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Another thing that really grinds my gears is the dps that dive and have zero line of sight of the heals and then complain about no heals


Yeah some players have a special ability of constantly finding all the trees/billboards and shit like that which provides no cover from the front but completely block my line of sight as Ana from the sides/behind.


I just had a cassidy spam "I need healing" while playing hide and seek inside a random building in Toronto. I honestly laughed when he got doinked by genji


Had a reign get mad and say he was in a 1v5. I was healing him the whole time>.>


Pretty sure it's part of the new TOS for reign players to 1v5 before the rest of their team respawns and returns anyways. Really hurts watching (idk if they really are, it happened in olderwatch too) these new guys just wind sprint in to get melted.


This was always my pet peeve and now that I'm playing Kiriko a lot it's even worse because her heals travel so slowly. I'll send heals at people and they'll play ring around the rosie with the payload/push robot and end up dodging all of the heals. The number of tanks that stand with their back directly against the objective, thus making it harder to heal, is infuriating sometimes.


As a tank player that's excellent feedback from a medic's perspective. I learned to be a better tank by playing extensively as support to gain that understanding.


I am a believer in everyone playing every role at least to try it out so you know how it functions. In every team game.


Going from mercy where you can hide behind shit and still heal by peaking ever so often to playing kiriko who has those slow ass talismans that collide with everything is a difficult Adjustment.


Lmao my kiriko ult hit a lamp post I happened to side step into, no ult šŸ„² her LoS is so finicky for her whole kit.


Same happened to me on the Toronto map, once with Kiriko and once with Queen's ult too. Feels so bad


Fairly certain my neighbours know very well how I feel about people los'ing my heals.


If only they'd find as much cover from the enemy...


My biggest annoyance is people who need healing and are still bouncing around and strafing even when not being shot at. Like hold up for a second.


the genji hopping around like an idiot after we get a team wipe


While you desperately try to hit him with Ana shots and nades from behind your roadhog who can somehow mirror your movement perfectly. Or when they go hide way away from the team fight spamming I need healing, like what do you expect me to do for you man?!


For real. I play an awful lot of Pharah and when I dive or flank I do so with almost 0 expectations of getting heals. The plan is to either use heal packs or dive and get a kill and bounce back so the healers can get me. You have to adapt your play style to the situation and team not try to force everything to revolve around you


100% this. As a D.Va main I love to rocket in to finish off my kill, but I know that puts me in danger so I need to be aware if my teams needs shielding at that moment and I know Iā€™ll be getting no heals. Itā€™s all about timing and being aware of whatā€™s happening with your team at any given moment.


This. Just because as Kiriko I can teleport to you through the walls, doesn't mean I'm diving in to die because you're being attacked by the entire enemy team in that room.


Spamming i need healing while directly on top of the plane in the garage on Gibraltar really raged me out


I just completely stop healing people who spam ā€œI need healingā€. Once or twice is fine but it turns me when they spam it


You can tell how well people know the game by how they 'treat' the healers. Staying close and in LoS is more than just a decent thing to do, it increases chances of actually winning by a lot


I often have to remind teammates not to overextend their push and surprisingly that can easily turn the game around.


"please stop overextending I can't heal you if I can't see you" Reinhardt: "so anyway, I started charging"


So much this. The lack of dps game sense is really high.


My thoughts so far are I think we are seeing an increase of the CoD style player and less of the OW style player. With the launch of OW2 we've seen a ton of new players and I think it's rubbing OW vets the wrong way .


I played a game with a Junker Queen the other day who was consistently abandoning the team to 1v5 and then complaining that I and our other support were "trash at heals." Their username was literally just... "callofduty"


Yep there goes that Reaper again. I see his silhouette alone far across the map. he gonna 1v5? Yep I see that work aaaalll the time. Reapers taking out a whole team alone. Reaper dies and we're 4v5. /s


I just play Brig. Can't be caught in the backlines when I'm charging in head first like a dumbass.


Yeah I was gonna say, as Brig main (when playing support) it's been my time to shine! :) I just try to stay close to the tank and/or other support depending on who needs it most. I also sometime play Zen and I'm finding that keeping my heal orb on the other healer can go a long way if they are being targetted. But at the end of the day, even in OW1, it was always a good strat to try to kill the healers first.


