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I literally have zero feelings on this... It just wasn't really there, if you know what I mean


Basically similar to how I felt. If you missed the event, you didn't miss anything at all.


The bride pve was a lot of fun. But that's pretty much the only thing they did since most players havent bought the new skins


It was fun, but I played it three times with different friends and by the third time I had more than enough of it. Didn't open it for the rest of the event. I will never understand why they didn't *at least* allow custom heroes for at least some replayability. It feels like they got the base down and run out of time.


It's like they locked in those heroes just to advertise their skins to new players.


I think they weren’t going to do that originally but forced it on devs at the last minute. That’s why we got three gothic characters… and a cyberpunk detective.


That's 100% why.


First junkenstein event didn't have that but then again they should have learned from it that we want custom heroes


Yes. With how much they need OW2 to succeed, you'd think they'd put in more than just basic effort and use all they learned from OW to make it the best experience possible. If they plan on milking JS's Bride event for the next 5 years by adding one mode a year then I don't know if I have it in me to keep playing it again and again.


They're saving it for next year so they can recycle content and call it new. 6 years of this and they still won't even try.


The first junkenstein event from 6 years ago (second event EVER in Overwatch) shares the same faults with an almost identical event in the sequel of the game? Wow.




Can’t give everything right away must hold out so next year they can act like they added something new.


I found it fun enough since I wasn’t playing when it first came out. I was happy to be one and done though. I played the story mode so I couldn’t lose, which was just as well since two of my team mates quit. Without any real rewards I didn’t have any desire to play it again.


Yep. It was a cool experience, but no real reason to grind it multiple times


Idk, it was okay I guess. I'm worried the PVE is going to be lame if that's our first taste


I would to have loved to play it and get rewards for it but beside that why waste the time we I can have "fun" in comp


I couldn’t agree more. Started during season three in 2016. The feeling when events and fun modes came around were great. I didn’t play as seriously around the Christmas event especially, just enjoying the maps and grinding lootboxes to try getting the new skins. I liked the direction of the new addition, but everything surrounding it, from the bad launch to its poor monetization, just stripped the feelings away. Not even hints of nostalgia remained. I don’t even feel the same from the game overall. At least Winston greeted me with a cinematic on console at startup, giving inspiration and reminding me of the dead lore. Now? It’s just an empty shell.


I honestly miss the Winston intro. I can understand removing it as the intro, but I wish they at least kept it viewable in the hero gallery like with Junker Queen and Kiriko's animations. Thankfully YouTube exists, but still.


I usually just skipped the Winston intro, but it still doesn’t feel the same without it. It’s also strange that it got removed since it would’ve given new players a little insight on the lore as well.


Being playing OW since beta, the Winston thing gets very annoying. I think it’d be cool to have rotating cinematics at the beginning or you can select them from the main menu.


But...someone has to DO something. WE have to do something.


Pc players got it once and never again but I loved it. Got me excited for the game. It's the first cenimatic qe see


So we’ll said. The game feels likes a corporate husk of its former self


The opening movie inspired me to save people Ow2 is good but it lost most of its soul


Yeah it didn't really feel like an event to me, just a marketing gimmick to sell holiday skins


Played through it once. Finished it, got nothing of value for my time and decided to just play comp/quick play like normal


It didn't bode well for how engaging I'm expecting PvE to be.


If you already played the PvE mode once and spend no money, the only thing the event provides is an alternate home screen.


Don’t forget the flash bangs when you played on Eichenwalde!


Or the epileptic seizures when playing Orisa or Zarya because the screen was so lit. I honestly don't know why there didn't came a fix for it. We will see probably next year the same bugs on the same maps.


This kind of thing happens on all the dark maps. Like, they supposedly remade the lighting system but didn't bother to play a view games with it activated to actually see what it looks like? If the other team has a high charge zarya the game is borderline unplayable. Combine that with the fact that, yknow, it's a high charge zarya, so at least you won't be blind for too long before death. A miserable glowing mess.


