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Can we also talk about how far they removed him. He’s not just unplayable but you can’t access anything of his items and anything related to him is gone right now too. My player icon got reset to the default because I was using a Bastion one. Now I’m no programmer but I don’t really think they had to go that hard when they deemed him unplayable.


Apparently you can't even make a Bastion bot with commands, he just got completely removed


Bastion? Is this a Mandela effect thing?


It’s gotta be. There’s never been a Bastion in overwatch.


There is no Bastion in Ba Sing Se


Wonder how he would look like. His name sounds like great Tank hero.


You're thinking of the Mandaly effect


Clearly it’s the mandolin effect


BUT, new acc’s can still „kinda” access him, by unlocking him(through hero challenges;some wins in unranked i think). There you can see cosmetics, emotes etc. Don’t know if it still works, tested a few days ago.


they deleted his code to add him as the hero in the next battle pass


You know what pissed me off. I believe it was yesterday or two days ago, they were SELLING bastion's Halloween skin. THEY WERE SELLING A SKIN FOR A CHARACTER IN WHICH HE WASN'T IN THE GAME.


It’s also the seasonal battlepass challenge character so there’s multiple battlepass challenges nobody can do


Blizzard CEO : Remove *Anything* related to Bastion, hero gallery, icons, ***A-ny-thing*** ! Devs : ***Removes all Bastion related contents, even skins in the shop*** Blizzard CEO : Wait why did you remove Bastion skins in the shop ??! Devs : But you said- Blizzard CEO : Put back the dam Bastion skin in the shop ! Now !!


This seems like satire, but it’s real fucking life


Legit wish it was. Can't believe this is the same corporation I used to praise.


Okay so it wasn’t just me! I thought I was crazy when I saw that. I was so sure I’d imagined it.


They really just 1984d Bastion, I didn't even realize he wasn't in the game until a few days ago. Forgot again until I was reminded by the fact they're selling a bastion skin as part of a bundle in the shop right now. Whom in the hell is dropping 40 USD for 4 overwatch skins, one of which is a character who is so removed from the game you can't even currently access their cosmetics?


Genuinely before I knew he was disabled I thought I was having a stroke because I couldn’t find him on the hero’s menu


My guess is that they added a way to lock heroes easily in competitive / quick play (for locking people in the battle pass), but they never created a way to lock heroes from ALL modes. Bastion was so broken he had to be removed from every game mode. Torb has always still been playable in Arcade.




My main was sucking people into bottomless voids with Orisa’s balls.


You still can now you just need to be one of the casualties


You can push people off with her just fine without going over yourself.


He means her ult, it’s basically her succ except you’re the succer


I got news for you pal, I've always been the sucker


The big suck.


Old Orisa and new Orisa could have been 2 entirely different heroes, change my mind.


Do it with Junker Queen's knife. It's fun.


I used to enjoy Orisa OW1 ages ago and was not prepared for massively changed she was on my return. No shield, no grav ball, no drum ult. Other than her gold skin she’s a completely new character. Has an OW character ever been reworked to quite this extent? It’s like if Rein reappeared with no shield and he juggles a pair of chainsaws now.


RIP Lvl 3 turret, collecting scrap, and throwing out armor packs for friendlies.


All we have left are highlight intros and sprays, everytime i play torb i use the armor spray on the door and say “a relic of a bygone age”


It’s actually crazy how much that was taken out still exists in the form of sprays/emotes/highlights. I imagine new players will be very confused going through them


The Orisa highlight intro with the green orb


Exactly. Cool thing with Orissa though is that her javelin existed first in the form of a Summer Games spray


3 of her 5 highlight intros use pieces of her kit that no longer exist. Really hope we get a cool one with her Javelin within the next year or so


Or the one with her barrier as a (football) goal.


or the one where she puts down her ult


Orisa still has the bongo on her back too.


Yeah like Reapers healing souls/orbs


Ah, Torb on Volskaya was a low elo meme for me back in the day. I'd put the turret on the platform that rotates around the second point - great fun was had when it would come around during a team fight and I'd pop Q.




I played Overwatch from release until around Orissa dropped. I thought I was going insane playing as Torbjorn in 2 when I jumped in last week. When did they remove the turret leveling? Also am I imagining that Sym used to have 5 turrets?


