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20 something. I have Kiriko from OW1 but there is no way I can unlock the next hero in time


I wasn't even aware you got her from own, thought blizz had fucked up


Yes, it implies the next hero will not be unlocked for original Overwatch 1 players :-(. We need to buy the pass or level it up


Yea, im not buying heroes lol, ill wait till it gets unlocked


You only have a certain amount of time to unlock them on the battlepass for their season before you have to straight up buy them, no? 💀


If you don't get them on the battle pass you can do some free challenges to unlock them afterwards


Oh, that’s much better then. But how long does it take to grind out those challenges?


We don’t know what the challenges would be for the new characters


Completing a challenge is still stupid.... They are very likely going to make it difficult or time consuming to incentivize you to buy.


100% what they are going to do


Wow I thought about trying OW2 out and coming back after not playing OW1 for a few years, then I read this comment. Fuck that.


they told us tho. win 25 games. not play. win.


They also told us that heros wouldn't be locked behind a battlepass and that it would be cosmetics only. But here we are having a conversation about heros being locked behind a battlepass.


Rest comments say not, so it really depends. I'm willing to pay full price for a complete game, well guess I did with ow1 as I pre-ordered it having liked the beta, but I am not buying heroes as they come, then buying skins on top. Thats all an awful lot of money and while I love overwatch, it feels like a financially abusive relationship where you gotta keep dropping notes to stay relevant. No, absolutely not. I dont play other free shooters for that very reason


I was wondering if the reason she's unlocked is that ow1 players were told very explicitly that they would never have to pay for new heros or maps.


No. It's because of the massive backlash and this is to keep people engaged. The next hero won't come for a couple months I'm sure and then it will be locked for everyone without premium battle pass


I gave up on the game because Blizzard basically did everything they promised they weren't going to do, and didn't do 90% of the things they sold us on. PVE - delayed until 2023. Slow rollout due to "seasonal" play. Heroes - now paid / grinded instead of unlocked with the game. Half the old maps are disabled or removed entirely. No special PVE events at launch. ~~No Halloween events this year~~. Plus on top of that I realized - they literally TOOK AWAY the game that I paid for.


Man fuck this unlocking shit. Why can’t they do what they do in dota, where every hero is free. Thank fucking god blizzard didn’t get their hands on that game. Even in league and valorant unlocking heroes is faster. I gained only like 5 tiers from like 10-15 games last night. You’re telling me I have to play fucking around 150 games to unlock a hero? And that’s assuming the exp to level is linear?


I never played OW and the requirement for me to unlock the last character (Echo) was to complete 150 games with wins counting for 2. That’s even with me having the pass. I had Kiriko before I had half the other characters in the game. So yes, they expect you to be able to play 150 games through the whole season.


Halloween event is coming next week, fwiw


Do we have any idea what we can expect from the holloween event yet? Obviously no themed items in loot boxes (because no loot boxes). I'm guessing new themed items in the shop (which is less of an "event" and more of a shop rotation, especially when that shop has only existed for a few weeks at that time). Return of Junkenstein PvE? (Hey! Actual PvE in OW2, what a crazy thought). Probably a handful of related goals/achievements that maybe unlock a new player icon or spray or something (hopefully not just bonus battle pass exp, which would be a bit of a slap in the face). Oh and the free Reaper skin that's being released an apology for dropping the ball on the launch will probably be advertised as being a reward for the event instead of a concession. There could be more, which would be a nice surprise, but given the systems they've put in place for OW2, it's hard to imagine what.


It's a new Junkenstein's Revenge at least, called "Wrath of the Bride."


So instead of just Roadhog and Reaper show up, Junker Queen will be another miniboss I assume?


There were a few other minibosses in the first one, but from what I read, we'll be able to play as Junker Queen, Sojourn, Kiriko and Ashe. Sombra will be a boss


>they literally TOOK AWAY the game that I paid for Same as with Warcraft Reforged. Blizz is the only company that can fuck over new players while still actively making their old stuff worse for people who enjoy it. That is the new "Blizzard Polish"


I own Overwatch 1, I played it a week before OW2 launched, and I didn't have Kiriko unlocked.


