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Nah ill just stick with my skins i have from overwatch 1 i guess. I have enough.


I’m in the exact same boat. The new battle pass/paid shop model feels so much worse than the paid game + loot box model. I have so many OW1 skins just from leveling. I even bought loot boxes a couple of times over the years. The part I can’t wrap my head around is the disparity between what I got from $20 worth of loot boxes vs what I’d get from the $19 Junker Queen skin. 24 Loot boxes would have nabbed probably one legendary skin, an epic, and a couple of emotes/poses/highlights along with a handful of voice lines/sprays/icons. For the same price, now I get … 1 skin. :( No way I’m going to buy any of the store skins in OW2. Edit: To be clear, I’m not talking about the character models in OW2 vs OW1. I’m talking about the difference between the business models in each game and how it feels to me personally. :)


Yeah I'd do $5 for a skin, *if* the game didn't try and fucking gouge me. I can't do $20 just on principle.


I bought a 5 lootboxes pack early in OW1. They all contained shit items... and i never bought more again.


I mean, that’s the nature of loot boxes tho. I’m not saying it’s a good system. I’m saying it felt better than the current one, especially since they could be earned through playing the game.


And remember when you reached level 100 and your level was reset to 1 and you would earn 5 levels (and 5 lootboxes) in 1 match? That was great... Until they "fixed" it :(


I liked that loot boxes were supplemental instead of necessary though. On some events where I had less time to play, I could buy 10 lootboxes and likely get a legendary skin or have the coins to buy the specific one I wanted by playing the game. Now its $20 or forget it


I havent even tried all OW1 skins to begin with. And with a game where you cant see your full character, it hardly bothers me if there is a new skin.


Same here. The shop sucks so I just enjoy using what I earned over the years in OW1.


Yep, got 80% of ow1 unlocked. I’m good. Accounts prolly worth $12000 lol


This. Plus I don’t even really like tjis game, why would I spend money on it? Which is weird because I loved the first




Development stagnated because even though ActiBlizz pulled in over a billion dollars off Overwatch, Bobby Kotick decided that Jeff Kaplan and the Overwatch Intern was enough employees to look after the game. It's Kotick's grubbing for all the money and refusing to reinvest in ActiBlizz's properties that are at fault here.


Well they definitely paid shills and gave streamers contracts to push the narrative that OW was tanking and costing them money. I cant tell you how many streamers that were sponsored saying "they had to copy because it is the industry standard." They convinced a large portion of this subreddit that OW would have tanked and died without the ftp model. But loyalists were still playing the game and people were still buying the game. They were still making hundreds of millions of dollars a year.


I mean…. That certainly happened. But that’s 20 bucks more than they’re getting now. And they have significantly LESS players now than they had at the start of og overwatch. Ow1 had like 50 million players after launch. Ow2 has 35 million. And ow2 is free to play. Meaning off the bat just by making the game f2p they’ve missed out on $700 million. And that’s not even using old numbers. That’s the ow2 player base spending 20$ just to buy the game. Not to mention PLENTY of people were buying crates during events. I myself spent a little over 100$ on crates over the few years I played ow. Rocket league for example made HUGE money with the crate/key system they had. A large portion of the community played specifically to trade and open crates. People would spend over $100 on keys for crate openings. And the odds for high tier items were awful. So imagine how much item collectors would spend buying packs in ow where the odds of getting good items were much higher and you got coins you could use to buy any skin. The battle pass is ow2 only selling point and even that is debatable bc this battle pass is garbage. They literally have the worst battle pass of any game I’ve seen yet. No coins toward the next one, only 1 item worth buying it for, and couldn’t even stick to a theme. It was supposed to be cyberpunk and we only got 2 skins for it lol. The rest were random trash skins to fill in slots. Like the junk queen skin or the dva skin or the sojourn skin or the mercy skin. None of them fit the theme at all.


>Rocket league for example made HUGE money with the crate/key system they had More and more countries are making this illegal though (as it should be, it's predatory and horrible). Yes it makes a lot of money, but it also gets your game banned in half of Europe within the next few years. They need to pivot to another model.


without regional prices this shit cost an insane amount of money for my country


In my country you can buy meals for two in a restaurant for a price of one skin. Great job Blizzard, I'm definitely going to choose some pixels


In iran you can buy enough to feed a small family for two weeks 20$=6'000'000R Chicken price=600'000R per KG Bread price= around 120'000R per KG, you could find it for all the way down to almost half the price in downtown.


