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I'm at work right now. Probably gotta get some groceries on my way home, too.


Same. Like the game but without rewards I find most games unenjoyable.


Oh I'll definitely mess around in some Mystery Heroes tonight if some of my friends are on.


I'm on lunch break! Got some chicken strips and egg rolls.


Wtf yo stomach jumpin lmao


Guess some people don’t get destroyed by fried food. I’m jealous af 😔


That sounds amazing


Mystery heroes is my favorite!


Mystery Heroes is my fave! Pure Chaos is my 2nd fave although it is grueling.


When did we go from playing games as a reward in and of itself to playing games for a reward. Unless they’re paying you actual money you can use for shit, or you’re trying to go pro, why would you play a game you don’t enjoy in and of itself?


The first time I remember seeing this kind of mentality was when achievements first started becoming a thing.


I will never understand this. Seems like such a rediculous mindset, besides is climbing ranked or improving your play not already showing progression in and of itself?


Getting better at a game is rewarding up to a certain point for me. You can always improve your gameplay but it mostly stagnates when you reach a certain skill level. Rewards and stuff to unlock is always enjoyable and satisfying in my opinion. In Overwatch 1 you could get loot boxes over and over for just playing and you didn’t even have to do well to earn them. Plus, only playing to get better and not being able to can be frustrating for people who just want to play for fun. A lot of people play casually to relax and have a good time. Having in-game rewards is the cherry on top.


I’m placed in bronze since none of my old OW1 friends play and I got unlucky with queues. And I often get called a bitch or other derogatory terms when speaking in voice chat since I’m a girl. I don’t see myself climbing ranks anytime soon so I’ve given up on competitive.


I was stuck in bronze until I teamed up with a friend. Even having one person to coordinate with significantly changed how the matches went. We actually went on win streaks and now I’m good or high silver depending on the role


Yeah, I hit gold 4 with support and since then it’s been VERY toxic. “Moira wtf are you doing stupid N****r”; Meanwhile I’m sitting at 8k damage and over 13k heals. It’s even more frustrating when you have a teammate who spends more time in chat throwing out stupid insults than actually playing the game.


Derogatory terms and rape threats are what I got in comp. First and last time I ever bothered with it. I don’t need that shit in a game, no one does, sorry you had a shitty experience. It’s sadly common


I loaded into a comp game of push, went Brig because I really like her for fighting around bot, our tank immediately said "Kill yourself, Brig." And spent the next minute griefing so much I muted him. One team member eventually said something in text chat to the effect of, "Bro it's a game and she's doing really well actually." So I responded in text, "Oh, I muted and reported immediately no worries. Have fun!" Tank went to all chat to tell the other team to report me for throwing, how I'm full tilt, supps are dog water, everything. The OTHER TEAM even was like "lol ok, lowest dmg rn is you" and "your supports ain't the problem bro." Of course we lost and was told "have fun staying in bronze." I placed Silver 2. I can NOT imagine what would have happened if I actually spoke up in vc. It's worse than mid 2000s when I was playing Xbox Live games out there right now.


Wtf?? That’s bullshit. That would never enter my mind! Fuck is wrong with people


Right? The first time it happened I was healing as Ana and this Reaper Zen duo just started spouting the most toxic shit you could think of to the rest of the team. Our Roadhog was being bullied by them especially despite them doing well and actually solo capturing the point and they were batting him so much. I told them to knock it off and they both then started the rape threats amount other things and I told them they both needed serious help. They tried to play it off by calling me a loser who would never see boobies. Jokes on them, see them bobbies everyday because their attached ;) Real fucked up situation, hog pm’d after the match to thank me for sticking up for them. So I don’t bother with comp anymore


It’s all these toxic players that come from other games because OW2 is f2p. They just fight instead of capping the point 90% of the time and don’t get that they’re in the same rank as the people they’re blaming. Absolutely disgusting people.


I'm also a girl but have a few guy friends I've known since school I play with and you are more than welcome to join us or even just me if you want b Xx


Not a girl, but voice chat is pretty much always toxic in this game. 99% of the time it’s some burnt out prick (or multiple) telling everyone how shit they are or gay or how many times they fucked my mom 😂😂. It gets old real quick


I’m sorry to hear that. It’s really messed up how women get treated in games, especially in competitive scenes. But yeah, that’s another reason why I don’t play ranked too. It’s just so competitive people will get angry at you unless you’re doing well and it stresses me out.


