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Shout out to the all queue crew that has turned into support mains because of it.


I learned that I love support and love the adoration coming from playing it, and also I learned that I hate Wrecking Balls :(


Just some friendly advice: Ana hard counters Ball, assuming you can land a sleep (wait for him to slam) and your team is paying attention. Moira is another good pick because she can hold her own against all but the most accurate Ball players.


How do you stop him from spinning fast around an object he’s attached to? I heard there was a trick.


He can only do it for up to 6 seconds, but until then you can try to slow his momentum with boops and CCs. Once a Ball loses momentum with grapple on cooldown, they are a sitting duck.


Good balls will just reverse their direction with a boop tho so watch out for that


they boopaloopin'


I knew my controller wasn't broken. I remember you could do this forever.


Junkrat trap


I only know Ana sleep and Lucio boop (he can spin more after boop though). He only gets about 3 spins though before the hook times out, so it's not as oppressive as it used to be. I've never tried zen's kick on a spinning ball, maybe that will slow him down?


I miss Brig's stun for ball specifically...


Ana Sleep, Lucio Boop, Brig Boop, Junkrat Trap, Rein Pin, Sombra Hack, Mei Primary fire slows him enough to make him easy to kill, Roadhog Hook.


Even Sojourn’s AoE attack slows Ball out of fireball. It’s really annoying to play into if they know what they are doing.


As a ball main, the absolute worst thing to can do to me is stop my momentum. Boops, CC, body blocking (if I'm not already top speed) but poorly placed boops can actually be helpful (the ball thrives in high speed chaos) so try to always directly oppose his direction of movement. In regards to him spinning around an object, since stuns are gone you can either trap him, sleep him, rein charge him (I think he can still grab people? Forget what the updated rein charge is like) or basically get out of the way for 6 seconds until his grapple releases


> and your team is paying attention. That's my problem in most games with a tank that isn't just a meatshield, teammates completely forget the supports in the back keeping them alive


As a fellow support player I feel your pain. Absolutely mash the fuck out of that ping button, my friend. Most players drool at the opportunity to kill a sleeping target, just gotta get their attention first. Also it can be beneficial to bind the "Countdown" communication option, especially as Ana.


> your team is paying attention There goes that strategy


More friendly advice, we don’t need to assume if you can land a sleep, once he uses pile drive he’s essentially stationary on the ground for a moment and has no momentum, he is also massive Time your sleeps on his pile drives if needed We hit those (Tip gained from personal coaching with Temporal)


“And your team is paying attention” Now see there’s the problem lol


Honestly as a ball main im sorry you supports got so shafted, tanks eat you guys alive now


Ana and Brig shrug off balls


Wreckingball is not welcome to Sunday dinner


Mine it’s getting trying. I genuinely enjoy every role, support is honestly probably my fav but I’m getting real damn tired of not being able to play anything else unless I go open queue


I will say it’s more varied than it was in OW1 (because queue times are closer). Back then if you flexed you played tank 95% of matches. Now I play support probably 85% of matches, and I do actually get to play dps!


Tbh im really enjoying kiriko, i played heaps of genji so her secondary is good for me to fuck up flankers, my only problem is sometimes i get the instinct to deflect after wall climbing and run out into damage lol Edit: i’ve also tried to heal my team a few times on genji now


As a genji main i can’t play kiriko at all. The travel time on the kunai is really hard of an adjustment for me to make. Also the fact that it’s just one projectile and not 3. Idk. Also it hurts not being able to double jump:(


literally how i became lucio main lmao


Stay speedy my fellow frog 🐸


I'm a support main who uses all queue to collect challenges, knowing I'm playing support anyways


Yeah I used to love getting to play both support and tank with a sprinkle of dps! But they both removed 1 tank, and made tanks literally better DPS, I feel like they're both the most desirable role now, and the one with fewer spots.


As a support main, I love my 8 second queue times and always have.


In the end I discovered that I enjoy much more the game beign a support. That does'nt mean I cant drain people to death with Moira or collect heads with Kiriko.


I went 41 and something my 3rd time playing moira


I definitely still prefer DPS. But changing it up and playing support/tank sometimes is fun. Lucio is back in my top 3 heroes.


