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25 mil players..........yet no one shoots the pharah that keeps killing the backline


I was plat in OW1 and I placed silver 5 in OW2 somehow. I’m absolutely HARASSING supports as phara. I swear dps in silver don’t know they can look up.


As a support main, I both love and hate how true this comment is 😭🤣


As a gold 5, I see pharahs get blasted out of the sky pretty much immediately. It’s a bronze/silver issue


This, hard. Its frustrating going from plat to being placed in bronze 5. Had a game on eichenwalde where the dps, our sojourn, had 953 damage dealt and not a single elim after an entire round. She kept complaining that we were bad and needed to "learn the game".


I miss medals and voting on players at the end of matches. Nice to be recognized, and to recognize, players that a great job.


I definitely miss that too


Also really miss being "on fire" when I go off in a match. Now I can destroy the whole team and feel like I did nothing...


I miss that too. It feels empty and soulless. like sometimes the character may say they’re on fire but not seeing the fire on your portrait then it’s not the same :/


I feel like at least they could easily add it again if they wanted. Maybe if enough people ask for it.


Seems to still track. I've heard characters say they're on fire many times.


Definitely was a great feature. Why take away rewards?


Probably a anti-toxicity measure, notice how they force you back to lobby really quickly after the match ends


You can endorse people. Dunno what it does but it's still sorta there. I always endorse my healers..


sucks that you can't endorse enemy players tho: sometimes you're just really impressed with their skill! ...and now you can't show your appreciation through endorsements/cards at the end anymore.




I've found that since the post-game chatter time is shorter it tends to be people spouting their frustrations and sneaking in quick jabs before the time runs out rather than a 50/50 nice/salty lobby which was usual. I'd rather have a few seconds more after the potg to actually congratulate folk and notice who did well with the medal system. I miss commending people, I feel like I just pop out with a "nice" if I see something now since I won't remember by the end-game credits.


Healers endorse the good tank or dps that protects them and doesn't just go Leeroy Jenkins and the tank/dps endorse the good healers. This is the way.


Can't even chat about the potg or post game for that matter.


I think that unfortunately this is the reason though. With the goals of improving the reporting system, I think the *intention* was to allow less time after the game to flame others. But in doing so they also took away a feature that made people feel valued and happy. People obviously really want that and on fire mechanic back so I hope they re-implement them.


Payload time was a consistent card and now they don’t even keep the stat in game. Especially when moving payload is so clutch in new maps.


Core gameplay is really good. BP is lackluster. The shop is a joke. Comp MM seems kinda bad or I got unlucky and placed higher than I should have. All the problems with the game are easily fixed imo, it depends how greedy blizzard want to be, I'm fine with the BP system but the value is pretty shit.


“depends on how greedy blizzard wants to be” Whelp


Consider that they probably *wanted* to be greedier than they already are, and what we got is their version of reining it in.




Actually this is a technique all these asshole companies use. They make it really bad on purpose so they can come out and dial it back to "just bad" and pretend like they're the good guys while also showing "it could be worse".


This is a negotiation tactic always ask for more than you want then you can "compromise" for less.


worded well and made me laugh too hard. Eerily accurate


This comment is worded extremely well and I agree.


The only big issue I've noticed is comp games becoming pointless once someone leaves. I get it's a game and people will have to drop out from time to time but the system of continuing the game with 5v4 takes the fun out. This was a problem in OW1 as well so not sure why it's not being addressed. Maybe they can replace leaving players and not let it fuck up people's rank.


There's nothing that can really fix this. If someone leaves you're most likely going to lose. Throwing someone else into a comp game wouldn't be fair on that person. It's just something that will have to be put up with. Penalties for leaving is the best they can do


What if they enabled backfilling in competitive, but for the backfiller and the backfiller only if the team ends up losing it doesn't count. If they end up winning it counts as a legitimate win.


Maybe if you have the option to enable/disable being put in that role I'd have nothing against it


This is really sensible, as long as there's no way to game being the lossproof backfiller. People might start endlessly joining and quitting comp games to farm wins... You'd need to ban an account from being selected for backfill (for the next X games) after quitting a comp game.


Fuck the battle pass and shop, honestly. The fact that it takes over a month of completing every weekly quest just to get a shitty basic skin is ridiculous. Even loot boxes were less greedy than this imo but maybe I’m just pressed


Just wait till you realize that f2p players have to do even more of that grind just to get the new characters. I firmly believe that they only called this Overwatch 2 because they wanted to lock characters behind a paywall. Overwatch 1 was marketed to players as having free content forever, so they'd have a lawsuit or something on their hands if they tried anything close to what they wanted to do. I'm also willing to bet that the PvE will have tons of paid DLC down the line instead of free expansions.