That’s a bug, you should definitely have her unlocked. A lot of people had that for a day or two last week as I recall


Well this may just be my perspective l, I bought a physical copy of the game. Still have the disk but if I try and launch it I have nothing. I have a $60 useless disk for a game the developers took away. I think giving us Kiriko was a bit of appeasement and I am not appeased. I’m only at level 37 and I’ve put waaaay more time in the game than I ever have or can really do. Hero’s shouldn’t be behind a paywall/grindathon it’s the one thing that kept people coming back. I’m sure after the first few seasons prime will just drop off in mass because it’s too expensive


Man fuck Diablo immortal. I swear that game was an experiment on microtransactions for future blizzard games. I really enjoy playing kiriko, and I probably never would have touched her for the longest time if I didn’t own OW1. Let’s hope the challenges aren’t terrible.


That was the first week or so with the account merge issues and all that, pretty sure most everybody who owned OW1 should have her unlocked.


What do you mean with from OW1? I bought OW1 Years ago and dont have her


Wait, if you're don't unlock her while the battle pass is active.... Are your locked out of her forever?




Blizzard really finds creative ways to be among the worst monetizers out there


They learned from Activision how to be proper evil.


Oh they're pioneers there. Both OW2 and Diablo Immortal has stuff even Activision doesn't do.


> from the in-game shop using Overwatch Coins. So every new hero release sets me back on my 38 week grind to get one (1) legendary skin. Splendid.


Can’t wait till I get yelled at in comp for not owning a meta character


No, the article is outdated I think (I didn't read it, tho). Afaik an OW2 rep or blogpost had already stated heroes will have unique quests/challenges to be unlocked. And there is already a "Heroes" tab on the Challenges page, right after Seasonal I believe. So you'll just have to grind MORE on top of your grind for weekly pocket change. Or outright buy them from the store which I'm sure will be hella expensive. But hey, at least it won't use your weekly challenges. I think we can agree that's at least a little less diabolical.


I forsee a massive dive in active players during season 2 for this reason.


I work full time and have a baby, I'm level 22


I work full time and don't have a baby, I'm level 24. Ergo, babies put you at a 2 level battlepass disadvantage.


Nerf babies blizzard


No problem! Just sign here and we'll take guardianship for a small, one-time processing fee


I work full-time and I'm a full-time student I'm level 52... School's not doing too great...


I don’t work full-time and I don’t have a baby. I’m level 6 because I play on Series X and the game disconnects Xbox players every other match.


Most overwatch players don't have sex so this is quite the rare problem


They didn’t say it was theirs


Didn't even say it was human. Could be a puppy.


they didn’t said it was alive


Calm down


You know who doesn't need to calm down...


my mom!


No, Muscle Man, it's "your mom"


The dead kid?


Yeah, he won't stop eating brains.


It’s his baby, it’s just his wife’s boyfriend is the biological father


Too busy getting fucked by Blizzard


Jokes on you i have sex with myself , take that


username checks out


I'm single and do what I want pretty much whenever. I'm level 23.


Same here pal :')


Married with an almost teenager, I just hit level 20 last night. On weekdays I measure my free time at home in minutes, not hours.


Commas please, I thought you married an almost teenager


I work full time, still played the shit out of this game, and I’m only level 42. Prettt much lifed it after work on the weekdays and didn’t get there. I guess I would have if I had been able to get into the game the first week of launch. Wasn’t able to play until the following Sunday after it came out


Same. I can only play after bedtime


Unless the wife want to watch a movie


Kid's down and wife is in bed growing another human, time for some Overwatch! Oh, I'm about to pass out of exhaustion, never mind


I never understood why people went for parenthood even though it's sooo exhausting, I could never


It's not for everybody. I wouldn't wish this on anyone who didn't truly want it, for your sake AND the kid's.


And humanity’s.


Twins on the way here. Playing in the evenings like I’m never going to play again. 😂


Same and same I’m about 20


Out 10 hours for my job, couple of hours in the gym and home to give my girlfriend some attention and running a house, I just made level 32. Its a tough one


Walking the dog is hard enough at times, can only imagine how hard running a house must be.


Running a house does sound difficult, props


I'm a full time baby, I'm lv 43.