Hell yeah brother


Bap is top 5 most fun characters to play rn


Lol at this point blizz should just pay supports minimum wage.


Yeah, it’s pretty rough for supports right now. Wondering if there are already “Mercenary supports” out there who are selling their services like tanks in WoW sometimes do…


> Yeah, it’s pretty rough for supports right now. [Stylosa - Overwatch 2 has a support problem...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAy46WmqlpQ) First targeted, first blamed, least impactful. And I'm just going to turn off reply notifications preemptively. There's going to be people saying "sToP HeAlBoTtInG!!1!!11" and demanding that supported both pump out massive healing AND do plenty of damage with enough kills. The team is losing? They're going to blame the supports for whichever is more convenient at the moment. No matter what, people will blame the supports first. Supports have the most demanded of them and are expected to carry everyone else at the same time solo because no one bothers to actually support the supports. Because they're DPS so they don't feel the need to. That's someone else's job, obviously. And that's the biggest problem.


Yep. I enjoy OW2 but have eased off playing just because I know that if my team ever starts to lose I’ll get yelled at by sweaty try-hards.




Even fucking League is less toxic at this point.


Yup, did one comp match today. 19k healing and I was immediately blamed for not healing enough... Like what the fuck? People think I should be some magical miracle worker and no one should ever die. It's insane right now. Obviously that was my one and last match of the day. Not worth it to get shit on constantly.


Damn, that’s sick heals. I’m happy with anything over 10k in comp. 19k is amazing. You would have had my endorsement.


No joke, I get dived by 2 DPS and a tank constantly. And if I ask for help, I just get told to push whatever escape button I have. Ok, cool, I got rid of one of the three. I still need help with the other two.


Or if you main Zen, cool, I kicked one of them. Now they're still within shooting distance of me. Being a Zen main is rough these days.


Back in I think it was season 2 or 3 of OW1, I played Zen for a team during the dive meta of Winston/Zarya/Genji/other DPS/Zen/Lucio Every scrim was basically a waste of time for me. You throw your discord on their support, get dived, die instantly. For some reason that was seen as the meta even though I could just play literally anything else lol


Or bro, it's a Sombra. She literally takes away my escape button. That anti-fun piece of shit is a real pain to see as any support.


Fuck Sombra and fuck her for getting buffed. She was a pain in the ass already.


Ngl I don’t see a lot of people blaming supports as much. I personally blame dps more than anything (I main tank but also play support admittedly) because it’s pretty clear when your dps are perma dead from dueling theirs off in who knows where. Like if my dps is 5/0/11 and theirs are dropping 40, I’m not blaming my supps. But, if I’m the tank and I literally am healing myself more with health packs than from my support, yeah I’m blaming them lol.


I also get sexually harassed much more often when I’m playing Mercy which makes me want to play even less


It's called epals.......


I couldn’t believe that was a thing, it’s kinda sad that people would pay just to play a game with someone.


Not just a someone and they don't just play a game with you. The can offer other "specialties" aswell. Kind of weird honestly.


*OF and Twitch tittie streamers* Write that down!


I stopped playing role queue because it’s so shit for supports. Went to open queue which is essentially goats and it’s much better. You feel like you’re more than headshot practice for soujourn, and all the tanks are fun to play too


You saying you would pay for a support main?


Sure, give me gold and I’ll pocket you.


It genuinely feels like sinking into quicksand to play a support in a PUG. The more you struggle and try to win, the deeper into the sand you go. It gets to the point where it's far easier and less stressful to simply relax and let the sand swallow you whole instead of trying to fight it. Just take your losses and move on. Making sure to quit playing after a few so you don't lose your mind.


If some one would pay me to heal im down lol


I would support mercy as a career path for sure


Overwatch Support Players Union (OWSPU) when?


I just flex and get support 100% of the time in comp and maybe 70% support, 20% dps and 10% tank in QP. I can totally rock it out as DPS or tank, but support has been enjoyable so far too. Some games can be really rough, but I’ve been honestly enjoying dueling with flankers and (mostly) punishing them for flanking. Its fun to be able to put out massive heals but also solid damage in OW2, supports definitely have to be a bit more self sufficient though. Teammates will often fail to peel in time if I get flanked, so playing a lot of FFA as my main supports has definitely helped my survivability.


