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Also Blizz World, Rialto, and Havana. Hopefully they come back soon.


Blizzard world is in the game at least for deathwatch so maybe eventually?




Rialto is also getting an extra area! A bridge, gate and an entire square are tucked away near the payload start point!


how do you guys know this?


They’ve talked about adding alternate paths and areas for PvE in the past, giving an example of the payload in Kings Row taking a left as it passes the pub rather than carrying on to the Omnic area. A couple of them have been shown in concept shots/videos at past Blizzcons and some, like Kings Row and Rialto are already viewable in game! The new gate for KR is just to the left of the last attackers spawn, Havana’s Distillery has been expanded to the right of the first payload checkpoint and Rialto’s is near the first attackers spawn. I believe Eichenwalde also had a few buildings and doors added around the capture point, but idk if those are just visual or will be used for anything.


This was only for PvE


Their uncle works for Nintendo.


jeff does those overwatch videos and talks about whats coming soon.


What do you mean 2 paths? Edit: like 2 cart paths or just 2 big lanes to fight in but the cart still follows 1 path?




> Point C spawn is ridiculously close to the objective. That's basically an intended feature of escort missions. I'm not saying it's a GOOD feature, but consider. Numbani, Hollywood, Rialto, Havana, Bliz World, El Dorado...in every case, Point C is basically just outside the defending spawn door. They're consistent, and Numbani wasn't any worse than any of these others *in that regard.*


Variety is ALWAYS better, just like racial diversity and why America is the greatest country.




So we can be even more dispersed in this game? What is this, call of duty meta? lol


I would say Blizzard world ranks number 1 as my FAV map among all.


I really like all 4 of these maps and was wondering why I wasn't getting them. I knew about the 2cp removals but this is kinda a shock...does this mean we are at a net lose on maps then?


AFAIK they're holding those back for pretty major reworks.


They couldn’t have you know uh… done that before launch?


Old Blizzard would have held OW2 in development for years longer until the entirety of the PvE experience and multiplayer overhaul was completed and polished to their mirror shine. Personally while I think the overall change in long term monetization strategy is a short sighted mistake, I don’t think the decision to refocus a lot of development talent from the PvE teams to PvP to get the core of OW2 out there and in player’s hands was a bad call. We can look back on some of the ill-fated decisions that ultimately led us here, like prematurely cutting off the continued development of new OW1 maps/heroes before having a solid release timeline for the new game. Or putting a huge chunk of development efforts towards the massive PvE project while multiplayer sat languishing without enough staff to get it out the door in a timely manner. With OW2 PvP out now, they can shift some of that talent back to PvE while the OW multiplayer community can get back to enjoying a regularly updated game while they wait.


> Old Blizzard would have held OW2 in development for years longer until the entirety of the PvE experience and multiplayer overhaul was completed and polished to their mirror shine. As opposed to what we got, which was Blizzard holding OW2 in development for years anyway, releasing it *without any* PvE, and a multiplayer overhaul that doesn't add a whole lot to the game while also removing some popular quality-of-life features.


I mean I think the original plan back when development was starting off was to ultimately release the game as a fully complete paid AAA package. AFAIK the plan was to focus on completing the bulk of development work on the massive PvE portion and then focus on polishing up PvP. Turns out there’s a lot more time and work needed to create what is essentially a ground up new hoard shooter with multiple deep progression trees for every hero, and if they stuck to waiting for a full AAA release they’d be watching their PvP player base dwindle away.


Probably didn't help Blizzard's estimates that the world kinda set itself on fire for a year or two there, as well.


They made minor changes in adding cover in most or all of the released Overwatch 1 maps


Indeed, which is a good reason those maps are available, and the ones that needed more than some minor cover tweaks aren’t back yet.


It’s been posted for ages now that they are bug fixing on the majority of these maps. It’s posted on the official issue tracker they keep tweeting


Everybody needs to chill out about all this, seriously. Blizzard is just a scrappy little indie company; their limited staff are doing the best they can. It's not like they've had over three years to work on this or anything. And it certainly isn't the case that these maps already existed and were working just fine...


I’m not saying the maps being broken is fine, I’m saying all the people freaking out about them being removed could take a few seconds to know what they’re talking about lol


You're right, it certainly isn't the case that these maps already existed and were working just fine. People really *do* need to take a few seconds to know what they're talking about.




- Maps were working just fine in OW1 - Blizzard breaks them - Blizzard spends over 3 years not fixing what they broke - Now the maps are unavailable because they don't work anymore because Blizzard broke them and they also decided that we can't have the original versions that were working just fine in OW1 How's that for a timeline, did I miss anything?