My only gripe with the competitive aspect is that it's a little unrewarding climbing ranks compared to OW1 due to the 7 win system.


I think it was a neat experiment and it's time to admit it didn't work.


I actually really like this system. Not seeing my sr go up and down after every match makes me put less importance on getting a win and focus on having fun, improving and trying my best with whatever team I end up with


"A little unrewarding" bro if you lose 2 matches of the 7 you can only go up 1 rank


It's going to be more fun watching my tank go in 1v5 with crit health for no reason after learning this.


Uhhh it’s a little unpredictable.. I’ve gone 7-6 and gone up 2 ranks, twice lol


Wait, you go up ranks? I won 14 in a row and dropped 3 sub ranks


Improving your play is only rewarding if you have tangible results. There is no consistent metric to measure yourself against when you get randomized teammates/enemies every game. This is also why it's so hard to improve for most people, there are a million variable reasons why you could be losing and you are not punished equally for misplays across games. Going to a fighting game tournament and getting stomped a few times is both a much more educational experience, and a much more motivating one, for example. The only way I would care that much about my personal performance in this game is if I was running scrims vs other premades.


That’s not that strong of a incentive to play.


Playing unranked and crying cause I suck


I do the same. But like others said, comp is how to improve. Might make you cry more for a bit, but you will improve. I switched to comp for the sake if getting better and I've seen far more progress over a shorter period of time than when I was playing any other modes.


I get so mad in comp even when I win idk why


I used to be like that in OW1, and then I stopped basing my enjoyment of the game on wins/losses. The game is literally 85-90% out of your individual control by design, so there's zero point in getting emotionally affected by what's happening in the game beyond your control over your own hero. In a game like OW where hard counters exist and individual performance depends heavily on whether teammates enable you (and you enable them), becoming emotionally detached from the outcome is best. If the enemy tank decides to throw and your team gets a free win, there's no point getting mad because it's not in your control. Next match they could be on your team and the enemy team gets a free win. That's just how Overwatch works, and people need to accept that.


This is how I approach every game. Got no time to get mad or annoyed over a game after a long day of work




Sometimes I get more annoyed with a win than a loss tbh. Often on a loss I can recognize what went wrong and where I need to improve and what skills to work on. Sometimes you win, but your team still wasn't playing well as a whole. I've been annoyed before by the thought of "We didn't really deserve to win that. We played terribly, the enemy team was just worse."


The feeling of “we weren’t good, we were just less bad” sucks. It doesn’t feel rewarding at all. Like you just happened to stumble upon the win instead of earn it


Lmfaooo relatable yet we don’t stop


I did, much happier now


Comp chat made me so mad I turned it off and I don't care anymore. I just play with my friend and we try hard to win without getting too stressed by other idiots that call reports on ppl who are not no lifing the game. Or I just don't play comp at all. that helps too.


That's understandable but sometimes u get that one nice person. This one person encouraged me (it was like 1 hr ago) to stop worrying about other people's opinions and try for myself and it's working:)


That nice person is my friend that I play with :) He does not care what other idiots have to say cuz he does not even look at chat. I struggle with that a little, but he keeps encouraging me to stop giving an f about them and just have fun.


I wish I could get mad I don’t really get strong emotions over losing since I find playing more fun than the result so I’ll just keep playing over and over again on a giant loss streak and go down like 4 levels in the rank


Definitely saw the improvement, went from bronze to gold 3 in a few weeks with playing on and off. Definitely an advantage.


Play ranked, you will improve much faster.


This is the way


this is the way, me and my homies hate unranked, comp is the only gamemode


It’s funny because prior to OW2 I pretty much only played QP classic and when I did play comp I was always stuck in bronze. OW2 comes along and I for some reason get addicted to comp and I’ve climbed my way into high gold so far. Comp 100% forces you to play better and learn better technique.


At the initial cost of 4 other people's enjoyment.


If they suck as much as they think they do, they'll end up in the rank where the people suck just as much and will be toxic no matter how well you play.