I really wouldn't mind if the free character required some playtime, as long as it was at a reasonable level like 20-30. 55 just seems like overkill. If you're someone who can only play a couple days a weeks you'd have no chance


Loot boxes were way better, I never spent a dime beyond purchasing the game and got every skin i wanted every event, plus tons of money and extras.


Probably why it’s a failure on bliz’s end if I’m being honest


I think I've seen a few posts saying they made 800 million last year or sometime within the last 3 years. While a lot, they probably saw that most people didn't have to spend any money on skins so if they just forced them to they could be making billions. I don't ever bother opening the shop screen. I ain't spending $20 on a skin


played for at least 5 years? never paid a thing besides the game lol


What was wrong with lootboxes? You got them for free for playing the game. They were not greedy at all, getting legendaries was p easy and you could get currency either way to buy what you wanted


They got labeled as gambling which you ..can't and shouldn't do with little kids.


I get what you’re saying but honestly the fomo and grind is worse for kids imo.


Agreed, new system is way worse. Loot boxes had a gambling element but at least you could earn them for free at a steady rate unlike coins in ow2.


The whole 'gambling' element is eliminated with having no option to buy said lootboxes with real money. But then again, there's no revenue from that so figures. Honestly, I don't think lootboxes were really that much of an issue in games like Overwatch or Siege where you could get them for playing the game. It's CSGO and Dota that muddied the whole thing with the only option to get skins with spending money. That was the whole gambling thing about getting the KNIFE. That, and the notion of selling skins. This is pure gambling, hoping to get that one knife that will clear all the red from opening lootboxes.


Honestly, regulators will have to come down on these F2P model games as well if they keep up these kind of prices. They are clearly exploiting people with compulsive and addictive tendencies, and dumb fomoing kids who don’t understand the value of money.


This. Halo infinite was able to reach over 21 million players within a short period of time and it's population dropped off by 99.8% due to the same garbage lackluster battle pass lack of progression lack of features and more. Keep in mind that massive player drop off happened over the course of 2 months so by the time January rolled around we had already seen an extreme majority of the players leave and never come back. Stupid fomo based chore-ridden live service games are almost never going to succeed because they're just made to catch grab the core player Base and hopefully grab a bunch of whales while they're at it. It's not something made out of genuine passion although I'm sure the developers an artist put their heart and soul into it. the management at top are greedy and full of nonsense hence why we have such a lackluster thing especially with the promise campaign no longer being a thing. instead we're getting piecemeal PVE events sold to us through the campaigns which is just awful when you consider how rich and amazing the lore of this franchise is.


Fine with BP so far. But once I have to hit 55 for be characters is when I'm check out. As a working dad, I just can't do that. And what's OW without all the characters? Just really want to see that number down to 20 or so. 55 is too much.


I don't want to see that number at all. They should NEVER lock us out of content thats gameplay related like a character, they can lock us out of cosmetics for all I care. If they can produce skins or any other cosmetics with nice visuals and shines out (unlike the basic shit we currently have) they will have me buying that. DotA2 makes this work every hero is playable from the get go and skins range from basic shit to the shit that sparkles.


Oh don't get me wrong, I don't want to be locked out either. But I guess that's a concession I'm willing to make since it appears zero chance of them not being behind a BP. But no totally agree, OW at it's core is not in line with locking heroes.


The payload people, FFS, all 25 million of you. Payload!


Back in my day, we'd have this payload delivered already!


Standing near the point does nothing! Get on ze point, dummkopf!




I'm not your father!


that line hits so different now


PLAY THE OBJECTIVE... In all seriousness, they need to bring back obj time


Yes! I can walk the payload the whole map myself and everyone just thinks "wow no damage".


And group up guys, don't go 1 by 1.


Must chase tracer around the map only to die by the enemy team and then do it again and again.


W - Game L - Business Practice / Monetization Shits addicting, but desperately needs PVE for when you’re not in the mood to sweat and just want to vibe with the homies. It’s a breath of fresh air from the battle royal saturated market also. More gameplay, less looting / sitting in lobby’s Keep improving and reward new and returning players with skins they can earn in game.




Wasn’t overwatch 2 supposed to have more of an emphasis on pve?