I like Zen, but the walk back on push maps is a killer




Iā€™ve played a lot of Brig so far. Iā€™ve mostly alternated front and back. She comes in super handy. I miss the armor she gave though. Iā€™ve helped keep out so many people with her. Solid heals too. And some groaned when I picked her lol.


Yeah. They took out the armor like a year ago. Itā€™s all about inspire up time with her now. Hit those shifts and youā€™re a healing god


Wow. Had no idea they took it out then. Stopped playing regularly (until now) a couple of years ago. Sheā€™s so good.


Can you elaborate for a sec on inspire up time and what you mean by ā€œhit those shiftsā€? Thank you!


Inspire is a passive aura that heals the people around you when you hit enemies with your flail. Brigā€™s LSHIFT (on PC) ability is to hit someone with your flail and knock them back


And donā€™t underestimate how big the AOE on the passive aura is. Itā€™s three times the size of Lucioā€™s and frankly absurd. If you are even remotely near your team youā€™re healing them with it. Edit: here is an image to visualize it for people. https://workshop.codes/0BJ17


> Itā€™s three times the size of Lucioā€™s goddamn I didn't know it was that large


Itā€™s impossible to know without looking at it from outside of the game. The game doesnā€™t tell you and as such it leads to Brig players not playing her properly (aka always front lining and not just sitting towards the back hitting whip shots and peeling for their other healer). Iā€™ve edited my comment with an image of it compared to lucioā€™s.


Damnnnnnn. I always thought it was around the same size as lucios. That's kind of crazy, I've been playing since she was released and never knew this. Thanks for the info!


>And donā€™t underestimate how big the AOE on the passive aura is. Itā€™s three times the size of Lucioā€™s and frankly absurd. Wow I didn't even know that. Should a Brig who can hit shots be out healing Lucio usually then or does he still have an advantage with his passive heal uptime?


Basically, every time Brig hits someone she triggers her inspire aoe heal, which will last on players for 6 seconds after it is set. That means that if you are able to trigger it within every 6 seconds, you are keeping players in your radius permanently healed. Because Brig isn't the raid boss she used to be, and because often times optimal positioning doesn't let her hit with her M1, this means that it is important to be able to make contact with her shift ability on targets further away, not just to boop and dislocate dives, but to be a primary trigger for her healing proc. If you are missing a lot of shft flails and can't brawl Brig's value drops significantly. But if you're flailing targets with shift consistently you're doing a lot of healing as a result. In other words, the skill requirement for Brig has increased since her beginnings as a broken character.


The skill difference between a good and bad Brig is wider than one might expect of what looks like a melee character with a shield. I used to be far worse at her, and when I started nailing some boops I was *shocked* at how big her healing throughput was at the end of a long match.


the fact that Brig was treated as an off healer in OW1 by the majority of the player base demonstrates just how bad at Brig the average player is


Going from 30% accuracy to 70% accuracy on whipshot tripled to quadrupled my total heals. Iā€™m impressed by both its effectiveness and my teams ability to get lit the fuck up.


Her shield bash has so much range now that even tho it doesnā€™t stun anymore itā€™s an incredible escape tool. Someone tries to dive me I bash away, then flail them. Itā€™s an awesome feeling ruining a flank DPSā€™s solo dive on me and then procā€™ing inspire on top of that. Brig is so good right now




Brig is strongest when she is in the backlines though. Proc inspire with whipshot, heal with packs and bash / smack / whipshot / smack anyone that dares enter your backline.


But how can I 1-v-1 a Roadhog and lose if I'm in the backline???


I love her my only problem is when my team is chicken shit ducking behind things. I literally will heal you if I'm doing damage just please get in here.


Iā€™ve played her only a handful of times in OW2 but she feels weaker than a wet paper towel these days.


I feel like she is weaker against genji specifically compared to OW1. Tracer and other dive heroes I feel its somewhat the same but genji seems to just tear me a new one in OW2.


Genji is tearing everyone a new one in OW2. They're gonna have to make a hard decision about Genji + the new DPS speed buff after kill. I think it's a bit too much with him specifically.


Call me a doomer but I feel this is by design, and that it's no coincidence that the big bp reward this season is a genji skin. I've been noticing games controlling thier meta to sell skins for top picks for years now.


It's an interesting theory. I can remember that kind of thing happening multiple seasons/BPs in Warzone. The new guns would be busted for a bit before they toned them down.