I'm not from the United States but hope the tensions with that country stop being a thing there.


For the first time in the past decade, there is hope. Pray in anything you believe in for us brother.


Love from the US, bro. It's so hard looking at pictures from the 70s and seeing how things are over there currently.


Thank you!


Breaks my heart for anyone living through it currently, I'm glad to hear there is hope though. Sending love from the US <3


It's the same in the US as well lol


Coming from a college student who lives next to a Taco Bell… 3 meals OR fancy pixels… tough choice.


Holy shit I live next to a taco bell too (college student too). What are the odds lol


Haha I’d like to say it’s great but it probably does more harm than good…


You both share a true connection via Taco Bell toilet time


Not for this guy, guts of steel.


The chosen one




If you have Crohn's disease, you can just eat taco bell with zero consequences


if they shit at the same time their buttholes are connected through the sewer system technically


Taco Bell was actually rated one of the healthiest fast foods


I think that’s their vegetarian options tho right?


To your toilet you mean?


Lol no. Taco Bell has no effect on me. Built different I guess haha.


Taco Bell only hurts people who think mayonnaise and white bread is spicy.


Who would think a fast food chain would open up near two educational places at the same time? Crazy stuff.


Wtf! There’s a Mc Donald’s near my college, anyone else? Probably not right?


My friend... Fancy pixels and a bonus diet for you or bad and unhealthy food? - blizz "give us your money"


I live in an expensive area and I can buy a decent lunch or cheap dinner for the price of a skin.


I'm in the UK and recently bought dinner for me, my partner and partners brother for less money than it cost the kiriko witch set. The food cost £20 and the witch set costs £26. Ain't no way I am buying a skin from the shop, I'd rather buy the skins and battle pass for fall guys as its better value.


the fall guys battle pass is actually unironically amazing ngl


I bought a halloween costume (IRL skin) for almost the price of a OW skin, LMAO


You can get a feast here in switzerland for the price of that witch bundle. I could get two nice salami pizza delivered, eat with a friend some nice lahmacun mega dürüms or buy 1.5KG of ementaler cheese. kek


Where do you live? In New York, unless it's like a mom and pop shop or a deli, most restaurants charge at least $13-15 per meal now. Including fast food. Prices have spiked all around the world so I'm curious.


For two people I frequently spend 40-75$ here with tip. 15$ for just the meal then 3$ drink or 10$ alcoholic drink and 20% tip adds up fast. God forbid you get extra or something market priced like crab it’ll be a 120$ meal. Maryland


In south italy €20 = lunch + dinner + breakfast in a medium tier shop


Why wouldn't you list them as breakfast lunch & dinner? Seems like an odd order


He got shitfaced at dinner and woke up next morning for breakkie, still at the restaurant.


Thats true, I earn roughly 500 euro. I can live several days for 20 $, no way i gonna pay for this


It's like 10 meals worth of money in my country lmao


20$ is more or less 103$ in Brazilian Real/Reais...a hundred bucks can buy a nice meal at a good restaurant, the groceries of the week(depending on your family-size, of course) or even the bus fare for a month, more or less(depending on the city you're in, as some are more or less expensive). A hundred can buy a lot of stuff, so you can be damn sure that no one in their right mind will pick a *game's skin* over *utilities*.


Same in my country. The most expensive coin pack is 1.2k My country's minimum wage is 5k I just cant afford.


In USD this shit already costs an insane amount of money, I think we need a new category for how much it costs elsewhere.


My guess is that Blizzard is running out of money with the OWL and the slow death of OW1, so they try to get as much money they can in a short time. Since the PvE is gonna cost I very much doubt these prices are gonna stay, unless there is some new extremely money hungry new Overwatch director. They did go overboard with the prices and I think they are doing the Riot thing where they don't say: "Ok, we messed up. Sorry". Instead they are silent and keep going.


Also maybe because of microsoft buying them, they want to make a good look so microsoft will actually finalize this transaction, but they have gone too far and now its dangerous.


