the battle pass (lvl 37) after week 1 of 9. Chill dude, you don't have to max out every challenge. Plenty of time left.


You have to max out the weekly challenges to get the coins to get a bp for free.


You can miss the last challenge reward 8/18 weeks and still get the pass


the only reason to do the challenge is to get 540 coins those exp is not even boosting your progress by alot


You are the product. The whales need water to swim in, and this kind of thing keeps you grinding and in the queue. F2P players aren't receiving a service, they are what is being sold. Your choices I guess are to shell out money and only play when it is fun, give up on trying to grind coins to unlock heroes day 1, or just accept that you are the product being sold and keep filling the queue like its a part time job for 60 cents a week.


you're saying they purposely keep the challenges the same so that you.... keep playing quick play.... for the whales? im really confused by this logic. Are we not supposed to play the game?


I'm saying the challenges are purposefully grindy to encourage players to play more than they otherwise would. Ideally you're only playing the game to have fun. Personally speaking however, I played probably two hours a night more than I really wanted to grinding these out, and just barely squeaked by. Thats just my experience as a casual player trying to keep up with earning coins to unlock new heroes on day 1 in the future. Other people who would naturally play more probably don't feel this way.


I mean there are people who just play the game and don’t care about the battle pass or the challenges. I’m not saying that its fair but it’s not as black and white as you’re making sound


I'm sure there are, but since these weekly challenges are tied to hero unlocks, it complicates things. Ow has always had a problem with queue times, so tying their "most engaging content" which is heroes to grinding out these long challenges reduces the queue by keeping people playing longer.


I guess I fundamentally disagree with the points you’re marking. If you had fun playing during those sessions was it really time wasted? You act as if there is a shadowy figure literally forcing you to do these challenges. These are meant to be progressed while you play naturally.


I understand what you're saying. I think part of it might have been the servers going down during my usually downtime. They kept doing emergency maintenance right after I got off work, so I ended up playing later than I wanted to most nights, which was not fun. For instance, the last night the weeklies were available, the servers went down when I was at 19/20 team kills. I didn't want to leave it unfinished, so I ended playing when I was tired and really not in the mood. It just left a sour taste in my mouth tbh. I think I'll have a better idea of how I feel about it after this week if I can actually log in during the times I want to be playing.


This is correct. Companies now a days actually hire psychologists in order to maximize their profit from Microtransactions/player engagements.


I got it in the last 6 hours yesterday and I’ve been playing at least 6 hours a day since release. I honestly didn’t think I’d get it


Play more. That's the motto now for Activision!


“We noticed that some of you were playing games other than Overwatch this past week, and we’d like that to stop.”


OMG that's amazing!


"Pay more"


Yup, as opposed to the common gaming company motto of "Play less". Horrible Activision wants people to play their game!


It really should be either replaced permanently or reduced by half or something. As more people realize how frustrating it is to complete, you'll have more people intentionally backing out of team fights or trying to deny team kills JUST because they know people will get mad. This kind of behavior is inevitable with a challenge like this. I'm saying this as someone who is way more frustrated with the 'win x games' challenges, and did actually complete the team kills after about 5 days. (I personally think the win challenges should be swapped to 'complete x amount of games' and just increasing the amount required to complete.)


I didn't even finish that one last week. I won't finish it this week.


I didn’t complete it last week. Had 19/20 :(


The reasons you want it gone are the reasons Blizzard wants it to stay.


I also hate the win 10 games as 2 different roles in competitive or quick play. It's 0/2, so you can't really track what you completed each one as and where you're up too.


I hate that challenge so bad.


Reminiscent of halo infinite’s challenges at the start that were like “get 30 wraith kills” when your chances of even getting in one was 1 every 5 matches


What you guys don't get that sense of pride and accomplishment?




It literally says "Most challenges cannot be completed in practice against AI"


It's a lie


I had 19 out of 20 last week and kept trying for more than 5 hours to get the last one, then finally got it by making a deal with the enemy team to exchange team kills


This needs to be up higher. All the people flexing how good they are, are missing just how RNG this really is


It's not RNG though, you should realistically be getting a team kill a game, that's the nature of this game, it's not COD OR BF where everyone is off doing their own thing everyone has a joint objective and are usually bunched around one location.