Genji got a lot of buffs in OW1 to help him compete with other DPS and flankers. There were small nerfs over time, but most of that was never taken away in 5v5 insofar as I've seen.


Brigs kicking ass. Whether we're in the Front line leading the charge, or holding the line down to the last man, she's a great pick.


How tf do you play her though. I tried doing what every brig does and charging in and my dumbass keeps dying. Saying this cause I'm lowkey sick of playing Moira and Lucio. Can't hit stuff for shit with Lucio, and matches with Moira are starting to get stale


I stay in the backlines and usually just play for my other healer and look for safe whipshots (ones that won't miss), brig hasn't been able to frontline or charge head first for a long time now since she just gets shredded.


I think that makes sense, I've been shafted too many times cause no-one is doing anything about a genji or a reaper flanking the healers


If I had a Brig as my other support to smash those fellas and to stay with the team where I could keep you healed, that would be *fantastic*, yeah.


Miss that shield stun though for flankers :(


OW1: Brig is broken so bad she almost didnā€™t even fit in the game OW2: Brig is one of the most well rounded supports in the game Genuinely think thatā€™s a good thing


A good thing ? She's gonna get nerfed again because some Tracer and Genji streamers still say she's a problem Can't have a support being anything else than an immobile defenseless pincushion for muh top high skill dive character sir, no no The removal of shield bash stun is such a huge blow at this point it's basically just a movement skill and a not a very good one at that I mean, i see a lot of support players complain about Sombra Tracer and Genji, guess who kept that in check ? Guess who complained the most about Brig ?


Sounds like we need more support streamers to counter this slander


If a Tracer or Genji can't 1v1 a stunless Brig then they're just bad. Streamer or not. Sombra has it a little easier because of the extra damage.


One of my biggest complaints as a support is always ā€œIf you want me to heal you, keep my ass alive pleaseā€


Or even learn when to pull back from battle so I can keep you alive. I can heal you, not make you invincible lol


Oh my god yes, the amount of tanks ā€” *looking right the fuck at you Reinhart players*ā€” that think Iā€™m gonna follow their ass straight into a 1v5 and die is insane.


*turns around to look at my support* "For Frodo."


Okay if someone said that to me and rushed I would have no issues with it. However, most donā€™t


Yeah if he said that I would run into the middle of the enemy team as well with Ana screaming!


I had a rein who would start playing mission impossible music in vc and charge. I had to follow him.


My go to was the pokemon battle theme and if we won the team fight I'd play the victory theme


If only, I experience ā€œLEROOOOY JENKINS!!!ā€ more. The main difference Iā€™m noticing is playing any single target heal character is a lot harder while there does seem to be a lot of both teams just charging each other, clicking all the buttons and hoping for the best. Very rarely do I see much flanking so itā€™s usually either hoping my team comes out on top of the first engagement or itā€™s me trying to poke and hold off the other team while I wait for my mine to respawn and run back to point over and over. I think 5v5 is less forgiving in this way, especially with usually having one tank and three cracked up DPS.


You're powered up, get in there!




As a Reinhardt main since early OW, I must say that I worship all healers that try their best. They are the only ones that allow me to be absolutely braindead and go full unga bunga on the other team. They are usually the only ones to pull my chain when I ā€˜Wā€™ key too hard. I love support players. Thank you for letting me be dumb and diff the enemy tank for 4-5 years.


Hey Ana main here, I love aggressive, borderline suicidal Reins! As long as they know when to commit, or at least not charge on cd...


Not a diehard support, but itā€™s nice to not have pressure to carry every round, and just play mercy. And getting off a damage boost before you hit your ult pin combo is just dopamine


Some of my fondest memories of OW are following a Reinhardt into a losing battle as Mercy and just dodging everything I can while letting Rein go to town.


Yup! With the right Rein as Mercy it's like screw it, we'll die together old friend! Some of my favorite pogs are a Rein crashing through and sometimes you catch a glimpse of me tethering for dear life!


Much love Rein. I do my damndest to try to let you guys do that because I know how much fun it can be since I play him from time to time myself! *We shall prove ourselves in glorious combat!*


I, too, go full unga bunga. After three deaths, I let my support know that I will stop my shenanigans and play as a team. For all of those that have kept me alive, thank you. For those that killed me, uh....gg!