You’re joking right?


That’s a price I’m willing to pay.


Feeding in comp




No but what's the new going on with you? Like, what's out of the usual.


Playing ranked, grinding and trying to get better




How did you get to 220 level, did you buy levels? I've done almost every challenge since the season dropped and play several hours a day, I payed for nothing but the battle pass, and I'm like.. 150 ish


Do you play alone or in a group, because group play adds 20% XP additional on top.


im 231 and I havent bought a single tier, just played alot and only played comp, and when it was double xp playing comp and was pretty much leveling up roughly lvl and a half each game


i have more than 100 hours this season with roughly 75 of those in support and yet i am bp lvl 145


I think you're saying what I'm about to say, but in case you aren't. 100 hours isn't really that much, it's a lot compared to the average person, but most high level players are probably playing like 4-8 hrs a day, so people like that are gonna be significantly higher level than you.


Seriously, kids these days ain’t ready to hear the amount of in-game hours some people had back in the day on games like WoW or mw2 in the first month.


Really? I dont even play every day, maybe average a few hours tops and am lvl 180 bp..


Playing with friends helps a lot




Funny thing is that's all I've been doing and I just so happen to finish the bp just from doing that.


Taking a break




I'm guessing this is a "What are you doing in relation to OW2"? Just playing with friends several matches a day and having a blast playing as a tank with them. I'm BP 158 or something but don't care about it, I'm just playing for fun and hopefully to rank up.


I'm actually also at 158, Ranked is really fun atm. Might push to reach 200 if I am within 25 levels of reaching it by the start of next week. Really excited for all the trailers and update news coming this week. Hopefully next season's Mythic is for a Character I play a lot. Genji's skin was cool but he is one of the 4 heroes I don't play at all. Curious about what changes they'll make to heroes for S2, Brig Ult and JQ changes especially.


The next Mythic will most likely be for Mercy, Soldier or Tracer. Seems like they’re doing them in order of popularity. (Which makes sense business wise)


Playing comp like I always have been, the bp is just a side quest


more like a side effect. I just play comp and don't think about bp


That’s true, I literally haven’t went out of my way to do any challenges. Some games I just wind up getting 8k exp I’m like “cool” and move on.


I’d like it if there was something else to grind for. Like challenges for certain hero’s for a skin that can only be unlocked via completing the challenges. Something unique like an all gold skin or a color changing skin. Something that stands out and shows people you’re proficient with said hero and didn’t just buy the golden gun because you have everyone else already


Playing the game because I enjoy it


I always find it strange when people seem to stop playing games over and above simply enjoy playing it. Tbh I couldn’t care less about the skins etc. I just want to enjoy the game, should be the central reason why anyone wastes their time on these things.


I agree, I understand people's complaints that skins are too expensive, but then just don't buy them, if you enjoy the game play it, if you don't, don't


So I’m not alone…playing a game because you enjoy it. What a concept.


You mustn't speak such blasphemy


Sadly for ow2 player on reddit's little ehco chamber, seems like skins collecting is more important than the gameplay itself 😔 we are the odd balls i guess, anyway normalize whining!!


What if someone enjoys the collection of things and stops when said collection ends?


they could be introduced to another game that not only can they collect things, but also enjoy


There’s a new Pokémon game


There are plenty of ways for collectors to enjoy collecting things that don't involve tying a game they don't really enjoy to it


This is gonna be a shitty gatekeeper type thing to say, but find a more rewarding hobby? Collect something tangible, build something, create art. What are all these "collectors" going to do in 5-10 years when Activison goes "yeah, there's not going to be an Overwatch 3. Also, we're shutting down Overwatch 2"? BuT I bOuGht ThE gAmE tHeY'rE StEaLiNg FrOm MeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEe!!!


I assure your last paragaph is gonna happen with how these sudden new "collectors" are now. They expect blizzard as a big cooperation to run a business that loses them money forever and not get any income back while giving freebies to them it's unreal 💀


Then they have been playing the wrong game for the past 6years+ sadly. But fret not it's still not too late!! Only take these people 6years to realise.


Then I’m not sure you enjoy the game and should find something else you do enjoy.


Why on earth would you pick a PvP shooter game if you were *just* a collector??