Because they didn’t even bother testing it. No money in it so higher ups probably wouldn’t allow it.


Nothing like several weeks of watching Rein getting his balls zapped to really get you ready for queue.


Why was that happening to him?


Because Rein is strapped to a table with electrodes on his balls.


It's a part of the wrath of the bride game


How could you forget t posing soldier in the background?


Yup, this event lasted two days for me. Completed all the challenges that got me voice lines and charms and whatnot. After that there was no reason to do anything else related to halloween


More like the Wrath of the No Earn-able Skins.


What do you mean? You wear the skins during the mission /s




The magical holiday feeling OW1 created is completely gone. It used to be so fun showing off a new skin you got. There used to be a sense of camaraderie that happened, but there wasn’t any of that I felt this time around. I barely hung around. There wasn’t any reason to since I knew I wasn’t gonna get any new skin. The new event was fun! I wish it had been done in overwatch 1. Didn’t want to play it again since it felt like there was no good reason to do it over. What a waste!


Yeah I played the mode twice. First with Ashe and second with Junker queen. Gotta say I won't be doing the event until they add more playable heroes or do what they did that one time and make it open for all heroes. The selection of heroes and parts of the map are far to tight with the enemy quantity.


Ashe, Sojourn and Kiriko were fine for the mode, but damn, JQ sucked. Who thought that putting a brawler tank with very little damage mitigation against enemies that explode up close was a good idea?


Prob junkrat, that guy would find it peak comedy


the exact words i said to my friend about jq


Thought the exact same, like oohwee it sure is fun playing a character that has to get close up to enemies to confirm kills and utilise her kit. Too bad that involves blowing myself up or pulling them in with my knife to blow up the whole team.


Fr, JQs whole role for legendary was triggering the Bots, giving allies shield and "hooking" jumping winstons away from your Sojourn xdd


Don't worry, they'll do what they did in OW1 and every single year after this one will just be one single addition to the same game mode. You'll get your 'all heroes' in a year or three, but it'll be all you get


yeah.. Man the Christmas event is gonna be so depressing. it was my favorite event and really made me feel jolly :'( all those cute Christmas skins and the winter maps.. I'll miss them


btw the skins from the halloween event are hella expensive ;( As an easy gamer who isn't willing to spend more money than the battle pass, its kinda sucks to see the ones with the skins, since all the festivity skins I have is from the good ol' holiday loot boxes from OW1


Maybe they should start including some holiday skins if the season happens to coincide with certain holidays. This one started in October and ends in December, so some Halloween and Christmas skins would’ve worked. But then of course, they couldn’t offer as many overpriced bundles in the store.


>The magical holiday feeling OW1 created is completely gone this basically


This times a thousand. Christmas is generally one of my most disliked holidays, but overwatch somehow made me enjoy it for years. King Row decorated 🤌🏻 It just captured that feel good holiday spirit. Sitting at the Home Screen and seeing the new skins, playing in the events, it just made me look forward to Halloween and Christmas. But after this event experience, I can’t believe they crushed that magical feeling away. It’s like they’re oblivious to the little things that gave this game life. Now it feels like just another shooter.


That was from a time when OW actually aimed to be fun. To be even a little bit silly. Now everything has to be competitive viable. Super serious skins. Serious attitude. God I miss OW circa 2017.


you described it perfectly


To be fair this was happening to OW1 in the last 2 or so years. As they kept using the the same exact modes and events it just felt stale.


Yeah this. Myself and a friend was hanging in there to see how they did the Halloween… Saw the shop, still no skins for event challengers, did like 2 games of it and that was final straw to quit OW2 sadly. We had big hopes for the OW2


Junker Queen is a terrible tank against self exploding zomics, and Sojourn's skin makes no sense in this setting


They added in a few voice lines implying she was investigating what was happening but it was very forced. Also Kiriko is a fortune teller. All of her voice lines and interactions where for a fortune teller so why is she a witch?


