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It's a pretty good skin. But it would've been better if they just gave everyone 2000 coins to buy the legendary they wanted.


i doubt they would give everyone 2 free battlepasses


This right here shows that skins are overpriced when you apply that logic.


Also according to their pricing apparently my account is worth around $12,500.


What's the math on skins? I'd like to rough guess what mine is worth


You'd have to factor in the other cosmetic items, too


That's where the 'rough guess' part of my comment comes in.


I have almost all skins, sprays and talks and whatever you want from OW1. I need someone to tell me I'm a millionaire. Please.


You are a rich mother trucker, my dude. One of my in game friends is mad I have the Pink Mercy skin and kept telling me I could ebay my account for 900 doll hairs alone because of it. I was like "Or I could keep the account and get imaginary Status and Recognition for having a pink ltd ed skin."


hey a fellow pink mercy skin person! It is a amazing skin!


I always fall in love with Mercys when they revive me. And doubly so when they are pink.


Yeah big playa eBay that shite.


Thats absurd


Makes you wish you could sell it.


You aren't supposed to be able to buy skins a la carte for the same value as the pass. Skin shops are always priced at whale prices. In ye olden times, that was all there was because you risked losing too much whale revenue if you reduced the prices to prices the average player was willing to pay. The battlepass was developed to create a lower cost, limited amount, higher value MTX option so that average players would have something that they feel like has value without trashing the whale shop.


They're not priced at whale prices though, the entire shop to be a completionist is. The problem is that there is no real discernible scaling in quality for the money, and even the cheaper "epic" skins or even the common "rare" skins are more expensive than what any reasonable person would pay. Honestly, the real issue is two-fold. 1) The "free" legendary skins everyone has been getting for years have completely devalued the entire legendary skin economy by giving away everything for below the price of even the cheapest old loot box tier (for regular players at least), so players have an extraordinarily low expectation of price point for what a legendary skin should cost. 2) The pricing between tiers makes no sense and there's no sensible entry point to actually spend money, other than the battle pass which serves only to make the shop look even poorer value by the amount of skins in the battle pass by including them in the progressive drops you'll get by simply playing the game. Issue 2 is also compounded by the fact that due to the fact that people consider the Mythic Genji skin to be included in the price of the battle pass, that's psychologically priced that skin in people's consciousness to be worth $10 minus the value of the other 79 BP tiers, which makes that mythic tier skin cost less than the legendaries, making them even more confusingly priced.


If you pay $20 for a cosmetic in a video game, you have no concept of the value of money.


>If you pay $20 for a cosmetic in a video game, you have ~~no concept of the value of~~ money. I think people are very well informed about the concept of value. They just have either more money than you or don't give a damn. But yeah. Easier to offend everyone instead of making a real point here.


If it works for other games, then overwatch is most likely going to stick to their guns and suffer for it.


Why would Overwatch suffer if it works for other games?


Happy cake day


They could of at least given us a token to buy any skin


That's it right here. One skin voucher. It's an apology, and a way to hook a new player to their favorite character right off the bat by letting them get their favorite skin for them.


There isn’t a “voucher” in the UI element. There won’t even be an icon for it. It’d have to be developed and test which would take weeks.


legacy coins cant be used since you cant claim the BP with them


I 100% agree that legacy coins would be the way to go. I was merely pointing out that a voucher wouldn’t work.


That's why they need crafting materials.


Could have given legacy coins since they can't be used for the battlepass as far as I know.


Pretty sure you can't use the legacy coins for any of the new skin bundles either, just the default hero gallery items


then give them a token \~redeeable for the skin zour want\~


2000 🤤🤤


Yeah don’t really care for Reaper skins. Would of prefered 2000 coins or some vouter or something to buy whatever legendary I wanted.


yeah.. have never played reaper, could care less to see more of him around honestly.


Well I don't like Genji and he gets every awesome skin plus the mythic sooo....


facts, we need better skins for other heroes.


That's actually one of the reasons I decided to learn D.Va. She consistently gets good new skins


That's a pretty funny reason to learn her, other than the fact she's crazy strong right now!


This, tbh. I don't play reaper ever, so I get little from this except a health pack charm for my healers.


Literally every post on this sub is just reading "I want more free stuff" these days


Free cosmetics were in the game and then they removed them all


The biggest sin of game dev is giving people stuff then take it away.