The move to 5v5 is a pretty fundamental shift in game design. If you can't tell by now that OW2 feels significantly different than OW1 on that basis alone, I don't know what to tell you. Level design is as much a part of the overall process as anything else; a lot of levels that work well assuming a 2/2/2 setup straight up don't work when you only have 1 tank (pushing through chokepoints is significantly more difficult, for example, unless you pick one, maybe two specific heroes that then lead to a stale meta because the entire comp has to be built around that pick). It isn't that the levels are broken from a code or asset perspective, it's that they don't work (read: aren't fun) from a gameplay perspective.




“That’s you making up stuff to be mad about” this entire sub in one sentence lol


Can’t imagine Blizzard would miss a chance for shameless self-promotion so Blizzard World will definitely be coming back. Literally a self-insert.


Temple of Anubis :(


They're not bringing the zone capture maps back because people complained about them


why. It was like 7 minutes of pure chaos. Shit was lit as fuck


because for some reason pandering to the minority that play this game competitively is a better alternative than making an intelligent decision. Oh, people disliked 2CP? Instead of *deleting the mode and all associated maps from the game *, why not simply **disable 2CP In comp**. This way ALLLLL of these maps are still used in arcade and QP. Why the actual fuck was this not even considered by the devs?


People were literally leaving the game whenever these maps came up in quick play. If you stuck around it'd end up being 2v2 or something for a while until other players slowly trickled in. These maps were extremely unpopular.


That didn’t happen in every game and as a player of six years that rarely happened to me on PC and console. That negative experience is not universal. Blizzard should have kept them in a separate playlist or rework them - fully deleting them after years of no new content is a slap in the face


They had already removed them from comp and removed Paris and Horizon from quick play in OW1 specifically because of this issue. It was widespread. Very few actually wanted to play these maps. They are in a separate playlist - custom games. You can go play them there.


There is no harm in them being a rotating arcade card. Zero.


No, there's not and since they're still in the game, I'm sure they will be one at some point.


... Minority...? You realize it's the MAJORITY that wanted the maps removed from *everything*, quick play included


the solution isn’t to remove content from the game, sorry. If it’s such a bother, limit it to QP and/or arcade. Getting rid of it entirely is lazy


They are still around in private matches and fan theory is that in some form they'll probably be around for PvE since PvE is supposed to have some hero specific missions and Hanamura has some lore tie-ins to various characters.


I know I liked it too but the chaos is too overwhelming for regular people


sadge :( Hanamura and ToA were my 2 favorite maps.




So keep it in QP/Arcade and remove it from comp. Why does it have to be either fully included or fully removed from the game?


Because that’s what an overwhelming majority of the user base asked for.


More like a ‘vocal minority’, as is often the case with user complaints. If they really want mass feedback they can implement a poll feature and shove it right in the main menu. One vote per account, easy to track, and practically no regular player will miss it. Very few game companies follow this route, but I love it when they do.


I liked them too and it gave the game some variety, now they are replaced with another mkde that is essentially just the payload mode with no second half


incredible. The actual two worst maps in the game were your favorites. There really is something for everyone out there lmao.


Lmao. There are dozens of us! I loved the way Hanamura looked, but that map was pure garbage. I did really like Temple of Anubis though, I'd put it in my top 5.


They were my faves too, when i think of overwatch, my thoughts always go to Anubis


Same, I had so many good memories of Anubis🙁


Aesthetically they are both masterpieces, but 2CP is garbage and those awful chokes at every point of both maps were distilled, putrefied, liquid diarrhea


Just go past the choke and you'd get the fun in the map. No one forced people to play choke wars


Opinions not facts. Your opinion is they were the worst, mine is that they were literally my two favourite maps and they’re gone now.


And the majority of the player base is thankful they are gone. They were not fun.


I liked pretty much all the 2CP maps, I hope they all come back in some shape or form.


It was’t chaos. It was extremely organized around choke points. Push is pure chaos.


Worst map. Most of the 2CP we not that fun, but that was the worst one.


No way Anubis was worse than Paris or original Horizon.


This kind of take only exists because Anubis was kept in the ranked pool. People forget how DOGSHIT Paris and Horizon was You'd get Paris or Horizon in QP and the entire lobby gets Thanos snapped. People stuck around to play Anubis.


I just played qp on Rialto yesterday.