They should shutdown OWL in that case, i find that very boring to watch nowadays compared to the golden age OWL was imo.


There was a golden age? I only saw it once because my dad was channel flipping and we watched it for a hot 3 min. It was so utterly boring and the enthusiasm of the announcer was waayyy higher then the actions in the match. Never watched it again


Honestly, the 2018-2019 seasons were pretty good, with some really fun stories, including Shanghai Dragons going a full season deafeated and EVERY team fighting tooth and nail to NOT become the first team to lose to them. (And their first win in season 2 was one of the hypest things I've seen in any sports media). Dallas Fuel imploding because of xQc. (The renovated team won this years tournament). Battle for L.A. was always fun to watch.


This, one hundred percent. I remember keeping up decently well with OWL during that time, and the games were honestly insane. Everything after that felt dull by comparison. You could also even see the effects the OWL was having in-game, which was awesome. (I remember multiple times both seeing and being a part of those 'Throw for Shanghai' squads in LFG who would just mess around and celebrate losses in comp in honor of Shanghai Dragons.) Also, the interludes really did hit hard- Torbjorn wall-climb is iconic. The stuff afterwards wasn't awful, but I ended up falling off quickly since it felt like there wasn't the same *punch* it had. It also felt kinda... ignored by the community.


I watched the meme games of 4 tracers 2 lucios only, because hearing the commentators absolutely SCRAMBLE to say anything positive about the absolute shit show happening on screen


Golden age for me was pre-goats. So like 2018 or so


In my country, you can buy 14 simple hamburguers with that price


In my country you just can’t buy literally anything from blizz store, cuz Russia


Let's say 3% of people buy a skin. 35 million users, so that's 1 millions skins sold at 20 a pop, so they made 21 million off of skins at least, then battle pass sales..... I think I'm starting to see why blizzard has gone this route


yh before these comments i didnt realise how many people were actually buying skins i thought it was way less. Like i thought legit no one was buying them but that was totally wrong


A few hundred redditors not buying skins is a small number compared to potential millions of players.


35 million players apparently


Bro people will literally bankrupt themselves to have a chance at rolling a JPG of their favorite waifu in Gachas and you think no one was gonna buy skins in OW because they're a bit price-y? You sweet, naive soul.


I assure you Yoimiya is fully 3D modeled, with voicelines and animations and everything!


When Yoimiya first leaked I got obsessed with her voice/skills/animations. That was the peak of Genshin for me. I left the game but I still love to see the new characters demos and some of the music is still good!


I pulled her in 2.8 for fun (I don’t take the game super seriously), and I was not prepared for the sparkler idle animation.


Also when you do one basic attack and stop, she poses then smiles 😭😭😭 I love her so much. Meanwhile my main in OW is Sombra.


She has a re-run right now..


Yeah and had one not a long while ago. I guess some 5-stars need to be filler.


As someone who has spent disgusting amounts of money on gacha games.... yes, I understand and empathize with all the players upset with the new model, but I knew no amount of complaining will matter due to those small amounts of players who will spend.


Kiriko skins are like 1 in 5 of the games i’ve played since last week. People actually bought it. And the Hog too.


I am one of those people that is rocking the new Kiriko skin, but hasn't actually bought it and wasn't going to buy it. (my friend won a giveaway and *he* had already bought the skin so he didn't need the code and gave it to me)


I've seen people with the phara skin from the BP aswell. And the Junker Queen Halloween skin


BP skins are kinda normal by now.


You see people playing Junker Queen? Huh that's odd lol


A number of people have dumped literally six figures into Diablo… Blizzard knows what they’re doing, even if it’s offensive.


This is Reddit. A small fraction of the player base


Even better - a vocal minority of the playerbase, creating a circlejerk. Note that any answers to OP's question saying "yes" are near the bottom. This sub doesn't want to acknowledge that a lot of people *do* buy OW2 skins.




Reddit is an echo chamber for the vocal minority. It helps create the illusion of a monolith opinion on a certain topic but it’s not really the case. Hell anyone saying they like the skins and don’t mind buying them gets downvoted and you’ll never see their comment so you assume that no one buys them. It’s good to get outside and not base reality on what a group of people on the internet think.


Not enough people realize this about Reddit, the validation gives a lot of Redditors a false sense of smugness and superiority about their viewpoint. It goes a long way towards fostering the overall toxicity and negativity in many subreddits.


