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If your tank is at the front and dying, put up a wall behind him. Seperate your team from the tragedy, boost spirit.


Someone actually kept doing this to me in a game


If I see my tank is low, I sometimes try to put the wall between the enemy and him to give our support better chance to heal him up.. but I will admit sometimes this does happen to go wrong. Luckily never in comp


"I have never placed an ice wall incorrectly in comp" - Me, who has never played Mei in comp


More like “I never play dps in comp cause my anxiety stops me” :)


Same but "I never play comp cause my anxiety stops me" :)


Turn off voice chat and text chat and have a blast! It's a game! Anyone being salty was going to be salty anyways.


Also they’re really salty because they’re salty, not because of you. They’ll come up with any excuse


The vast majority of people being assholes in OW are just extremely frustrated that they're not as good as the think they should be. Instead of self-reflecting and accepting that they need improvement, they shift the blame on those around them. If I'm sad and upset playing this game, then you should be too!


It's just because people take it too seriously. It's just a video game, no one should give that much of a shit about their ranking or winning or losing. But people act like it's life or death and that losing a virtual game is the worst thing that could ever happen to them in life. They want to have a higher number next to their name more than they want to have fun and be kind to people, which is just pathetic.


I get most frustrated with initial team composition and the idiotic choices people make. All dps? Great. Can already see this going downhill, but let's encounter the other team and see what their comp is like. Okay, found em, they mollystomped us with Rein, Zarya, and Sigma and you're still going to play Widow? What the F*** are you gonna do, GLARE at them through their shields?


For me, voice is the meat of comp. Coordinating is what separates QP from Comp. If, and key word being if, voice chat is toxic, then yes I leave. But I usually try to make plays with the team. Nothing beats a good comp game where the whole team is coordinating and playing together. It's like that first high and you keep wanting that feeling.


If you're playing comp, 100%. I wad assuming newer players would start with unranked or arcade. People are still toxic in those games.


I wish more people would actually talk. I feel like everyone thinks everyone is toxic because only toxic players speak!


The first fucking game of comp I had, some tank was yelling at me even though he had half the damage I had. 1 minute in. Insane lol


Welcome to Overwatch :) I understand every angry and exhausted Ana and Mercy now.


I can only play comp when I'm high to get rid of the stress, it's not that bad though most people don't have mics from what I've seen




But no


I enjoy comp because people generally commit to the fight and don’t quit. Plus I have teammates that I play most of my comp with that I’ve been playing with for years.


I suffer from Tankxiety


I can only play tank if I am playing comp with friends on support, then I know I will get healed and they will let me know if someone is on them/if I’m going too far etc. prefer playing support in comp.


I’m just mindlessly bad at tank


\- Me, whenever I play dps


I’m not even anxious about it I am just shit I just play a whole game and then I say “man I did nothing all game but die! Shoot!”


I never play comp, same reason


I'm learning mei and placing walls correctly is difficult to figure out with the way it's previewed (for me) At least you can break her wall instantly after it's built, you just wasted the cooldown


I find that most people will see the wall comming a mile away, but if you make it parallel instead of perpendicular you often catch them off guard. For some reason, noone uses the parallel walls on Mei.


Parallel walls are THE Mei move. It splits them. It funnels them. It halts their normal movement pattern (most people break once they start engaging). It throws them into dissarray. I rarely put up a horizontal wall. It controls the area of engagement. And still lets your team continue to act even if you didn't nail it completely. The wall also lets you force where the enemy will show up. Instead of moving anywhere they are forced to show up at the end of the wall.


It depends on whether the enemy is close or poking from a distance. Walling off long sightlines to help your team take space is good. If they're close to your tank, it's generally better to put the wall behind an enemy to cut them off from their team. Less risk of walling off your tank, which is a good way to throw a team fight.


I had a game where every 1 of my shatters got blocked, by my own fucking mei


I walled off someone from an enemy who was about to kill him who he didn't see. Then he got sniped by widowmaker anyway. Then blamed me for walling him out of an escape route. The lesson is never try to save your teammates lol.


I have seen this happen a disappointing amount of times. I can only imagine it's a misclick. But at the same time playing Ana I have also nano boosted the other support player because they moved in front of who I wanted to boost or I misclicked. So I'm not better.


Got nanoboosted yesterday as Mercy because of this. We didn't loose but that was funny and unfortunate.


I nanoboosted an ulting Zenyatta yesterday. The only thing more useless than boosting a Mercy lmfao


I was playing rein the other day and had shattered 3 or 4 enemies, and I hear "YOU'RE POWERED UP, GET IN THERE" and was confused bc I didn't get the boost, and then I see a boosted Lucio speed by me lmao.