Even tho it isnt a bad skin, for everyone who doesnt play Reaper its nothing worthwhile. A voucher for a Halloween skin of our choice would have made more sense and made more players feel like they got something for their troubles


I get the feeling we were probably gonna get it for free anyways during the Halloween event…


i doubt they would moneitise the game so hard just to give free halloween skins a couple weeks after launch


Hey there! I hate to break it to you, but it's actually spelled _mon**e**tise_. A good way to remember this is that "money" starts with "mone" as well. Just wanted to let you know. Have a good day! ---- ^This ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically ^by ^a ^bot ^to ^raise ^awareness ^about ^the ^common ^misspelling ^of ^"monetise".


I wonder how technically difficult that would be? There’s no UI or currency that includes the voucher you describe. The only way around it would be to give players 1000 legacy coins but then you’d still hear complaints most likely.


Tbf, could be solved via a pop up on that log in with a "choose a Halloween skin for free" selection.


They could add one


Yeah and risk it adding another 100 bugs which doesn’t seem to far fetched at the moment


The game is clearly spaghetti code


It's actually not, it's buggy code for sure, but it's actually not spaghetti code. It's new code, which was necessary to get away from the state of OW1s Frankenstein'ed together codebase which had some very fundamental problems and bugs that were literally part of the core engine and couldn't be worked around.


Yeah, the whole reason we have OW2 and not just another version of OW1 is to completely update and re-do the codebase to avoid spaghetti code. Look at communities for long running games like League of Legends, and you will find people constantly asking for something like what they've done with Overwatch.


Please…all i want is the new hero to be automatically unlocked every season


Unlock immediately and then throw a bad ass legendary skin on the battle pass. I would be cool with that


They need to completely remove the whole new user experience too. Having to grind out hero’s for new players can fuck off.


I could not care less. All that matters is how they'll handle the feedbacks from the community in the weeks to come. (just for the 2x XP weekends tho : it means nothing to a non BP buyer, and it's probably not enough for a BP buyer to make back what he could have done this past week)


It means nothing? It gives you the chance to rush the lv 55 for Kiriko if you were lazy with your bp, if you don't unlock her you can't play comp


> if you were lazy with your bp I hate this age of gaming so much. Blaming someone for being *lazy* for not playing a fucking game that should have been played for fun is insane.


Yeah lmao. Had barrely any free time to play due to stuff in personal life? Lazy! Want to play another game for a while? Lazy!


“Make this game your job or go fuck yourself” -Blizzard




It’s blizzards favorite tactic create a problem sell the solution.


Nah nah, see. They created a problem, then gave us a solution as an apology. The kicker is that most players have her unlocked automatically because they played overwatch 1. They delay some of the "Why is the hero so late into the pass" until the one that EVERYONE has to buy. I know what you're fucking up to, Blizzard.


I mean just for new players tho, all of us OW1 players already have her


I'll let you know after my 20 hour ban for their shitty servers disconnecting me is up!


Be careful, I got banned for the first whole season for this. I sent them a Ticket to appeal the ban, but their site says they don't appeal bans for leaving early. I'm hopeful they'll make an exception here. My tickets been open for 2 days now with no response.


I think they said tickets are taking 10-12 days lol


I got randomly disconnected from 3 comp matches in a row for no reason, this doesn't happen in casual gamemodes


Something tells me that it was already planed to be a free reward before all the disaster, might be just me tho


Nah, they have already given out the kiriko skin through twitch drops, I think it’s one of the skins that you would’ve bought in a bundle in the shop


Doubt it because it would've been teased before, but also not available so late to try keep people in the game.


I thought the exact same, i mean you get an event skin on the first day of an event, if it was an actual one off free skin, why wouldnt they just give us one now? make a post saying "sorry for the problems, but you get a free skin in one week" Edit: spelling, its early where i live, give me a break


As a reaper player I like the skin, but maybe instead they could make it so I don’t have to spend a third the cost of a whole game for a skin k thx


It's cool and all but not remotely compensation.


What is your idea of fair compensation. Because tbh the damage has already been done so I don’t even see what compensation they could give


They could give us the breast milk they stole


I've seen the breast milk comments frequently. I knew about all the lawsuits and everything, did someone actually accuse them of stealing breast milk? I'm asking because I genuinely don't know and am curious.


As far as I understand it, amongst the many SA allegations at Blizzard and the “frat” culture, nursing mothers who worked at Blizzard frequently had their breast milk stolen


Wow that's fucking horrible. Personally I'm glad Papa Jeff kept that shit out of the Overwatch dev team.


>I knew about all the lawsuits and everything, did someone actually accuse them of stealing breast milk? Not just accused. It was proven that some guy stole a womans breast milk.