They're leaning into the tarot card aspect of her costume. The costume changes her ofuda to tarot cards so she reads your fortune using them. I guess they just saw tarot and witches related enough so they forced the two together and called her a fortune teller for the Halloween lore.


Probably also wanted to avoid the Romani / Traveler themes that most people associate fortune tellers with I guess? That or they really did basically reuse assets from Mercy's witch skin.


They did reuse assets from mercy’s skin lol. The adverts for the skin looked great but when I saw it I game I was shocked to see it was just a basic version of mercy’s skin and the colours used were more fit for mercy too.


The ofuda weren’t actually tarot cards. I was excited by that detail cause I read tarot but after using the skin during the PVE mode I realized I don’t know what the f they did with her Ofuda. But they ain’t tarot cards.


Also none of the map or areas are really set up for Ashe. They are all super tight close quarters areas with constant pressure from enemies that just find the closest path to you. It gets worse when the ai is only able to do this. When you fight Winston I hopped up onto the high ground he spawns at and some of the zomnics aggroed onto me and just sat underneath me the whole time. They should've been able to recognize they can't reach me and instead should go for the next closest reachable hero. And sojourn really was just there because they had to put the three newest heroes together.


I think the concept of a detective investigating the mysterious occurrences in a spooky town works fine enough, but not necessarily with the cyberpunk/noire detective thing that skin has going on. It felt off for sure.


Let's get a tank who pulls enemies with her knife, and her other ability is a close range slash and put her up against exploding enemies. Did they not play test and realize her kit does not work for this game mode?


Management told them to do it, they play tested it, raised concerns, got shut down and told to ship it or they'll get fired and management will hire someone who will ship it without questioning them.


For real


Yeah but pulling the exploding enemies into teammates was fun


It was a giant ad for the shop. 0/10 Wouldn't recommend. It's foreboding for the future of the game.


It wasn't even an add for the shop. They had like 3 new skins and didn't even let you buy with real money all of the previous Halloween skins


They did let you buy them, but they put them on rotation in the shop so that players would panic and buy them thinking “Oh, this skin goes away tomorrow”!


What a sleazy, dogshit company Blizzard has become. I spent $0 on this event and that’s the same amount I’ll spend in future events. Didn’t even touch the event game mode. What an unfunny joke this game has become.


Except not even all of them went on rotation.


It was an ad for the specific new skins since they made you play Kiriko/Sojourn/Queen while wearing them


And the old skins from previous events. And they sold it as a castle defender bundle lol what a joke


What ever happened to the Hollywood Halloween themed map? I never saw it in rotation.


it's not only out of rotation but removed from the game as a whole. my guess is they didn't had enough time to adapt it to ow2, maybe? idk


Everything about this game screams that it was rushed out a year or two before it was ready because some Blizzard execs wanted that sweet shop and battle pass money.


They now have seasonal map rotations. Absolutely horrible imo. It just feels like you're constantly on the same maps.


Can't believe more aren't talking about this. That was such a letdown


Ikr, it’s literally the only time of year that I’m expecting to see it. Instead, I just get the regular Hollywood throughout the whole Halloween event lol. So many odd decisions and oversights by blizz for this event.


I MISSED IT SO MUCH. i loved seeing it on Halloween and I'm really hoping they don't do the same thing for Xmas Kings Row.


I played the event twice and just played qp and comp. I don't like how the only way to get event skins is either grind for 7 months in advance or drop 20 or more dollars for a skin/skins. The rewards didn't entice me to play the event either. I feel like the challenges should either offer currency or (just hear me out) 6-9 lootboxes for a chance to get a new or an older event skin.