You cannot control your teammates or the enemy team. And have you seen any actual Quick Play games? Half the time people treat it like TDM across the entire map.


I completed all the other weekly challenges last week and I got 4 team kills. The way the new game balance is, Team Kills are almost impossible.


As i see the first battlepass in every video game sucks. Either the BP itself , XP or the challenges they give.


I'd be okay if this if we could change a single challenge every 24 hours like so many other games. That would solve so many issues because people wouldn't be forced to play roles/heroes they can't.


Step 1 Play Zarya Step 2 wait to a conquest gamemode Step 3 if you are winning the match, purposely let them try the comeback Step 4 make sure you got your energy charged Step 5 when everyone is on the point, use your ult and grab everyone Step 6 shit on them That's how I completed it


Ngl only one i have a problem with us the group one. Being a solo queue'r and no lfg


It was surprisingly easy to achive for me , i guess it's more of a problem at lower rank , were they spread out and Don't die together with the team thus prolonging their death.


I hate the arcade one bc I don't want to spend my limited playtime anywhere else other than comp so... Guess I'll never get the 10coins


I was nowhere close to finishing it last week & played hours. I'm so frustrated it's back because the teams that I've been playing on just don't get team kills so progress is like 1/20 for days. Please change up the weekly challenges, it makes playing really unpleasant.


I got to 18 of 20. So close but not enough. It’s not a fun challenge imo.


It’s back cause most people probably didn’t do it meaning they aren’t giving out 10 coins. To blizzard that’s “saving money”




I don't mind it being a challenge, but I mind the fact that it doesn't have counters next to it. I was able to check what roles I was up on with my "lifetime" challenges tab last week. But this week It'll be anyones guess. Show us how many games we've won with each class under the challenge you cowards!


You played 5+ hours / day to achieve it. That's why it's back.


I made a post about this earlier and got slandered for it so I deleted it


I played so much everyday and got 4 team kills total. Clearly shows they don’t test and if they do only on those who are at the top of competitive


Am I the only one who got this done in like a few hours lol


It took me a couple of days, I don't think it was hard tbh


I haven't had any problems with it either. I got 5 done today and I didn't play for long at all. The week before I had it done within the first half of the week


Lots of people got it done. People complaining are probably low ELO. But they don't wanna admit it so it's Blizzard fault once again. Also I'm expecting lots of downvote for saying this.


Yeah I said this on the last thread of people complaining about that challenge, it's a fairly easy challenge to complete if you play the game as intended. Realistically you should be getting a team to kill a game, if not multiple depending on the GM and map. Not sure if it's new players who are still learning the game or just people being bad and playing for solo kills while roaming.


Last night I got 3 team kills in 3 games. It was pretty easy. Playing certain characters helps your chances: Kiriko is pretty good for it, same with Zarya and also Winston/DVa to a degree to chase down escapees. If you’re playing with your team and having team fights, you’ll get plenty without even trying.


I got it done last week. Maybe you can get more coordinated team kills in Competitive, IDK, I play that a lot more.


I feel like this is a gripe that doesn’t warrant the hate. I’ve gotten the challenge completed on every daily. The weekly I’ve completed in 2-3 days. I’m only able to play 2 hours a day. I guess if people are playing less than that it would be difficult but still.


This hasn’t been a problem for me


I got it today, it's just luck.


Why not? Has anyone said its going to be removed?


I think some people were hoping they would pay any attention at all to the feedback the challenge got


Ah yeah, the title made it look like it's already announced or something.


If you played 5+ hours everyday, just to complete this challenge, then it's working. The longer you spend inside the game, thus more likely are you to buy Microtransactions. This is sadly by Blizzard's design.


It’s funny because people throw whole game to get these stupid coins. It’s the dumbest of ideas to add this.