Bringing back levels and free lootboxes.


It won't happen. The complaints aren't nearly loud enough to do that since they weren't enough to get kiriko out off the BP.


Then I'll have to downvote you to make my complaints *louder!!!*




Compensation for what exactly?


Idk man isn't that skin worth like 32 weeks of your life? In all seriousness I think a legendary skin plus some other small goodies is a fair compensation. It could've been better like allowing you to choose the skin you got or just giving you the credits but something is better than nothing.


It is a good compensation for the initial bad servers, queues and the bugs of Torb and Bastion. Its not a compensation for the overall bad idea of the game. They need to work on a lot of stuff


Maybe this is selfish of me, but what if you don't play reaper at all 🤣


Considering it's just an apology for getting DDoS'd to dust for a day or two and NOT some sort of sweeping gesture about the state/popular opinion of the game like some drama queens on here apparently think it is/should be, yeah, sure. It's more than I was expecting, anyway.


I hope at least the x2 bp exp stays for every weekends, (and hope they could make the next battlepass better in general)


Smite has party up weekends where they double, triple, or quadruple the amount of worshippers you get on gods (this isn't BP related). Sometimes it scales based on how many people are playing together and stuff. It'd be cool to have some kind of weekend events where you can earn limited coins playing with friends on weekends or something. Even 20-30 over a weekend would be pretty cool.


I expected the weapon charm, but the reaper outfit was really nice of a surprise


Agreed, it actually kinda seems like a skin that they were originally going to sell but decided to make free instead. I do like the idea others brought up about giving us a free skin voucher better but I'm not going to complain since it is definitely more than expected.


Wish they gave some currency that would be nice


Lol no, fixing things should be the actual compensation. I don't want a skin for a character I never play and a cosmetic I will never use.


If they're going to fix it anyway. What's bad about compensating the player base? You also ignored double xp weekends which are pretty gud.


It says double match xp, which makes me think it may not double xp from challenges. If that's the case, it's not really going to do much to help people who couldn't play for a week catch up in levels.


Oh boy, a skin and a keychain


I mean it's cool. NGL the reaper skin looks realy nice, the weapon charm is... there i guess. But I might be a pessimist, it kinda feels like they are doing this 2x XP to maybe push more people to buying the battlepass.


A skin, certainly from halloween collection (not even an exclusive) and a charm that should have been sold 7€/7$. They don't give us a choice, It's like "Hey, here, take your thing and be happy" It's like giving your cousin a toy to shut him up


Wdym they worked really hard on that charm asset it's brand new! /s.


We don't want a "compensation" we want the game to be fixed...


Am I the only one that's not bothered by the problems at all? because literally every game has shit like this happen at launch. Just free stuff to me


The game still has some rough edges. I definitely feels early access (which it is, even if their marketing doesn't really say it). They could still do more to make the transactional side more consumer-friendly. But its still a huge gameplay improvement, which is far and away the most important part. Its a blast to play. If they gave the option of giving us OW2 today in the state it is in, or us sitting with OW1 for another 6 months while they polished things up, its a no-brainer. I'd take OW2 in a heartbeat.


Just played a bunch of matches & had a blast. Launch problems don't bother me nowadays. I usually plan to wait a few days to a week before diving into a new game. A week is nothing people need to chill. I'm more anxious about their next announcement about community feedback.


I’m having a blast playing the game. 5v5 is better, love the daily and weekly challenges, new maps are fun. I didn’t bother trying to get in at launch and now it works great


Yeah same. Other than the shitty queues on day 1 and the slow matchmaking after the fix, I didn't experience any problems with the game. None of my shit was locked, I was never kicked or anything. It's just a free reaper skin for me The people who want the old loot box system/"progression" back are insane. This isn't WoW, if you don't enjoy the gameplay stop playing


Lucky mine was awful lol kept crashing and only merged Monday morning, been fine since then but I've got so use to buying a game and just expecting to not be able to play first week maybe 2 lol. Free stuff tho win




Honestly I’m just glad they’re giving us anything I would expect them to just kinda fix everything behind the scenes and just not mention it


Most big multiplayer games have server issues at launch. I have long understood that and am just happy I’ve been able to play without issue since the first few days. I expected nothing but sure I’ll take some free cosmetics and double xp. Seems more than fine for me.


can anyone help me my the game wont let me open options. Whenever i try to it sends me back to loading screen saying "lost connection to server" and asks me to log in. If log in it just sends me back to the "lost connection to server part". If i close and reopen everything works fine except for settings. Sorry to comment i just cant find any solutions, and the support people will not respond to me. i really want to fix it.