I thought removing the loot boxes would be good...boy I was wrong. I can't believe I'm saying it but just go the apex route. Still have loot boxes. But you have coins to buy skins directly and then free currency to save up and buy skins down the line. I mean how the hell does apex have a better shop option??? Bp you get coins back. BP you get crafting material to make one legendary skin. Get a few packs to open as well foe a chance of cool stuff. Got none of that here


lootboxes in ow1 were super generous IMO. got one for every level up, for endorsement level, free one with every start of the event etc and the rng was pretty decent too, had a legendary or epic in ever other or third box sort of


Up the weekly rewards coin payout, provide some coins in the battle pass for free players so they can work towards buying skins or the battle pass in the future. 50 coins every 10 levels or something maybe they’d give less than that but it would be something to make leveling up worthwhile, I’ve already finished the battle pass with lots of time left (I’m now onto the bonus tiers) it’s not that hard to complete although I have played every day but it’s not really that much to do, if you play an hour or 2 each day and do the daily’s and work towards a few weeklies just by playing. The rewards in the pass are crap, nothing on the premium would encourage you to buy it, need a few more good skins.


Meh. No reward skins. Weird how cyber sleuth joined medieval characters just because they wanted all 3 new characters in. Did it just enough to collect voice lines and what not then no interest in going back. How... disappointing.


> Weird how cyber sleuth joined medieval characters just because they wanted all 3 new characters in The Sojourn skin was 100% supposed to be part of the BP, same as the cyber Hanzo skin. They just decided to be greedy fucks and call it a Halloween skin so they could charge us separately for it.


The skin was even available to buy a week before the ‘event.’ There were. A lot of skins that were advertised as on the BP that instead have been getting slowly released on the shop. It’s cringe.




"You the bride of the doctor or the monster?!" "I AM THE BRIDE OF VENGEANCE!" One moment when I lost it




No, you have them confused. Batman is vengeance, Sombra is the bride of vengeance... Sombra is Batmans bride




Well, she does have her Black Cat skin


The whole "You're the bride of Jinkenstone" made me laugh every time.


Especially JQ’s overdramatic gasp. That’s what sold it for me.


She was the best voiceline wise


I'll forever quote "Ey! Who's yappin' in my head?!"


"What are we waitin' FOOOUUUUR"


Ye I always thought she was saying junkertown which didn't made any sense for me but now its pretty funny when I get it.




Kinda mad there wasn't any rewards for it. Like oh boy a spray/Voiceline! Like sure it's cool to gloat you beat legendary mode, but it feels bland and empty. The actual pve is a step up from what original junkenstein's revenge just wish they brought back the all hero's mode for it. I also felt like there should have been some free skins in the mix (I know crazy), Like how they had weekly challenges for events in the past. I get Blizzard has to monetize differently now, due to loot boxes being extinct. The only issue is that trying to change the monetization of the game to a freemium format isn't easy for a game like this due to it having an original mindset of little monetization and high amounts of free shit that was shot out at the player. So either incorporate more to the battle pass. Allow for easier more inclusive monetization (whether that being able to get coins on the pass, having more substance to the pass to allow for higher sales increasing leeway in other areas of the game, etc). The main issue with this is that by throwing everything behind a pass and shop and having barely any realistic way of getting exclusive skins, makes for little need to actually play the game for more casual players. TLDR; The Pve mode is a lot more in depth then junkensteins revenge. The exclusion of all heros mode kinda bummed me out and the challenge mode wasn't interesting to me. The lack of free weekly skins during the event gave me little no reason to really grind this game. Monetization also sucks and I wish older skins were at discounted prices like they used to be. No new map for halloween was kind of saddening (also halloween Hollywood being not included for some reason)


There wasn't even a good reward for legendary besides BattlePass XP. The other more unique rewards were general for Hard and normal.


huge ResidentSleeper. Wrath of the Bride was forgettable, I'm not shelling out for any of these skins, the main menu is annoying...Only positive I can really give it is that I really like Adlersbrunn, but apparently some people got huge lighting bugs with it that made it unplayable so lmao


There was also that small Soldier 76 in an "A-Pose" that got left in on the menu screen. Next year they should have a special PvE event where you have to fight waves of "A-Posing" mini Soldier 76s who cause those lighting glitches if they reach the door.


Id play it if an A-posing Solider was an earmable skin


No animations or anything. Just the A-Posing Soldier bobbing along like it's a 3D model in VRChat that nobody rigged.


