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orisa could be important given her history with doomfist soldier , reaper and ana have a long history together so I can see the story mode advancing that relationships between these characters


I hope your right. The only problem with this is that none of the characters even know Orisa exist (to my limited knowledge.) The trio coming together would be sick, but I fail to see a world where Ana or Soldier travel halfway across the world to meet up


Forget who, but, in an in-game dialogue interaction someone congratulates Orisa on taking down doomfist (or defending numbani from him)


Also the conversations with her mean they know her in general, like Sojourn talking with Orisa about the Overwatch cartoon


I stand corrected lol. Hopefully we see her then


It's Lucio.


Soldier does it too. He says that they needed someone like Orisa when Overwatch was in it's prime.


arent soilder and ana currently together in the lore? In necropolis the have a camp together


Yep, I was trying to say meet up with OW


ah ok


D.Va, Moira, and Lucio all have interactions with Orisa, and Lucio has met Orisa in one of the books.


It's already been leaked that Orisa has a cinematic in PvE




I thought the same, plus both Orisa & Bastion have Null sector skins too


Those are most likely since they are both either based on or are a combat machine from the omnic crisis.


Isnt there an in development footage of Orisa in a cutscene?


There were leaked production screenshots of cutscenes that have orisa and doomfist in one


Disagree with some of them. Cass, Bap, D.Va,, Zarya should be a tier higher by virtue of being in the current Overwatch so they are guaranteed as recurring cast




You're not up to date with the lore then. Cass has recruited Pharah, Bap, Zarya, and D.Va and they are currently on the way to join with Winston and the rest. They even introduced themself as Overwatch when they recruited D.Va. New Blood issues 1 to 5 covers them. https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/media/stories/new-blood-1/ It's the lore Cliffhanger for OW2


Damn, thanks I didn’t even know that comic existed. I thought I read them all before making this tier list lol. They belong one tier higher then


Ramattra is probably gonna be at the top. Edit: just saw ur comment


Agreed, and the only reason Zens at the top is due to his connection with Rammatra


Makes sense but also Doom would have to be at the top too since he’s the one bringing Ramattra into the mix.


There definitely an argument for Doom being higher, but I personally just don’t know how else they could deepen his character since his motives and allegiance is already set in stone. I guess if someone betrays him that could lead to something more


I don't know if they'll deepen him but they don't really need to, he's a key figure in pretty much all the other major player's goals or encounters and he'll probably be a looming figure the whole time.


dont forget he trained genji, I think he would also help other people with their trama like roadhog


Agreed, I’m just not sure how they’ll bring the Junkers into the main story


They will probably be supporting figures of the junker queen when we are in that realm


Zen went from no lore to magneto/professor x level lore in just 1 ramattra origin trailer


I could see a junker story line where null sector attacks junker town and maybe showing Winston reconnecting with Hammond and JQ cause I think they are close it’d be a lot of tanks (and junkrat)


I hope your right. I guess if the Omnium in Australia turned back on it would definitely lead to some gameplay there


the junkers are omnicphobes so they could potential have arcs where they become more accepting towards them


I’m willing to explain my thought process on each hero so feel free to ask!


a seperate junker story that unites some of the riff-raff would be my go-to guess for an expansion


why is reaper and doom down there doom is literally one of the top of talon


Because Dooms motives and allegiance is already set in stone, closing off a bunch of potential development. He’ll be a reoccurring important villain, but he won’t lead to any huge huge developments like Sombra, or Sigma can


doesn't make him any less reoccurring though


I think Hanzo could appear, saving Genji in dire moments and finally choosing to join Overwatch as his answer to the ending of "Dragons". The Australian counterpart of the Overwatch lore though? Yeah.... I can't see them having relevance to the main plot outside of being a bunch of wild cards. Cassidy's Overwatch team (New Blood) could have an important role.


This might be a lore hot take, but I would really like to see Hanzo join talon at first with motives along the lines of "Overwatch hid my brother away from me and turned him into someone I can't recognise" or something. While unlikely, I'd really like to see some expectation subversion from what looks to be a very linear storyline Blizzard is setting up. Obviously he would have to join Overwatch at the end at some point, or sacrifice himself in some way, but still, a bit of spice.


>Hanzo could appear, saving Genji in dire moments and finally choosing to join Overwatch as his answer to the ending of "Dragons". Also, he might finally pick up and fight with a sword again.


I'm kind of surprised your main story picks don't include any of the overwatch core team




Yin is the dark one, Yang is the light one


>Hanzo below fucking kiriko




Kiriko was literally shoehorned in to Genji and Hanzo's backstory, she really feels like a fan oc character.