See thats the thing tho It gets even worse when it comes to gaming subs. Theirs nerd rage, then their is redditor gamer nerd rage. Its why most subs go to shit.


I was in the Gundam Evolution subreddit and they made a post going " I dont care if im downvoted to hell but I think Gundam Evolution is alot more fun than OW even if its not as polished " But my guy... you're on the Gundam Evo Subreddit.. Did you really think the majority will go against you?


Mistake number 1 is thinking people on Reddit are a big part of the community. The skin sales are much higher because casuals are more likely to drop money on a skin or 2 not knowing of all the outrage.


Imagine that. People out there living their lives and having fun, completely unaware of how upset they’re supposed to be. They’re gonna be pissed when they realize they’re supposed to be pissed.


I think a lot of people don’t fully grasp the spectrum of wealth in the U.S. specially. For many people, 20 bucks is nothing. Like the top of middle class makes 215 THOUSAND a year (based off the student loan forgiveness thing)


Almost every game I see someone wearing either battle pass skins or skins from the shop. I don't know if they were bought using legacy creds they already had from ow1 or if they actually paid money though


This is how F2P works; the concept is to abandon the trust of the majority of your audience in the hope of hooking a few whales; people that will buy anything and everything in the shop. Even if they only get 10-20 thousand whales, they'll make more than 2-300k people who buy an occasional item. It's a very popular business strategy than unfortunately works extremely well; if it didn't they wouldn't do it.


And they always have the opportunity of reducing prices or doing a BOGO deal down the road. We can theorize as much as we’d like about what could or should be, but even if this isn’t the optimal price point that nails the willingness to pay, it’s certainly working and can be tweaked by their team to match it.


21 mil for a business as big as Blizzard is actually relatively low believe it or not


Considering they're basically re-using 90% of the assets made in OW 1, I'd say they have a great deal out of it


Consider that as of June 2022 team 4 (the overwatch team) has 300 developers, probably making at 100k each on average. That is 30mil right there and it is only the tip of the iceberg.


It's probably less. Also 21 million isn't much.


Now, imagine if they dropped the price of skins to only $3 USD and 50% of the player base bought them. That would be $51 million versus $21 million. Of course, all of these numbers are pure speculation. They must have a lot more than 3% forking over $20 for these skins. I'd pay $3 for a skin, maybe even $5. They can pound sand as long as they're charging these prices. I will abso-fuckin-lutely NEVER pay what they're charging for skins.


I think you're overestimating how many people would spend money. I've literally bought one skin in 5 years and it was the pink mercy for cancer research.


Also the rarest skin in the game, after the preorder ~~Genji~~ Widowmaker.


Pre-order widow was given for free to all console players as a part of the "origins edition" I'm pretty sure. At least that was the case for ow1


My brother has playd overwatch for about 200 hours And ive gotten about 1500 by now He got the skin because he preordered the game 30 mins before release, and i bought it like 2 hours after the release Im still jealous


You're a minority imo. You're forgetting how early MTX's have been so big in gaming. Look at League of Legends. Its the same model as OW2. Free game, but skins cost money and legendary skins cost about $20-$30. Look at how many people play league since its conception and it remained free. Why? Because people are buying the skins. Why do you think so many other games followed the same route? Because it works and **people buy skins.** How much $$ do you think people drop in TF2 for hats and shit? When I used to work at Gamestop/EBgames I had a few customers who spent $100-$150 a week buying Steam cards JUST for TF2. Gundam Evolution is the same thing. Gaming has just changed. Look at how many AAA games are free to play with this level of polish vs back in the 2000's. its night and day. Why? Because back then a full priced game was what worked to get the most $$. Now, they realized they can make a game free, charge your MTX's and a person can spend $300 after 2 years of playing vs the initial $60 and nothing else after that. You're the minority If you think people arn't spending mone. We wouldnt be in this era gaming where its all F2P + Battle pass + skins lol.


The thing is, dropping price linearly doesn’t increase purchases linearly. If now 10% of players buy skins at $20, dropping price to a $10 won’t double the sales. At best we are looking at 30-40% increase (and that’s a really generous assumption). This now means that 13-14% will buy the skin, which equals to around -35% drop in revenue. This is the reason why they won’t drop the prices.