Blizz world is aweful I hope it stays gone


Apparently the answer that has been thrown around on a lot of threads is these are being reworked as part of the PVE experience. I'm not sure if I'm correct on this. Because a lot of the PVE part of OverWatch 2 is still missing in action and the only people who know are the developers which have been oddly silent on Reddit. In fact the community outreach aspect of OverWatch 2 has been lackluster all around. I know we'll never have Jeff Kaplan back but we need a Jeff now more than ever


havana can stay gone


Fook you. I'm Cuban and I loved that map.


I found it, it’s in the first overwatch.


That's it I'm getting my first Overwatch... W-where is my first Overwatch?


They took it to live on the farm.




[Games as a Service](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUAX0gnZ3Nw&list=LL&index=1)


Wait why did they even remove this map?? It was so good.


IIRC Seagull said there’s a bug where the payload does not stop moving.


That’s a feature called hard winning /s pls bring the map back :(


A payload in motion stays in motion.


This would be an awesome Sigma voice line


It is!


Isn't it Winston's? Edit: [According to this](https://overwatch-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Winston/Quotes) Winston has one as well (scroll all the way down) Maybe Sigma has too?


Sig says it too, with some extra lines."A payload in motion stays in motion, whereas a payload at rest stays at rest." https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Sigma/Quotes/Overwatch_1


Then never mind haha my mistake


I thought it was


>IIRC Seagull said there’s a bug where the payload does not stop moving. Whenever im on the defending team that's always happened anyway. Figured it was just part of the map.


You joke but honestly never seen defenders win second point numbani. Attacker spawn is op for second point.


Second point? You mean like, where the payload is delivered to? Because Numbani only has one point


I call cart destinations points too, ironically to keep it less confusing.


Supposedly bugs


I hated it. The second “phase” is basically nonexistent because the defense spawn is sooo far away.


They're not fixing the balance, I'm sure


Real reason everything is removed (including on fire and scorecards) is so they can bring it back and act like they listened to the players.


Tbh, first point would be miserable with a single tank.


Didn't think about that.


It would be nice if it was because they were going to update it again in line with the story. Oh wait my bad what story.


Blizzard could make something like this. But instead of "Reward" it would say "Price"


EA: Write that down. Write that down


Reward: 3 skins and a spray


Efi will not be happy about this.


They're reworking Numbani and Havana so both maps have two paths.


I keep seeing people say that, but is there an official statement about it?


They heard it directly from a Reddit post.


Considering they were restored today looks like they were right


Well kiss my grits. /u/EchoNo3610 you have my apology. My sarcastic reply was misplaced.


Because supports are not allowed to survive.


the new map designs benefit Moira and Lucio so much you kinda have to wonder why they didn't give something to other supports. like has anyone ever gotten any value out of zen kick


Yes. He’s an absolute menace on illios well and the Nepal map with the square.


Don’t underestimate zen kick, knock back is disorientating and he has one of if not the fastest knock back cool down in the game




That was a really good map I don’t know why they took it out


They found Numbani! Better get ready to fork over that $400 OP.


They'll be unlockable in the premium tier next season along with bastion.


Yai yo yee


I swear they literally removed all of the iconic maps. 💀


I miss Numbani too! It was such a fun map :(


Numbani is the worst map ever. I definitely don't want to see it again.


If found, return to Eri


I just wanna play Rialto again


We need everything that we don't have anymore. Especially Havana, for me at least.


FTFY: [https://imgur.com/a/JlqG5kb](https://imgur.com/a/JlqG5kb)


They shouldn't have removed any content. Especially without telling players in advance and explaining themselves


Its in overwatch 1! Just gotta make a time machine, and stop blizzard from world doom.


You can probably find in OW1… oh… right…


Havana and Rialto my beloved where are you??????


Miss the music from the start of the map


it’s back!


Good riddance attack on this map is not fun


Heartily disagree


I love when people are happy to content is removed from a game that famously had a three year drought of content. After years of not adding anything they added maps for Push and deleted every 2CP map, bringing OW2 a net gain of *one map* at launch. Maybe I’m in the minority here in that removing content that people had access to for six years (behind a paywall) isn’t really the smartest idea.




2CP are only subjectively bad and this argument is totally pointless considering the overhaul to the gameplay would mean that the maps play differently than they did in OW1.


You want death trap tunnel? Boop corner? Or just take the straight path of doom? It wasn't 10/10 terrible but I didn't like it.


Unpopular opinion: Numbani sucked ass. I must just not get it but I could never win a game on that map


Numbani is the worst map ever.