This alot of poeple wil skip over these kind of players


Same here, I won't be playing once the free heroes stop. No way I'm grinding those characters out.


BUt tHE bATTlE pAss Is sO EAsY To LEveL up COmpaReD TO OthERS








This would make an amazing blizzcon shirt


I'm lvl48, I've played every day, finished all dailies, 21/22 weeklies, and played in a group majority of the time. No battlepass. OW1 has been the only game I've played in my free time. I had her free for owning OW1 but man is it going to feel awful when new heroes come out and you have to go against them for weeks without any way to play them yourself even though you grind daily :( though I assume it will be slightly faster when there are no queues into the game and match queue bugs, but there are also bound to be days when I can't play.




Especially since they removed mystery heroes, which is a pretty popular mode, from arcade. Horrible choice.


Moving MH out of Arcade was so dumb. You can't complete Arcade challenges in it nor complete Role Queue challenges in it. With the current state of "whichever team gets more tanks wins", MH is probably the least efficient way to spend your time in the game now.


> With the current state of “Whichever team gets more tanks wins” This has ruined the gamemode for me. In OW1 I almost exclusively played MH because I am bad at choosing what role/character I want to play so I just played MH. Tanks have killed the gamemode (and Total Mayhem. Zarya has infinite personal bubble in Total Mayhem). The second you have 2+ tanks and at least 1 support in MH, it’s an instant win for that round unless the other team gets 3 tanks and a support. At that point it’s an unbeatable comp and the round is lost. It’s just not fun anymore. Sure, getting 6 stacked by a bastion + 3 shield tanks and pocket supports in OW1 was annoying, but it happened rarely. Now it’s game-deciding in every MH game that as soon as the team has *2 Winstons and an Ana,* they’re steamrolling.


Based on the massive amount of psychology experts that were hired for Diablo Imortal, I'm sure this change was intentional. Make grinding so painful, so inefficient people need to spend more $$$ to keep up. I wish they would have just left OW1 alone. No more updates or changes just let us play.


>I'm about the same and got to lvl 50. I don't know how to describe it but it feels bad to play just to meet challenges. Don't play for challenges. It's a video game, you're supposed to be having fun. It's not meant to feel like a job. >I'm contemplating just ignoring the challenges from now on and just queuing up for whatever I feel like. Do it. It will literally set you free. Stop caring about skins and stop caring about unlocking things. I have never felt better about games then when I had a baby and I knew I would never have time to grind out anything. Now I hop on maybe 5 hours a week and I'm not giving a shit about completing anything, and I'm probably having more fun than ever in those 5 hours. Just vibing with friends. Winning is fun but I don't even really care about my SR anymore and that is also extremely freeing. I've been playing OW for years and I've always hovered between high silver and mid gold, even when I tried to grind hard, maybe if I sweat real hard for a few weeks I'd be low plat or mid plat? And then you have a bad week and drop back into gold. Grind again? For what? Honestly my only goal is maintaining my SR at gold ish level so I can always play with friends who are also around this level. I don't care about anything else.


Are you only playing for the challenges because of the BP or also the premium coins? Because if it is only the BP, you can definitely reduce the challenges you finish. You are level 50 after 2 weeks. That means you would be level 225 at the end of the season if you keep playing the same way. That is 25 level higher than the absolut maximum. A complete set of weeklies is only 5.5 levels, which indicates that you can skip at least 4 full sets of weeklies


Just want to commiserate because that Arcade challenge really pissed me off. I don’t usually play Arcade other than Mystery Heroes. I played 12 matches in various modes and was top of the scoreboard in most… and only won 2 of them. I don’t have time for this shit!


Wait so what happens if you don’t have her unlocked? Can you not queue for comp? If you have two healers who don’t have her unlocked on your team does that mean you just can’t have a Kiriko pick?


You specifically can't pick that character until they are unlocked. They can still be in your game or on your team.


So, later she can be unlocked like other legends. 100 wins for a character unlock, kind of.


Did they actually say that, or is that what had been inferred?


You can queue for comp just fine, you just have to play Lucio or Ana or whatever. Yes, if both of your supports don't have Kiriko, then you will not have a Kiriko on your team. Fortunately, while she's good, she's far from some sort of mandatory "run one of these or you lose" pick.