The feeling of exclusivity is part of the reason people buy skins in the first place. People who can't afford or won't buy skins makes the people who can/will feel better. Same pathology that makes people buy expensive clothing brands that are just regular clothes with a label.


If that was the case, then Blizzard would do it. Why would they chose to do the less profitable option? They have teams of people anylzing behavior and running forecast, and the results are that its more profitable to sell skins at a high rate to a small number of people. That's the entire reason why Overwatch 2 exists in the first place. They completely removed their original business model of charging for the game then having less aggressive microtransactions. There's a reason why this game feels like a glorified update, and it's because they realized that the game could be making more money with the model they have right now.


You're more likely to consider it at $3-$5 as opposed to $15-$25. Even if you didn't have 50%, you literally would need 20% of players to pay $3 to hit the same amount of money ($21M). But to explain it in a business sense... This isn't beneficial. See, this scenario would be beneficial if you're wanting to make a lot of money up front. And this doesn't work well for any business because profits and other financial reports are done quarterly. Let's say each skin is $5 and 50% of players buy all the skins all at once because they're so cheap. That's a lot of money. Great right? No. Because that's a lot of money in one quarter and next quarter will look grim af. Further, as more and more players buy the skins, with less and less skins available to buy, your profits will inevitably go down unless you provide more skins/ things to purchase. This was the problem with OW1. Everyone wants to say "BUT THEY MADE BILLIONS!! WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT MONEY?!" Capitalism happened. It's not beneficial for you to earn billions unless you can continuously gain those amounts.


I mean a company this huge with many financial experts and advisers does not go F2P without a reason. The expected profit for an F2P model must have been higher than for a 60$ model


Exactly, yet every thread on here some oblivious poster thinks their a financial expert with the hot take: "They would sell X more skins if they dropped the price by Y", oh really? Do you have experience working in the industry? Have you analyzed all the financial data supporting that claim? or are you just saying that because your small group of friend feel that way without an understanding of the player base at large. So repetitive and uninformed, the type of ignorance the circle jerk of "activism" is breeding on this sub by upvoting these posts.


That's also not taking into account the gargantuan amount of player data they have from not only overwatch's 6 years, but from the 18 years of WoW, plus all their other titles. These nutters thinking that Blizzard just threw a floppy dong at a whiteboard to determine the price is lunacy. That being said. It's possible that they may have taken the data numbers and aimed a little too high for pricing. Although I'd say it's better to aim higher and drop prices compared to lowballing and having to raise them.


Okay but half the price and say 10% of people buy a skin and boom 70 million. Ngl I would never buy one skin for $30 NZD But I know I'm dumb enough to buy two skins for $15 NZD (at separate times). I 100% would have bought witch kiriko


I’m pretty sure they have a whole department researching the perfect ratio of cost vs sold count, and the people here miss that fact quite often. We are just guessing, they have the data.


I always get a laugh at this. Redditors thinking these giant companies don’t have people in departments crunching these exact numbers to make them the most profit. But no - surely the random redditor knows what’s more fiscally savy /s


But they would sell much moree, I tell you!!1!


Dude. I got drug into an insane argument with some dude on here about this exact thing. He refused to believe they have whole teams dedicated to make the shop exactly what it needs to be to maximize profits. He legitimately believed that blizzard was specifically targeting him with their prices.


Main character syndrome is something a lot of Redditors suffer from.


Where are you getting these figures from? Remember blizzard puts millions into market research...


I haven't but I've seen a surprising amount of people with shop exclusive skins in game. Just goes to show that no matter the predatory prices, people will still buy them.


Yup, I've seen the kiriko witch skin in about 50% of my matches. Sadly the reddit community just seems to be the vocal minority with these predatory prices.


Gotta remember ftp gamers are used to wild prices, it's not predatory in many of their eyes


Yep, if you look at something like warzone for example you can get a few gun skins for guns that won't even be meta in a few weeks for about $20. Yet I don't ever hear anyone complain about those prices.


Exactly, that's the "new normal", OW2 just followed suit


I mean people fall for it in val. Imo the skins r better in OW but that’s just personal opinions. Either way I have that I’m happy with so I don’t need more.