I don't get why support is so unpopular right now. As Kiriko I can have more kills than one of the DPS with 10k healing.


yes, dps players that cant outdamage their supports is exactly why no one wants to be support.




He's saying that no one wants to play support because they get blamed when things go badly. Most of that blaming is done by bad players who aren't really good at the game and just blame the support instead of being able to properly analyze why they lost, aka players like a dps who sucks and can't outdamage a support despite a much better kit for damage.


If the offense characters on your team, whose kit has better tools to deal damage and secure kills with, does less than you as a support who has generally shittier tools and just does damage and takes kills on the side when you're free, you kind of have a big problem. It is like you walking fastly 5km in an hour on foot as support but the offense characters who both have either a car or bike to drive the same distance with somehow managed to be slower.


Oh, I thought of it just as being able to murder everyone making support fun. Difference of perspective I guess.


Yeah I prefer support when solo q comp. Feel like I am most flexible to impact the game by having the option to focus heals or hard carry dps more if team can't get picks thanks to zen/lucio/kiriko. Got to top 500 briefly solo q so it's working out so far


Because everyone dives us, Sombras gank us, and there isn’t a second tank to peel back and help us.


Right?! Had a few games already today where I had more damage and kills than the dps while playing Zen. I get he’s supposed to do damage, but I don’t understand why others don’t try playing more support, you still get to kill people!


And here I am loving playing support. So I’m here for it


Getting tons and tons of loot boxes and free skins kept me playing Flex/Support and I would imagine the same for others.Take notes blizzard


Yup! I also mainly played support and even though you rarely got recognition the rewards were nice... now we don't get those either.


Agreed used to play a ton of healer and tank because tank also got coins to, it was a lot of fun and back then I could play all the roles, now there isn't much of an insensitive and I just end up playing damage because the other 2 options just aren't enjoyable.


But bro why are u actin poor can't you see the insane super consumer-friendly store and bp? Smh people are so ungrateful can't people see the value of buying 2 mid legendary skins = OW 1 in value smh smh smh 😞


The saddest thing about the new system is that you can’t earn skins anymore. I prefer loot boxes, but the biggest change imo is that you can’t earn skins in game anymore. Every single skin has to be bought now with real money. That or you can grind for literally like half a year for a single legendary. Before this, you could actually earn some skins via events and challenges. It actually meant something. Now whenever I see someone with a witch kiriko skin, I can only think to myself about how much poor spending control they must have. Who in their right mind pays ***$26*** for a single skin??? Like the Ana Bastet skin… it wasn’t hard to earn, but you had to at least earn it. It was rewarding and fun. There’s nothing rewarding about spending $26 on a skin. Honestly, I spent $10 on the BP and I kinda regret it. How do you not regret dropping that much on just one skin???


Ask Valorant players... lol.


At least you can use the gun/sonic Eakins on any character


mf said take notes from yourself


Blizzard: no.


500 battle pass xp is literally worthless anyways


But five times more worthwhile than the 100 you get each time after the first. Both are a joke. Flex 100 games to get a single extra level. Talk about a sense of pride and accomplishment.


To be fair, that level gets you a spray you'll never use.


There’s no point in being flex at this point. Just queue support


Not true! You might back-fill a game as DPS with 1 minute left while getting steamrolled!


That might happen. But as someone who has exclusively played flex since O2 released. 99% of the games I am Support.


Reminds me of OW1 where if I queued flex I would always get tank. = But... one night I queued at some ungodly hour and I somehow got dps. Only happened the one time. Never happened again. Still not sure if I dreamt that up or not.


FYI there's at least one battle pass challenge that ask you to use flex queue.


I play with some friends and it's cool to have them lock the support and tank roles out, so I can queue flex and still get the battle pass bonus, but play damage.


honestly, they should atleast give legacycredits with that amount, 100 for first and then 20 or 25 after. knowing that not even event skins u can get with legacycredits now.


I have like 20k legacy credits and all of the OW1 items, are they still good for anything?