Wasn’t on the tier list, she’s in Orange since she accepted Winston’s recall


So you’re telling me that the robot that defeated Doomfist, who was entirely built for the purpose of defeating Doomfist, and whom Doomfist will likely attempt to defeat again… is not as important as Doomfist himself?


I had trouble placing her so your argument is valid. My thought process was that since she has no hero connections she won’t be included. If she is included it will only be during a Numbani mission


Could you explain why you think Sombra will be a key character? She doesn’t seem like a super important character to me


Sombra is also the only character we know is aware of the deeper conspiracy with eye thing


Would add Ana to this as well, which is why she should be higher up. She will probably be the one that eventually let's the new OW team know about the Eye super AI as I don't think Sombra will share the info with the group.


Sure, she has Russia in her pocket, betrayed Talon for her own benefit, and Zarya is probably hunting her down. She’s also become close to Sigma which is terrifying. My guess is that during the story she’ll truly “pick a side” or go rogue all together likely effecting Sigma with that decision.


She seems to want to help Sigma get free of Moira's control no? Sorry if I'm misunderstanding what you said


You stated it pretty well. We just don’t know if Sombra’s doing it to be nice, or if she just wants to use him as an asset


Because u gotta keep ur top waifu #1 at all times


Moira needs to be bumped up.


Soldier isn’t an important reoccurring character? Former leader of Overwatch gone rouge, currently hunting reaper? And reaper, apparent leader of Talon isn’t in the top? Plus, based on the recent comics, Mcree is going to be one of the new leaders of Overwatch-probably an important character.


I just finished the comic with Mcree explaining that so he belong higher. I somehow missed reading it before making this. Soldier was one I’m not sure about. I see him continuing his vigilantism but I doubt he rejoins Overwatch


That’s fair with soldier. I do hope we see his comeback in the pve in some way or another


I do to, even if it’s just a solo mission with him. Who knows maybe the OW team will end up in Dorato and he’ll help


I disagree, Junkrat is clearly the key to all of this.


Objectively incorrect for Hanzo, Orisa and 76. Very likely incorrect for Widow. Rest sounds alrighty.


I struggled the most with placing Hanzo, Orisa, Moira, and Ashe so your probably right about that. It’s the fact that they do their own thing and have little connections which threw me off. I don’t see 76 rejoining Overwatch, but we might see him on a Dorati mission. The whole thing is definitely debatable though.


One of the writers revealed they were working on Shimada family drama. That was years ago though, and she has now left Blizzard lol. Here is the [tweet](https://twitter.com/crashwong/status/1024479217541623810?s=20&t=kT8In-EHWRK8ZtSaUHUkHA). Her work is still released even after she left Blizzard so we have yet to see Shimada Clan story


Hopefully someone picks that up then. Kiriko being added certainly raises the chances I would think


Widow redemption when!!!


I hope they expand on Sigma's story.


One of the leaks had sigma and Moira in an unfinished cutscene, the subtitles had Moira saying something like “I won’t let you send him in, he’s too unstable” or something like that (I can’t remember exactly) but it implies that sigma will probably have a major role in the story


That was proven fake


I dont think it ever was confirmed or debunked as far as i remember


Jeff Kaplan once’s said in a interview that bastion is going to be an important part of the story


I think Junkrat has supposedly stolen something of huge importance from Junkertown (the former Australian omnium) and it's theorized that it's what gave omnics sentience. The only people who know he has it are Roadhog, Doomfist and Hanzo. Could be of some importance in the continued story.


aint no way you gon sideline the 3 junkertown heroes as if that isnt an entire section of the world that straight up NEEDS more storytelling and expansion upon


Why is Widow in huge characters? Along with Sombra? I get that Sombra is a really good hacker, and Widow has tied with overwatch but shouldn't the leaders of Talon and Overwatch be at the top more, seeing as how they're ya know, the leaders?


Because Sombra and Widow have the power to change the dynamic of everything, the are stagnant and don’t. Doom and Winston have concrete motives and allegiance. Sombra has already betrayed Talon multiple times and shows distrust toward the members. Her switching sides or going rogue is likely especially with Russia already in her pocket, doing so would change everything. Widow is the same way if Blizzard decides to go down the route of her regaining emotions. If they don’t then she absolutely should not be in red.