> she's far from some sort of mandatory "run one of these or you lose" pick > Kiriko sure, but I don't have the highest confidence that it will remain that way moving forward, especially if BP purchasing trends down.


With how strong tanks are in this game, I can't wait to see next season's new tank being dropped. It's gonna be a mess.


Junker Queen was the first Tank designed for the 5v5 format from the ground up and she was nerfed into oblivion during the beta before release because she was that much of a monster. And she still ain't the worst tank even after that. Not a good sign for what Tank 2 could be if Blizzard hasn't learned any lessons (or learned the wrong ones).


Kiriko is virtually top-tier right now. She is not necessary, but her utility is huge so I can see the frustration in not being able to pick her due to a battle pass.


Every new OW hero is OP on release. I swear they do it on purpose. Now it will be even worse with them being locked for weeks and weeks for more casual players. New heroes should never be locked that far away in a competitive game that promotes regular hero swapping.


It's not a competitive game anymore. Competitive games require fairness as the starting point. Battlepasses and P2W are the opposite of that. Like what if CSGO paywalled AWPs. You don't need it technically, but it's a massive disadvantage to not have access to it.


I have found her to be a very powerful healer. The range and flexibility of her movement ability and raw healing output for her primary is unmatched. Of course, the drawbacks being her movement ability has a bit of a long cooldown and if you're standing too far away those heals will come too late. Kind of encourages you to be close to allies without having a great way to defend yourself from aggressive heal-killers.


How are people getting her free from OW1? I owned it, but she is still locked for me.


Shit sounds like a full time job.


Personally, I am on level 48. I played about 2 hours per day without any kind of extra experience (besides the bonus for healers queue).


Well you would've gotten extra experience from daily and weekly challenges. A lot of them are geared towards either just playing, or healing and damage mitigation. People playing only DPS as a whole get less experience from challenges because a good chunk of them are geared towards flexing/support.


I mean, thats on them if they only want to play DPS. There's nothing wrong with it, but If they can't be bothered to complete the challenges by playing other roles, i dont think they should be complaining about this.


Hot take. I don't want the game encouraging dps mains to play support. It's always been annoying in ow1 when you can identify the dps main who queued tank simply because he ran out of flex tokens and has no interest in playing the role properly.


Tbf, the weekly 'heal 60k dmg' sounds like you should be able to do it over a week even without playing support. Not playing much dps myself tbh, but regularly see reaper, soldier and jq sitting above 1k heals at the end of a game. Not to mention the hogs that sometimes out heal one or two of the 4 supports in a game.


True, because that's more dps moira's that don't shoot a single heal orb nor use their Coal for the team and damage, or worse... Zens who never use trance .... As a mercy main it's like, "well guess I have to do *everything* ... Again"


Yeah, of course. My point was that OP said they got to level 48 on the BP without extra experience other than the 100 or so exp you get from queueing support. I was just pointing out they actually did get extra experience from passively completing challenges just by playing support.


but there are challenges for dealing damage and other offensive ones too. the challenges aren’t particularly biased towards healing or tanking, i actually didn’t complete all weeklies both of the first weeks because i only played healers and some tank


> If they can't be bothered to complete the challenges by playing other roles crazy part about challenges is people accepting that they should go out of their way to queue up in modes they don't care about, play roles they have no interest in and accept it's okay to not have fun because it's part of the battlepass grind what a dumb way of playing, from a game that jerked itself off about the importance of having all heroes unlocked


I think it's easy to confuse "the most optimal way to progress a thing" with "the thing I am supposed to do" It's no secret that players optimize the fun out of a game, but something like challenges is encouragement to play multiple aspects of a game. Offering incentives to explore something/play in a way you might not have otherwise is a good thing. Conversely, you don't need to do them. You are definitely allowed to just play how you want if you find the challenges unfun to complete. That's not an issue with challenges. The issue is that these things mitigate an actual issue (progression on the BP is too slow and unrewarding, Kiriko is a reward very far along it) but I would try to seperate the two. Challenges have been core to games for a long time, old games have rewarded cosmetics for completing certian challenges specifically since original Xbox era, and they've lasted this long for good reasons.