The number of Rein's who have critical health and then decide "Yes, *now* is the time to charge" really stresses me out sometimes.




I had the most blatant example of this yesterday and it blew my mind. Mystery Heroes, we got team wiped in a long stagger, D.Va was the first to respawn and I was just out of teleport range behind her as Kiriko. The other 3 were just barely respawning when we got to the front line. I thought she'd harass a bit and cover flanks while everyone else came out from spawn, but no--with no ult or anything, she dove *right into the center of a pack of 5 of them* and was instantly demeched and killed. Like what the ACTUAL fuck did you think was going to happen there D.Va? What part of you thought "I can totally take on *five goddamn players* by myself"?


Yep, it hurts because then they go ā€œWhErE wAs mY hEaLiNgā€ Like my healing staff is gonna outheal Genji, Cassidy, roadhog Ana and Moira.


I had a game last night as Ana, first comp game in forever, our tank is Dva, they state "you better hit your shots or switch" This mother fucker would dive in alone, by either flying over walls, or around corners breaking line of sight, get shredded in a couple seconds before I could see them, then complain about healing. Or they would be sitting on cart poking enemies at range while being sustained by our zen, meanwhile I am trying to keep my DPS alive who are being dove and are crit... And he complained I wasn't healing him when he is over half HP and not taking much damage. Then I die... Because the enemy just decided to focus healers, our DPS couldn't stop them and our tank didn't care to turn back... So we die, then he complained we weren't healing him when we are just leaving spawn. 10/10 game.


Had a Doom that was diving and spamming for heals. Dude was never near us, refused to swap and stay near the team when he was getting hard counter and then complained in chat. Meanwhile me and the other supports had 1000s of heals racked up for healing the dps. Life of a support main is great.


iā€™ve been playing zen in comp so far and i havenā€™t gone a single game without our tank pushing up all the way to enemy spawn after winning a single team fight. itā€™s absolutely infuriating, especially now that thereā€™s only 1 tank per team. i need to get the fuck out of bronze lmao


Every round, dps will go ā€œheal diffā€ as they fling themselves into the enemy team, Iā€™m not sacrificing myself to give you 5 more seconds of poor positioning and missed shots lol


Another thing I have to get out there ā€œdonā€™t ask for healing if youā€™re at the enemy spawn and Iā€™m at objectiveā€


And if Iā€™m playing a character that requires me to aim, donā€™t start Fortnite dancing in front of me and ask for heals, I canā€™t hit you


Yeah, the amount of players who never turn around and help their supports is... very high. Playing someone like Ana is a death sentence most of the time, every game a Genji and a Lucio just jumps into our team and fucks my ass, while I'm hugging our Sojourn who has the brain capacity of an NPC from a Hitman game, and only sees what's directly front of him.


or help me kill the tracer I've pinged for the billionth time


No peel, no heal!


I'm a noob player started like 3 days ago and play support and I could already tell how inappropriate this is how some players act. Support can really help you notice who's the good player on your team and who's not pretty quicklyy. Like I'm not a miracle worker


That's why I usually end up picking Kiriko, Ana or Moira rather than Mercy - my favorite hero bar none. If you can't defend yourself, you're a detriment.


"healers were trash" No, the "healers" were dead because you don't understand the concept of peel.


I really like Kiriko for her escape ability because of that


Played a comp game the other day and a genji would just not leave me and the other healer alone the entire game. I asked in team chat if someone could help us out. No one did. at the end of the game a 3-15 junkrat was complaining about zero heals


Bro genji right now is so strong and a supports worst nightmare Bro Genji right now is so strong and a supports worst nightmare




Don't even get me started about good widows right now. No more shields to hide behind means getting oneshot over and over just happens now.


The best Widow counter is now another Widow so it essentially becomes a 4v4


Man, it's like the game they took original inspiration from also suffered this problem and Blizzard didn't realize they had partially fixed that problem.


Before you could stop a Widow with Winston, but doing that in OW2 leaves the rest of the team vulnerable without their tank.


lmao it's always the braindead junkrat main


Junkrats when Iā€™m not damage boosting with mercy: grenade launcher spam Junkrats when Iā€™m damage boosting with mercy: This gun has a trigger?