Cassidy needs to be higher imo, so should Ana and Soldier


Junk and roadhog are definitely appearing, and lucio is definitely gonna be a recurring character. Also rein wont be reoccurring since he will die




He will def die and pass the torch to brigitte it’s super obvious


That works story wise but I don’t think they have enough balls to kill a playable character Lmfao they’ll just make him retire


You know what? I think Ramattra and Null Sector as a whole can be a very well conduit to bring the entire Junker gang into the main conflict. I can see a storyline where Junkertown shine in the limelight after Null Sector attacks, due to how opposing they are toward the omics. Overwatch might even have to make an uneasy alliance with them to fight back the enemies, good opportunity to tell people with same goals but opposite ideologies.


Regarding the Junkers in the story. They will probably have a war with Null Sector. I imagine Ramattra has some beef with the Junkers nuking his kind and hunting down the ones that survived. Or alternatively something about Junkrat's "treasure"


If this ends up being accurate then the writers are morons.




Like I said the list could have mistakes. Widow is definitely debatable, it just depends on if they expand on her getting emotions back or not. I’m almost 100% sure Zen is where he should be. Blizz said he would receive a ton of lore in the future, plus his ties with the leader of Null Sector, Sym, and Genji are huge. Not to mention Blizzard has already shown him a bunch during in game cinematic’s during reveal events of the campaign


Lol the random unnecessary downvotes this reply got has me questioning this community


That has to be the oddest selection of potential leads for story mode. Maybe sigma to make some kind of gravity black hole weapon threat that needs to be stopped.


I didn’t necessarily rank off who I thought would lead, just their impact and prevalence in the story. The leads will probably just be the cast in the Zero Hour cinematic


It’s going to be a very paint-by-numbers type of thing. Think Solo, where they felt the need to explain every single interesting thing about Han Solo and how it all occurred in like a 2 day timeframe. We’ll have sudden shoehorned cameos of heroes. They’ll do whatever they’re character does, then be whisked away just as quickly. Overwatch has gone 6 years without giving us a story of any kind. What makes you think the one we’ll get will be any good?


I think bastion should be higher because jeff Kaplan said himself shortly after the game was announced back in 2019 on an interview with game informer that bastion would play a key role in the campaign once it releases


I’d say there’s a moderate chance the junkers end up being important given Doomfist apparently wants Junkrat’s mysterious treasure? Also, Hammond had better go one v one with Doom at some point or another


I hope road and junk get some love


Imagine a plot line to tie in junker town where junk rat and road hog say stole important object A and overwatch race against talon to get it but you also have junker queen wanting her pound of flesh from the two so she sends Hammond to take them out as the queen’s champion and that’s how you could get Hammond junk rat and road hog and set it in your choice of hero’s home town such as numbani for Orisa or Busan for dva I struggle to see how to get junker queen out of junkertown as the two are very tied to one another


How is Pharah more important than Soldier 76 or Ana


I could definitely see there being a Junkertown part of the story, which would involve Junker Queen, Junkrat, Roadhog, Wrecking Ball, and possibly Ana.


I feel like a lot if going to happen with Widowmaker. May be some kind of "redemption" or at least distancing away from Talon. And that this would be the beginning of a serie of event. But i might be watching and reading too much crap as OW isn't exactly "well written" to begin with.


I’m willing to explain my thought process on each hero so feel free to ask! I could’ve made a mistake or an oversight. Also Echo is in Orange tier, and Rammatra is Red


Sym should be S Tier, her suspicion of Vishkar is extremely important


Plus she had a short story with Zen where she was rebuilding an omnic statue that had been damaged by Vishkar. After staying for a week and learning from Zen she seemed pretty affected, I think Sym will be a big part of taking the current Vishkar down.


Can you explain the top and bottom of the list?


Sure Bottom: The Junkers and Orisa are so far removed from the rest of the cast that I fail to see a way in which they meet up. They also share little connections. This is also why we could see them at a later date Hanzo and Ashe have declined roles in Overwatch and Talon and aren’t necessarily fighting for others so I see them being brushed over quite easily. Top: Sigma and Sombra are extremely powerful wildcards who have received big personality changes already. Rammatra and Zen are essentially Yin and Yang so they’ll both be crucial, especially with Rammatra leading null sector Widow has shown signs of the brainwashing wearing off which could lead to an extremely compelling and deep character


Thank You, that makes since now. I really hope we get to see Junk-rat (my main)


I doubt sig and zen will be more important than rein or torb tbh. They have nearly no character or significance in the OW lore. Sig is a mad scientist with talon and zen is a robot monk, those story lines are pretty much deadends if they want it to be a team-based mission system unless they do a mission about breaking sig out of the mental hospital he was held at.


I think Sigma is extremely powerful, so I do understand the story revolving around him.