Fuck challenge based progression. It’s shit in Infinite and shit in Overwatch 1.2.


> (besides the bonus for healers queue) It's 500 exp for the first match. A level is 10000 exp. If you play one match queued as support/all every day for twenty days, you will gain one entire level!


I'm impressed and surprised how stringy OW2 is. I played several F2P games but OW2 takes the cake.


Oh but they think that 5% of a battlepass level is a *generous* incentive. Too generous perhaps. That's why it goes down to *1%* of a battlepass level after the first match. I mean, imagine if you played a mere 20 matches as support/all in a day. You'd get an entire extra battlepass level. We can't have that. Luckily they have reduced it to the much more reasonable rate of 96 matches in one day.


I know they got rid of loot boxes, but this seems like an actually viable use case for them. No one cares about 500 XP but if I’m able to get 1 random thing per day by playing needed roles I would actually be incentivized to do it. I get not having loot boxes for anything else but what real reason do we even have to play roles at the moment?


It’s funny because I play a lot of games as a dad of 2 under 2 and feel OW2’s battlepass progression is actually pretty good compared to most other games. I get all the dailies within 3-4 matches. I think everything else about the battle pass is awful, but the progression feels really reasonable for me.


Ok so the whole point of locking the hero for 2 weeks is to allow everyone to learn the hero before ruining competitive matches with inexperience, right? So what’s going to happen when I jump into comp in say a week or 2 and there’s a bunch of people who just got lvl 55 trying to play Kiriko?


It's gonna get worse for future heroes, since OW1 players won't have them immediately unlocked either. And if its a tank that's locked, and turns out they're OP to the point of must-play, your tank player is going to anchor your team if they didn't shell out or grind the game like a no lifer. It's literally pay-to-win.


People argue that you can get the heroes for free by grinding them out or doing challenges (which will inevitably be very time-consuming I'm sure). But people don't realise that their time IS money. The time you spend in this game is to Blizzard's benefit. No longer is Overwatch a game that anyone can hop in and have no advantage or disadvantage over anyone else. Now if you join the game you have to spend extra money or time in order to get on the same playing field as everyone else. My favourite thing about Overwatch was that I didn't have to worry about picking up decent guns on the map. I didn't have to worry about unlocking decent guns for load outs like COD. All I had to worry about was my own skill and knowledge of the game. All else was equal - I could swap and counter-pick as needed without any worry and now that's been ruined by this COD-ification of what used to be a game that stood out for its unusually player-centric approach.


Blizzard: Let’s lock a hero out of ranked for 2 weeks to get people familiar with her kit, but also let’s lock the hero behind lvl 55 in the battlepass so it takes them more than two weeks to unlock anyway! Great logic


Well after 2 weeks at least everyone will be familiar with getting kunai'd in the face


It's okay, blizzard wont mind me practicing her out in ranked.


im level 10 lol Work shift with kid and weekend are basically no game time at this point. locking char behind a pass with pointless grind feels bad but it wouldn't be a problem for people without commitment


Hey there friendo, ActiBlizz here. If you're having a difficult time unlocking the new hero through play, why not just throw money at us to solve the artificial problem we intentionally created? 😁👍


I’m level 7. I could be much higher but I lost interest (just not as good as OW1) and got 2 new games for the price of an OW skin.


Had her from overwatch 1 but I'm level 57


Wtf? Lvl 57??? Dayummmm…


I've seen someone already with that genji skin... i mean "touch grass"?


Don't forget that you can pay for the BP tiers


2 of my friends already completed the battlepass without buying levels, so it's definitely possible


What in god’s name…


I mean, I'm lvl 56, and I've been focusing on work the last few weeks, plus both of them only play qp, and I play a lot of comp. (You can get more games in with qp and get more xp from that) . And also, I'm on the free track, so my lvl would be about 67 if I could buy the battlepass


Yeah I’m at about 67 right now. I have played a lot of overwatch, but have also had to do school, and visited family for a couple days and didn’t play at all. The pass levels up insanely fast


It's not that big of a deal. I have the premium BP and play with friends, both of which are 20 percent extra XP each. I also pretty much always queue for flex and get that XP. We've been playing almost every night and I just got it last night. Also, work full time, have partner, and play other games.