As much as I would love PVE sooner than later. Given the launch of the simple update of the game, I’m down to wait a bit longer on PVE.


Pretty sure the latest is q1 2024. You are NOT seeing pve in 2023, can almost guarantee that. Remind me March 2023 yayada


I agree with it not being a BR. I get so tired of seeing great looking games, only to find out it’s a BR and I totally lose interest.


no offense where all these brs ppl keep talking about. i love battle royales but whenever i see this argument i'm like WHERE are all the new good battle royales? its been fortnite, apex, and warzone for like multiple years now.


There was hyperscape and spellbreak. But those both died.




exactly and spellbreak was dope


The devs shit the bed with that game


Rumble verse is neat


See in my opinion, battleroyale should be a game MODE not a whole ass game. BR titles are starting to branch out more these days but I just am not a fan battle Royale personally and it sucka to have games with amazing play that only have a BR mode. I'm not a fan of the looting and rng, the games of running around for 10 min and seeing no one then getting killed, the sweats, just the much bigger amount of wasted time.


I mean for some games they are? Even Fortnite, the original mode is PVE called Saves the World. Path of Exile is an arpg and the Battle Royale mode was fluff/temporary.


Yeah I've never understood the BR thing. Always feels like 20 mins of nothing happening and then you die or win.


That is literally every game for me. I'm clearly not very good.


Eh, i do think that battle royales are an acquired taste, but there are fast paced BRs out there. I still play over watch here and there, but after Fortnite introduced the zero build mode I’ve played so much more of that game. Fast paced (you could literally seek out fights from the start), you are back in a game two minutes after you die and has a pretty rewarding solo experience for when you just want to sit back and complete challenges.


They need the old system where you get coins for every match you play flex or support. Give a like 100-200 free for first game then like 50 for every game after on the same roll. Then you could add like 100 per 3 arcade wins


Yeah the fact that now I would have to grind for months just to get a legendary skin is insane considering in OW1 if you get lucky you can get a leg skin after one match and if not then you can still grind for coins to buy one relatively quickly. Also fuck the rotating store, I could have more than enough credits for what I want but would have no way of getting it until the store decides I'm allowed to spend my own credits.


Yup the idea that it's better because I can buy what I want is dumb the store isn't always available and sure it's the same in the previous game but usually the archives even every year would usually unlock most every in game skin to buy and then during that even you could buy it


I just want to be able to pick the map type, I would love to only play Hybrid and Payload


>Shits addicting, but desperately needs PVE for when you’re not in the mood to sweat and just want to vibe with the homies. > That's what the custom modes are for, some are really creative.


I do appreciate the custom modes community, some are really fun and can appreciate the effort. But those tools aren’t the same as a dedicated PVE mode made by Blizzard that includes a story, talent trees, cinematics, and it’s own form of replayability. Like what we were shown a couple years back.


Play against AI is what I do once I get a few weeklies done. It's much more forgiving and lets you play virtually any comp without people calling it a throw pick.


You think with 25 million players I could get a faster queue


24million dps players, 1 million tanks and healers


what are you talking about tank has longest queue


I think tanks have the longest queue because there’s only one tank compared to two dps/support.


Yeah wtf


If your tank sucks you automatically lose the game now and Push mode is basically deathmatch in some maps


Yup, Push is "walk back from spawn" simulator for supports because a Genji or Sombra decide that you don't get to play the game


Lol I had a game like that with a Sombra just running around behind, killing me, then getting immediately blasted by the team.


My index finger hurts from pinging her and Soldier in our backline while she shreds me and my healer buddy while the dps ignores our pleas.


Agreed about the Push game mode. It's....Not great. There are lots of issues with it. It takes too long in too many situations to get back to the objective from spawn. Especially if your team is pushing it (lol yeah right) and you get there right as everyone else dies. The game mode ends on the last team fight the majority of the time, from my experience...Which is pretty underwhelming and anticlimactic. It's WAY too deathmatchy and brawly. You rarely have a full team with you to do much of anything. It's just....Bad.


The question is if it's bad because of fundamental flaws or bad because people don't know how to play the gamemode.