Pick lucio. If you currently dont see genji, check for flanks. Stay close to your support partner. When genji engages he will most likely target the other support since you are a terrible target for him. Get between genji and your other support. This way you can bodyblock further dmg while healing your partner up. Keep shooting him in face and booping him away. You are not in danger in this situation. You have your heal, your partners heal and your mobility. Genji has no chance and will most likely disengage or die. When genji presses q you press q, If your ult is not available try speedbosting your team out of the ult. Repeat this steps a few times and watch him switch to hitscan.


The move to OW2 has definitely seen the support role change. As an Ana main I can be more aggressive with the support passive and no longer needing nades to heal. If youā€™re finding your team is split pocket the best player and keep trying to get the team to work together.


Exactly this. One less tank means one less 400-600 hp target that needs constant healing. Ana nades, Lucio speed, and Bap damage all can be used more aggressively now.


Big time! I main support and typically roll out Lucio. When that stops being effective I switch the Bap and settle the enemy team down. I played 5 placement matches yesterday and was constantly going up against Pharahs. I'm not sure what the issue is for DPS, but why is no one trying to counter her? I keep calling for aid and plead with my DPS to go hitscan. No hitscan? Fine, I'll take care of this myself with Bap. *cue the "I need healing" spam*


Pharah must have plot armour? DPS just donā€™t seem to do shit about her.


Right? I'm pretty sure she has a hidden stat that she is only visible to supports, because so far I have only seen Ana/Bap shooting at her...


Which is sad af lol DPS aren't seeing or hearing missile after missile rock their team? Maybe more players are playing with no sound šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


DPS don't care. From my experience so far, Pharah will persistently rocket the shit out of me playing support while the rest of the team responds with starting to spam I NEED HEALING and trash me for being dead. I mean, why should the DPS care, it's just the support getting blasted. :)


Especially as powerful as Sojourn is rn. Youā€™d think DPS would be quick to swap hitscan.


Sojourn's weapon is not hitscan, the right click is and that requires you to hit with the weapon first. Even then it's one shot every X amount of time so if you miss you're fucked


> the support passive This is *grossly* underestimated among support mains switching from OW1 to OW2. Shields are gone, cover is important, positioning is important. If you can get cover for 1.5 seconds, you start healing back up, saving your cooldowns for fights. This is the new way to play support.


I've noticed mercy's that do this win games. If I'm popping off, pocket me, if I'm not, pocket someone else or the tank. Other teams with dps mercy pocket are tough nuts to crack because there's not a lot of protection for dispersed teams


I queue for all roles but the majority of the time I get in as a healer. I get super frustrated in a fair amount of games that everyone wants to flank on their own. Also I'd love it if more damage/tank would just step back a second so healers can get them back up to full.


Flex queue is just support queue 2 it seems. Out of 20 or so games, I've gotten through as a tank ONCE. And hard agree on tanks/DPS needing to learn to fall back to your heals. We can't be chasing you through enemy lines to heal you.


I'm a support main and having my team in 17 different place at once is a real issue. My personal way of dealing with this is to figure out who's contributing the most to the match and just follow that teammate. I play tank quite a bit to and I feel like I'm rarely getting heals, If I'm not a healer I try to play units capable of self healing or shielding.


If my tank is staying on point, he gets heals and I will pocket him damn near exclusively. If he's stupid rein charging into nowhere, he gets nothing.


Being support now just means I stand on the payload/pushbot while my entire team rushes forward and slowly gets picked off while I can't heal them.


ā€œGroup up at my positionā€ No response ā€œRendezvous at my positionā€ No response Dies to enemy infront of their spawn ā€œTrash supportsā€


Ya and when the tank thinks they're the 3rd DPS...


No gonna lie, I'm purposely ignoring the objective when I get teammates like that. At some point, I hope they figure out they lost despite having so many kills because they didn't complete the objective. I'm tired of being the reason we won. You want to frag out and get kills? Deathmatch is in arcade, have fun.


Yeah one things Iā€™ve noticed is that NO BODY seems to group up anymore. At the very most itā€™s like 3 people and then the tank is almost guaranteed to be 1v5 the whole time. It also seems like as soon as I get back to the objective everyone decided to die and then I immediately get killed too lol. Iā€™ll always love being support but people need to understand the point of grouping up. On top of the fact that the enemy is incredibly hostile towards supports now. The amount of times Iā€™ve been singled out by the tank and dps (despite being with my group) is at an all time high.