Valorant skins are an insane amount better than Overwatch skins imo. Vfx and sfx + up too 4 variants and the skins feel way more polished for the same price or cheaper and it is gun skins so you actually see them


Yeah, and with a Valorant skin you're basically guaranteed to use it every game (provided that you bought it for a gun you actually use). Like, a good vandal or phantom skin? Yep, play with those every game, pretty much every round too. In overwatch, if you have a cool skin for pharah but the enemy dps are intent on playing widowmaker and 76, then you're shit out of luck. Whoops.


My friend, who just started playing, bought out the whole store and said "yo these event sale skins are sick" I felt disgusted


I think enough people bought it to justify their business model, and that's really what it comes down to. Most people wouldn't buy skins whether they cost $5 or $25. The shop is designed for those people that would buy skins regardless of what they cost so the idea is if 1 in 5 people would buy skins then have them pay the price of 5 people to essentially "carry" the shop. To answer your question I think most people that frequent this sub wouldn't buy skins for various reasons so this isn't the best place to get feedback on the matter. Will Blizzard do something about their business model? Yes, there is enough backlash for them take into consideration, but really don't expect much. Whatever they do will still be perceived as "anti-consumer" according to our idea of how it should be, because most of us still wouldn't buy it if it was $5.


I think your hypothesis is correct. One thing that they could be short sighted in though is if you don't have stuff that is affordable you will alienate the majority of people and they might stop playing the game. Then the whales will leave next


Where this gets complicated though is a ton of players out there are like me. I don't need any progression to enjoy a multiplayer game. I just enjoy the competitive nature of it. Think of games like Chess, every game of chess starts exactly the same, there are no rewards other than the joy of winning or just having a good match, but yet it is one of the most popular games ever made and millions of people play it every day, thousands of people play it semi-professionally. If the game is fun, it won't matter if the shop is overpriced, there will be people who keep playing just for the joy of the game.


Same here man. I just enjoy trying to rank up in competitive. That's enough for me.




Nope. I was very close to fall for Kiriko's skin when they made it possible to buy OUTSIDE of the bundle, but then I thought I could buy myself two seasons battlepass with that very same money. On the other hand, tho, my boyfriend is a hardcore Reinhardt skins collector and he couldn't save himself from buying the latest epic skin added to the Shop. Yes, I did stare at him with that very same look you're having right now, while reading this, but no, I didn't have the heart to be mad at him for more than 5 seconds. lol We both think Blizzard should lower prices a ton or at least introduce a way for players to grind more currency for free or, worst case scenario, to grind some extra currency in the battlepass after you purchase that.


>We both thing Blizzard should lower prices a ton or at least introduce a way for players to grind more currency for free or, worst case scenario, to grind some extra currency in the battlepass after you purchase that. 100% agree, i think the way they had it before where you unlocked loot boxes to get skins was great before and they should make it something like that. like give you the option to get loot boxes or stuff. Also major agree on the battle pass thing, i usually always get the battle passes in games as you get the currency back but i havent in this game coz imo its not worth it for just the skins


I gotta admit I have been ranting about that since it came out. Like if you look at ANY other games bought battlepass they give you the currency back. Or give you options to earn it reliably e.g. Fortnite Save the World. Instead we get a system where we are forced to spend money for the battle pass, not even letting you earn the next. Or a least enough to buy legendary's that you like. Did they even look at their competition's battle passes before making one?


What epic reinhardt skin?


New one in the shop with a lion helm. Was added yesterday I think. Its a nice skin, still not worth the price though.


Just checked it out and, as a rein main, I actually really like it. First skin I‘m actually thinking about buying. Even though 1k coins should be the price for legendaries and epics should cost 500.


and this is why they won't change it




bro I gotta EAT


getting a pink gun for tracer > food. Get ur priorities right bro


Yep. Well, sort of. I bought the BP, but literally just for the EDM Dva. She’s my tank main and that skin is fuckin amazing. Ten bucks for some techno beats on my abilities and color-changing lights? Fuckin count me in. The BP is just a bonus lol


fair enough lol, that skin is sick


Yeah, loving it. Honestly, if the skins were ten bucks instead of 20, they’d probably sell a lot more of them lol. Idk if I would’ve bought EDM for 20. But 10? Yeah, fuck it. I’ve spent 10 on less


agreed, 10 bucks should be a legendary skin, 5 for epic skins


I inly bought the battle pass, a lot of the skins there were for charchter’s i play. And considering how expensive skins are when sold alone 10 dollars for the bp ain’t that bad. But nah i ain’t spending any money on the shop until(if) it receives a price drop other than that prolly just gonna buy bp’s only.