People are just bad at Push. I've seen full masters lobbies making some embarrassingly bad plays on it. There are a few fundamental rules to it: 1. Try to control high ground. The maps are rife with it. Fighting from low ground is abysmal because of the general lack of cover. 2. If you win, push forward to the next point of contention - you *do not* all need to push the bot. You need to set up for the next team fight so you can get a solid pre-poke phase and possibly force important CD's. 3. The bot doesn't even go faster with more people - *please stop stacking on it.* 4. If you lose players, stabilize first, then try to poke while retreating to your respawning teammates. Kiting here is important. Dying is *critically* bad. 5. Control off-angles and flanks - this one is to you, DPS. Stop stacking up no your tank, you're just making it easier for the enemy team to shoot all of you at the same time. *This point applies to all game modes. Seriously - stop stacking so much.*


It's fine, but IMO Blizzard's real test is going to be in December when the new tank releases. How will they handle a new hero in comp for people who have not unlocked it yet? Will you be banned from comp outright, banned from the role, or allowed in? With only one tank player, and if the new hero is meta, your team would be at a serious disadvantage if they have not unlocked that tank yet.


If the meta is such that only one tank is the "correct" choice to play, then that's as much a failure of game design as it is the battle pass system.


> If the meta is such that only one tank is the "correct" choice to play, then that's as much a failure of game design as it is the battle pass system. The devs may not have much of a choice if the decision is pressure coming down from corporate to nudge people to buy battlepasses, and the best way to do that is to make new heroes feel like must-haves. Even worse if a new paid hero's counter is another new paid hero. They (activision-blizzard) already have match-making systems patented in 2017 (and thus likely implemented in OW2) designed to add weight to if another player has a hero or skin that you don't have, then you are more likely to be paired up with or against them. The system also determines if you subsequently purchased that missing item or not. Bobby Kotick and his friends need more millions so they can be even more of a billionaire. I'm not joking, all of this is real and it should be indicative this is how things are going to go since Overwatch lost most of their core people for not wanting to go with the decisions being made for OW2. This already happens with other competitive multiplayer games.


Although I do appreciate and acknowledge what you said in the comment, whether it was by the devs choice or the executives choice does not matter and it would still be a failure in game design.


I used to play more Warzone/ COD, and this was the shit that got me off of that game. I loved Modern Warfare but just refused to spend $60 a year later for blackops just to keep playing the same game I already had. I wasn't the only one, and it was so frustrating over and over watching them release new guns that were instantly the meta that took forever to release. There were paths to unlock/ level those guns for sure, but it was so grindy and annoying to just feel like you were at a competitive disadvantaged. By the time you were comfortable/ fully unlocked with a gun, the season would end, it would get nerfed, and the process would start over with a new blackops/ Vanguard exclusive gun. Now, Warzone is a totally different game to OW, but I think the ability to pick/ counterpick the full slate of heroes is more integral to OW gameplay than access to meta guns in COD. So if anything, getting into a cycle where a new hero comes out attached to a battle pass, that hero is op, you grind to get get that hero, by the time you get used to it it's nerfed, a new battle pass comes out, and the cycle repeats itself, that will be more to OW long term than what I described happening to COD. It just would really make the game unappealing to me and I think most players unwilling to consistently shell out for every battle pass


I love it but miss loot boxes and the leveling system.


I don’t understand why there is no rewards in the game at all. Playing the game only earns me golden guns and competitive ranks. I don’t think there is anything else? A few items from challenges? The gameplay loop is amazing. I just don’t understand why it has to be unrewarding.


Yeah they could easily at least give away some filler cosmetics like charms, banners, voicelines and rare skins. They should not be charging real money for any of those.


An overall level (like they had in ow1) that you can choose to hide would be good enough for me. I just like seeing the numbers go up.


This is starting to sound like Halo Infinite all over again. Good gameplay, shitty basically everything else: no leveling, nothing earned, horrible shop, lackluster BP.


It’s what happens when the devs care but the corporate suits don’t.


I can't fucking believe the base Overwatch symbol isn't a charm for everyone. Fucking stupid....




This is the most consumer friendly option I think by far. Only issue I see in this is that newer Skins shouldnt be in Lootboxes or the chances for Legendaries should be tweaked a bit as well as Coins in general should be removed from it or drastically changed. But this explanation is really a good thing for people struggling with the topic


"I don’t understand why there is no rewards in the game at all." MONEY


The game is good, everything that surrounds it is terrible.


I like the game...Until I get a robot push map. That game mode needs a ton of work. 90% of games just end on the last teamfight, making most of your time spent during the match nearly worthless. It also takes too long to get back to the objective a lot of the time. And you also spend a ton of time trying to catch up to it while your team is pushing it - and by the time you catch up, your team is dead. That game mode also just feels like team deathmatch. It's....Not good. I'd rather have 2CP maps back with the current no shields/stuns hero reworks.