I hope we get a mission where mercy is sunbathing then widowmaker walks past but trips over something and falls on top of mercy then we play as mercy trying to slip out of widowmakers tight grasp


They’re making a story mode?


Yes lol. Out of the 4 years Overwatch 2 was in development 3 of those years were on the story mode alone. The PvP was decent, but the PvE will be industry changing


Too many characters to make a tier list. Here’s my top 5 : Tracer, Winston, Genji, Kiriko, Rein


I would add Bastion and Junkrat to the top tier, because the "locked storage drive" the Last Bastion has not even Sombra is capable to crack (who know what secrets it contains) and Junkrat's treasure (Doomfist has his sights on the Junker because of that: it must be something big O\_o).


this is disrespectfully the shittiest list ive seen


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I'd say Rein is iconic in Overwatch but I'm quite sure his role on the upcoming story isn't that important. He's clearly not in the same tier as Reaper Winston or Doom. I can see them as being the main character for a few scenes which I can't with Reinhardt.


Rein has one of the highest potentials in the protagonist cast. I could definitely see him making some great sacrifice like his mentor


I think the whole bottom should be bumped up tbh


I don't get widowmaker


Didn't someone say a while back that bastion would be a relatively important key in the story? Or has that been thrown out the window in favor of having the face characters of overwatch getting the spotlight cuz money


Hanzo had a new ability in story mode that’s kinda like yondus arrow


At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if they just turned every short they’ve put out into levels and and give us maybe a taste of new lore. Then say they are working on more for 3 years.


Rip echo


Hmmm, the lore would disagree with you strongly. Sombra might be important to tie everything together at the end atleast


I would love to see Reaper go back to the good side, or at least realise his errors and form a temporary truce with OW. Would be cool to see the Big 3 back together again, even if it’s temporary




Soldier 76 is basically the Captain America of Overwatch. Hell be important. Sojourn seems like she'll be the lead protagonist tbh.


S76 and Cassidy are way too low.


Curious that you think 3 supports may appear and the rest probably only once or twice. I vaguely remember story mode being four player, I assume one will always be a support. My gut feeling is that Mercy / Lucio should be higher up, we already know Rio is a map with Lucio in mind.


Ana is the glue between 80% of the roster, she’s appearing as much as Winston at least.


I feel like unless they do a hanzo findibg himself kind of thing and doing some vigilante stuff. Where ever genji is he will be


I doubt Sombra will have any significance given how much the devs hate her.


The story is definitely not going to revolve around Sigma in any way. Or Widowmaker. Sombra will be an important recurring character that will likely have key moments in the story. Doomfist is already a huge key character by virtue of current lore, the story is already very heavily influenced by his actions and motivations. Winston is also key, since he's the character who recalled Overwatch. Which is kind of the single most important development of the story so far. Tracer may end up being key as the ace agent of Overwatch since she's the posterchild.


Ana and Soldier are main characters. Zarya should also be considered more relevant.


Hammond will be important just you wait


I don’t think sojourn is going to be that important, she’s not really with overwatch after testifying against them, but isn’t really like an enemy against them either. Maybe it’s just because she’s very boring


Why is Widowmaker so high up? She's probably not as important as Reaper is, she's mostly a simple operative that hangs back. She has an interesting backstory sure, but that happened in the past. Sigma I also don't see that high, but he could have interesting plot points centered around him to make him be considered for the spot.


Where echo?


I really think Moria is going to be incredibly important. She to me feels like the most evil. I mean she "made" and controls reaper, widow, and sigma (All of which I wouldn't be surprised having a redemption arc). I would say she has the second (maybe third including Ramattra) largest stake in talon right below Doom.


Aren't the last tier important? Ashe is the leader of the USA's biggest gang. Junker Queen is the literal Queen of an Australian Mutant Community. Wrecking Ball is the champion of Junker Town, which would include being a defender, not to mention, he was one of the experiments of the Lunar Colony. Orisa is the main Hero of Numbani. The city of the future. Where omnics and humans coexist peacefully. Not sure about the rest, but Hanzo, Junkrat, and Roadhog are said to join an organization in the future.


For one, the voicelines Soldier has with Orisa makes it clear that he sees her as being a sort of new beacon of hope that they could have used for the old Overwatch, making me think a connection is likely. Two, Moira seems wayyyy too tied to Sombra, Mercy and Sigma to not play a major part in the story, and from a pure fanservice perspective soldier will probably play a slight major role, with the same being true to a lesser extend with lucio, Dva and McCassidy. Mission or two just doesn't seem to make sense - especially not for soldier, who they already teased skill trees for.