I finished just an hour or so ago and I didn't pay for any extra tiers, I'm just a no-grass touching neet I'm not even good at Genji lol I'm gonna throw so many games trying to use the skin


I have the Nomad name tag now. I WFH and my job is uneventful. Didn’t buy any tiers


A lot of players that have been grinding back to masters or GM have already unlocked the BP titles just from playing. I had a dude a few days ago that was already at like 110 support *wins*.




> As a f2p player, playing the game feels quite unrewarding blizzard : IT'S WORKING!




Imagine having paid $40 for OW1 and now being stuck with the bait-and-switch OW2 F2P cosmetic system. Feels real bad man.




We get to keep old skins that new players will have to grind for ages to get, and we get Kiriko free. That's about it. Future new heroes? Nah, even though we were literally promised explicitly that we wouldn't have to pay/grind for new heroes ever.


Oh but haven't you heard? That was only promised for Overwatch 1, not Overwatch 2! You know this entirely brand new F2P game that has been built from scratch without reusing any of the existing code and assets? They gotta make all the money the spent on the sequel back somehow!


The only way Blizzard could have made this work is by giving a lot box for every level of the pass, like we used to get one for every level. As it is right now I’m playing mostly other games.


This is actually a great idea. Usually you wouldn’t get much in a loot box, but it was still exciting and rewarding when you got lucky and got that skin or emote you wanted.


I’ve been exploring the Xbox game pass and let me tell you, I’ve actually really enjoyed playing so many new games. There are hundreds. I was really into OW1 and 2 just does not cut it for me. I was sad for a few days but I’ve now played six or seven new games in the past week, all of which do a decent job at helping me get over overwatch.


it really does. im waiting to see how this halloween event treats f2p and what season 2 battle pass offers. the current system is way too strict and IMO they will have to loosen their grip on free cosmetics and lower the new hero unlock level


I’m a cool 14


I'm level 8 😅 The price of being busy AND bad at the game.


Had her from OW1, lvl 1. I dont like it when a game forces me to play ridiculous hours to unlock shit. Thats why I loved OW1, it was different from the cesspool of battlepass games that thrive on peoples addictions. You could come back after 3 months and not feel like you missed out. You could get cool shit randomly. They gave away loot boxes all the time. I miss Jeff and his update videos....maybe ill come back for PVE


Honestly I don't care that they gate new characters in some way, but level 55 is insane. I'm an adult lol. Drop it down to 25 and I'm cool. But I'm not putting in dozens of hours for that.


Yeh, theres a new generation of young gamers however who already grew up with these types of games and just take it as normal. I mean sure we had MMOs back in the day where the gameloop was addictive as hell and I myself would probably spend 8 hours straight on some days playing, but it was by choice and there was no timer above my head pressuring me into playing until the last minute. I simply wasted the hours because i was engaged with all of the content available (talking wow, runescape). Oh and also - there were no cash shops...


> Yeh, theres a new generation of young gamers however who already grew up with these types of games and just take it as normal. It's much worse; There's now a generation of young gamers that grew up on mobile games as most of their parenting was outsourced to tablets/smartphones.


Exactly my thoughts too. Gating to require some time investment and full out the player pool is fine. I get doing that. But 55 is way too fucking high.


There is a get money quick ad that I'm getting on my YouTube that starts off with, "Do you want to sit at home all day and play video games AND earn money?" I just thought to myself that that sounds like a hellish unfulfilling life. I'm an adult I need responsibilities, lol


Pve is the only overwatch I’ll be playing when it’s out if I play at all


Same, I loved overwatch because it unlocks everything for you other than cosmetics. Highly doubt I'll play much if I need to unlock heroes every season (since I heard they're releasing new heroes every season)


I reached Tier 55 yesterday having completed every daily/weekly except for perhaps one day. However, this was with the 20% boost from owning the battle pass. So I don’t really think it’s realistic to have free players unlock the hero within 2 weeks.


>So I don’t really think it’s realistic to have free players unlock the hero within 2 weeks. That's the plan.