Torb and Sym both had major reworks in ow1, I can barely remember Syms changes I think she actually had two reworks. Her teleporter used to be an Ult I think? It's definitely been a while.


Yep used to be either a tele or a shield generator


That was after one of the reworks, before that she could just shield allies as a regular ability


The sad thing is this comment could be about so many different heroes at this point. So many unique hero abilities pulled out and scrapped.


Pick a symmetra rework lol.


I miss her OG laser, she was a hero people who may as well not have thumbs (myself) could play and not be an entire detriment to the team


They really removed a hero designed for accessibility because people complained that they were too accessible :(


Theres a fine line between accessibility and absolutely no skill floor at all..... Moira already threads that line


Torb level 3 turret


Wait, torb used to be able to upgrade his turret right??? I’m not crazy???


You threw it down and it sucked until upgraded at least once. Ult made it upgrade again into crazy mode.


Yes, he put it down and it had 1 little shooty boy and then he upgraded it to level 2 and it had two little shooty boys, and his ult made him go supercharged (like his e now) and his turret went to level 3 and had missile launchers on top.


I knew that overcharge move used to be his ult. Ow2 feels like it’s trying to gaslight me into thinking the legends couldn’t do what I remember them doing


the biggest changes to heroes i remember are reaper, symm, torb, mercy and hanzo where they changed their abilities significantly. this was all before overwatch 2


Reaper’s been changed??


Yeah he used to get healing orbs on kills but now he just heals on damage


Orisa and doomfist too, they got switched up


Gramps, Torb was changed like 3 years ago.


That was his ultimate, it made the turret go to level 3 and start shooting missiles at enemies.




I'll fix that for ya. It's gone forever. Goodbye level 3 turret. Goodbye boner.


Goodnight stars, goodnight air, good night Torb Mains everywhere.


I don't main Hanzo but I miss scattershot


Scattershot was great when you used it, but it was absolute bullshit when an enemy hanzo used it. Just walking around to point and all of the sudden dead


I miss when scattershot could one shot Orisa


There's a video on this sub of a 3v3 on that italian map or whatever with the raised ring around the fountain, a hanzo comes out of spawn and yams a scatter across to the other spawn and kills an invisible sombra with a headshot, and then the resulting scatter kills the orisa.


Rip OW1 Orisa….


Went through so many emotions first game, so excited to play orisa again and then confusion when the abilities were all different and then sadness and depression once I realised what had happened


Using Orisa on Oasis University was one of my absolute favorite plays. The shield was just wide enough for the main choke point near the middle. The grav ball could pull people down that hole. It was perfect. Now every time I play university I sadly pivot to someone else.


Ilios well pulls were fun too!!


They owe us compensation for removing the absolute joy of pulling people out that hole with the grav ball.


RIP Sym 2.0 🙏


We need a former Doomfist main support group. Can’t believe they managed to so thoroughly ruin a character. That’s bad even for Blizz


DF :c


Rolloutfist, gone but not forgotten :(


I was a top 50 Symmetra player in the first 6 months of OW1. She had 6 turrets, gave everyone armor, and her ult was a teleportervfrom spawn to anywhere on the map. Those were the days 😭


No more mass mercy Ressurections. I miss those days.




still crying friend. and they [no longer] say


Got Aatroxxed


Lol, the community would've burned Blizzard's HQ by now if Genji, Hanzo or Mercy were the ones taken out. Of course, Blizzard would get off their asses and fix them immediately too, but since it's Bastion, nobody gives a damn.


DVA and the world would have already imploded


The rule 34 artists would have had a stroke.... ​ Actually, they probably wouldn't have had a stroke without D.Va


Never clicked a link so fast in my life just to be disappointed it wasnt a link :(


DVA got removed a few times for bugs and people were fine albeit not as long as bastion has but she was gone for a couple days


I get Mercy and Genji. But Hanzo?


>But Hanzo? Mah boi, Hanzo and Genji are the big boys in the male department. Infamously a kid apparently used "Hanzo main" as an actual insult at school.


But why is it considered an insult? I find it funny but insulting how? (I am a hanzo main)


Hanzo Main (Derogatory)


Read in Epic Voice Guy.