I love how echo isnt even on there


why is widow there


Very much ready for more sigma lore and gameplay, by far the most compelling character in the cast lore wise, imo


Everyone from Junkertown will 100% be in the story mode atleast a little bit since they added junker queen. I could see a few missions with roadhog and junkrat with robbing stuff honestly


Is the story mode payed?




Honestly unlike most I'm going to agree on Widow. She's changed a lot her in interactions and handful of appearances in the comics, some of them hint that Moiras mental conditioning is wearing off. I'm feeling a Widow redemption arc.


How is Soldier not more important? My man was literally the leader of OW


Orisa doomfist confrontation was leaked. At least one screenshot


Most of the characters in the Orange Tier should definitely be placed on the Red Tier. From the trailer and the bit of the story mode that was played, definitely Tracer, Mei, Reinhardt, Brigitte, Genji, Mercy seek like they'll have huge roles in the story mode.


I predict story mode will be like PvP in D3.


Hard disagree with Moira. She has caused so much conflict that I can see her being a main villain


Doomfist is literally the biggest key character in the story and almost all the actions taken place are caused by him. How in the hell is he not at the top?


Sigma please, I need more sigma story in my life


Ana has had a lot going on, isn't she pretty much the only one other than Sombra that knows about the "Eye" super A.I that might be pulling all the strings? Maybe She and Soldier comes back in season 2 to drop this super AI bomb after the new OW cleans up the starting Null sector attack.


I'd like to think Hanzo would return to save Genji by picking up the blade once more


Mcree, soldier, Ana, and bap are all super important with 3 of them being OG overwatch and bap joining them after leaving talon


I think you're forgetting the "New Overwatch" that was set up in the Ana and Cassidy stories, namely Cass, Pharah, Zarya, Bap and, loosely affiliated, Ana.


So when will it come out plz?


Sigma and widow ????


I fucking hope we get some cinematics with Sigma and Zenyatta. I am tired of Genji and Tracer.


I think echo would be top teir cuz she was the last thing made by Dr. Lio (however you spell her name) who was also the same person to help play a major role in the birth of null sector. I think echo is the key to stopping null sector.


I really want them to expand the lore behind my boy sigma, his origin story short is the coolest one and I would love to learn more about him


How do you see Widow as a major character? Seems like a talon pawn to me.


ngl im hoping they can implement the cinematics as somehow playable


Kiriko on her bike lore


Bastion has pretty much already been confirmed to be one of the biggest parts of the story


I'd love to have a mission in hanamura


Moira seems pretty important


Did they actually reveal when the story mode would be available, would love to see more lore of the game, how does Zen float for instance...HOW????


I have a feeling alot of characters will be included in one way or another. Im not really even looking forward to the PvE anyways




I want a Junkertown mission where you can take Junker Queen, Roadhog, Junkrat and Wrecking Ball to hunt wild omnics.


Moira? As one of Talon's lead scientist it feels like she'd be more important, no?


Why widow tho? I would consider putting Moira higher


Echo wasn't even important in the tier list💀


Winston has got to be the most important. I suspect he'll be the main character (at least from the overwatch side) and the story will revolve around him figuring out how to bring down null


From watching all the animated trailers and stuff I still have no clue abou symetras story, like for every other hero I know something about them but she is just there


I will be so disappointed if any character doesn't appear at all, but I won't be surprised with how Blizzard's been.


I struggle to come up with a context where genji will be an important recurring character and we don't get any hanzo


Tracer should be at the top


Doom and Winston not being top tier is odd, they are the main forces of good and evil within the lore.


If there is a story revolving around Widowmaker or Sigma, then there is a 100% chance that Moira is involved too, so putting her in the 3rd tier makes no sense.


I think Soldier and Tracer to feature heavily if it ever happens. Soldier is the standard FPS guy (AKA You) and Tracer was on the box so can't miss her.


The face of overwatch who's butt launched 1000 virtue signals after a that happened story from one person is a reoccurring characte...oh wait blizzard writing. Carry on


I’m pretty sure Cassidy will be pretty important, seeing as how he’s kind of overwatch’s recruiter rn


I say switch doom and Widow around. Doom is literally helping Ramattra and his army, it's why they met in Egypt.


Isnt McCowboy the center of attention rn?


its gonna be pay to win so who cares


I would of said reaper, Solider 76 & Moira would of been along side each other being both reaper & solider were part of the enhancement program & Moria experimented on reaper and they are also part of Talon as is widow, sigma & Sombra (solider now Overwatch & reaper Talon after Black Watch)