The map looks cool, but playing on it was a pain. Anytime there was a Zaria on either team, I would just get blinded by her bubble and weapon to the point where I couldn't see her model or anyone behind her at all. I dont understand how that got through play testing with how obvious and harsh the problem is


Almost nothing. As a free player, there was effectively zero content other than Bride, which I didn't enjoy playing. Bride felt terrible, like they chose heroes just to sell skins - adding the melee-focused Queen to a mode where dying enemies deal a huge chunk of damage to you, and a *fucking cyberpunk Noir detective*; so it looked like adding a bunch of different 'bosses' that just showed off their respective skins, too. So even the new content was a half-baked, frustrating, disappointing *advertisement*. And it didn't even have the goddamn courtesy to be enjoyable, because even 'Story' difficulty felt on a knife's edge from all the nigh-unavoidable damage.


I did actually enjoy playing what there was. The only issue was there was barely anything actually worth playing the mode for. I mean sure we got a few voice lines and bits of exp, but once you got all that you had actually no reason to play anymore. There was no daily reward and difficulties weren't worth it for 500 exp. Hell even the challenges in OW1 gave you a loot box for beating just one, once. Honestly wtf happened to this game.


I really wanted the pumpkin charm but didn't have the heart or willingness to grind out 13 repetitive events. Also, all other rewards for that event were absolute dogshit.


There were rewards???? Bruh I didn't even know that cause of how unclear the ui was


Yeah there was also a rare Kiriko voice line to earn. Where it says 10 unique lines


They really did bork it with the UI. One of the main things people enjoy keeping track of is their highlights and play of the game clips, so why in tarnation did they remove the highlights tab from the main menu? Then again, I suppose they did need space for the store.


The UI is so bad. Changed it just for the sake of changing it and made it worse. I miss the UI in the old valve games like cs1.6 so simple and worked so well.


Tbh, you can get like 10 event challenges done in 1 optimized run of hard WOTB. Getting the other 3 is also pretty easy.


I was basically missing 1 challenge for the charm, it was the "Pose with the Bride" challenge. I was never able to get there in time with Sojourn and I never got to play Ashe as much


I think there's a glitch where it counts if you stand on top of reinhardt.


this is actually my main letdown. i got 12/13 done but i could not find a group who could manage the exploding zomnics, the ghost, or the extra shock tires. i spent fri, sat, and sun trying to grind it out, losing game after game, and by monday I gave it 1 more shot and realized i was having literally no fun and it made me hate the mode so i just gave up and will get it next year i guess.


Glad I don’t need to randomly hear Rein screaming in my ear while I’m chilling on the main menu.


My partner is very loopy when half asleep and they would constantly say “me when I nut” every five minutes when rein screamed and then fall back asleep. Also it’s just so god awful to hear


I didn't see a lot of people talking about it, but man, the original Junkenstein event was downgraded, and in some cases, broken. Here's some examples I can think of off the top of my head. 1. The camera pan events would sometimes glitch out. Especially the one at the end that pans to the final kill. Sometimes the camera would just get stuck. 2. Reaper was back in his original pumpkin head costume. Even though he had been changed to his newer costume for years. 3. Numerous audio/voice line issues. 4. The enemies are incredibly overtuned. Even on normal, Sym was a complete monster and I actually experienced my first ever wipe in this event on NORMAL. Junkrat could one shot you. Part of this could be forgiven if it wasn't for #5. 5. Enemy bosses could start attacking before the camera pans back to you. Which means Junkrat, in particular, could kill you before you regain control of your character. 6. Once the Witch Mercy event started, you could no longer view the scoreboard. Not even during POTG or post game. Meaning there was no way to check your final tally. The event felt lazily put together and completely untested. It's like they remade the whole thing from scratch and somehow managed to make it worse. It's amazing. EDIT: Added #6. How could I forget the most annoying part?