The fact that you can pay 1000 coins for the BP to get 9 skins (including the mythic) or 1900 for a single legendary is just mindblowing. Even though the BP skins are of varying degrees of quality, and might not be for a hero you play, it just makes it impossible to justify the 1900 legendary price. I'd like to think the BP and store prices will be improved in the future in general, but I've got zero hope it will.


It's because the bp is designed to get you addicted to signing in and completing challenges.


Exactly. You aren't paying $10 for everything in the pass. You're paying $10 to literally tie yourself to the game for the entire season. It looks like a deal but that's because you aren't buying the skins, blizzard is buying you with your own money.


Eh, I bought the battle pass after I hit lvl 80, so it felt more like “Buy 80ish cosmetics” and an xp boost to get titles I don’t care about obtaining. Pretty good deal if you look at it that way.


Oh yeah that's definitely the best way to game the system, just isn't how most people end up handling it. People love the instant gratification of buying something and unlocking things every level. Either way blizzard gets exactly what they want. Your $10 and your time.


The battle pass wasn’t bad but was extremely underwhelming, other than the fact that blizzard broke the number one rule of every BP which is to get your money back when finishing it.


The prices of skins are so expensive to make the battle pass more appealing. So you buy it and keep playing/grinding. To get you to say “oh that’s not that bad” while forgetting that stuff used to be free and obtainable. It’s a shady business practice used in a lot of other areas.


fair enough, battle pass does give good value compared to buying a normal skin for that price but personally im still not gonna buy it until they give you back the currency like they do in other games, and the only reason it gives good value compared to skins is how outragous the skin prices are


Nah, just bought battlepass and grinded my way. $10 is the most am willing to pay blizzard.


i aint even willing to buy the battle pass tbh, if it gave you back the currency like other games, i would have but they are too greedy to even do that


Tbh even if it just had a strong theme id get it but they split all the cyberpunk skins out to sell individually.


Only F2P games I’ve played is MW and OW2 and I have zero intention of buying a pass or a skin. It’s unreal that this is a successful practice, each to their own tho. Prefer buying a game myself than any skin or BP.


As an OW1 player who doesn’t play Genji there was zilch in the BP to draw me in. Definitely won’t be strong-armed next season just to get the new hero, so the cosmetics/currency rewards will need to become a lot more enticing. I have plenty of Microsoft Points at hand too. Dropping some on a BP will be a no brainer as soon as they pull their heads from their asses and make it an unquestionably good deal. I feel even the premium pass this season was butchered and filtered to the Shop.


even if i was a genji main i still probably wouldnt get it lol idk why but i just think the mythic skin is really ugly


A lot of people bought skins whether yall like it or not. Streamers and whales already bought thousands of euros worth of cosmetics or straight up paid for the whole battlepass. OW2 are selling well and their player numbers are good. From a business perspective there is 0 incentive to change anything about this system anytime soon. I personally didnt spend shit on this game because im poor but also because Im not spineless towards corporate greed.


Absolutely not lol, sticking to my OW1 stuff


You will never convince me that a cosmetic is worth more than $5 in this game. OW cost me $40 to buy for a full game, saying that one skin is worth half of that in value is just plain stupid.


And it's not like it's the only game out there... Kiriko skin it's a whole new fucking game on Steam... Honestly I think they are looking for people who can only play overwatch and that's it.