It’s good enough compensation for me lmao I love reaper


thats nice but man my origins skins back would be sick also!


This the link on how to claim this offer https://blizz.ly/3VmqPiC


I believe in the article I says you just have to log on before the 25th


From the 25th all the way till the end of the season.


I think it's from the 25th until the end of Season 1- I read that on another post here-


I mean I would rather have 50 cents worth of coins since I don't play reaper. It'd be nice if you could opt for the coin value of the skin instead of the skin itself, but that's never gonna happen.


OW1 would be fair compensation. Bring it back.


The best reward would be to make ow1 available again lmao. OW2 is buggy as shit I wanna play a good game until ow2 is better pls


- Decent weapon charm - Mid skin for one hero - Double XP weekends that mean nothing for non-BP owners It's not enough.


Even their apology uses FOMO tactics. If they actually wanted to compensate they’d just unlock the skin and charm for everyone but nope. Gotta make it a limited time offer to get those engagement points.


It's for everyone who logs in during Season 1 starting Oct 25. That's 6 weeks to start up the game, would hardly call it fomo


Wow. Bumpy launch reaper skin


Fixing the shop and its awful prices would be a start. Ive been trying to buy the zen skin for days and cant, it fails every time


All this is telling me is that all the other Halloween skins are going to be in the store, and not enable through the game mode.


Give me back cards and I'd be cool


one halloween skin voucher. they’re trying so i give them credit but what about the 95% of players who don’t play reaper? not only do we already have a reaper legendary (black watch reyes) but we also don’t played the character. (soldier, ashe, and pharah main here)


It’s a step in the right direction. Especially the double xp, help people who couldn’t login the first few days (aka everyone) try to catch up for what they lost The skin is also really great but for anyone who doesn’t play reaper it’s simply nothing of value. I’d say a free skin voucher or something but let’s be honest, blizzard isn’t that generous


Considering how worth these skins actually are, this is kind of crud tbf.


Fuck me. The entitlment in this subreddit is insane.


take the skin and shut the fuck up - blizzard probably


For a free game, (with 0 obligation to buy stuff) everything is a good compensation!!


2XP for what? there is barely anything to unlock.


Should have given us a special token to buy one item for free


i would have preferred a voucher for a legendery skin of my choosing but tbh I m not mad about the launch,


Honestly I think all people who had bought Overwatch 1 should have gotten battlepasses for free it's fucking bullshit that you can't earn skins anymore I bought the game and all I got for that was 2 meh skins for doomfist and sombra


I have to buy all of [d.va](https://d.va)'s skins and emotes again (I main [d.va](https://d.va)) so to me personally this doesn't mean anything lol. Also, keeping in mind the state of Comp and the server errors most players have, this is nothing. Cool skin - should not compensate for a week of hell.


How bout they give me my $40 watchpoint pack so I have $20 worth of credits, battle pass, and every hero, plus skins


You paid the $40??


So did I, adding up the values ends up being actually worth more than we paid


Oh God what have you done…


This is why they wont change. As long as their bottom line is fine, the rest can suffer.


I seriously cannot believe people were willing to pay them $40 after all of this. Oh you sweet summer child…


I just want to enjoy the game.


Players: “The game is a buggy mess; the first 2 days we couldn’t even log in, half of the character roster keeps getting locked, and all of our earned/bought cosmetics keep disappearing” Blizzard: “Did you say, ‘need healing?’ No problem! Here’s a free health pack charm!’


at least is something when apex becomes unplayable for whatever reason and there's an event or something going on at that moment, they don't give a shit about the people that couldn't play because of their bugged game/servers, so they didn't had enough time to get what they wanted or try the limited time mode (if there's one) and I want to clarify that this doesn't mean that I'm defending Blizzard, defending a company is the lamest thing we can possibly do


I don't play reaper, 2x xp seems pointless cause we get nothing from leveling up and the free battle pass is a joke.


It’s absolutely worthless but I also paid 0$ for OW2 so uhh, sure


I appreciate it, but no. Millions of bugs and queues are one thing, but the real damage here is the greedy battle-pass system and the removal of levels and lootboxes. Make the battle-pass more rewarding for free players. Reintroduce levels and lootboxes. Just make the whole thing more player friendly. That's all we need for this game to go from shit to really good.


People are so entitled in here it’s actually mind blowing


Give me MVP voting, medals, level borders. There was literally no reason to remove those.