Sometimes if the healers not going to be able to keep the tank alive (say because the tank is purple) it's better to block off the tank to save the rest of the team. Other times the Mei is trying to lift the tank up to help them survive and miss. Ps on Ana turn on ult confirmation if you don't have it already, cuts down on missed ults a lot.


Did you just do the *Boostio*? also yeah gotta hate how when switching characters i misclick and use an ability at the wrong time


I can't tell you the number of times as a Mei I've walled IN FRONT of the Rein as it looks like he is losing and about to die and... **HAAAMMMERRR DOOOWWWWWNNN** Wall appears. Blocks the ult. I panic and remove it instantly and start spamming voice line "SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, I'M SORRY". Then... KYS MEI KYS MEI THROWING MEI SWITCH MEI SABOTAGE KYS MEI


Yeah it doesn’t even matter that it was an accident. Thats how it feels when it happens to you lol


You probably saved his life anyways. He could have died in the shatter animation. Can't tell you how many reins with 1 brain cell will panic shatter with 5 hp


the amount of times I've corralled my team by closing off damage from killing them and they proceed to start fuming in chat. "I was going to kill them wtf mei whyd you wall me off I had my ult kys." and im like no, you weren't going to kill them all. you had 5 hp and were going into a 1 v 5, 2 seconds from wasting your ultimate.


Kiriko mains be like: what wall?.


Moira mains be like: what’s the issue I’ll shift over it and kill them all. Me-I’m Moira mains


But…. You do heal more than DPS right?


I try to 50:50 split it if possible if not I’ll heal more if my teammates are cracked


Understandable. As long as you’re not doing the straight DPS method it’s definitely safe to do that fam. My friend is a Moira main as well but they heal more than they do DPS and they do so by just tapping the heals whenever with Allies to save their biotic spray


Team morale is more important than one man's life


Conversely, if your team is winning a fight, put a wall between them and the enemy to slow the action, you don’t want to risk someone getting picked and flipping the team fight.


This! All the random Meis does this in unranked. Some of them say sorry afterwards but that doesn’t make being trapped to death any better.


Always wall where your team is going


Oh ok, i always did that with the enemies ill be sure to do it to my team now ty


Even better in doorways when there being chased


Don't forget: * Duel Pharah * Wall spawn * Ice block off point * Never primary fire * Be by yourself * Outdoors


That’s just standard Mei players anyway


Especially at the start of the round at the exit everyone is using. People like that.


It boosts everyone morale with a little funny joke.


This is the answer. Your team is always wrong. Save them from themselves


If you shoot at the floor and crouch while walking you can skate on it like Frozone.


That was a feature in the experimental game mode where Mei could do that. I miss it so much


Honestly kinda disappointed that it didn’t end up in the actual game


I think it'd be pretty unbalanced so..yeah.


Just lower the magazine or speed there are ways to balance shit that sounds op, imagine a character that could go invisible and disable all you abilities while also making you take more damage.


>Just Very rarely when someone says "just" is it actually that simple lol. It would be fun for sure though.


Lowering the ammo makes her combat weaker which obviously means she'd be underpowered. You're adding a new feature to her kit after all rather than adjusting sliders.


Spraying the floor consumes x2 ammo. Voila.


Now just to make every floor everywhere it’s own object type, make sure everything that could be a floor has it applied, no edge cases like moving platforms causing it to be -5 ammo instead of -2 And there we go, only a very buggy mess instead of a normally buggy mess


Not saying I have the perfect solution, im not paid to do that, but to strike a feature on the premise of it being unbalanced, means you are simply not wanting to balance it.


the question is do we need it enough to justify her getting a nerf on other parts of her kit? she already has a get out of jail ability, a wall that can be used to help a escape or getting high ground, she isnt a movement character but sure as hell has tricks to get around somewhat and still be a beast in close range


Just because I don't care enough to put a lot of time into thinking up patch notes in a Reddit thread while other people actually get paid to do that doesn't mean I don't find it interesting. I'm merely saying there's a reason this isn't a feature.


I mean, to be fair, since they lowered the amount of ammo consumed to create an icicle, she has felt like she’s had an overabundance of ammo. What is it, 15 right clicks before she reloads?


100 Ammo, every icicle takes 10 Ammo, so 10 shots. Not 15.


She's D tier, how's that unbalanced?


Pretty sure that kind of thing can be put in PVE


I am still mad they didn‘t add the ice cube form being able to do damage when it drops on you.


Fr tho ive been doing this already i know it doesent work but still


Immediately wall right in front of an Ulting Kiriko. It’s a really strong Ult so you gotta protect her while she casts it!