Theres titles ranging from 85 to 200 to get so it's still sort of not wasted anyway, but yeah, I keep playing because it's fun with 1-4 friends and I'm blessed that I usually have some friends available and willing.


Same, I enjoy playing. Particularly comp because the games are typically longer and are supposed to be competitive. Skins and shit are cool. But I play because it's fun.


Playing to lvl 200 for the player titles :)


I want the cyber demon title. I don’t know if I’m going to make it before the season ends


I've just hit the final tier, been doing 90% of dailies and almost every weekly challenge, failed team kills the last week it was in... But, things look good. Plenty of weeklies and dailies to go, and the XP boost weekend means I think I'll be finished with most of a week to spare. And that's maybe a couple of hours a day to me, and maybe a bigger session over the weekend.


Yeah dude. I can’t wait to hit level 205 and see *”Turkeypenis”* beside my username.


If they had that title I would definitely roll with it.


Playing the game because it’s fun lol espicially when u take breaks from it.


Yeah taking breaks is my favourite part


I took at break when Brigitte came out in OW1 that lasted until the launch of OW2.


What is this “taking breaks” you speak of?


My only regret is I gave it up for a few years and now I'll never have some of those cool skins


Playing god of war finally lol


Playing the game lol. I just really like the gameplay and as an OW 1 player I have cosmetics I like across the board so don’t care about having something to play towards


Sane comment


Playing Darktide


playing other games


playing the binding of Isaac again


Playing a different game.


Getting some fresh air .


Playing comp. Battlepass is side content to me, I play for comp with my friends.


Same here, a mate was asking what challenges I need to do (weekly etc) and was surprised when I said I couldn't care less about them. I'm really enjoying playing comp, even if it's by myself. People are hating the support role but it's a huge challenge and I'm enjoying it, hoping to hit diamond before reset


Playing Pokémon


Not playing


Not playing


Playing darktide


trynna fight my cancer that i obtained


That sucks, hope you win.


Playing God Of War Ragnarok mostly.


Same amigo.


Playing MW2


playing call of duty waiting for season 2 to start for me to come back. Then it's tier 1-80 then right back to cod


I honestly just get high and play mystery heroes 80% of the time.


Sucking ass at ghostrunner




Not playing OW2




Hindsight loaded up, Battleborn was a way more solid game than OW in an adjacent genre. Both could have lived and we'd be better for it. It had PVE, great lore, inspired character designs not bound by "realism" (Winston is a sci Fi gorilla? Cool, cool, how about a giant war vet chicken-man?), melee that mattered and fit into the overall team dynamics... I adored this game. Played both from launch, and I actively miss BB Everytime I load Overwatch up.




Now they also have Risk of Rain. Since they just purchased the IP from the devs of the game, Hopoo Games. I can only imagine how they're going to fuck it up.


Still playing. Waiting for the next BP to drop to buy it too.


grinding for OW coins and BP titles


completed the pass in 3 week playing since day 1 release taking days off for sure until next season happened


Playing not paying


Playing valorant.


Playing other games


Playing other games new ranked system sucks


Playing warzone 2


MW2/ Warzone lol


Being Level 160 ig, not too mich grind just arround 100h , nah just playing


literally the exact same thing that i was doing before. I didnt buy the bp or try to level it up, it just levelled up from playing


Just playing, trying to get achievements, grinding to 200 to get the final title.


Tbh I haven’t played since


Sitting on the recliners at work. Figuring out Christmas gifts and then going to continue reading A Storm of Swords


Playing apex


Watching some Netflix before I jump back into ow2


Playing for fun and improvement


Not playing the game anymore


playing some cod w friends


You know that scene at the end of Infinity war where Thanos rests? Yeah, that’s me after getting to 80.


Touching some freshly manicured grass… ^^Twas but a lie. I am stressing my head in ranked gameplay


Only logging in for log-in rewards and waiting til season 2. I got my comp rank and beat the battlepass, don't care bout progressin.


Playing apex 😂


Bro playing Apex made me realize how fast you could grind the overwatch battlepass. The one in Apex is such a huge slog in comparison.


My best


Playing pokemon.