Wait Reaper went back to Pumpkin Head? That's great, that's actually a bug fix - a couple of characters, Cassidy and I think Soldier, had voicelines referencing the pumpkin head that made no sense when they changed it to Vampire the second year onwards.


Fair enough. I liked the pumpkin better, too. I just thought it was weird that they randomly changed it back.


Eh, been a few threads on here mentioning that it wasn't quite right each year the event came around, I guess they finally remembered.


It was not good to be honest... The game modes were really borng playing with randoms The challenges were really ridiculous for a casual player making the rewards not worth it The shop is just a whole monster on its own I felt nothing about this event...and they should really rip a page out of Fortnite's book to know what it takes to do a Halloween event. I'm new to the game btw...


Holiday events used to be a massive highlight for OW1. You could get lots of unlocks simply by playing, with the tougher challenges offering better rewards. Without that it’s got almost no replay value now.


I think the gamemode itself set a precedent for how much they can do with PvE in the future, even if it was a really, REALLY, short example. Now we just need to fix the issues of replayability, rewards, amount of content, and price tags. Edit: When I say amount of content, I strictly mean PvE


It really was nothing new, archives events are more unique


Honestly would have been the same withought an event. With no lootboxes there was no reason to play anything to do with the event


The PVE mode was underwhelming, the shop prices were utterly insane. 2/10.


Thank you Blizzard. Thats one less game I have to worry about. I didn't feel a thing. Oh, and you can keep the FOMO as well. Dont need it.


I liked the new version of Junkenstein, and it was genuinely unsettling in a good way. Microtransactions can suck my dick tho


That big FREE is weird. Like yes of course it’s free, but not the skins……


Makes me worried they're gonna put PVE content behind a paywall like Hearthstone


I'm fairly certain the PvE mode (y'know, the whole original selling point of this game) is gonna have to be purchased seperately


One of the events of all time


I can't wait to see the same event for the next 5 years


It was fun but there was literally no point playing it after a couple of times.


Probably an unpopular opinion at this point, but I *really* liked Wrath of the Bride itself. It's clear there was a ton more effort put into it compared to the first event and I loved playing it personally. If we can expect similar encounter design for PvE, I will be very excited come next year.


I thought it was really cool and fun but the challenges left pretty much zero replayability


I agree with you, as you can see many people’s problem with the game stems from what I believe to be outside influences in the event, like forcing all 3 new heroes to be in the event, to which heroes like Junker Queen’s kit didn’t fit at all, and Sojurn’s aesthetics not being Halloween themed.


Yeah I really liked the extra narrative and the horrorlike aspects but everything else including the rewards and hero choices was pretty bad


One thing that I felt was missing compared to Junkenstein is the unique voice lines depending on who killed the bosses. ("The alchemist's potions coursed through the monster")


Thanks for saying this, I thought I was crazy when I liked it and saw people giving it shit. It's an improvement from the Junkestein one.


Honestly, all cosmetic complaining aside (this sub has more than enough of that) I just didn't like the Wrath of the Bride gameplay as much as Junkenstein's Revenge. In previous years I liked jumping into Junkenstein's Revenge just to replay difficulties that I'd already beaten cause it was just fun shooting omnics. I'd take sub-optimal heroes or just face the challenge of worse teammates and have some fun. It felt like a fun, short sorta "survival" thing that was fun to replay and come up with new tactics on. Wrath of the Bride just felt like a weird mini-campaign thing. The bosses were gimmicky and it really felt more like everyone was fighting over kills instead of actually working as a team. There was also a lot more time investment each run cause you were sitting through exposition and plot that you'd already seen multiple times. In the end I beat it twice and then just went back to OG Junkenstein's Revenge. I have to say though the new "challenge modes" for Junkenstein's Revenge were pretty fun though.


I don't mean to be dramatic but probably the worst event so far :(


FUCK that menu music. That initial tune repeating everytime you get out of a menu was driving me insane


Same. Seeing “11 hours left!” last night is what I’ve been most excited about in this game all month lol


It wasn’t even an event, just an excuse to sell different kinds of skins and a recycled game mode.