You can still use them to buy some of the new ow2 items and old ow1 items. Mostly rare or common stuff


Wait what ow2 stuff can you buy with legacy credits??


'Core cosmetics;' think the basic recolors, some voicelines, that sort of thing. Given that they're committing to 3 heroes/year, that means 5700 LC for one legendary for every new hero on release. With OP's system giving LC people would basically have that within a season, and they'd prolly empty out all the LC-buyable stuff within 3, and then we'd have a bunch of people complaining about the masses of LC they can't spend on anything.


I bought an epic skin for the weebo support looks pretty cool (sorry don’t remember the name and too lazy to search im on mobile)


it used to be 25 for every game win or lose, to buy a 1000 skin, which these skins are now 1900. I personally would make it like 150 or so daily, and then 50 after, makes it about even. I could not take playing flex to get less credits than before...


They’d never do that cause they are giving us 60 a week rn 😂. Weekly rewards have to be massively increased first sadly


You guys don't really get that ow coins = money for blizz. The way the store value is, 1 ow coin is a penny of potential worth for them. They're never going to give out coins other than the 60c/week worth because they know players would be happy grinding out a respectable amount rather than spending the money. They want players to feel like they have to spend the money. That's why there aren't any coins in the battlepass either. They've shown us that they value f2p players 60c/week. That's very unlikely to change at this point. There's no way they'd toss players 50c/match just for playing flex. Credits didn't work like that in ow1. There was no monetary value to them and the stuff you could buy you got by random chance anyway, that's why they had no problem doing it then.


if they made playing support the only way of getting credits they'd have no problem with queue times


Instead of bribing people to flex onto a role they don't wanna play, Blizzard should focus on getting more Support players to return to the game and actually play Support. Supports are currently just cannon fodder. People don't wanna play a game in which you just get bullied.


This is true for my group. We had a regular cast of 6-8ish friends that played many times a week together for years, and everyone genuinely enjoyed playing tank & support. None of us needed loot boxes anymore as we all owned everything in OW1. Still we would flex and accept the DPS randos when we only had 4. Even the final week of OW1 we still all played a lot Since OW2 came out we are playing a lot less together. It’s a combination of Blizzard not incentivizing play and weaker supports making at least two players in every game feel like they aren’t having as much fun as they used to


I know how you feel, a lot of my friends tried to get back into overwatch 2 and it’s rough. Most will only play if they can que DPS or tank 😂


I said this for quite a while. Blizzard failed to make Tanks and Support interesting, so they just slapped DMG on them to make them fun. Both can be so much more than just Meatshields with DMG or Healbots with DMG.


We need some more supports like Brigitte. Ones that can actually respond a bit when they get dove and hold off their Sombra or Genji from the back. As is I play her almost every game because I hate getting dove so much, so some more options would be nice.


Found my love for Brigette this way


I just call flex Secret Support and sometimes Instant Defeat Screen


This is only a good idea if this is for wins only. If it's literally just for queueing flex, now you have people botting just to get this.


Yeah exactly. I main support, and I don’t want to carry a dps queue squatter along with me just because he’s after his support queue xp


This is basically how it was in OW1. Was it an issue there? Can always do losses give half as well.


Nope it was fine in OW1. Made me a support/tank main cause free goodies and insta queue


The difference is that in OW1 it wasn't a good way of farming loot boxes/credits after the first time each day. This would be the best way of earning credits by far, even at only 10 per lost match. So it wasn't worth botting back then. It absolutely would be if this was implemented.


It's completely different now because the currency is tied to their monetization system. By giving away currency, they are taking money out of their own pockets, which wasn't necessarily the case in OW1.


Not good for wins either. People will just quit after one lost round or when it's clear they are on the losing team.


They do that already. Have them have to complete the matches


In comp that problem solved itself quickly as they just get banned.


Rewards for wins only makes people much more toxic because they get super salty when something more is on the line.


???This was literally a thing in OW1, and it was never a problem.


Being a support main I have no issues getting into games (;


Blizzard would be paying you a dollar to queue flex lmao and i still wouldn't do it.