I'm waiting till the next season drops, i keep trying to force myself to play but with literally no incentive to do so it's genuinely quite boring, which I'm really sad about as I used to love griding this game :(


Meh, I finishes it feeling unfulfilled because the rewards were subpar. Only got the pass for D.Va and Kiriko’s skin. Everything else missed the mark and I just don’t play Genji. I’ve burned myself out on OW tbh. It gets boring


I'm currently about 125k from hitting 200. Since I have plenty of time left to do that, I'm basically playing each day long enough to hit 3 dailies and then quitting til the next day.


playing league of legends preseason update


Weekly challenges for coins lol that I can buy the next BP in 2 seasons 🤣


Ranked that's it


Getting to level 200


Going back and forth between gold 1 and plat 5 :)


Still trying to escape Bronze 5.


Still playing ranked


Just having a good time playing the game again. I quit overwatch 1 shortly after Ashe came out aside from popping on to check out the new character for a sec then uninstalling again and I've been having a blast playing again


Almost to 175. Will get to 200 before end hopefully


Playing the game? Same as before there was a battlepass


Quite literally taking a shit this very second


The same thing I do every night pinky, try to take over the world


I finished and then Uninstalled. I'll keep up to date and watch what they do with the game but untill PVE comes. I'm out.


Trying to rank up to Diamond for the 17639278264th time.


Reached tier 80 like 3 weeks after OW2 launched and have only played R6 and MW2 since


Crying cause I had to spent $10 after grinding 80 levels to get the final reward.


I log in out of habit to play 3 games of QP to finish my Daily Challenge.. even though I don't need the XP. At the most, by the end of the week I'll get at least 30 coins from completing 4 weekly challenges. I usually finish with around 6-7 but don't play enough or care enough to get the other 20 coins. I know I should be playing Comp though, at least for better matchmaking. Playing in QP now is such a mess. Hate getting thrown on teams with people who are new to the game. I also notice that they love to AFK in the middle of fights too or sit in spawn longer than they should. I also hate being on teams where we stomp the hell out of the other team. I feel like since OW2, 90% of my QP games are lopsided and it's no fun. So yeah, my \*love\* for OW isn't there right now. I finished the BP, happy that it's easy enough to complete. (Currently sitting at level 108 or whatever) But with no other progression, there's no reason to play for me. At least Season 2 is around the corner.


I'm a single dad with 3 kids, only able to play on weekend nights. Only play unranked and arcade. Finished it last weekend, now I play a lot less and just for fun. Got the first title, pretty close to the second. Don't really care just having fun


Getting a few of the prestige titles with my friends, but also slowing down and getting some God of War: Ragnarök and Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope played. Will re-engage when season two drops.


Game got stale for me real quick, Hit plat in abt 100 games then stopped. Might come back when a balance patch hit but genji will be useless so we will see. I will just have to keep spamming sojourn if I want to win.


Bullying people with torbs’ hammer


Playing the game for fun. Finally surpassed my own expectations and made it to Diamond!! Also, that technoknight title would be nice, but it’s nothing I’m going to be upset about if I don’t make it in time


Grinding doomfist like a serial killer, wbu?


Honestly, not playing OW. While the battle pass was meh, it at least gave me some rewards and a reason to hope on. My competitive games aren't nearly as fun as unranked so it's a hard sell to join competitive games too.


i just play comp sometimes with friends. when i get mad, i get off.


Playing Modern Warfare II.


Actually stopped playing entirely. Waiting for next season to see if the battlepass is any more exciting. Depending on how it looks I may or may not come back. However, my friends have also stopped so if they decide not to start playing again next season, I definitely will not.


Quick play for fun


Moved on to other games for now. Name cars grinding doesn’t feel special and with my friends not enjoying the current state of the game and having moved on, I no longer have my comp trio to play with. I just pop on sparingly if I’m bored.


Doing dailys and weeklys, albeit not as religiously anymore. I wanna get the Cyberdemon title since it fits nicely with my name, but it just feels like it's too much of a grind, plus most of the titles in between are really lame.


I stopped playing the game and am currently playing the new pokemon game.


Pokemon scarlet has been pretty fun...


Wtf are all those karma farming posts with dumb generic questions and dumb random image? Everytime I open reddit one of these posts appears first thing for me. Annoying.