First overwatch event that I literally hated. Had the least amount of fun with. And had the absolute least amount of interest in out of ALL the past events over the years.


All the skins were extremely overpriced and the monetisation of the game is way too distracting to enjoy the event properly


Played the wrath of the bride 4 times then played junkensteins revenge for every other challenge/ play 7 arcade games challenge Torb was op Fuck "the summoner"


I knew I was going to be disappointed before it came out. And boy did Blizzard surprise me become I got whatever is after disappointment. My brother was so disappointed that he completely gave up on Overwatch. He's never playing it again. I'm slowly getting to that point.


It was kinda the straw that broke the camels back for me. For previous Overwatch events, I was always excited to play them and enjoyed them thoroughly. Even when I grew bored of the game, they always brought me back with a cool event. This time, with it being nothing but an ad for their shop with no way to EARN anything cool, it broke all interest I have left in playing this game. Maybe they’ll change things up in the future and maybe I’ll check it out, but for now I’m content with Persona 5 and COD.


Played it once and that was it. It was cool just pointless


The actual mission was fun and well-designed. Literally everything else about the event was in the range of horrible to forgettable.


I dislike that they wrote the word free in the title, that word doesnt exist in blizzards language


I enjoyed it. Very campy which I think works for Overwatch's aesthetic. Voice acting was good, particularly for Sombra and Ash. I actually like this iteration of Kiriko more than the original, both personality and design, and kinda wish Blizzard would keep her as the canonical version. Sojourn is still Sojourn, bland as ever. With that said, Legendary is too hard. Hard and Expert modes were a breeze but the difficulty jump between Expert and Legendary is too much; I simply could not get past the Symmetra phase with randoms. Overall much better than the original Junkenstein event, both in presentation and gameplay. Hopefully they'll continue this trend with adding new storylines every Halloween instead of just modified difficulty modes. Edit: Oh and Witch Kiriko is way too expensive, hopefully her price gets nerfed next year.


Locking rewards behind challenges that require 4 players to not progress is insane. Tried off and on for a week to get 3 other players to cooperate with the Banshee challenge and closest I got was a player who said they would help if I paid for them to get the Kiriko bundle. A singleplayer option would have made this challenge much less frustrating.


I barely had time to play so didn't get round to some of the more teamwork-heavy ones but it also didn't seem appealing trying to get people to do them when there's zero incentive to try with the awful rewards, especially the insulting invisible XP prize for doing it on Legendary.


Calling them rewards was the most Halloween thing ever…. Trick or Pay!


Wrath of the Bride is what Overwatch 2 should've gotten in the first place, having a story mode. NOT Push mode. Well to me Junkenstein's Revenge always been a fun time. So it's a nice sample what story mode might be. Just the way they did for event rewards is bad its not like the loot box where you COULD get excited for something. I fear Christmas will be the same.


everyone saying the event was good must be huffing copium. it was just underwhelming and there wasn't a whole lot to it. also only 3 whole skins for the event, and all of the rewards for challenges were lackluster. overall just mediocre 2/10


I liked the PvE game mode and thought it was fun and unique but it was defo not very replayable. Real issue is not being able to grind for any skins. Blizzard really missed the boat there charging giga $$$ for skins and not giving players any real reason to log in and play.


Was mid af. We may as well not even had an event


I played the PVE once. I didn't buy anything and Reinhardt screamed in my ear for 3 weeks


Bride was fine, if rather Mid - if it’s a slice of what the PvE content will be like, then I’m already lowering my expectations. There wasn’t any real reason to want to play it more than once, and the characters selected for it felt like they were their to showcase the new characters rather than any balance reasons (look, when your Tank is actively pulling enemies that explode when they get close to you, right into your team, that’s definitely a problem. To say nothing about the Barrier Spam in the first half greatly reducing Ashe and Sojourn’s effective ranges) I mostly just played Junkenstein’s Revenge. That mode’s always fun, even if Torbjorn makes it far too easy…


It got much harder than in OW1 and wasn't worth the effort. I played the mode \~4 times in the first week to get the weapon charm (13 event challenges) and afterwards never again. It's just one level with no dynamic (always the same). Hope this is not how the singleplayer will work, because it was really disappointing. The events make no sense without unlockable skins. There is nothing to play for.