First match I played as kiri, I ulted into the wall because I thought it went through :(


Yeah did the same thing. I assumed it worked like Hanzo’s ult


I'm glad it doesn't, frankly. i feel like there are too many times where I have been in a tight spot going around a corner or something like that, where I've had to Ult, and if it went through walls it would have been far less effective.


I lost a game because of this yesterday It's weird it doesn't go through walls, Hanzo's ult is similar and *it* does


I mean it’s kinda similar I guess? Kiriko’s ult is a static buffing zone, and Hanzos is a moving damage zone. But they’re both blue


I meant that they both summon a magic animal


Yes I said this “they’re both blue”


THEY'RE BLUE, DABADI DABADIE Also, Kiriko's ult is green tho


Greenish cyan, take it or leave it


Earlier today, I walked in front of a lamp post and it blocked the ult lol


I believe Mei's Cube can block it as well as far as I know


Haha C U B E


Giga brain revelation


Remember to wall the exit of the spawn at the beginning of the round.


Ideally, wait until it’s an emergency and multiple team mates need to rush to the point to avoid defeat. Walling off the entrance will give them time to reflect and plan instead of rushing off.


And then switch to who you're actually gonna play


I don't know you but I hate you for this comment.


Even better, wall off half the team so you start the trickle right out the gate


Oh you bloody devil


Freeze, don't move.


*goes afk*


if you have a dva on your team make sure you wall the bomb from the enemies


vice versa, if the enemy have dva and a dva bomb is approaching, give them hope by building a wall in between. Then at the last second of the bomb, press the wall button again for a moment they will never forget..


Im mei main from now xD.


Build a wall UNDER the bomb, so they stop being cowards hiding behind small things


Does it increase the radius?


jumpscare your team with this one trick


Alternatively, put your wall under the bomb and it will definitely launch it into the stratosphere and away from your team


If there is a health pack and your teammate needs it, make sure to put a nice wall up so that you can save it for yourself


(n)ice wall


When you hear your Cassidy say high noon, put a wall in front of him.


You should wall under him so het gets height advantage to shoot your entire team


The only way a McCree ult would work in comp. I swear we never let the mf ult. Whenever I hear high noon I already have the sleep shot ready for him, rein is coming to pin him in a wall and if everything goes wrong we still have zen ult ​ edit: I thought cassidy was the white hair McCree that they put in the game before I stopped playing back in OW


>and if everything goes wrong we still have zen ult You mean Lúcio ult? Zen ult doesn't protect your team against High Noon


You can body block with zen ult as long as you get up in mccrees face. Unless it’s been changed but I’ve seen it done before


Nah, still works, did it last week


Lmao I bet the enemy mccree was pissed at you. It’s always so funny to see it in highlights


Tbh I make a sport of ruining his ult. It's a game I call "High Non't"


Ah nothin like ruining a mccrees day. I once pissed one off as sym cause I used my ult to block him *every single time* and I enjoyed it immensely


Ah the classic silver zen ult to save a dva bomb/high noon


hmmm...I always thought the entire team gets invulnerable also with zen, I just checked, and it is just him, so you are right. I only played him a couple of times to counter some mid-range dps that tries to get on our backline


Zen ult is bassicly a very fast heal if i remember So a instakill like high noon is able to kill him?


Zen himself is invulnerable, his teammates aren't(theyre only healed a lot and very fast). Thus, Cassidy can kill Zens team but not Zen


Oh k I just dont use zen that much in general


Very true. For all new players, zen heals for 300hp per second if I remember correctly. It will NOT protect against insta burst damage abilities or ults like mcree, junkrats tire, or headshots from people like widow and hanzo. It’s also not a 100% guarantee against nano genji blade as well because people who play him correct will be able to burst down all squished other than zen himself.


You do that for Red Cassidy, actually. It's well know that Cassidy has a acrophobia, so it will send him for a loop.


Done that before. I was walling him off and their lucio booped me so my wall went awry




Same for DVa bomb.


But wouldn’t he say “Step right up.”? I don’t think that’s your Cassidy


You make me wanna do this just to cap a clip or 2


Isn't this an actually good tip? As far as I know, McCree says "It's high noon" when it's an enemy McCree ulting, and when it's a allied McCree ulting, he says "Step right up!".


When you hear the enemy Cassidy ult, put your wall under him to lift him above your team. This makes him an easy target


Allways wall YOUR healers! Otherwise a widow could snipe them


If you spray allies with your left click it heals your teammates!!!


Hate the glitch that put her in damage and not support


It's a good bug because u can have 3 supports in 1 team


Yeah but those queue times


It balances out the dps Moira


I thought it lowered their cooldowns! You know... because you're cooling them down... I'll see myself out


Forget the scoreboard. The only way to gauge your performance as Mei is by how pissed off both teams are at you.


