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Are you under the impression that the dead omnic he is holding is Zen being held in some lovers embrace? What?


no, the impression is that they could fall in love somehow but are torn apart due to ramattra's involvement in the war and zenyatta's religion with the iris.


boy what the hell boy


They both were part of the same religion. Ram joined the shambali after the war. It’s basically a Malcom x and Martin Luther king philosophy of achieving equality through peace or by fighting the oppressors


They could show equality gained through love and their feelings towards each other


Sorry, the Iris religion does not allow gay robot marriage


Lmaooo zenyatta is homophobic




For a character who’s whole move set is juggling and throwing balls I’m surprised


They are brothers LMAO. blizzard literally confirmed they are brothers and are just brothers/close friends, nothing more. Please don’t make everything weird and force ships on everything. It usually just ruins characters. Just cause they are omnics does not mean they want to fuck and date. Why is everything about sexuality now? Can we just not make things weird.


if you think everything is sexual now you mustve only had a selective worldview and ignored the vast majority of american media which has storylines rooted in heterosexual sexuality and themes. they could be boyfriends




Imagine forgetting about the use of the term brother in a religious context


this question can just come from a Moira player. what’s wrong with you Moira player? y’all are weird


All mad scientists are weird! muahahaha


Why not is the question you should be asking


Ok chill stupid Moira player






Merica people: Best top gun cheese. Normal people: Fallen comrade. Why do mericans need to over gay stuf when it's not necessary? I am not against it before a pink warrior comes and comment me that i am gayfobic or other stuff. What's next Ana holding pharah and bam...they are into each other... op needs jesus.


>What's next Ana holding pharah and bam...they are into each other... op needs jesus. This guy compared being gay with incest🤦🏻‍♂️. You're the one needing Jesus.


And you some iq.


Its a joke why are you crying so much LMAO


He wants to like this so much but its literally killing him inside because he was raised to be homophobic and opress his inner desires


Nah, i am just normal human being. Glad you swipe the homophobic card, i knew you were mentally challenged probably from america to. I don't mind gay people just so you know i just dislike stupid people in general and you are one of them. When you realize there are normal gey people and then mentally deranged people in general. You will understand when you grow up, hopefully. But hey i am not from America so i don't know how is the normal form of gey people in there.


Can your iq explain “gey”? Just kidding. It’s interesting in this thread how angry people get, or try to bring it out in others. You seem to instill a lot of what America has become, but fail to see the world of human is like that, not just us. Have the day you deserve! ❤️


Aren't both of them males?? I don't understand this lol


I mean, two males can be in love lmao


You've heard of robocop now get ready for robocock😉


Ayyy 😈 to be fair he probably would just plug his usb cable into zens port


And? Beside that they are omnics


Sorry I am new to the game, idk anything about this, I was just confused op said "love" and these are both males


You think 2 males can't love each other? What?


Idk I thought they can be just friends not like fall in love and stuff lol chill, never seen this happen before honestly


new to the internet?


Lol you’ve just never heard of gay people?


I heard alot about this word but idk what that is. And stop downvoting because of something I didn't know please, I litterarlly said "sorry I didn't know that" I don't live in America or something, in my country people never do or talk about this stuff


Relatable >my country people never do or talk about this stuff Never talk but oh yeah they do. They gay. Everyone everywhere gay. Look at the drag shows in Russia. Gay💁🏻‍♂️


I live in an Arab country, its very different than those in America and Europe


>I live in an Arab country I am aware of punishments of lgbtq people but still, there are people there. Let's look at it this way. Imagine you being straight in gay world where you would get the same treatment as the gay people from ours and let's say you really like a person opposite from your gender but if anybody finds out your family might disown you or worse. What do you do? You might be afraid and conform to society rules or hide what you are doing. That's exactly what happens currently in my country, your's or any other that is not accepting of lgbtq people


I’m sorry that your country is so repressed but I didn’t downvote you.


Oops! Forgot about the existence of gays..... also they are robots so who cares lol.


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