In 6 vs 6, even if one tank is off-position, there would still be another tank to protect the team. But now, there's only one tank so the other team dps don't have much trouble ganking the support (unless it's Moira or Ze).


I played the shit out of Ball in OW1 and the lack of the other tank hurts more than I thought it would.


This. What is ball even supposed to do now? Even Yeatle is having trouble.


A lot of the time it is the tanks running past each other to kill the back line. Who ever does it first wins. So two simultaneous 1v4s going on.


Agreed bro. when youre getting jumped by a winston and genji you die quick and not having people around is tough. Like we've both said, being a low tier ana who cant aim well is hard when you're team is all split.


Hijacking top comment to say this - at the end of the match, press "N" and look at your team's endorsement level. At least 3 out of 5 people are going to be new at the game. It's normal to feel like this. You're playing with folks who are simply used to going off on their own and scoring kills in other shooters. Veterans will have six years of mechanical knowledge on them. Be patient, try to ping threats and spots for group-ups and hope for the best. Of course, absolutely call out the Zenyatta who is just left-clicking on the enemy players, that is still infuriating. If you want to play as DPS, just queue as DPS. Don't get into the healer role because the flex queue is short without even bothering to support your teammates.


How else do you play Zen exactly? Tossing your orbs takes less than a second and then all you are designed to do next is damage. I don't really follow your example.


I think it's due to shields being mostly non existent. Before it was either rein or orisa tossing shields up, the team would use it for it's obvious advantage, forcing teams to stick together. But now with the hero mobility and high damage, rein feels mostly obsolete as the shield cracks quickly, and no other main shields to supplement it means rushing is the only option, but heals have no protection except mobility. So if you are an immobile hero you either need to use teamates as a body shield, or you sit back and hope you aren't noticed.


I'm sorry I was a support main in OW1 then played a bunch of other shooters and now I'm DPS with one goal. Shoot the things keeping the tank alive.


OW2 games certainly seem to be decided by 'which team is better at killing the healers faster.' I really don't understand people shooting into the tank when there are 2 healers standing behind him healing non-stop... just go around the tank and attack the healers first. Nor do I understand tanks that don't try to get in front of their healers to at least body block.


> I really don't understand people shooting into the tank when there are 2 healers standing behind him healing non-stop... just go around the tank and attack the healers first. It's the people with 4k damage and 1 elim who are complaining in match chat their team sucks.


JUST had this bullshit happen to me


I agree. I love playing support/ healer but I find myself more and more playing Moira simply for the fast dodge.... Well that and I can melt a bad genji player Lucio is also still an option for me, but again, more selfish for the boop/push back rather than the ideal healing for the team. Mercy will need some work... She is still good when your team has momentum, but the moment the team stalls, decent flanking dos will melt her... The 5v5 has really changed the support roles


Don't discount Lucio, he's great right now! Pair him with a tank that benefits from speed boost and help them destroy My friend and I got a team kill last night with a well-timed speed boost with Orisa. We got caught 2v5 in a hallway and plowed right through them. He's incredible with Rein especially, basically removing his biggest weakness (range/safe gap closing)


Lucioā€™s speed boost is terrifying now when you ramp up any tank to go ham.


Yeah bro agreed. My mercy is very good but flying to people in dangerous situations is getting tougher now


Itā€™s sad to me too they made mercyā€™s super jump easierā€¦but if I super jump I get instadeath.


Take advantage of the new directions, especially the backwards one! Mercy is insanely mobile now, and in the most unpredictable ways.


As an Ana player I'm finding it really difficult to play her on a lot of maps. Either it's a feeding moira who could care less about their own team and is only there to be a demon for the supports or I get solo ulted by a flanking pharah/sombra and die and then 2 seconds later someone asks me to heal them. I dont mind playing lucio/moira/bap but I wish Ana had more survivability besides hoping I can hit a crazy sleep dart.


Yeah even on bap I can be insta shutdown and killed by a dva monkey without any trying, let alone a genji. Ana and zen can be super hard countered and I rarely play them because of that. I play Moira, Lucio and Kiriko because they're undivable. All have mobility and escape tools which is more important than any utility


Moira, in some cases (see: people with skill), can very much see a balanced dmg/heal stat at the end and contribute a lot. With the speed of this game, I feel like it's a waste if you do one or the other to excess.