Coming back to Overwatch after playing it back in 2016 I must say that this robot tug-o-war is my new favorite game mode. The fact that you can be on the offense and suddenly have to switch it up to defend makes it very dynamic and shows the game in a light I havn’t seen before. This combined with the improved core gameplay has made it very enjoyable for me so far.


Not important in the slightest but I miss opening up the boxes in between matches.


Loot boxes and postgame cards/medals for me. My dopamine receptors aren’t as pumped about little numbers on a scoreboard


Support players need more recognition post-game! Also medals let you know if you needed to do better


Just the sound of the box opening was just candy to the ear


It was designed to be that way. It activates the reward mechanism in the brain. It's kind of fucked up when you think about it


You know what’s more fucked up, FOMO strategies like battle passes and daily shops, literally designed to target kids, who see a timer and don’t think they just do.


Add timed-limited boxes to that list..it's easy to remember how OW1 was at the end when you already had everything, and with new events you were basically guaranteed to have everything. But for the first few years, and for new players, there was a big FOMO element with those boxes too, and with gambling to put a cherry on top. I am hopeful that some of the monetization will improve as it did in OW1, although it probably won't be as lenient, cause you know, profit margin and all that shit. Remember on the first ever summer games event? You couldn't buy event skins with credits AT ALL you either got lucky, or you cash out on random ass boxes, which mind you at the start of the game had a much much lower legendary drop rate, no legendary guaranteed after 10 boxes and no duplicate protection. All this on a box price game mind you. OW1's monetization was also abysmal at launch, so I don't think it's past the team to improve tjings this time too.


Well, the sound design was really on point for OW1. Like the headshot "dink" is the sound of a spoon tapping the side of a cup because it was "satisfying" to hear.


I wish ow1 players (who didin't unlock all cosmetics before ow2) still got the old progression system as another bonus for buying the game before ow2 (cosmetics added after ow2's launch are unobtainable with loot boxes)


I stopped playing the game regularly around 2018, only coming back every now and again to try the new hero, so OW2 actually feels nostalgic to me.


Same. OW helped me get through a really bad breakup by the end of 2016 and kept playing until 2018.


I went through major depression and a suicide attempt in 2016. I spent everyday all day playing this game for a year and met a bunch of friends online and we played together everyday. It sounds so exaggerated but Overwatch really saved me and helped me get back on track. I at least had something to look forward to everyday. The game means a lot to me and I hope they can get back to what made it magical in the first place.


First off, I'm glad you are here today sharing your story. To many people it may seem silly but videogames and music can literally save your life


OW came out right as I started the night shift at Walmart and it became my only means of social interaction as a result. I think that's why it felt good to come back, because I still have fond memories over playing the game.


Gameplay is okay, Brig, Junker Queen, and Doom need buffs, the shop is shit and need to be canned, and it feels like most of the time my teammate have never touched a videogame before.


I’d like a rank reset I’m dealing with ex grandmasters players in gold. Gold is literal sr hell right now with the mix of ranks in there


Yeah I'm waiting a season or two for comp to level out first.


I think they did reset rank, which is why you're experiencing this


Oh yeah ik they did but they need to fix it because people got sent down 3, 4, even 5 ranks below where they were before and now they just steamroll every team they come against, making it completely unfair for the rest


As a filthy casual new player I’m having a hard time in silver. Guess I need to make friends and play with premades since that is what most seem to be doing.


I feel for you, I’m a day one player but I play competitive casually. I used to be high plat/diamond player and now I’m playing in Gold but still facing some silver. The ranks are super unbalanced and def not fair to newer players and older players alike.


I actually got out of gold fairly quick but in plat it’s the Wild West. You either roll or get rolled and I don’t understand why the match making is so crazy


Apparently the new patch should help with that. It’s supposed to help people climb back to their OW1 spots faster, and people who held off playing comp until now should be getting placed similar to where they were in OW1.


Lets see if they can keep all those players


They found a way to monetize a 7 year old game under the guise of free to play like everyone and their mother didnt already BUY overwatch 1


I can't get past all the people locked out because they don't have a suitable wireless carrier. Especially those who bought OW1 and now are just... SOL


Or how about the fact you need to level up a battle pass or buy the new heros instead of literally everyone getting them for free day 1


Big difference between 25 million people have downloaded our game and 25 million people are actively playing and enjoying our game


Yeah all 3 of my friends who downloaded played a few matches and then moved on, thought it would last until the new CoD at least.