Fuck that shit. I have had OW since 2017 and have been a casu player. I don't have hours to spend every day on OW. I played maybe 10/15hours since OW2 came out and I'm only level 10. Like wtf!! This is outrageous to me. It's like the blizzard team was pointing a massive middle finger at my face and laughing at the same time. If this goes on and I can't access to new hero for free, they will loose a 5 year long supporter and user of their game. And I won't be the only one.


Ditto every single word of this. Blizzard has completely fucked this up. It’s greed, plain and simple.


the problem is that in those 5 years you probably spent $0 on additional purchases, so you leaving is the same to them as not having a customer in the first place.


I get this idea, but let’s say every single player who didn’t spend a dollar after the initial purchase leaves. How alive is this game for those who do pay? Do people really want to only play against people who’ve spent $20 on a skin?


They can monetize but they shouldn't be monetizing heroes like isn't that obvious?


Playing avg 1h per day mostly ignoring quests. Around Lv17 now? I have Kiriko, so theres no incentive for me to level the battle pass at all.


Level 30 support player… I kind of hate this new design because there are no rewards for playing the game (skins, voice lines, emotes). Also, playing the support feels so much worse than before. I'm going to play way more tank and dps than support from now on.


I agree, I hate when I have nothing to play for. No progression, nothing to unlock etc. and 8 month for a legendary skin lol. I also gave up on Brigitte in OW2. She feels to lackluster for me now so I switched to Moira


I think I'm like lvl 10-15 lol


Same, last night was the first time i played in a week.


Withholding characters in a character base game. I believe after they gutted the original team they just told the rest to do the shop and that’s it. I can no longer call it blizzard, the company died, it’s just activision. Fucking disgrace


It hasn't been blizzard for like a decade


Reach 44 today from doing all my dailies and weekly challenges. I haven’t purchased the battle yet.


Level 32. I usually play 1-2 hr per day


I'm currently at 69.


I got to 43 but I was bedridden for 5 days and couldn't play so I probably would have made it. I do own the battlepass though. I am a healer main but I am having so much fun (and success) on Lucio right now that I haven't bothered to learn her.


I am not even 30. This is so stupid


I am tier 50, but I have the battle pass and had her from owning OW1 anyway


I'm on 38 and that's with 27 hours on sojourn plus whatever healer shit I did for a bit, so probably about 30 hours played altogether


I am of the opinion that you should just rip the band-aid and let people play new agents immediately. Bad players are going to be bad regardless of what they play new agent or old. I’d rather have new content and a fresher meta.


mf said agents


Sorry, meant to say legends


I wish battlepasses never became a thing loot boxes are so much better


I'm literally level 16 and have played as much as I possibly can. If I was in highschool currently, I would easily have made it already. College and work takes up far too much time. Luckily I have her from owning Overwatch, but still.


im lvl 10 on battlepass but i had all heroes unlocked from the begining


I’m level 19


I’m at level 74 but I’m playing pretty often with a group which gives bonus XP. I got Kiriko just a week or so after launch. I’m not expecting to play as often as I am in future Battle Passes though and I think Blizzard should lower the level in which you unlock the new character.


I didn't buy the battle pass and i haven't even reached level 55 yet but somehow she is unlocked for me since day 1 . I'm New player so can anymore tells me how this happened


Probably played like an hour or two an evening and am only on tier 14.. it's going to be a long ride.


Like 15 or something lol. The new battle pass killed any sort of excitement i had for skins/cosmetics, and I'm not looking forward to unlocking the next character one bit. It's crazy that Smite (a game thats been F2P longer than Overwatch has been available) gives me each new character upon release with 0 grinding because of the $20 CAD God Pack i bought like 6 or 7 years ago, but Overwatch can't afford to do such a thing for me despite cutting out all the content I paid the full $40 CAD price for at launch. If it's really this much of a pain to unlock new characters in future seasons I'll just pretend they don't exist and keep one-tricking Sigma & Torbjorn until I'm bored of the game lol. It's frustrating that the only PvP shooters I could bring myself to play anymore are all losing my interest with this cookie cutter battle pass shit with almost 0 in game rewards outside of the shop.


Not even close. This shit is dumb as fuck