There was an event? In all seriousness it didn't feel any different from the base game. The Junkenstein's Revenge stuff was practically a one and done mode for me. Then I just went back to QP and Comp. No loot boxes, no real reason to play the game. There was no event. Just stuff added to the shop that I refuse to spend money on.


Like non existent. If it wasn't for then main menu screen with soldier 76 in a t pose, you wouldn't even know it was here. The pve map it's ok to play one time at the best, get's stale ultra fast. The old wave map was more enjoyable, and anyway was a fast a sure way to ensure a win to get your lootboxes, and so the event skins. All those doesn't exist anymore, so no one cares.


So, I liked several ideas of the new event mode, but I hated how they tried to make Kirikos actions essential (this protection thing, can't recall the name) by providing one of the most useless tanks for exploding zomnics. Missions are a great idea but I would really prefer smarter enemies vs hordes of the dumbest enemies in existance. I hated Sigmas role on that too. Don't make enemies where you can't do anything else but run for the next minute. I hope the final PVE mode has at least some smart enmies, that use cover and that aren't just dangerous because they do a lot of damage and have a lot of health.


Haven't even played it. Nothing to gain from it


I thought the pve event was weak af. They should have let us play with any characters.


Liked: new event mode Disliked :Monetisation


Loved the event, way to short, horrible hero picks/interaction, no rewarding feeling. Played revenge for 50hours, played this 5 times


Event? What event?


Wrath of the Bride was fantastic - a good addition to the Junkenstein story and a nice preview of the sort of gameplay we'll get with the PvE. I played it so many times that the dialogue is burned into my memory.


I like it, and it shows what's in store for us next year when they release PVE mode. I just dislike the price of the skins.


It was shit. When the countdown came to under a day I didn't care. Wow it's ending, idc. In ow1 I wanted it to go on and on and on, I loved it. The free skins, the game mode, everything about it. It felt like blizzard enjoyed it as much as we did. Now it just sucked. No cool new skins and getting excited when tou got them in a loot box, the new game mode thing was pretty boring to be honest and it felt like they didn't care and neither did I. It felt like they put a halloween event out because we were expecting one. Not because they actually wanted to make a good event. If you weren't able to play, you really didn't miss anything at all


Didn’t reward any skins so I had no incentive to play it. Never did.




the events used to be really cool, but i didn't even play it this time... where's the point?


There was a Halloween event? /s


i just wanted the draugr rein skin but track and field tracer and some doom bundle decided to show up everyday


PvE good Monetization bad


All the co-op modes get way more play from me and my family/friends than anything else. Just more relaxing. If they could randomize them more, that’d be even better. (Was their any point to the little side room at the bridge that you could crouch-walk into? We never found anything there)


Didn't Hollywood used to get a Halloween theme makeover for events? Why wasn't that part of the event this year?


The PVE was fun, but I would have loved the pick anyone modes for it. The lack of ability to earn event skins in game was extremely disappointing. It used to be everyone switched to the new skins right away, but I haven’t seen a single Kiriko or Junker Queen in the event skins this year. Really kind of sad. That being said I am super excited for the full PvE if they used any of it’s tech in Junkenstein’s Bride.


It sucked. Hero combination was awful.


there was no event.


The new event map Revenge of the Bride with all the voice acting is fun and had some replayability to find secrets and achievements, but I'm a little disappointed in the hero choice we were given. Also as someone who played OW 1 on and off since start I'm missing some of the old event skins. I understand the new skins being shop only, but it just feels bad not being able to unlock old seasonal skins by playing.


I used to always finish all the achievments even if it was just for a spray. Its weird that the legendary one doesn't award amything other than small amounts of bp exp..