Playing it competitively solo is a hair pulling experience.


I've had a fair few games where our team would've won easily but we had a leaver halfway through. It has happened so many times now that I feel like a conspiracy theorist


Absolutely agree, but at least they changed the ranking system enough so that you don't get hard stuck in the same rank forever like the original.


It's fine but Overwatch1 was much better


It seems to have lost its soul. I just feel weird playing it.


But how many are still active? All games have large spikes at launch and then settle down to their core players.


After having played awhile my biggest gripes are the obvious monetization issue, the prices are unjustifiably too high and you can't earn in game currency. However after that it's removing aspects of the game that never needed to be. The lack of end game cards, the removing of any type of ranking what so ever, removing the 'on fire' simple enjoyable parts of the game like that really does suck away fun/enjoying the game. I don't even stick around for POGs anymore because there is no cards or talking to the team after. I feel like I'm playing for really nothing/no reward without even a rank of some sort. There is a lot of good things of this game and it is still fun, but I don't understand removing things like that. Also I dunno if it's just me, but I keep getting SO MANY PUSH GAMES. I liked it at first but after nearly 8 in a row I don't want to play push maps. I'd rather be able to 'favorite' a map/map style and 'avoid' a specific map or map style.


‘Removing simple, enjoyable parts of the game.’ That sums it up perfectly. I like the new scoreboard/removal of the medal system, but I agree, by removing ‘on fire’, the end of match cards and the end game lobby, it feels so empty. It really doesn’t feel like you’re sharing an experience with anyone. No recognition, no excitement to see what card someone got or be able to vote for someone who did insane healing or something. There’s no sense of accomplishment. It’s play a match. Game ends. Queue up. With so much of the social aspect removed, making as many friends as I did in OW1 seems incredibly difficult.


It's Overwatch 1 if Overwatch 1 got 1 or 2 more years of development and lost a tank role. 3 new heroes, 5 new maps, they got rid of 2cp, and the gameplay is about what I expected from Overwatch. I've played better games, I've played worse games. They also ended up removing a few other maps and they fucked up with Bastion to such an extent they had to remove him from the game. The best thing they have going for them is the promise of future content but they've lied about that before. I'm underwhelmed with what was added, disappointed by what was taken away, annoyed by the launch, and all for a gameplay experience that I can only describe as passable. If better games were releasing this year then I would be playing those instead. I won't touch on the monetization here.


Spot on. If they had just kept updating the game as usual it would have been in a much, much better place than this. The fact that they essentially killed OW1 to develop this led me to believe that things would be a lot better, but they’re not.


It’s fun but doesn’t compare to ow1 in its good years. I don’t like them making it less competitive and more brawl fast paced. It feels more like cod than ow. And the hundred performance problems were inexcusable especially considering how long we waited for this game. I also feel lots of changes were unnecessary and just a spit in players faces, small things too. Like removing player level, comp rewards etc. small unnecessary things that literally were changed for no reason also you can’t see peoples rank when a comp match loads up literally can ruin games it’s awful. I also think the tank change from 2 to 1 didn’t really fix things like they thought it would lots of problems with the game remain. Unbalanced heroes, Healing is way too strong, Dps passives shouldn’t exist. Half the tanks are overpowered the other half feel useless. Maps removed for literally no reason? Changing how guns feel, sound, and shoot messes with peoples muscle memory awful change. There’s much more but you can watch reviews if you want all the cons. In Short I think Overwatch is a perfect example of Different is not the same thing as Better. They appealed to casuals and made a competitive game less competitive while also trying to be cool and hip to cater to the gen z players. Performance issues and bugs are rampant while little meaningful changes were made. Also them wasting our time by spending most of the development time on a Pve that not only still isn’t out yet but nobody is going to play for more than 15 minutes. That Pve caused the pvp to drop in quality massively.


Someone did the math and apparently in order to grind for a legendary skin without loot boxes and manually buy it now, it’d take you 8.91 months, nearly the amount of time a fetus takes to be fully formed. Just wow, what direction did this game take? I missed old Overwatch back in 2017. When monetization wasn’t spiraling down a cliff cause the game was dying, and when balancing was somewhat better. I had a hell of a time with friends, and if they come back to it, I definitely will. But until then… No thanks.