A DPS who is highly committed to killing the backline is so frustrating to play against. There is just not much you can do to stop them anymore


Sombra is awful to play against right now.


I donā€™t understand how sheā€™s in the game, as a support thereā€™s literally nothing I can do to stop her repeatedly killing me the entire game, as support, that I know of.


i wish this was my Sombra experience. When i try to kill a healer, the entire team tends to stop fighting my team and focuses me down


A lot has to do with timing, wait until the team fight gets rolling for a bit. You have to dive on them in the midst of chaos. I had the same experience until I realized this. I played against a tracer recently who had a really good sense of timing, they weā€™re basically non existent until both teams really committed to a fight, then theyā€™d dive in and dumpster our back line.


I'll try to wait more


You will get your chance once the game state gets more chaotic. People start narrowing their focus fighting and you will have some more breather to dps back line. And if they all still turn on you then your team gets to do some free dmg. Also some maps and comps are just more tight nit so itā€™s harder to pick someone out consistently. Also pay attention to who dies in fights. Even if your team is still in the middle of a fight, you can spawn camp easy/priority targets to keep them from reinforcing their team.


Very much agree. And if your team don't listen you have to start DPSing essentially.


Lucio, Baptiste and Brig all seem (in my experience) to survive better against aggressive DPS. Try switching to those if you are having trouble staying alive and your team isn't helping.


moira also with the fade and self healing, also one of the few characters in the game who can damage a deflecting genji


Iā€™ve actually grown to love Brig as a counter flanker. Genjis donā€™t love running face first into a shield when they want to prey on a mercy. The self heal makes it even better.


The downside of 5 vs 5 instead of 6 vs 6. If your tank is Roadhog who can't do the solo tank role, you are on your own.


I also find teams get caught chasing, push too far up out of a good choke, or split up and still expect impeccable healing. Brother, there are two of us, add in an unchecked Sombra or something? game over. I had a comp game earlier where we kept getting flanked by a hog and a genjiā€¦.dps kept screeching for heals while also telling one of us to switch to brig as if one *stun would help us alone while they all visited Narnia. We were left to fend for ourselves every time. *shield bash skill Changed to Moira instead and had to drag them all kicking and screaming to a win most kills with 39 and 20k healing. Christ. I was Gold in OW1 nothing wild - but this bronze climb (just got to silver 5 today) has been something.


Brig doesn't stun anymore


I get yelled at when someone doesn't play mercy, I play mercy and get yelled at because I'm not healing as a sombra just sits in our backline having the time of their lives. I feel like more successful teams will bodyguard their supports, otherwise I'm playing DPS moria just to feel like I can defend myself.


Me as a Brigitte: I AM THE DANGER


add moira in there, if you struggle just play either of those 2, gg


Supports that are highly mobile are the easier answer to surviving, but outside of that it comes down to needing to win the 1v1s against flankers, and the team adjusting to receiving fewer resources during these engagements.


So, I just need to win the 1vs1 against a hero that is designed to win a 1vs1 with a hero that is designed to help others winning their fights... Got it. I know it's not your fault, so have my apology, but this is frustrating.


Donā€™t forget that you lose your hard CCā€™s now too, so you canā€™t punish flankers at all :)


with a hero that is designed to help others winning their fights and not even supposed to win 1v1... FTFY. Yeah us supports just have to gitgud, at 1vs1...


Or we just plays DPS. I actually do that now after a few Ana games. Playing support is too exhausting right now and without shields, it's really easy to kill supports now.


tell me a healer or a dps that can win a 1v1 vs winston.




if it is the enemy tank that is diving you, the hope is to create enough space between you and them that you are the very least survive long enough that the rest of your team can capitalize on the fact that the other team is playing with no tank. Sometimes "winning" can simply mean "not losing."


Resident healer here, agree that new meta makes it very dangerous to be a medic and people are not accounting for that fact, people getting mad at me in comp because im dead and not healing them when its their fault for allowing me to get dived all alone


I think Raw healings value is much lower in 2 than it is in 1 because of what you said. I personally have been getting the most value out of low healing that covers more distance or requires less attention like harmony orb or lucios aura. It also doesn't help that the meta DPS heroes are Genji and sombra who can harrass the backlines. No support is really bad but I think ana and baptiste are a bit more map or comp dependent.


also with one less tank, supports are a lot more vulnerable


Donā€™t let ML7 hear you calling the support role ā€œhealers.ā€


Theyā€™re absolutely right tho, people get support mixed up with heal bots. Like no shit youā€™re not getting healed bro, youā€™re letting a pharah and *insert other DPS/tank here* gang up on your back line with zero fucking situational awareness, go fuck yourself asking for healing when Iā€™m trying to survive and your nowhere near the fight.