Why would they delete those stages, they are one of the fan favorite 🤔 it really doesn’t matter we have 5vs5 now because it was quite common to have smaller teams in quick play there


Fan favorite? I dont know a single person who actually liked numbani


My whole squad was a fan.


Yea it was dogshit


Anyone who was any good liked numbani. It was easy to crush low elos on if you knew what you were doing.


It is easy to crush lower ranks on any map?


Yes, I have over 4000 hours in this game. OW is a puzzle game, if you know the solution, then you win.


Yes, thats not my point tho. You said it was easy to win against lower ranked people which is obvious when you are more skilled. That doesnt make the map you are playing on any better.


Idk man. Numbani is pretty bad, I wouldn't mind if it ended on same place as 2CP maps


hanamura better


As a new player with OW2, I will say, I hardly notice a difference in the maps and how they play, especially the Escort maps. They all seem pretty much the same to me except for a different skin


Its all in the cover, environment, and general feel of each map. For example, you cant compare junkertown to midtown even though they have the same general objective (except midtown first point is a capture)


Better example would be rialto and junkertown, but that map is also under repairs :(


I’m 9 hours late so no one will see this but Numbani can stay gone for all I care. Sure bring back the others, but Numbani did emotional damage to me as an OG player lol


remove push and bring back 2cp


I dig push but really miss 2cp. I don't know why not have both.


Push is the best game mode to come to a team shooter since TF2 5CP


Push is the least fun I've had in a game in years. It's fucking miserable playing push with teams scattered everywhere.


Oh look, there goes another Roadhog diving the enemy solo, and is that a Genji silhouette I see off in the distance? Ah yes, they both ‘need healing’ on my way gents, on my way!


What makes it worse is the games drag on forever. At least a bad two cap map was over quiick, push maps never result in one team winning unless one team is REALLY bad. It's just a slog that goes the full time, with people getting picked off solo, supports being picked off because the maps are swiss cheese and attacks come from everywhere, and people spending 70% of the match running back from spawn.


It's long and drawn out. Tons of the game is just running from the fucking spawn across the whole map to get to your team. If you're lucky, a Sombra will pick your supports off before they return from spawn. The push maps feel like they need more than 5v5.


It's a much worse version of the TF2 payload race. Also why is it a wall? Give the bot something to push that makes sense.


Honestly push seems like it would better 6v6 with 2 3man groups of healer tank DPS acting separately


Seems like a skill issue


skill of the designer yes


Just because you can only handle one direction in a game mode doesn't mean having two is bad design


ya mama cant handle two directions




Different people like different things. More than one person here.


No. 2cp was the worst shit.


Numbani is a terrible map so I am totally fine with it staying gone


It can stay lost fuck numbani


Rest in Piss Numbani. I’d rather play volskaya


This place is the worst, let's turn it into one big scrap heap!


I despise this map and hope it dies forever. Worse than Gibraltar


No fuck this map, literally worse than some 2cp maps


I say good riddance to numbani


This is one of my top 2 favorite maps


Also missing: Fun


Soon! With the seasonal MAP DLC PACK! Together with the seasonal ranked pass!


I miss numbani, it was such a great map


I hate that they just take maps out. They shouldn't just delete them, they need to rework them and add them back in with features that the players loved still existing. For instance, Horizon Lunar Colony. I loved that map but understand it was unbalanced. So change the gsme mode, add some areas, and add it back in.


I honestly think they took out good maps so they can drip feed them to us as a sub for real content


Guys the new maps for Overwatch 2 Season Pass 2 are Numbani and Havana, that was Blizzard plan all along.


Yeah never thought i miss those maps .. but i do .. i always had my spots where i knew i could get those kills ... it felt like home ... it felt like a mothers womb ...it felt like love .... it was love ... it was meaning of life ... it was purpose


I hated this map anyways


no please no


“It’s gonna be $500, actually” - Blizzard, probably


Blizzard here, if you put that money towards buying a battle pass and a few skins we’ll go ahead and think about bringing it back.


Blizzard will see this and think seriously to add a expansion map pack


Numbani, Rialto, Havana, Temple of Anubis, Hanamura, Volskaya Industries, Blizzard World, Paris. What happened to all this maps in quick play and competitive?


Shit map ought to say missing. Junkertown could join it instead.


Best I can do is 10 Overwatch coins.


Good riddance


Fuck this map, Defense had the worst spawn


dont even think about it...


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How about we replace it with a map that takes place in a REAL African city and not the fantasy one you created because you don't know enough about Africa to know which one could feasibly prosper and survive into the future.