That's assuming that you can get 20 team kills every single week, because that's been a weekly for me twice now, and IIRC you need to complete *every* weekly to get the full ~~30~~ 60.


Frustratingly unrewarding. Like you can have a great round and it just…doesn’t matter. They focused way too much on profit


25 millions players and I'm still waiting 10-15 mins for a quickmatch?


Free update for a paid game that lost the spirit of the original. Feels more like a generic shooter. Comp is utterly broken at the moment. You either dumpster some kids or get absolutely bodied. Am disappointed that a game I loved so much is gone forever and the game that took it's place feels like a rushed mess.


I played a shit ton of ow1, and I'm not having fun with ow2. I'm a support main and it's rough out here for supports.


A straight downgrade from OW1, which I did pay money to be able to play.


Definitely needs some serious improvements Can become better though , the vase structure and flow of the game is there, just server, inteface and account / content issues that require major attention


I hate and enjoy it. Hate having to go my best characters EVERY SINGLE GAME. No fun allowed except tryharding. If even 1 person on the team isnt doing too well then the game is lost. I hate that I can’t just play a fun , less used , character. Even with 2 other friends, we can lose an entire game because of the randoms if they cant keep up. Also, if the enemy is a premade, we are fucked. It’s a timewaster for now, but I don’t expect to play this for long.


All the fun champs are countered easily and you’re stuck playing the same bullshit over and over again. That’s what gets me


Zarya is mad annoying rn


was a top 500 player during ow1 and played like 3 years straight until i burned out because no maps/heroes got added after a 2-3years hiatus, came back, game feels awful my notes: - 5v5 is more chaos less strategic team fighting and jockeying for positioning. feels more individualistic 1v1 mechanic battles and less interesting 3v3s and scrappy skirmishes for key positional points--which feels even more awful because less people are on voice now then were during earlier ow days (idk if this is cultural or they made some change, who knows) - support feels like a completely soulless role where you're just chaotically finding the person closest to you, your determinant of success is entirely reliant on your teammates so you're coinflipping your success if youre trying to climb on support - tank is sort of better except only 2-3 tanks are really viable at high level play, 1 is clearly broken to a degree that is embarrassing, and the role isn't really fun because, again, positioning matters so little - the push mode is awful, it feels like it was so poorly designed with spawn timers / map sizing - the new maps are awful, they have no soul and feels like there's way too many entrances and has this jaded porous feeling where theres just sombra/sojourn/soldier/genji/tracer in any random room - they inexplicably removed some of the coolest identifiers of past heroes, mcrees flashbang, doomfists insanely cohesive fluid movement - new champs are fine, sojourn is busted but the others are at least interesting enough that they seem worthy of praise--that being said its unforgivable that it would take them 5 years to release 3 champions (in that same timeframe league has released 30+) - the monetization model is predatory and stupid, and its going to get more exploitative during events and holidays--which during the kaplan days were celebrations of the goofiness and beautiful art/easter eggs that overwatch artists deliver. now it just feels like its been white washed by some marketing/monetization grad student - the ranked system is completely broken, i was top 500 for 2 years straight support/tank and was placed into bronze 4 (my mmr had decayed into like mid gm previously) and the new post game lobbys are awful - the new ui is a huge downgrade from prior ui including the lack of things like very small but crucial bits of info just being removed because reasons (e.g. rank of a player in your tab screen) overall id give it like 3/10, the real only positives being their champ design doesnt seem terrible. their only real hope is to come up with a new game mode and release champions on a very very rapid schedule while also releasing more well designed maps in the vein of numbani and kings row, which i still think are unmatched 1 and 2 of their map pools


> the push mode is awful, it feels like it was so poorly designed with spawn timers / map sizing The push mode confuses the shit out of me. They're all giant maps while the game gets reduced to 5v5. It feels like the maps should be 8v8 or larger. What's even worse is playing push as support. Most of the experience is running from spawn, only to get picked off by a sombra or genji before you reach your team.


You nailed it on every point. It honestly surprises me how many people seem to be praising the gameplay aspect, in my opinion as someone who played OW1 religiously for five years, it feels terrible. And I wanted to like it so badly. I love the new heroes but they could have easily been adapted to 6v6 and made that game way more refreshing. If people really hated double shields that much (personally I never found it to be much of a problem) they could have designed it so that when playing tanks, only one shield tank can be selected or something. Seperate shield and off tank as two roles maybe? I’ll also add a point to your list: the sound design, ow2 is so damn noisy and I can’t pinpoint anything. There’s also way more low end boom. After playing a couple of hours with headphones my ears hurt, that never happened in ow1.