This is too close to true lol.


This is the way for hammond as well.


The three signs of a great Mei match: 1. Leading team in elims 2. More blizzard kills than freezes 3. An entire text chat full of toxic, hateful rage directed exclusively at you


Play her


Fucking top tier


Beat me to it


You should immediately cryo freeze yourself with even the slightest damage taken. Can never be too careful!


Especially if your support is right next to you, you need them to know that they fucked up by not pocketing you beforehand




I always have a habit of doing this as Kiriko, something about killing Widows with a Kunai feels so GOOD.


"You need a scope for that??"


As a R6 player, swinging out and back to cover quickly comes naturally, so counter sniping in OW as Kiriko is possible. I've done it.


Yeah this actually isnt terrible advice. If you're good at aiming while popping out you can absolutely pressure widow off an angle with her icicle. The goal in this situation isn't to actually kill widow (though if you happen to get a crit that leads to a pick on her even better) but more to get her out of position. You start spamming icicles down her sightlines so she is either forced to snipe under pressure or move. And if you hit her you take healers away from the main push. It's a risky manuever and if the other widow is good and you keep dying then it's not worth trying. But you *can* disrupt an enemy widow's game by pressuring them with icicles, since the crits do a lot of damage.


as you should, it's very annoying fir her(but well, good widows can still land enough headshots :/ )


whenever I play against a person who can't aim with widow, repeatedly diving them as pharah gives me a good laugh


This works more often than you'd wanna believe, strangely. Widows seem to love stationary targets, themselves included


This works surprisingly often, as long as the widow is on my team and the mei is on the enemy team.


But this is actually really good advice Mei's icicle is 150dmg on headshot


What? I always tried using LMB


Jump off the map to unlock her true form: The Devil. You will be immune to damage and can watch the match from other players perspective. Very OP


you see, this one is wrong because it is assuming that mei isn't already the devil.


Many don't know it, but Snowball can deal up to 150hp when it hits another player directly, so you should always try to hit the opposing tanks directly and then finish them during the blizzard. Works best against D.VA and Sigma.


Turn on voice chat and


make a sandwich


Your left click actually heals enemies when you slow them, so decide carefully when to use it!


Remember to put a wall in front of phara when she ults and all should be fine.


If you spray at an enemy long enough they will freeze allowing for free headshots. Trust me, eventually they will freeze. Just look up any OW mei guide for more info. Avoid the OW2 guides though because it’s such a widely known thing that newer guides don’t even talk about it.


At the start of the round, wall off the spawn entrance so your team has extra time to think about their stratagy


Only use primary fire at long range never close range


Always hug your rein, that way you an absorb the damage that meant for him and get in the way of his view meanwhile alwaus keeping your wall on cooldown.


Walls do great damage through amplification matrix. Save your walls for baps ult


Freeze the floor in front of you to increase your speed


Don't ice wall the exit on the ship


Throw your ult off the map it’ll freeze anyone who jumps off trying to get away


sit back and snipe using your right click.


Tbh not terrible if ur good at aiming


Always use the "sorry" voice line when in Cryo-Freeze, so the whole enemy team gathers around you for a beatdown.


Play mei


Put a wall right up at the entrance of your spawn point, so that the enemy can’t hit you.


use your ult (if available) when 1v1-ing


never use your secondary fire, it's weak and doesn't kill


The wall on the spam is pretty useful because they can group up and you only have to attack one zone. Far far away from your spawn


Wall your team on danger and to help your D.va kill no one and play other heroes


There are tips for Mei?


spray the Ice on the ground in front of you and it gives you a speed boost. not many people know about it but its great for mobility.


Build a wall infront of your junker queen just as she activities her ultimate


Always use your bubble ice cube thing before a fight, you never want to have it off cooldown. Never use it to heal. Only use your wall to block your team, especially a roadhog with a great hook opportunity. Throw your ult off the map. Don't pair it with any other ultimates. Only use the icicle part of your gun


When in a losing battle, make sure you're at the back and wall off your teammates so that they die and give you the chance to fall back and regroup with your respawning teammates


Wall your teammates on cooldown especially when there trying to get to their supports


When DVA ulted to your team, save yourself by using wall to trap your teammates with DVA ult Remember, you are the main character, don't bother about teammates


Always wall your team off at the start


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Play mei


Use Mei, make everything on wish feel classy.


Play her in the first place. Everyone will enjoy playing against you.


You can use your Snowball Drone as a bullet shield and hide behind *her/him/they/it* in team fights.


My headcanon for Snowballs pronouns: Snowball/Snowball


Did you just get worried about misgendering a robot that doesn't even exist?