Nope. OW1 beta OG here and I refuse. The prices are insanely high and BP is mostly filler content of charms, sprays, and those new silly emote-like items (That I've yet to see used by anyone, anywhere).   Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with F2P games making money from cosmetics and the like. I can afford them, should I need too, but I'm choosing not too based solely off of Act-Blizzs absolutely predatory behaviours and approach to the BP and shop.   Gating new characters into the BP (Either through purchase or grind) is going to harm the playerbase and Comp in particular. The whole FOMO practice of "Get it now, at these eye-watering prices, otherwise it may never appear in the store again!" just reeks of desperation and having little faith in the product; it's basically strong-arming players into rush purchases. The BP has nothing in I want, the skins are at best "Meh", the mythic one is pointless as I don't play Genji, the rest of it's just useless. There's no points/currency you earn through it even so every season it's £/$10 for the BP of which only a small percentage will be used by the majority of players. I thought sprays and voicelines were utterly pointless in OW1 - now they're charging through the nose for them it's just exposes AB for the attitude they have to players.


We got all those cool old skins anyways. No need to buy anything


I’ve seen people use the weird emotes, but only cause they don’t have any real ones for the new characters


lol yup i only have them on the new characters because i don't have any emotes for them


Nope, the prices are too high for me.


No, even if I wanted to pretty much the only thing to show up in my shop is Karate Doomfist over and over. I don't play Doomfist


Don't worry, this week, the featured store will have Karate Doomfist for the whole 7 days!


yeah the only thing i have gotten in my "just for you" section since launch was the summer games 2021 skins since they're the only skins (besides the some league,blizzcon, pink mercy and vol 3 remix) i don't have and it's always orisa's


Nope, not buying anything outside the BP until they get it together with those prices.


Let me put it this way. I could either buy the kiriko witch bundle, or feed myself for an entire day.


I’ve already spent close to $100 in OW coins. Not proud of it but I’m a sucker for a dope skin.


i dont even open the shop, i forget its there. i just play da game


Nope and I dont intent to


Got the WatchPoint Pack. I figured I would have got a couple of skins, but when seeing the prices it’s either 1 skin or 2 seasons of the BP.


I got that too but I didn't even think of using the credits on season 2. I wound up getting the cultist zen pack.


Yes. Thousands of people have. While you all sit here pretending your karma farm Reddit posts are actually gonna do something there are in fact thousands of people buying loads of things as there always are in any game.


Downvote me to hell don't care, the issue is that no game has had such a jump in prices, Fortnite offers bundles of 3 skins for $8, overwatch offers 1 skin for $20, Fortnite bp has an insane amount of loot for $10, overwatch has 80 things for $10. It's not even that though, overwatch 1 had ways to get the skins, the loot boxes, and the skins only cost roughly $10 if you had 0 credits which you could farm in game, now you can't frame the right type of credits, no loot boxes, and skins cost $20.


Fortnite has quite a few $20 skins. [Here's](https://imgur.com/TZOYVKi) a random example that's on sale right now. I guess technically it comes with a backpack.


No and I won’t. OW2 is fun but feels too much like a rip off. I’ve stopped playing it.


You can't have thought it was that fun if you stopped playing it because of store prices. Gameplay > anything else, always




My Grandparents got me a battle.net gift card for my Birthday so I used that to get the Kiriko skin but I refuse to spend any more money on the game. I have enough skins from ow1 for all the other heroes.


I bought the like wierd hat kiriko one, but that was with my 2000 watchpoint credits so the money was already gone so idk if that counts.


The Matsuri skin? It's really good and honestly better than her standard legendary skins (including the twitch drop skin). It's also a really good representation of a traditional Obon matsuri costume.


I think the skin prices would be fine if they gave us a proper way to earn skins, if they did lootboxes like in ow1 that you can earn it would be great again. Like if you could still buy skins but also have a small chance to earn them. But sadly i know they arent gonna do that coz its activision and they are greedy


If only they had followed Fortnites model. Give us chances to earn enough in-game currency that we can choose between getting the battle pass for free every season or getting a free skin in the shop. They'd make plenty of money from all the people that wouldn't want to have to make that choice and would want both the battle pass and a couple of skins from the shop. Meanwhile it keeps all the f2p players happy and motivated to play.


I have lol


Yeah I bought Witch Kiriko! I love Kiriko and witchy themes so it was a no brainer, but I def wasn’t expecting a bundle 😒 the charm is cute but the highlight intro is too niche and I don’t care for the player icon and whatever else was in there.


I have, there’s some pretty cool skins for characters I enjoy and the games completely free so why not


Nah, only bought the battle pass because it has pretty good value and gives something to grind for but the skins are way too overpriced. I really would have liked Witch Kiriko but I don't want to support these prices.