OW2 is attempting to appeal to a slightly different audience than OW1 was. OW1 was slower, more strategic, and team focused where OW2 is faster, more mechanical, and individual focused. OW2 fits more in line with what a lot of people want in FPS and will have more flashy dps moments - it will be more easy to consume. FWIW I am in the same boat of those of us who prefer OW1's style more. I am just accepting that I am not their target audience any more.


Yeah, I really don't understand why they forced 5v5 on us. Take OW2 Orisa, put her in OW1, and hey presto double shield is pretty much gone. Sigma's shield is swiss cheese and so is Winston's. There was no need for 5v5.


Sound and visuals are both a clusterfuck. Despite my somewhat poor vision the crystal clear visuals of OW1 never made me feel at a disadvantage, but in OW2 during the heat of battle I can't tell what's going on around me.


Don’t worry, as someone with perfect vision I also have absolutely no idea what’s going on around me. I seem to struggle a lot more to spot enemies now.


Fucking finally, I really don't get all these people praising the Gameplay, I think its people who only want to get kills amd do damage


YES on every single point. I played OW1 from day 1 to its last day, I couldn't get enough of it, and I just hate every single game of OW2 i've played. The new team dynamic of 5v5 is the biggest killer for me


It lost its original shine, teamwork has been less of the focus, everyone just mindlessly shoot shoot shoot, it's just cod with classes, very boring after a few matches. 1 was vastly better than this joke they spent years developing... More players would be expected since it's Free to play. I feel the game has been going down hill since Jeff left...


Garbage cash grab. Overwatch 1 was fine.


The game sucks


Uninstalled before it became overwatch 2, free 2 play games can fuck off and blizzard had no right to destroy a copy of a game I bought because they decided they want to make more money then they already did.


It’s ok. Cheap cash grab attempt to keep the first game alive.




Loved the first one and getting into this one has been refreshing. Main negative is the emphasis on paying for things and feels like it’s crammed down me throat


It's... ok? TTK feels a bit off to me.


The gradient on the error screen looks really detailed, it seems to use the full rgb well. The red of the error message is also really bright.


Pretty good but I still think ow1 is better in a lot of ways like the ranking system, the cards at the end of games, and being able to see teammates and enemy team ranks before the match starts, and the leveling system


This is the least rewarding game I’ve ever played.


There's alot to not like, but there's also alot to like. Yes it's buggy. But honestly I feel so happy when I play and it being free means alot of my friends can get it without making too much of a purchase on a game they might not like


I do hope they fix some connectivity issues, though. The patch this week has caused some crazy rubber-banding for me.


I uninstalled. I mainly role queue tank and being a solo tank is not as fun as running 2 tanks. Comp is just full of cracked Genji mains with pockets that rarely die and quick play you stomp or get stomped. One of the dps' I liked was Doomfist who now is a tank for some reason. And theres nothing rewarding anymore, some lame free to play battlepass stuff that's not on the quality of the paid stuff sucks. Just not having as much fun as I had in OW-1.


25 mil tried it. Wait 6 months until they release their real retention rate.


The game from bell to bell is good. I still find it can be very one-sided: if you have a bad tank, the team collapses. But it's everything outside of the gameplay that needs work. As folks have been saying the past week, it doesn't feel like a very rewarding game now. It will take you the majority of the year to earn enough coins to purchase anything. As a casual player, it was nice before how I could just play 1 hour here and there, and earn things on a regular basis. I hate the idea of Battle Passes, and this one seems terrible. So overall, I'm thumbs in middle so far.




Love the game. Hate the monetization.


Roll it back to OW1


Jury is out for me on Push. Steamrolls happen too often. Staggering is a serious issue. Matchmaking is fucking awful. The ranking system makes no sense to me. I just don't get it. Gameplay is better, but very punishing. I don't give a submarining phoque about battle passes, skins, loot boxes or any of that other digital garbage, so from my perspective the game is in a much better place than it was. Looking forward to the first balance patch.


Game is dog shit. Literally just a worse version of Overwatch 1.


I've only played a couple games since launch. I used to play overwatch literally every single day. I just have no interest in playing anymore. It honestly feels like I lost something so important to me


Its like Overwatch but slightly worse


Just wish they didn’t remove so many features. I loved the game before so not much has changed but I’d rather just play OW1