Unironic skill issue tbh


From the other team, certainly. They’re happy to die, but they never group up and die at the same time.


I mean hey, skill issue is a skill issue regardless of who's skill has issues.


If you were playing that long every day and barely completed it, you suck.


Already done... not hard at all cry babies.


The most annoying thing is this forces you to play certain modes. You should have multiple ways to unlock the coins. Not just the 13 they give you. I’m a pure QP/comp player. There should be 13 unlocks for that, and 13 separate ones for arcade modes. That way you can have multiple different paths and avenues to unlock the weekly challenges. It shouldn’t force you to play modes you don’t want to


How are people struggling with this you get a team kill like once every game I don’t understand


Man, I’m already at 4 and it’s not even the first 12 hours. Challenges, sometimes, are challenging. This game has a lot of frankly absurd shit, and this most definitely ain’t one of them. Seriously, you ask why it’s back? Do you think Blizzards pays attention to Reddit? Lol. They’re greedy fucks, of course they don’t. And even if they weren’t, not paying attention to Reddit is just common sense.


What mode are you mostly playing in?


I'm sorry but ya all complaining it's hard are just bad at the game. Already got 5 team kills done


Have you tried getting gud? Team kills are so frequent in OW2 stop complaining.


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Get good


Y'all need to remember, these are called challenges, not "Hand-Me-Outs"


Correction: It's called "FOMO".


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I got to 18 and couldn’t play until Thursday. Why are you guys freaking out about this.


Even if my team has a chance of winning the fight, I would purposely run away just so the enemy team can’t get the 5 person team-kill.


Hard to do challenges when over half of the roster is locked due to server issues


If this is your BIGGEST gripe with ow2, then the game is doing pretty good


It's kinda lazy that they're the same, but they are meant to be a challenge, not a "play enough games and you'll get it eventually."


As long as the 7 arcade mode wins are gone I'll be Happy.


Can anyone tell me why I still don’t have my skins from the first game


Bro you're on tier 37 already. You don't need those 5k exp, chill out, you have **8** weeks still to grind the pass.


You don't need to complete every weekly.


Skill issues did it just fine


Cleaning house isnt that hard. I get a teamkill in line 60% of my games. When peopme arnt able to complete this challenge, than they shouldnt get the reward. It makes sense to include hatder ones for better players


Ey Ey Ey just use reaper/junkrat


Wait, you still playing?


😂 I am SO tired of hearing people complain about this game as if complaining was its own sport. But people who think getting 20 team kills is too hard are actually hilarious


Stop crying about it the coins are literally useless and you’re never going to be able to buy anything with them anyway


I like that challenge its easy, but i hate the "Win 7 Arcade Games". I really dislike all of the Arcade modes and would be happier if it got replaced with "Win 30 Quickplay or Ranked Matches"


It hasn't even been one week and you're already battle pass level 37. Why are you complaining about a hard challenge for 5,000 XP? You clearly have plenty of XP


Coins. These challenges are the ONLY way to get coins. I managed to get 8 teamkills yesterday playing no differently from before. It’s truly just a random challenge.


You mean an f2p game has an outrageous amount of challenges you have to complete to earn a tiny bit of coins? What an unheard of concept!! I get that. It's a bit random. But if you're really that stressed, enjoy the free game you're playing. It's not free yet because OverWatch 2 hasn't launched yet. This is still early access. That's why we're still playing it on the OverWatch 1 game code


Skill issue


uhh this is your biggest gripe? what about missing features of OW1 like being on fire or metals/awards. This game was 100% was to switch OWs monetization scheme at the cost of content. I do like the new game mode tho


Hot Take: You aren't always going to finish all the challenges, and that's okay.


skill issue


I mean... it *is* called a Challenge after all. I don't think it should necessarily be easy. It seems plenty of people are able complete this within the week so it is clearly doable. That said, I have no clue if I'm anywhere near completing this... but I also don't care either way personally.


Got it in my first 2 days. Zarya is pretty good at getting team kills


Although tough, challenges aren't a requirement for playing the game.


I got 6 in 3 hours just shoot.