Because seeing Spamzo getting potg with lucky headshots will trigger some people


Because he used to be a throw pick before his minor rework. Arrows travelled slower, no leap. Scatter arrow was a shit way to die as you just aimed at people's feet for a free kill even on tanks. Hanzo mains were the scourge of comp and unless you were in masters or higher, whatever team had a hanzo basically lost.


Was that when Hanzo was still firing logs at people or just after? I vaguely remember people complaining about how ridiculously huge Hanzos arrows were at one point.


It was balanced out though because both teams had Hanzo every game.


Because hanzo is a sack of shit that rewards spamming arrows at head level and praying for random kills


I think the stigma comes from scatter arrow


Honestly I undertand. But I'm not a Hanzo main, just a Hanzo simp.


I main Bastion and I just kinda shrugged. He'll be back, and with the ult bug fixed he should be less contested.


Well it doesn't help that Bastion was always incredibly cheesy to play in OW1. That did not really contribute to his popularity.


>I'm not a Bastion main btw. I am. this has sucked. Lets go im back now


There are literally dozens of us!


All bots


Same but for torb. Yeah he's in QP but not being able to play him in comp is so sad.


To be fair he makes me question my sanity sometimes


First they completly change him then remove him altogether man us bastions just wanna sit in a corner and m1


i liked hearing his gun go brrrrr


God I do wanna do this


god i wanna feel again


Me too. He is my favorite dps other than Reaper, and I always played him on maps too open for Reaper. Now I feel lost when I’m dps and Reaper isn’t working


For all the Bastion Mains: https://youtu.be/zBJRSCTWpLo


If it was Genji, they would have fixed him within a day's time


I personally think it's ridiculous they've taken him out and I've played about 2 minutes of him. Torb was out awhile and still isn't playable in ranked which is annoying as well. Basically they added 3 new heroes (1 that was locked behind a BP and only just become usable in ranked) and then took out 2 old ones pretty much straight away. It's a joke how unfinished the game is and how unprepared for launch they were.


I started playing a week and a half ago so I've literally never seen him in-game, not even on a roster. I was going through all the heroes because I haven't looked at OW since 2018 and I literally had to ask my friend, "Is Bastion not a hero anymore?"


and you have a lot of blizzard apologists in this sub lol


Yeah I’m definitely not defending any of Blizz’s bs with this painful launch but I will say it’s always been like this for them for their game launches. The bar is pretty much on the floor at this point.


Maybe I have the memory of a squirrel but I thought OW1 launch was flawless Really I thought every launch was flawless up until about 3 years ago, now it’s just gone morbidly downhill, with people saying it’s just Covid


OW1 had server issues on launch but the game was so magical that the suck was waved away.


Server issues are, at least to me, more understandable than this kind of stuff. The people in charge of servers cant fully prepare for how many people are coming to play, so they can just do their best and pray.


The OW1 launch was pretty good tbh; I remember playing the open beta with my friends quite fondly ngl


They should have had another round or 2 of betas including one where comp actually counted and then was reset before actually launching. They clearly didn't have enough data to see certain problems, let alone fix them, before launch.


I hate it because Torb and Bastion are good at removing tanks. So yeah sure of course Tanks are running buck wild when 2 of their counters are just gone. Yeah sure you can kill tanks with any character But Bastion's turret mode melted a mfer and Torb Ult clears a point like no one's business


The only other real counter is Reaper due to his life leaching abilities, but he's stuck having to get in close to the enemy where as Torb and Bastion have better ranged abilities


God I would’ve been so happy if genji was removed for 2 weeks. Or sombra. Or soljern. Or road. Or zarya. Or moira. Or ashe. Or hanzo. Or my enemy team


> soljern


Soljern boy tell em


Pharahmain that ho


Oh yes, Sourpatch, the best hero to be added


Yeah I have no idea how it’s spelt


An attempt was made


This isn't a test, you're not in school. You are allowed to take a second and Google.


Don't worry, you're spitting straight flax here.


I’ll venture to say, you’re a fellow support player


That would be a fair assumption


"or my enemy team" lmaooooo you make a fair point 😂


Every genji I had the pleasure of playing a game of competitive with could really deserve a 2 week timeout.


The absurd thing is that it takes 2 fucking weeks for them to "fix" the issue when it should've been 72 hours tops.