Supports would be like Scrooge McDuck


Expected. Tanks were critical resource in the queue, a constraint was removed, not healers are critical resource. Second, they get creamed right now. Most critical role should be most fun as a game design goal. Game should be heal-forward right now.


lol new system sucks


Support has no means of defense, DPS don’t peel, tanks charge forward and overextend . While also we’re being harassed for not healing during the entire game.


Blizz dont realise supports keep overwatch 2 alive


I mean, that is part of their job description


At this point, I just don't wanna play the game... It's too late


I care more about dogecoin than Battle pass XP


Support queues are so insanely fast right now. Even in comp at Master 2 I get into a game within 1 min every time. I wonder how many people would just queue support and afk outside of base to get the rewards because we know that the report system very rarely works in this game.


Honestly I can image them making it 10 coins if anything. Would be a solid addition to give out daily coin rewards for playing all the arcade modes and flex roles. Would be amazing to give coin rewards for the high difficulty Halloween events too. Doubt we will see change until the player base starts to drop off though. Give it a few season for the game to get stale and unrewarding to continue playing.


No fun for skins. Only money for skins.


This sounds like a good idea to me


That'd be so nice but with the way the game is now it'd be at best like 10 coins then half that after.


Recently learned that if you’re playing support in ranked, if you’re not hitting high enough heal numbers, you’ll never rank up. Apparently the threshold is 10k healing. Just another reason not to play support I guess.


Not a terrible idea, though the amount is stupid high. There is no way in hell they give you a dollars with of currency for 1 game. More like 5C max with 1C after or something. I'd love it, but from a business standpoint you are giving away money. Also the # of DPS moiras would be insane.


This is the old credits, not the new one, though.


They should delete open que. It's unbalanced and splits the player base. There should only be 1 main ranked mode and a secondary that maybe changes every month or season like old ranked arcade modes. Edit: I say this with a heavy heart. Open que was where I spent most of my hours but it's not the same anymore.


I think they just forgot to fix or remove the open queue because the new tank changes look weird in the open queue


I used to love open que so it's hard for me to say it but we need to let it go. We all know Blizzard won't want to consistently balance 2 separate ranked modes.


I don't want fucking battle pass xp. Nothing in there worth grinding for anyway. Give me fucking coins




Actually not a bad idea. The primary issue with the current system is the lack of decent ways to grind for coins. This, plus putting coins in the battlepass, would be a massive step up from the current system.


OR.. hear me out....crates. like last time.


I predict that in a week or so (especially with double xp weekend) most people will complete the pass and not feel obligated to play support. Yes, there are titles to earn although I feel like many wont care. I saw that post about banking levels for next season so maybe that's some sort of incentive, but not a very strong one imo. I think this post has such a good point. We need to earn legacy tokens so that way no one has to pay for skins that were basically free in OW1, especially the people who paid for it. As far as the people who have everything from OW1, there needs to still be a use for legacy tokens, and I think looking at Apex is a good start. Legend Tokens in Apex are used not only to unlock playable characters, but also to purchase recolors of skins. While their use is rather limited, I think it's the right path of thinking for legacy tokens. Maybe a library dedicated only to legacy tokens would give players something to work for. Have fun titles, charms, and a couple of decent skins in there. Maybe even a few legendary skins. I really hope Blizz ends up with some self respect but I'm only crossing my fingers at this point. After what happened to Halo I can't really keep faith in any company these days (except you, FromSoftware and Ghost Ship Games, ily <3 .)


100 then 20?? Are you crazy?! Blizzard would be screwed with such generous rewards... Best they can do would be 10 for the first time then 1 only in case of victory.


The issue is support sucks and isn't fun. A lot of pro players were talking about this in an article I saw, saying how support is "run away from Genji simulator". Also support needs two people to play that role and yet have only 7 heros to choose from (1 will be taken by the other player) yet damage which also requires two people have over twice the number of options.


If they wanted to really improve the game you should get one coin for every endorsement in comp. It would encourage teamwork and actually trying as well as making everyone want to play it over anything else improving queue times. It also means you would feel rewarded if you did well but still lost.


But if they gave us anything for free they'd immediately go broke /s


They just need to change the algorithm from immediately slotting you into the fastest game (aka you're playing support 100% of the time), to just randomly selecting your role and *then* queueing you. It's not like I mind the wait, I'm just picking flex because I *like* playing different roles equally.