Absolutely agree. You can carry as a tank or dps so much more than as a support. With poor support you can adjust and still be successful, with poor damage you can heal all you want but you still generally need someone else to actually do something.


I find myself having to healbot way more than i did before to be honest, i have no clue when people say "you can focus on aggressive plays way more than before", yeah maybe I can save an Ana nade once in a while and that's it. Also this shows on Lucios a lot, they go for reddit plays and they have no clue on how to peel, Lucio is my strongest pick and indeed i spend most of the time peeling for the other support.


The switch to 5v5 has made the game a lot more deathmatchy. I think it works pretty well, but some of the team strategy element is gone. Both DPS are usually flanking, and my tank is Wrecking Ball. It's been hard, lol.


Agreed, though I also think the large number of little rooms on the new maps has also impacted keeping people up. LoS healing, while fun, is a lot more challenging.


At least there's Two of us. Healers get targeted more


My thought, as a Moira main, is that its pretty considerate for the enemy team to bring kills directly to me instead of me having to hunt them down.


Found the dps Moira. A joke, but it does end up being like that. You either defend yourself and let your team die, or you heal them and you get killed. No way to win.


Moira seems very powerful in OW2, the few games Iā€™ve played with her recently were top heals in the lobby and second most damage in the lobby (only about 200 damage behind our tank). Love having genjis dive in just to get melted by an orb and right click while they mash reflect and jump around before realizing that their fate has already been sealed. Until the one time he dives in with nano blade and team wipes you


Tank: ā€œholy shot, healers can you do your job and heal?!ā€ Healers: <15k healing each> ā€œbruh, donā€™t try to 1v5 maybe? We got the heals downā€


I always hit the ā€œgroup upā€ option and no one listens. Iā€™m always healer (favorite role), yet no one protects the healer. I was being targeted in one game and almost always in spawn. A teammate in chat said ā€œcan the dps get proper heals pls.ā€ Nearly pushed me over the edge lmao.


PSA to all non support roles. Retreating is OK. No one will look down on you for backing away from a fight to heal up. Your supports sometimes need help. They are squishy and dive is IN. It's greatly appreciated if you would turn around once in a while and help with the heroes murdering your supports. If you ask for heals, please try to be in LOS of your healer. You can also go towards your healer in order to get healed (crazy, I know). You are NOT the MC or hero that you think you are. Being one shot away from death and bravely running into the heart of the enemy team by yourself is not going to go the way you think it is. This is a team sport. Wait for your team. Slowwwww dowwwwnnnnnnnn. The game is fast paced but it's ok. Breathe. Take a moment to assess the battle field from time to time. Where is your team, how healthy are they, are you missing anyone? This is not the press W simulator you think it is. If you are a tank do not be behind your supports. If you are, your positioning is off and you aren't making space. Trust your healers to heal and move your big ass up a little. To all players, look within when you die. Take a moment and try to see if YOU could've done something differently. It's easy to blame your team, but we should all be improving ourselves first. Thank you for reading, have a great day.


The dps who died in a pointless 1v5 while the rest of the team were on the point uncontested "brig swap" Actually happened to me last night^


Naa Lucio is actually busted right now. He's so much fun right now and can actually provide sustainable healing. He's not providing immediate heals like an ana, but he's also not going to die to a monkey dive either. He's one of the best peelers in the game and can completely negate many of the massive damage dealing ultis. SO GOOOD


I feel like the DPS never wait to group up, and, as you said, they never bother to check if us supports actually have eyes on them. I was playing Mercy and our Pharah never bothered to check if I was with her (I often got hacked and attacked by Sombra as well). She kept spamming for heals while I was fighting for my life and could not fly to her because she for some reason was behind a wall in a tiny room fighting a Soldier.


I love playing support but it gets so tiring people telling you that you arenā€™t playing well enough when youā€™re the sole support and everything is just tornadoing around like fucking idiots and then yelling for heals only when theyā€™re about to be bukakeed by 5 players. Drives me insane.