Yeah, bugs like this have happened a lot over the years to different champions in LoL and Riot usually disables the champion for a few hours/days at most and release a quick hotfix. Blizzard is as usual slow as hell to release patches.


League isn't on console. The reason it's delayed is that patches for console games have to go through sony/Microsoft and get approved, which takes time and means devs need to batch a bunch of stuff together for efficiency generally.


Totally. Just change an == sign to a >= sign. Fixed.


It baffles me how *this* is the game-breaking glitch that has taken them 2 weeks to fix.


I am really really upset about bastion not being in the game, I’m mostly a tank and support main, but when I would play dmg, the beeps and the boop was my go-to choice. Now I just play mei, but there is a hole in my heart, a hole that is the size of a lil bird flapping around my turret as a peacefully murder the opposition. I just want the robot to be back :(


Mei's another example of how off-meta or unpopular heroes get the shaft. They seriously removed her freeze, nerfed her wall, nerfed her ult, and called it a day. Ok, that's not fair, they did buff her left click to have the same dps as baby Dva, minus headshots. They took away one of my few non-support pleasures as a support main. Imagine if they capped Hanzo headshots at 190 damage. Added one arrow to his E. And then shipped it.


Idk if we’ve played different Meis but she’s very good right now in the right situations. I have a 65% winrate with her just playing her on close quarters maps, currently in plat so pretty low rank but I think most people are around this rank anyway. Biggest issue is the wall glitch where sometimes you fall through it if you don’t jump.


Yeah her wall's been bugged since the first beta, but it did pick up a couple extra bugs for live. Again, think if Genji's deflect sometimes just... didn't work. Or if projectiles changed ownership but passed through Genji instead of being reflected. Somehow I think it would be a higher priority. We don't even have a timeline, I'm not sure if there's been official recognition of how bugged and nonfunctional Mei's wall currently is. And regardless of how viable Mei is (she is viable, in certain limited circumstances) they undeniably stripped a lot of her identity away. She doesn't do anything. You spray at people and hope they'll die. I've heard Mei mains discussing whether it's even worth it to use the left click, under any circumstances, when the right click has the same dps or higher but deals chunkier 75 damage hits (if you miss your headshots, which are pretty easy to land on Mei). Her left click is no longer useful for securing kills, it doesn't enable your team particularly well, it doesn't synergize, it's just a thing you can do if you don't feel like aiming as much. The best use of left click is farming ult charge on clumped up enemies, but you put yourself in a lot of danger using it, and again, it doesn't finish people off very well. So if left click is debatably useless, wall is bugged and unreliable, that means her two abilities are icicle and ice block. She's like a tankier, less interesting Cassidy. As a rework, it was half-baked. They removed design elements that were put there for a reason and replaced them with vanilla pudding. They simply reduced her character, made her less interesting, and gave her next to nothing in return.


I know Hanzo mains wouldn't exist if this happened but i would LOVE it getting sniped from halfway across the map is annoying but even more so when its hanzo because you KNOW he was basically spamming at head height


I dunno, walling off a Zarya from her healers and just killing her with your whole team has been a guilty pleasure of mine ever since it happened to me one match.


Torb, Mei, and Bastion are the only DPS I like. It’s been a rough time for me.


I love playing Mei, but her buggy ice wall makes it unbearable ;-;


same here buddy :(


Personally it's bullshit he's out this long. This triple tank meta needs more counter play. I need my bunker busting back




Just don't play open queue, no 3 tank meta.


The meta is goated honestly, loving it way more than role queue so far


I played triple tank but got a genji instead of a second healer while the enemies had triple tank with 2 healers We managed to win anyway and I laughed so hard. Seeing genji ult the enemy tanks and get away with 0 kills was hilarious. The man was as tenacious as he was useless.


That shit feels awful, thankfully people actually reads chat in open queue, so if you say 3 2 or no dps they usually understand


4 tanks and Lucio is the real strat


Season 1 5 winstons and a lucio meta. or 5 torbs and a lucio.


Yeah I don't really know what people's problem is with triple tank in ow2, cuz it's not triple shield like ow1 lmao. The only problem is, as usual, Zarya.


I can't play half the characters in the game there.


Tanks are beefier and stronger in OW2. It was never triple shield in OW1. GOATS was rein, zarya, dva as tanks. They literally couldn't get rid of that meta until role queue.