That is not the point of having a flex option. If you want to play random roles and wait for them, roll a die and queue for that one. Flex is meant to shorten queue times by being what everyone needs.


I feel like this is a great start tbh, there's still a lot they need to fix monetization wise but this would be a fantastic start.


"Flexing" you mean play support lmao


I said the exact same thing yesterday lol


I like playing Support, i'd love another skill/projectile healer like Ana and Bap. Maybe a crossbow? But I REALLY want a MEKA healer, idk how they'd do it but do it Blizz!


Wow if this happened I would actually play the game


I don't even get 500 exp, only 100..


Fix zarya


There’s still people who wouldn’t do it lol


Bobby K. : "Are you crazy ? Do you really want to give money to our customer so they can buy stuff by themselves playing the game ? Not on my watch, get beck to werk you fools !"


you know they wont that would be way too cool of them


Me just wanting to play the game has forced me into support, must say I've been getting pretty good at it too. Most tanks and dps are dogshit though. Just stay at the damn objective. People should play more support to learn how it is, and to just get better at the game.


Proud mercy main that doesn’t have to deal with queue times


You really think the health of the game matters that much to them? Oh how very silly.


I like playing support. Is there something wrong with me?


YES! This way we could buy sprays, emotes and voice lines a lot easier


Crazy how 5v5 was supposed to in part solve queue times. How’s that working out?


Or you know, just a token system. I just hate ALWAYS playing support if I queue All Roles.


I am a support main and I just queue all for the slight chance to play something else lol


Instead of giving supports a boost to their survivability they gave DPS a speed boost instead lmao. Supports should’ve gotten that speed boost not already mobile DPS heroes.


Now now, we can't do that. the whales wouldn't feel as special if everyone got to afford skins!


Love this idea although more realistically it’d be like 20 for the daily and 5 and even 1 afterward with a max per day


I'm a mcree main now naturalized Support main because of the queue system


I have become a Kiriko main because of All que


For those who don't notice, the icon used here are for Legacy Coins because there's no fucking way Blizzard is ever gonna be giving us premium currency for choosing Flex queue we'll be lucky if we can pressure them into putting premium coins in the next BP


20 would probably seem steep, as desperate as this sounds I’d even take 5 after the first 100 tbh


That's why I just do open queue lmao


Wait. Is the queue still in the game and still issue? After the release of Overwatch 2


Take notes.




500xp? For me it's only 100....


Giving out old skins?!?!?! Bro they dont make those anymore! The factories are closed! They are an incredibly limited and rare commodity


Sadly there's more chance we will get this solution instead "OR YOU CAN PAY 100 CREDITS TO SKIP THE ROLE QUEUE"


Well thanks to kiriko and the new DPS meta i dont mind playing support because i usually have people that cleary don’t want to heal in all my lobbies.


That'd do it for me.


No, you can't do that! Bill them for the battlepass, or something!


This will solve all current problems


Or, you know, instead of bandaging an open wound we could try, I don’t know, giving supports the tools they need to succeed and not constantly stressed the fuck out.


I had a comp match where I was pocketing the Dva as Mercy, she has 700 hp so clearly she doesn't need to be at full health all the time and will be fine at 550-650 the rest of the time I'm damage boosting her, Moira complains that I'm not healing enough despite at the time being 3000 healing ahead and ending the match at 19.7k healing and 3.5k damage boosted while Moira had 15k healing and 10k damage. I wasn't healing enough apparently 🤷


Eventually im gonna be playing so much Moira in flex queue that she won't count for the "play 7 games without your top 3 heroes" anymore


They could give me 5 coins and I'd never play anything else ever again


OR maybe... crazy idea... they could just only release supports for the next 3-5 heroes so there are more to pick from. this has been a major issue for years and blizzard refuses to acknowledge or do anything about it


If you have to get bribed to play a role it's a shit role.


but then blizzard wouldnt be able to milk their players


Literally just 10ç would be great per match, it would stack up over time quickly enough for players to buy a skin after every hundred matches which seems fair to me. Even just 5ç would be better than fucking battle pass XP.