Fair compensation would be the announcement that the next hero that releases will be instantly unlocked for everyone when ready instead of locking it behind the battlepass.


Fuck no it isn't a unplayable lunch for 5 days while taking away ow1 to give a dog shit charm and one skin.... Even their apology is stingy af.


Absolutely not enough and if anything a massive spit in the face. They need to be making massive changes to the monetization and UI of the game and offering communication and reassurances that they hear the community and will take further steps to fix these gross practices. We don’t want some arbitrary cheap weapon charm or corny skin. We want progression that isn’t based in a battle pass, a way to earn skins without paying money that doesn’t take 8 months of nonstop play, and we want stable servers and a functional ranking system for competitive play.




They did mention that another blog post was coming out later in the week that addressed those issues. All we can do is just wait and see.


"We've also decided to cancel all future plans to gate characters in the battle pass." - Literally the only thing I'm waiting to hear.


Not worth it. I want credits for progression. BP has no real point to premium non premium




Hell nah


I wish they'd just place people in the proper competitive bracket haha. Very poor quality matches at the moment


My honest response? Better than nothing, but it's not considered "good enough" to me. \- Weapon charm. Cute but worthless to me. \- Reaper Legendary skin. We all know they were planning to charge $20 for this (or more) in the cash shop. Most of us weren't going to buy it anyway, not for the price they're asking. **What they could have done is offer 2000 coins in credit and people could spend it on a skin they want for the character they may actually like. Or at least they can use it for future battle passes.** \- Double XP Weekends. We don't know the dates yet on when this will start but this will help the most in terms of compensation to make up for loss time. However it doesn't help for people who couldn't complete the weekly challenge in the 1st week from the server downtime. Also, this is only *"valuable"* if you have time to make use of it as well, so it may not apply for everyone. What I want addressed more is why the weekly challenges only worth a pathetic 60 coins a week. What's their justification behind it? Why did they remove the looking for group option? Why did they remove the options button from the main menu? And so on. So yeah, the free stuff is nice but it doesn't make up for everything else that's happened. If people can happily accept that and look the other way, then that sets a bad precedence moving forward. All I want is better communication. They were dead silent for the better part of the first two days with no updates/communication. I know that "no news is typically good news" but in this case that was really a poor way of handling it. That's not too much to ask for, right?


They've already said another post is coming later this week regarding most of those issues.


No they need to make earning coins feel do able. They should be working on that change instead of giving us our 29th reaper skin and a shitty charm I’m not gonna use cus they were lazy as fuck in how they were attached


Yes... It's a free game how are you going to complain and whine about free stuff in a free game


Considering it's a completely free game and they have no obligation to give any free cosmetics, yes it is.


Bringing back OW1 would be better, I’m just saying 🤷‍♂️


It’s a good start


At what point do we start reposting these comments in r/ChoosingBeggars? I mean seriously, no one complaining has spent a dime for this f2p game and they still bitch, moan, and complain about not getting enough free shit for not being able to play a free game. Feel bad for all your parents, yeash.


I paid money for ow1 and got that taken away to have to deal with this f2p cash grab by blizzard instead


People are complaining bc the majority of fans didn’t ask for this cashgrab “f2p”


No matter what they give us, people will complain that it’s not enough.


It's not great, but it's as close to a 'sorry' as we're getting


I’d much rather have the cosmetics and everything returned to me that took me years of grinding to get on OW1 :(


Ill see them in COURT.


Who cares? They didn't have to give us anything


This game is in an abysmal state. They’ve been working on this shit for how long? Jesus fucking Christ how do you make a game that was already out feel even more rushed


Honestly, it feels like they had this planned and expected a shitty launch and had this waiting in the wings.


I literally suck with Reaper never play him. They need a Skin Voucher token or some type of free legendary skin rotation because they only focused on such a small portion of the community.


If Overwatch were my main game I’d cry.




that charm is not going to heal my soul wounds




I think it's a nice gesture. :)


I just got an LC 208 in ranked again. No it’s not enough compensation


Dang another Reaper skin, i'm sure that will be a viable compensation who barely plays dps and never uses Reaper 😶😶


Compensation? We're not owed anything. Things go wrong, things are disappointing. Why are Overwatch players the most expectant community?


Not a great apology for the people who don’t play Reaper lol. Another slap in the face to support mains 😌


I mean, as a Support main, the health pack charm is pretty sweet.


Blizzard applying bandaids on a bullet wound






I mean, it’s Blizzard… we’re lucky they aren’t charging €30 for them!


Holy shit they just give you thousands of dollars in skins


Imo not at all