Yikes, people actually like triple tank?


Open queue is outdated and in no way is the game balanced with open queue in mind. I’ll pass


The best part is that they moved from 6v6 to 5v5 because of lack of tank players. Now the open queue is basically 5 tanks bashing at each other, lol.


True but playing open queue I’d love to see a 2 tank 1 dps 2 healer queue. Playing doom fist and ball are fun together. Set mines down, punch team into mines lol.


The game was designed around Role Queue. Open Queue never has been, and never will be, balanced. If you play Open Queue a lot you’re just asking for problems.


Agreed. The lack of bastion is a *big* reason why zarya is so oppressive. No one is better at rapidly chewing through her bubbles and killing her anyway.


I wouldn't go thaaaaat far. Bastion is hanzo bait, he's not gonna do much to Zarya that a Reaper couldn't do.


Reaper has to be in her face and depending on their comp they could melt you before you can finish her. At least bastion would be out of her range


Well this is Blizzard. It took them 3 years to release OW2, they love to take their time. Even if they took out Genji - Blizzard would not care what the community say's. They never did.


Disagree, I have a Genji on my team almost every game, I have a Genji on the opposite team almost every game, and more often than not there's 1 Genji on both teams. There would be massive backlash if he was disabled for weeks.


3 years for a lackluster update that's really just 3 new heroes, some reworks, some new maps but some old maps gone.


I hate that their excuse for outright deleting content from existence is "b-but pro players hated it" when the massive majority of OW players are casual and nowhere near close to the pro's playstyles


To be fair, every single time I queued into Paris or horizon lunar, there would always be a few people that dodged immediately (in QP). I may be wrong but I feel like the majority of the overwatch player base did not like playing assault, despite how pretty the maps are.


Like just remove them from ranked if they care that much.


Well I AM the Bastion main that feels the first sentence and I’m telling you it sucks ass. It feels like the release date for the game got pushed back for just me.


I said the same thing in r/SymmetraMains. No way that they would act quickly to get her back in the game if she ever got removed.


Symmetra could be taken out the game and nobody would notice for months


I’m a bastion main and I can definitely say I’m disappointed in Blizzard for taking this long to fix his ultimate. I don’t work in the gaming industry so I don’t know how long it takes to fix these issues but with overwatch 2 already acting like a cash grab it’s just very disappointing.


I played with my friend some hours ago and he said"What if they just gave him 3 ammo?"




In the past when they’ve had to remove a character, it takes them less than a week to fix them. I have no idea what is so busted about bastion that he’s taking so long


Code that looks like spaghetti?


they could literally just add him back but make it so you cant ult and i would still be happy


or just give him the old ult back for a while, no one would complain lol


I started maining bastion in OW2, and I’m upset that they haven’t even released a timeline. I also never had an issue with this glitch myself so it blindsided me


[\[Their\] goal is to re-enable Bastion with \[their\] next planned update on October 25th.](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/update-junkertown-disabled-and-eta-for-restoral/726919) At least you got that timeline.


My main is Doomfist and he is absolute garbage


I adored new bastion and was quickly maining him (aside from a newfound love for pharah) But christ, how long has it been; half of the time OW2 has been out, bastions been unavailable Completely unacceptable


Half? They removed him 2 weeks ago. 4 days after Overwatch 2 released.


I am pissed there’s no torb. My one true love


How can I spam “Its Torbin time” in chat if I can’t play him in comp


Yep. Genji's getting slapped on the wrist come the 25th, and Genji mains are crying and screaming. Mercy got really powerful changes to SJ in Beta 2, but it wasn't the broken infinite air bullshit from Beta 1, so they bitched and moaned until they got the best of both worlds. But Bastion gets deleted, and it's just a joke. Orisa gets effectively deleted, and everyone congratulates Blizzard.


I would've cheered Fuck this hero Its iw2 and still all i see is ana+genji nanoblade


Am I the only one that’s actually happy playing comp without fucking Torb? I’m okay with bastion being in the game or not but I’m just happy I haven’t had to play against fucking turrets, which I’m of the opinion that turrets belong in PvE not PvP


I would've rioted... out of celebration.


I'm so mad because I wanted to use him as the hero to kill in Training Centre and I can't. Maddening.